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The government aims to encourage more students in england to sign up for shorter courses. Well hear why. And in sport, more than just bragging rights at stake todays Manchester Derby at old trafford is the biggest game in the premier league so far this season. Good morning. First, our main story. Heavy snow is hitting the uk. The met office has issued an amber weather warning for up to 10 centimetres of snow at low levels, with up to 20 centimetres on Higher Ground. Falling over the stage are you 0k . Flights have been temporally suspended at Birmingham Airport while they clear the runway. Simon clemison reports. We do not have that yet. It is all going wrong we can speak now to our news correspondent, Matthew Richards, who is in north wales for us this morning. It looks very cold and snowy. Matthew, how much snow has there been overnight . It started snowing about 5am and we have noticed the wins are starting to pick up as well which will cause problems for drifting. Birmingham airport, flights temporarily suspended while the runway is cleared of heavy snowfall and passengers being asked to check the website and Contact Airlines to find out updates. In north wales, the snow fell quite heavily behind me as you can see, behind me. Roads that had been cleared, they will now be blocked again. Some of the smaller rural roads are at risk of being blocked completely. In sennybridge, south of here, 11 said of snow this morning. The advice and the warnings from the met office and the police are, as you would expect, do not make unnecessary journeys. If are, as you would expect, do not make unnecessaryjourneys. If you have to venture out in the snow, make sure you are prepared, you have a way of digging out of the snow if you get stuck, and means to keep yourself warm and fed over the period you are waiting for someone to come to help you. For now, thank you. We can get the latest with stav at the Weather Centre. Tell us why it is happening, storm caroline . No, storm caroline has moved away, this is another weather system pushing him from the atlantic. Very cold air in places. Storm caroline opened the floodgates to arctic northerly winds. Caldaire has been getting colder overnight, wintry showers called air. This weather system has been moving in from the atlantic with mild moist airand the rain from the atlantic with mild moist air and the rain has been bumping into debt into the cold air. Some snow depths, probably a bit more snow depths, probably a bit more snow in sennybridge now because this was a reading from about half an hour ago. Probably looking at 15 centimetres. This is that area with the amber warnings in force, most of central and northern wales, central wales in particular, we are seeing 15 centimetres. The West Midlands, birmingham. The extent further south, generally north of the m4 corridor, but we could see what snow in heavy bursts across southern areas too and pushing into the east midlands. There is the snowfall there. More over their holes. Thank you very much, stav. More over the hills. I do not fancy our chances of getting south today. Sometime later, we will hopefully get back. Anyway. The foreign secretary, borisjohnson, is due to meet the iranian president , hassan rouhani, this morning on the second day of his visit to the country. Hell continue to press for the release of Nazanin Zaghari ratcliffe, the british irainian aid worker whos been held prisoner in the country since april, 2016. She denies charges of trying to overthrow the iranian government. But she faces the possibility of a further Court Appearance today, after mrjohnson appeared last month to contradict her claim she was on holiday in iran at the time of her arrest. I am sure it will make a difference. I am sure him being there, im sure him raising her case, im sure him raising her case in the context of lots of other stuff can only help improve relations and can only help. Improved relations can only lead to a better case for us. I think thats right, that im not expecting that on monday morning, he comes back with her on the plane. Following the meetings in iran is our security correspondent, frank gardner. Frank is in bahrain at the moment. What do you think the chances are borisjohnson will be able to persuade the iranians to send her home . The iranians are notjust going to throw up their hands and say, hey you go, it was all a misunderstanding. There are people in iran who are convinced she should stay injail, there in iran who are convinced she should stay in jail, there are in iran who are convinced she should stay injail, there are people, mostly those who he has been meeting, who would like to see it finished. There are pragmatists and the deep state, almost as if there are two irans. A very good reception, the visit has so far probably gone better than the Foreign Office officials expected because it has gone into a second day, he was supposed to be in abu dhabi today, but he is staying in iran to meet the president , a good sign, but the president , hassan rouhani, and all of the other people he elected, they are the pragmatists, but behind them, the deep state, many of whom are extremely suspicious of the west and particularly of britain. There is something known as an english job, particularly of britain. There is something known as an englishjob, a tricky play on someone. There is going to be quite a high price on anything seen as a concession in iran and the decision not to happen well go up to the top. Three days of protests on the west bank and in eastjerusalem, and some debate whether there is a split between the street, if you will, and the arab governments. A statement from the arab league today condemning the decision by donald trump. What difference does it make . Well, arab ministers debated late into the night in ourold ministers debated late into the night in our old home, yours and mine, cairo, where we have both been foreign correspondence. They reached a joint communique in the early hours. The Arab League Countries condemned the announcement of jerusalem by President Trump being the israeli capital. It is effectively, they have said, the us can no longer be an honest broker in trying to find a lasting Peace Agreement between israel and the palestinians. But these are words and they may go back on it. There is no denying the enormous sense of frustration with President Trump. This is embarrassing for these governments because many of them are very close allies of washington. Good to see you, thank you for being with us this morning. The equalities watchdog is going to launch its own inquiry into the g re nfell tower launch its own inquiry into the Grenfell Tower fire. It is going to consider whether the council and government failed to failed in its duty to protect life. Universities would be able to charge nearly £2000 more per year. Andy moore reports. It was a conservative ma nifesto moore reports. It was a conservative manifesto promise to introduce more two year degree courses. Implementing that plan has proved tough going. For the universities, it would mean major changes to their schedules with the prospect of the same or less schedules with the prospect of the same oi less money schedules with the prospect of the same or less money in income. By the governments admission, the pick up has been pitiful with only 0. 2 stu d e nts has been pitiful with only 0. 2 students on fast track degrees. The new scheme would see students pay more for each individual year but more for each individual year but more than £5,000 less than they would have done if it lasted three yea rs. Would have done if it lasted three years. The fantastic offer, the same quality degree, provided in a more intensive way so instead of 30 weeks a year studying over three years, they really driven student, highly motivated, could pack in 45 weeks over two years. The government says each student on a two year course would save at least £25,000 if you add in saved living costs and a yea rs extra add in saved living costs and a years extra earnings. They say demand from students will persuade universities to offer the new courses. Andy moore, bbc news. Chris rea collapsed on stage last night while performing at a concert. He had a stroke last year. The Ambulance Service said he had said it had taken a patient hospital and he was in stable condition. People braved freezing conditions in edinburgh to raise awareness of homelessness. It was billed as one of the worlds biggest sleep out and fundraisers were entertained with music from Noel Gallagher and john cleese wrote and performed a bedtime story. We have a collective responsibility to stick up for them and give them a hand up and one of the things we have learnt of working with Homeless People is when you give them that chance and dignity, they can thrive, in the same way anyone else can. Highways england is urging drivers to check the forecast before they set off today as weather warnings remain in place in large parts of the uk. We have an Operations Managerjoining parts of the uk. We have an Operations Manager joining us. Parts of the uk. We have an Operations Managerjoining us. No doubt you are in for a busy day. How is it looking . Better than expected so far. We have had a week of preparations for this leading up to the weather expected today, it hit the weather expected today, it hit the midlands heavily so far, but we are expecting it to come north over the next few hours. What is your advice for people planning to drive todayis advice for people planning to drive today is in areas where heavy snow is predicted . We always advise, do not drive unless you need to. I appreciate near christmas people will want to go out. Check your vehicle, make sure you have screen wash, the most common thing people do forget, keep warm clothes in your car, prepare for the worst. Tell us about the gritting, is it a strategic decision were you do it . Extremely to strategic. We have 500 gritters, i300 qualified drivers, enough to grit 6000 miles of motorway. They constantly update the Weather Forecast and the alerts and they grit where they need to. And they grit where they need to. And they choose the type of grit. What is in the truck . It is basically rock salt. Sometimes they have wet and dry rock salt. Someone from the gritting team could bore you for hours with the Technical Details what is the biggest cause of accidents . It is usually driving too fast and too close to the vehicle in front. Most incidents could be avoided if people slow down to allow them time to react better. Are you in co nsta nt them time to react better. Are you in Constant Contact with the met office . Heavy snowfall at the moment in birmingham, but in the north, not much. Not around the manchester area anyway. Yesterday we had three Conference Calls with a representative of the met office giving specialist information. Each time, it changed a little bit. We have regular e mail alerts and we can have regular e mail alerts and we ca n co nta ct have regular e mail alerts and we can contact them ourselves as well. People travelling on quieter roads in rural areas need to be especially careful . Most people who live in those areas are aware of the and certainly prepare even more because the priority will be further major routes. A window where snow was forecast, for a and 6pm, is some of that likely to carry over into tomorrow . 4am and 6pm. We were expecting it earlier. Yes, expect the same for tomorrow morning. We will talk to you later. I know you will talk to you later. I know you will keep an eye on the picture for us. Let us check in with stav keeping an eye on the weather. You asked me earlier about what was going on, why are we getting the snow . Massive temperature contrasts across the uk, the snowfields of scotland, temperatures in minus double figures. The milder air, moist air, coming in off the atla ntic moist air, coming in off the atlantic with the rain, double figures in the south. 20 degrees difference, pretty huge, across a pretty small landmass. The rain moving into the cold air is where we are seeing the heavy snow and that is why the met office have issued a number warning which remains in force for much of central southern parts of wales, really snowing heavily here as it is across the midlands. Parts of the midlands, bedfordshire, around two centimetres in bedford, some of the snow will get into the east midlands as well. The northern extent, uncertain, it may just bring snow the northern extent, uncertain, it mayjust bring snow across southern parts of manchester, maybe into sheffield, then likely to start to ease south and east. 20 centimetres of snow in the hills, 5 10 centimetres quite widely lower down. A lot of disruption because of this. Through the day, the snow will gradually start to fragment and turn lighter but it will continue to snow in places, parts of wales, midlands, into eastern england. Gale force winds developing in south wales, the south west of england, Bristol Channel and the south coast, 60 miles an hour, maybe 70 80 mph in exposed places, this will cause some disruption as well. Generally quite mild in the south, further heavy rain, snow in central areas, much of scotla nd rain, snow in central areas, much of scotland and Northern Ireland dry, crisp sunshine. Snow showers in the far north. Likely to be ice in the north and central areas as temperatures plummet. Values lower than this in rural places particularly where we have lying snow in wales, the West Midlands and northwards. This area of low pressure will clear away and we looked to the south, the steep storm bringing damaging weather to france. A glancing blow to southern and south eastern parts of england on monday. Strong winds, rain, maybe a little bit of winteriness over Higher Ground in the south west. In the south east. Many is enjoying a lovely dry and chris day. Tuesday much quieter. Plenty of sunshine around. Cold and frosty start. Watch out for ice as there will still be a lot of lying snow around. Thank you. With University Tuition fees at a maximum of £9,500 per year, it doesnt take a maths student to work out that a three year course can cost nearly £30,000. So you might think that one of the benefits of taking a two year course would be to save a third of that cost. But now the government is proposing to allow universities to charge an extra £2,000 per year to students on accelerated courses. Nick hillman is from the Higher Education policy institute, hes in our london newsroom. A lot of people would think shorter course, save a lot of money but that might not be the case . Over at two year its accelerated, theres a lot more teaching to be done within the two year period so it makes sense to raise the tuition fee caps for those students. And of course those stu d e nts students. And of course those students will raise money on their living gusts because they will only bea living gusts because they will only be a student for two years. What does the universities make of it . They think they are agnostic. The university of buckingham for example specialise in two year degrees. I dont know if this is the game change the government expects because at the moment the way the University Year is structured la ncelot University Year is structured lancelot from allows a lot of academic structure. Its quite a big change to deliver two year degrees when the demand from students is u ntested. When the demand from students is untested. Students might think twice about it, they might think they are being short changed. Is it possible to squeeze a three year course into a two year course . To squeeze a three year course into a twoyear course . It is possible. Theres a lot of vocation time where you could be doing more teaching. As a general rule of thumb 18 year old School Leavers are probably not interested in this option because they want to spend a lot of time at university, they love university, but it might be good for someone in their mid 20s who wish theyd got a degree first time round and doesnt wa nt to ta ke degree first time round and doesnt want to take too long away from the labour market. Playing into this is the report we had last week from the National Audit office, the third of stu d e nts National Audit office, the third of students said they didnt think they we re students said they didnt think they were getting value for money from their degrees. Yes, that comes from a survey undertaken every year, about a third of undergraduates are unhappy with value for money at the moment and for some of those maybe this would be a good option for them. Although the fee will be higher, the total debt at the end of the degree will be lower. What about the degree will be lower. What about theissue the degree will be lower. What about the issue of Vice President is being paid too much . In bath, and senior figures in southampton as well. This is the problem, students are asked to be paid more to pay more and paying exorbitant amounts of university professors. Yes, there have been campaigns on this issue. I think it is a separate issue about how universities are governed, what their governing bodies are doing, whether there is proper accountability within the sector because of course universities get their money from lots of different places, not just tuition fees. Their money from lots of different places, notjust tuition fees. Ok, thank you for coming on, its been good to talk to you. Youre watching breakfast from bbc news, its 07 21am. Time now for a look at the newspapers. Music producer steve levine is here to tell us whats caught his eye. Well speak to steve in a minute. First lets look at the front pages. The mail on sunday pm had to separate ministers in bust up at commons. A p pa re ntly apparently theresa may had to step in as Gavin Williamson was berating the chancellor over cuts to the army. The mirror santas slaves delivery drivers for amazon earn less than the minimum wage. The sunday telegraph Fast Track University degrees could save students £25,000. We have just been talking about it. Radical plans for two year accelerated University Degrees have been unveiled by the government today. The sunday times labour in 2 million skyscaper bribe scandal. Money in return for planning permission. What has caught your eye . What has caught your eye . |j what has caught your eye . I chose from the sunday express, mainly because its a good long shot, to get a sense of how incredibly important this artist was to the music lovers of france. I once produced an album in france in the 19805 for an equivalent band called telephone and it really hits home how much the french adore their pop stars. The crowds are enormous and yet most people in the uk had probably not heard of him. Yet most people in the uk had probably not heard of himlj remember when i arrived as a correspondent in paris and my producers said we had to do a story onjohnny holliday. Producers said we had to do a story on johnny holliday. I producers said we had to do a story onjohnny holliday. I didnt know much about him and i did some research. One of the papers said he is the greatest rock star you have never heard of. Exactly what i heard documentary on him and it was iconic in the truest sense of the word. Who would you compare him to in the uk . People always say he was the french elvis, butJohnny Hallyday people always say he was the french elvis, but Johnny Hallyday was people always say he was the french elvis, butJohnny Hallyday was more like garth brooks country type of artist. Not in terms of the songs because they are rock and roll songs and the band i worked with, telephone, they were like the french rolling stones. Pulled in three quarters of a million fans on bastille day. Yes, the auditorium used to be packed. So that caught my eye because of that fabulous picture. What else have you got . Carrying on the music theme with vinyl. Whats interesting about this article is that the preparation of vinyl is quite important. In art. Essentially the master tape has to be cut and manufactured in a factory. During the 1980s with cds that disappeared so the uk does not have enough vinyl pressing plants which means they have to go around the world, which means with the current upsurge in vinyl most artists are having to wait a terribly long time to get their records made and it is now affecting the smaller artists. One of the great things about the Vinyl Resurgence is it allowed independent artists to manufacture vinyl and sell it independently on the internet. The problem is its so popular the majors have block booked big stages so its impossible, theres almost a six month waiting list. Ive just finished a record and we are waiting for the vinyl, we dont have any copies yet, we are in the queue. The article is saying it affects Small Businesses because a lot of the new artists are Small Businesses. Its annoying for them when they cannot get their products to market. I love owning it, i mean i love the convenience. That is why vinyl is so important, especially at this time of year because its a gifting item. The same thing happened with books, people want to have a physical book. Yes, on the train more people are still reading physical books. The wham album is out. Andrew ridgley has been talking about George Michael. History has not been trained to andrew. Unless you were in the studio with them, you dont know what went on. I know how important relationships are in terms of creating songs, and he specifically mentions a couple of things in that article about how the inspiration for the song came. Most people will of course say George Michael is an incredible songwriter, which he is, but the seed of inspiration often comes from people like Andrew Ridgley and he quotes they were watching television and they were watching television and the ideas came. He talks about the early years of the band when they started in the game. From my own experience i was working with a band signed at the same time the independent label, which is interesting because people always assume George Michael was discovered bya assume George Michael was discovered by a major label but it was a tiny label based in london. The article is really hard moving, of course he misses him terribly and he is donating his feet for that article toa donating his feet for that article to a charity. Artists feed off each other, in the comedy world like morecambe and wise. Yes, its the conduit which create these songs so i think andrew should have more importance in this. Finally, away from music, Binge Viewing is improving tv drama. They are saying in this article the quality is going up in this article the quality is going up because people are watching episodes multiple times, watching for errors, and its making producers focus on the fact that when someone is watching episode one, two and three, they dont need this big previously. So they are making the scripts tighter and the Audio Quality is fantastic. They are all in surround sound, everyone has stuck up theirgame. All in surround sound, everyone has stuck up their game. Its these, thank you. Steve, thank you. The Andrew Marr Show is on bbc one at nine this morning. What are you covering today, andrew . I will bejoined by i will be joined by the brexit secretary david davis and his labour opposite sir keir starmer. For remainers, there will be a big commons confrontation, i have Ian Blackwood of the snp talking about that. Beyond brexit i have the creator of the west wing talking about donald trump and that jerusalem decision, and all of the usual paper reviews were very busy hard hitting usual paper reviews were very busy ha rd hitting hour at usual paper reviews were very busy hard hitting hour at nine oclock. Thank you, we will be watching. Well have a summary of the news in a moment including all the latest on the weather. Stay with us. Here is a summary of todays menus from bbc news. Weather warnings as heavy snow hits parts of the uk. Up to 20 centimetres are expected in some places, as well as icy conditions. Flights have already been suspended at Birmingham Airport. Highways at Birmingham Airport. England say they are on stand by highways england say they are on stand by for what could be very unpredictable weather conditions around the country. Borisjohnson is due to meet the iranian president today. He will continue to press for the release of Nazanin Zaghari ratcliffe who has been held prisoner in the country since april, 2016. She denies charges of trying to overthrow the iranians government but she faces the possibility of a further Court Appearance today after mrjohnson appeared last month to contradict her claim she was on holiday in iran at the time of her arrest. More than 20 Arab League Countries have urged President Trump reversed his decision to recognise jerusalem as the capital of israel. After three days of violence and protests in the gaza strip and the west bank, they say the move is a dangerous violation of international law. The arab league will now ask the un to condemn the us president s declaration. The equalities watchdog is to conduct its own review into the Grenfell Tower fire. 71 is to conduct its own review into the Grenfell Towerfire. 71 people died in the blaze injune. The equality and Human Rights Commission is expected to consider whether the government and the local council failed in their duty to protect life and it will publish its conclusions in april, before the full findings of the official inquiry are known. The singer songwriter chris reay collapsed on stage last night at a concert in oxford. He had a stroke last year. The Ambulance Service said it had taken a patient to hospital and he was in a stable condition. Lots of people have been getting in touch with snow pictures. Severe snow is causing disruption across the country. We are on the bbc news channel until 9am this morning. Still to come. Blue planet has given us an amazing insight into the creatures in the ocea ns insight into the creatures in the oceans but we will hear how many are living on borrowed time unless more can be done to save their habitats. We are used to seeing sir Bradley Wiggins do this, but what about this . We will find out how he got on in his first races as a row. One of the biggest films of the year, how do you bring to life a bare like paddington. The team at click have been learning some of the tricks of the trade. All of that to come on the trade. All of that to come on the bbc news channel. This is where we say goodbye to viewers on bbc one. You can join we say goodbye to viewers on bbc one. You canjoin us on the bbc news channel. Goodbye for now. Lets get more on our top story and speak to Matthew Richards in north wales. How much snow has fallen . Its difficult to say, i know they had 1a centimetres further south from here. Theres a few factors making conditions particularly bad. Weve already had quite heavy snowfall in this area on friday. Its the cold so none of that really melted. There are problems of drifting snow, the stuff that is falling and what has already fallen. Hospitals are drafting in 4x4 drivers to help people get staff in and out of hospital and the red cross have also been asked to help ferry supplies around across hospitals in north wales. We know the roads and railways have been affected and Birmingham Airport has suspended some of its flights temporarily while it clears snow from the runway and is asking people to co nta ct from the runway and is asking people to Contact Airlines or look on the website for any updates. The one blessing is this is a sunday, perhaps quieter foremost than it would be. After many hours of smoke, the interesting ring will be what the interesting ring will be what the effect will be tomorrow as people go back to school and work. Will we be feeling the effects of this weather into monday and beyond that . Matthew, thank you, we will keep checking in with you. At Birmingham Airport flights are suspended, they are trying to keep the runway open. We will have the Highways Agency with us after eight oclock. Lots to talk about in the sport, and its derby day. Yes, i dont think it should be too affected by the snow. Looking at the map, there is a dip and manchester is clearly in that. Its usually the terraces in the stadium they worry about but im sure this one will be on so which way do we think it will go . |j sure this one will be on so which way do we think it will go . I get all kinds of abuse when i nail my colours to the mast. You are wearing red. Keeping myself impartial but from a neutral point of view because i dont support either manchester team, ithink i dont support either manchester team, i think it will be citys to win. Manchesters record at home is incredible, it would be 41 matches unbeaten at home. First yesterdays matches. And a huge win for west ham they beat chelsea, a first win for them under david moyes too. Marko arnautovics first goal for the club arrived in just the sixth minute, but it proved enough to beat the reigning premier League Champions at london stadium. Despite the win, west ham remain in the bottom three. What a great result for us. We needed to find one of the results. We came close against Manchester City for long periods, we thought we we re city for long periods, we thought we were going to get it. Dont get me wrong, it was tough today, chelsea kept us under pressure. We played well at times in the first half, and if we have done better in the second half i think we might have got a goal. Tottenham ended a run of four games without a league win by thrashing stoke city 5 1. An own goal from stoke captain Ryan Shawcross put spurs ahead in the first half. Son heung min got the second at wembley. And harry kane scored twice as spurs moved above north london neighbours arsenal into fifth. Jermain defoe scored twice for bournemouth against Crystal Palace at selhurst park. His second was a cracker, but the story of the game came in the closing stages. Christian benteke missed the penalty which would have given palace all three points. 2 2 it finished, but manager roy hodgson was angry as benteke shouldnt have taken the spot kick. The management decide who the penalty takers are and we dont expect players during the course of the game to change those decisions. U nfortu nately we were the game to change those decisions. Unfortunately we were not on the pitch. Had it been a Training Session we could have done something about it, but it was a premier league game and although we tried to shout out instructions they didnt get as far as the penalty spot. And swansea city are off the bottom of the table. A late goal from captain Wilfried Bony gave them a vital win over west brom to ease the pressure on head coach paul clement. There were also wins for huddersfield, burnley and leicester. In the european champions cup, but toulon try in the closing stages meant they defeated bath. Elsewhere there were wins for the scarlets and ospreys. Ronnie osullivan remains on course to get six snooker uk championships. He held off a late fightback from Stephen Maguire to win 6 4 after taking a lead of 4 0 frames. Neil robertson veit ryan day in the other semifinal. James degale was beaten last night, the former olympic champion was clearly not at his best and took a barrage of punches. James degale was the victor on the majority of the judges cards. He revealed he is aiming for a competitive return to action next year. Some rulings in place before about single seater is not being an option for disabled drivers have been overruled so my plan is to get back into single seater race car for 2018. In what . British three, thats the plan. It would be great to see him back in the car again. The kick off is at a 30pm for the Manchester Derby. The top two teams in the premier league going head to head, although eight points separate leaders city and united. Ive had a foot in both camps this week to look ahead to the biggest game of the season so far. For the city faithful, theres been a lot to cheer the season. Group winners and down to the last 16 of the champions league, one of the favourites for the title and seemingly unstoppable domestic la kes. Seemingly unstoppable domestic lakes. They have won 13 consecutive games in the premier league equalling the record, they havent lost since the start of april when they were beaten by chelsea and so far this season they have dropped to points, scoring more goals than any other team. How much does that record of consecutive wins play on your mind, if at all . Absolutely nothing. If you are going to play one game just thinking of the record, you forget what you have to do to win the games. We will be next because we won but that is sooner or later the record will be broken. How to win the game, that is my concern now. For so long they were manchesters second side, as recently as 1999 city were in the third tier and struggling. Now Sheikh Mansoor and his abu dhabi millions took over in 2008 but it took city another four yea rs 2008 but it took city another four years to win their premier league title. Their second game in 2014. For those who have followed the ups and downs, there is an expectation that city will be the manchester side. Wrote the way through the side, with the control of the ball, the passing of the ball, the a ccu ra cy the passing of the ball, the a ccu ra cy of the passing of the ball, the accuracy of the passing, the confidence and belief in every individual player, ive never seen anything like it before. So for Manchester City the stakes are high, win this weekend and they will set a new premier League Record for consecutive wins in one season and could set themselves up for a Third Premier League title and usher in a new era of dominance. But united have their own record to preserve, 40 matches unbeaten, and 41 would be a new high. The last time they lost at home was in september 2016, and who beat them then . It was city. For people born in the city and feeling the good positive rivalry, i think its a special match. Whether you are red or blue or not even from manchester at all, this derby is a special occasion, the biggest game of the premier League Season so far. Also seeing pep and jose going head to head will be interesting. Lots of questions to both managers during press interviews about their relationship, apparently they have not met up since they have both been in manchester, according to pep guardiola. Which one did you go to . I went to peps presser. Jose mourinho was very prickly, shutting down the journalists. He loves his mind games and he was keeping his cards close to his chest. Either that or he was feeling very grumpy. It is called so if you are headed to the derby, wrap up warm. Im not but my husband is shall we see some pictures of the snow. This is what michael has woken up snow. This is what michael has woken up to in oxford. Weve also heard this from elie in swindon, thats a lot of snow. Coming down fast in the midlands, in wolverhampton. The table is always a good measure of how many inches. And we have this one from the West Midlands. We have been hearing all morning the heavy snow is falling in the West Midlands. Birmingham airport is temporarily closed while they clear the runway. We want to see more of your pictures. You can e mail or tweet us. Lets get a checkup with stav at the Weather Centre this morning. Watson looking like . What is it looking like . This is the rain and snow radar, even see the back edge whether my old air is trying to push it on, it is quite scraggy the mild air. You can see the republic of ireland heavy snow might just you can see the republic of ireland heavy snow mightjust moving over the next few hours, creeping northwards and it will pivot and move eastwards. The West Midlands certainly seeing the heaviest of the snow at the moment. Nearly 20 centimetres in mid wales. Even in towards the south east in high wycombe, five centimetres, and it is still snowing there as well. Met Office Amber Warnings remain in place, to be prepared because there will be significant disruption through the course of the morning. This is where we have seen the heaviest of the snowfall, it will remain heavy, gradually fragmenting and turning lighter. Its mainly reining in the south but we are looking at Gale Force Winds which have developed through the morning. This in its own right will cause disruption as well. So disruption from wind across the south, disruption from smoke through central areas and disruption in the north where it will stay largely dry. Very cold, but sunny and bright. Snow continuing to affect central areas. A mixture of rain, sleet and snow. It will move away to the south east by the end of the night. Ice will be a big hazard with temperature is widely falling below freezing. Minus double figures in parts of scotland. That of low pressure moving away, and this one arrives on monday. It is battering france, but will bring wetter and windier weather here. A little bit wintry over the high ground, maybe the south downs. Elsewhere, a few wintry showers and another really cold day. Tuesday is a much quieter day, we start off on a frosty note, the risk of ice but largely dry with lighter winds and lots of sunshine. Sennybridge in wales, 19 centimetres, where are you we want some pictures send some pictures and then i can see what it looks like. Well be back with the latest headlines at 8am. Now its time for click. Today we are in manchester, at the childrens global media summit, a meeting of those who make the content that our children will be watching in the coming years. Its an event with some very important speakers. Parents, like catherine and me, are raising the first generation of digitally immersed children. And this gives us many reasons to be optimistic about the impact of technology on childhood. And before the duke of cambridge gave his speech to the audience, i managed to grab a quick interview with one of the most talked about couples in the country. So how are you finding the conference so far . Because, to be honest, my kids get more about the staff my kids care more about the staff of the furcherster hotel than the powers that be, behind the scenes. But the discussions taking place here will shape the type of content that children will watch in the future and how content providers will meet the expectations of the next generation of viewers. Now, if you want to know what children are up to, why not ask them . Kids insight runs anonymous questionnaires for 400 kids every week to gather data about the latest trends, hottest new characters, and online habits. Because, of course, its not all about what kids need there is a big industry that wants to make money, here, and target those young minds with messages and merchandise. We do find surprising the amount of children that are viewing youtube without any parental guidance or oversight. We find its probably about a third, maybe less than a third of under tens, their parents arent monitoring what they are watching on youtube at all. And thats also a theme here how to protect children from harmful content and stop them being exploited by the increasingly personal, interactive, and Immersive Technologies that theyre using. Its a massive concern for many parents, but there are moves to try and make children more savvy about online safety, as Lara Lewington found out when she went back to school. The opportunity for kids to access information and learn has never been bigger. But with that comes a challenge. The threats online are clear to see. But an increasing number of children are becoming aware of the dangers and how to steer clear. Never click on a link in an e mail unless you are absolutely sure who it is from. Basically, these are how many attackers are coming in cause the firewall is off. This week an investigation into paedophiles using Live Streaming apps led to nearly 200 arrests, including teachers, medics, and law enforcers. A batch of leading brands suspended advertising from youtube after suspect comments remained beside videos featuring children. This is not long after the site hit the headlines when its algorithms were found to be pulling inappropriate content into its kids app, which was then viewed by children. Of course, the company protests it does all they can, age restricting content in the main app as well is aiming to protect those using youtube kids altogether. In light of the most recent issues, its also adding an extra 10,000 moderators to act alongside the software, aiming to keep kids safe. But with such a wealth of information out there, who can actually be held accountable for what is published . First and foremost, the Tech Companies themselves need to be held accountable. And i mean at the ceo level. All of these platforms have an enormous responsibility to the kids and families in their audience, cause they re making billions of dollars off of them. Second, we also need to see some kind of regulation that ofcom or others could provide that would say this is appropriate or not on these platforms. Because if you think that Tech Companies will self regulate, then you are kidding yourself. But at the same time the benefits of this sort of Online Access cant be ignored. Here at this Central London school, pupils are taking part in idea, the digital and enterprise version of the duke of edinburgh award. Hello, so what are you all up to, here . I am doing a safety badge. The challenges are open and free to all ages, even adults, to provide real life skills. And they can be done anywhere, any time. The pupils are covering a range of subjects, including creating virtual reality, the importance of colour in photography. Its, in essence, the different types of colours. If you want to get an eerie retro feel, youd reduce the hue and saturation. As well as some of the more serious issues surrounding safety online. What are the main things you feel you have come away from this so far having learned . For all my devices i used to put the same password. So if the hackers knew one of my passwords they would be able to get anything. So i learned that and i tried to change my passwords for everything, even the school website. So i am just going to carry on with the badge. It is not just about whether or not you have done gcse computer science, it is about can you actually manipulate or apply the knowledge . So what were trying to do it in such a way that they have the opportunity of learning at themselves, was at the Centre Making them aware of the dangers and pitfalls that we all see on a daily basis. Over 100,000 of these bronze awards have been achieved. The silver to be released next april. And in a world where fake news has dominated the headlines, targeting us on what to think or buy, there will be a category called critical thinking, focusing on just that. It will teach the importance of how to substantiate, verify, and trust sources. And at the childrens global media summit, the bbc also announced a scheme teaching how to avoid fake news. But the real news right now is that while there may still be a way to go for things to be totally safe online, kids are becoming more aware and maybe at some point soon will be the ones educating the grown ups. You see, it is. How can you see, it is so small. Yes, i have finished the badge. Well done. How are you feeling . Woohoo here is a nice little ar app for kids. You download and print off your favourite character from cbeebies, colour it in however you like, and then you pick up your tablets, and look. There is the duck. You can draw other characters, as well. For example, here is my favourite, who has the power and the speed, and she zooms away. Not that im a fan or anything. And, from some pretty decent visual effects there, to some absolutely top of the range visual effects now, in the form of one of the biggest films of the year, paddington 2. Dontjust take my word for it. Ask rotten tomatoes, where it scored 100 . We sat down with the man who is responsible for bringing paddington from peru to the big screen, for a World Exclusive look at how he did it. Parents, spoiler alert. Were about to take paddington apart. Whats this . This is london. One of the key areas that we began with is pre vis, or pre visualisation. Its working in an extremely low fi fashion, to be able to practically explore camera angles, moves, using working with animators who have a familiarity with paddington himself. Filming without paddington, it makes the process extremely abstract, thats for sure. And so we employ a variety of techniques. For the best part, there is a stand in called lauren, who is about paddingtons height. And shell give us, everyone on the set, a brilliant insight into paddingtons presence. You dont want to make the work in post very difficult or expensive, by having to paint lots out, so you try and minimise what is in the place of paddington on the shot. I think the things that are most difficult are where paddington is interacting with objects or people in the plate. So you always need somebody to do that, to create either the you know, touch the cloth thats going to be touched. Theres statistic that, if you put all the man hours together, it would be 75 years of someones life to do all the visual effects on paddington. So that sort of gives you a bit of perspective on how much work is involved. Fundamental was that he lives in that you would believe him. He had to be hyperrealistic, he had to live in a real space. But you know, were always very careful to not reveal too much whites of the eyes, to have eyes that sort of look too cartoony, to contain all the gestures. Often an animator will first pick up paddington, and theyll go for very obvious statements, and paddington is not about that. You take it all away. Its all in whats absolutely necessary. And its a sort of small shift of the brow here, and a dart there, that tells you hes thinking. Simple little scenes like the one where he travels through the prison, its transforming, and youre seeing his effect on the place, and everyone is making cakes, that was a massively complicated sequence, because of the very artisan sort of way in which we wanted to make this prison transform, and that sort of Michel Gondry like musical appearance to all the things. But no, theres a lot of augmentation, always, through the film. I think probably almost every shot you could point to something and go, ok, well, that photograph has been inserted in that frame, and that sky has been changed there, or that bridge didnt exist, you know. And theres a lot of that stuff, all very understated. Howling. Ow. Thank you, mr brown. And thats it from the short cut of click from the childrens global media summit. Did you enjoy it, dm . Yes, me too. And theres more on the full length version, which you can see on iplayer, now. Dont forget we live on twitter every day, every week. Thanks for watching, and we will see you soon. This is bbc breakfast. Weather warnings as heavy snow hits the uk. Up warnings as heavy snow hits the uk. Up to 20 centimetres are expected in some places, flights have already been suspended at Birmingham Airport. This is the scene in north wales at the moment. Good morning, today you want to keep across the weather for christ. We have disrupted snow in the forecast thatis have disrupted snow in the forecast that is staying in places. Weather forecast

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