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For the first talks between their countries in more than two years. They are expected to discuss whether the north will send a delegation to the Winter Olympics in south korea next month. A series of north Korean Nuclear and missile tests, and the insults traded between pyongyang and washington, have raised tensions on the peninsula to the highest in decades. Earlier i spoke to the bbcs sophie long who is in the south korean capital seoul just before they sat down to begin those talks, the first time there has been government level talks between the north korean and south korean governments in more than two years, there was a lot of National Press there. A huge amount of interest in this, of course, here, and both parties spoke to media present. Ri son gwon, the north Korean Leader of the delegation, said that he was here with the hope that we could give a new years gift to our people, and he said he hopes for precious results from these talks. He actually suggested that they could allow the media to stay in the room in peace house where these talks are going on. The south Korean Unification minister said, because they hadnt met for so long, that perhaps they should continue in the way they have always done things, which is without the media present, and perhaps they could open things up as those talks continue. Now, we are expecting to have an update. Top of the agenda is whether or not pyongyang will send a delegation to the Winter Olympics, due to get underway here in south korea next month. The south korean president has consistently said he hopes the olympics, the Winter Olympics, could be a groundbreaking chance for change, and to de escalate tensions on the korean peninsula, which as you know have been running at a very high point, with insults traded between president donald trump, an ally of south korea, and kimjong un, the north Korean Leader. Kimjong un said in his new years speech that he was open to dialogue with the south, and things moved very swiftly from there on, until we got to this point, where talks are now taking place, the first time in two years. Its massively unlikely that anything groundbreaking will be achieved, or they will even touch on denuclearisation, but people will be looking for signs there might be a chance of progress. I think we know that the first thing they will talk about is the Winter Olympics. But its hoped, if pyongyang do send a delegation to the Winter Olympics and of that, most people are quite confident. Both the south korean president and the north Korean Leader have said that they want that to happen. So, if that happens, its hoped there will be a period, at least, of some peace and some stability. A lot of people feel that, if north korea have a delegation there, then they are very unlikely to do any missile tests or Nuclear Tests throughout that period. The last test they carried out was an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile on 29 november, so some weeks ago. If you add to that the period of the olympic games, that takes us, with the paralympics, to 19 march. That is a period of calm which could create a new environment, in which parties are more willing to talk about things going forward. We know, today, top of the agenda will be the olympics. After that, we are told they will talk about inter korean issues, so things like humanitarian issues. There are still thousands of families who are divided by the border separating the two countries. That is an issue we are expecting they might get to. But they will not we are not expecting them to touch on denuclearisation. And, as you are right in pointing out, that is the fundamental issue here to any lasting form of peace and stability. And for more on those talks, including in depth analysis from our correspondents, just go to our website. That is bbc. Com news. The United States is to cancel residence permits for nearly 200,000 people from el salvador. They were given permits in 2001, when two earthquakes in the Central American country caused massive destruction and loss of life, but the Trump Administration says the disruption caused by the quakes has now ended. Similar permits for people from nicaragua, haiti and sudan have already been cancelled. Sarah corker reports. Donald trump shame on you in front of the white house, salvadorians staged a noisy protest. They are angry because the Trump Administration has given them 18 months to leave or face deportation, unless they find a legal way to stay. It is a move affecting 200,000 salvadorians living in large numbers in california, texas, and washington, dc. These people have been living by the rules, getting background checks every 18 months, getting theirfingerprints for more than 20 years. Time to give salvadorians and all tps holders of citizenship. Since 2001 they have had temporarily protective status, or tps, after two major earthquakes in el salvador killed more than 1000 people. But the Us Department of Homeland Security says the disruption caused at that time no longer exist. However, there is concern about what impact cancelling the permits will have on families. It is devastating. We kind of were expecting this news, because of the administration, and the work that they have been doing the kind of separate families. So every day we have been living in fear. Money sent from the us back to el salvador makes a significant contribution to the countrys weak economy, salvadorian ministers say they are trying to find a solution. Translation we will work tirelessly with the congress to reach a solution for these compatriots who live and work in the United States. Cancelling these permits is part of a broader crackdown on illegal immigration in the us. Supporters describe it as a long overdue move, but critics say it ignores the violence in el salvador, which has one of the worlds highest murder rates. Syrian government forces, backed by russia, have targeted ten medicalfacilities in Northern Syria over the last ten days. That is what sources on the ground tell the bbc. For nearly 11. 5 years, the rebel stronghold in the suburbs of damascus has been under siege. The area has been bombed repeatedly, and thousands are malnourished. Now, the situation in Eastern Ghouta is becoming ever more desperate. 0ur middle east correspondent Quentin Sommerville has this report, which includes some distressing images. After almost seven years of war, the Syrian Regime knows how to break people. In rebel held Eastern Ghouta, regime bombs brought down this building. Child after child is brought out by the british backed rescuers, the white helmets. With bare hands, bloodied with effort, they crawl through the collapsed floors deep inside the building. A hand reaches out to this three year old. She is safe, but she has lost almost everything. Her parents and Four Brothers died here. These are regime air strikes. Eastern ghouta is close enough for the rebels to harass the capital, damascus. For more than 1,600 days, the regime has laid siege to them. One child in ten here is malnourished. Amar is 30 months old, and has known only hunger since even before she was born. Translation she looked like this since she was born. I couldnt eat well when i was pregnant. Shes malnourished. She needs eggs and milk. Shes been crying for the entire day today. The doctor says she needs nutricious food. There is food in ghouta, but not on these shelves. Prices of sugar, rice, and other basics have more than quadrupled. The poorest suffer because of the siege and rebel profiteering. This is the worst malnutrition that syria has seen since the war began. And there is little that dr amani balour and others can do. The un asked that 500 of the most Urgent Medical cases, including dozens of children, be freed from the siege. But only 29 were allowed out. They are watching their child while he is suffering, and maybe he will die. We cant help them. They ask us to help them, but we tell them to wait. They are awaiting evacuation or they are awaiting maybe they are awaiting death. Blockades and bombardments shatter resolve. The regime in syria uses them mercilessly. It wants the world to believe it is close to victory. But despite the suffering, Eastern Ghouta, on Bashar Al Assads doorstep, is not broken. Lets take a look at some of the other stories making the news American Media are reporting that special counsel robert mueller, investigating russian attempts to interfere in the us elections, has raised the likelihood that he will seek an interview with president trump. It is reported the president s lawyers are discussing what format any interview will take, and how to avoid the president meeting face to face with mr mueller. Two people have been injured in a small fire on the roof of trump tower, in midtown manhattan. Eric trump, one of the president s sons, has tweeted that it was an electrical fire in a cooling tower at the top of the building. Fire engines were called to the blaze. President trump was in washington at the time. A british couple who met on a muslim dating site have been convicted of planning a so called Islamic State inspired terror attack in the run up to christmas 2016. Munir mohammed had amassed bomb making components, with the help of his pharmacist girlfriend, rowaida el hassan. They were also considering a poison attack. There are fears of an environmental disaster in the east china sea, as a tanker continues to leak oil, two days after it hit a cargo ship. Chinese Officials Say the vessel is in danger of exploding. 0ne body has been recovered, but 31 crew members are still missing. The sanchi had left port in the persian gulf, bringing 136,000 tons of oil east. It passed through the malacca straits and was heading up the east china sea, to south korea, when the collision happened. Since saturday night, the fire has burned, dark black smoke feeding off the cargo of almost a Million Barrels of oil inside the sanchi. The intense heat and the threat of an explosion is hampering an already difficult sea rch and rescue operation. It is not clear at this stage how these two huge vessels collided. The cf crystal, carrying grain, was damaged at its bow, but all on board were rescued. Translation the Chinese Government takes maritime accidents like this very seriously, and has already despatched many sea rch and rescue teams to the scene. Shanghais port is the busiest in the world, and the coastal waters to the east of this city are vast. But, in the last decade, china has had eight reported collisions similar to this, involving foreign ships. The chinese authorities are leading the sea rch and rescue effort, but there is help from south korea and the United States. The focus, though, is increasingly turning to the environmental threat to the ocean, about 200 miles off the coast of this city in that direction. With the volume of oil on board, this has the potential to be the worst spill of its kind since 1991. If it sinks, then were looking at an impact of seepage from this very light crude into the ocean which could last many months. And that would mean exclusion zones, in terms of fishing around the area, and quite a big impact on the local flora and fauna. The last time a tanker lost oil on this scale was the prestige, off the coast of spain in 2002. But this time it is not the thick, black crude oil that is causing such problems off the coast of china. The sanchi is carrying condensate, a refined form of oil that is far less dense but more explosive. Described as a floating bomb, the cargo can be odourless and colourless, which means thejob of trying to see the extent of the spill, and trying to contain it, is far more difficult. Robin brant, bbc news, shanghai. Stay with us on bbc news. Still to come can this young mayor turn around one of americas most struggling cities . We meet the 27 year old trying to transform stockton, california. The japanese people are in mourning following the death of emperor hirohito. Thousands converged on the imperial palace to pay their respects when it was announced he was dead. Good grief after half a century of delighting fans around the world, Charlie Brown and the rest of the gang are calling it quits. The singer, paul simon, starts his tour of south africa tomorrow, in spite of protests and violence from some black activist groups. They Say International artists should continue to boycott south africa until majority rule is established. Teams were trying to scoop up lumps of oil as france recognises it faces an ecological crisis. Three weeks ago, the authorities confidently assured these areas that oil from the broken tanker erika would head out to sea. It didnt. The worlds tallest skyscraper opens later today. The burj dubai has easily overtaken its nearest rivals. This is bbc news. The latest headlines north and south korean officials are meeting for the first talks between the two countries in more than two years. The Trump Administration is to cancel residence permits for nearly 200,000 people from el salvador. They were allowed to live in the us after 2001, when two earthquakes devastated their country. Stockton, california, once named the most miserable city in the us, is making a comeback. Some of the latest talks. The head of the south korean delegation has said they will be sending athletes to the Winter Olympics in south korea that North Koreans but the base of the cell is proposing military talks with the north, no response from the north at the moment. The south is also proposing that there are more talks about reuniting families divided by the border. Again, as far as we know at the moment, no response from the north on that. More as soon as we have it. Stockton, california, once named the most miserable city in the us, is making a comeback. Thats thanks in no small part to its young mayor, michael tubbs. He was born and raised in stockton and is now working to turn things around in his hometown. The bbc went to meet him. A very violent day in stockton, five people are dead. In one of stocktons deadliest days on record. Theres a lot of love, theres also a lot of pain. Sometimes i pinch myself. Like, yo, youre the mayor especially when it comes to things like problem solving, why dont they do it like that . Why arent you doing it . Youre the mayor or you can at least call the people that can do it. Growing up in stockton, i lived in four out of five hot zone areas, which are areas that are historically and currently have a lot of our citys Violent Crime issues. My fathers been incarcerated my entire life, my mother had me as a teenager. So growing up in poverty, a lot of the things i now do policy work on, or research, or read about or speak about, are things that ive lived and felt very viscerally. I literally had no intention of coming back to stockton when i graduated high school. I spent time in el salvador, i was in dc, working in the white house. There were a lot of options available and stockton wasnt one of them. One of my cousins was murdered in stockton, and that kind of shifted the whole paradigm around what it meant to be successful and what it is i wanted to do. So today is a really exciting day for this city. We have a venue around heroes park, and about the work that this church has done in replacing its a great day in the city and it really shows how, in stockton, it is regular people who are driving a lot of the change. Often times, its hard to convey the amount of work and discipline and sacrifice it takes to get into a position like this, especially if youre the first or the youngest. Even more so, both. Stocktons a city on the rise. I think stockton is the all american city. Its a place where you can make an impact. My grandmother used to always tell me the scripture, that dont despise small beginnings. For the lord rejoices in seeing the work begin. Im personally getting a lot of attention, but i would be so upset if we cant look back four years from now and cant point to things that are better, but for me and my team being here. Now to a power revolution thats under way in africa. Instead of using fossil fuels like coal, its Renewable Energy which is slowly gaining steam. Solar and wind powered devices are bringing power to rural communities, transforming the lives of millions. The Bbcs Andrew Harding has the story. On a flooded path in rural zambia, africas past meets africas future. Theres the old broken bridge, a symbol of the creaking infrastructure Still Holding back development on this continent. And there, perched onjudith setwalas head sits the future. Judith is a solar power saleswoman on her way to a new client. She works for one of several companies now making inroads. In the countryside here and across africa, almost no one is on the grid. The costs, the distances arejust too big. But today, small solar panels are changing lives and saving poor families a small fortune in kerosene and batteries. Inside, a box full of software allows the company to make its profit, charging a monthly fee for power for the first 1. 5 years. Its much better because we dont even really know if electricity is going to come to a community such as this one. But if we have people that are bringing in such technology, then its betterfor this community. So you jump ahead, you leapfrog . Yeah. That idea of leapfrogging over old infrastructure is not entirely new here in africa. The trailblazer is something youll now find in almost every hand. The speed and the success of the mobile phone revolution in africa has been extraordinary. Its transformed this continent and has made a lot of other businesses start to think, why cant we do the same . And so, across this sundrenched continent, poor countries are turning to the technology that could transform their economies. Financially, it makes a lot of sense. Economically, it makes a lot of sense. And we believe in the next ten years that the situation will be totally different. It will be a reality in this country. And here it is in action. The brand new solar panel has been charging on the roof all day. And in a pitch dark farmhouse. Hey . The first taste of electric light. Light for homework, light the progress of the continent seeks to leapfrog into the future. Andrew harding, bbc news, zambia. As the me too and times up movements gather strength in the us, women around the globe have been speaking out about their experiences of sexual harassment. But one of the largest Film Industries in the world has seen very few women, so far, calling for change. Now the actress Kalki Koechlin has spoken to the bbc about sexism in bollywood. We know what we are, but know not what we may be. It is a very difficult step to take, because it is their career on the line. One people dont listen to you if you are nobody, two, if you are a celebrity and you talk about it, it becomes a headline. Plus you are dealing with hundreds of people than throwing their opinions at you and it can really shake a person emotionally. I know, like, several girls who are newcomers in bollywood struggling with auditions were constantly being discriminated because of the way they look, saying, like, you are too fat, or whatever, just little comments that are being made or being hit on or having phone calls at 2am in the morning from your casting director. Things like that, which no one is reporting or researching because there is no famous person to headline it. Men have been pretty clueless about the fact that almost every woman has been harassed in some way or the other. We are just so numb to it. If we get touched on a bus or something we dont even think any more about it. Ive found that as soon as i speak about my personal experiences it becomes a big headline. So ive chosen to steer away from that, because its too much pressure on me emotionally. I have daily battles that im facing, which arejust, you know, like why am i having to wear this outfit . Does it really have anything to do with the plot . Is the scene there for titillating reasons or to make the plot go forward . I think its just important to have a support group. It can be online, therapist, family, friends. Both men and women need to be having a dialogue with each other, not against each other. Thats really important. The duke and duchess of cambridge, Prince William and catherine, have released two new photographs of Princess Charlotte on her first day at Nursery School. The photos were taken by catherine at Kensington Palace shortly before two year old charlotte left for her first day at a Nursery School in west london. And you can get in touch with me and most of the team on twitter, im bbcmikeembley. Pretty typicaljanuary weather this week. A lot of cloud around, on the cool side, could have a lot of mist and fog and also some frost too with limited amounts of sunshine. Were starting tuesday off on a very cloudy note. Not so cold because of the cloud apart from some places saw clear skies, for example north scotland. So a cold and frosty start here. Were in between weather systems, High Pressure to the east. This area of low pressure will bring increasing wind and also some rain to the south west of the country later in the day. For most of us, though, were under a run of south easterly winds. It will bring a lot of cloud across the country, starting off misty, murky, there will be a lot of hill fog throughout the day. Conditions really dont improve much as we head on into the afternoon. Now, there will be some places seeing the brightness. Favoured spots in a south easterly wind with some shelter, of course, the north west of scotland. Some good spells of sunshine. Also maybe north west parts of england, particularly cumbria and north west wales. Elsewhere, it really will stay cloudy and cool with the misty, murky conditions. Temperatures, you can see, in mid to high single figures. Though we could see 10 11 degrees in the south west with that weather front as it pushes into the south west of england and south west wales. That weather front slowly moves its way eastwards and reaches Northern Ireland and then the rest of scotland and in towards other parts of england. Quite fragmented as it reaches northern and eastern areas by the end of the night. Behind it, the skies clear, turning quite cold. We could see some frost and maybe some ice after the overnight rain. And a few showers piling into the south west of england and also for the channel islands. For wednesday then, we start off on a cloudy, wet note, central and eastern areas. I think its a good improvement, though, through the day. That rain should eventually clear away, may leave a little bit of cloud around across the far east of england there. Wet, though, all day for the shetland isles. But plenty of sunshine in its place, and not feeling too bad. Ten in the warmest spots. The area of low pressure clears away, takes its showers with it. Then we are in a region of slack High Pressure, so what that means, by the end of the week we could see a return to light winds and that risk of overnight frost and fog. So thursday starting off on a cool note, maybe some mist and fog around. But if it lifts and breaks, we should see some good sunny spells developing. But it will be on the cool side again, 3 8 degrees at best. Friday, similar sort of picture. Slack winds. So we could start off with a little bit of mist and fog. A little bit of sunshine breaking through through the afternoon, but most places dry. This is bbc news. The headlines with tensions running high after a series of nuclear and missile tests, north and south korea have been holding their first talks in more than two years. South korean officials have said the north will send a delegation to next months Winter Olympics. Theyre in the truce village of panmunjom, in the demilitarised zone. The United States is to cancel residence permits for nearly 200,000 people from el salvador. They were allowed to live in the us from 2001, when two earthquakes in the Central American country caused massive destruction and loss of life. But the Trump Administration says the disruption caused by the quakes is now over. There are fears of an environmental disaster in the east china sea. A tanker is still leaking oil there, two days after it hit a cargo ship. Chinese Officials Say the vessel is in danger of exploding. One body has been recovered. Its just gone 4 30am in the morning. Now on bbc news, hardtalk. Welcome to hardtalk

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