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It has already prompted a heated reaction, with arab leaders warning there could be dangerous repercussions. Earlier, i spoke to the bbcs north america correspondent peter bowes, and asked him about the possible reasons behind the expected decision. Well, its not entirely sure why now. Certainly it was a Campaign Promise by mr trump to move the American Embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem. And perhaps some domestic politics is playing into this, in that he wants to be seen to be making good on those big Campaign Promises in his first year in office, where perhaps he might have failed on some other issues. But, to the wider issue, in terms of peace and the Peace Process in the region, why now . Its difficult to fully understand without hearing the details of what hes got to say in a few hours time. Certainly the white house and the Trump Administration has been working on a peace plan for the region for many months. We dont know the details. But whyjump in with this extremely contentious move . And it is extremely contentious. It will be certainly reversing us policy for the past several decades, if he were to go ahead and effectively acknowledge that jerusalem was the capital of israel. We mentioned there potential repercussions, potential violence. Certainly reaction already from leaders in the arab world. Yes, a lot of reaction, its got to be said negative reaction, in terms of the Peace Process going ahead, and especially the us role in that. This would appear to be suggesting that certainly mr trump has taken sides, and perhaps makes that negotiation rather more difficult in the future. But, when we hear reactions like the one from saudi arabias king salman, saying that it would constitute a flagrant provocation of muslims all over the world, or the palestinian leader, mahmoud abbas, saying that he warned of dangerous consequences that it would have to the Peace Process, peace, security, and stability to the region, and then theres King Abdullah ofjordan saying the decision would undermine efforts to resume the Peace Process, and provoke muslims. This reaction before we have actually heard the detail of what mr trump has got in mind. The International Olympic committee has announced that it is banning russia from competing in the 2018 winter olympics. Some russian athletes who can prove they are clean will be allowed to compete in south korea under a neutralflag. It follows an investigation into allegations of state sponsored doping at the 2014 games, hosted by russia in sochi. Andrew plant reports. The ski slopes of south korea, where some athletes have already been practising for the 2018 winter olympics. But it is now clear that one of the competitions most successful countries will not be here next year. It has taken almost four years, but now, a sporting superpower has paid the price for sabotaging its own olympics. Russia ruled at sochi in 2014, but behind the scenes, it was cheating on a scale never seen before. Now, after a 17 month investigation, the International Olympic committee has decided on an unprecedented punishment russia is banned. The report clearly lays out an unprecedented attack on the integrity of the Olympic Games and sport. As an athlete myself, im feeling very sorry for all the clean athletes, from all nocs, who are suffering from this manipulation. The scandal has seen a rewrite of sporting history. Russia topped the medal table in sochi, but after the retesting of samples, a host of athletes have been stripped of their medals. Russias cheating was exposed by the former head of russias anti doping lab, dr grigory rodchenkov, who alleged an elaborate, state sponsored conspiracy that benefited thousands of athletes across 30 sports. There is still a way for russian athletes to compete. If they can prove they are clean, they will be allowed to take part in next years games, but only as neutrals, and without a russian flag or National Anthem being played. Taking a country as powerful as russia and saying you cant compete is a significant penalty. It shows that russia, and other countries who break the rules in this kind of pervasive way, need to be held accountable. And so, from that perspective, i think it was a step that will help march us towards reform. Russian politicians have called the ban an insult. Last week, the countrys olympians unveiled their kit for the winter games. Now, they know they wont be wearing it. Clean athletes could still compete. But will president putin allow them to, or will he force a National Boycott . He is expected to give his reaction in public on wednesday. What is the reaction being from south korea . What is the reaction being from south korea . We what is the reaction being from south korea . We report from seoul. I think everyone knew that this was likely to happen, and so the authorities here, the Olympic Committee here in south korea, perhaps bracing itself for the inevitable. There was a statement this morning. Ahead of the committee called this the second best alternative, a reference to the fact is, of course, that russian athletes deemed to be clean will be allowed to compete independently. And he said he welcomed that decision. There was also a statement from his committee saying, we expect and respect the decisions of the ioc. We will work with them and all other releva nt sta keholders to will work with them and all other relevant stakeholders to ensure that athletes and officials attending are given the best possible experience. Clearly this is not good for the games, russia obviously a big, big olympic nation. And a country that will be bringing notjust a team but 20 of fans, and presumably also lots of tv viewers. So there will be a knock on effect on all of that. The head of the south korean Olympic Committee said he was not overly worried, in his words, about the impact on ticket sales. The organising committee would simply have to accept the decision. For ordinary South Koreans, perhaps one of the main disappointment for them will be possibly the loss of an opportunity to watch one of their favourite, favourite athletes, who was until 2011 a very successful south korean athletes, heres a short track speed skater. He then went and joint the russians in 2011, was extremely successful at the sochi games. We dont know whether he will be among the independent athletes coming to participate, but if he doesnt, then a lot of South Koreans will be disappointed at the loss of an opportunity, perhaps the last opportunity, to see one of their favourite sons. The bomber who attacked the manchester arena, killing 22 people, had been a subject of interest to the British Security services, and opportunities to stop him were missed. That is the conclusion of an official review. It says it is conceivable the attack by salman abedi could have been avoided. After the Manchester Bombing and three terror attacks in london this year, uk Counter Terror police and Security Services conducted their own reviews, as our security correspondent Gordon Corera reports. Four terror attacks in three months, with some of those responsible known to the authorities, raising questions as to whether they could have been prevented. Today, a review said that the bombing at manchester arena, which killed 22 in may, was the only one that might have been stopped. The bomber, salman abedi, had been known to the authorities in the past, but was not under active investigation. However, Data Analysis of 20,000 former suspects flagged him as one of a few dozen people for further investigation. But, nine days before a meeting about this, he carried out his attack. And in the months leading up to that, new intelligence came in, which, if assessed differently, might have made him a priority. In hindsight, its quite obvious that, having received that intelligence, m15 should have opened an investigation, and who knows what that investigation would have found. Fact is, they didnt interpret the intelligence that way. The opportunity was missed. 15 year old Olivia Campbell hardy was killed in manchester. Her grandfather today said he wasnt blaming the Security Services. Theyre going to do the best they can with the information theyve got and they gather, assess theirselves, assess the situation, make decisions, and act on it. And i will not fault anybody for doing theirjob. On the other attacks, in the case of london bridge, ringleader khuram butt was under active investigation, but there were no signs of what he was planning. In westminster bridge, Khalid Masood was a former subject of interest, but there were no warning signs. And, in finsbury park, there was no intelligence on the man charged. This years attacks were a shock to the Security Service m15, and todays report makes clear there do need to be some changes. There are 126 recommendations in all. Perhaps the most important that information from here needs to be shared more freely with local police and other partners. The home secretary responded today by saying that police would have the money they needed. We will shortly be announcing the budgets for policing for 2017 18, and i am clear that we must ensure Counter Terrorism policing has the resources needed to deal with the threats that we face. As well as these four attacks, nine more plots have been stopped in the last year, and officials warn the threat remains unprecedented. Gordon corera, bbc news. Stay with us on bbc news. Still to come the supermodel, the spy, and the sex scandal. Christine keeler has died at the age of 75. Its quite clear that the worst victims of this disaster are the poor People Living in the slums which have sprung up around the factory. I am feeling so helpless, that the childrens are dying in front of me and i cant do anything. Charles manson is the mystical leader of the hippy cult suspected of killing sharon tate and at least six other people in los angeles. At 11 00am this morning, just half a metre of rock separated britain from continental europe. It took the drills just a few moments to cut through the final obstacle. Then philippe cozette, a minerfrom calais, was shaking hands with and exchanging flags with robert fagg, his opposite number from dover. This is bbc news. The latest headlines leaders across the middle east warn President Trump that moving the us embassy to jerusalem would seriously damage the Peace Process. And lets stay with our top story this hour. A short time ago i spoke to joyce karam. Shes the washington correspondent for al hayat, and i asked her what she made of the predictions of unrest in the middle east. Well, it is definitely an historic declaration from President Trump, expected today in washington. It is a big breakfrom previous administrations. But us officials have hinted that it could be very symbolic, in a sense. It will not affect the questions of sovereignty over the city or final status talks. And it will not affect the status of al aqsa mosque and the temple mount. It is a scene as a slap to the palestinians. Seen. Jerusalem holds a very special place in the arab narrative. It is revered by the palestinians. What is meant as a symbolic move by washington, fulfilling a Campaign Promise by donald trump, could be very disruptive on the ground. It could also deliver an early death blow to his peace plan. So we are awaiting what the us president will say tomorrow. And what this means for the Peace Process. At the same time, the move is not as intrusive as installing cameras at this time. The reaction that we could see, palestinian factions have called for three days of rage, it could be short lived and temporary. Do you think there is a risk it goes beyond that three days of rage, but this could be the beginning of a longer uprising . It will depend what the president will say tomorrow, what kind of language he will reassure the palestinians with. If this is seen as a big transformation of the situation injerusalem, yes, this might very well drag on and turn into an uprising. If assurances are given on the Peace Process to mr abbas and the palestinian authority, things could move on. Countries in the gulf, around the middle east, and in europe have warned against this move, but the us has meant it, the president has meant it as a good gesture to israel and is based in the United States to fulfil a very big Campaign Promise. Very quickly, very briefly, do you think he has damaged his relations with leaders in the arab world . I think the us arab relations are bigger than the issue we are seeing today. There are so many threats in the arab world. So many conflicts. Intelligence sharing between the us and its arab partners. While this might leave a very bitter taste among arab governments, they will have to find a way to move on and maintain the cooperation they have with the United States government. That was earlier on. A rebel stronghold in the suburbs of damascus has come under intense bombardment in recent weeks, as Syrian Government forces try to starve the rebels into submission, and those suffering include children. The bbc has obtained footage from residents in the suburb of Eastern Ghouta, and our middle east correspondent martin patience has sent this report, which includes some distressing images. Its a scene from hell, the aftermath of the latest airstrike. Children here cant outrun this war. Doctors patch up five year old yusuf as best they can, but theyre desperately short of medical supplies, and theres nothing they can do for trauma. The rebel stronghold of Eastern Ghouta has been bombed and besieged by the Syrian Government for years, leaving many families on the brink of starvation. Its lunchtime for nour and rassel, this is their first and only meal of the day, a piece of bread, made from barley, which is normally fed to donkeys. They dream of escaping their prison, Eastern Ghouta. Translation i wish i could have cookies, sweeties or any other delicious foods, and i wish someone could send me a pair of slippers and some new clothes and shoes. I really miss food, like chicken, cheese, tea and juice. In another home, two and a half year old hamza is suffering from severe malnutrition. He wears make shift nappies. Hamza was abandoned before being taken in by a neighbour. Oma mohammed says hes like one of her own children. Hamzas my son now, she says. Theres supposed to be a ceasefire in Eastern Ghouta, but the fighting is intensifying. For the people here, theres no respite from the war. Martin patience, bbc news, beirut. In southern california, firemen are trying to contain growing wildfires in ventura county, which have now spread over 115,000 acres. The fires have left at least one person dead, forced 27,000 people to evacuate, and destroyed more than 150 homes and businesses, including a psychiatric hospital. The bbcs james cook reports. This wildfire exploded overnight, trebling in size injust a few hours. Driven by parishioners santa ana winds. This has been the fate of scores of homes, devastation, with nothing to salvage. Families had just minutes to scramble their belongings together and flee. Well, obviously houses started burning early in the evening and they accelerated during the night. Hopefully the wind will die down and we will see it receed some. It has been tough. You said you were feeling for your neighbours. That is gerrys house. Good friends up the street lost their homes. I am so sad for them and happy for myself and those who have kept their homes. But it is awful. I want to thank the fire department. There is, though, little hope of the winds easing, they are dry, gusty, and erratic. The most dangerous conditions possible. We have extremely high winds. Very low relative humidity is and the fuel conditions out there are about as bad as they can be for fire to spread. We are very concerned about the wind popping up again today and pushing the fire again towards the west. Ventura is home to more than 100,000 people. With more than 1000 firefighters struggling to protect the city, a second blaze broke out. This fire is closer to la and millions woke to find the skies to the north thick with smoke. Helicopters have struggled to fly in the wind. This has been a rare sight in the past few hours, making it much harder to contain the fires. These firefighters have been working hard all night and into the day trying to save the houses. The battle was unsuccessful. The reason for that is the wind. It is still whipping around here with ferocity and it is driving this fire further down into the valley. With forecasters warning that the dangerous weather will continue for several days, the governor of california declared an emergency. And with a third fire now burning, the most devastating wildfire season on record in the state just got a lot worse. James cook, bbc news, los angeles. Three men have been charged with the murder of a maltese investigative journalist. She was known for her blog, accusing top politicians of corruption, was killed in october. The three men were arrested on monday and have pleaded not guilty. A british woman who found herself at the centre of one of the great political scandals of modern times has died at the age of 75. Christine keeler became famous for her involvement in the Profumo Affair in 1963 a scandal that rocked the british establishment when she had an affair with the government ministerjohn profumo and with a russian diplomat at the height of the cold war, as nick higham reports. It was the biggest scandal of the 1960s, and Christine Keeler was the woman at its centre model, party girl, mistress of powerful men. John profuma was the ministerfor war. He and christine had a brief affair. When challenged, he lied about it to the house of commons and was forced to resign. It didnt help that yevgeny ivanov, a kgb spy, had also been seeing keeler. The old establishment never recovered from the shock. The profuma affair spelt the end of Prime Minister Harold Macmillans government, but also the end of an era deference and respect in which had been discreetly swept under the carpet. It was one of the first occasions when politicians were held accountable for their private behaviour and their bedroom antics actually had ramifications in their political careers. Christine always claimed she was more prey than predator. I wish that at that time i had been older so that i would have been able to have answered or spoke up for myself. Shed left school at 15, her childhood home had been a pair of converted railway carriages. Shed a child at 17, and then lived with peter rachman, a notorious slum landlord. Later, a west indian boyfriend was charged with assaulting her and christine lied in court. She was jailed for perjury. I never felt bitter i think thats some press have said that. But ive never felt bitter, maybe they were hoping i was, but, no, not at all. I havent felt bitter. Im pleased that the truth can come out now. But she was often broke, a victim, many thought, of establishment hypocrisy and two marriages ended in divorce. Her son said shed earnt her place in british history, but at huge personal cost. Cricket now and play is under way on the final day of the second ashes test and englands hopes of pulling off an unexpected victory are in tatters. They started the day requiring another 178 runs, with six wickets remaining. However, chris woakes was out to just the second delivery of the day. And skipperjoe root fell soon after. And moeen ali has just gone too. Chasing 354 for victory, a few moments ago england chasing 354 for victory, a few moments ago england were 193 7. Frances biggest rock star Johnny Hallyday has died from lung cancer. French media says the news was confirmed by his wife. He was 74. The singer, real name Jean Philippe smet, sold about 100 million records and starred in a number of films. He was made a chevalier of the legion dhonneur by president Jacques Chirac in 1997 the highest honour for any french citizen, whether civilian or military. The french have simply called him ourjohnny. But outside the french speaking world, hallyday was almost unknown. You are watching bbc news. Hello. This is the point where this weeks weather begins to get considerably more dramatic. And this is the driver of the change, this curl of cloud on the satellite picture, a deep area of low pressure which has been named by the met office, storm caroline. Nothing will happen much on wednesday morning. Feeding in a lot of cloud and some mild air. Temperatures as we start the day, eight, nine, ten across the south west. Expect cloud. The odd patchy rain and drizzle that the 11 degrees for plymouth. Cardiff, similar. Across west wales, starting to turn quite breezy by this stage. The wind picking up in Northern Ireland and this area of wet weather will slide in from the west. Rain settling in across western scotland. Persistent rain in the high ground. Eastern scotland, starting the day dry. And it will be eastern areas that will have the best chance of any brightness through the day. Further west, a lot of cloud and strengthening south westerly winds. Gales in exposed spots in the west in the afternoon. Northern ireland and western scotland in particular, outbreaks of rain. A mild day wherever you are. That will not last. Wednesday night, the wind is strengthening in the west. Outbreaks of rain pushing in from the west as well, as storm caroline swings across the north of the british isles. Notice many isobars tight together. Strong winds with us for thursday. Across scotland, winds of 80 miles per hour, perhaps even stronger. Very strong winds elsewhere as well. Rain clearing away from the south east. Then brighter skies. And then some showers, which will begin to turn wintry over high ground in the north. Thats because things will be turning colder. As we move out of thursday into friday, this is a really wintry looking weather chart. The winds are whistling down from the arctic bringing cold air which will plunge right across the country. There will be some dry weather and sunshine at times. There will also be showers. Most of the showers will be snow showers. They could crop up just about anywhere. Most likely in the west, but also in the far north. And that snow will be right down to low levels. When you add on the strength of the wind, it will feel sub zero across many parts of the country. So, wet and windy weather with storm caroline. Then turning colder. And then we will see some snow showers and some ice. This is bbc news. The headlines white house Officials Say President Trump will recognise jerusalem as the capital of israel later. Mr trump is expected to spell out his plans to move the American Embassy in israel from tel aviv. Arab leaders have warned there could be dangerous repercussions. The International Olympic committee has announced that it is banning russia from competing in the 2018 winter olympics. It follows an investigation into allegations of state sponsored doping at the 2014 games, hosted by russia in sochi. The bomber who attacked the manchester arena, killing 22 people, had been a subject of interest to the British Security services, and opportunities to stop him were missed. That is the conclusion of an official review. It says it is conceivable the attack by salman abedi could have been avoided. Now on bbc news, hardtalk

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