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To step down as president of zimbabwe. The countrys Ruling Zanu Pf Party has agreed to begin the process, just hours after he was seen on National Television demanding the right to stay. Hes been accused of allowing his wife to seize power and, at the age of 93, of being unable to govern. The military have made it clear they want a road map for succession, as our africa editor fergal keane reports from harare. Theyre still the muscle behind the political manoeuvring. And when the generals speak, people and politicians listen. Tonight, they hinted in a Rare Press Conference that talks between Robert Mugabe and his would be successor, emmerson mnangagwa, would happen soon. The Zimbabwe Defence and Security Services are encouraged by new developments which include contact between the president and the former Vice President , comrade emmerson mnangagwa, who is expected in the country shortly. Thereafter, the nation will be advised on the outcome of talks between the two. A suggestion of talks and a road map has encouraged speculation that Robert Mugabe is starting to feel the political pressure as, piece by piece, his power is shredded. His mps gathered in harare to begin the Legal Process of impeachment, removing him from office by parliamentary vote, and telling us it could happen in days. We are expecting the motion to be moved tomorrow, a committee to be set up tomorrow, and hopefully by wednesday, because the charges are so clear, we expect that we should be able to vote in parliament. It could be done that soon . Yes. In the audience, a first lady in waiting, auxilia, wife of emmerson mnangagwa, who the party wants as president. How are you . Will your husband be coming soon . Im not commenting on that. Everybody is waiting to see him. Im also waiting to see him as well. Thank you very much. Well, you can hear the emotions are building here, and this is a Parliamentary Party set on getting rid of Robert Mugabe. They share that ambition with the people of zimbabwe, with the military. Listen, when the people have spoken, that is it. The people have spoken in zimbabwe. Zanu pf are speaking. And we are good to go. But the generals are in a bind. They banked on Robert Mugabe caving in quickly. However, last nights rambling speech to the nation made no mention of resigning. I will preside over these processes. He appeared detached from reality, talking about presiding over a party congress. The question is why the generals allowed this to happen. Partly, its to do with a changed africa. The old days of shooting leaders are gone. Human rights lawyer, beatrice mtetwa, was once persecuted by Robert Mugabe. She says the generals and mr mnangagwa want to be seen to be acting constitutionally. Zimbabwean culture has always been that you make the law, you justify your actions on the basis that this is the law, and this is in line with the zimbabwean way of doing things. Give it respectability by making it law, however bad it is. The talks mooted tonight might yet end this crisis. But the people are ready for impeachment. And that legal path is about ensuring the legitimacy of those who rule zimbabwe next. Fergal keane, bbc news, harare. Earlier i spoke with Kamissa Camara who is the sub Sharan Africa director at partnersglobal and i asked her what next for Robert Mugabe. I think that Robert Mugabe has no choice but to relinquish power at some point. He is yet to resign, but it is something that will happen in the coming days. Now the big question is who will succeed him . It looks like the ruling party wants to keep control of the situation and put their successor in place. The military is basically calling the shots these dayss. They are the ones who made sure that Emmerson Mnangawa is the one who takes over, which means that he may be the next president of zimbabwe. Staying with the military for a moment. I want to get some of your thoughts on some reports suggesting a trip to beijing by zimbabwes military chief, the architect of this takeover, which happened a few days before the takeover. That may be more than just a coincidence of timing . I think there may be a coincidence of timing. There may also have been a need to them to go and let the chinese know that a coup was in the making and that Robert Mugabe will be gone in the next few days. China is the largest foreign investor in zimbabwe. It is important to remember that china is only interested in the tobacco and diamonds in zimbabwe. They may also be interested in a few other things but china does not have a history of mingling in internal african affairs. It is safe to say that the interests of china are merely economic. They are trying to make sure that zimbabwe remained stable and it looks like there will not be a big change in power. You seem adamant that he will go. What happens when mr mugabe leaves . Do you think this buoyant attitude on the street is well founded . Will there be change for the people of zimbabwe . I think the big event here is that a 37 year ruler is leaving. He is being fired by his party. That is what the joy is about. Now we need to be cautious because the next 48 hours will be crucial and critical for zimbabwe. It looks like it is still the zanu pf, the ruling party, who will continue to rule. And Emmerson Mnangawa is not that different from Robert Mugabe. He has committed human rights abuses. He is the same type that Robert Mugabe is, except that he is younger. President trump has announced the us is re branding north korea a state sponsor of terrorism. The move paves the way for further sanctions to be imposed on the country, which mr trump says will be announced shortly. The reasons the president sites include north Koreas Nuclear programme and support for what he callexd International Acts of terrorism. The United States is designating north korea as a state sponsor of terrorism. This designation will impose further sanctions on penalties in north korea and related persons, and supports our maximum Pressure Campaign to isolate the murderous regime that youve all been reading about and in some cases, writing about. Tomorrow, the Treasury Department will announce an additional sanction, and a very large one, on north korea. This will be going on in the next few weeks. It will be the highest level of sanctions when it is over. This is taking effect all around the world. We think as it takes effect, again, this just continues to tighten the pressure on the kimjong un regime. We need him to understand this will only get worse. At least until you get ready to come and talk. Our north america editorjon sopel, says this is a significant move by president trump. This should be seen as part of Donald Trumps effort to give maximum pressure on north korea to get it to fall into line. Perhaps the biggest effect will not be on sanctions imposed by the United States, although they will be announced tomorrow, but in the actions of third Party Countries who make trade with the us and with north korea who feel that they may face the wrath of america if they continue to trade with north korea. The us secretary of state was talking today about how some of those countries are now having an effect on north korea, with fuel supplies running short and Revenue Streams perhaps affected. North koreas state newspaper yesterday talked about donald trump again being an old lunatic who with spouting rubbish. Well, it is two months since donald trump talked about little rocket man and us weapons being locked and loaded and fury raining down, and there has not been a missile test since then. It may be coincidence, or it may be the noisy diplomacy from america and the removal of economic help from china is having an effect. Us television presenter, charlie rose, has reportedly apologised for what he called inappropriate behaviour after allegations of sexual harassment. His various shows have been suspended, following a piece in the Washington Post in which eight women accused him of harassment. Our correspondent in Los Angeles Peter bowes told me charlie rose has enjoyed a very high reputation as a tv host in north america. Yes. He is one of the most familiar faces on American Television and he has been for many, many years. He has been for many, many years. He has his own Interview Programme, the one you are referring to. He is noticed known as a hard nosed journalist and asks the hard questions of very high profile guests. He is on the cbs Network Every morning as the co presenter of their breakfast show. A hugely familiarand it of their breakfast show. A hugely familiar and it has to be said, popular character. These allegations against him come as a huge shock to against him come as a huge shock to a lot of people. Eight women coming forward to say that he sexually harassed them through lewd phone calls, inappropriate touching and sometimes by Walking Around naked in front of them. And he was quick to show contrition for at least some elements of his behaviour in the past. Yes, thats right. He has released quite a long statement. I will read part of it. It says, in my 45 years of journalism, will read part of it. It says, in my 45 years ofjournalism, i prided myself on being an advocate for the careers of women with whom i have worked. Nevertheless, in past few days, he said, it is essential these women know i hear them and that a deeply apologise for my inappropriate behaviour. He says he is greatly embarrassed. He says he is greatly embarrassed. He says he has behaved insensitively at times and the heat vests that even though he doesnt believe that all the allegations are accurate. And one additional line. He says he a lwa ys one additional line. He says he always felt he was pursuing shed feelings even though he now realises that he was mistaken. Feelings even though he now realises that he was mistakenlj feelings even though he now realises that he was mistaken. I guess it is ha rd to that he was mistaken. I guess it is hard to ignore that this comes in the wake of revelations about harvey weinstein, kevin spacey and like those cases, it seems there were rumours circulated about charlie rose for many years. What do you think happens from here . What happens from here is that he has been immediately suspended on all of the Television Shows that he presents and the syndication of the Interview Programme that we have been talking about has also been cancelled. He is off the air. Cbs says it is carrying out an investigation into these very serious allegations. This man is 75 yea rs serious allegations. This man is 75 years old, such a familiar character too many people and it is difficult too many people and it is difficult to see how he and, it has to be said, some of the other key characters that you mentioned who faced similar allegations, difficult to see how he can pick up his career at gann. Britain is to lose its seat on the International Court ofjustice in the hague for the First Time Since the United Nations principal legal body was founded in 1946. The candidacy of the uks judge sir Christopher Green was withdrawn after voting was deadlocked. His place will be taken by a judge from india. Stay with us on bbc news, still to come germany is without a government and may call new elections. What does it mean for europes political troubles . Benazir bhutto has claimed victory in pakistans general election, and she has asked pakistans president to name her as prime minister. Jackson has been released on bail of 3 million after turning himself in to police in santa barbara. It was the biggest demonstration so far of the fast growing european anti nuclear movement. The South African government has announced that its opening the countrys remaining whites only beaches to people of all races. This will lead to a black majority government in this country, and the destruction of the white civilisation. Part of the centuries old windsor castle, one of the queens residences, has been consumed by fire for much of the day. 150 firemen have been battling the blaze, which has caused millions of pounds worth of damage. He welcome to bbc news im tom donkin, broadcasting our top stories the latest headlines zimbabwes governing party is expected to start impeachment proceedings against president mugabe on tuesday. President donald trump has declared north korea a state sponsor of terrorism as he tries to increase pressure on the government of kim jong un and his nuclear ambitions. Its now believed more than 600,000 Rohingya Muslims have left mynamars rakhine state, driven out by a military operation. A scathing new report by Amnesty International will be released in the coming hours. It calls their treatment a crime against humanity and says theyve been segregated and abused in what amounts to a huge open air prison. 0ur reporterjon donnison has more. 0n bangladeshs border with myanmar, refugees keep on coming, escaping with what little they can carry. In recent months, it is estimated some 600,000 Muslim Rohingya have fled rakhine state. We are now servicing several hundred thousand people in the surrounding area. It is a registered refugee camp. It is a mega site that adds on to different collective sites down south. The government in myanmar rejects that human rights abuses by its forces are driving the rohingya out. But a new damning report by Amnesty International accuses that government of committing a crime against humanity in rakhine state. The refugees here all have grim tales to tell. Translation some of them which had sandalwood powder on their faces didnt beat us but stole our belongings. When we were in a big group they didnt attack, but when the men moved on, they attacked us. Translation they beat us and forced us to work as forced labour, taking our ids from us. They burnt down our houses. We cannot live there, we had to leave to come here. As Aung San Suu Kyi hosts asian and european foreign ministers, she could face more tough questions about the plight of the rohingya and her failure to speak out. She has already met this week with the Chinese Foreign minister who put forward a new plan starting with a ceasefire to allow refugees to return home. But it was very short of detail. The hundreds of thousands in these camps who fled did so because they were in fear of their lives. They will not go back until they feel safe. And that does not seem likely any time soon. Jon donnison, bbc news. Lets take a look now at some of the other stories making the news. And Argentine Navy Spokesman Says sounds picked up did not come from a missing submarine in the atlantic. The vessel had reported an electrical breakdown before it disappeared five days ago. The International Red cross says that the capital of yemen, sanaa, has joined several other cities which have completely run out of clean water because of a blockade led by a saudi coalition. All of the fuel needed for pumping stations has been used up. The Us Justice Department has filed a lawsuit to block the takeover of the Time Warner Group by the American Telecom giant at t. Justice Officials Say the 80 billion deal violates rules on fair competition. Donald trump promised to block the deal before he became president. At t say they will fight the lawsuit. Victorias secrets glitzy fashion show has hit the stage in china for the first time but without several of its main stars, including the model gigi hadid and the singer katy perry. The run up to the show was dominated why gigi hadids withdrawal and visas being denied due to political sensitivities. At a concert in 2015, katy perry appeared to show support for taiwan. The progress of brexit talks may be influenced by whats happening in germany. The political future of Angela Merkel is in doubt after the unexpected collapse of talks to form a coalition government. Mrs merkel said shed rather have another election than lead a minority government. The crisis was provoked by the decision of the free democrats to pull out of talks with Angela Merkels christian democrats and the greens. This report from our europe editor katya adler contains some flashing images. Ask a european about strong and stable government, and here their finger will point, germany, a country proud of its post war political stability and careful consensus building. Until today, the day Angela Merkel won the dubious honour of becoming the first leader of germany since World War Two to fail to form a government. But its not over yet. Coalition talks have collapsed for now, but Angela Merkel is nothing if not a seasoned political fighter. She has been german chancellor for three terms already. Would she consider giving up now . Translation no. Resigning was never an option. I have always said that i am ready to serve germany for a furtherfour years. This coalition failed its negotiation talks, but that does not mean i will forget the promise i made. Earlier today, Angela Merkel met the german president to discuss what is next, more attempts at government forming or fresh elections, both now carrying a real risk the far right could benefit. Translation this is an unprecedented situation in modern germany. This goes beyond party interests. Concern may well start to grow outside germany as well if politicians do not live up to their responsibility in this. What does this all mean . It depends on who you speak to. Here in germany tonight, the biggest question is will Angela Merkel survive this, the biggest political crisis of her career . The german chancellery also has issues elsewhere. The eu feels pretty bullish of late and is planning reform of the eurozone and defence cooperation, all with germany in the driving seat. And what about brexit . Sources close to Angela Merkel insisted to me today germanys attitude to brexit would remain unchanged despite coalition woes, but is that realistic . With her trying to keep her acts together and form a government with germany adrift, the impact on brexit is short term. They can say whatever they want in brussels, but they are all waiting on the signal from berlin. Angela merkel promised germany a new government for christmas. That now seems more than unlikely. The irony of a political crisis here is that it comes at a time economically they have never had it so good. With europe facing international uncertainty, it relies more than ever on a stable germany to drive it. Katya adler, bbc news, berlin. The queen and the duke of edinburgh have been celebrating seventy years of marriage with a family dinner at windsor castle. The queen is now the first British Sovereign to celebrate a platinum wedding anniversary. At westminster abbey, where the wedding took place in 1947, there was a special three hour ringing of the bells to mark the day, as our royal correspondent Nicholas Witchell reports. Ringing out from westminster abbey, a peal of bells to mark a 70th wedding anniversary. For any girl her wedding day is the day of her life. It was to the abbey on this day 11947, that the then princess elizabeth came for her wedding to lieutenant philip mountbatten. Now the Solemn Service begins. I Elizabeth Alexandra mary. Take thee philip. To my wedded husband. It was the start of a marriage which has endured for 70 years and which, from the moment elizabeth came to the throne in 1952, has underpinned the success and stability of her reign as queen. Those who know them have no doubt that the bride and groom who signed the marriage register that day at the abbey, were deeply committed to each other. 0bviously they were very much in love, it is early love as far as i can understand it, so it is a love match essentially. It is a great love story. A deeply loyal sense of duty, which is bolstered and encouraged and uplifted by theirfaith. The early years of the queens reign were not without difficulty for the duke. He felt he had no clear purpose but he adapted to the role of consort to the monarch, and for decade after decade they toured the world and fulfilled official duties together. A couple so much of whose lives have been public, sustained by the private bond between them which remains strong and deep, as the latest photographs, issued to mark their platinum wedding anniversary, make clear. Tonight their 70 years together have been celebrated at a private party at windsor castle. Nicholas witchell, bbc news. Before we go, some famous pictures of the georgia dome stadium in atlanta, which is no more. The stadium was demolished with a controlled implosion on monday. It was the home ground of the Atlanta Falcons in the nfl. At its opening in 1992, it was the largest covered dome in the world by capacity. It has been replaced by the Mercedes Benz stadium just next door. The governing party of zimbabwe is expected to begin impeachment proceedings against president mugabe on tuesday, expected to be accused of giving too much power to his wife and failing to respect the constitution. The countrys former Vice President is expected to return to the country. And you can get in touch with me and most of the team on twitter. Im tomdonkinbbc. Hello. For many it was a very mild start to the new week. 16. 6 was the high, well above average for this time of year. We stay in the mild air for tuesday and for much of the week. Im sure youve noticed an area of low pressure and a frontal system, which means rain. At eight oclock in the morning, that rain is draped across scotland and likely to keep falling here through much of the day, just clear of northern ireland. Rain returning here later in the morning. It could be a tricky rush hour, particularly through the central belt, heavy and persistent rain. Not as cold as it has been, milder air nudging north. That rain will be just about clear of northern england, but certainly down underfoot, with mist and murk and low cloud. In much of england and wales, lots of cloud, but aside from the odd patch of drizzle it will be mainly dry and mild. Temperatures around 11 or 12. Through england and wales, through the day, that cloud will try to thin and break, especially to the lee of high ground. So there could be a bit of brightness. The rain keeps falling over scotland and later in the day we see another spell of rain in northern england, and northern wales. To the south and east of that, mainly dry. The best of any brightness will be here. Mild, with high temperatures of around 1a or 13 celsius. Still quite cool in scotland. In the evening, more rain to come through scotland, slowly pulling away, then a different spell of rain pushing east across england and wales and becoming more persistent across north west england and north wales as we head through the early hours of wednesday morning. The winds will be strengthening as well, likely to touch gale force along the western and southern coasts. A mild night as we go into wednesday. A much windier day. Chance of gales in some places. Persistent rain across northern parts of wales, northern ireland, and perhaps stretching up to southern parts of scotland. To the south and east of this, mainly dry, with the best of any brightness. We could well see 15 celsius, butjust 8 in the far north of scotland. Lots of isobars through wednesday night and into thursday. Strong winds. This front will sweep these, but that will bring heavy rain for a time. How quickly it clears from the south east of england is a bit open to doubt at the moment. Behind it we start to lose some of the milder air and something colder starting to dig back in. A sign of things to come by the weekend. On thursday we could see some snow again over the mountains of scotland. Rain across northern england. Further south, should be mainly dry, with some sunshine. Eventually some rain pushing back in later. Still mild here, 12 14 celsius the high. Much colder further north. This is bbc news the headlines. Zimba bwes governing party is expected to begin impeachment proceedings against president mugabe on tuesday. Hes expected to be accused of giving too much power to his wife, grace, and of failing to respect the constitution. The countrys former Vice President is expected to return to the country soon. The south Korean Foreign ministry has welcomed president trumps decision to declare north korea a state sponsor of terrorism. The declaration is an attempt to increase pressure on kimjong un over his countrys nuclear ambitions. Further us sanctions against pyongyang are due to be announced on tuesday. Another American Media personality, charlie rose, has been suspended by his Television Networks over allegations of sexual harassment. Mr rose has apologised for what he said was inappropriate behaviour, but added that he didnt believe all the allegations against him were accurate. Police in dorset say that three people, whod been arrested in connection with the disappearance of the teenager gaia pope, have been released

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