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I will be reporting from westminster where mps are discussing the brexit withdrawal. The International Monetary fund downgrades its forecast for britains Economic Growth blaming uncertainly over brexit. More than 9,000 people sleeping rough the extent of homelessness in england is described as a National Crisis. Tighter regulations for uber after the European Court ofjustice rules that the taxi hailing service is a transport firm notjust an app. Its 5 oclock. Our main story is that the metropolitan police the uks Biggest Police force is undertaking a review of all of its current sex offence investigations after the collapse of two rape cases in the space of a week. The prosecutions were halted because of the late disclosure of evidence. The investigations include child abuse, rape and Sexual Assault cases which were about to go to court. The trial of liam allen was halted on friday, and the case against isaac itiary was abandoned yesterday, after it emerged that police had delayed the disclosure of vital evidence to the defence. Our Legal Affairs correspondent Clive Coleman reports. It has been reported isaac itiary spent four months in jail awaiting trial on charges of Sexual Activity with a child. The case against him was dropped yesterday when Text Messages from his alleged teenage victims phone showed that she routinely lied about her age. A few days earlier the case against liam allan was stopped because Text Messages showed his alleged victim had enjoyed having sex with him. In the last two years i have just spent worrying and you know, not really concentrating on anything. So it has completely ripped apart my normal sort of personal life. The metropolitan police is now carrying out a review into what happened to liam allan. And of the evidence in all its current rape and sex abuse cases. That review is being conducted jointly with the cps, so with the lawyers in each case and are investigating officers, to make sure that those cases are safe to go to trial, our priority is those 30 something where trials are about to start. I have no reason to believe that there are any problems with any of those cases. It is a pragmatic step to conduct that check now. The police and Crown Prosecution Service have made huge efforts in recent years to right the wrongs of the past and ensure that alleged victims in rape and Sexual Assault cases are treated properly. But some fear that the process of disclosing evidence to the defence has been damaged as a result. The real issue here is giving the Public Confidence in the criminalJustice System. I do not see how an internal review by the police and the Crown Prosecution Service can give the public that confidence. Particularly if there has been a change in culture, swinging against believing people who come up with a reasonable explanation for their behaviour. This afternoon in the commons, the Prime Minister sought to reassure mps over the issue of disclosing evidence. My right honourable friend the attorney general had, even before these cases came up, actually initiated a review into disclosure. I think it is important that we look at this again to make sure that we are truly providing justice. The prosecutions duty to pass evidence to the defence, which assists the defence, is a foundation of ourJustice System. That duty is now under scrutiny as never before. Joining me now from oxford is the former lord advocate of scotland, dame elish angiolini, who led a review in 2015 into how the metropolitan police and cps dealt with rape cases. Thank you for coming in. I know the situation is different in scotland, rules on disclosure of evidence are different to england and wales. We are now focusing on england and wales in this conversation and what would you say to help viewers understand what the issues are . This is about the prosecution and the Police Ensuring that the defence are provided with all the relevant evidence to support a prosecution and the evidence which may undermine the prosecution in other words which may assist the defence. That is a fundamental obligation of prosecutors but of course they rely on the police to ensure those processes a re on the police to ensure those processes are carried out, otherwise prosecution can be hamstrung in a trial if there is a discovery of evidence which had not been disclosed to the defence. That is what happened in these cases. And what happened in these cases. And what other reason is that you have come across in your review for the failure to properly disclose . Come across in your review for the failure to properly disclose7m come across in your review for the failure to properly disclose . It can be fundamentally the sheer pressure that has been created in recent yea rs that has been created in recent years because of the availability of digital evidence and cctv evidence. Text messages and social media, they all provide a fabulous source of evidence which can support both sides. But the process of having these transcribed and going through them isa transcribed and going through them is a huge task and labour intensive so is a huge task and labour intensive so in rape cases, they are complex and intensive as a murder case to investigate. It is a critical part of thejob investigate. It is a critical part of the job and wants the Justice System relies on being done thoroughly. The public might assume by the time a case which is an advanced stage, coming to court, that every effort will be made to make sure disclosure is where it should be. So are you saying that is a resource issue that leads to the kind of problems we have been seeing . It is a resource issue, i reported in 2015 my serious concerns that was a virtual tsunami of these cases hitting the Justice System as a result of the positive campaign by government to encourage people to come forward. But if people are coming forward there has to be the mechanism to deal with these cases andi mechanism to deal with these cases and i think the metropolitan police and i think the metropolitan police and cps in london in particular are not capable of doing these investigations as they shouldve been simply because of an absence of the resources do that. |j been simply because of an absence of the resources do that. I do not want to mislead anyone but as i understand that you made recommendations, more than 200 extra officers were recruited, some of whom or perhaps most of whom were disbanded. What happened to those allocated to these special tasks . Well as i understand it since 2015, although these additional officers we re although these additional officers were recruited they were disbanded out to the borough so investigations could take place there. I see that asa could take place there. I see that as a regressive step because you need specialism in this difficult and complex area of criminality. You need to have people who understand what may be relevant to a case. Because failure to submit prosecution is a serious issue. The dozens prosecution is a serious issue. The d oze ns of prosecution is a serious issue. The dozens of recommendations you made, where there are recommendations that you consider to be absolutely essential which were not acted upon . I think one of the important aspects was it related to victims rather than disclosure, that many people are reluctant and many will never disclose to any person that they had been raped. To encourage that further it is important that there isa further it is important that there is a place where they can report and feel able to do so and playstation is not the place to do that. We need appropriate centres where they can be received, but people can not feel compelled into the Justice System before they feel able to deal with it. While some of those recommendations have been reviewed, the idea of a centre for excellence for london was not acted upon and i think that would would have been making a significant difference to the level of expertise. Just as a broader angle, were talking about the metropolitan police, and clearly they are now undertaking a review of dozens they are now undertaking a review of d oze ns of they are now undertaking a review of dozens of these cases which speaks for itself in terms of the seriousness. But what about the other forces because clearly these problems will surely be experienced by other forces as well. Of course but the metropolitan police are under especially intense pressure. The number of cases that they are investigating has doubled in recent yea rs investigating has doubled in recent years and that applies immense pressure. And also london has a transient population with high levels of immigration which means many cases need several translators and translations of evidence on social media which makes it difficult. But there are serious burdens across the cps and Police Across the country in dealing with these cases. Perhaps not as acute as london but nonetheless it puts people under a managed strain. Best immense strain. So you need the best of resources dedicated to them. Very good to talk to you and thank you. The European Unions chief brexit negotiator Michel Barnier says the transition period being sought by the uk after brexit should last no longer than the end of 2020, giving businesses 21 months after brexit to adjust to any new trading arrangements. Mr barnier said britain would retain the advantages of the Single Market and the Customs Union during that time but also its obligations. Britain is due to leave the eu in march 2019 and theresa may had asked for a longer transition of two years. Mr barnier also said that during that period the uk would have non voting status and no say in new eu rules. Translation the transition period is useful and will enable the administration in the uk, the public administration, to get prepared and prepare themselves for the kind of challenges they will have to face at their borders, which are also our borders. And to prepare also for the complications, and also prepare for the new relationship. And that is why this transition period as requested by the uk is indeed useful. And is part of withdrawal from the eu in an orderly way. 0ur correspondent adam fleming is in brussels. Lets talk about this transition process and period or implementation period as theresa may calls it. What did Michel Barnier said today which could change the terms of the way this is being seen . The main thing that came from the press conference from Michel Barnier today is really about fleshing out the instructions he had been given by eu leaders after the summit last week, the idea of when the transition period will end. Confirmation that it will be the end of december 20 20. That concept had been floating around brussels for some time. Because it is quite logical, the eu works on a seven year budget cycle and the current seven year budget cycle ends on december 20 20. So that was Michel Barnier making public and confirming something that people had assumed for quite some time. The Prime Minister has been talking to the chairman of selectivity is in parliament this afternoon and she says she gave a quite muted response and said it is something that is to be negotiated. When she gave her famous florence speech she called foran famous florence speech she called for an implementation period in government parlance, lasting for around two years. So im not sure if she will be very upset that it is going to be slightly less than two yea rs. Going to be slightly less than two years. Who is slightly annoyed as a british chambers of commerce, theyve said that this is basically a date that is convenient for the European Commission rather than for businesses in the real world. European Commission Rather than for businesses in the realworld. So when the Prime Minister says she did that this is open to negotiation, to more talks, is she right or wrong in the sense that is Michel Barnier having announced the state, is that actually fixed milestone that theyre not in the position to adjust . Technically what Michel Barnier said was that the transition period should not last any later than the end of december 20. So technically i suppose there is wriggle room for that to be shorter. Why i think they would not want to extend it beyond that is that this multi annual budget i was talking about, the seven year budget framework called the multi annual financial framework, takes a framework called the multi annual financialframework, takes a huge amount of organising and negotiating amongst the eu to actually get in place. It takes years and years to get it all lined up and everyone agreed about how it will operate. So the idea that they might not be able to put it in place until 2021 or the uk could be in it for another year, i think they will find that quite unpalatable and they will do anything they can to make sure there isa anything they can to make sure there is a clean financial break is where at the end of december 2020. But the fa ct at the end of december 2020. But the fact is were only in the very start of what is called the second phase of what is called the second phase of the brexit negotiations so who knows where we could be by october 2018 when Michel Barnier says he wa nts 2018 when Michel Barnier says he wants pretty much to have a final withdrawal treaty ready to be ratified by the European Parliament westminster. Thank you very much. Appearing before pa rliaments Liaison Committee this afternoon, theresa may said the time frame for the uks post brexit transition period would be a matter of discussion. She was facing the committee on the final day of the Committee Stage debate on the eu withdrawal bill. My colleague ben brown is at westminster. Theresa may today has been appearing before mps at Prime Ministers questions time and that Liaison Committee and shape she would expect a completed an outline trade agreement by the time of brexit, march the 29th, 2019. She also responded to comments from Michel Barnier that you have been discussing about the transition period. Him saying it should be com plete period. Him saying it should be co m plete by period. Him saying it should be complete by the end of 2020 and her saying it is still open for negotiations. As we know full well in my florence speech and said i thought probably the implementation period would be around two years. That was what the indications we had at the time. We are about to start negotiations and obviously what we have seen today is that position coming from the European Union. We will be in negotiations as to what the implementation period should cove r. The implementation period should cover. They have said that date because that covers their current budget plan period. So that has an eagerness for them. If i put it like that. But we obviously will have to discuss it because it is a practical issue about how long certain changes would need to take to be put in place. Now the government suffered a quite humiliating defeat the other day in the commons on their brexit legislation and they feared they could be another defeat in store for them tonight with the issue of enshrining the date of brexit in legislation. That defeat has now gone away really because of a compromise amendment which has been accepted compromise amendment which has been a cce pted by compromise amendment which has been accepted by the government which would give ministers flexibility over that date of march 29 2019. Lets listen to what mps have been saying about that. This bill was all about delivering a ha rd this bill was all about delivering a hard brexit, a quick and hard brexit and that is why these extraordinary powers had to be placed with ministers to execute that in quite a short period of time. The fundamental nature of the way in which the eu created law and the whole body of the akiko miniter was not compensable to most people and not compensable to most people and not subject to satisfactory democratic control and was a eurocrat monster. Ditching the most efficient tariff free frictionless, free trade area in the world is what we are on the brink of doing. For something that was inevitably going to be inferior. Members of this house who say they want to honour the result of the referendum but actually want the European Union to carry on controlling our laws, i call them people who want brexit in name only. And their way they may bea name only. And their way they may be a majority in this house but that would not respect the result of the referendum. A selection of mps from that debate on brexit legislation to our chief Political Correspondent is here. The Prime Minister has spent most of the day in the commons talking a lot about brexit. What have we learned today . I thinkjust seeing her, you get the impression this is someone who looks pretty relieved to have got to christmas and still be in herjob. It has been and still be in herjob. It has been a pretty terrible year for her but in the past couple of weeks she has had some good news with some progress of those brexit negotiations. And she was reiterating today that a low Michel Barnier is saying many things about what he wants from the negotiations, her point is that they are just that, just talks and that is the starting position of the commission. The uk may not agree with that and this will have to be talked about at length. The next thing for her if to get set in stone that transition period. To give certainty to business. That allows some kind of progress to be seen to being made. Interesting that theresa may made the point that it is a pragmatic issue, about making sure everyone is ready and not just the issue, about making sure everyone is ready and notjust the uk. That is the eu as well. And then the issue of that final date, really a self inflicted problem for the government. We thought we would be standing here expecting another defeat for the government, that has been averted by compromise. We now have a strange position, an amendment put down by the government saying the final date would be put in law but another one being put down that says it can be changed if need be. They will not want many more of those kind of self inflicted wounds i think. They have enough trouble as it is but it seems that parliamentary journey trouble as it is but it seems that parliamentaryjourney is trouble as it is but it seems that parliamentary journey is going trouble as it is but it seems that parliamentaryjourney is going on. Of course it will go to the house of lords in the new year but i think the five relief from downing street as we get to the end of this elementary term before christmas that theyve managed to get through to this point. Parliamentary term. And i will be back taking stock of where we are with Brexit Process in the next half hour. Speaking to three mps and looking at where we are. Lets talk about some other news about the economy and the impact of brexit. The International Monetary fund has downgraded its forecast for the uks Economic Growth this year from 1. 7 to1. 6 . The head of the imf, Christine Lagarde, said that despite strong global growth, the impact of the uks decision to leave the eu had weighed heavily on the economy and she said the imfs predicitons of a negative Economic Impact had been fully justified as our Business Correspondent Simon Gompertz reports. A merry christmas, or is this just the same old tune from the imf, marring our festive cheer this time with doubts . What it offers is a view of the uk from the outside looking in, and it sees a bit less sparkle here than before. The chancellor, introducing this report, emphasised how well he thinks the uk is doing. In my recent budget, i reported on an economy that continues to grow, that has delivered the lowest unemployment in a0 years, and that continues to confound those who seek to talk it down. But for the imf, Christine Lagarde says we are losing out because of the brexit vote. Just as she had warned. We feared it would most likely entail a depreciation of the sterling, an increase of inflation, a squeezing of wages and disposable income and a slowdown and probably a reduction of investment. What we are seeing today is that narrative being rolled out. The imf is keen to emphasise that while Economic Growth elsewhere in the world is pretty healthy, here its sluggish. The growth in National Output will have been 1. 6 this year, it says, less than it thought before and 1. 5 next year. While christmas shoppers are benefiting from pre christmas discounts, it says, on average, prices, the rate of inflation, will carry on being more than we would like. So how worrying is the outlook for our industries from building to finance and manufacturing . Well, the imf can see some positives. Christine lagarde was careful to say that things could be better than expected if brexit negotiations proceed swiftly and both sides come to an early agreement, that will eliminate a lot of the uncertainty. A bit of a lift would be welcome because, as things stand, some businesses and shoppers are feeling the squeeze. Simon gompertz, bbc news. And simon is here with us now. Coming to some of the positive aspects in a moment but before that there was a sense that christina garde was saying, having taken some criticism that both slightly gloomy predictions she said had been justified. You remember those criticisms during the Referendum Campaign about not relying on experts and that touched a nerve clearly with her. And at the press conference after that Statement Today she talked about that and mentioned experts having been right in the end. And she wanted to make that point. To be fair some of the forecasts have not been correct, forecasts have not been correct, forecasts cells are. But those points listed about Economic Growth, been disappointing, inflation being high and one should particularly highlighted was investment by British Companies being disappointingly low. Probably about one third of the level that she would like to see. And what the imf is pointing out, if that was higher, there would be more investment in productive machinery, National Output would go up per worker and thatis output would go up per worker and that is how you get to higher wages. So it ends up with people having less inner pocket. And what impressed them . Less inner pocket. And what impressed them . Jobs is a big thing, thejobs impressed them . Jobs is a big thing, the jobs record has impressed them . Jobs is a big thing, thejobs record has been very good, still in comparison to some of the rivals. I think others would point out that exports have been good since the pound dropped. That is meant exports have come up. And then that final thing, she was, muntari about the progress of the first phase of brexit talks. And saying that if further talks are quick and effective, then there could be an upside for the economy. And things will get better. So those are the positives from the imf. Thank you very much. The mini cab hailing service uber is a service used by millions of people in cities and towns around the world. It launched here in the uk in 2012 and has proved popular but also hugely controversial. Now the European Court ofjustice has ruled that uber should legally be considered a transport company, notjust an app, which means it will be subjected to tighter regulations in the European Countries in which it operates. 0ur correspondent theo leggett has more details. The Ride Hailing Service uber has become a fact of life in cities around the uk over the past few years. It is certainly convenient. You can call a car, monitor its progress, and pay for it all over the internet. But what exactly is it . When uber first started operating in europe, it tried to present itself as a kind of digital middleman, connecting passengers with drivers. In other words it was just a mobile phone based app and didnt need to abide by all the onerous rules and regulations that apply to regular taxi companies. But others, particularly established taxi drivers, disagreed. They said that uber was in fact a transport Services Company and should be subject to the same rules and regulations as any other taxi business. Now the European Court ofjustice has agreed with them. It says that legally speaking uber is indeed a transport company. For uber itself there will not be a huge Immediate Impact from the ruling. It has already given ground to regulators in most of its major european markets. In the uk and many other countries it is already licensed as a taxi operator. But the decision could affect its future plans. It said today, millions of europeans are still prevented from using apps like ours. It is appropriate to regulate services such as uber and we will continue the dialogue with cities across europe. So that is actually a transport service. Meanwhile lawyers said the impact of the ruling could go beyond taxi firms and affect other businesses which operate in the so called gig economy. I think other companies in the gig economy will be worried by this. This is showing that the courts are not going to be distracted by the technology, theyre going to look at what is actually happening and how local legislation should already apply to that. Free market campaigners meanwhile say that is a bad thing. They think policymakers should be moving with the times. If you halt innovation by applying old systems and old patterns of regulation, simply to protect incumbents, or perhaps even you know with some sort of idea about passenger safety, you are constraining the ability of people to do things in their own way. And at the end of the day people know what is good for them. This is by no means the first legal ruling to affect uber and it is unlikely to be the last as courts and regulators come to terms with the profound Impact Companies born in the digital age have had on traditional businesses. Theo leggett, bbc news. We will have some News Headlines for you and sports headlines injust we will have some News Headlines for you and sports headlines in just the second. Time for a look at the weather heres tomasz schafernaker. The weather has been gloomy and cloudy in some places but also a bit of sunshine. Tonight very mild with temperatures around double figures across the south. But in the north clearer skies here and just a little bit colder. That takes us into tomorrow morning, a lot of cloud and hill fog around. Weather fronts moving through bringing a lot of cloud and a spot of rain. To the north of that across scotland it is brighter and cruder but in the south temperatures getting up to around 12 degrees. Then it takes us into friday and look at that, the picture behind me is great, temperatures around 11, 12 degrees. Nothing has changed. This is bbc news our latest headlines cisco is leaving to Sexual Assault allegations. Two cases collapsed in the last week because police were later disclose evidence. We are reviewing all of those with the cps to ensure we have complied with the disclosure process in all other cases. Theresa may play zelalem schlupp eu calls for a shorter transition period. She says it is open to negotiation. The International Monetary fund has downgraded uk Economic Growth to 1. 6 for this year. Imf chief Christine Lagarde said the economy was being held back by rising inflation and stagnant wages. The extent of homelessness is claimed to be a National Crisis after the number of rust leaders doubled in six years. And finally uber is a transport company and not a digital service. That is thejudgement of the European Court ofjustice. It means that the firm can now be subjected to tighter eu regulation in the countries in which it operates. Were going straight to the bbc sports centre. After all the waiting we are expecting birmingham to be named the host city for the Commonwealth Games in 2022, was it ever going anywhere else . After receiving competition from liverpool and receiving government backing, theirs was the only bit to be received. The Commonwealth Games federation extended the deadline for other cities to come forward, but none did. After offering further financial guarantees, with the budget of £750 million, it has been accepted. The most expensive sports event staged in the uk since the london olympics in 2012. Less than a couple of months, a couple of things today regarding russia and their involvement, firstly the ipc, International Power the committee who are putting on the winter paralympics, they say they are upholding the blanket ban on russia, the band rush from the rio summer paralympics because of historic her man who racially assaulted a Raheem Sterling al sadr is clubs training ground, has beenjailed. Carl anderson, who has a history of violence racially abused the match the city star, and kicked in four times. He pleaded guilty to common assault. The last of the League Cup Finals are tonight. Manchester city and arsenal already in the draw. Russell city face manchester united. They are third in the championship, they are no stranger to an upset. They beat liverpool in the third round of the fa cup in 1994. M they beat liverpool in the third round of the fa cup in 1994. It is a big game, fantastic game. Man united come to town. Always brings that feeling, it is a big tie. This club has not had it for a long time. Probably back to the footage i have seen, the players have too feel somebody could be that hero. A great test for us on the pitch. The first seller in the newly renovated ashton gate. Fantastic. The other ties sees chelsea play bournemouth. At sta mford chelsea play bournemouth. At stamford bridge. Expect a lot of changes to Antonio Contes side. But he knows the cherries will be dangerous. It is not simple. We must have trepidation. Bournemouth wants to ta ke have trepidation. Bournemouth wants to take revenge. To try and create problems. Leicester Centre Manager elenchi is free to play against saracens on christmas eve. After his sighting for a dangerous tackle at the weekend was dismissed. He was making his first appearance since the opening day of the season. He was cited for a low tackle during european champ cup defeat. The Disciplinary Committee did not think it warranted a red card. Thats all the sport. Were back at 6 30 p m. Until then, much more low stories and much more on bbc sport website. Homelessness is a National Crisis according to a group of mps. Homelessness is a National Crisis according to a group of mp5. 9000 people sleeping rough, a further 78 families in temporary accommodation. Parliament says government efforts to tackle the issue of abject failure. Very strong criticism. The government says it is providing £1 billion to reduce levels of homelessness. Before we talk about this. Just go through this. When his dad was made homeless, seven year old billy lived part time with him in one room of this emergency shelter. Billy had his own bed, his dad used a folding bed. So how does it work, he has to fold it out every night . Yes, just like this. It is tough enough for an adult to be here, but to be here with a child and remain strong is difficult. He should not be here. He shouldnt be here at all. Im doing what i can do to be a parent to him, under these circumstances. This report says the problem of homelessness has been growing for years, with the number of people in short Term Accommodation up by 60 since 2010. The mps said there is an unacceptable shortage of realistic housing options. There are estimated to be 9000 people sleeping rough on the streets every night, more than double the number in 2011. There are a further 78,000 families living in temporary accommodation, often of a poor standard and that includes 120,000 children. The committee has described the situation as shameful. It has called on the government to focus on the supply and affordability of decent housing. You need to stop being complacent about this. It is not enough also to just throw money at it. It needs to be money that is fixing the core root of the problem that looks at why people are homeless in the first place, and you need to be building more houses, yes, but they need to be truly affordable houses. The committee now wants the government to come up with a strategy for tackling the issue by the middle of next year. Labour said this report showed that the conservatives had caused the crisis of rapidly rising homelessness, but had no plans to fix it. Billy and his dad have now found somewhere permanent to live. But there are many others who wont have a place they can call home over christmas. Andy moore, bbc news. The charity, shelter, has been campaigning on this issue for many yea rs. Campaigning on this issue for many years. Thanks for coming in, polly. A broad reaction to what this tells us. 2017, approaching christmas, what do you make of this . Absolutely right it is a National Crisis. We should be quite ashamed of the country. About the levels of homelessness. Both rough sleeping, and actually the far greater number of people who are in totally inadequate housing. Temporary accommodation. B bs. Hostels. 0ften with children. Very often with children. 0ver120,000 children will be homeless this christmas. It is just not good enough. We at shelter think the committee is absolutely right. Important to underline, images of people out on the street sleeping rough. That is a problem. The problem is much bigger than that. A different dimension. Families in distress. Really important we remember this. If we can save the government is focused on aspects of the housing crisis. What they are most focused on is a rough sleeping. At the other end, really all about buying a house. What we are not doing is making sure there is probably Affordable Accommodation for families on low incomes. That is partly because there are not enough homes. Also the homes that there are, people cannot afford. Housing benefit has been frozen. In a sense, it is this much bigger group of people who were in the too difficult box for the government. Because of the threat it poses to the whole concept of austerity. We need to keep on this issue. It is a national scandal. Absolutely critical. And clearly interested in going back of it. We have seen this problem intensifying. Have you identified when this began to get worse. The decision that made this worse. How can shelter sheds light on it . Housing benefit was frozen in 2014. Dad has had a really significant effect. We are seeing, at shelter, day in, day out, families who have been evicted from private rented accommodation. That is now the biggest cause of homelessness. Eviction from private rental. Basically about not being able to pay the rent. Where do those people go . Exactly, they are presented to the council. The council does not have enough accommodation. They end up in temporary accommodation. Far too often they should be a very short stopgap measure. 0ften often they should be a very short stopgap measure. Often it is not. Going on for months on end. Particularly for families with children, but anybody, the Mental Health consequences, and we have found an investigation, just today, the consequences for childrens performance at school, as well, very severe for childrens Mental Health. You dont get your child to back. If childrens childhood you dont get your child to back. If child rens childhood are you dont get your child to back. If childrens childhood are being lost to homelessness, that is time as a parent, it really horrifies me. Time they will never get back again. Because they are under intense pressure. Very stigmatising. Children do not want their peers at school to know they are homeless, for example. Can we talk about practical measures. What is shelter calling on the gunmen to do . Do you give any credit for moves they are taking . What would you like to see people doing much more seriously over the next few months. Not fair to sever garment is doing nothing. They have passed the homelessness improvement act. The problem with that, there are not enough homes for people. They just that, there are not enough homes for people. Theyjust cannot afford the homes there are because of the housing benefit freeze we keep talking about. Actually homelessness reduction act will not have the impact it should do this because of those fundamental causes not been tackled. There is a new task force the government have set up. I am happy to be part of that. We need to make sure that is not only focused on rough sleeping. Important though rough sleeping years. If we do not look of the systemic causes of this, we have 300,000 people homeless in this country. We have to look at the systemic causes of that. That means the government will have to look at the government will have to look at theissue the government will have to look at the issue quite differently. Built homes, social housing . Absolutely, dead right. Field are genuinely affordable homes. At the moment the Property Market increases the number four cannot play a part in. They do not have any purchasing power. Though clever part in any sort. That is when you see people falling into it. Destitution. Hidden away in bed and brea kfast hotel. Hostels. It. Destitution. Hidden away in bed and breakfast hotel. Hostelsm the budget last month, they talked about them and for more social housing. Allocating more resources. They would argue they are responding in seeing the problem. If the extent of the response where it needs to be . No. The amount invested is not going to achieve anything. The government announcing a new charge target, 2000 new homes. The current target, 2000 new homes. The current target is 250000 and were nowhere near meeting that. Needs to be a much more concerted and serious effort. Only part of the government. In your dealings with government, those who are basically having a voice within government, what would you say to viewers . Do they get the scale of the problem . And they allocate enough resources to it . Is there not a full realisation in government to the extent of the problem . Characterise it as a crisis . I think many would. The scale of the problem is recognised. That is ourjob as well, at shelter. The scale of the problem is recognised. There is a genuine will to do something about it. A gap in focus between Home Ownership issue at one end. And the rough sleeping at one end. And the rough sleeping at the other end. Im not right is a rough sleeping is not important. Of course it is. There is a lack of focus on other areas. That is of the role welfare reform has created that problem. And the fact that, without doing something differently about welfare and benefits. There is not going to be a solution. Thanks for coming in today. The chief executive of shelter talking about those rather shocking figures today and that ha rd hitting report rather shocking figures today and that hard hitting report to Parliament Committee put out on the subject of homelessness. The Prime Minister says the length of the transition period after britain has left the European Union is still open for discussion, after the eu said it should finish by the end of 2020. Uk is due to leave march 2019. They have asked for a slightly longer transition, off about to years. Theresa may has been facing mps answering questions in Parliament Committee. She said the transition period was a matter of negotiation. Letsjoin them, once period was a matter of negotiation. Lets join them, once again at westminster. Mps are debating and voting on the governments brexit negotiation. We thought we would ta ke negotiation. We thought we would take the opportunity to take stock of where we are in the Brexit Process. The new intake who are elected in june. Process. The new intake who are elected injune. We have douglas ross from the conservatives. Well known football referee. Layla moran from the liberal democrats. First of all. As a new mp, you are finding yourself mired in endless brexit debates, how is that . Pretty much since we have been taken everything seems to be the brexit. We are learning a lot. Just learning about the detail, and the complexities surrounding brexit. I am from a very main constituency. People i really engaged and interested in the amendments, how we vote. A lot of is about brexit. Douglas, is brexit, and it is important to get it right whatever side you are on. This is crucial and critical for the future of the country. Absolutely, during the election, many people were knowing that was an election about brexit, that was an election about brexit, that was an election about brexit, that was going to dominate the pardon. 80 of people who voted said they voted for party he would respect the will of the people leaving the European Union. Important things we get the best possible deal in the European Union. My possible deal in the European Union. My own constituency was closer than any others to voting leave. There are ones strongly remain, others that are strongly leave. Mine was very close down the middle. We have to try and get the best deal for everyone. As a liberal democrat, you have a referendum amendment receiving saying you another referendum. We said we want a real referendum, but now the issues i know. Were starting a process that we believe is an incredibly difficult. We believe it is time people have a say on that deal. Whether they voted for either side, there is a majority in the polls for such a position. More and more people are seeing how difficult this is going to be, that it is not what they expected. And they want the same for them and their families. People have already voted. Whether to be in the eu or not. You want to rerun it. Not at all, they voted, frankly on lies. £350 million for the nhs. That is what it is costing us the nhs. That is what it is costing us already in the process of leaving. I have mail bags full of constituents saying please lets have another say. I voted leave, i dont want to anymore. They are not the only ones. In terms of the Prime Minister and the government. The ca ke minister and the government. The cake and she has admitted, the election did not go as well as she had anticipated. A lot of people say she has bounced back. Completing the first phase of the brexit negotiation. Piloting this legislation through parliament as well. Look, she has had a lot to deal with. Never mind the external factors, in terms of a terror attack. A lot of infighting inherent party. Must be really difficult being remain, being kept hostage by the brexiteers. Being undermined every opportunity. I have to say, as a womani every opportunity. I have to say, as a woman i admire her strength. Shes here pmqs, doing what she does. Do i agree with how she herself is brexit, no, ithink agree with how she herself is brexit, no, i think she should have been stronger. Listening to the will of the house. The debates i have satin, feels that the government does not want to listen. Asking questions like why are we leaving euratom when we could not . There are things we need to listen to an all parts of the house. She could have done a lot more on that. I have to respect that. She has coped with a hell of a lot. Douglas, do you think the whole thing can be completed within the pretty tight timetable outlined . Effectively trying to get the trade agreement, hugely complex, by the time of bricks. The problem with these negotiations, they go down to the wire. The fins leap at the wire. We were told we would never get past phase one, the Prime Minister delivered excellent deal, crossing over the parties. Saying that was the best way to get phase one sorted before the december state, and then on to face two. As the Prime Minister said today, Jeremy Corbyn said she would not achieve phase one, she did. He also said he would be in downing street by christmas. He was not. Ella to be proud of the government and the Prime Minister . She has got it somewhere, which is more than some expected. Does feel like there is not going to be an election next year. I suspect we will have theresa may Prime Minister until after the process is over. I think that process will be interesting. The future is very uncertain for the country. The deal we get from the eu is nothing to be one people very happy with, that is why we are campaigning for another referendum on brexit. That is the simplest solution to this problem. We have some pro eu demonstrators, you may have noticed, find us, with the eu flag. Let mejust you may have noticed, find us, with the eu flag. Let me just tell you, around nine oclock, we will have a string of votes on the brexit legislation. Seven votes in all. Not expecting any major defeat for the government. Were having that amendment, enshrining the withdrawal bill and the brexit date. That is the latest from here. Back to you. We did not notice a single banner in shot ben brown with guests. The bbc has pledged to raise its game on religious programming. Increasing the betrayal of all faiths in mainstream programmes. The Corporation Said it would enhance the representation of religion on television, radio dramas and documentaries. Also in new global affa i rs documentaries. Also in new Global Affairs religious team in bbc news. Bbc will give a thought for the day on its own Radio Programme despite criticism from staff. Songs of praise theme tune. For some its the best part of the bbcs output, but new research has also shown that traditional religious programmes are, for large parts of the audience, earnest, worthy, and a tv turn off. Welcome to sunday morning live. Theres also concern that too often religion on tv is reduced to an argument or debate. The bbc wants more stories about real peoples lives and theirfaith, and less studio based confrontation. Are you going to come and see . Im going to be in it later. There will also be more religion reflected in mainstream programming. It is all part of a review of how the bbc treats religion, after criticism that it was out of step with its audience. It means having portrayal of people from the wide range of religious backgrounds, across all of our programmes. But youre right, it does mean taking it more seriously, making sure that we get it right as much of the time as possible. So were going to have a new unit, for example in bbc news, a global religious affairs unit which will be able to make sure we have got that expertise to get the facts right. Also to tell the story behind the headlines, to get to what is really happening, to the subtleties. Once in royal davids city. Latest Research Suggests the long decline in christianity in the uk has over the last few yea rs levelled off. Nearly half of us believe in life after death, one in four believe in angels. The bbc says there will be more christianity but also more coverage and explanation of other faiths. The big calendar events of the worlds main faiths will get more coverage and rather than being in decline, religion is actually growing globally. The number of people affiliated with a religion is forecast to increase from 84 to 90 . David sillito, bbc news. The actress Heather North who provided the voice of daphne in the scooby doo cartoons has died, she was aged 71. Whats that . She entertained interviewers with the voice of a teenage effectively kept getting yourself in trouble only to be rescued by herfriends, and of course by scooby doo himself. Heather north also appeared in television, fugitive, ironside, and the programme days of our lives. In a few minutes, the bbc news at six. The other weather. 0ne a few minutes, the bbc news at six. The other weather. One of those forecasts, every day, you lose track, on which they were looking at. Gloom, cloud and drizzle. Today we had sunshine, not cloudy and drizzly everywhere. You can see overall, a lot of cloud across the uk. Just a few breaks here and there. I suspect tomorrow, satellite image will look very similar. A reminder, if you have been watching forecasts for the last few days. The same graphic. Miles, often cloudy with rain. That is the forecast until christmas. My day reaching all the way into the far west of russia. Just about on the board in finland. For russ, gloomy, resilient kind of night. Temperatures into double figures. Not really going to change much into what we have got right now. 10 degrees, 10 degrees by the end of the night. Cold in scotland, and the north east of england, clear skies, temperature dropping. Cloud acting as a blanket, when there were no plans can colder. Just like at night. When you have a blanket, you dont get cold. This is the forecast for thursday. Cloudy, 12 degrees, 6 degrees in the north. Friday, cloudy, drizzle, temperatures again double figures across southern areas. Maybe sunshine in the north of scotland. Thursday, and friday just about the same. Saturday, a little different. Low pressure moving to the north of scotland. Quite a few isobars. That means strong winds. Gale force winds. There is a subtle change in the weather across scotland. Strong winds across the western isles. Even as far north as the northern isles, double figures right across the shop. Sunday very similar. That ta kes shop. Sunday very similar. That takes us into christmas. The big day itself, south westerly. Pixie fairy dust around the day. Temperatures will be around double figures, far north as yorkshire we think. Behind the weather front, there north as yorkshire we think. Behind the weatherfront, there is north as yorkshire we think. Behind the weather front, there is cold air ready to tuck in. The thinking is, as we head into boxing day, and beyond. Things will turn a bit colder. Potentially also quite stormy in the run up to 2018. Have a good evening. Tonight at six the met police is to review dozens of sex offence cases after the collapse of two prosecutions. In the last week the trials of two men charged with rape were halted police failed to hand over evidence helpful to the defence. The danger here is that people will lose years of their lives locked up in prison for crimes they havent committed, evidence that could have revealed this being suppressed, and not disclosed to their lawyers, and years of their lives wasted. Well be asking how many similar cases there might be around the country. Also tonight the worlds leading Financial Organisation says the uk is in need of a tonic it forecasts Slower Growth because of brexit. A new challenge from the eus chief brexit negotiator he says the uk must go it alone sooner than the government wants. A special report on why patients with eating disorders

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