Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20171105

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Several senior ministers as well as dozens of former ministers, have been detained in a campaign to stamp out corruption. Crown Prince Mohammed bin salman, whos in charge of the new Anti Corruption committee, appears to have sidelined powerful rivals. It seems the heads of the Saudi National guard and navy have been replaced. Staying in saudi arabia, state media there says the military has shot down a missile over the capital, riyadh. Officials believe the weapon was fired from yemen, where Houthi Rebels backed by iran are fighting the saudi backed government. Mohamed taha from bbc arabic says its clear the houthis intended to cause major damage. And in a further development in the region, iran has rejected accusations by the lebanese Prime Minister that its spreading violence across the middle east. Saad hariri resigned from his post unexpectedly, saying he feared for his life. Iranian Officials Say his resignation is a saudi plot to create tension. Martin patience reports from beirut. It is an honour to be here with you, mr president. For the Prime Minister of a small nation, Saad Al Hariri has had some very powerful friends. That is because lebanon matters in the middle east. It is a country outsiders fight to control. And today, an extraordinary sign of that the Prime Minister resigned, saying he feared assassination. Speaking from saudi arabia, which backs him, Saad Al Hariri fired this warning to iran. Translation i want to say to iran and its followers that they are losing in their interference in the affairs of the arab world. Our nation will rise up, as it has done in the past, and cut off the hands that wickedly extend into it. Iran and saudi arabia are fighting a proxy war across the middle east. In lebanon, tehran backs hezbollah, which commands strong support. But its opponents say it operates as a state within a state. And its armed wing was accused of killing Saad Al Hariris father, rafik, more than a decade ago by a massive truck bomb. It traumatised the nation, but ultimately reshaped the middle east. Now some are asking whether his sons resignation will do the same. This announcement has left people here stunned and created enormous uncertainty. Lebanon has generally been spared the violence seen elsewhere but now many lebanese fear their country could be a casualty in the wider regional struggle. Well, for more on the latest tensions in the middle east region, earlier, i spoke to Samaa Al Hamdani a yemeni analyst and president of the non profit yemen cultural institute. The war between yemen and saudi arabia has been going on for a really long time and this is the most they have achieved since the start of the war so in 2. 5 years this is the strongest attack at the treaties have launched onto saudi arabia and it shows on some level their capacities are developing, sending a message that could also be a call to the world the kind of bring attention back to the yemen warand bring attention back to the yemen war and together with the other things that you mentioned in this segment with the other reread resignation and the Anticorruption Campaign that is going on in saudi arabia, you can see that this is also going to lead to an increasing tensions between saudi arabia and iran because of the houthis i consider their main ally. Alhairiri consider their main ally. Al hairiri resignation. Staying on the missile, how do you think the crown prince will respond to such provocation . I mean immediately we can see the result every time that the houthis have launched anything towards saudi arabia which they have done before but never reached the capital. This time as is a different story, it has created a buzz and scared people so every time the houthis launched a into saudi arabia, it was normally responded to in yemen by targeting a few sites by creating chaos and this is a time when we fill the civilians in yemen, with the strong bombardment, because the houthis were able to send one missile into saudi arabia but they are not going to be able to launch an entire war against them in on the other hand saudi arabia will keep retaliating strongly. As you were just alluding to, i think, will we are seeing here i suppose his yemen and flooded on being used as a staging post for a proxy war between saudi arabia and iran. How do you see this playing out . Well, i do think that women on could potentially be dragged into it as easy as one could imagine because they have been Holding Strong even though syria and the countries around them are engaged in warfare. Ican around them are engaged in warfare. I can see an escalation in the saudi rhetoric towards a run directly but i dont know exactly what is going to happen but what is clear is the mohammad bin salman regime is struggling, he is trying to consolidate power and is attacked by the houthis on the capital is an embarrassment, to say the least, because they have been launching of your will walk the 2. 5 years and claiming success in a sense that with a lot of pressure on him, hes taken on the much responsibility, is the head of the war on yemen, the head the islamic kind of campaign against terrorism, and is also now the head of the campaign against corruption in the kingdom, that he is now wearing many hats and is trying to do a lot at the same time. President trump has arrived injapan on a five nation asian tour set to be dominated by the crisis over north Koreas Nuclear programme. Later in the week, the president will travel to south korea, and then china, the key stop on his five nation tour of east asia. Sophia tran thomson has the latest. Touchdown in tokyo. After flying in on air force one from hawaii, the president and first lady met with us troops stationed in the region. Much to the delight of the greeting party, the president officially selected his gift. I like this better you can have myjacket. Selected his gift. I like this better you can have myjacketm an effort to strengthen ties, two of asia will be the longest in american president has attempted in a quarter ofa president has attempted in a quarter of a century and discussions will focus heavily on north korea and regional security. Today, nations that once waged war now stand together as friends and partners in pursuit of a much better world. We are getting there. We are getting there faster than you think. The president s strong stance on pyongyangs Nuclear Weapons programme will be welcomed by the japanese leader. And when donald trump arrives in south korea on tuesday, he will also have strong support in seoul. But hell need commitment across the region to squeeze the north even tighter through sanctions, and that means getting china on board. On wednesday, donald trump meets xi jinping. Their talks may be less than cordial if mr trump pressures his counterpart to take a stronger line with pyongyang and raises the issue of what he calls chinas unfair trade practices. This marathon 12 day tour will end with regional summits in vietnam and the philippines. Leaders there will be listening to hear how committed this America First president is to the rest of the region at a time when china continues to emerge as the dominant regional force. Well for more on the president s tour of asia, our correspondent Stephen Mcdonnell is in tokyo for us. Steve, what else is on the itinerary for this day in tokyo . Here in the japanese capital people are wondering what Donald Trumps visit will bring in terms of developing us japan will bring in terms of developing us japan relations, on will bring in terms of developing us japan relations, on questions will bring in terms of developing us japan relations, on questions for example on trade. But the fear is that all these economic matters are going to be totally swamped north korea. Of course, people here are very concerned about the Nuclear Threats coming from north korea and they want to know what can be sort of cobbled together with donald trump and with the leaders of south korea, japan and china. The problem is, though, these relations are pretty tense even at the best of times. And when donald trump comes out and describes japan, as he has just done, as a warrior nation, now this of course rings alarm bells at south korea and china and so, concerns that japan may change its constitution might become militarised, this is going to potentially put pressure on Donald Trumps efforts to build a coalition of nations to put pressure on north korea over its Nuclear Weapons programme. How do the japanese view Donald Trumps much tougher approach to north korea when he says he wont rule out military force, for example . I think the government doesnt mind that type of talk of the population, of course, would be divided. The people who think sure, lets get tough on north korea but others who worry about this sort of talk, but it may inflame the situation. So you have all manner of views here but certainly, what people would like to see from whatever persuasion or view you like, a plan, somewhere moving forward on north korea, because you know, every time north korea fires off one of its test missiles, it comes across this country. And there are fears that even one of these tests nuclear missiles, test missiles, imagine if it was fired incorrectly and landed somewhere on japanese soil . There is quite a bit of concern here and hope that this trip from donald trump might bring some sort of a breakthrough, although it is hard to see where it could come. Steve, i know we will talk more in the coming hours but for now, thank you very much. Stephen donald here in tokyo. There. Lets take a look at some of the other stories making the news. Militants of the Islamic State group are reported to have detonated a car bomb at a gathering of people displaced by fighting in the syrian province of deir az zour. Syrian state media said dozens of people gathered on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River had been killed or injured. On friday, is lost control of deir az zour city, its last remaining stronghold in syria. Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has rejected an offer from new zealand to take in Asylum Seekers from the manus island offshore Detention Centre in papua new guinea. Hundreds of refugees are refusing to leave the Detention Centre, which has now been closed, and has no power or water. Donald trumps former Campaign Manager Paul Manafort has offered to pledge 12 million in real estate and Life Insurance assets, and limit his travel in a bid to avoid continued house arrest, according to us court documents. Court documents say he also offered to limit his travel to new york, washington and florida. Typhoon damrey has killed at least 19 people in central and southern parts of vietnam. Rescue teams say more than 33,000 people have been moved from their homes and at least a dozen are missing. Caroline davies reports. Twisted, broken, flattened, buildings that cannot stand up to the strength of typhoon damrey. It ripped through vietnam from the early hours of saturday morning. Tearing off roofs, uprooting trees, and knocking down electricity cables. Debris litters roads. Few storms bring military onto the streets but this one is thought to be the strongest country has seen the 16 years. The damage was only on the 16 years. The damage was only on the land. At sea, waves beached ships, this rickety houseboat struggled against the tide. The government says six ships capsized with 61 people on board. 25 have been rescued. There is no word on the others. And it has a four and it isnt over yet. Although the winds has died down, land and mudslides are dangers. It is the wet season here but Central Vietnam may see much of its rainfall in only one week. The storm is expected to continue west, moving to the gulf of thailand and up. Stay with us on bbc news. Still to come turning back time well tell you about the cycling enthusiasts who are harking back to an earlier age. Of the american hostages, there was no sign. They are being held somewhere inside the compound, and student leaders have threatened that, should the americans attempt rescue, they will all die. This mission has surpassed all expectations. Voyager one is now the most distant man made object anywhere in the universe, and itjust seems to keep on going. Tonight, we proved once more that the true strength of our nation comes not from the might of ourarms, or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of our ideals. This is bbc news. The latest headlines. The crown prince of saudi arabia has launched a major Anti Corruption purge in the government. Several royal princes and current and former ministers have been detained. The american President Donald Trump has arrived in japan for the first leg of his twelve day tour of five asian countries. He is currently playing golf with the japanese Prime Minister. Lawyers for the us soldier Bowe Bergdahl, who pleaded guilty to abandoning his post in afghanistan, say theyll appeal his lawyers had argued that he was suffering from mental conditions and shouldnt face prison. I spoke a little earlier to eugene fidell. Hes the lead defence counsel for Bowe Bergdahl and teaches military law at yales school of law. I asked him how his client was doing. He is catching his breath. This was a tremendous relief for him to know he is not going to prison. He is trying to figure out what is going to happen in the next chapter of his life. We understand you are going to appeal. What is actually going to happen . He did plead guilty, of course, did he not . Yes, he did. The way our system works, the system is a markup of the system that was in effect under george iii. We inherited that and we still have a bit of it in large effects. From here goes to the convening authority in north carolina. After he acts on the proceedings, the case is eligible for review by the us court of appeal which consists of serving officers. Then it goes to the civilian court of appeal for the armed forces, a court of appeal. Eventually it can wind up at the supreme court. 0k. Can i move you on to President Trump and his comments . Outside court you described his comments as a dark cloud over the case. How much do you think he influenced the process . He. Umm. He has thrown a spanner into the works here. President trump has committed some of the worst misconduct of any president in terms of interfering with the administration ofjustice. And he has done a world of damage to Public Confidence in the administration ofjustice. That kind of conduct which we call apparent unlawful command influence is said to be the lawful enemy of militaryjustice and i can assure you we will pursue that very energetically. When he said that sergeant burgdahl should be executed, how did bow burgdahl react . He took it poorly. Donald trump vilified him back and forth across the country at rally after rally. He started a lynch mob atmosphere. That is what is the prosperous i understand that as part of this dishonourable discharge, as it is known, Bowe Burgdahl would lose his healthcare benefits, the things he is entitled to as a veteran, how important would they be to him . It is so important. He has several issues that he requires benefits for. Has physical and mental disabilities due to his treatment at the hands of the Haqqani Network for nearly five years. He was kept in a cage for much of that time. He is a person that is going to need a lot of medical and psychological assistance for the remainder of his life. 0k. The ousted head of the catalan government, carles puigdemont,

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