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Utmost significance in the north and South Koreans. We know the Opening Ceremony of the Winter Olympics in south korea they wont march under their own flags, they will march under this flag, april unification flag which shows the outlines of the two countries. On top of that they wont enter separate teams into the ice hockey. The womens ice hockey at least well see a joint korean tea m at least well see a joint korean team taking place. Two moments of huge significance no doubt. All of this is in the context of talks that have been ongoing in a place which is just below the demarcation between the two countries. If you wa nt between the two countries. If you wantan between the two countries. If you want an idea of how much a joint tea m want an idea of how much a joint team matters, you have to go back to 1991 because it was then a joint korean team entered the World Team Table tennis championships. They won, a huge moment, so huge in fact that the South Koreans made a film about it. This is the trailer they made. You get an idea of the emotion involved. Talks have been going on. Many people are infused, suddenly infused in 1991. Some people have doubts about this latest idea. The bbc has recently launched a korean service. We asked the editor to reflect on the mood within south korea. The reason they chose this sport is because both teams are under the same. Both teams have similar levels of ability. After this news a lot of people have been quite angry and south korea. Tens of thousands of people have put up an online petition on the president ial house, the blue house. The reason for this is they feel that by having north korean teams joining the south korean teams, it undermines their own abilities, possibly lessens the chance of them winning. These Winter Olympics start in pyeongchang on february nine. Well move a long way from the Korean Peninsula to vancouver in canada. Weve reported there last night because around 20 countries have come together to discuss how to stop north Koreas Nuclear ambitions. The bbc seoul correspondence is laura bicker. She is in vancouver at the moment for these talks. Here she is taking us through what is being said there. Ive been speaking to the south Korean Foreign minister, who has. I recently put it to her this could bea i recently put it to her this could be a propaganda effort on the half of the north. Still when it comes to those talks denuclearisation is not on the agenda. But she said they are dealing with north korea with clear eyes. South korea is in the best position to take part in the talks. They so vain know their neighbour better than anybody else. They say they know their neighbour. People have been saying they are slightly sceptical of north koreas motives for taking part and that after the olympics will this in fact lead to further talks and further dialogue about getting rid of Nuclear Weapons . Any hope it is true but what they say here is they are not sure they can believe them. Here in vancouver what theyve been talking about is cracking down further on north korea, further sanctions and enforcing the current sanctions and enforcing the current sanctions to the full letter of the law. Before we do anything else lets play a clip from your interview with the south Korean Foreign minister. Here is some of the conversation they had. My government is very clear that despite the situation with the Nuclear Missile programme, as a matter of principle, that is written, in fact coming to the Security Council resolutions, yes, there are sanctions, but there is a lwa ys there are sanctions, but there is always a exception for humanitarian work. And wed like to live up to that spirit of humanitarianism. That is very much part of the sanctions regime. A lot of people are wondering, what is the point of this mission if the chinese arent there . This meeting. The chinese and russia it must be said. Reuters have released an interview with President Trump saying russia is helping north korea get around the sanctions. You are right, china and russia are not here. China has been staying within the last 2a hours they are incredibly unhappy about it. And these talks are meaningless. The point of this is to send a message to north korea they will crack down on sanctions. What you hear in that clip from south korea is they are trying to rally the International Community to say look, we might be cracking down on the regime, but the people of north korea still need our help. What korea is looking for from the International Community is to get aid the International Community is to getaid in. The International Community is to get aid in. Estimate around 70 of north koreans are on the verge of hunger. And, therefore, they believe in south korea that it is time to get aid in south korea that it is time to getaid in in south korea that it is time to get aid in now, thats what she is pushing for here. It is quite a savvy m ove pushing for here. It is quite a savvy move on behalf of the South Koreans. They say they are reaching a hand of friendship to the north while the International Community is able to put the teeth into north korea and say, look, we clamp down on you if you dont get rid of your Nuclear Weapons. There is a two pronged approach going on. Yesterday on the programme we discussed reports steve bannon, the former chief strategist at the white house, had been called to testify to a grand jury. This was going to be pa rt grand jury. This was going to be part of robert millers investigation into alleged collusion between the Current Campaign and russia. Robert muller. We have been told a deal has been done and the grand jury appearance isnt certain to happen. Katty kay in washington has been helping me understand. The subpoena for mr bannon to appear before a grand jury hasnt been totally rescinded, it is hanging out there like a shadow over his shoulder. He has agreed to have a more informal chat and composition with Robert Muellers team, along the lines of what other people in Donald Trumps inner circle have done. It is a much more friendly environment for steve bannon. It comes on the heels of that Committee Meeting that he went to yesterday in the house of representatives in which he refused to answer some of the questions. I think if he plays the questions. I think if he plays the same card with Robert Mueller the same card with Robert Mueller the special prosecutor the special counsel would be particularly impressed. Evidently mr bannon is talking to the investigators he was less talkative in front of a Congressional Committee yesterday. He was focused on that alleged collusion. Mr bannon declined to a nswer collusion. Mr bannon declined to answer questions. Adam schiff is a democrat, he was in the room. This was effectively a gag order by the white house. Preventing this witness from answering almost any question concerning his time in the Transitional Administration and many questions even after he left. And the breadth of this became very apparent, because he not only refused to answer questions that took place within the white house, but also any conversations he had with people outside the white house. Reporters tried to press mr bannon on his silence. As he left the hearing. Who from the white house ask you to invoke executive privilege . How did the meeting go, mr bannon . What did they ask you . What did they ask you in there . Mr bannon . What did they ask you . What did they ask you in there7m he allowed to do that . Silent inside a meeting and silent outside the meeting. He was in there for ten hours which must be most peoples idea of hell on earth having to sit ina idea of hell on earth having to sit in a Congressional Committee hearing for ten hours answering questions. He answered some of the questions, we should make that clear. There we re we should make that clear. There were others he had his with him. When certain questions were posed, as adam schiff was saying. Mr bannons lawyer got on the phone to people in the white house who said, we are invoking executive privilege on this one and we dont want steve bannon to answer any of the questions. What the democrats would say is, this is a very broad interpretation of this thing called executive privilege, which allows the president not to have two answer certain questions. Steve bannon is kind of evoking it here under the idea he was working for the president , therefore he speaks on behalf of the president or the administration. As the democrats we re administration. As the democrats were saying, they hadnt seen this broad stretch when it came to invoking executive privilege. If he goes before a grand jury he wont have that option, youll have to a nswer have that option, youll have to answer the questions. One last 9g; you called. , is but he means} a pawns} l a isnt pawns} l h mm known 55 known . Maverick g lgll our g g iti5 95555595 5555555 h5 5 5 5 955 5955 about 95555595 5555555 h5 5 5 5 955 5955 abou55ยง Free Press United states about the free press we re United States about the free press were being picked up around the world and were having an impact on journalists around the world. He cited a report showing journalists had been arrested under the grounds of being fake news in various countries last year. Mr mccains argument is that all this talk about fa ke argument is that all this talk about fake news, calling various organisations failed newspapers, fa ke organisations failed newspapers, fake news, it might sound funny but its not, there are serious consequences and the impact is already being felt on the freedom of the press and freedom of expression around the world because as mr mccain said, countries where there are dictatorial tendencies and authoritarian leaders they take their cue from the United States and they say, this is what the president of the United States is doing, is their argument, and we can do it, too. On the Korean Peninsula in a few minutes an outside source we turned to cape town. Cape town could be completely dry within 90 days. Here theresa may has been defending the governments handling of the collapse of the Construction Company carillion. Labour say its unbelievable that ministers continued awarding contracts to the firm after theyd issued a series of profits warnings. We need our Public Services provided by Public Employees with a Public Service ethos and a strong public oversight. As the ruins of the carillion lie around her, will the Prime Minister acted to end this costly racket of the relationship between government and some of these companies . I might first of all remind the honourable gentleman that a third of the korean contract with the government were led by the labour government. Karelia and contracts. What we want is to provide good quality Public Services are livid at best value to the taxpayer. Are livid at best value to the taxpayer. Carillion are livid at best value to the taxpayer. Carillion contracts. Ibrox ins with outside source in the bbc newsroom. North and south korea have agreed to field a combined womens Ice Hockey Team at next months Winter Olympics, and march under a single flag. France has scrapped controversial plans to build an airport on this site near nantes in the west of france. The project has been around for nearly 50 years the current government says it cant go ahead amidst such bitter opposition. Bangladesh says its now counted more than a million Rohingya Refugees living in camps near the border with myanmar. The un says more than 650,000 rohingya have entered the country after violence began in august. France has confirmed that the bayeux tapestry depicting the Norman Conquest of england in the eleventh century can be displayed in britain for the first time. But first there will be tests to ensure that the fragile seventy metre roll of linen can be safely moved. Weve continued to hear very powerful testimony from women who say they were sexually abused a former team usa gymnastics doctor. Larry nassars already been found guilty this is a sentencing hearing. This week simone biles became the latest gymnast to allege she was sexually abused by nassar. And nearly 100 women are testifying during this hearing about allegations that span 20 years. This is what the court heard. After this is said and done you will be forgotten, but no one will forget how us women have got the strength to stand up and take you down. They wont forget how we change the trajectory of abuse in the sport of gymnastics. And i hope god has mercy on your soul. It was terrifying and disgusting and i spent days in shock from the violation i had experienced at his hands. You broke and shattered a lot of girls. You manipulated us to trust you because youre a doctor and doctors do no wrong, only heal. She took her own life because she couldnt deal with the pain any more. There will be a day when i looked into my soul and i will still see the scars of this nightmare. And i will no longer feel the deepness of their pain. Perhaps you figured it out by now, little girls dont stay little for ever. They grow into strong women that return to destroy your world. You and your actions have walked with me every step of the way since leaving Michigan State university. Such a beautiful campus, tarnished with your touch. Larry nassar damage the most important relationship in my life. My relationship with my mother. When he abused me my mother was in the room. And even though i had known now she had no knowledge of the assault, at the time i felt even less power to speak up because i assumed if something were wrong she would do something about it. May you never heard or abuse another person again. I came to the stand as a victim, i leave as a victor because you dont have the authority any more, and because im one of the many women who are helping to put you behind bars for the countless crimes you have committed. You behind bars for the countless crimes you have committedlj you behind bars for the countless crimes you have committed. I am broken. I am tired. Ifeel like crimes you have committed. I am broken. I am tired. I feel like the life has literally been sucked out of me. We may never fully heal, and you need to face the truth and the consequences that accompany it. Our correspondent has been covering the hearing. One thing i was struck by was the sense of collective empowerment that these young women now have as they all come together and share their stories. The court was filled with some of these women who obviously grown up. They were supported by husband and parents as they all share their story. Some anonymously. I was speaking to some of the survivors outside the courtroom and one thing that seems to bea courtroom and one thing that seems to be a Common Thread is these are all young women, gymnasts who trusted larry nassar as a doctor. But when they went into the medical treatment room, he violated their innocence. One woman who spoke today at the court, when, said, we were just kids. I still remember the feel of his hands. I still remember flinching from his touch. And i remember him saying, its ok, you will feel better. I was also struck by some of the comments from the judge earlier today. A mother of one of his victims spoke today very powerfully, very angry she trusted him asa powerfully, very angry she trusted him as a doctor. After she spoke the judge said, all of these girls are heroes, you as parents need to forgive yourself. This punishment is also hearing the words of all pa rents also hearing the words of all parents and survivors. Its a very traumatic hearing but for these women also very important one. They wa nt to women also very important one. They want to make sure he is held accountable for his actions, but the other thing that is very important to note is they are also very angry at the authorities. Talking about usa gymnastics. And Michigan State university, where he was employed. They want to know why they werent believed when many of these women spoke out. Many, many years ago. Thanks for that report. Time for outside source business, we begin by talking about apple because it will pay 38 billion in tax bring overseas money back into the us. The companys overseas money back into the us. The compa nys also overseas money back into the us. The companys also planning to spend 350 billion in investment in the us over the next five years. When i saw the story my first reaction was, how much of this is to do with that new tax system donald trump and the republicans have bought him . Lets ask Samira Hussain in new york. Are they directly connected . Pretty much yes. What apple has long wanted is for the us tax code to change in orderfor them to be for the us tax code to change in order for them to be able to bring over a lot of the money in fact 94 of their money held overseas. This was something mentioned by President Trump, then candidate john, was something mentioned by President Trump, then candidatejohn, on the campaign trail. It has lowered the tax rate for companies to bring money from overseas. That is where you get the 38 billion number, because now apple says they can bring some of that money back. What remains unclear, however, is how much money apple will be bringing back to the United States. That is still not very clear in all of this reporting. 350 billion across five yea rs, reporting. 350 billion across five years, presumably apple already invest quite a lot per year, can you put that in context for us . What apple wants to do now, they are going to build a whole new facility and at 20,000 jobs over the next five years. You could presume some of that money that theyre holding overseas is going to be coming back here for reinvestment. But again, its how the numbers flesh out its unclear. All of this will be music to Donald Trumps years. He says this tax reform would boost american business, change our american businesses would behave. We are certainly seeing changes in behaviour, the merits of those changes, different people would have different views of. Lets talk about bitcoin. Its taken a beating today. Bitcoin has been taking a beating a sell off started yesterday and its not showing any signs of stopping. Its current value is below 10,000 half of what it was worth just a month ago. Other Virtual Currencies have also taken a tumble. One expert on whats going on. I think increased regulation or appetite for increased regulation seems to have worried some bitcoin traders. The prospects and huge exchanges could look to ban it is having an impact. We saw the story in south korea last week. It seems china is looking to impose harsh measures having already gone further than most. Its also speculative impact, we saw the rally in bitcoin towards the end of the year and it was extremely significant. We saw huge gains being made, 10,000 in november, 20,000 in december. These area november, 20,000 in december. These are a natural gains on the problem is when you start to see more downside that is when the speculators can start to worry. It tends to exacerbate the move lower, which creates the tumbling effect we are seeing at the moment. A trade dispute over wine sales has erupted between australia and canada. Rules introduced in the province of British Columbia mean imported wines are subject to different sales regulations than local wines. Kim gittleson explains. Australia is one of the Worlds Largest wine exporters and canada is its fourth largest market. It exports Something Like 200 million of wine to canada each year. It is said that certain provinces in canada are levying extra fees on imported wines, as well as instituting certain regulations that make it harder for australian winemakers to sell their product. So why do we care . This comes as part ofa why do we care . This comes as part of a broader trade negotiation that canada and australia are having. They recently had bilateral trade talks which broke down recently. They are still negotiating the transpacific partnership, tpp, you might remember last year us President Donald Trump removed the us from that trade pact saying it didnt benefit american interests. Canada is the last holdout to signing a pact with the 11 remaining countries. Some people say since australia has filed this complete it might have a country is losing patience with canada. Filed this complaint. We finished the programme ona complaint. We finished the programme on a subject ive only learned about the last couple of days. Bull taming in india. At least five men in Southern India have been gored to death while watching a bull taming contest. Its called jallikattu and every january it sees thousands of men from across Tamil Nadu State chase bulls and try and grab hold of them. This is the the hindu newspaper reporting todays death but there have been several across the last few days. This is what happens. The bull is released from a pen and bullfighters are supposed to hold on to the animals hump over a distance of about 15 20 metres, or three jumps by the bull, to win the prize. Unlike bullfighting in spain, weapons arent used and the animal is not killed. If no one succeeds in grabbing hold of the bull, the animal wins. A lot of people would say winning isnt the word. Animal Rights Groups says its cruel in 2014 it was banned by the indian supreme court. But that decision lead to widespread protests. This is a video chennai this time last year. The ban was lifted. That story from india is the last of this half of outside source. Back with you in the second half of the programme with an extended report about whats happening in cape town. It has 94 days before its predicted it completely runs out of water. We look at the reasons why it is happening and what is being done to try and avoid it. Good evening, plenty of Severe Weather in the uk but we start with the indian ocean first and tropical cyclones. Wed been talking about this for a couple of days, its to slam into mauritius and some 12 hours into reunion. It is expected to make a direct impact, the eye of the cyclone with the worst of the wind and weather is expected to precisely move over the two islands. This doesnt happen very often, mauritius hasnt had a direct impact on the 70s. That is where the worst of the winds are. That is where berguitta is in relation to the rest of africa. Over to europe where there is plenty of severe Winter Weather around. Snow across the alps, slower little bit further towards the east and south east of europe. Weve had a blast of gales across the British Isles in the last day or so. Another storm moving across the country bringing Gale Force Winds and some heavy snow and well talk about that towards the end. That weather system will affect other parts of europe as well. Holland into germany, denmark as well. This is a closer look. That same weather system that will be bringing severe gales across northern parts of the continent is bringing snow towards the owl is. A very snowy bringing snow towards the owl is. A very snowy season so bringing snow towards the owl is. A very snowy season so far. Bringing snow towards the owl is. A very snowy season so far. With strong winds and weather conditions across the alps will be very poor. The avalanche risk is also very high because this part of the world. Some very unsettled weather around parts of turkey. He is the outlook if you are travelling from some of the major airports. Berlin, are travelling from some of the majorairports. Berlin, possibly snow on friday. Temperatures mostly above freezing. If you are travelling the other way, the other side of the pond, new york at least is looking a lot better, some sunshine there. Montreal looking wintry. Back home, as i said at the beginning, plenty of Severe Weather around, severe gales, snow and ice, currently at lambeau warning enforced from the met office for Northern Ireland and parts of scotland. They will see this low pressure scotland. They will see this low pressure storm system moving through, bringing around ten centimetres. Some less. Forsome through, bringing around ten centimetres. Some less. For some of us over centimetres. Some less. For some of us over the hills, more. Severe gales moving through this part of the country here. Gusts in eastern areas could be as high as 70 mph during the course of thursday morning, then the storm blows out, moves into the near continent, and behind it were left with brighter but still breezy weather. The outlook for the next ten days or so is coming up. Just before 10pm. Hello, im ros atkins, this is outside source, and these are the main stories here in the bbc newsroom. After months of rising tension, the big thaw in relations between north and south korea continues. The two sides agree to field a combined womens Ice Hockey Team at next months Winter Olympics. And these fans are waving the flag theyll be marching under. It depicts a unified korea. President trumps former strategist steve bannon has done a deal with the Robert Muellers russian collusion investigation. Pope francis has celebrated mass in southern chile, the heartland of the indigenous mapuche community. Addressing a large crowd, the pope said violence was not the answer in the struggle for indigenous rights. Welcome to outside source. Youtube is bringing in new rules on which videos can make advertising income. We have talked about this video by youtube star logan paul, showing the body of a suicide victim injapan, and racked up millions of use before it was removed. Those can generate money. The new rules give youtube more control. The new rules mean that creators will now need 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time before they start receiving ad revenue. By by the standards of some people, thatis by the standards of some people, that is not a particularly high threshold. And youtube staff will review all clips being added to its premium service. That means a lot more staff, plus youtube taking editorial decisions not the role it was looking for. Dave lee is in san francisco. This is going to be quite a change in role for youtube, isnt it . |j think it is. I think it is making youtube act more in the way that a traditional broadcaster might act, where it is making judgment calls and decency calls on videos that are on its platform, regardless of whether or not the users have flagged them to youtube. That is a big shift. Try as it might, it will find itself in the path of people saying it is censoring things unnecessarily or it is somehow biased against certain viewpoints. So, taking on this task, not only as a huge number of people added to the payroll and their workload has increased, it makes youtube much more of a gatekeeper for what is on its platform than it ever has been in its past. That will be fraught with problems and they will have to be particularly transparent, i think, about how it makes the decisions. It plays into other concessions we have had, notjust about youtube but facebook and twitter as well, they never saw themselves as publishers, they a lwa ys themselves as publishers, they always said they were just the platform. The distinction seems to be blurring . The distinction is blurring. I think the reason for thatis blurring. I think the reason for that is because of the size and importance of these networks. When Facebook First started, i dont think anybody could have and envisioned how much it could have grown. They have sat behind a system and said, if there is something bad on the network, the community will tell us and we will act. What has changed in the last year and will changed in the last year and will change even more so changed in the last year and will change even more so this year is that companies are being told that is not good enough. You need to be more proactive in stopping these things existing on the networks in the first place. That is where this huge new challenge is coming, which is why, late last year, Mark Zuckerberg warned it could hurt their bottom line and they have to invest so much money and lose revenue in some areas to combat this efficiently. I just wanted to revenue in some areas to combat this efficiently. Ijust wanted to show everybody this close up shop that came into the earlier. Are. Heads are heads5โ‚ฌ policy ~ 55 5 to combat violence are doing to combat violence and extremism on elaf๏ฌ๏ฌrm are doing to combat violence and extremism on elaf๏ฌ๏ฌrfm what did 5555555555 55 555 u 555 55 515 ~ ~ they say . 5555555555 55 555 55u 555 55 515 5 5 they say . Round in 5555555555 55 555 55u 555 55 515 5 5 they sa the round in 5555555555 55 555 55u 555 55 515 5 5 they sa the tech round in 5555555555 55 555 55u 555 55 515 5 5 they sa the Tech Companies๏ฌ 5555555555 55 555 55u 555 55 515 5 5 they sa the Tech Companies have in front of the senate before, been in front of the senate before, there were hats ring many of the same questions yes they will a nswer same questions yes they will answer many of the same questions last year. There wasnt much progress in this session. They brought more senior people, which is a step forward. The Companies Said we know it is not perfect, we are doing what we can. Senators are insisting what they are doing isnt enough. While there was not any progress, i do think it keeps the pressure on the companies and perhaps that was the goal, to make sure these companies were relaxing when it comes to the issue in the new year. Isnt as an issue of regulation . The companies are not breaking the law, so the senators have to try to influence them in some way, but they cantjust say pretty please, that is clearly not enough . Absolutely. Many people think that the momentum is leaning towards regulation. The key question is, what is that regulation going to be . Right now, it doesnt seem like anybody has a firm answer on how that regulation would work. One suggestion is that regulation could begin with regulating advertising in the same way that broadcasters have two be regulated in terms of who can pay for adverts and how they can appear. That might be the first step. The next step in solving this hugely complex tuition, i am not sure senators have a real idea what that could be. Theres a countdown going on south africa. Experts in cape town say it has 94 days until it runs out of water. It would be the first major city in the world to run dry. So called day zero when the reservoirs reach empty is predicted for april 22nd. The reason is that its cape towns worst drought in over a hundred years. The citys not really had a significant about of rain since 2015. There are other reasons too for the shortage. This is a spokesperson for the Water Crisis Group in cape town. Ill preparedness on the part of the city of cape town, global warming, increased population that was not accounted for. At the moment, at the heart of the problem is Political Uncertainty within the ruling party, within the western cape. Four Million People live in cape town and theyre being urged be responsible by taking short showers, flushing the toilet once a day, and not watering plants. A ๏ฌffandnot watt i ng plants. A ๏ฌffandnot watt i think ints. We to do 55115 g5 55 515 m pa rt 55115 g5 55 515 m part and use as little water as our part and use as little water as possible. I do hope that the government is doing something to prevent day zero, because it will be a national crisis. It will be horrific if it comes. If day zero does come residents will only be able to collect 25 litres a day from designated water points. The government says there will be armed guards to make sure nobody takes more than their allocation. Well these are pressured moments for the authorities. This is the mayor of cape town speaking last month. The drought at the moment is the worst in 100 years because of climate change. No generation had to go through this before. We are now looking at augmenting our water supply by bringing in additional water. We can no longer relyjust on rainwater to fill our towns. One possible solution to this problem is boreholes. This is the head of one company thats drilling them. It is absolute panic among the people in cape town about getting onto the waiting list for boreholes. We are sitting with a three year waiting list that is completely unmanageable at the moment. A year ago i was drooling with one rig, and now i have three in the field. Cape town surrounded by the sea that could help. The city has installed desalination plants which removes salt from sea water. Its useable but crucially not drinkable. Trouble is all these solutions may be too little too late. Heres the Water Crisis Group again. You know, it does sound very easy to say that we need more boreholes. For now, that is the quickest solution. But there are other problems that come with that. There are servitude, reticulation, how you get the water the. There are lots of other things to consider, notjust a matter of drilling a hole into the ground. The other long Term Solution is desalination. None of these solutions are quick fixes. Particularly, you know, it is one thing getting the water, it is another getting it to where it needs to be distributed. There is much more information on this story and many others on the bbc website. The Catalan Parliament has met for the First Time Since it was dissolved by the Spanish Government. That was in response to the unilateral declaration of independence in october which was ruled constitutionally illegal. Members of parliament will now nominate a new president. Not all of them were present. Look at this video, it shows some of them clapping and taking their seats, but you can notice all of the yellow ribbons. They represent mps Pro Independence mps that are currently in exile. One of them is the former leader of catalonia, carlos pigem on. The spanish Prime Minister is warning him, dont try to run catalonia from belgium. He has been there is the authority said that they wanted to arrest him. They said if Charles Puigdemont return from belgium, he would regain control of what was a relatively autonomous region. Two takeaways from today, one is that they formed a parliamentary board. They elected a parliamentary board. They elected a speaker of the house, a separatist. It is the job of the speaker of the house and the board to elect the next president within ten working days. From talking to all sides over the past few days, thatis all sides over the past few days, that is going to be carles puigdemont. People talk about the idea of the hologram president. He is 800 miles away in belgium. If he steps into spain he will be arrested on sedition. His supporters say he will not come here, but they can feasibly be on skype, twitter, they say trump does it, why cant he be the hologram president . Here is where it could go. If puigdemont is put forward as president again, the Spanish Government says that emergency rule will remain unless he comes here. Hes not going to. I think it is going to get stuck, both sides acknowledge the Constitutional Court could suspend the parliament again. In terms of those hoping for again. In terms of those hoping for a quick resolution, we will get an idea into matter weeks. It does not appear at the moment that is going happen. Through the day, looking at the most read story on the bbc news website, most of the time it has been this. The bayeux tapestry could soon go on display in the uk. Its currently on show in the town of bayeux, normandy. And it could be heading to the British Museum in london. Its 70 metres long. It depicts the Norman Conquests of england. Its expected french president Emmanuel Macron will announce the loan tomorrow if experts say the tapestry is safe to move. Lucy williamson reports. If anything puts current anglo french relations in context, this is it a tapestry from almost a thousand years ago describing a very different kind of summit meeting. Now the french president has given approval for the 50 metre bayeux tapestry to leave french territory for the first time. But moving something this big and old is no simple matter. Its difficult to imagine all the practical to put it in a case and to put it in a train. No, we dont know. President macrons gesture highlights frances deep ties and long history with britain, though cynics might say it also highlights a crucial french victory over its anglo saxon neighbour. Art experts say it is a benign telling of the tale, with moments of comedy and artistic influences from both sides of the channel. Theres a lot of excitement from British Museums. Obviously, the opportunity to get really close to the bayeux tapestry and explore it and look at it is whats fascinating to all of us who have studied the bayeux tapestry. The exact location of the tapestrys famous battle has long been in dispute, but in Hastings Today locals said the artwork should be displayed there. A lot of people in hastings are proud of hastings and if its returning to hastings, all the better. It comes from hastings. The battle of hastings and all of the rest of it, a good tourist attraction. The battle happened here and theres not enough displays of what happened in hastings so it should come here. Britain has twice requested the tapestry on loan, the first time for the queens coronation, but has always been refused. This initiative has the backing of president macron, part of the cultural exchanges he promised in his election campaign. But the deep ties with britain have often been tinged with rivalry, and one french official wasjoking today about whether britain would find anything of similar merit to send them in return. Lucy williamson, bbc news, bayeux. Drivers in scotland are being advised to stay off the roads tonight. Heavy snow and ice is make driving conditions treacherous. Let me show you this photo taken today near edinburgh. It shows just how bad the roads are. And this shows the m74 thats the motorway linking scotland to england last night more than 200 motorists were left stranded there. The met office has issued a Severe Weather warning for the affected areas. Our scotland correspondent lorna gordon reports. From the air, it is stunning. A white blanket of snow covering much of scotland. Gritters, cutting a path through the drifts. For those travelling last night, it was a different story. Traffic on the m74 grinding toa different story. Traffic on the m74 grinding to a halt, stranded drivers stuck for hours. Terrible, cars, lorries everywhere. For hours, stuck on the m74. Lots of idiots in the third lane going to fast. Steady, but it was getting worse, so i chose to stop here, im not going on to glasgow. These pictures show just these pictures showjust how dangerous the conditions can be, a runaway lorry smashing into a car and van after the driver got out to help clear the road. Nobody was injured. Mountain rescue teams turned from the hills to the roads, checking the drivers were safe. A lot of vehicles were struggling to get grip. The issue was that there we re get grip. The issue was that there were a lot of lorries jackknife in, which was blocking the motorway behind. We were called in by police scotla nd behind. We were called in by Police Scotland to basically go and check the welfare for the people in the vehicles. The difficult whether rich to give of england as well. In halifax, yorkshire, the public helping out after an ambulance responding to a 999 call got stuck. In Northern Ireland, some of those missing classes took two sledges instead. Nearly 300 schools there we re instead. Nearly 300 schools there were stuck. A similar number in scotla nd were stuck. A similar number in scotland were closed for the day will stop scotlands gritters, with affectionate nicknames, have been working around the clock. But with warnings of much more snow to come, drivers tonight are being urged to stay off the roads. Everyday on outside source we try to distil the biggest stories. We have heard from scotland, canada, south africa and the us. Now we turn to ethiopia. Couple of weeks ago we told you about ethiopias announcement that hundreds of Political Prisoners will be released. That was significant, because they hadnt even acknowledged many of these Political Prisoners existed. There was some doubt about whether the process would begin, but it has. 500 prisoners were freed among them was the prominent opposition leader, Merera Gudina. Hes been held for a year but says he wants talks with the government. He says he is ready for dialogue. Emmanuel igunzas spent the day reporting from just by his house. He is regularly based in ethiopia. Today, supporters of Merera Gudina have thronged the streets, calling for his arrival. He was released from prison, where he faced multiple charges including association with a terrorist group. The government says it will release 500 people, and Merera Gudina is one of the most prominent to have been released from prison today. The government say the purpose of this release of people that have been injail, including politicians and journalists, is to Foster National cohesion. We expect in the next weeks we will see a process of national dialogue. That has been one of the demands from protesters taking to the streets, sometimes very violently, for more than two and a half years now. Uganda is facing a critical shortage of blood and the government is trying to recruit donors. There is a Six Day Campaign across the country but i want to focus on the capital kampala operations are being cancelled. In some case only 10 of the blood needed is available. Patience authaire reports. This might be all you need to save your life. It is a recommendation by the World Health Organization that blood collections should be at least 196 blood collections should be at least 1 of the populace. But the Uganda Blood Bank is unable to meet 70 of its target. The blood banks stock is usually boosted by large communities that are easy to mobilise, such as schools. But with the law school holiday, the blood bank has found itself in crisis. It is something the facility says it is trying to mitigate. We have blood drives, we have been approached by companies and we have a programme thatis companies and we have a programme that is going to keep the schools open. Sure, we are going to be able to provide good quantities of blood. Not enough is being collected through walk in donors and Corporate Company drives. Some ugandans feel that the situation should not have to get this bad. There has been a push this week to get more blurred and it seems to be working. Blood. Citizens, we have to take it as an obligation. You know, blood is not manufactured and people needed, they are patients in hospital and they are patients in hospital and they need the blood. But it is the logistics involved in collecting it that causes the biggest challenge. Pope francis has continued his First Official visit to chile. Yesterday he gave a major speech in santiago. He has moved to temuco further south. Its an area where the countrys indigenous mapuche people live. They have at times fought campaigns to defend their ancestral lands. At times, they are violent campaigns. Pope francis acknowledged that history in his address. Translation in this context of thanksgiving for its land and people, but also of sorrow and pain, we celebrate the eucharist and we do it in this aerodrome, where grave violations of human rights took place. This celebration is offered by all that suffered and died, and for those that carry on their shoulders the weight of so many injustices. Applause if you watch regularly, you know we can select any live feeds coming into the bbc newsroom through this screen. Into the bbc newsroom through this screen. Let me show you this. The pope has moved back to santiago. There are the pictures. That is santiago cather university, giving another speech. We will keep across that for any significant comments. He is there to make a big impact in chile. He has given two major speeches, and this is the third. I just want to remind you of what we began with on outside source. Over the last month we have been talking about gentle warming of relations between south and north korea. We were not really sure where it was going. Today we got really significant news, two bits, really. One, the north and South Koreans will be putting out a joint womens Ice Hockey Team. The last time the north and south put out a Team Together of any sort was at the world table tennis championships in 1991. We might be forgiven for not remembering that, unless you are from north or south korea. Beating the chinese was a huge event, winning together more so. People still remember that. This is the outline of north and south korea together. This is a pro unification flag. We are going to see the athletes from both sides of the border coming out into the Opening Ceremony of the olympics under this flag, not under the nationalflag. Again, hugely symbolic. We will have to see how that translates into relations on the much more difficult subject matter of north koreas ukip programme. I will see you tomorrow at the same time. Goodbye. North Koreas Nuclear programme. Cold for all, snow for some. That is how the weather has played out so far. Changes next week. This week, we have been in the cold air on a chilly north westerly wind, coming around with low pressure close to iceland. Next week, a transformation, something closer to average, even mild for some of us, but we still have low pressure close to iceland. How can you keep that here, but one week have a cold wind, the next have milder . Keep watching for the answer. Right now, the cold weather and disruptive cold weather in the form of snow all wind keeps with us, and this area of low pressure brings problems into thursday morning, particularly parts of scotla nd thursday morning, particularly parts of scotland and Northern England with wind across england and wales. Both aspects are easing up quite quickly going into thursday morning but there could still be an issue with travel, so check before you head out. As thursday goes on, we are left with chilly north westerly wind, sunny spells and showers. Frequent showers coming to the north west of the uk, increasingly, snow on lower levels. Feeling at or below freezing Northern England, scotla nd below freezing Northern England, scotland and Northern Ireland. Going into friday as well, the weather pattern stays very similar. The bulk of the wintry showers, rain, sleet and snow coming towards the north west of the uk further and east, you are more likely to stay dry and see some sunshine. Temperatures very similar. A bit of a change going into the start of the weekend. A gap between weather systems, cold, frosty, icy start. A lot of fine weather on saturday. One of two wintry showers around. A lot of two wintry showers around. A lot of people will stay dry, increasing cloud across southern parts of the uk, head of the next weather system coming infor uk, head of the next weather system coming in for par two of the weekend. Here it comes. It is bumping into cold air across us. Although there is rain coming in, so well see some snow, particularly on the leading edge and particularly across Northern England, parts of scotland, as it moves in. We have to keep watching sundays weather for any impact on travel. The wind sta rts any impact on travel. The wind starts to pick up. Somewhat milder air following to the south west of the uk. Any breaks between weather systems all is too short. Some detail coming in about this, wet and windy, the bulk falling as rain rather than snow. An indication of something milder coming next week. Back to that question, the conundrum i posed at the start of the broadcast. This week, cold air, low pressure broadcast. This week, cold air, low pressure close to iceland. Next week, something milder coming our way for a time, but we still have low pressure way for a time, but we still have low pressure close to iceland. How is that . You can keep low pressure here, but change the feel of the weather across the uk . Well, this week, although we have low pressure here, the Western North westerly wind around it with the cold air has run unhindered right across the uk and into continental europe. Spot the difference for next week. We have High Pressure here. Although we have High Pressure here. Although we have low pressure to the north west and cold air emanating from it, it ru ns and cold air emanating from it, it runs into a block with the High Pressure. Instead of a north westerly wind, it goes back to a milder south westerly, coming into the uk. That is how you can keep low pressure the uk. That is how you can keep low pressure near iceland, but give us different weather. What sort of weather is that next week . It is still driven by low pressure. Still wet at times. A lot of it in the form of rain, rather than snow. Northern hills of the uk there could be further snow at times next week. Overall, the big difference, as we have seen, is the change to less cold, closerto average, milder weather next week. This fa cup third round. Starting 2018 with four draws in a row. Level after 90 minutes in work has been paused on construction sites run by the failed company carillion. But most of the firms private Sector Service contracts, such as catering and cleaning, are continuing. As the ruins of carillion lie around her, will the Prime Minister act to end this costly racket of the relationship between government and some of these companies . I might first of all remind the right honourable gentleman that a third of the carillion contracts with the government were let by the labour government. There are new warnings of heavy snow for many northern parts of the uk, after hundreds of drivers spent last night, stranded in their cars. People are being urged to stay off major roads unless absolutely necessary as the met Office Issues an amber be prepared alert for tonight

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