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Detailed confession allegedly from the serial killer Levi Bellfield. Also in the next hour, Prince William wishes his brother and new fiancee all the best ahead of their wedding next spring. While on a trip to finland, the duke of cambridge said he was delighted for the couple but also himself. For me, personally, i hope it means he stays out of my fridge. From other scrounging he has done out of my fridge over the last few years. So it is pretty exciting. Good evening and welcome to bbc news. The government has offered to significantly increase the so called brexit divorce bill, the amount of money its willing to pay the European Union for our departure from it. Its understood the government is now prepared to pay up to 50 billion euros around £41; billion in an attempt to kick start talks on a future trade deal. Back in september, the Prime Minister had said the uk was prepared to pay 20 billion euros. Today, on a surprise visit to iraq, theresa may said the uk was still in negotiations with the eu but wanted to move soon to trade talks. Our Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg has more. There is no substitute for personal diplomacy. The Prime Minister, the first major leader to visit iraq since so called is were driven out of mosul. Thousands of miles away, dealings between westminster and brussels mean a broad offer to settle the uks accounts has been hypothetically agreed. We are still in negotiations with the European Union, and i am very clear that i want us to move together onto the next stage. Of course, we are working in the lead up to the december European Council. I want to see us able to move on to the trade talks and the security talks, but it means us moving together. Surely a bill of around a0 to 50 billion euros is too much for brexiteers, who promised we would get money back . After months of haggling, and handshakes, and, frankly, changes of heart, the cabinet is pretty much on board. The Prime Minister is going to go forward to the december European Council with a very fair offer. What we want to see is progress towards the second phase of the negotiation. We have been waiting for this for a long time, for this for a long time, 18 months or so. Now is the moment to get the whole ship off the rocks and move it forwards. The hope is that with more hypothetical cash on the table, talks about trade can start next month. Do you think the brexit divorce bill is too large . But nothing is final, so no minister will publicly give an official seal of approval. Nothing is agreed until everything is agreed about this whole package, but we accept that there are obligations that we have built up, and we will meet them, as the Prime Minister has said. Werent we told we would have plenty of money back if we voted to leave . It seems the eu has won the argument that the bill to settle our accounts runs into the tens of billions. Whether it be for long temperatures we have already signed up to all the pensions of brussels staff in years to come. In the bigger picture, around a0 billion spread over many years is not big bucks for the government. So the anger you might have expected in there didnt really explode. If we are going to negotiate the comprehensive new trade agreement with the European Union, which we need for future jobs and prosperity, we need to be seen as a country which can be trusted to comply with the deals we reach. So will my right honourable friend guarantee that there will be no legally binding commitment to spend money until our partners agree to a serious free trade deal . Would the minister agree such a move would be betraying the trust of the british people . She should not pay more than we owe, but she should be confident that, whatever it is, its a bargain against the cost of staying in. Do you welcome britains decision to pay more, mr barnier . We are still working. The eu chief negotiator was in no mood to declare that it is done. The final details of the bill will not be agreed for some time, and a deal to move onto the next phase of talks could still be scuppered by disagreement over the irish border or the european courts. We are still waiting for more from london, he said. We are not there yet. After months of european hard talk, and sticking together, britain has moved significantly towards their version of what we have to pay, the government finding little success perhaps in the brexit talks in trying to stay out on a limb. You saw the Prime Minister in laura kuennsbergs report. Well, theresa may has now arrived in saudi arabia, on the latest stage of her visit to the middle east. Theresa may says she will use the trip to express concerns about the humanitarian crisis in yemen. She says she will urge the saudi king and the crown prince to lift a blockade which has prevented the delivery of aid supplies. The United Nations estimates that 20 Million People in yemen are in need of help. But lets get more on brexit, and speak to our Political Correspondent ben wright at westminster. So, how far forward so, how farforward have so, how far forward have things so, how farforward have things move today, do you think . Well, we no for sure when the Prime Minister makes her next overseas trip, which will be on monday, when she has a date in the diary with Jean Claude Juncker at the European Commission in brussels. We think this will be a critical day in the brexit story, because we know that the eu have said a deadline for the beginning of decemberfor said a deadline for the beginning of december for the uk to said a deadline for the beginning of decemberfor the uk to prove substantial progress three core issues, how the border between Northern Ireland and the republic will work after brexit, the rights of eu citizens post brexit and of course the financial settlement, the brexit bill. We think that is when the eu negotiators will make their judgment about whether or not sufficient progress has been made for them to recommend the eu leaders in the middle of december that talks can progress to the future relationship and the beginning of trade discussions. So, an absolutely critical week coming up, and clearly what we are seeing around the brexit bill is an acceleration of britains attem pts bill is an acceleration of britains atte m pts to bill is an acceleration of britains attempts to get over that line, and to prove to the eu that they are serious about meeting their financial commitments, and that the money will be there. Given the apparent movement on that today, would you say that of those three issuesit would you say that of those three issues it is the irish border now that looks the hardest to resolve . Issues it is the irish border now that looks the hardest to resolve . |j think that looks the hardest to resolve . think thats right. It has felt like that had to three weeks. It had a lwa ys that had to three weeks. It had always been felt throughout this that money would the real problem. We expected a big political blowback here at westminster from eurosceptic leaves supporting tories who simply would not stomach the tens of billions of pounds that we are talking about today. As laura explained, though, that hasnt happened, and i think they see the long term gain as being far greater than the medium term pay out. They also think the uk will get a quick trade deal to compensate for that brexit bill pay out. Well see. It is still entirely possible that by the early middle of next year we are going to hear many more irritated voices from the backbenches than we are today, but you are right. The key Sticking Point now is the irish border. It is clear that the eu want farm or thanjust border. It is clear that the eu want farm or than just warm assurances, verbal guarantees, that there will bea verbal guarantees, that there will be a deal, since britain is leaving the Customs Union and the single market. And so far we dont think the eu have been satisfied by what they have heard so far. Well, tomorrow well be looking closely at one of the issues under the spotlight in the brexit negotiations the border between Northern Ireland and the republic of ireland. Our correspondents will be travelling the length of the border asking those who live there what they think. And well find out how brexit and many others are covered in tomorrows front pages at 10 40 this evening in the papers our guestsjoining me are dia chakravarty, brexit editor at the Daily Telegraph and steve hawkes, deputy Political Editor at the sun. President trump has used his twitter account to share inflammatory videos which were posted online by the deputy leader of the far right group, britain first. The footage purports to show muslims committing acts of violence. Downing street has condemned the move and the archbishop of canterbury has described the retweets as deeply disturbing and called on him to renounce racism. The tweets have been welcomed though by the former leader of the ku klux klan. Our north america correspondent nick bryant reports. Britain first is a far right anti muslim group with a small membership that often engages in publicity stunts to try to raise its profile. Early this morning, it received a huge propaganda gift from donald trump, the America First president. On his twitter feed, he retweeted three inflammatory videos from the groups deputy leader, Jayda Fransen, the first claiming to show a muslim migrant attacking a man on crutches. This is Jayda Fransen in action. Earlier this month, she was charged with using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour during speeches she made in belfast. For her, these president ial retweets are manna from heaven. God bless you, trump, she tweeted. God bless america. There has been a despairing response from the family of the murdered mpjo cox, who was killed by a right wing extremist who shouted britain first. I have to say, i thought it was a horrendous thing to do. Britain first is a well known hate group. It drives hatred against muslims, and donald trump is the president of our nearest ally, and the fact that he didnt check first, or didnt even think about the content of those tweets before doing it, i think suggests that his judgment is hugely lacking. Downing street has said it was wrong for the president to have done this, but added that his invitation to make a state visit to britain next year still stands. As for the white house, it is unapologetic. The threat is real. The threat needs to be addressed. The threat has to be talked about, and that is what the president is doing in bringing that up. Previous us administrations have liked to think of themselves as beacons of democratic values, but that has not been a high priority for the trump white house. Many people around the world will be saddened and sickened to see the president of the United States appearing to validate tweets from a far right group. Ten months into this unorthodox and provocative presidency, donald trump still has the capacity to shock. Nick bryant, bbc news, new york. In the past hour, dr ilhan cagri from the Muslim Public Affairs council has warned that the president s tweets could incite violence. What this shows is that our president sides with these kind of issues. Our president is giving validation to these kinds of views. It shows, it gives validity to hate mongering, of separating people out. What could these videos be doing, except for trying to incite hatred, trying to force people to fear groups, the fear muslims, and to just breed hatred, fear groups, the fear muslims, and tojust breed hatred, fear, and, eventually, violence. For more reaction on this i can speak to drjames zogby, who is the president of the arab american institute. What do you make of what has been re tweeted here and the reaction to it . You know, sometimes i thinki re tweeted here and the reaction to it . You know, sometimes i think i am beyond being shocked, and then he simply ups the ante and i get shocked all over again. He certainly insights and divides us here at home, but he also embarrasses the United States in the world. I have heard already from folks in the middle east, who are absolutely horrified at what they have seen, and when pointed out that these tweets were fakes and incitement, Sarah Sanders huckabee doubles down on talks about the threat. The only threat i see at the moment is from this president , who is inciting hatred and violence from using fake videos from a hate group in london. I was so appreciative of the fact that your Prime Minister, who i might addi that your Prime Minister, who i might add i am not a fan of, politically, nevertheless she did the right thing. You have a Prime Minister who denounces hate. We have a president who actually promotes it. Its really quite shocking. You mentioned what the white house spokeswoman said, the threat is real, they threat needs to be talked about. How do you respond to that specifically . You know, the fact is we have done exhaustive studies, as have most of the really important think tanks in america, on the threat. Look, we have a mass shooting a day in america, an infinitesimal number of them. Just bear with me, that is one a day, almost one a day, Mass Shootings in america. We have a gun problem and a murder problem in america. The only ones that make the news are those that involve muslims. And understand that involve muslims. And understand that they comprise the infinitesimal percentage of the larger number of Mass Shootings. The threat . Sure, we have a threat of gun problem, violence in america, we are a violent, gun toting country, and we are murdering our own people, the highest per capita murder rate in the whole world. It is shocking to compare our numbers with your numbers in the uk. And, yet, they wa nt to numbers in the uk. And, yet, they want to focus on muslims, they want to focus on mexicans, they want to focus on vulnerable communities in america, in order to incite their base. And we are seeing it play out for example in the alaba morais, where you have another islamophobic, roy amor, who is also a paedophile, imight add, roy amor, who is also a paedophile, i might add, and yet it doesnt seem to matter to this white house roy moore. Someone who will promote their base fear the mobile their constituency and it is quite disturbing, we have never seen anything like this in our country. It is as if your hate groups became the ruling party and had the Prime Minister ship in the uk. That is what we are facing right here in the us. Just as a further exploration of that, obviously we know what the outcome of this president ial election was, and that there is a strong body of support for donald trump then, and i dont think there is much evidence to suggest a significant amount of that has evaporated in recent times. So this particular kind of approach, it is not going to alienate that number of people, is it . Because he is the support there. The one thing i can say, if i look at the numbers of his tweets, i can feel a little good about the fact that these three videos got about half the likes of some of his other tweets. Maybe that is sending a message, or it may be simply that it takes too long to watch them and nobody has the patience to do that. They would rather just have 140 patience to do that. They would ratherjust have 140 characters of venom ratherjust have 140 characters of venom rather than having to watch a video. We have done some polling of this. His base has held solid. He is now down to his core base, in the mid30 now down to his core base, in the mid 30 range, but that is frightening. It is frightening because it is solid, it is mobilised, it may win an election in alabama. We should not even be here, we should not be in the place where and islamophobic paedophile running for senate in alabama is tired or slightly ahead in the race for being in the us senate. It is shocking, it is embarrassing, it is deeply disturbing, and yet thats where we are. So you are right, we have underestimated trump and his base of support before and i dont want to do it again. It is real and it is out there. Thank you for coming on, i should stress at this point it is an accusation, with regards to roy moore. Just make sure that is clear. Britain offers more money to unblock the brexit wiggo she oceans, as much as 50 billion euros reportedly. The reason a pig is a surprise visit to baghdad, where she met Coalition Forces and her iraqi counterpart. And donald trump shares in fun of the material on social media from a british far right group. Downing street said he was wrong to do so. Now for a sport round up. A good day if you want a job in the premier league. Sam alla rdyce if you want a job in the premier league. Sam allardyce is going to be evertons next manager. He spent the day at the club, finalising a deal to ta ke day at the club, finalising a deal to take over from ronald day at the club, finalising a deal to take overfrom ronald koeman, who was sacked a month ago now. Big sam is in the stands tonight for their match against west ham at goodison park, the former newcastle and Crystal Palace manager had one game in charge of england last year, but the fa let him go after issues over his conduct. He kept palace at after joining them in december but left in may. Everton are 17th in the table, ca reta ker may. Everton are 17th in the table, caretaker David Unsworth is in charge for the nightmatch. And there has been a goal in the last couple of seconds. It has been scored by wayne rooney. West ham, particularly joe hart, will be very aggrieved. He thought he got a touch on the ball but Calvert Lewin went round him, won a penalty, he then saved a penalty from rooney and rooney headed home. So everton1 0 up against fellow strugglers, west ham. Has the big sam affect already taken hold . Arsenal are a goal up against huddersfield at home. Liverpool have also gone 1 0 up at stoke. Sadio mane has scored the liverpool. You are up to date. West bromwich albion have also got a new manager. Another former Crystal Palace man as well, alan pardew, a signed a deal at the hawthorns through to 2024 study has been out of a job since he was sacked at palace in december, when alla rdyce actually sacked at palace in december, when allardyce actually took over. Pardew replaces tony pulis who lost a job last week after a run of ten league games without a win. My best team, andi games without a win. My best team, and i can only talk about myself, play on the front foot. We try and put teams under pressure. Sometimes we get a bloody nose in doing that, and that is what i would live here at west brom. Ultimately, hopefully, somewhere along the line, we can get up somewhere along the line, we can get up to1. 5, 1. 7 somewhere along the line, we can get up to 1. 5, 1. 7 points a game. I have achieved that in the past at certain times at clubs. That is what i will hope to do here. A couple of games of the scottish premiership tonight. A repeat of the Scottish League cup final, motherwell and celtic, goalless at the moment. Rangers have made a great start at home to second placed aberdeen. James tavernier scored an early penalty, and carlos pena has now made it 2 0 at ibrox. If they win that, they will move to within a point of aberdeen. There is confirmation of no goals at fir park. Detectives investigating the fight outside a bristol nightclub that involved the england all rounder ben stokes have passed their file to the Crown Prosecution Service and they will decide whether to press charges. Stokes was arrested under suspicion of causing actual bodily harm. Heres our sports correspondentjoe wilson. It is in their hands, detectives in avon and somerset have made that clear. We are not expecting anything today, in terms of the cps decided whether to press charges or not. It could possibly come by the end of the week, or it could take weeks, it is really on their hands stop in terms of the time frame, it is almost two months from him being arrested in the early hours of september 25. Remember that a couple of days after that, the official statement from the ecb was that stokes would not be considered for selection until further notice. What we know from what Andrew Strauss has said in the last day or so, it is critical from the ecbs perspective that a decision is made one way or another about criminal charges before they then make a decision about whether the potentially bring strokes back into the squad. Cycling. Chris froome says he will target victory at next mays giro ditalia where he will attempt to seal a hat trick of successive grand tour wins. The four time Tour De France winner won the vuelta a espana for the first time this year after winning the Tour De France for a fourth time. He will attempt to become only the third rider in history to hold all three grand tour titles at the same time. No more goals in the premier league. We will be right across that and i will be back in sportsday at 10 30pm with all the results. 0ne one of the most notorious murders, lin and Megan Russell, killed as they walked along a country lane in kent in 1996. The man arrested over crime says the alleged confession of another killer, the serial killer Levi Bellfield, suggests he could have committed the murders. 45 year old lin russell and her six year old daughter, megan, were killed in a frenzied hammer attack. But nine year old josie survived, despite suffering terrible injuries. The gallstone, a known criminal and drug addict, was arrested a year later and found guilty of the russell murders, but has always protested his innocence. We intend first to read a statement. And today, dramatic new evidence from stones lawyers, what they say is a detoured confession to the murders by this man, Levi Bellfield. Already serving two for life terms for the murders of milly dowler and others, he allegedly told a fellow criminal in considerable details. He said i have never told anyone this before, i killed another child and got away with it. He said he approached them with it. He said he approached them with his hammer in hand and the mother screamed and begged him not to hurt her children. He struck her first, and then the dog was killed, followed by megan. What gives this alleged confession even more credibility is that, as far as we can tell, it contains certain details that would have been known to only very few people, like Police Investigators or the killing themselves. None of Michael Stones dna was ever found that the murder scene, but his legal team today said there was potentially new forensic evidence against bellfield. They also said a new eyewitness had come forward , also said a new eyewitness had come forward, identifying Levi Bellfield asa forward, identifying Levi Bellfield as a man she saw driving erratically near the murder scene. Speaking from prison, stone acknowledged his own violent past, but told me that unlike bellfield he had no history of attacking women. You have a track re cord of attacking women. You have a track record of violence, you hit a man with a record of violence, you hit a man witha hammer. Record of violence, you hit a man with a hammer. It is desperate to link me to the crime but it is not even similar. I went to the house of someone i found out was messing about with people, and i went around his house to warn him not to do it, and he grabbed my throat, and i picked a mallet, it wasnt a hammer, it was a mallet, the stricken with it was a mallet, the stricken with it to get him off my neck. It is nothing like attacking a child or a mother and a child, there is no similarity relief was the Levi Bellfield has now denied ever making a confession, and kent police say they have stood by stones confession. Nick has been in prison 20 years, 20 years too long for someone who have not committed a crime. But Michael Stones family described this as a moment of hope, saying his case must now be sent to the court of appeal. A wartime commander of Bosnian Croat forces has died, after drinking what appeared to be poison during his hearing at the International Criminal tribunal in the hague. Slobodan praljak had just heard the appeal against his 20 year sentence for war crimes had been rejected. From the hague, Anna Holligan reports. This was supposed to be a routine hearing, but as his final judgment was being read out, Slobodan Praljak swallowed something. Slobodan praljak is not a war criminal. I am rejecting the court ruling. I have taken poison. This courtroom is now a crime scene. Dont take away the glass he used when he drank something. Proceedings were immediately halted. We suspend. Please, the curtains. Cameras captured a few moments of confusion before the live broadcast was cut. Slobodan praljak was a commander of the Bosnian Croat forces, guilty of destroying mostars iconic 0ttoman era bridge and persecuting muslims. Outside the court, the ambulances arrived. Fire crews wearing oxygen tanks on their backs ran inside. This was not the ending the court had envisaged. This un tribunal was set up before the end of the war, and has surpassed expectations by dealing with every one of the 161 suspects. But the fact that one of them was able to smuggle in a deadly poison and take it in front of the live cameras will leave an indelible mark on this courts legacy. While it has faced allegations of bias from politicians on all sides, many of the victims believe this institution has given them some form ofjustice. Now the question is, how could an institution with such tight security and impressive record allow such a fatal lapse . Anna holligan, bbc news, the hague. Lets speak now to the journalist and author timjudah, who has reported extensively from the balkans and is currently balkans correspondent for the economist. Sugar ray scenes first of all in the hague today . Totally bizarre and of the trial extraordinary scenes. And the end of the tribunal, because this is its final act, in the next couple of weeks it will close its doors. So this tribunal, which was started in 1993 by the Security Council, is going out with a bang, so to speak. What does his case highlight, in terms of the story of the event specifically in and around mostar in the 1990s . Well, what has happened today has really highlighted something which would have passed by the rest of the world, if it had not been for the publicity he has given it today. Namely, the most important thing about this trial is that it is showing the culpability of the croatian state in attempting to divide Bosnia Herzegovina with serbia obviously. Last week, we saw the conviction of ratko mladic, who played his role in trying to create a greater serbia, and this group of six men were the most important people among the Bosnian Croats who we re people among the Bosnian Croats who were trying to do the same thing, with the money, support and military backing of the republic of croatia, so they would try to do the same thing, ina so they would try to do the same thing, in a sense of dividing up and carving up bosnia and herzegovina. We saw the images of the famous bridge coming down which will stick in many peoples memories. That is one of the most famous things people know. 0riginally one of the most famous things people know. Originally the six were found guilty of a war crime in destroying the bridge. The tribunal has done something interesting. It isnt a walk around, but it has walked back from there. It has said that it actually was a legitimate military target. The army of bosnia and herzegovina was using the british to get over the other side of the river. How closely is this being watched in the balkans . Very closely. Weve seen reactions from the Prime Minister of croatia. But dont forget hes the same leader of the party, the croatian democratic union, he is the current the leader. The founder of the party, the founder of a modern croatia, is named in the judgment as being founder of a modern croatia, is named in thejudgment as being part ofa named in thejudgment as being part of a joint criminal enterprise to carve up of a joint criminal enterprise to carve up bosnia and herzegovina. Had he not died there is no doubt he would have been indicted, just as his opposite number of serbia was indicted. He went to the hague but died during his trial. Thank you very much for coming in. The duke of cambridge has said that prince harry and fiance Meghan Markle have a lot of happy times ahead of them as they planned their wedding. Clarence house announce the engagement on monday and the couple later revealed the proposal happened over a Roast Chicken supper in their Kensington Palace cottage. The wedding will take place in st georges chapel, windsor castle, in may. Prince william spoke to reporters during a visit to finland. We are very excited for them both and we wish them all the happiness in this time. I bit means he will be staying out of my fridge. Hopefully it will stop him scrounging all of my food. They look like a lovely couple. They look very much in love. Yes absolutely. Its a fantastic process to go through, the engagement, the build up to the wedding. They have a lot of happy times ahead of them and i think they are very caught up in the moment and i wish them all the happiness and success in planning the wedding. I hope it goes well. Weather with darren bett. Temperatures are dropping sharply. Where we have showers there will be a widespread frost. Showers coming into Northern Ireland, the western fringes of wales, wintry showers for southern england. 0n the eastern coast we have stronger winds. There is the risk of some icy patches overnight. The lowest temperatures inland where we have the clearest skies, widespread frost, colder than last night, could be down to 6 in some areas. Bright and sunny for most of the uk. The far south west of england, wintry showers driving down on those cold winds and easternmost parts of england and scotland. Temperatures between three to5 scotland. Temperatures between three to 5 degrees. Itll be a cold day despite the sunshine. A change on friday. A frosty start for many. Cloud coming into the west. Wintry showers down the eastern side, even across east anglia and the southend south eastern areas. Britain offers more money to unblock the brexit negotiations, reportedly as much as 50 billion euros. Theresa may makes a surprise visit to baghdad where she spoke about tackling terrorism and also the status of negotiations with the eu and the brexit divorce bill. We are still in negotiations with the eu. I am clear i want us to move together onto the next stage. We working in the lead up to the december European Council. I want to see us december European Council. I want to see us able to move on to the security talks, but it means moving together. Downing street has condemned retweets by us President Donald Trump after he shared inflammatory material on social media from a british far right group. A convicted bosnian war criminal has killed himself by drinking poison, after an International Tribunal upheld his prison sentence. Lawyers for Michael Stone convicted of murdering lin and Megan Russell in 1996 say they have new evidence of his innocence including a very detailed confession allegedly from the serial killer Levi Bellfield. Theresa may tonight continues her tour of the middle east and says she will use a visit to saudi arabia to express concerns about the humanitarian crisis in yemen. She said she would urge the saudi king and the crown prince to lift a blockade which has prevented the delivery of aid supplies. Standing in at pmqs today, theresa mays closest ally in her cabinet, damaian green, defended the uks record with saudi arabia. Defended the uks trading agreement with saudi arabia. A warning, theres some flash photography in alex forsyths report. It is the british Prime Ministers second visit to saudi arabia this year. The warmer relations here have led to questions for her government in the uk. In the Westminster Parliament the Prime Ministers de facto deputy face difficult questions as she toured the middle east. The uk government has received £4. 6 billion in selling arms to saudi arabia since the war in yemen began. A war which has created a devastating humanitarian crisis. Yemen is now on the brink of famine. Unicef has said that 150,000 children will die by the end of this year, doesnt the first secretary agree that the best thing the Prime Minister can do with her meetings today is follow the example of the netherlands and suspend licences for arms sales to saudi arabia . And stop killing children i should correct something the right honourable gentleman said, that the government received money. Itll be the companies that received the money. Therefore their workers. He can take that position if he wants. I know the labour partys position, as well, but that would certainly entail significant job losses. Now, whats very important is not only that we have the robust regimel is not only that we have the robust regime i talked about, but that absolutely we continue the humanitarian efforts that we make to try to alleviate the terrible conditions in yemen. This is the backdrop, a country in the grip of war, its civilians devastated by starvation and disease. The situation made worse when the Saudi Led Coalition blocked pores in rebel held areas, limiting the supply of much needed aid. Reports in rebel held areas. Are you personally comfortable with the actions saudi has taken in regards to yemen . Im very concerned about the humanitarian crisis that has developed in yemen. Particularly most recently. Thats why the strong message i shall be giving to saudi arabia tonight is that we want to see the port opened for humanitarian and commercial access. Thats important. The International Community is concerned about the humanitarian crisis in yemen. The pledge was made while she was in iraq this morning, one leg of her whistle stop tour in the region. Here she met british troops to help train iraqi forces in the fight against so called islamic state. She is the first major world leader to visit the country since the group lost control of its iraqi stronghold mosul. The Prime Ministers visited this region is about showing the uk has a say in the world, even after leaving the eu, and countering critics who say it stronghold has somehow diminished. As the british Prime Ministerforges somehow diminished. As the british Prime Minister forges what she calls the uks bold future in the world the uks bold future in the world the question is how she chooses to use the influence she is so keen to display. President trump says additional sanctions will be imposed on north korea after they successfully launched an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile which they say was powerful enough to reach the United States. The president said he had discussed the development with his chinese counterpart xijinping. The un secretary general has said the latest missile test is a clear violation of Security Council resolutions. 0ur correspondent paul adams reports from seoul. The face and the voice of north korean defiance. Announcer ri chun hee with news of pyongyangs latest and boldest missile test. Kim jong un, photographed giving the order. I approve this test launch, he writes. For the party and the country, courageously fire. This was the 23rd missile test this year, the first since mid september. It took off in the early hours of the morning, north of the capital pyongyang. It flew for 53 minutes, landing in the sea 600 miles away. Crucially, it flew higher than any previous missile 2,800 miles up into space. Experts say this means north korea now has missiles capable of hitting almost anywhere in america. After a pause in testing that lasted 75 days, this is a stark reminder of the determination of the north Korean Leader to pursue his nuclear and missile programme. Todays statement from pyongyang that the programme poses no threat to anyone, provided the countrys interests are not infringed, will come as little comfort. A missile was launched a little while ago from north korea. I will only tell you that we will take care of it. A fresh challenge for President Trump and his administration. Little doubt here that this represents something new. It went higher, frankly, than any previous shot theyve taken. Its a research and Development Effort on their part, continuing to build Ballistic Missiles that could threaten everywhere in the world. Koreas president moonjae in on the phone to donald trump this morning. The test took his government by surprise. He called it a reckless provocation. South korea responded with a missile test of its own but warnings, threats and pressure appear to be having little effect. Kimjong un says north korea now has its own nuclear force. A bold claim, but only partially true. He has the bombs and the missiles putting one on top of the other and making it work, thats still some way off. Pauladams, bbc news, seoul. Joining me from washington dc is anthony ruggiero, former north korea analyst for the us state department. Good evening. What do you expect now by way of reaction, notjust from washington but americas allies, as well . Most of americas allies have said they are against this missile. Surely the un Security Council will meet again to condemn that launch. The issue is what is next. The Trump Administration, they deserve credit for going after Chinese Companies and chinese individuals that need to start going after chinese banks. Those are the ones of facilitating and financing north koreas activities. China knows it. China saw what the us could do and did do against iran in the early to thousands. We need to do more of this robust pressure against north korea. Weve only really had ten months of it. Its a delicate balance because trump once the chinese president onside. And he puts too much pressure on him he wont get the support he needs, will he . That could be the case. Were seeing evidence of the us taking sanctions actions against Chinese Nationals. And the chinese in public reject that. But in private are investigating this Chinese Nationals. I think the chinese are ina bind. Nationals. I think the chinese are in a bind. They feel like they cannot really act against their own nationals. The us can provide some coverage for that. Washington can sanction Chinese National that would allow the Chinese Government then come in behind and investigate what was really going on, and seeing some of the patterns they can really go after. What about the general calls for tougher sanctions . The french have called for this recently, as well. But when you look at what has been tried in recent months as sanctions have been tightened, it doesnt seem to make any difference, doesnt seem to make any difference, does it . We need to be careful. We had ten years of failed policies to try and stop these programmes that are essentially on a runaway train. Now we are only going to give sanctions ten months to work. I mean, even in the iran context we we re very mean, even in the iran context we were very focused on increasing sanctions. It took several years for it to work. How long it takes to work is up to the us. Back in may secretary Rex Tillerson said sanctions are like a dial, we are at five, we are probably a lot further on. We can turn it down very quickly. I think we should. This should be the wake up call for the white house to save the chinese wont retaliate against the us, and the chinese need to wake up. To say the chinese. And the north koreans need to wake up and realise more sanctions will be put on top of them. We probably need to give them a bit more than the ten months people are willing to give them. These missiles are flying further, and are therefore more dangerous. Right. This is a dangerous missile programme. The suggested by people that this is now an effort by north korea and to say they are ready for talks. They are ready for talks on their terms, talks amongst nuclear powers, ready for arms control negotiations, which are things the Trump Administration has rightly rejected. We must also keep in mind that this isnt the only Missile System out there. The suggestion that north korea is trying to perpetuate that theyve done a great goal. We have seen more Missile Systems than this in the april parade alone. Their ultimate goal is to reunite the Korean Peninsula under north koreas rules. They are nowhere near that but they are getting closer to a time where they can see all of those people not backing them. Thanks very much. A man who a judge ruled had probably sexually assaulted his baby daughter before she died has been giving evidence at an inquest into her death. 13 month old Poppi Worthington died after sustaining unexplained injuries at her home in 2012. A Police Investigation into her death was botched and the verdict at the first inquest quashed by the high court. Today poppis father, Paul Worthington, who has always denied wrongdoing, refused to answer questions sixty nine times at todays second inquest. 0ur reporter danny savage was there. Poppi worthingtons life was tragically short. The saga surrounding her unexplained death is very long. 13 month old poppi died nearly five years ago. Shed been rushed to hospital in barrow after being found unconscious at home early one morning. Many months later, a Family Court Judge found that poppis father had probably sexually assaulted her shortly before her death. Today, he was bundled through the back door of the Coroners Court under police guard. Paul worthington denies any wrongdoing and has never been charged, but hes been called as a witness at the inquest into his daughters death. Screened from the public but not the press, he agreed that poppi was as fit as a fiddle and would wake up just before 6am. But when asked about events closer to the day that poppi died, he kept replying, i refer to my previous statements. I rely on the right not to answer under rule 22. That rule states no witness at an inquest is obliged to answer any question which might incriminate them. Last year, Cumbria Police was heavily criticised for its handling of the investigation into poppis death. That report detailed a catalogue of mistakes made by detectives, saying that crucial evidence was thrown away, witnesses werent interviewed for eight months, and there was enough evidence to arrest poppis father on day one. Accused of sexually assaulting his own daughter, Paul Worthington has been in hiding for months. But he was called to give evidence here in person, although he repeatedly exercised his right not to answer questions. He is expected back here tomorrow. Danny savage, bbc news, kendal. The headlines on bbc news britain offers more money to unblock the brexit negotiations reportedly as much as 50 billion euros. Theresa may makes a surprise visit to baghdad. Where she spoke about tackling terrorism and also the status of negotiations with the eu and the brexit divorce bill. Donald trump shares inflammatory material on social media from a british far right group. Downing street says he was wrong to do so. An update on the market numbers for you heres how londons and in the the United States this is how the dow and the nasdaq are getting on. Lets get more on President Trump retweeting videos posted by far right Group Britain first. The videos purport to show violence by muslims. For more on this i can now speak to philip bump, the National Correspondent for the washington post. Good evening. Give us a sense to the reaction there has been in the United States on this so far. By now it takes a lot for americans to be shocked by what donald trump puts on twitter. This mornings tweets, out of the blue, intended to get a reaction out of muslims, i dont think weve seen that level of muslims at large from donald trump. Especially since hes been president. It fits with his campaign rhetoric. It was still something which caught a lot of people by surprise. Is he clear how his twitter operation is organised . Is it him, are the people around him, how much influence darcis have, what goes on on a day to day basis . Good question. Prior to being president he had a team of folks who used to be there, he would shout out the message and people would upload it for him. He has a guy who does his social media. At times he has posted things to Donald Trumps twitter account. There are these standard president ial tweets you would expect, things going on at the white house, things like that. But donald trump does most of the tweeting. Today the tweets were sent from an iphone. Very early in the day. Before most people would be at work. There is no indication at this point that it was anyone besides donald trump making the conscious decision to retweet those videos. The time of day is strange, isnt it . Well, he does tweet early. He gets up early. He watches fox news. He probably did that this morning. He will often tweet well before 7am. From that standpoint, its not surprising. In terms of the wider reaction, those who voted for him, those who still support him, will not be surprised and supposedly supportive of this, as well . Of course. There are Many Americans who are still to make up their mind about donald trump. Anybody who supported him during the campaign will look at those videos and see them as reinforcement of the idea that muslims are this dangerous force. Setting aside the fact that the videos were misrepresentations. 0ne the videos were misrepresentations. One of them has been debunked by now. Most people will see those things as exemplifying the donald trump they voted for. There was a poll earlier this year, people were asked what they liked about donald trump, was at his policies, his demeanour in office. More than half of those said they liked him because of those said they liked him because of his demeanour, because he is willing to have these fights, and that includes on twitter. Most americans dont like it. Thank you very much. What do you give a Hollywood Star for his birthday . Well a town in poland has given tom hanks a fairly elaborate present. One of his fans noticed the actors obsession with the fiat 126p car and, being from the town where they were made in the 70s, decided to raise the money to send him one. Heres the story. Im a lucky man. I cannot wait to drive that fiat. Its me, tom hanks, and here is. Monica. Monica we are such good friends now. She is dressed in white, like that fabulous fiat. I dont know what the polish version is, but i would like to sing happy birthday. Sings in polish. And there you go, the story of tom hanks and his love for a particular style of motorca r. Time for a look at the weather. A cold at night tonight, more widespread frost over inland areas of the uk in particular. Still some showers around. Lets show you where we have had them today. Running into Northern Ireland, clipping pembrokeshire and the far south west of england. Most showers coming in off the north sea, many near the coast. That wont change much overnight. A touch of frost over the northern half of the uk. That will develop under those clearer skies. Where there are showers there is a risk of icy patches towards coastal areas. Inland areas below freezing. In the countryside itll be colder thanit in the countryside itll be colder than it was last night. We could be down to 6, maybe even minus seven. We still have showers around in the morning. Same sort of place, across the northern parts of scotland we will store has showers around. Icy patches and very wintry. More likely to get rain showers from Northern Ireland. But it is wintry showers for most of the east of england. Most staying on the coasts. Inland areas cold, dry, and sunny. We have this line of showers clipping westernmost parts of wales again and into cornwall. Possibly into devon. These showers, little further inland across the eastern side of england and scotland. There will be a mixture of rain, hail, sleet, snow, could be a covering of snow by the end of the day over the york moors and even possibly over the lincolnshire wolds. A large slice of the uk will be dry, sunny, and cold. Maybe even colder than today, and feeling even cold in the wind. This wind from the north sea will push these showers further inland. This is where we have a greater risk of seeing a bit more snow and ice. 0ther seeing a bit more snow and ice. Other parts of the uk on friday start off cold and frosty. Sunshine across start off cold and frosty. Sunshine a cross m ost start off cold and frosty. Sunshine across most of england and wales as the showers in eastern areas fade away and the cold winds eased up. A different wind direction coming into scotla nd different wind direction coming into scotland and Northern Ireland, blowing in more cloud, and maybe some more spots of rain. Temperatures are nearer to five or 7 degrees. Signs of changes into the weekend. This pressure system is slipping away, allowing weekend. This pressure system is slipping away, allowing the weekend. This pressure system is slipping away, allowing the week weather fronts to move around the top of it. We will displace the cold we have had for a few days into the near continent. Slowly we will see milderaircoming infrom near continent. Slowly we will see milder air coming in from the atlantic. It will bring cloud with it. Not much rain around this weekend. We may see some sunshine coming in more on sunday, but those temperatures perhaps getting up to nine or 10 degrees. Itll be turning milder by day and milder by night. Hello, im ros atkins, this is 0utside source. Donald trumps outdone himself. Hes retweeted far right videos that feature fake claims about muslims. Well be live in washington. The uk is offers the eu up to 50 billion euros to settle its financial commitments. Weve all the details and the reaction. A couple of months ago the foreign secretary said the eu could go whistle when those kinds of sums have been talked about. Here is his reaction today. Weve been waiting for this for a long time, 18 months or so, nows the time to get the whole ship off the rocks, and move it forwards. There were shocking events earlier during a war crimes trial in the hague. After losing his appeal, a former Bosnian Croat commander drank poison and later died. And the un Security Council is gathering right now to discuss north koreas latest missile test

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