Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsnight 20171207

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Expected this, had we . Suddenly reuters started talking about. Well, a month ago, i was told by people that this friday was the unofficial deadline because after this friday it is very difficult to make substantive changes to European Council draft conclusions. Progress has been made today. I am told it has been a decent day in comparison to yesterday which was described as a holding pattern. So the Prime Minister has talking to the taoiseach, leo varadkar, and discussions have taken place through the normal channels and i am told it is not impossible that the Prime Minister could make an Early Morning visit to brussels tomorrow morning to stand alongside the president of the European Council, donald tusk, because of course he is in the Decision Making and it is up to the European Council to decide if we move onto the next stage. The message is that we are making progress but were not quite there. Talks are continuing through the night and for the Prime Minister, the most crucial talk shes got to have tonight is with arlene foster, dup leader. What is conspicuous, this has all come out, i havent heard anything about how they have resolved this. Any indication of what they have done . I think what we are looking at is leo varadkar was very clear that the wording that was there on monday has to but you can have additional wording and what that has got to do for the dup is make absolutely clear that Northern Ireland is fully and completely integrated with the rest of the united kingdom. Now, their strategy this week, because we have mps talking about how it is a toxic document, they want to make a Prime Minister sweat. I have been speaking to dup sources. They say were not there yet, talking about how they are moving slowly, surely, carefully but crucially confidently and interestingly talk of donald tusk speaking tomorrow morning has put a shot in the arm because they say they like positive momentum. I dare say it will be on our programme tomorrow evening but stay there because you are helping with the next item well. Gavin williamson is not the best known cabinet minster he only moved into hisjob as defence secretary five weeks ago. Here he is a remainer, the most striking thing about his appointment was just how unpopular it appeared to be among many of his colleagues, who felt he was promoted too far too young. So he has a lot to prove. And its thus, perhaps, no surprise hes been trying to prove himself. This week, he vowed to save two heroic army dogs from being put down. And today, he was in the daily mail, pledging to be tough on british jihadists returning from fighting with so called Islamic State. He implied that britain would search out and kill the fighters. Populist stuff. But what did he mean . Often theres less to these kinds of pronouncements than meets the eye. Did he mean that we should break the law and shoot to kill . Or was he was just trying to sound tough while making no change in policy at all . Certainly, there was a hint of backtracking in later tv interviews; with a stress on continuity. Whether its with daesh, alqaeda, operating in foreign fields, we need to deal with that, we are dealing with that. We have been over the last few years continually tackling the terrorist threat. Well continue to do that going forward. So has mr williamson said something significant, and is there more we should be doing to stop or even kill british fighters abroad . We did ask him onto the programme but he was not available. But with the politics of this, nick watt, our Political Editor is still with me. What did you make of that daily mail interview . Well, i spoke to one senior mod source who said there was shot in the mod when they saw these comments this morning. One said to me that this sounded like shoot to kill which is taking yourself outside of the law. They said to me that when you are an International Rules based country you dont get down to the same level as the terrorists. There was real anger and concern at what was being said and some criticism of Gavin Williamson, a new defence secretary, clearly has leadership ambitions, and he is clearly burnishing them. Interestingly in downing street they dont seem too concerned. I think Gavin Williamson was talking about targeting terrorists in the theatre of war where the uk is involved in air strikes and they are saying when it is the theatre of war the rules are less stringent than when David Cameron had to give very stringent rules to air strikes, particularly in 2015. Lets dwell on that a little. Newsnight understands that back in the 2000s, when ukl forces were active in Helmand Province in afghanistan, and it would have been helpful to make drone strikes in pakistan at the time, but the advice was that that was not lawful. So lets get a legal take now from the human rights lawyer, fahad ansari. Good evening. What is the difference between a drone strike aiming to kill somebody that is legal and one that is illegal . We live in a democracy with a rule of law and we do not have the Death Penalty in this country. Everybody, no matter what the allegation against them, is entitled to a fair trial. Now that context, for any action to take place, whether it is by ed drone, an air strike, what ever it is, it is unlawful because you was a merrily executing someone. Summarily executing someone. Yes, but we know not every drone strike out in syria is unlawful. It all depends on whether the uk is involved in Armed Conflict in syria. Lets assume that de facto we are. We are allowed to drone strike people in syria because it is a theatre of war . N ot exa ctly. The threat has to be imminent. Even if you are engaged in war, if syria and the uk are at war, who are you at war with . On Whose Authority are you flying your aeroplanes into syria . I dont want to get into the legality of the syria action at the moment. You mentioned syria. Because that is where our strikes have been. If you are in the theatre of war, you can drone strike in the theatre of war . When you drop this drone, how can you guarantee it wont kill someone else in the vicinity . Ill give you an example, a british citizen was killed in an american drone strike a few months ago. Sallyjones. Do you know who was killed with her . Her 12 year old son. What was his crime . But you are not going to argue that all drone strikes are illegal . Unfortunately, the way the defence secretary has pitched this, he didnt specify the theatre of war, he didnt specify who he was targeting. Hejust said a dead terrorist couldnt argue. He does he define as a terrorist . Assumedly he is talking about is at the moment. The reality is that the british and has already executed two of its citizens within syria. We will hear more about that now. Fahad, thank you. So, how big is the problem with so called is fighters trying to return to the uk and how are they being dealt with . Heres mike thomson. The first britishjihadi in syria to be hunted down, in this case by an raf drone was reyaad khan. The next to die was june eight hussein. The next to die was the man known asjihadijohn, hit by another drone strike. And in october this year, Sally Ann Jones was reportedly killed by yet another drone strike, reportedly with her 12 year old son. Those targeted were in a war zone and considered a threat to the uk but according to russia, all foreign fighters have now fled. The territory of syria has been completely liberated from fighters of this terrorist organisation. But could 40,000 would be jihadists from more than 100 countries really have vanished so quickly . Whatever the case, some have little sympathy for those targeted up until now. British courts have tended latterly to take the bee that anybody who goes overseas and receives military training from a group like alqaeda or Islamic State is, by definition, guilty of terrorism. Well, those who are engaged in combat operations are, i think, legitimately vulnerable to military attacks and we have seen cases where that has happened. In some cases, targeted attacks where the individual concerned is deemed to present a clear and present danger to the united kingdom. This makes difficult listening for the parents of. Easing was klum convert that mackie is that it convert. They insisted he was never a member of the terrorist group. He is now a captive of kurdish fighters after leaving work earlier this year. In my personal case, obviously my own son, is he on this list . Is Gavin Williams hunting down, is he going to order sas squads to hunt down and kill my only son . I would like him to have a trial. I would like him to stand up and account for what he has done and to be grilled and any evidence there is against him should be brought up and if he has done anything wrong, he should pay the price, but not to be killed by an assassin, which sounds like what he is advocating. Defence secretary Gavin Williamson has not said people would be targeted outside of syria and iraq but the assertion that a dead terrorist cant cause any harm makes some fear that this could be possible. Jacks father is one. Are they going to be hunting down thejihadi s who have returned to the uk . Well they hunt down people in leicester, manchester and birmingham, because they say their 400 returned. Are they going to liquidate them as well . Given that many britons lost or destroyed their passports when they were there, proving they were even there, never mind if they were jihadi is, will not be easy. Richard walton was the head of the met polices Counter Terrorism command from 2011 to 2015 and hes here with me now. Do you think Gavin Williamson changed policy this morning, or was he kind ofjust sounding like he changed policy . It certainly sounds it. He certainly sounded more balanced today and with hindsight, looking back. Afterwards . Yes, and more balanced than he was yesterday. The point is you must never give the impression or imply that killing terrorists is a first result. That is not the strategy of the British Government. We fight terrorism through the rule of law, whether thats through international law, in the context of war, or outside that zone. And is there agreement on that . Are there some who feel the law just get in the way, is it human rights nonsense, or has everybody signed up to the idea and has to stick to it . Everyone has signed up and has been for many decades. Its something the british system has learnt over decades, painfully sometimes through failures in the past. If you look in the last four years, there have been 22 disrupted plots against terrorists in the uk. Disrupted through evidence collated and convictions achieved. The way to defeat terrorism, as declared by the governments strategy, is through the rule of law. When he said, we should do everything we can to destroy and eliminate that threat, it sounds quite tough. As such, is it . No, its just the language. Everything we can means everything in the law . Sure and its the impression given with words like eliminate. That is the problem. That is perhaps with hindsight where he is likely moderating his position. So your position is that he was sort of showing off and playing to the crowd, rather than advocating illegality . I think his words yesterday were slightly imbalanced. Hes speaking as the secretary of state for defence and not the home secretary or foreign secretary might have a different view. Ok, what is the right policy . I mean, were not going to be able to kill everybody out there, theyre not going to be in a theatre of war. Its not legal, we cant do it, what is correct . We have a strategy that is envied around the world. We are renowned for convicting terrorists and have convicted hundreds in the uk. And many returning from war zones. The best case in recent times is a man fighting in raqqa and he came back into the country and was identified and convicted with evidence from his phones and the postings on facebook. So it can be done through the rule of law and thats our objective. The objective of the strategy is to convict terrorists. And that is the way to improve confidence in the public. We do not lower ourselves to the level of the terrorist. Max hill, the government official, a qc and independent review of terrorist legislation, he has taken a softer sounding line and says sometimes you have to make allowances for the young and naive. I think he feels there is redemption for some of those who went out there, who were utterly brainwashed and misguided. I think he said, we need to provide space to divert those returning away from the criminaljustice system. On that point, i dont agree. I believe we should pursue those we have evidence against for those for terrorist offences and it should be pursued through the court. It is for a judge to decide about leniency or sentencing and not for the police and intelligence agencies, whose job it is to gather intelligence and evidence and convicted terrorist through the rule of law. So you would put them all through the courts first and then if a judge feels there is hope of redemption. This is not possession of cannabis, it is terrorist offences. And actually i do not distinguish between the more serious offences and the lesser offences, as the qc would say, within the terrorism legislation portfolio. So i dont believe there is discretion to say we should divert, if there is evidence of offences they should be prosecuted and convicted. There is plenty of time to be rehabilitated in Young Offenders institutes or in prisons and there after and have Energy Energy into that. But we should not exercise discretion if there is evidence of offences, we should prosecute. That is the position of the British Government and the strategy of the British Government in terms of fighting terrorism and we pursued it for many years. It is sensible and we should continue pursuing it. Thanks very much indeed. For people working in tv, the phrase regional opt out is how you refer to the bit where the local news comes on, after the national bulletin. But maybe it has a brexit connotation too. For example, the fishing industry has asked for the humber ports to have a special free trade status. Weve seen Nicola Sturgeon suggest scotland should have a national opt out from any hard uk brexit. The mayor of london wants something similar, and has already toyed with the suggestion of a special london immigration policy. Can this work . Can we have a pick and choose brexit, treating different parts of the uk differently . Well, as the big diplomacy continues, our Business Editor helen thomas has been in newquay in cornwall. It has particular worries about how its farms may be affected by restrictions on migration and wants a special deal. As the uk prepares to put clear water between us and the eu, what should come next . The end of Free Movement means the end of easy access to european workers. Could that leave some parts of the country feeling rather empty . It may look quiet but, actually, cornwalls economy relies on Migrant Workers year round in big sectors like food and tourism and in care. Then theres the seasonal workforce. The vast majority of workers on fruit and flower farms round here come from the eu. Its why the countys asking for special regional concession. We think that cornwall knows cornwall best. But certainly, in this area, cornwalls Traditional Industries could be devastated at the stroke of a pen if we dont get the right sort of deal coming out of brexit. And thats my real fear. The Headland Hotel opened for business in 1900. Its played host to royalty, the raf in world war ii, and now to some of the four million visitors to cornwall each year. About 40 of its staff come from the eu, but finding them and holding onto them is getting harder. Often, our teams have friends and have family that would like to come over and improve their lives really. They almost recruit each other. But we have, in the last sort of three or four months, seen very much a downturn in that. 0r weve seen what would be eu staff go home, instead of itjust being for christmas orjust being for a family occasion, a wedding. Theyve just decided not to come back. Serving up local produce is a source of cornish pride. Food, agriculture and fisheries account for about a third of the countys employment. Other countries, like canada, use regional visas to help attract workers to less populated places. A similar system here is something that could prove more flexible and tailored than the alternatives. Were saying a place based scheme recognising either cornwall or the south west as a whole would be a far better way than doing it, than trying to do it sector by sector. I think it gets very difficult if you try and pigeonhole Different Industries into areas and into perhaps months of the year, and it just simply doesnt work like that. Get one crop out of them, then throw the whole lot away. Jeremy best owns this strawberry farm. In summer, workers from the Czech Republic pick fruit here, some returning year after year. The uk doesnt have a visa scheme for unskilled workers, and its a description he objects to. You try and do the hand eye coordination to pick several kilos per minute, you know. Literally going very, very hard at it. You try and do that for nine hours a day. Thats called motivation and thats a skill. The other side of it is, these people get on an aeroplane to come here, so they want to come here. In other words, i really dont want a group of people working for me who dont want to work here. Over the nation, there are about 85,000 people coming from other eu countries to work here. Are we are going to find those 85,000 people from the local population, from other parts of britain, when weve only got 4 unemployment . I dont think so. Of course, cornwall isnt alone in wanting a home grown deal. London and scotland both want to take control of their own visa system. And places like the north east are also considering if thresholds and definitions set in westminster will really fit their local economy. To get a skilled worker visa currently requires a salary of about £30,000. The average salary in cornwall is 17,500. Cornish hospitality, cornish strawberries, cornish cream. Smaller businesses are less likely to employ overseas workers, and some like to be local. I think weve always had plenty of people to work. Erm, foreign people coming in. Weve had two girls at one time with us. They were marvellous. But weve got marvellous staff in the kitchen now and theyre all local. So i dont see a problem at all. No, theyre very hard working, conscientious. And they really enjoy it. Others do think cornwalls economy has particular needs, but would prefer a different solution one drawn up 230 miles away, in westminster. I would prefer to see some sector deals done that are national, but very specific to the different sectors of our economy. I think we can make cornwalls case within that. And the minute we start breaking the country up and every different region wanting its own bespoke scheme on immigration, i think it will become far too complex and then potentially more open to abuse. Cornwall voted to leave the eu but, leave or remain, everyone still wants a system that works. I think we have an urban based government, were a very rural county, and i dont think the two match up very well. So maybe we will be put on the backwater a little bit and the mp5 will only see us two weeks a year when they go to rock on their summer holiday. The trouble is, every sector, every region thinks it has a special case. Talks in brussels arent the only complex negotiations ahead. Helen thomas. Tomorrow, the parliamentary and Health Service ombudsman will publish a report into the treatment at the hands of the nhs of a 19 year old woman back in 2012. Averil hart was suffering from anorexia and was very underweight. She had spent almost a year as an in patient in an eating disorders unit, but had been discharged, as she was about to go to college. And then, five years ago today, she collapsed in her room at university, just as she was due to undergo a medical review. She died eight days later. Herfather, nic, tonight told us about his daughter. Well, averil was an amazing daughter. Wonderful person to be around. She was really outgoing. Erm, loved sports, but loved literature. And, erm, just a good, fun girl to have in the family. And, as parents, we were incredibly proud of her and loved her to bits. Nic ward there. He levelled a complaint against four different nhs organisations, for the way they had cared or treated for averil right to the very end of her life, and tomorrows report is the result. Its expected to find that all those organisations did fail her in some way and that her death was avoidable. And that adult eating disorders should be treated as thoroughly as adolescent problems are. Im joined by the author and Mental Health campaigner hope virgo, graduate lucy pearce, and joanna silver lead therapist for eating disorders at nightingale hospital. Good evening. Joanne, just explain what anorexia is. Anorexia is a Mental Health illness and patients with anorexia will restrict their eating and maintain a lower than normal weight. So it has a physical manifestation, but it should entirely be seen as a Mental Health problem . Absolutely, while on the surface anorexia looks about food, it is a way of expressing or avoiding feelings. It is a very serious illness that can have very serious fracture. How common is it in a different age groups, what is the difference between adult incidences and teenage or younger . It is primarily found within teenagers and younger adults. But it is much more common in adults and even older adults than perhaps one realises. You have both been dealing with or have dealt with this. Tell us a little about your experience. Lucy, youll started before you were a teenager. I started suffering from anorexia when i was about 11. It was not diagnosed or dealt with until 13. And then i received some treatment until about 15, 16. But treatment is trailed off and was never really followed up and was not as helpful as i found it could have been and i recovered when i was about 19. It was really your entire teenage years absorbed with that. How about you . I developed it when i was around 13 and i live with it until 17. I hid it from friends, family, everyone. You hid it for that time . I dont think people really understood anorexia when i was younger. You must have been losing weight, did people say you are looking too thin . People notice my body weight but i got good at hiding it and i would cause scenes at family meal times, anything to avoid eating. When i was 17, i was admitted to a Mental Health hospital because my heart nearly stopped, so then i spent a year getting intensive. In patient. You have had an experience of it as an adult, because you are in your 20s now . Yes, about a year and a half ago i relapsed again. My grandma passed away and i found it difficult to deal with the grief and the emotion that came with it and my way of coping with it, for some reason i went back to that anorexia but the most frustrating thing was that i knew what was happening and i knew that i could get really sick again and it would be easy to but i didnt want to. So i referred myself to the Mental Health hospital where i live in wandsworth but i wasnt under way so i got sent away and had to kind of deal with it on my own. And the adult experience, apart from the treatment which we will come to, the feeling of anorexia as a young adult, the same as a teenager or does it manifest in a different way at all . I think its similar. I think what i found frustrating for me is when people look at anorexics, they assume they will be really, really skinny, bony, but you can have an eating disorder and not be really underweight. You have that anorexic mindset and that isjust as dangerous for you as being really skinny. Lucy, can you do anything to explain to people, because most people are not anorexic, so its very difficult to explain what the mindset is. Is it possible to describe . I guess it would be the same kind of thing, almost trying to control your emotions through the way you eat. For me, it was very much controlling my life through controlling my food, when i couldnt control anything else around me. You get into a strict mindset where you think about yourself and its completely different to how everybody else views you and what everybody else sees but you dont really be that. Its also about lying to people about it, keeping it hidden from other people and you almost keep it hidden from yourself as well without realising, i think, because you dont admit it to yourself. Joanna, why do we think, clearly a lot of teenagers recover from it in adulthood. What is difference between those who have it in teenager had and those who outgrow it, for want of a better phrase . I think something important to emphasise his Early Intervention. Someone with an eating disorder for a long time and become harder to treat as the disease becomes more entrenched. I think Early Intervention is really important and also openness. People who have had support, people asking them how they are doing. Not just. Obviously weight is vital to focus on and we must think about the risk, but it cantjust be about their weight, it must be about what is going on for this person at this moment in time. So support can be the difference between recovering earlier and it carrying on. Hope, your experience of adult treatment wasnt particularly. It was appalling. But was it worse, is it appalling for teenagers as well or would you say it deteriorates . I think it deteriorates as you are an adult. I think theres potentially less money going into it and people dont understand it as much. I think often with eating disorders people think its a phase you go through and that you should just eat and its not as easy as that. As an adult, i think people dont have as much time for you if you have an eating disorder. They know teenagers go through things and they expect you to sort it out as an adult . What is the therapy that works, particularly for adults . In terms of therapy, the therapy we tend to use is cognitive behaviour therapy for eating disorders. That would be looking at a persons relationship with food and also what might be underlying the eating disorder. Also, looking at the family can be very important and there is more and more, at the moment, about involving carers in treatment and thinking about how carers can be supportive and helpful in helping the sufferer recover. All of you, we have this report coming out tomorrow which appears to show the adult treatment is not good enough and not on a par with adolescent treatment. What does the nhs need to do to change . Is itjust a case of more people . Doctors who have more experience . What would you change, lucy . I really think its the way people approach it and think about it. I would have a different way of people understanding it. I found with my experience, they didnt really seem to know what you are going through or how to help you or how to approach you. I think it would be really helpful to have specific clinics almost that are more experienced in these things. Yes, i think gps may be need to be looking for it a bit more. Eating disorders can be very secretive. There is a lot of shame about having an eating disorder. Someone might come to a gp with physical symptoms, complaining of stomach pains and it may actually be that an eating disorder is going on. I think gps need to be on it, Early Intervention, referring when necessary. I was going to say, also, when people leave treatment at 18, there is a bit of a dip. I didnt get support when i left hospital and i had been promised it as an outpatient in Adult Services and there needs to be something going on. A seamless transition. Thank you all for sharing your stories. For details of organisations which offer advice and support with eating disorders, go online to bbc. Co. Uk actionline. The eu may have told britain that it is no longer eligible to have a European Capital of culture after brexit, but we can still have our own uk city of culture and, tonight, the 2021 city was announced. Hull enjoys the title at the moment, but on the one show this evening, we heard who shall be taking over. And the winner is. Coventry applause and cheering four other cities were in the running, so commiserations to swansea, stoke upon trent, sunderland and paisley which i think is, strictly speaking, a town. But lets not focus on the runners up. Pauline black, author and lead singer of the band the selector backed her citys bid. Do you think this is a big night for coventry . It is a superb night for coventry. I was there in 2015, talking to people really early on and David Burbage was one of the people at the forefront of getting this whole thing together and tonight to be at the Belgrade Theatre here in coventry and just, you know, that wonderful role when it came up that we had won the bid was tremendous. Is everybody in coventry on board or is it a small clique of those who have applied . How big a deal is this for the normal person . Well, it is very cold at the moment here in coventry. I am down by the cathedral and its pretty deserted at the moment. But definitely people have been out celebrating in pubs and places, out on the street, and just generally everyone turns up and congratulate each other and things like this. So i think its something which will grow. Theres always an element of people who are quite suspicious about these things, they think, whats it going to default me . But i think this is something everybody can get on board with. Ive been to hold quite recently and seen what happened there and i think something very, very similar can happen in coventry. There are so many good things that happen in coventry anyway, quite apart from anything else. Give us an example. We have one of the largest free family festivals with huge bounce coming here every year, the godiva festival, for one thing. Across the city, always, there is so much diversity here. People getting involved in other peoples cultures, things like this. Thats what its all about. Its notjust the uk city of culture these days, i consider it the uk city of multiculturalism and coventry is the bearer of that sign. I suppose in cultural terms, what is this about . Taking a city that has great culture and rewarding mat or trying to promote culture in a city that needs more . Does coventry need more culture . Is that what is about . No, i think its about promoting what we do have two the rest of the country and the rest of the world. Its something which is intrinsic to coventry but people dont know about it. This old adage of being sent to coventry. Now you can get sent to coventry and really feel you are going to be involved in something and people will see things. Pauline, talus what success feels like. Tell us. If this goes well, how will we know . What will it look like . I think we will know it has gone well when we have inward investment, that is certainly part of it, of businesses. Money coming into the city to fund other projects, young peoples projects in particular. That is what im the greatest fan of. And also the whole kind of history that coventry has of reinvention, of reconciliation, of peace, all of those kinds of things. I mean, iam standing infront of one of the greatest symbols coventry, i guess, the coventry cathedral, which was bombed during the Second World War and theres the old and they knew and if anything embodies coventry and the coventry spirit, i consider it to be that. You have sold it well. Pauline, good luck and congratulations. Thanks very much. Thank you very much. Earlier, i spoke to martin reeves, the chief executive of coventry city council. Thats about it from us, but before we go, weve just been talking about coventrys artistic and cultural legacy, now lets actually hear it. Heres coventrys the specials, with ghost town which coventry obviously now isnt this town, is coming like a ghost town all the clubs have been closed down this place, is coming like a ghost town bands wont play no more hello there. Our focus shifted from stormy winds to snow and ice across the uk as the air gets very much colder. That is in the wake of storm caroline. That brought gusts of around 90 mph. In the far north of scotla nd around 90 mph. In the far north of scotland big waves and travel disruption as well. That centre, thatis disruption as well. That centre, that is well in the cloud is the centre of the storm. Swell. That is moving away from scotland and into scandinavia. Behind that though we have seen the air getting colder and showers following on behind. A fair bit of snow already across Northern Ireland and the show is getting organised in north west england, some of those heading over the pennines as well. We will see some snow and ice through the night and into friday as well. You can keep up to date on bbc local radio in the morning. Most of the snow showers across northern and western scotla nd showers across northern and western scotland moving into the north west midlands. A wintry mix in the south west, perhaps. A cold night. It averages close to freezing. Near those showers, the threat of icy conditions as well. Let us go into the morning, for most of the day around five. It will be a frosty start. More snow to come in Northern Ireland. Strong winds will load those showers, mostly of snow, across north west england blow. Into wales and a mixture of rain, sleet, and snow. Most of the snow at the hills. For many eastern parts of england, as well as south east scotland, it will be a largely dry date and quite sunny. The showers making further inroads across the midlands. 5 ten centimetres, possibly more. It will be a cold day. Add on the strength of the wind and it will be windy still. The storm has gone but we have called strong winds and a significant wind chill. The frost is more widespread on saturday morning. Not as windy. A cold day on sunday. Not as heavy. Not as snowy, particularly across Northern Ireland can be wales wales and england. The weather system coming into the very cold air. Where it. We are not sure. The risk of snow across parts of Northern England and the midlands as well. Milder but windy weather in the far south west. For most of us on sunday it will be another cold day. Coming up next on the bbc news channel newsday looks at the latest International News and tomorrow morning join a Business Life for Global Business news at 8 30. Followed by breaking news in the Victoria Derbyshire programme. Im sharanjit leyl, in singapore. The headlines Palestinian Militants call for a new uprising, as the middle east makes sense of Donald Trumps recognition ofjerusalem as the capital of israel. The United Nations Security Council will hold an emergency meeting later on friday to discuss the biggest shift in Us Middle East policy in decades. Im kasia madera in london. Also in the programme same sex marriage becomes legal in australia. Lawmakers celebrate as they approve the change, brought on by a nationwide poll last month. And sex exploitation on the streets of london. The tragic story of a jobless taiwanese graduate comes to life on the big screen

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