Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20180114

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When reshooting the film. And the week in parliament looks at the westminster reaction to winter pressures on the nhs in half an hour. Good afternoon and welcome to bbc news. The new conservative Party Chairman Brandon Lewis has told the bbc the government is doing everything it can to ensure the serial sex offender john worboys stays in jail. The former black cab driver was jailed in 2009 for drugging and sexually assaulting 12 women, but Police Believe he may have committed more than 100 attacks. The government is considering seeking a judicial review hearing into the parole boards decision to release him. Heres our Home Affairs Correspondent danny shaw. He is known as the black cab rapist. John worboys is believed to have drugged and sexually assaulted more than 100 women. Yet the parole board has decided that after ten years in custody, it is safe for him to be released, and he is due out by the end of the month. The government wa nts to end of the month. The government wants to stop that happening and is looking at the possibility of legal action. Anybody out there will appreciate just how awful this must be for victims, to see what is happening. To think about somebody like that being out on the streets. The secretary of state forjustice will be doing everything he can to make sure this man stays behind bars. The justice secretary has been in the post less than one week. He has asked lawyers to look at weather it is plausible to contest the decision in the courts and weather there is a good chance of success. 0pposition mps welcomed the move. There is a good chance of success. Opposition mps welcomed the move. |j think that the public are completely per well did thatjohn think that the public are completely per well did that john worboys is being released as early as he is. He isa being released as early as he is. He is a serious criminal and a threat to women and i do not think that his victims, nor, frankly, the majority of women, are going to be convinced that he does not continue to be a threat to us. But it would be highly unusualfor threat to us. But it would be highly unusual for the government to launch a legal challenge against a decision made by an organisation they are responsible for, and if they do bring judicial review proceedings against the parole board, there is no guarantee of success. We do know that the far for you just judicial review claims is set very high. You cannot simply take a case to court because you do not like the outcome. It has to be unlawful for some reason or another, outcome. It has to be unlawful for some reason 01 another, so we outcome. It has to be unlawful for some reason or another, so we will wait and see. In the meantime, victims ofjohn worboys are being consulted on what conditions they will have to comply with when he has let out. Some are concerned that the serial six offender will try to track them down. Talks are continuing today to try to save the Construction Company, carillion. The firm, which is a key government contractor, has huge debts and a big pension deficit. The government says ministers are keeping a very close eye on the situation. Our Business Correspondent joe lynam sent this update. The scaffolding outside the Cabinet Office is something of a metaphor for the hill fog of the carillion finances. We have seen very senior mandarin is going into and out of the Cabinet Office in the course of today. What are they doing . Pulling together all of the various different government departments, including transport, business and the treasury and justice, that might be affected if carillion were to go to the wall. That is because carillion carries out maintenance for schools, prisons, carillion carries out maintenance forschools, prisons, hospitals and other huge Infrastructure Projects like hsz. If other huge Infrastructure Projects like hs2. If the company cannot find a suitable solution with its creditors, the banks, then there are contingency plans would need to kick in to make sure that schools, prisons and hospitals would continue to function smoothly from next week. If the talks break down, and there isa if the talks break down, and there is a real chance that the second biggest Construction Company in britain could file for administration as early as tomorrow morning. Police on humberside say a man who died after an attack at his home near driffield may have been shot with a crossbow. 30 year old shane gilmer was attacked on friday night, at the house in the village of southburn. Police say they want to speak to 55 year old Anthony Lawrence in connection with the incident, which also resulted in a woman suffering serious injuries. Fiona trottjoins me now from the village of southburn, in east yorkshire with the latest. The owner . As you can see, the village is still cordoned off, almost two days on. The attack happened on friday evening. Police investigation is continuing here in east yorkshire. There are reports that a crossbow was used in the attack. This has not been confirmed by Humberside Police but they have told us that overnight the police dog teams, a force helicopter was out searching for whoever was responsible for the murder of 30 year old shane gilmer, the namejust murder of 30 year old shane gilmer, the name just confirmed murder of 30 year old shane gilmer, the namejust confirmed by murder of 30 year old shane gilmer, the name just confirmed by the police, who died in hospital yesterday. Now, as part of this investigation, they have asked for information from members of the public. They have released a description of a man they want to speak to. He is 55 year old Anthony Lawrence, described as being white with short, dark hair, around 910 tall and of large build. All Police Forces across the uk are on alert forces across the uk are on alert for this man and asking anybody who knows his whereabouts, or who has any information about the attack, to contact the police, to dial 999. In the meantime, a woman who was also injured here on friday evening is still being treated in hospital with serious injuries. She is in a serious injuries. She is in a serious condition. Fiona, thank very much. Chinese media is reporting that the oil tanker which has been on fire in the East China Sea for more than a week has sunk. The iranian ship had been adrift and ablaze off the shanghai coast for eight days, following a collision with another vessel. China Central Television has said the ship suddenly ignited and sank. Iranian Officials Say all 32 crew members have died. More than 160 passengers and crew had a lucky escape when their plane skidded off a runway in turkey and plunged down a steep slope. The nose of the boeing 737 came to restjust a few metres from the black sea. Andy moore reports. The accident happened in the darkness last night. It was only in the daylight this morning that it became apparent how close to disaster the plane had come. The pegasus flight from ankara skidded off the runway in wet conditions and down a steep slope, with its nose coming to restjust metres from the sea. One of the engine is detached from the wing and ended up in the water. These pictures from on board the plane shows the understandable panic and confusion. Passengers had to clamber up an incline towards the rear of the plane to get out. 162 passengers and six crew were on board. Some people were taken to hospital as a precaution but nobody was injured. The airport was closed for a while last night but has reopened this morning. Theories about the cause of the incident include a bird strike or ice on the runway but the governor of trabzon says it was still under investigation. This was a lucky escape for passengers on this plane. Last year was the safest ever for commercial aviation. There were around 4 billion journeys made last year and not a single passenger jet crashed. Andy moore, bbc news. Nicola sturgeon has said that she will be able to make a decision on a second Scottish Independence referendum when a deal on the eu and the uk became clear in the autumn. Tell us more about what she was saying. Nicola sturgeon has been talking today about the impact of brexit on scotla nd today about the impact of brexit on scotland and is very clear that she thinks the best course of action for scotla nd thinks the best course of action for scotland is to stay within the eu, the european Single Market, something that theresa may has explicitly ruled out. She has commissioned some studies on the impact of different out by outcomes of brexit on the scottish economy. There is also, as you say, the intersection between brexit and the intersection between brexit and the prospects for a second Scottish Independence referendum. She is talking about needing to see the shape of any deal, how the negotiations between brussels and britain conclude, so that we have an idea, she thinks, of a future relationship going forward, and only then does she think the time would be right to consider a future scottish referendum. Based on what the Prime Minister has said, based on what the European Commission is saying, on what the European Commission is by on what the European Commission is saying, by a roundabout the team of this year, we should have some clarity. Salk, between october and the end of the year, you will be able to tell us. . That is and i will be able to look at that and make a judgment about what i think the next appropriate steps are for scotland, i will then report that to the Scottish Parliament and the people of scotland. There is not really enough time for a second referendum before the uk leaves the eu, then . Of relieving on march 29 2019 and you have to take a decision in autumn 2018 . Will make decisions on timing one would get to that point. That is the truth, is it not . Spit, but we have also got a situation, and i accept that the detail is yet to emerge, were the Prime Minister is saying that there will maybe a two year implementation period. I think everybody else covered eight transition period. As i understand it, and this is yet to be agreed, that that will be effectively a steady state transition. I will make my judgments, and i will have to put them to the Scottish Parliament, about what i believe is in the best interests of scotland, protecting our best interests in all circumstances. And Jeremy Corbyn has also been out and about this morning and has been talking about the possibility of a second referendum and what labours position might be . This is a hot topic since nigel farage earlier this week rather unexpectedly brought that onto the table, saying he could perhaps be coming round to the of there being a second referendum to put the issue to bed, because he thinks is still a lot of opposition. So, labour has been asked quite frequently whether they would be supporting a second referendum. The lib dems have that asa referendum. The lib dems have that as a policy. Now, from the unexpected corner of nigel farage. Jeremy corbyn today, speaking to Robert Peston on itv, was asked explicitly whether it was currently the policy to back that referendum. We are not supporting or calling for a second referendum. In any circumstances . What we have called for is a meaningful vote on parliament in parliament, and thatis parliament in parliament, and that is the one area that i think parliament has asserted itself, just in the boat before christmas. |j parliament has asserted itself, just in the boat before christmas. Ijust wa nt to in the boat before christmas. Ijust want to point out you that when you are talking very much in the present tense at the moment, you are saying that we are not supporting a second referendum. You are not saying we would support a second referendum. We are not calling for one either. So, Jeremy Gordon refusing to rule out, perhaps, in the future, labour coming round to that idea of supporting a second referendum but also talking this morning about labours position on the Single Market. That has caused some divisions within his own party. It has also led to Nicola Sturgeon colin firth labour to come out and back staying in the Single Market, which she believes is the best solution for scotland. She said she believes there is a parliamentary majority of staying in the Single Market. Jeremy corbyn very clear today, equating membership of the Single Market are to being a member of the eu. Then we have to respect the result, we cannot remain members of the Single Market, even though there is a large constituency of his own party who do not believe that is the case. 0k, thank you. The headlines on bbc news the justice secretary thejustice secretary is considering a judicial review of the parole boards position to release the serial sex attackerjohn worboys. Talks are being held today in an effort to save the Construction Company carillion from collapse. Police are looking to speak to a man in connection with an attack that killed one man and seriously injured a woman in east yorkshire on friday. Ukip has suspended the girlfriend of its party leader, henry bolton, after she made apparently racist remarks about prince harrys fiancee, Meghan Markle. The mail on sunday has published Text Messages allegedly sent byjo marney that include derogatory comments about ethnic minorities. Dan johnson reports. He has only been ukip leader since last september, and it emerged just a few days ago that henry bolton had left his wife for a former glamour model who is 30 years younger. Now, this morning, the mail on sunday has printed Text Messages sent by miss manet. In them, she said that Meghan Markle had a tiny brain, that she would change the royalfamily markle had a tiny brain, that she would change the royal family and that black people were ugly. When a reply was sent suggesting that these comments might be racist, she said so what . And that she did not want other races invading her culture. In a statement, she said. Ukip confirmed she has been suspended. The party leader said last night he did not want to comment. Joining me now is the ukip mep for the west midlands. Thank you very much forjoining us on bbc news. You are calling for henry bolton, the leader, to resign, why . Because all around this country, there are ukip activists and supporters who are looking to us to take a lead to try to push brexit forward, to try to focus on the issues that actually got other elected and that we are renowned for. Whilst this is happening, we have a leader who has been preferably, as it appears, com pletely been preferably, as it appears, completely anonymous and invisible, but now all we get, day after day, despite the hard work of activists, is talk about issues within his personal life which, frankly, i dont care about. But the way he is handling it is unprofessional. He is com pletely handling it is unprofessional. He is completely out of his depth and frankly he needs to move away and let the rest of us get on with the wishes of the british people. You see that you do not care about his personal life and what happens, but if you ask him to go now, the issue of the moment as his personal life. Surely that should be private. The point if it has been ongoing for weeks. We are trying to get on with this, with the issue at hand, the freedom of country from the eu. It is rather important. All we get co nsta ntly is rather important. All we get constantly is this issue rumbling on. Hillary has not handle that, he has not dealt with it. There are discrepancies in many of his statements. Henry bolton has not it. Much of what he has said and done has not helped the situation. We have now got a man renowned for a problem in his personal life, putting up a membership fees at a time when membership is falling and distracting everybody from the issue at hand, the future of our country. Frankly, he is a distraction who needs to go, move over and let the professionals take over and get this job done. But does it matter if he has been inconsistent about details about his personal life . Does that really make any difference to the party or to party policy or to Party Direction . I think it does when youre talking to the membership on mars. None of us are seen and there are times when all of us, or many others, have indiscretions and our lives. It is time to them put your hand up and say ok, this happened, i am dealing with it and getting on with the job and then push forward with the job and then push forward with policies and ideas to motivate and inspire the people, not to let this thing drag on endlessly with more horrific headline after horrific headline. It is just absolutely dragging the party even further into the mire at a time when we need to be there fighting for the british people, and it is not good enough and he must go. Do you not fear that if he were to go, ukip would have its decilitre years, three years, and ukip would be non as a party that was good at changing its leader rather than coming up with policies and direction for the country . Nigel farage was an incredibly tough act to follow and we have a abysmally so far in picking the right people to do it. However, what we must do now, this really is last chance saloon. This is last orders in the last chance saloon and we have got to make sure we do this correctly and properly and get people involved and in charge he will give some stability to the party, take us forward and give the people some hope that brexit is not going to be hijacked by the conservatives and their watered down version or the labour party and their efforts to get us back into their efforts to get us back into the eu. We are going to fight for the eu. We are going to fight for the real brexit of the british people voted for and this is the time when ukip comes back to the fore and we see a very sad and sorry goodbye to henry, thanks for trying but no move over and the professionals take over the job. Ok, we have to leave it there. Good to talk to you. Thank you very much. Police in south africa have used rubber bullets to disperse gangs of protesters who were ransacking shops in johannesburg belonging to the swedish clothing company, h m. The attacks were coordinated by a militant Political Group in retaliation for what it said were racist adverts run by the company. Russell trott reports. Inside a Shopping Mall injohannesburg, a south african store paying the price of a marketing decision in london. H m has apologised, but that didnt placate these activists from the far left Economic Freedom fighters. Video footage showed them knocking over mannequins and wrecking displays. Police said items were stolen and they fired rubber bullets to drive out the demonstrators. There were several protests on saturday from cape town to pretoria. In most places, they were peaceful. The Economic Freedom fighters are angry about h ms choice of a black child to model a sweatshirt with the slogan, coolest monkey in the jungle. H m withdrew the adverts earlier this week, but that didnt satisfy the group. One of its selected members of parliament called for the chain to be closed in south africa. There is no sign of that happening, but the companys troubles seem far from over. The hollywood actor, Mark Wahlberg, has given the money he earned, for re shooting scenes in a film, to a fund that supports people whove experienced sexual harassment. The scenes had to be filmed again, after kevin spacey was dropped from the project following Sexual Assault allegations. It emerged that mr wahlberg was paid more than £1 million for the re shoot, while his female co star, Michelle Williams, received just £60 a day in expenses. Lets get more on this story with Kate Kinninmont ceo of women in film and television in the uk. What do you make of Mark Wahlberg making this donation . I think this is fantastic news. It is brilliant news for gender equality, because as you know, the Metoo Campaign raised interest in it at the very beginning after the Harvey Weinstein thing. It has brought all of the issues that women have in hollywood together, and not just hollywood, women have in hollywood together, and notjust hollywood, around the world. The great thing about this is that it world. The great thing about this is thatitis world. The great thing about this is that it is pressure now coming on people, they want to be doing the right thing and they want to be seen to be doing the right thing. So interesting you say be seen to be doing the right thing. Do you think Mark Wahlberg would have made this gesture, big, generous gesture, if it had not become apparent that he was being paid much more than his co star . Apparent that he was being paid much more than his costar . Well, it is a very interesting point, because ridley scott had originally said that none of the stars were going to be paid that are coming back to do this because of the situation, and Michelle Williams was very keen to do it. She was delighted. This is never actually happened before, that you would reshoot many scenes from a film just before it was actually released. However, although they each have the same agency, the William Morris endeavour agency, it seems that Mark Wahlberg had a much better deal and was getting £1. 5 million to do the reshoot. That news just came out. I think it was Jessica Chastain who first tweeted about it. In the last four days since it came out, not only has warburg said that he would put the £1. 5 million into the metoo defence tea m £1. 5 million into the metoo defence team for women, but the agency itself is also putting in £500,000, and they had already put in £1 million, so, altogether, because of all of this and it all coming out, the Legal Defence Fund for women all around the world, actually, it is not just for hollywood around the world, actually, it is notjust for hollywood has gained £3 million. That is good. I think the key thing is that people have known about these discrepancies for many yea rs about these discrepancies for many years but now, whenever it is being made public, everybody wants to be seen made public, everybody wants to be seen to be doing the right thing and thatis seen to be doing the right thing and that is progress. I think youre putting it very diplomatically, but maybe suggesting that Mark Wahlberg came under a certain amount of public pressure to do so . Yes, judd upper town had also been on social media saying that he just wondered whether Mark Wahlberg was going to do something. Judd apatow had also been on social media. Do you detect a change in atmosphere, possibly a permanent change in culture . Possibly a permanent change in culture . Yes, i think women and film and television here, we have been battling for gender equality for 27 yea rs. Battling for gender equality for 27 years. Back in the 1970s, when we actually brought out legislation for equality, the latest legislation was in 2010 and yet we still get situations, and not too far away from here in this building, quite a shocking revelations were people doing the same job shocking revelations were people doing the samejob by being paid vastly different salaries, and that has got to be sorted out. |j vastly different salaries, and that has got to be sorted out. I feel i have to say there, the bbc denies any systematic discrimination, but, as you realise, it is an ongoing case. Yes. Thank you so much for coming in. Thank you, rita. After almost a week of anti austerity protests, tunisia is marking the anniversary of the revolution that sparked the arab spring in 2011. Commemorating the overthrow of the old regime of president ben ali has coincided with social unrest over tax rises and price hikes, some of which turned violent. From the capital tunis, mark lowen reports. There is a crisp, all of these people are commemorating the seventh anniversary of tunisias revolution that overthrew the old regime. Now, the Anti Government groups are calling for an end to the austerity measures. The tax rises and pro sex that prompted violent social unrest earlier in the week where many people are arrested and one person died. The president has been visiting an important tourist suburb ofjune is ideal for the visiting an important tourist suburb ofjune is idealfor the symbolism ofjune is idealfor the symbolism of that visit and a package of social welfare reforms will stave off further demonstrations. Even though it has been a calm atmosphere here today, and almost like a carnival type of fuel, tunisia is ridden with political, social and economic divisions and for many in this country, the overwhelming hold that there was in the 2011 arab spring feels increasingly like a distant memory. The governor of the state of hawaii has blamed human errorfor a mobile phone alert sent to residents warning of an imminent missile attack. The false alarm caused widespread panic and included the words, this is not a drill. A corrected text message wasnt sent out until 38 minutes later. Bill hayton reports. For around half an hour on saturday, the people of hawaii looked anxiously to the skies. 0n the university campus, students ran for the emergency shelters. An official text warned residents to prepare for the worse. People cowered in bathrooms or to what cover the good. We alljust huddled together and, yes, just thought if this is going to be the end, i guess we are in a beautiful place doing something we love. But it was pretty scary, i tell you. You start hearing stories about what was happening down in waikiki beach. They were evacuating hotels and the children were being pushed into drainpipes to get them protected. Was a north Korean Nuclear missile about to hit honolulu . No, they will then was the result of a stunningly simple mistake. At a two 7am was when the trigger was pulled on the test. The wrong button was pushed on this test, an actual event versus a test. There is fury on hawaii that the click of a Single Button could be responsible for so much panic, and that anger is directed towards the state government. I know firsthand that what happened today was totally unacceptable. Many in our community was deeply affected by this and i am sorry for that pain and confusion that anybody might have experienced. Last month, in response to north koreas missile and nuclear tests, hawaii reinstated its warning sirens for the First Time Since the end of the cold war. At least everybody now knows the system works, but that is small comfort for the millions who thought their world was about to end on saturday. And now over to matt taylor for the weather. Thank you very much, rita. Big weather changes for the week ahead but even today, some of you have seen something you may not have seen for a good few days. Lets start with this picture behind me. I am not talking about the beach but the blue skies of course. It has been a great week by and large but some of you at least seeing some of the sunshine break through today. Across the south east, cloud beginning to break up. Elsewhere, it still stays grey for the afternoon but signs of that change. Wetter weather spreading across scotland, northern ireland, wet but windy this evening. The there guilt and overnight both accompanied by rainbow began to england and parts of wales. That combination of wind, rain, cloud will keep temperatures and a frost free start to monday. Not a great morning for commuters across england and wales. Here is where you see the heaviest rain for the rush hour. Gale force winds around the coast. Eventually sunshine to hear and the afternoon but the rest of the country, sunshine in the morning, sunshine and showers for the rest of the day and it turns colder as well. Showers turning increasingly wintry across scotland and northern ireland. This is bbc news, our latest headlines. Thejustice secretary david gauke is considering a judicial review into the decision to release serial sex attackerjohn worboys. The former black cab driver was jailed indefinitely in 2009 for sexually assaulting 12 women. Talks are being held today in the hopes of saving Construction Company carillion from collapse. The business, which is a key government contractor, is struggling with large debts and a pension deficit. Police are searching for a man in connection with an attack that killed one man and seriously injured a woman in east yorkshire on friday. A passenger plane carrying more than 168 people skidded off a runway while landing at a Coastal Airport in turkey last night. The airline says no one was hurt. Now on bbc news, the week in parliament. Hello and welcome to the week in parliament. Its pressure on the nhs which dominates the week. The labour leader mocks theresa may

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