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After authorities there raised the threat of a volcanic eruption to the highest level, that means it could happen in the next 2a hours. The volcano in question is mount agung. Thousands of people have been evacuated from the exclusion zone. There are fears of a full scale eruption for the First Time Since 1963 when about 1,600 people were killed. Tiffany wertheimer has the latest. Indonesians are used to sights like these, mount agung has rumbled back to life. Once again spewing black ash high into the sky. Right now vulcanologists have detected molten rock close to the volcanos surface, which means a powerful eruption could be imminent. Mount agung has been declared a danger zone and everyone within the seven and a half kilometre radius has been evacuated. The activity has entered the eruption phase, although it is still spearing ash at the moment, we need to monitor it and exercise caution for the possibility of a strong explosive eruption. It is this thick ash billowing 6000 metres into the sky that presents the greatest danger to human life. Within it, sharp fragments of glass, crystal and rock. Authorities are handing out masks to everyone in its path. About 25,000 people have fled to evacuation centres. Theyre struggling to cope. In september, 140,000 people fled when mount agung first started rumbling. Many of them never left the shelters, too frightened to return home. The local residents are still going about their daily business. Theyre cleaning up the ash to make the place presentable. Bali is a major tourist destination. The airports near its main resorts are still open. Although many flights have been cancelled or diverted. The ash cloud is drifting east towards the island of lombok. Its airport has been closed entirely. Of all the flights, we are cancelled. We are at the airport, we dont know what to do. We are trying to find another flight and the place to sleep. Indonesia is home to more than 130 active volcanoes and sits on the pacific ring of fire where theres frequent seismic and volcanic activity. Agung is balis most sacred mountain. The last time interrupted was in 1963, about 1,500 people died. This time around, no one is taking any chances. Tiffany wertheimer, bbc news. Lets speak now to one of worlds leading experts on mount agung, vulcanologist doctor janine krippner. Shes been following the volcanos activity from the us. Thank you forjoining us here on bbc news. Can you just explain to us why the threat level has been increased now . Yes, the authorities have explained the threat level has been increased because of the increasing activity, the ash plume has been sustained for quite a while now, since yesterday, and theres been an increase in the incandescents or the glow thats been visible within the crater. And the seismicity has been elevated as well. What can we expect over the next 2a hours, or is that an impossible question . Its a hard question but there are definitely things people can be prepared for. In fact reports have been coming through that there have been mudflows around the volcano and people really have to be careful to get out of the evacuation zones and out of the hazardous areas from these mudflows, they can be very dangerous. Something else people have to be aware of, pyroclastic flows, hot avalanches that can travel very quickly as well but at the moment there is ash fall which can change depending on wind direction and other factors. That ash fall, what does it do to air quality . Its not good. If you have rest the tory conditions it can be quite damaging and quite irritable on the eyes, especially if youre wearing contact lenses and it can be irritating to skim. You need to stay out of the ash as much as you can and if you are in the ash where i protection, longsleeve clothing and masks. You are in the United States but you are doing valuable work getting information out there, how does that work considering how far away you are . The indonesian authorities have been excellent providing information so i have been relaying that information using Google Translate and my volcanology knowledge to translate into english so everyone can knowledge to translate into english so everyone can understand what it means, but the authorities have been doing a good job so far. Can you say how prepared the authorities are on bali . Indonesia is an extremely active volcanic country. Theyve had active volcanic country. Theyve had a lot of experience on this and this volcanic eruption has had over two months wout poels lead time, so theyve had plenty of time to be prepared. Janine krippner, thank you for joining prepared. Janine krippner, thank you forjoining us on bbc news. Charities are warning that millions are at risk of hunger and disease due to restrictions on ships bringing aid supplies to yemen. The first ship for more than three weeks was allowed to dock on sunday, after a Saudi Arabian Led Coalition lifted blockades that are designed to stop weapons reaching rebel fighters inside the country. Unicef says almost every child in the country has now been affected by the fighting. Andrew plant reports. Arriving at port in yemen. After two weeks waiting at sea, a un age ship carrying Food Supplies, the blockade here finally lifted. These are the conditions in parts of the and right 110w. Conditions in parts of the and right now. The World Food Programme says millions are at risk of starvation. 0n millions are at risk of starvation. On saturday, aeroplanes arrived carrying medicine to help sick children. Vaccinations taken to hospitals where thousands are awaiting. This, though, the first supply ship to get through for almost a month. More than 11 million yemeni children are today in acute need of humanitarian assistance. Thats almost every single yemeni boy and girl. The ship has arrived at the port of cilicia north from the main port of hodeidah, which is still under a blockade, imposed by a Coalition Led by saudi arabia after the rebels there fighting in yemen fired a missile at the saudi capital saleef. The blockades are designed to ensure shipments of weapons dont reach the rebel fighters. For the yemeni people, it means Food Supplies and medicine have run dangerously short. Translation we fled and arrived here with our children and we didnt find anyone to help us and now for the past two months we havent received anything, no mattresses, no aid, nothing. The ship is carrying enough food to feed almost 2 Million People for a month but its estimated 20 million are in urgent need, 11 million of those are children. Meanwhile, fighting here has already claimed more than 8000 lives. Andrew plant, bbc news. Lets take a look at some of the other stories making the news. One of americas best known civil rights activists, john conyers, has stepped down from his congressional role on the Housejudiciary Committee following allegations against him of sexual harassment. Mr conyers is aged 88 and is the last remaining Congress Member to have served under president lyndonjohnson in the 1960s. Mr conyers denies any wrongdoing. Venezuelas president , nicolas maduro, has named a military general to head the state oil company and the energy ministry. Mr maduro said the appointment of Major General Manuel Quevedo would help tackle corruption within the industry. Anti government demonstrators in romania have marched through the Capital Bucharest to protest againstjudicial reforms that they say will protect dishonest politicians. They held a rally outside parliament calling on the government to resign. The pope held a minute of silent prayer on sunday for more than 300 People Killed in fridays gun and bomb attack on a mosque in egypt. Officials believe up to 30 gunmen were involved in the attack. The targeting of a mosque during friday prayers has shocked egyptians. In sinai, our middle east correspondent orla guerin has been hearing how some local people now want to take action themselves. Trying to bring comfort after one of deadliest attacks anywhere in years. Among the survivors, the Imam Mohammad abdul fatah, who was leading the prayers when terror came to the mosque in sinai. As soon as people heard firing, they started running, he said. Some climbed the pulpit, they were piling on top of each other. The attackers were shooting at anyone breathing. My friends lost their family, lost their cousins, their brothers, some of them lost their sons. This sinai journalist is from bir al abd where the attack took place. He said it is a turning the point for local tribes who have resolved to hunt the militants themselves. They had a meeting of their sheikhs and tribe members yesterday. Almost 400 people were in the meeting and they decided to carry arms and to find these people themselves and to take revenge from these groups. And here are the main suspects militants from the Egyptian Branch of so called islamic state. Sinais remote terrain and history of neglect mean there there is Fertile Ground for is. And now it has really money, it has resources, it has weapons, and it has recruits. And sadly and tragically, the Egyptian Government has basically used only military means against the isis branch in north sinai. What you need is to dislodge isis from the social and economic and political grievances that exist in sinai. For years now, egypt has been relying on military solutions in sinai. But its hard to wage war when the enemy can melt away. Now, more than ever, experts say its time to change the battle plan. Orla guerin, bbc news, cairo. At least 23 civilians are reported to have been killed in Syrian Government attacks on a rebel held enclave on the outskirts of damascus. Activists say towns in the Eastern Ghouta district have been targeted by air raids and heavy artillery fire. This report by our middle east regional editor, alan johnston, includes pictures viewers may find upsetting. After the bombs and the shells have fallen, the medics do their best with what little they have. Some seem almost resigned to the horror of it all. Others are too young to understand anything of syrias war, all they know is the pain and the fear. There are those for whom nothing can be done. The scene of one of the attacks, it hardly seems worth cleaning up. Some things can be patched and repaired, and life will go on. But nobody here will forget what has just happened. Translation there are martyrs, including two children, one of whom was 12 years old. This is a residential area. There are no checkpoints here, no army post. Everyone knows it is a popular neighbourhood. These people have lived under siege for years. Government forces surround the enclave, pressuring the rebels here who fire missiles into nearby damascus. The un says food in this place is so scarce that some people have been reduced to eating animal fodder and even garbage. There have been reports of death by starvation. Some of the worst of syrias suffering is endured on these ruined streets. Alanjohnston, alan johnston, bbc news. Stay with us on bbc news, still to come we hear from the man who helped mediate Robert Mugabes resignation with the military in zimbabwe. President kennedy was shot down, and died almost immediately. The murder ofjohn kennedy is a disaster for the whole free world. He caught the imagination of the world, the first of a new generation of leaders. Margaret thatcher is resigning as leader of the conservative party and prime minister. Before leaving number 10 to see the queen, she told her cabinet, its a funny old world. Angela merkel is germanys first woman chancellor, easily securing the majority she needed. Attempts to fly a hot air balloon had to be abandoned after a few minutes, but nobody seemed to mind very much. As one local comic put it, its not hot air we need, its hard cash. When bob geldof of the Boomtown Rats saw the tv pictures from ethiopia, he decided he had to do something. And he found his rock music friends felt the same. Welcome back. Indonesias Disaster Management agency raises the threat of an eruption in bali to the highest level, meaning it could happen in the next 2a hours. The first United Nations aid ship has arrived in the yemeni port of saleef after the saudi Led Coalition eased its blockade. Ten years ago on the Bbcs Andrew Marr programme, the ugandan born archbishop of york, john sentamu, cut up his clerical collar in protest at the behaviour of Zimbabwes President Robert Mugabe. The archbishop said mr mugabe had taken peoples identity and cut it to pieces. Now, the president has resigned. On sundays programme, andrew presented the archbishop with his former collar. Do you know, andrew, i could try and put them all together using super glue. It would be a pretty ropey collar. Ropey collar. And i actually think the lesson for zimbabwe is the same. They just cant try and stitch it up. Something more radical, something new needs to happen in terms of the rule of law, you know, allowing people to get jobs, because 90 of people are out of work, so they cantjust stitch it up. Will you put it back on . will you put it back on . I promised i would. I will you put it back on . I promised iwould. I have will you put it back on . I promised i would. I have no choice. Will you put it back on . I promised iwould. I have no choice. It will you put it back on . I promised i would. I have no choice. It was your promise. Absolutely. The new president has to do something more new. The man who mediated Robert Mugabes resignation with the military has said the former president of zimbabwe will continue to play an active role in politics, albeit in an advisory capacity. Father Fidelis Mukonori spoke to the bbcs richard galpin. Outside the capital, harare, a celebration of the first mass in what is a new era for zimbabwe. The end of Robert Mugabes long rule already unleashing a sense of freedom not felt or decades here. For. And thejesuits priest conducting the service, father Fidelis Mukonori, is the man who helped bring it all about. He is close to Robert Mugabe and acted as the mediator for the army. Close to Robert Mugabe and acted as the mediatorfor the army. He played a crucial role in the transfer of power. What can he now reveal about the deals done to persuade Robert Mugabe to finally stands down . And how was the former president reacting to losing control of the country . In his office, father Fidelis Mukonori told me Robert Mugabes decision to resign was the best thing he had ever done. Despite leaving office, he said the former president would still play an active role in politics here. I dont know how you do it in the western world. In africa, Senior Citizens are important. Will people go to him for advice, for example, like the new president . The new president said he is his mentor and father and leader. When he says that, you tell me that he is going to walk away from his father and mentor and leader . I dont think so. You played a very key role as the mediator to persuade Robert Mugabe to stand down. What was the deal, though, which did persuade him to go . What was he given . Listen, we did not offer him anything. You are asking a direct question. He resigned for the good of zimbabwe. There are reports that he is being offered millions of dollars, that he will have immunity from prosecution, that all of his businesses will be left untouched. Is that correct . What i have read in the newspapers is about the immunity and he will be looked after like any former head of state. Is that correct . That is what is in the newspapers. How confident are you that the new president will pursue a Democratic Path rather than reverting to more autocratic presidency like that of Robert Mugabe . He said so. That he will be a democrat . Yeah. Any belief in . Well, i do, after 50 years, a democrat . Yeah. Any belief in . Well, i do, after50 years, in a democrat . Yeah. Any belief in . Well, i do, after 50 years, in his active life as a soldier and politician, he knows what democracy means. At the moment, this remains a honeymoon period for zimbabwe. People here are determined to believe real change is coming. But that has yet to be proved. Richard galpin, bbc news, harare. Cricket now. And australia have wrapped up an emphatic ten wicket win over england in the first ashes test in brisbane. It took openers, cameron bancroft, with 82, and david warner, with 87, little over an hour to reach the 170 runs required. The two sides meet again in adelaide on december the second. There are just a few months to go before the winter Olympic Games kick off in south korea. But these games will be taking place amid growing tensions with north korea, and the rhetoric coming from both pyongyang and washington dc makes many nervous. Danny savage reports. In the mountains of south korea, theres no snow yet. But that doesnt prevent athletes from all over the world coming to practise. The white stuff will come. But for these german hopefuls, they need the right stuff to come. Theyre not bothered by the Political Tension in this region, theyjust want to compete. Yeah, i hope i qualify for the Olympic Games. And i am very excited to jump here again in winter. It is very special. I was here for the world cup last winter. And i liked here very much and am happy to be here and to come back in winter. The facilities are great, the setting is beautiful, but south koreas unpredictable neighbour is making some competitors nervous. At one point, the french team questioned whether or not they were going to come. Any easing of tension in this region will do these games a lot of favours. In the skies above south korea, america and its allies put on a show of force. Missile tests and nuclear launches by north korea have led to a ferocious war of words. They hope the offering of words of peace and the games will encourage countries who are not allies. Translation we are aware of geoPolitical Tensions. The korean government is working and planning for the safest games to make sure everyone is taken care of. We are as open with our partners as possible to ensure safe games. There is genuine hope for these winter olympics. At a competition in german recently, two north korean figures skaters did well enough to qualify. But there is no word whether they will send a team. Although, remember this . One of the defining images of the rio olympics was the gymnasts from north and south korea standing side by side taking a selfie. Between now and the winter olympics, everybodyjust has to hope the tensions dont get any worse. This important forthcoming date in the worlds sporting diary may actually make the main players in the crisis pause for thought and allow the games to build some bridges. Danny savage, bbc news, pyeongchang, in south korea. A reminder of the top story. And mount agung is close to corruption in bali. You are looking at pictures. You cannot quite see the mountain in the distance because of the clouds. But you can get a sense of how dark it is looking at all of those clouds. It is just 1025 in the morning. Lets have a look at some pictures from a short time ago which gives you more of a sense of the ash clouds that are being spewed out of mount agung. It is that ash and cloud which has led the agency to raise the threat level to four. We will be following that story for you on bbc news. Hello once again. After a pretty chilly weekend quite widely across the British Isles we will see a change of weather tonight, albeit only for a little while. It is thanks to an area of low pressure throws a great veil of cloud down the British Isles. First thing on monday there will be a wet and windy start to be had across the south. Not many of you will be scraping your cars first up. There will be other concerns, i suspect, if you are commuting across the southern counties of england and wales. The first part of monday, it will be really quite wet. Even that little bit further north will have had rain overnight. Quite windy as well. Tricky conditions. A lot of surface water and spray. Into the northern half of the British Isles. Persistent rain in the very far north of scotland. Elsewhere, a supply of showers from the word go. Les along by a north north westerly wind pushing these showers ever further towards the south. They replace the rainband which quits the scene on the southern counties of england but will be a bother for the Channel Islands for a good part of the day. Following on behind, not particularly cold air. Not at that stage. Probably the mildest of the days of the week. Tuesday, increasingly cold as we move towards the middle part of the week. The low pressure moves further east. That opens the doors for the isobars to run north to south across all parts of the British Isles. Down the spine of the country, a gloriously sunny day. If you are fully exposed to that breeze, mainly from the northern and eastern perspective, you are going to see some showers across the high ground, not just in scotland, they will be wintry. Single figure temperatures abound. Wednesday, perhaps a subtle change in wind direction could draw the wintry showers a little further inland and push them further south, down through the lincolnshire wolds, maybe into the north of norfolk as well. Down the spine of the country there is still that bright weather to be had. On thursday, we may see an area of low pressure. That puts a squeeze on the isobars. It means more wind. A bitter wind at that. Right down the eastern shores, particularly. Look at that temperature, four, five, six. It will be cold with a biting wind, especially in the east. This is bbc news, the headlines indonesias Disaster Agency has warned that the mount agung volcano on the island of bali is close to a full scale eruption. The islands airport is closed and many flights have been cancelled or diverted in the tourist hotspot destination. The volcano has been spewing out ash and steam for the second time in a week. The United Nations says the first ship carrying aid has arrived in rebel held northern yemen after the saudi Led Coalition partially eased a blockade thats lasted for nearly three weeks. The vessel docked at the small port of saleef carrying thousands of tons of desperately needed wheat. More details have been emerging about fridays gun and bomb attack on a mosque in egypt in which more than 300 people were killed. Officials believe up to 30 gunmen were involved in the attack. Now on bbc news, a look back at the week in parliament

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