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Of the actors show work Shashi Kapoor. The veteran indian actor Shashi Kapoor has died in hospital in mumbai at the age of 79. One of indias greatest acting families, he appeared in more than 150 films, including a dozen in english. He starred in some of the biggest hollywood blockbusters of the 1970s and 80s. Biggest hollywood blockbusters of the 19705 and 805. Many viewers noticed and complained on social media, and the programmes editor paul Royal College on twitter shortly after. Apologised on twitter. And on the following night, on the news at ten, the word is apologised and yen over photographs of Shashi Kapoor huw edwards apologised. They confirmed that mistakes were due to human error at. Last night we showed the wrong images, which we apologised. The actor appeared in more than 150 films, including another of english language productions. Shashi kapoor won numerous acting prizes during his long career, as well as one of indias highest civilian award. Well, the bbc said sorry. Was that good enough . Many viewers got in touch to question how such a mistake could be made. Nadia hussain e mail. And art patel was not impressed either. A lot of people who watch bollywood movies, its part of that cultural history, identity, they would find this very upsetting. Its not very nice to show another actor who is also a very big part of many peoples identity and culture to be in the opening clip as opposed to the person who passed away, Shashi Kapoor. Shashi kapoor is completely different, for the bbc not to do this distinction right from the off is very inconsiderate. The newspaper review on the Andrew Marr Show got rather heated last sunday, leading some viewers to question whether andrew marr had control over the panel. Ukips former leader nigel farage, a former labour adviser and kate andrews from the institute of Economic Affairs were on the sofa. The freeze, take back control, take back control and give it to the irish, you know, we are in such a. Well, thats why were going to talk about, we have to stand up 0k guys, guys brexit is failing because of the government. Its an absolute waste of time graham lees email to say. And Monte Hellman called in. Andrew marr was unable to control them. As a licence payer, somebody who just wants information and to learn something from these people, this contributes nothing. Now, the term fake news may have first been popularised by donald trump geraint his president ial election campaign, but its become a major concern, not just because politicians throw it at journalism they dont like, but also because of the evidence of fake stories created and spread, especially through social media platforms, noticeably in the run up to the us election. How easy is it just got fake news . There has been rapid change in how young people consume news, and the bbc has started a scheme to help secondary School Pupils identify it. The bbcs editor and roll rajan spoke at six formers in kent. How do you consume news everyday . Ill be honest, mainly through snapchat. Put your hand up if you are an snapchat. To gauge the news literacy, we showed the pupils an image that was shed thousands of time on social media. It depicts a muslim woman pictured after the Westminster Bridge terror attacks, yeah, she seems like shes not caring. But this was fake news. The image was attached to it wit from an account linked to russia, and our pupils did detect anti muslim prejudice. And our pupils did detect anti muslim prejudicelj and our pupils did detect antimuslim prejudice. I think if she was of a different race this treat would never have been put out. Its really rob that people feel the need to do that. From march, up to 1000 schools will be offered meant to ring in class, online or at events by bbcjournalists, including the likes of huw edwards and the bbcs economic editor kamal ahmed, and hejoins bbcs economic editor kamal ahmed, and he joins us bbcs economic editor kamal ahmed, and hejoins us now. Have you ever been caught out by fake news . dont think so, no. Obviously we do oui dont think so, no. Obviously we do our best to make sure that were not. I was once almost caught out. A mark carney twitter feed started, whos the governor of the bank of england, and i must admit, for a moment i thought, my goodness, the governor of the bank of england is going to start tweeting. That was the only time i thought to myself, check yourself, kamal is that really believable . I think when youre thinking about fake news, that is probably the first thing to do. Is what youre seeing really believable . And as soon as youve checked, is mark carney going to be on twitter anywhere else, everyone was saying, well, of course, the governor of the bank of england can do that. Cannot do that. So i think its thinking about, whats the source of the story, does it look believable, is it being reported anywhere else . And i suppose the responsibility is on us as the bbc to help people navigate this new world of news that they live in. Well, lets talk about that, because people might say, why does the bbc feel it needs to do anything about this . I think we do have a role, if the bbcs role, its mission, is to educate, inform and entertain, educate is part of what we do, and i think its an important part of the conversation. And also i think, samira, for us, we need to listen as well. We need to listen to young people. Amol rajans piece there was very interesting, what people felt about some of the news information they were being given. So its a learning exercise for us as well. Lets look at a couple of the things you mentioned there. We saw amol going into schools, as you said, what actually are people like him and you doing when you do go into them . Well, im going back to my old school in the new year in london. I think what i would love to do, and i think this is what the bbc is planning, is just go through some of those stories and talk to the young people, the sixth formers and others, about what they think about the News Coverage and how it works. And do they think about, is it fake news . Is a deliberately misleading piece of information . And how can you check whether it is . Its very clear that young audiences, particularly in their teens and early 20s, they dont consume traditional curated tv news bulletins like we all used to. Do bbc editors understand their world enough . The bbc certainly does. I would not claim myself that we should say, we understand the world that young people live in. But certainly we have all sorts of content on facebook and on twitter, on instagram, we have a piece of our of our organisation called news labs, which looks at how news is shared and different ways on mobile. Newsbeat and newsround, they are on lots of these social media outlets. In terms of who you send out to spread that message, if you dont mind me saying so, apart from tina hayley, who has worked on radio one, one might think youre not actually of that generation. You know, who would be the right people to be sending, and is it people like you . Well, i think its young people, but i think its about showing that the bbc takes it seriously at whatever level of its organisation you happen to be and whatever age you are. Im certainly no celebrity, and i wouldnt claim that i am, but i think i work at the front line for the bbc in economics, which lots of young people talk about and are very interested in intergenerational unfairness, inequality, those type of issues are issues that i cover. And i think if i can help people navigate that and also listen to that, i think that is of advantage, i hope, to them, and it certainly will be to us. Kamal ahmed, thank you. The tone of brexit coverage is a regular issue with newswatch viewers. This week, brea kfast with newswatch viewers. This week, breakfast presenter Charlie Stayts interview with transport secretary Chris Grayling about brexit negotiations came in for criticism by several viewers who thought it was hostile. Im not sure what your role was today in being sent out and doing media interviews, i know you are doing the rounds today, this is how this works, but was yourjob to reassure people that everything is going well and everything is in hand, because im not sure that you have done that . My job is to say to people, we are in the middle of a negotiation, its a complex negotiation, its a complex negotiation, negotiations have their ups and downs, we are confident that we will move. Dogra Charlie Stayt conducted the most appalling interview with the trance but secretary dogra Chris Grayling, he was rude and arrogant and often aggressive. Surely Charlie Stayt does not expect the government to reveal their strategy on live tv for the world to c, yet he continuously pressed mr grayling over and over again, becoming increasingly rude and offering his own sarcastic responses when he didnt get the answers that he was looking for. Im surprised that mr grayling did not storm of the set. I would like to think that bbc reporters can show some respect that guests, unfortunately it is becoming clear that this is not the case. Christine keeler, embroiled in the 1960 the profumo scandal which was a young woman, died this week aged 75. The then teenager was the centre of the news media frenzy over her brief relationship with a government minister, john profumo, which shut Harold Macmillans government. Jack wheeler tweeted his discomfort with the language used to describe her on news obituaries. And thats all from us. Thank you for all your comments this week. If you would like to share all your opinions on bbc news, current affairs, or even appear on the programme, you can call us or e mail newswatch bbc. Co. Uk. You can find us on twitter, and do have a look at our website. Thats all from us. We will be back to hear your thoughts about bbc News Coverage again next week. Goodbye. More snow on the way tonight for some parts of the country through saturday, and then a significant snow threat across central parts of the uk on sunday. Lets have a look at the here and now. These are the snow showers falling in these particular streaks. You can see they are coming in from the north west, moving ina are coming in from the north west, moving in a south easterly direction. Some areas seeing snow shower after snow shower. Others having nothing but sunshine. The snow has been very hit and miss across the country. Some of us have had ten centimetres, others have nothing. Through tonight, the wintry showers continue across wales, parts of northern ireland, the north of they are still very windy in the northern isles, for many of us it is a clear and cold night, temperatures dipping 2 5 in some rural areas. Tomorrow, there will be fewer snow showers. However, areas that havent had snow yet may get fresh snow on saturday. Liverpool, manchester, we could see some slow showers falling. Also north and scotland will continue the wintry weather. For many of us, it is a sunny, cold day. Sunshine is good, i guess. Through the cause of saturday night, look what happens. A lot of cold air across the uk, a fresh weather front comes across the atlantic, initially rain, and then snow forms across ireland, northern ireland, wales, the midlands, and ample warning from the midlands, and ample warning from the wet office for disruptive snow. This is sometime around sunday morning. Many of us will be waking up morning. Many of us will be waking up sunday morning to find a fresh layer of snow. There could be quite a bit of it across wales, the midlands, into east anglia. By the time we get to about sunday afternoon, that snow starts to fizzle away. In the south, its going to be too mild for the snow. In fact, there will be gales in the south on sunday. Then as we go through sunday night into monday, a lot of weather is happening. Low pressure lot of weather is happening. Low pressure spins in, it could be a storm impact in france. On the northern periphery of the storm, the storm is down here, there could the again fresh snow across southern parts of the uk. By the time we get to choose the, the weather will calm down at least for now. Thats the latest. This is bbc news. The headlines at eight brexit negotiations are set to move onto the next stage, after both sides reach a last minute deal on the terms britain will leave the eu. Getting to this point has required give and take on both sides, and i believe thejoint report being published is in the best interests of the whole of the uk. I believe we have now made the breakthrough we needed. Todays result is, of course, a compromise. A key element of the agreement is that there wont be a hard border in ireland, and its thought britains divorce bill will be between £35 billion and £40 billion. Also in the next hour, unrest in the middle east

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