More cloud and outbreaks of rain. A bit milder here, staying quite cold gcioss bit milder here, staying quite cold across the east. That weather system continues to trundle eastwards slowly during monday night, bringing persistent rain to initially western areas, then working into central parts. A much milder night to come than the previous one. Hello, this is bbc news. The headlines at 8. 30pm at least 27 people have been killed in a mass shooting at a Baptist Church in texas. President trump says hes monitoring the situation from japan. A huge new leak of financial documents known as the Paradise Papers has revealed how the powerful and wealthy secretly invest vast amounts of money in offshore tax havens. The bbc Panorama Programme has discovered that millions of pounds of the queens private money is invested in offshore funds based in the Cayman Islands and bermuda by her private estate, the duchy of lancaster. The conservative mp chris pincher has referred himself to the police and voluntarily stepped down from the whips office, following allegations over his behaviour. We were planning to show britains best new building at this point but were going to stay with the breaking news in texas so if you do want to watch david sillitos programme on the stirling prize you can find it on the bbc iplayer. Lets get more on the texas shooting. At least 27 people are reported to have been killed at a Baptist Church at Sutherland Springs. A Small Community about 30 miles from san antonio is where this shooting took place. 0ne witness, carrie who works at a shop close to the church told cbs news what shed heard and seen. Im about 50 yards away, theres a iow im about 50 yards away, theres a row of houses. We ran outside and we heard the shots, we looked at each other and said, im heard the shots, we looked at each otherand said, im not heard the shots, we looked at each other and said, im not going to stay outside the bullets to fly because we had ricocheted. We went into the store and had a couple of customers. We made sure they were safe. And then the owner decided to go ahead and close the store for a while just to make sure because he was on the run and we didnt want a situation here where the safety of our customers was jeopardised. That was an eyewitness. Andy moore is here following the story, and all the various wires as information comes in. Bring us up to date. This is the first Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, a small Rural Community about 30 miles from san antonio in texas. Relatively small church, would normally have a congregation of about 50 or 60. The reports are that as the service was ending, a gunman walked into the church and started firing. According toa church and started firing. According to a local police commissioner, he says he has been told that at least 27 people are dead, and more than 20 are injured. That suggests pretty well nearly everyone in the church was killed or injured in some way. Certainly, on the record we have reports of multiple fatalities and multiple wounded. As we can see from these television pictures, a very large response by the Emergency Services there. A lot of ambulances, airambulances taking services there. A lot of ambulances, air ambulances taking casualties to hospital. We know the connolly Memorial Medical Centre in nearby florence failed to a number of patients from this shooting, but did not took a number of patients, but did not give any numbers. The fbi are also there. We have had a response from donald trump emits in asia at the moment. He has tweeted may god be with the people of Sutherland Springs. We can see his tweet there. Just to give viewers a sense of what has happened, when something is so recent, you are following these events a re recent, you are following these events are getting a constant feed of all sorts of different news agency material, almost on a minute by minute basis as they update everything. Thats right, we are getting information all the time from official sources, semi official sources, the reports of 27 injured has come from albert gomez who was a police commissioner. My understanding it is not a uniformed policeman, but he says the details are sketchy. What i now am right now, what they are telling me, 27 deceased and over 25 injured. We should say, the shooter, the gunmen is dead as well. That has been confirmed by the sheriff, we have response from the governor of texas, he says our prayers are with all those harmed by this evil act, our thanks to Law Enforcement that their response. Hes as there will be more detailfrom the dds response. Hes as there will be more detail from the dds soon. Response. Hes as there will be more detailfrom the dds soon. Lots response. Hes as there will be more detail from the dds soon. Lots of the reports coming from sheriffs and Police Sources on the ground, there is very little in terms of black and white. About the casualties and what has happened. We will show the map, you mention the proximity of this relatively Small Community, as you said, about 30 miles from san antonio. You can see there on the map. Is there any indication as to motive at this point, or suggestion as to emotive . There isnt, we have not got an official record of the name of the gunmen, who was shot dead. There is a name that has been mentioned in the media, not confirmed. Unconfirmed is one report that this was some sort of a family dispute, that the into the church and shot dead members of his own family before turning the gun on others. That is one of many reports that has not been confirmed by any officials at the moment. As far as we are aware, it was simply one gunmen, the local sheriff is talking about one gunmen who has been shot dead, so only one gunmen. No indication, at the moment, from any source that this is a terror incident in any way. Nobody has spoken of that as a possibility. Incident in any way. Nobody has spoken of that as a possibilitylj am spoken of that as a possibility. am reading one further line as we talk. This being reported on cnn, the gunmen was killed after a short chase, cnn quoting a Sheriffs Office x men in guadeloupe county which im assuming is the county where sunderland springs says. It was on layer whether the shooter died from a Police Bullet for his own hand. Unclear. It is very hard to piece anything together at this point. An interesting report saying the gunmen was shot perhaps some distance from the church, not actually at the church. Thats the first i have heard that. Another element of this glory, coming in. Of this story. I think you can see, certainly in the television pictures, we have been showing the church itself. It is over on the top right on the screen. A relatively small, White Building with the dark red roofed with all the Police Vehicles in front of it. As you can see, its not a terribly large building, so theres reports of a congregation of 50 or 60 would appear to be about right. I have seen that figure in another piece of copy. We believe it for. Thank you. Lets get more on our other big story breaking tonight and a huge new leak of financial documents has revealed how the rich and powerful around the world, including the queens private estate, secretly invest vast amounts of cash in offshore tax havens. The 13 million documents, mostly from an offshore law firm called appleby, have been called the Paradise Papers. Theyve been obtained by the german newspaper su Deutsche Zeitung and shared with the International Consortium of investigativejournalists including in the uk, the guardian and the bbcs Panorama Programme. So what are offshore Investment Funds and why are they so controversial . 0ur economics editor kam al ahmed now explains. For centuries, britain has been a Global Centre of finance, focused on london. That is seen by many as good for our economy and the development of global trade. To support that, we allowed companies to set up in the uk and is not to be taxed here. Our imperial past is also important, across the world what are called crown dependencies overseas territories, places likejersey crown dependencies overseas territories, places like jersey and guernsey and the isle of man, which have an arms length relationship with us and have based their economy on the low tax offers to companies and individuals, to hold some of their wealth there. 0thers and individuals, to hold some of their wealth there. Others are more far flung, places like gibraltar, as well as bermuda, the British Virgin islands, the Cayman Islands, and turks in chaos. Such places in sis they are good for growth, as they allow firms and individuals to avoid being taxed multiple times by different countries. There have been a lot of new rules on transparency as well. But they are not criticised for being too secret. Two week on regulation, and to open to corruption. Critics say the laws have also failed to keep up with Global Companies which can move vast amounts of money around the world at the touch of a computer key. We are not the only ones who have used tax competition and light touch regulation to lure companies to our shores, other countries that have been criticised into switzerland, swing singapore, and america, which has low tax systems in many of its states. There is also an important distinction to remember when speaking about tax havens. Tax evasion is illegal, while tax avoidance is using legal structures to reduce tax levels. How much good tax avoidance be worth to the National Exchequer is like the treasury . Well, globally anything between £75 billion and £180 billion. Many now believe that avoidance has become so controversial that needs to be a com plete controversial that needs to be a complete change to global tax laws, said the taxes are paid in the country where the firm on the individual is based. That would mean the total tax take would go up, which some might disagree with, but public controversy would probably die down. Earlier my colleague ben brown poke to tom keatinge, who is the director of the centre for Financial Crime and Security Studies at the Royal United Services institute. He told ben that the leak would help to raise awareness about the Services Provided by the off Shore Financial centres. Those services are to avoid tax, to move your money around the world. Then you will do, so no surprise. We saw the Panama Papers, now the Paradise Papers, did anything actually change after the Panama Papers . I think Public Perception is rising, politicians are clearly getting more hot under the collar about this issue. The fundamental issueis about this issue. The fundamental issue is that something needs to be done globally, something needs to be done globally, something needs to be done to stop the ability to move money around the world like this. If you can afford to move money to places and avoid paying tax then why not do it . Thats what we face now, we need a complete rethink of the way these centres are allowed to operate. It will obviously keep you up to date on reaction to those Paradise Papers in the next few hours here on bbc news. In the meantime, let me keep you up to date on meantime, let me keep you up to date o n eve nts meantime, let me keep you up to date on events in texas, lets return to those live pictures of the Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs in texas, where in the last two hours orso, a texas, where in the last two hours or so, a gunmen went into the Baptist Church, when a service was drawing to a close, its thought around 50 people were inside at the time. Reports indicate as many as 27 people died in the shooting that subsequently took place. You can see from these shots, a little closer to the scene than we were a moment ago via the helicopter that is flying above it. The large numbers of emergency vehicles, Police Vehicles, ambulances, fire service, around the building. The reports suggesting that the gunmen has died, possibly after fleeing the scene for a short period of time. There is some confusion over whether or not he ran away some distance and was then shot by police or may even have shot himself. That element of the events of the last two hours unclear. As are so many at this point because, of course, still an assessment of the scale of this is ongoing. Andy moore is alongside me in the studio as we look at these live pictures. Via the various wire copy you are reading, what is the latest . As you say, the latest update is that the gunmen himself was not killed at this location. This is in Wilson County, according to reports he was killed in nearby guadalupe county. The reports talk about a short chase. Im presuming that probably means a car chase, if he was killed in the neighbouring county. Its unclear whether he died from police fire on whether he killed himself. As you say, the church itself very small in Rural Community, a congregation of 50 or 60. The community itself, of Sutherland Springs, only has a population of about 400. You can imagine the. Tiny place. The impact any place like this overshooting on a place like this overshooting on a place like that. A number of people were taken to hospital by ambulance and we know that the connolly Memorial Medical Centre in nearby area has accepted a number of patients from the shooting, one report saying one of those patients is a two year old child. That has not been confirmed by any of local Police Officials. We have not heard any interviews on camera with any Police Officials, but those are the reports. And of course, we have had the reaction from donald trump. He is in asia at the moment. 0bviously obviously a very serious situation, with multiple deaths and the president has been kept at it. Lets return for a moment to the live pictures, because as you and i were saying a moment ago, news from slightly closer to the building than they were a moment ago. I think, in they were a moment ago. I think, in the top of the picture, appears to be where most of the vehicles are parked. You can see on the ground, people moving about. They may well be representatives of the media who no doubt will have gone to the scene quickly after this happened. Various other vehicles that are from different Emergency Services. Attending the scene. The gunmen, as you can see across the bottom of the screen, as andy was saying, has died after the incident. A question as to how far away he may have got from the scene before he died. That is the scene before he died. That is the Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs where this has happened. 0bviously springs where this has happened. Obviously we will keep abreast of that as far as we can. Just looking at one of element of this from our various wire, coming into me, as me and nannies in the studio trying to bring you up to date. The number of fatalities confirmed by the Police Official and 27. That was to cbs news, some timings given as well. He opened fire at around half past 11 local time, that is half past five in the evening gmt. The details kind of sketchy, said mr gomez, the Police Official, but what i know right now they are telling me 27 deceased on over 25 injured. There is one witness you heard briefly speaking, a woman called harry, who said we had semi automatic gunfire, 50 yards from the church. A very Small Community, 400 or so People Living in this small place. Everyone very curious as to what was going on. The san antonio fbi branch says its agency have been deployed, though there was no indication at this stage of the gunmens motive. The former Catalan Leader, and four of his ministers, who fled to belgium when the Spanish Government took direct control of catalonia, have surrendered to the police in brussels. Warrants for the arrest of carlus puigdemont and the others were issued on friday, theyve been charged with rebellion and sedition. Gavin lee reports brussels this morning, after a week in self imposed exile, the sacked Catalan Leader Carles Puigdemont handed himself into belgian authorities. He was then arrested and placed into custody along with four other formerseparatist ministers. The five persons that have been sought by the spanish authorities presented themselves at the federal police of brussels. Spain wants Carles Puigdemont extradited to face charges of sedition and rebellion against the state, for illegally declaring independence. But his lawyer says they will appeal, and attempt to stay in belgium. Barcelona today, another protest, but now with a different focus. Several thousand gathered to cover the city wall with posters, demanding the release of other separatist ministers already in prison and facing the same charges. Im not here because i support one or other position. Im here because i support being able to discuss this really without violence and justice getting in the way of politics. In the park next to the catalan parliament, sunday life carries on as usual. Among those catching some sun, sympathy for Carles Puigdemont was in short supply. They decide to broke with the constitutional system. But what awaits Carles Puigdemont if hes forcibly returned to spin . A seniorjudge tells me the charges are among the most serious. Carles puigdemont says there is an unfairjudicial system. Thejudiciary is too closely linked to politics, what do you say about that . The system can be slow, but not unfair sometimes. But in general, ourjudges are radical independents. Theyre very, very independent. Just over a week ago, separatist ministers were celebrating after voting illegally for unilateral independence for catalonia here at the catalan parliament. But now, eight of the sacked ministers are in prison here in spain, Carles Puigdemont the former leader and four other ministers are now fighting extradition, too, and that could be a long process. But time is short when it comes to return in catalonia to a functioning democracy. In six weeks time, there will be new elections here. But will the separatist candidates be in prison or in exile . Gavin lee, bbc news, barcelona. The heir to the throne in saudi arabia has overseen a major purge in the countrys leadership. 11 princes, four current ministers and dozens of former ministers have been detained. Crown Prince Mohammed bin salman is the head of a newly established Anti Corruption committee and he appears to have sidelined a number of powerful figures. 0ur security correspondent Frank Gardner reports. Saudi arabia has been shaken by two shocks within hours of each other. First, a missile fired by rebels in yemen. They reportedly reached the capital riyadh before they were shot down. This is a big step, they are using ballistic missiles, long range missiles, likely from iran to put pressure on the Saudi Arabian government which has been bombarding yemen for years now. Next in an unrelated move came the news that several prominent princes including serving ministers had been detained in a sweeping Anti Corruption purge led by the crown Prince Mohammed bin salman. The heir to the throne has been moving fast to consolidate his growing power while spearheading a modern reform programme. This move will now give him nominal control of all the countrys Security Forces but at the same time the removal from office of several well known figures is sure to upset some more conservative elements. Saudi arabia is a deeply Tribal Society and not used to sudden change. Its currently conducting a war in yemen, another against so called Islamic State and a boycott of qatar. What is clear is that the Mohammed Bin Salman regime is struggling very much. Hes trying to consolidate power and this attack on the capital is an embarrassment, to say the least. These are risky times in the desert kingdom. Frank gardner, bbc news. We will bring you up to date on the weather in a moment, but first events in texas. If you have been watching newborn be aware of this major shooting incident the Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs in texas. According to police on the ground, at least 27 people have died in this shooting. A man going into the church towards the end of a service, the church would have had about 50 people inside, at least 27 people have been killed in the shooting incident. We will rounded up shooting incident. We will rounded up as faras shooting incident. We will rounded up as far as we shooting incident. We will rounded up as far as we can shooting incident. We will rounded up as far as we can in a moment, but before that, we have this from a local reporter, sue carol berg, at the scene. We know there are multiple churchgoer was dead, and the gunmen is also deceased. They have established a perimeter at the first Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, and they are beginning the long, arduous task of processing what is a very awful scene. The pasta from the church down the street says that when they were in church, thats when they got the word that their friends had been attacked. They said there was a deputy in church, there were nurses and other first responders, deputy in church, there were nurses and otherfirst responders, phones and otherfirst responders, phones and pages started going off, the church down the street immediately stopped what they were doing and their friends stopped what they were doing and theirfriends and stopped what they were doing and their friends and neighbours stopped what they were doing and theirfriends and neighbours ran stopped what they were doing and their friends and neighbours ran to assist. They found a scene of real carnage. Thats when the ambulance and started coming, first responders, from many other communities here in the wilson cou nty area communities here in the Wilson County area and surrounding counties. You need is so great. The pastors say they are gathering here, victims families gathering, waiting for word. The pastor says everybody in this Small Community is going to know the names of every Single Person who was killed. May i say, there are said to be numerous small children among the dead. That is sue carol berg of cayenne s, reporting at the scene. That point you just made, highlights the size of this community and the fact there will be some desperately worried people. From such a small Cross Section of people. Thats right, a community of about 400 people. We also hope that reports about possibly children being among the dead. Certainly i had heard reports that a two year old child was among the injured. There may be children among the fatalities, up to 27 or at least 27 People Killed according to a local official. The gunmen has not been identified, he was killed according to reports at another location after a short chase. We do not know that was on foot or by car but it appears to be in a neighbouring county. No indication yet as to the motive but there is no indication that terrorism is involved in any way. A well developed donald trump will of course is in asia at the moment. He has tweeted something in reaction at this stage. Thats right, trump has sent out a message saying. We have also had a message from the governor, saying her prayers are with all those harmed by this evil act. Thank you for the time being. Just before the weather, one further piece of reaction to the publication of the revised papers tonight. You may have seen in the special edition of panorama which we showed you in the last hour that some questions have been raised about who controls Everton Football Club and whether premier league rules have been broken. The labour shadow culture minister tom watson has tonight issued a statement saying the premier league have strict ownership rules. The revelations published by the guardian and the bbc suggest they might have been breached. Im sure the premier league will investigate and i will be writing to them to urge them to do so. Fans rightly expect full disclosure on how their clubs are acquired, financed and run and transparency about where that money comes from can get more information on the bbc news website. Lets catch up with the weather. Temperatures will continue to fall sharply this evening, looks like it will be a cold one for many bonfire night celebrations. Should be dry from most away from coastal areas. Later in the night, really turning quite cold, the colours indicating a sharp frost, may be down to 50 minus six degrees. A change taking place across the west, as the weather system slowly moves m, as the weather system slowly moves in, bringing more clout and outbreaks of rain. A bit milder here, staying cold across the east. That weather system continues to trundle eastwards slowly during monday night, bringing persistent rain to initially western areas, then working into central parts. A much milder night to come than the previous one. This is bbc world news today. Our top stories. At least 27 people are thought to have been killed in the texas town of Sutherland Springs after a mass shooting at a church. We went running outside when we heard the shots and then we looked at each other and said im not going to be outside for bullets to fly because we heard ricochet. We know that there are multiple churchgoers dead and that the gunman is also deceased. A huge new leak of financial documents known as the Paradise Papers has revealed how the powerful and wealthy secretly invest vast amounts of money in offshore tax havens. The bbc Panorama Programme has discovered that millions of pounds of Queen Elizabeths private money is invested in offshore funds based in the Cayman Islands and bermuda by her private estate, the duchy of lancaster. The papers also disclose how Donald Trumps commerce secretary has business links with russian allies of president putin

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