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11 countries from asia and the americas agreed to press ahead with final talks in a meeting on the sidelines of an annual asian economic summit. President trump ditched the tpp earlier this year in favour of an America First policy. Andrew plant reports. Big progress. That was canadas verdict is the Prime Minister arrived this gathering in the numb, describing a deal being worked on here, the tra ns pacific describing a deal being worked on here, the Trans Pacific partnership, a long hoped for trade agreement. Justin trudeau. A long hoped for trade agreement. Justin trudeau. Translation now the justin trudeau. Translation now the japanese and vietnamese finance ministers have met, and announcing six countries have now ratified the deal. Talks, they say, with more possible partners are still ongoing. Any such deal had seemed in doubt after us President Donald Trump very publicly abandoned the idea earlier this year, saying it was bad for america. Japans premier as well, shinzo abe, has worked hard on getting the deal approved even without america on board. Forjapan, the dpp is very important. On one side, it shows leadership and currently, now the us is at least for the time being out of this negotiation, japan would like to push tpp forward. Mr trump arrived in vietnams after a visit to china where he praised his hosts but in vietnams, that affability evaporated. In a speech to asian leaders, the home was at times sharpe, a robust rejection of the way america and a user asia had done business in the past. We were told that someday soon, everybody would behave fairly and responsibly. People in america and throughout the Indo Pacific Region have waited for that day to come but it never has. Speaking immediately afterwards, the chinese president praised asias economic potential and championed openness. It was a gathering that many are seeing openness. It was a gathering that many are seeing as openness. It was a gathering that many are seeing as the moment america stepped away from its former role in the region, a sign that influence here is perhaps less important to the us president than a good dealfor the important to the us president than a good deal for the american important to the us president than a good dealfor the american people. Andrew plant, bbc news. Next guests, a consultant to a pack, is in boston. How surprised are you to hear that progress has been made . Its been a fascinating few days. It started of course with the president s visit to japan, to south korea, to china and those went pretty well. No particular diplomatic gaffes. The temperature in north korea cooled a little bit. Generally, the United States that came with a six story. This extraordinary. Couple of days. With the apec meetings. You will recall it started in 1989. audio issues . Altogether, the 21 economies that are the members. This was to be a big project, a big positive project. By 2020, they centred deadline. Against that the president delivered what was a pretty dark view of americas relationships with asia. Given that President Trump has a policy of the Bilateral Agreements with countries, how do you think the us to legation will view the fact that these countries are pushing on regardless, even though america has pulled out . This is really a Remarkable Development and even a month ago, one would not have expected that these would have happened. These countries were waiting for the United States to come back to the agreement and they finally decided they couldnt wait any longer. They wa nted they couldnt wait any longer. They wanted to demonstrate the baking the basic principles that led to this agreement, cooperation and free trade principles. That these would hold. audio issues . I have done. More than that, there will be other members which will also enter disagreement and the benefits will be very large. This is a Surprising Development and its a big rebuke to the United States was leadership is passing from the United States in its Asia Pacific Economy on the one hand to these 11 countries which are Going Forward with the tpp and on the other hand, to china which has also made very positive noises about corporation. You would think some of the Smaller Company countries lining up had lost pa rt Company Countries lining up had lost part of the america is not involved, they dont get to tap into that big market. Absolutely. Vietnams the most extreme example. Vietnams the most extreme example. Vietnams had counted on american markets, particularly clothing and garments, regarding concessions it made on workers rights, on intellectual property. And on a host of state owned enterprises which are very important. For countries like that, the hope of them is first of all, the benefits would be smaller and perhaps europe will be involved. I think it is stepping into the breach. Just so you know, we are looking at live pictures coming in from vietnams of the family photo, if you like. The leaders gathering for the picture at this apec summit. Details are still coming through on the agreement that has been reached. We are being told that there are still areas to be agreed. Do you think that is a Health Warning . That we are still quite far from the finish line. That they havent agreed on all the principles. Finish line. That they havent agreed on all the principleslj dont agreed on all the principles. dont see that as that is serious challenge. These agreements are very complicated. Its understandable that in a matter of a couple of days, they cannot go through all of the issues. Some provisions of the agreement which have been agreed through the United States at the table have been suspended. Meaning they will not apply to the remaining 11 countries until and if the United States co m es 11 countries until and if the United States comes back in. They have altogether some victory some 50 different provisions. Most of them we re different provisions. Most of them were valuable to the United States. International property protection. Now with the United States out, this is one pieces of the agreement that has gone away. This indicates these trade agreements, once they are in the hands of economies, wont look exactly like they did while the United States was present. That is not good, eitherfor United States was present. That is not good, either for the United States was present. That is not good, eitherfor the United States or europe. Those that dont have a large stake in intellectual property in their trading relationships. Peter, very good to you. Very good to talk to you. The crisis in lebanon has intensified with the leader of the militant shia group, hezbollah, now accusing saudi arabia of declaring war on his country. It comes just days after the lebanese Prime Minister saad hariri announced his resignation while in the saudi capital. The un and others in the International Community have warned other countries against using lebanon as a pawn in a wider regional confrontation between the major sunni power saudi arabia, and shia dominated iran. From the lebanese capital, beirut, martin patience sent this report. For a region in turmoil, beirut served as a sanctuary from the violence. But now it finds itself at the centre of the growing struggle between saudi arabia and iran. Speaks arabic. In a move that has stunned lebanon, the Prime Minister resigned suddenly last weekend. Not at home, but in saudi arabia. He lashed out at iran, accusing it of destabilising the entire region. Today, irans proxy in lebanon shot back. The leader of hezbollah claimed riyadh was holding the Prime Minister hostage. In a bid to diffuse the crisis, the french president Emmanuel Macron stopped briefly in the kingdom. He met the Saudi Crown Prince mohammed bin salman, who is pursuing a tough line against iran. Many in lebanon on share his view that tehran is too influential. Some people are seeking dividends in lebanon for the role that they played in syria. Those people are iran and hezbollah . Yes. Theyve openly expressed that. That we fought isis in syria, we drew isis away from lebanese borders and therefore we need to be recognised. During the civil war here in the 1980s, the city was divided by warring parties. And this building was on the front line. But today, lebanon is divided by the regional struggle. And the countrys seen as a pawn by the bigger players. Everyones reassuring us that everything will be ok but that doesnt mean that it is. But weve been through worse, so we are trying, just hanging on there. Its a play of power and were in the middle but its always like this for lebanon. For 30, 40 years. But the fear is the dynamic is far more dangerous than in the past. In the last few decades weve never been so close to the precipice. In many ways the threat of regional war has never been this real, if you like. Beirut famously partied through its civil war. And tonight, its no different, but this is a region on edge, and the International Community is calling for calm. The answer to a riddle might be found. Why did the mayans build mexicos ancient pyramids . Berliners from both east and west linked hands and danced around their liberated territory. And, with nobody to stop them, it was not long before the first attempts were made to destroy the structure itself. It is keeping the candidates name always in the public eye that counts. Success or failure depends not only on public display but on the local Campaign Headquarters and the heavy routine work of their women volunteers. Yasser arafat, who dominated the palestinian cause for so long, has died. The Palestinean Authority has declared a state of mourning for the leader who symbolised the hopes for independent statehood. In the wake of the colombian volcano disaster, rescue teams are trying to reach thousands of survivors who managed to clamber onto rooftops and trees above the sea of mud. After 17 years of discussions, the result was greeted with an outburst ofjoy. Women ministers, who had long felt only begrudgingly accepted amongst the ranks of clergy, suddenly felt welcomed. This is bbc news. The latest headlines the 11 remaining members of the Trans Pacific partnership have agreed a new framework to revive the proposed trade deal, following the us withdrawal earlier this year. Amid growing tension between saudi arabia and the iranian backed hezbollah movement, the United States has warned other countries against using lebanon for proxy conflicts. One of the latest hollywood figures to be accused of sexually harassing women has admitted that the allegations against him are true. Five women have made allegations against the american Comedian Louis ck, he has expressed remorse to his actions. Another hollywood figure accused of sexual misconduct, but louis ck admits he did it. The New York Times first reported the claims of five women who said that he subjected them to various acts of indecency, including stripping naked and performing a sex act in front of them. Two of his accusers say it happened in his hotel room at a comedy festival in 2002. In a statement, the comedian said the stories were true and that he is now aware of the impact of his actions. He said the statement does not include an apology to the women. Hi, everybody. Nice to see all of you. Umm, whats up . Louis ck is best known as a stand up comedian. He is also a successful writer, producer, and actor. Hollywoods response to the allegations against him has been swift. His latest film due to be released next week has been scrapped, hes been dropped by several tv networks, and netflix has cancelled plans for a stand up special. The streaming network cited his unprofessional and inappropriate behaviour with female colleagues. Lets go back to our top story, and thatis lets go back to our top story, and that is that the Trans Pacific partnership, that Major International trade deal looks like it isa International Trade deal looks like it is a step closer tonight as certain countries, 11 countries have agreed to sign up to it, and have agreed to sign up to it, and have agreed on principles Going Forward. That is happening in vietnam right now, we can speak out to our Asia Business correspondence who is in vietnam. What do you make of it all . I think this is the biggest progress that we have seen in these trade talks since the us and resident donald trump pulled out of this free trade deal earlier in the year, remember he said that it was a horrible deal, that it was bad for americas economy and said that he was getting out of it because he wa nted was getting out of it because he wanted to negotiate better i lateral trade deals between the United States and other countries. There we re states and other countries. There were Big Questions at a time about whether this trade deal could actually go ahead without the size and the scale of the us economy behind it. It was one of the main reasons in fact why smaller countries wanted to join the Trans Pacific countries wanted to join the tra ns Pacific Partnership countries wanted to join the Trans Pacific partnership agreement, but today what we understand is that the 11 remaining members of this trade deal have come to an agreement over co re trade deal have come to an agreement over core elements of this deal. They are a step closer towards finalising this deal in its totality, there are a few provisions they need to negotiate, we understand it is about reaching consensus, and this deal has a new name now, it is no longer called the tpp, it has a new name called the competitive and progressive agreement for the Trans Pacific partnership deal. I had onlyjust got used to tpp, so it will take a few days to get to the new one. America withdrawing was the big blow, but actually it has looked quite rocky in the last 2a hours, hasnt it . Youre absolutely right, at one point yesterday when negotiations were continuing with the remaining trade ministers in this organisation, the 11 remaining trade ministers, there was a last minute meeting we understand way canada, one of the critical partners of this deal failed to show up partners of this deal failed to show up there were conflicting reports about what actually happened in that situation, initially some of the trade ministers were left behind at waiting to talk over the details, said canada failed to show up, what we understand from the canadians is that actually they were not aware of the meeting, it was a scheduled meeting for them, but that aside they appear to have put aside their differences for now and come to some sort of agreement. What happens next, what is the timeline . Those details are yet to be clear and i think that underlines the fact that this was such a precarious deal to pull together in the first instance, what these trade ministers were trying to do this week is come to some sort of understanding, an agreement that they would continue without the, in this deal come in the first instance. Orders next is in terms of actually fleshing out what those provisions are, the details of the deal for the various trade ministries to go through, and eventually the signing and ratification of this agreement in the countries respective governments and parliaments. Still a long road ahead but certainly the biggest progress we have seen so far. You have shed some light on a very complex deal, thank you very much. Naomi campbell, one of the biggest names in modelling over the last three decades, has been a vocal critic of the inequalities in the fashion business. Will gompertz has been speaking to her in new york about her views on diversity and Sexual Harassment in the industry, and her own sometimes controversial behaviour. I think its a positive message to put out, an all black cast for the pirelli calendar. Doing alice in wonderland. Are you feeling that there is a change . Thats what i feel. Interesting, isnt it . Thats what im starting to see, which is great. But lets hope that its not a trend, and it remains that way, and they continue to choose with a diverse mind. Have you been turned down because of your colour . Many times in my past. But its not something that i let deter me and stop me. I used it to drive me. Lupita nyongo did an Instagram Post today, criticising a front cover where they have airbrushed out the frizziness of her hair. She wont be happy about that. Shes not happy about that. Why would they do that . She doesnt understand. See, its. I mean, i understand why shes upset, 100 . And what about the darker side of naomi, the angry. . There isnt an angry any more. I dont really let people push that button. Other issues in the fashion industry. The abuse of vulnerable young people, specifically women, but young men, as well. Im saddened, and ive made it clear whatever i can do to use my voice, in supporting models of my industry, and what i do, i will. Its never happened to me. But i dont want it to ever happen to anyone. It shouldnt happen to anyone, period. How big of a problem is it . Well, it seems to be a big problem. And i think, before it gets better, its going to get worse. I think were going to have to hear about it lots, its going to have to come out before. I mean, theyre trying to find a solution, i know. And. I think itsjust the beginning, really. The lids been opened. And so. Lets look at more stories making the news now. Protestors in australia have clashed with Police Outside a political fundraising event attended by the countrys former Prime Minister, tony abbott. Demonstrators called on the immigration minister to end offshore detention and bring refugees to australia. It comes after a refugee camp on manus island was closed last wee, week, prompting around 600 men to barricade themselves inside. A lawyer representing the former Us National Security adviser, michael flynn, has rejected allegations he was involved in a plot to seize a dissident muslim cleric and return him to turkey. A statement said the allegations, first reported by the wall street journal, were outrageous and false. Reports allege general flynn and his son were offered 15 million to deliver the cleric Fetullah Gulen to turkey, where he is accused of being behind last years failed coup. Three Chinese Students in france have been injured by a car which ploughed into them near the city of toulouse. The driver of the vehicle was immediately arrested. French media reported that he is believed to have a history of mental illness, and the incident isnt believed to be terror related. The mayans were an ancient people who built huge elaborate cities and now a team of scientists may have discovered crucial information about the ruins of chichenitza. The bbcs tim allman takes up the story. In the jungles of mexico, a marvel and a mystery. This pyramid was built by the mayans sometime between the 9th and 12th centuries. Now archaeologists are going underground to try to answer a crucial question. Why was it built here . It seems the answer is pretty simple. Translation the aquifer, the water that sustained the city, that sustains the life of the peninsula. We can see the consequences, even negative ones, that may come from the fact that these buildings are built above bodies of water. The yucatan peninsula is dotted with underground rivers and natural wells. The mayans seem to have built their city right on top. Scientists developing 3d images showing the cavities underneath the pyramid. There are also tunnels and passageways all around the area. Another mystery that is still to be resolved, as this extraordinary relic of the past gives up some of its secrets. A reminder of our top story members of the Trans Pacific partnership have agreed a new framework to revive the proposed trade deal, following the us withdrawal earlier this year. The remaining 11 nations released a joint statement saying they were committed to free and open trade as well as fighting protectionism. Stay with us on bbc news. Hello. We are having to look into the atlantic for some elements of this weekends weather for some parts of the british isles. What was Tropical Storm rina wont be giving us gale force winds, but it will import some really warm and moist tropical airs, which will manifest themselves on the start of saturday as a lot of cloud and rain for the southern half of the british isles. A much fresher aspect to the weather as we head into scotland. Wintry showers across high ground. At least theres sunshine to speak of and that persists into the afternoon. Some of the showers turning wintry, down to about 300 metres or so. Snow will lie on high ground of scotland, but at least there will be sunshine to speak of. Northern ireland a cloudy afternoon. A bit of brightness perhaps and brightening skies coming from the north of england, especially down the eastern side, but generally speaking as you come back through the midlands towards the south of wales and into the southern counties of england it may be one of those afternoons where the rain sticks around for the greater part of the day, so thats going to be a nuisance in cardiff, but at least theres going to be brighter skies for the visit of samoa to murrayfield. The thicker cloud thickens even further in southern counties of england and wales for a time through the night. Just pepping up the rainfall. Further north the skies remain clearfor some. A dotting of showers still perhaps and again wintry across high ground. Once that set of fronts in the south pulls into the near continent, notice that the air flows down those isobars from the north to the south. Never a warm direction. All of us will experience that marked change in the feel of the day on sunday, remembrance sunday of course. Yes, a scattering of showers around the exposed shores, fully exposed to the northerly wind. But down the spine of the country there could be a good deal of sunshine, but it will do nothing for the temperatures. Seven, eight, nine degrees for many. Next week starts cold and frosty, then it gets a little bit milder in the middle of the week and there will be some rain around. So theres a frosty start for the greater part of england and wales, the eastern part of scotland too, but here the first signs of that change into something milder as we bring the fronts into parts of scotland and eventually into northern ireland. From monday into tuesday, no more the northerly, the isobars are cranked into a westerly, and thats why the weather will become milder. This is bbc news. The headlines a framework for a Trans Pacific trade deal has been agreed months after the United States pulled out. Canada dropped its objections following talks on the sidelines of the annual Asia Pacific Economic forum being held in vietnam. There is growing concern that a power struggle between saudi arabia and iran is fuelling the political crisis in lebanon. The american secretary of state has warned other countries

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