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Breaking fa cup run, the city is experiencing a baby boom well find out why good evening and welcome to bbc news. In the past hour, the defence secretary sir Michael Fallon has resigned, saying his behaviour in the past may have fallen short. Lets go straight to westminster and speak to our Political Correspondent alex forsyth. What do we know . We have received a copy of a letter sir Michael Fallon sent to the Prime Minister setting out his reasons for his resignation. In that, he says in recent days and number of allegations have surfaced about mps including some about his previous conduct and he says that many have been false but he accepts that in the past he has fallen short of the High Standards expected of the armed forces so he has reviewed his position and therefore decided to resign. He talks about things he is proud of in his role, such as the fight against Islamic State in iraq and syria and he says he will continue his work on the backbenches. We have also had theresa mays response to this and she says i appreciate the characteristically serious way in which you have dealt with this and the example you want to set to be armed forces. The context to all of this is the number of allegations that have been swirling around westminster in recent days about inappropriate behaviour from mps. The only one we are aware of in which sir Michael Fallon had been named was an allegation that dates back 15 years ago when Michael Fallon apparently apologised after repeatedly touching the need of a journalist after a dinner and she said that she found it amusing and she has tweeted tonight saying she would be surprised if this was about her knee. It is unclear from would be surprised if this was about her knee. It is unclearfrom it is clear from his decision to resign tonight that his behaviour fall short of that which you would expect from the armed forces and therefore of himself. The wording is interesting, isnt it. He feels it has fallen short of levels expected from defence secretary. Has fallen short of levels expected from defence secretarylj has fallen short of levels expected from defence secretary. I think we can take from this that this would have been a difficult decision for Michael Fallon because he has been defence secretary since 2014 and before that he had several roles, including business minister, a long serving member of the conservative party. He was first elected as an mp in1983, party. He was first elected as an mp in 1983, re elected again in 1997, say he has had a long career in the higher ranks of the conservative pa rt higher ranks of the conservative part and higher ranks of the conservative partand in higher ranks of the conservative part and in various governments, first serving as a whip in margaret thatchers government, so this will not have been an easy decision to resign. He is clearly saying that allegations about his past conduct, and interestingly he has stressed his past conduct, fall short of the standards expected of servicemen and women, so standards expected of servicemen and women, so he is deliberately casting aspersions on other mps, talking about himself and the measures he expects of himself. Hence his resignation. It was interesting earlier in the week when he did apologise for repeatedly touching this journalists me that he didnt get a full endorsement from theresa may at that point, did he . That is right. The power minister was asked about it when that service that v about it when that service that v Prime Minister was asked about it when the allegations surfaced and there wasnt a full ringing endorsement. We have had other ministers referred to the cabinet 0ffice ministers referred to the Cabinet Office when allegations have come up about them and i think number ten is very determined that everything going on about the claims of misconduct, they need to be seen to act when they need to. In this instance, there was no under nation of sir Michael Fallon. He has chosen to resign because of how he felt about his position. Michael fallon is close to theresa may, as someone else caught up in these allegations, damian green. Yes, he is the de fa cto damian green. Yes, he is the de facto deputy Prime Minister, if you like, and he has been referred to the Cabinet Office for having sex with somebody asking them out for dinnerand with somebody asking them out for dinner and that he touched her knee and he says he categorically denies that was harassment and he has instructed lawyers, but this is a measure of how seriously number ten and infact measure of how seriously number ten and in fact the whole government and every other party leader is taking the allegations that are currently surfacing and have been in recent days. The labour party are changing their rules internally about the way such rules are interpreted, theresa may is rating to other political leaders to work out how to deal with allegations of this nature, so it allegations of this nature, so it all points to how seriously these allegations are being dealt with in westminster at the moment. Where do you think the resignation of Michael Fallon fits in to all of this . It will be unwelcome from the Prime Minister perspective. She said she is grateful that he has taken a look at his own conduct and that she appreciates the characteristically serious manner in which you have looked at your position and the example you are setting to servicemen and women, but when you look at the border government, this is not a particularly stable government at the moment. The bigger context of everything going on, which is a divided cabinet when you look at the brexit situation, the last thing theresa may will want at the moment is to key allies of her to be resigning. Sir Michael Fallon in particular, he is very much considered a safe pair of hands in government. He has rolled out to give evidence in defence of government policy or explaining government policy or explaining government policy. You will frequently see him on the airwaves and he is always seen as a stable member of the government, so this resignation will not come at an easy time for theresa may and im sure she will not have wanted to be this position. We are hearing alex that Michael Fallon himself is probably going to make a statement within the next hour, which of course we will be watching. In the meantime, you mentioned the composition of the cabinet. What impact will this have on the balance within the cabinet . What impact will his resignation have . Sir Michael Fallon, if you look at the balance regarding brexit which is the most divisive issues regarding the cabinet at the moment, Michael Fallon supported remain in the referendum but he was never a total advocate of the European Union, he had reservations about it, despite the fact he came down on the remain inside. When you look at the key splits in the cabinet, you have people like the chancellor Philip Hammond who has long advocated a soft approach to leaving the European Union versus people like david davis and borisjohnson. Michael fallon didnt fall into account particularly that he was undoubtedly an ally of theresa may. He did the safe business of governing pretty well, so his resignation will be felt as a loss from theresa mays perspective. Alex, i wonder whether you could just remind us of the exchange of letters that has gone on within the last hour between the defence secretary Michael Fallon and theresa may for those just joining secretary Michael Fallon and theresa may for thosejustjoining us. Secretary Michael Fallon and theresa may for those just joining us. He has chosen to resign because he says of past allegations which have been made and he says in his letter, talking about the number of allegations about mps coming out in recent days including those about his conduct, saying many may have been false but he accepts that in the past his conduct has fallen below the High Standards we require of the armed forces and so i have reflected upon my position and decided to resign. He goes on in this letter, as he would expect from a long serving cabinet member, to outline some of the work he is proud of as defence secretary, such as the work in iraq and syria, and he does say i will continue to support the government and to work hard for my sevens oak seven x constituents. We then have the response from the from the Prime Minister we then have the response from the from sir Michael Fallon has been involved in the conservative party for a long time, serving in for roles under four cabinets. She says he has combined his roles with Diligent Service to two constituencies as well and she says under half of all those who have helped during your time in government, i thank you for your service. Sir Michael Fallon choosing to resign because of what he says is his past conduct falling short, and of course that follows the allegation that did surfaced this week about him having apologised some 15 years ago for repeatedly touching a journalists me during a conservative Party Conference dinner. That is the only allegation we are aware of but what he does referred to in this letter is many allegations including some false, but accepting his conduct has fallen short, which has led to his resignation. What do you make of the timing of all of this . Because earlier in the week he apologised for putting his hand on the journalists me, an incident she said the journalist herself has brushed off, but it was interesting bit downing street refused to say then whether downing street weather theresa may had full confidence in him . They have been in a difficult position as these allegations have begun to surface, as they are keen to show they take any allegations of inappropriate behaviour very seriously. As more allegations have been emerging, we have seen that Political Parties have seen that Political Parties have in the past not treated them with enough severity, they have been brushed under the carpet, so theresa may, likejeremy corbyn, very keen to show that on this cross party issue, they want to be seen to be taking things seriously. So, yes, when these allegations about sir Michael Fallon arose, which he admitted, saying they happened 15 yea rs admitted, saying they happened 15 years ago and he apologised at the time. The journalist years ago and he apologised at the time. Thejournalist said it years ago and he apologised at the time. The journalist said it was a mildly amusing incident, she told him to stop touching her knee and that was it dealt with 15 years ago, but despite that number ten did not give a but despite that number ten did not givea ringing but despite that number ten did not give a ringing endorsement to Michael Fallon perhaps because in this current climate they want to be keen to show that if people will come forward with allegations of any nature, they will be taken seriously. And of course it follows theresa mays invitation earlier on today to Party Leaders to a special meeting to discuss the Sexual Harassment claims that westminster, so we need to put this into a wider context, dont we . So we need to put this into a wider context, dont we . All of this really started last week and it follows what is now weve renewed public debate about what constitutes Sexual Harassment and how such claims should be dealt with. That debate has very much moved to westminster now. It started off with a number of anonymous allegations about inappropriate, sometimes sleazy behaviour by parliamentarians, and then we had a drip feed of more information coming out about some individuals, and then we had after that the Party Leaders saying this cannot be allowed to continue any more, we have to review the way parliament deals with these allegations, so during Prime Minister questions today, the Prime Minister questions today, the Prime Minister address this and said there had to be a cross party approach, inviting other leaders to me to look at the way it operates. But also to look at internal party procedures to make sure any allegations reported are treated seriously and that there are treated seriously and that there are adequate Disciplinary Procedures in place, with some option for anybody with concerns who works anywhere in westminster to go to and discuss this. It is worth saying that the procedures aside, the disciplinary processes aside, there is an acceptance in westminster among those who have been here for a long time that is what that what is really going to be required is a change in attitude and culture. That is something that is harder to achieve. That will need to form part of the debate as well. 0k, alex forsyth, stay with us, because as promised, Michael Fallon the defence secretary who has just resigned in the last hour has been talking on camera and here is his statement. The last hour has been talking on camera and here is his statementm recent days, allegations have been made about mps conduct, including my own. Many of these allegations have been false but i realise that in the past, i may have fallen below the High Standards that we require of the armed forces that i have the honour to represent. I have reflected on my position in government and i am therefore resigning as defence secretary. It has been a privilege to have served as defence secretary for the last three and a half years. I have the utmost admiration for the courage, the professionalism and the service of the men and women who keep this country of the men and women who keep this cou ntry safe. Of the men and women who keep this country safe. Thank you. A statement from the former defence secretary, Michael Fallon, Michael Fallon who has resigned as a minister within the past hour. 0ur Political Correspondent alex forsyth was watching that with me and she is at westminster. Alex, it is interesting, isnt it, his position . He was the defence secretary and its interesting that hes couching his resignation in this form of words that my past conduct has fallen below the High Standards we require of the armed forces. What do we make of that . He is being very careful to set the bar at the level we require of armed forces staff. That is very similar to his letter. You can take from that that what he is unwilling to do is to condemn any other mps ought to be seen to be setting a bar for any other mps or colleagues. He is very careful to make sure that what he says is that his conduct has fallen short, in his words, of the standards that we require of the armed forces and that is what has led him to this point of resignation. We heard there from sir Michael Fallon and echo of what he has written in his letter to the Prime Minister when he talks of past allegations. He does say in his letter and its worth pointing out that he says many of those false but then he also says his past behaviour fallen short of those standards. You can assume this was not an easy decision for Michael Fallon to reach because where he is, for a cabinet minister to resign, particularly in the current political context with theresa may under pressure as Prime Minister, the last thing she would wa nt minister, the last thing she would want is anything which could be seen to destabilise her cabinet and the resignation on that front wont be particularly welcome. Having said that, number ten want to be seen to address these allegations of improper impropriety and inappropriate behaviour very seriously. So theresa may has said she appreciates the serious nature in which he has come to this decision. Alex forsyth, i have no doubt we will be talking to you later, but for now, thank you very much. Earlier, the head of the armed forces said they will miss sir Michael Fallon as defence secretary. I think they will be sad to see Michael Fallon go. It is clearly a personal decision he has come to and so personal decision he has come to and so be it. We will find out how this story and many others are covered in tonights pages at 10 40pm tonight in the papers. 0ur tonights pages at 10 40pm tonight in the papers. Our guests tonight are our guests if you are just if you arejustjoining us, just if you are justjoining us, just to reiterate tonights main news, that the defence secretary Michael Fallon has resigned in the last hour a p pa re ntly has resigned in the last hour apparently over allegations of past behaviour. In an announcement, he admitted his standards may have, as he put it, fallen short. He added that he believed resigning was the right thing to do. He did say that a number of allegations have surfaced about members of parliament in recent days, including some about his own conduct. Many of these have been false, Michael Fallon went on to say, but he said he accepted that in the past he had fallen below the High Standard required of the armed forces that he had the honour to represent. Theresa may has responded to his resignation, thanking him, and saying she appreciated the characteristically serious manner in which he had considered his position and, she added, the particular example she wished, he wished to set to service men and women and others. Michael fallon has been secretary of state for defence since july 2014 and a key ally, in many ways, of theresa may. As alex forsyth, our Political Correspondent was just saying to us, in many ways he was seen as a safe pair of hands within government. He was often a government. He was often a government minister who was put up for radio and television interviews, but earlier this week it did emerge that he had repeatedly touched a journalists me during a dinner. He had apologised at the time and the journalist herself said she wasnt taking the matter any further and had brushed it off, quite frankly. This incident happened 15 years ago. But earlier in the week, theresa may herself had not given the defence secretary sir Michael Fallon have an endorsement. She had not given him have full confidence, just saying that she had confidence in her government and ministers. This evening, the defence secretary Michael Fallon has taken that decision to resign, apparently over allegations of past behaviour. Police in new york say the man behind yesterdays attack which left eight people dead and 12 others injured had been planning it for weeks and carried it out in the name of so called Islamic State. 29 year old Sayfullo Saipov moved to america from uzbekiztan on a us Visa Programme seven years ago. President trump has ordered Security Services to step up vetting procedures. Our new york correspondent nick bryant reports. This is a scene that new yorkers have dreaded for years, one that brings back the trauma of 9 11, one that shows how this city is vulnerable to new forms of terror. A rented pick up truck that became weaponised. A mode of attack that is common in europe. Now it has been used to deadly effect on american soil, and just yards from ground zero, the site of the september 11 attacks. The antenna on the new World Trade Center bathed in red, white and blue, to honour the eight people killed. This is the suspected attacker, Sayfullo Saipov, a 29 year old who reportedly shouted allahu akbar, god is great, as he left his truck. He was brandishing fake weapons, and was shot by the police and taken into custody. Moments earlier, he had driven at high speed along a riverside bypass, targeting cyclists and pedestrians. This was an attack on the United States and an attack on new york city, an attack on our people, and it was the definition of terrorism. An effort to take away peoples hope and spirit, and to make them change, and what new yorkers showed already is we will not change. Saipov is an uzbek immigrant who came to the United States in 2010. He is believed to have been radicalised in america, and told the police he was very pleased with the success of the attack. One of the early clues investigators found at the scene were hand written notes in arabic pledging allegiance to the Group Calling itself Islamic State. But there is no evidence yet of a direct link to that group. You got kids in there . Hold on. His attack came to an end when he crashed into a school bus. Oh my god. 0k. I need an ambulance right here. That was an accident, the suspect has reportedly told investigators, because he wanted to continue down the road. Police found knives if his vehicle. Oh my god. Based on the investigation overnight it appears that mr saipov had been planning this for a number of weeks. He did this in the name of isis, and along with the other items, recovered at the scene, was some notes that further indicate that. He appears to have followed, almost exactly to a t, the instructions that isis has put out in its social Media Channels before, with instructions to their followers on how to carry out such an attack. Among those killed, five friends from argentina. Men in their late 40s, in new york to celebrate the 30th anniversary of their graduation from college. Two americans and a belgian were victims. President trump has demanded tough justice and tighter immigration measures. We need quick justice and we need strong justice. Much quicker and much stronger than we have right now. Because what we have right now is a joke, and it is a laughing stock, and no wonder so much of this stuff takes place. In his home town, this tower was erected in defiance of terror, a symbol of a resurgent city that refused after 9 11 to be cowed, and at the ground level this morning that spirit was very much in evidence. Joggers following their normal routes. Even a cyclist berating a pedestrian for getting in her way, a scene that speaks of new york. The city has experienced much worse dawns than this, and waking up to the threat of terror has become part of daily life. Nick bryant, bbc news, manhattan. Saifullo saipov remains under arrest in hospital after being shot by police. The Authorities Say they believe he was radicalised after his arrival. He lived for a while in florida, from where Rajini Vaidyanathan has sent this report. A man police say showed no remorse. Sayfullo saipov was said to have bragged about what he did for so called Islamic State. Found in the truck he used as a weapon were papers saying, is will endure. Officials say he became radicalised in america. The 29 year old arrived here from uzbekistan through a green card lottery in 2010. Settling in cincinnati in the state of ohio, where he got married. One man who knew him then believes he was exposed to extremist ideology online. He always looked as a liberal muslim, Something Like that, you know. He always like, saying, you know, youre doing not right this one, doing this one like islam does. That was very minor signs of radicalising. From ohio, he moved to florida, living at this apartment complex in tampa. Neighbours say they remember seeing him by the pool with his wife and children, but that he wasnt particularly friendly. Although he was a practising muslim, Sayfullo Saipov wasnt seen at mosques in the area. This lawyer who speaks for the Islamic Community in tampa says there may be a reason why. Weve worked with the fbi on a number of cases of trying to protect youth from being targeted by groups like is, and the first tactic is does is try to get them away from the mosques, because they know the messaging of the mosques undermine the deviant extremist heretical message of groups like isis. 0ne resident says Sayfullo Saipov and his family packed up from here earlier this year, and that before he left, he gave her his computer and printer, which she donated to charity. She also said he told her he was moving to newjersey. And it was in paterson, a city with a large muslim community, that he worked as an uber driver. Close to here he rented the truck he used in the attack. Sayfullo saipov is still in hospital. The focus for authorities is how did an immigrant who wasnt on their radar commit a deadly terror attack in the country he made his home . Two 14 year old boys from northallerton in North Yorkshire have been charged with conspiracy to murderfollowing an investigation by Counter Terrorism detectives. The two boys were arrested on saturday as part of what Police Called an intelligence led operation. They have been held in custody since then. They will be taken to Court Tomorrow for a hearing at leeds magistrates. 0ur correspondent spencer stoke sent us this update. Well, police have been questioning these 214 year olds since the weekend when they carried out a number of raids here in northallerton, a raid that involved investigations at some abandoned buildings, an old tyre factory and also three properties. The 214 year olds were arrested, taken to the Police Station where they we re to the Police Station where they were questioned by the north east counterterrorism unit and then an hour ago, the charges were laid. The first and second 14 year old both charged with conspiracy to murder. They both go to the high school here and the high school has played a central role in the investigation since the weekend. The local police wa nt to since the weekend. The local police want to reassure the public that local officers are committed to ensure the public stay safe and they are working hard to ensure that. The 214 year olds who have been charged will now appear before Leeds Magistrates Court in yorkshire tomorrow morning. Lets pause now and catch lets pause now and catch up lets pause now and catch up with lets pause now and catch up with the weather. Hello, there. We had some rain earlier on today across scotla nd some rain earlier on today across scotland but this is all that is left now. Not much rain at all. It is continuing to push its way southwards. Clear skies either side of that band means it will turn quite cold, especially in the countryside and south of the band then they will be some fog around just in time for the rush hour on thursday. It could be denser times as well. Take a little while to clear away early in the morning before we get some brighter skies and sunshine, with that band stuck across wales and parts of the south east. They should be lots of sunshine that temperature is perhaps no better than nine or 10 degrees, up no better than nine or 10 degrees, up to 13 in the south. As we head into friday, we will have more fog in places, but also some sunshine starting to break through, especially in the south west and wales. More clout and breeze in the north west of scotland. This is bbc news. Im rebecca jones. The headlines atjust gone 8. 30pm. Sir Michael Fallon resigns as defence secretary, admitting his behaviour in the past may have fallen short. It follows theresa mays invitation to Party Leaders to a special meeting next week to discuss the Sexual Harassment claims at westminster. Police in new york say the man suspected of killing eight people in Lower Manhattan was inspired by the Islamic State group. The suspect, Sayfullo Saipov, a 29 year old uzbek immigrant, was shot and injured by police. A report about the experiences of hillsborough families says the burning injustice felt by people affected by public disasters must end. The defence secretary sir Michael Fallon has resigned, following allegations about his past behaviour. In a statement this evening, sir michael said his behaviour had fallen short of the standards expected of the armed forces. In recent days, allegations have been made about mps conduct, including my own. Many of these allegations have been false, but i realise that in the past, i may have fallen below the High Standards that we require of the armed forces that i have the honour to represent. I have reflected now on my position in government, and i am therefore resigning as defence secretary. It has been a privilege to have served as defence secretary for the last three and a half years. I have the utmost admiration for the courage, the professionalism and the service of the men and women who keep this country of the men and women who keep this cou ntry safe. Of the men and women who keep this country safe. Thank you. Some Michael Fallon there. In response mrs may accepted his resignation and paid tribute to a long and impressive ministerial career. Part of her letter to sir Michael Fallon reads as secretary of state for defence sincejuly 2014, you have championed our brave armed forces and made sure that the government has been able to fulfil its most fundamental responsibility the defence of the realm. It goes on to say on behalf of all those you have helped throughout your time in government, i thank you for your service. Laura kuenssberg, our political editor, sat down with some Michael Fallon a short time after his resignation. Do you feel you have been forced out because of allegations that have yet to emerge . We expect the highest standard from the armed forces, and i dont think its right that, on occasion in the past, where i have fallen below those standards, that i continue to serve as defence secretary. What do you mean by falling short . Were you worried that more was to come out . The culture has changed over the years. What might have been accept equal 15 or ten years ago is not a cce pta ble equal 15 or ten years ago is not acceptable now. Parliament has to look at itself, and Prime Minister has made it very clear that the conduct needs to be improved, and we need to protect the staff of westminster against the allegations of harassment. Do you feel that you yourself have done anything wrong . Of harassment. Do you feel that you yourself have done anything wrong . |j have behaved in the past, clearly, ina way have behaved in the past, clearly, in a way that is below the standards that we require of the armed forces, andl that we require of the armed forces, and i dont think its right for me to go on as defence secretary, expecting the very High Standards of our service men and women, and failing to meet them myself. Do you feel you should apologise for what has happened . Feel you should apologise for what has happened . There are always things that you would regret or do differently in the past. Do you believe there is a widespread problem in the culture of westminster . The Prime Minister has made it clear that there are a numberof made it clear that there are a number of allegations, many of which are false, but there are serious issues that staff at westminster need to be better protected, and that claims of harassment need to be properly investigated. The Prime Minister has set that machinery in motion, and that has too applied to all of us. It that was the former defence secretary, sir Michael Fallon, talking to our political editor, laura kuenssberg. He has resigned following allegations of behaviour, saying that in the past he had fallen below the High Standards we require of our armed forces. The Northern Ireland secretary, james brokenshire, has said he is taking the necessary steps for westminster to pass a budget for Northern Ireland. James brokenshire said the Democratic Unionist Party and sinn fein had failed to agree to establish an executive and it was unlikely that power sharing could be restored at stormont before Northern Ireland ran out of money at the end of this month. Speaking after the latest round of talks, mr brokenshire said the move did not mean a return to direct rule from london. It is the responsibilities of the parties to form an executive to take forward its own budget. But, as i have indicated, it is now very unlikely that an executive will be in place within a timetable to pass a budget by the end of november, which is the point at which we and the Northern Ireland Civil Service assess that Northern Ireland will begin to run out of resources. No government could simply stand by and allow that to happen. I am therefore now taking forward the necessary steps that would enable a budget bill to be introduced at westminster at the appropriate moment, in order to protect the delivery of Public Services in Northern Ireland. For more on this, im joined byjournalist and author eamonn mallie, who has covered Northern Irish politics for decades. We are very grateful for your time. Sirjames Brokenshire Isos that the introduction of a budget bill does not mean a return to direct rule from westminster. So what does it mean . The reality is we are politically rudderless at this particular moment but time in Northern Ireland. We have no executive and no government. We are not having a budget put in place in westminster. We are out of control here politically. I dont think we have much of a future in the short term, andi have much of a future in the short term, and i dont see a agreement coming in the coming months. We could be into early next year before an agreement comes. It sounds like you are in a mess. Who is running the country on a daily basis . Civil servants, essentially. We have the secretary of state who was trying to get the talks running again, but he has failed miserably. Blame is being a portion all over the place tonight. He is being blamed, as is the Democratic Unionist Party led by Arlene Foster and sinn fein. It is a total mess. The one good thing is, what ever is going on currently in terms of the political inertia, we have an absence of violence, which isa have an absence of violence, which is a big bonus, unlike in the past where we were devilled, damned and condemned on a daily basis to violence. We dont have that now in Northern Ireland. This is very unpleasant, but the reality is, at least there is no violence. Why arent the parties so far apart and cannot reach a deal . In 2016 we had an election here, and sinn fein took an election here, and sinn fein took a bit ofa an election here, and sinn fein took a bit of a walloping at the polls. It was evident that the republican and nationalist Community Felt that sinn fein were getting mauled by the Democratic Unionist Party in government, that it didnt appear they were capable of getting very much done in government, in a power share government with the Democratic Unionist Party. So Martin Mcguinness then,in unionist party. So Martin Mcguinness then, in 2017, brought the house down. He was the deputy leader of Northern Ireland, arising out of allegations against the first minister, Arlene Foster, who had overseen a conversant scheme here which allegedly potentially was going to cost the taxpayer some £450 billion. He brought the house down, and then the allegations started flying. We havent been able to get a government together since then the. Why is the issue of the Irish Language such as Sticking Point . There is a misunderstanding. The Irish Language per se became the butt of abuse by Arlene Foster, the leader of the Democratic Unionist Party, by gregory campbell, the westminster mp, and by other party members, poking fun at the Irish Language, the manifestation of being irish within Northern Ireland. This became a totemic issue within broad nationalism, forgetting about sinn fein. It ended up being is symbolic of being treated equally by unionism. As a result of that, theres been this stand off, because theres been this stand off, because the Democratic Unionist Party has co nte m pt the Democratic Unionist Party has contempt for the Irish Language. Nationalists are saying, you must respect us and the Irish Language. The Democratic Unionist Party made the charge that cultural supremacy was what that was wanted, prioritisation of the Irish Language, hence the stand off. Prioritisation of the Irish Language, hence the standoff. How long can this go on for . Can these sides agree to disagree . Against a backdrop of recent elections, the Assembly Elections in february and the westminster elections, the community is totally polarised. The bulk of unionism is in one corner with the Democratic Unionist Party, and the bulk of nationalism is in the sinn fein corner. These two groups are miles apart, and its very ha rd to groups are miles apart, and its very hard to see how either side is going to give way. If they give way they could potentially get slaughtered in the next election. There will be no tolerance of Arlene Foster if she gives way to a freestanding Irish Language act. If sinn fein concede any ground on this, they will get slaughtered. We are running into annual conferences in the next few weeks, so it is highly likely that any of the Party Leaders will go into the conference having conceded one inch. In the past we have seen Prime Minister is getting involved in the politics of Northern Ireland. Would it help to unlock the situation in any way word theresa may to get involved . Who knows . Theresa may has enough problems in london. There has been an abdication by government in london for a long time here, with Prime Ministers standing offer. The reason why situations in the past we re reason why situations in the past were remedied came down to the following. The Prime Ministers and government in london became centrally involved and worked with the politicians until we had result. That has not been the case for so long. There is abdication in government at the highest level, and anyone who says otherwise is miss misrepresenting the situation. Thank you for talking to us. There needs to be a cultural change in the way relatives are treated in the wake of a public tragedy thats the conclusion of a review into the experiences of families who lost loved ones in the Hillsborough Disaster in 1989. The former bishop of liverpool the right reverend jamesjones was asked to write the report after inquests into the deaths of the 96 liverpool fans. He said the pain and suffering their families had been through must not be repeated. Judith moritz reports. Hillsborough was a disaster on many levels. 96 people died. But their families have suffered a burning injustice. Many institutions both public and private bear responsibility. Their treatment of the families making their suffering worse. That must not happen again, according to this report, which recommends measures to help disaster victims like those whose loved ones died at hillsborough. It calls forfairer Legal Funding for such families, a voluntary charter for public bodies, and for the police to be held more accountable. You can change the law as much as you want, but unless there is a cultural change you will not make a difference. Because what the families found is that when they challenged the institution, the institution closed ranks, put their own reputation above the needs and the rights of the individual. The Hillsborough Disaster happened when fans became crushed on the terraces of the sheffield ground. One of those who died wasjimmy hennessey, whose daughter charlotte was just six. Now a parent herself, she contributed to the new report. It is very, very difficult to talk about your life so openly and so honestly. Because, you know, youre going into back things that you have dealt with or you have kind of put away. If any good could come of this process, it has got to be that we protect other people. I would never want anybody to have the life that ive had. What happened here has raised Big Questions about the way the state and its agencies respond to disasters. And the success of this report will bejudged in part on whether people caught up in such trauma are treated better as a result. There are concerns that those bereaved by the Grenfell Tower fire are experiencing a repeat of the suffering endured by the hillsborough families. Some here welcomed the report. Let people be transparent and let the laws change for the people. To be transparent and accountable. Dont let us wait five years. It is just wicked. The report is full of personal stories of pain and adversity. But there is hope as well, with support for a hillsborough law as a legacy of so many lives lost. Judith moritz, bbc news, liverpool. Sir Michael Fallon resigns as defence secretary, admitting his behaviour in the past may have fallen short. It follows theresa mays invitation to Party Leaders to a special meeting next week to discuss the Sexual Harassment claims at westminster. Police in new york say the man suspected of killing eight people in Lower Manhattan was inspired by the Islamic State group. An update on the market numbers for you heres how londons and frankfurt ended the day. And in the the United States this is how the dow and the nasdaq are getting on. Theyre the people who look after the most vulnerable in society children, old people and the disabled. But councils across the uk are struggling so much to recruit and retain permanent social workers that the money they spend on agency staff has nearly doubled in the past four years. 0ur social affairs correspondent, alison holt, has more. The school has contacted the duty social worker in northamptonshire worried about the safety of one of their pupils. It is now ibrahimsjob to assess what is going on, and make sure plans are place to protect and support a child whose problems seem to be escalating. In the uk, many front line jobs like this are being done by agency staff because councils are struggling to recruit permanent social workers like ibrahim. He is newly qualified and says without the extra support he gets the job could be overwhelming. Services protecting children are turning themselves round after a critical inspection while demand for help is rising, pressures that mean the council has increased spending on agency staff by more than 900 in four years. Last year, nearly half of the social workers in the Childrens Services department here in northamptonshire were agency staff. With all the work they have been doing to encourage people to stay, that figure is now down to just over 40 . They cost more than i can afford to pay. The new head of Childrens Services praises the work Agency Social workers do, but says things have to change. If we dont have permanent workforce in place, we need to employ agency staff, agency staff cost more, that means we are using our limited budgets not on children but on the cost of those staff. So what are the school putting in place . They have set up a social work academy to help attract and keep more social workers, it means experienced staff like sue stevenson provide extra support for new recruits, easing them into the job. So that work has started and we are getting food back. Yes, we have the review, the eight week review. She says it is really difficult for the children they help, if their social worker keeps changing. They have to continually repeat their stories often, that they dont have somebody they can build that trusting relationship with, and that sort of start again syndrome. The government says the number of permanent staff working with vulnerable families is increasing, and that more money is being put into social worker recruitment and training. Alison holt, bbc news. Birmingham cathedrals stained glass windows draw visitors from around the globe, but now they need urgent help to restore them. Designed by the pre raphelite artist Edward Byrne Jones more than 10 years ago, theyve survived the bombing of birmingham in the Second World War but now require specialist cleaning, as Lindsay Doyle reports. The best of birmingham artistry, designed for saint philip s cathedral by the pre raphael eight artist, Edward Byrne Jones. Cathedral by the pre raphael eight artist, edward byrnejones. They are probably the best examples in the world. They are known for their intense colour, the ability to tell a story, their beauty and the inspiration they have on people when they look at them. But they need restoring and desperately need cleaning. There are areas of cracking and areas where paint has been lost. We also want to replace the unsightly protective grilles that we need to have on the outside of the building. Edward byrnejones was born in 1833 in birmingham, as the city was expanding. What he saw as an urban nightmare left him with as an urban nightmare left him with a lifelong wish to create beauty, beauty which could have been lost during world war ii. The Civic Society removed these windows and paid for them to be taken to a slate mine in north wales, where they stayed for the duration of the war. Edward byrne jones was paid £200 for each window, a sum he described as flag ra ntly each window, a sum he described as flagrantly inadequate. It was actually quite substantial for the time. The money came from a wealthy victorian benefactress. The wealthy spinster believed in historical accuracy. She didnt believe there would have been cattle at the nativity scene, so the window has a small block of sheep. The restoration comes as the Good Shepherd has recently been acquired, one of Edward Byrne Jones first four years into stained glass. The project to raise the money for the restoration is aptly named divine beauty, as it is preserving one of the citys greatest treasures. Last winter, lincoln city were in the middle of their thrilling fa cup run. The results of some of the celebrations have been revealed. Research has shown great sporting wins bring with them more babies, and nine months on from cup glory, lincoln is experiencing its own baby boom. They are the next generation of lincoln city supporters, all able to pin their conception on an auspicious game in lincoln citys fa cup run. She was born nine months to the day that we beat ipswich. Cup run. She was born nine months to the day that we beat ipswichlj think the day that we beat ipswich. think its the old game. Ahead of this seasons competition, the cup was in lincoln for babies and pa rents to get was in lincoln for babies and parents to get a closer look at the cause of all their excitement. Parents to get a closer look at the cause of all their excitementm parents to get a closer look at the cause of all their excitement. It is a great opportunity to do something quite special with them. They are under two weeks, soa so a good memory for them in a photo. I think its brilliant, really good. She seems to be an drying it. Her dad is an arsenal fan, but ive made sure she is definitely a lincoln fan. This baby boom has caught lincolns chairman by surprise. Somebody told me that when germany won the world cup in recent yea rs, when germany won the world cup in recent years, that there was a big baby boom in germany, so the men have certainly been busy by the sound of it the research on the lincoln babies is probably not quite as developed as that in germany, but from what we have seen here is the next generation in full cry ready to follow lincoln in the years to come. Nine months ago, they were in the middle of the cup run, so with games against brighton, burnley and arsenal still to be accounted for, the boom could continue. A reminder of our main news, that Michael Fallon, the defence secretary, has resigned, following allegations about his personal conduct. Earlier this week, allegations about his personal conduct. Earlierthis week, it emerged that he had apologised for repeatedly putting his hand on a journalists me at a dinner 15 years ago. Tonight he has resigned, saying his behaviour may have fallen short of the standards expected by the uk military. The Prime Minister has responded, saying that she appreciated the serious manner in which sir michael had considered his role. She praised the particular example which she said he had set service men and women and others. Sir michael had said that a number of allegations had surfaced about mps in recent days, including some about his previous conduct. Many of these have been false, he said, but he accepted that in the past he had fallen below the High Standards required. He added it had been a privilege to be defence secretary since 2014. Much more at 9pm. First, the weather. Good evening. It will turn a little cooler over the next few days. Today there was a mild start to the month, with temperatures across many parts of the south at 16 degrees. A different story further north, with more rain in scotland, close to an inch of rain in the south west of scotland. That rain has moved through, leaving a band of cloud and a little rain and drizzle edging its way southwards overnight. Clear skies either side of that cloud. Quite cold in the countryside and a bit of fog around. The odd shower tomorrow, but a good deal of sunshine. A chilly start, especially in scotland. Some showers grazing bees north sea coasts in the morning. The band of cloud moving through east anglia and the south midlands by this stage. South of that, a bit of fog in the morning. Particularly around bristol, wiltshire and somerset. We will keep this cloud across the midlands, the south wales and towards the south east of england. Further north, after a chilly start, lots of sunshine. The weather front wheels slide away and take a lot of the rain and drizzle with it, but another weather front approaching the north west. Another week weather front, not much rain there on friday, but a bit more breezy in the north west of scotland. A few showers breaking out, running into the south west and through the irish sea. The odd shower at times. Could start of misty. Temperatures will get up to 14 degrees in the south of england. A bit of a north westerly coming at the weekend, ushering in some colder air. We start the weekend with some rain across the midlands and eastern england, which ta kes a midlands and eastern england, which takes a while to clear away from the south east corner. Quite a few showers, some of which can be heavy. The second half of the weekend, High Pressure rising a bit, so fewer showers. A good chance of staying dry. 0vernight sunday night into monday morning, a touch of frost, before we get more rain again. This is bbc news. Im rebecca jones. The headlines at 9pm. Sir Michael Fallon resigns as defence secretary, saying his behaviour may have fallen short of the standards expected by the uk military. We expect the very highest standards of the armed forces and i dont think its right that on occasion in the past where i have fallen below those standards that i should continue to serve as defence secretary. Sir michaels resignation follows theresa mays invitation to Party Leaders to discuss the Sexual Harassment claims at westminster. Police in new york say the man suspected of killing eight people in Lower Manhattan was inspired by the Islamic State group. The suffering of the hillsborough victims families calls for a cultural change in the way relatives are treated after a public tragedy

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