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Thats right, simon. After chelsea parred mac fright night last night, we will be back in action tonight, with spurs facing real madrid and believe it or not this will be real madrids first time playing at wembley. And in the weather . It is walking on the beach weather for many parts of england and wales at the moment but it has been torrential rain in scotland and pretty miserable as well. I will be in the studio with you in about half an hour, simon, sojoin me fora full weather forecast. 0h, an hour, simon, sojoin me fora full weather forecast. Oh, i an hour, simon, sojoin me fora full weather forecast. 0h, iwell, thank you. Also coming up. When you are holding your sobbing wife and you know you are the cause of her not getting what she wants. Damaging their Mental Health and self esteem. The infertile men left feeling worthless and isolated. Hello everyone this is afternoon live. Im simon mccoy. President trump has ordered a step up in the vetting of foreigners travelling to the us after yesterdays terror attack in new york, in which eight people were killed and 11 people injured. The suspect who has been named by local media as Sayfullo Saipov from uzbekistan was injured by police and taken into custody after his truck mowed down the victims on a cycle path in Lower Manhattan. Mark lobel reports. I need an ambulance. A school bus lies in ruins moment after the terror attack in Lower Manhattan which ended with many dead, and the suspect in custody. Did you get him . One student had moments earlier caught side of a man revving his engine impatiently at traffic lights. We were wondering why he was being so aggressive behind the wheel. From therem you could see the car jump onto the curb, strike some people and continue down the street where it hit a bus and a off. Everybody was trying to figure out what was going on. It began on a sunny halloween in new york. A rental pick up drove through a cycle lane from many blocks, striking cyclists and pedestrians. The driver abandoned the vehicle, wielding fake guns after hitting a school bus. He was then shot by an officer. Eight people were killed and 11 injured. Those who died included five friends from argentina in their late 40s there to celebrate the 30th anniversary of their graduation from a polytechnic college. A belgian woman visiting the city with her sister and mother was also killed. The attacker has been named as Sayfullo Saipov. He was from uzbekistan. The uzbek government has offered its support in any investigation as police seek answers. The investigation is ongoing. The best evidence we have is that he was a lone wolf and they have a very simple play. Rent a car, rent a truck, create mayhem. Donald trump has said he wants Stricter Border controls after another attack by what he called a second deranged person. He tweeted. Today, new york is once again dusting itself down after another unexpected and shocking strike so close to the site of the september the 11th attacks. We know that this action was intended to break our spirits. But we also know new yorkers are strong, new yorkers are resilient and our spirit will never be moved by an act of violence, and act meant to intimidate or us. But now the wave of truck based terror attacks has spread to new york, there is a need for greater vigilance and intelligence to stop any more attacks from clouding this skyline. Mark lobel, bbc news. The suspect is reported to have arrived from uzbekistan in 2010 and is thought to be a legal resident in the us. Sayfullo saipov is the latest in a number of terror suspects to emerge from the Central Asian country. Our security correspondent Frank Gardner has been looking at the growing Security Threat from the region. Sayfullo saipov, the suspect behind new yorks worst terror attacks since 9 11. He is an Uzbek National who entered the us legally seven years ago. Police have been examining the truck he drove, the depot he hired from is cooperating with the fbi. It is thought to contain a note from isis. It doesnt mean the attack was directed by them. Most signals indicate this was a lone wolf inspired by isis. There was very little planning or organisation coming from isis central, from iraq or syria. Luckily, because of his amateurish actions, he took eight lives and not more. Sayfullo saipov grew up in tashkent. But he was supposedly radicalised in the us. A former neighbour who knew him spoke to the bbc today. He was kind of a little bit aggressive, a street boys. He was little. He wasnt an islamist or something. There was no sign. What do we know about uzbekistans links to militant islam . A former soviet republic, it has had a highly repressive government. It has been battling an islamic insurgency and thousands have left to join isis. Uzbeks carried out several attacks in europe this year. A nightclub attack in istanbul. In april, a metro train in Saint Petersburg was bombed. That same month, an uzbek drove into a crowd in stockholm, killing four people. In raqqa and syria until recently, the group has been defeated. But that will not spell an immediate end to attacks inspired by its ideology. Its remaining leaders are now dispersed and desperate for revenge. Frank gardner, bbc news. Erica marat is a central asia security analyst at the college of International Security affairs. Shejoins me on webcam from washington. This link with uzbekistan, not the best person to come from there to the United States. Is this a familiar pattern, a familiar path . So, it is really attractive to draw a parallel, to see a pattern in all these attacks, but i think beyond those attacks, we need to really look at what happens after immigrants, especially young men, a rise in western societies and are unable to fit into western societies, unable to find Economic Opportunities that they have been looking for and also unable to go back home because of political and economic circumstances. So unable to fit, losing the sense of belonging, they look for communities, opportunities, grand ideas, and isis provides just opportunities, grand ideas, and isis providesjust one of opportunities, grand ideas, and isis provides just one of those venues to regale itself of words and meaning in life. The us President Donald Trump has called for the green card lottery to be scrapped. Can you just explain how that works . So, it is a peculiar system in the United States that you can fill out a form online, just answer some basic questions, and wina just answer some basic questions, and win a green card. A lot of people apply, especially in central asia. People get the opportunity and those who get the opportunity are really excited to come and live in the United States. So why uzbekistan . Why is it particularly prone, it seems, to be coming particularly radicalised . prone, it seems, to be coming particularly radicalised . I dont think it is particularly prone to being radicalised. Ithink think it is particularly prone to being radicalised. I think any immigrant unable to fit into western society would feel the need to find belonging and some of them are radicalised to great action, to take very positive action. The view that are radicalised into violence, into crime, domestic violence, and again, isis is just crime, domestic violence, and again, isis isjust one crime, domestic violence, and again, isis is just one of those venues, and in that sense, uzbekistan or central asia dont really seem to be falling out of the pattern of other immigrants coming to live in western society. You have to understand that in central asia, just like in many other regions in the world, family and Community Means a lot. Its often personal success, its a community success. In western societies, a lot of emphasis is made on individual effort, on working hard, not on individual effort, on working ha rd, not really on individual effort, on working hard, not really relying so much on community or welfare state, so it is very confusing for a lot of new immigrants are not finding this report. We really need to look back at the suspects background here and see where where the places where he found himself lost here in the United States . And i am not defending his actions by any means, but looking at what makes immigrants feel disenfranchised in the United States or European Countries . Understanding that will really help us understanding that will really help us understand what leads to radicalisation of feature suspects. The irony of that is, of course, that if they dont feel like they belong in the country they have gone through hell, quite friendly, to get to, they will look to belong to somebody else and isis can be attractive on that basis . Yes, absolutely, because they offer a bigger than life ideology. A sense of self worth and importance. And we can think of a number of other organisations that do exactly the same. Look at some of the organisations in the United States, look at organised crime groups that line along ethnic or geographical lines. So called Islamic State is just one of those avenues for radicalisation and we need to understand what pushes people to radicalised to begin with. Thank you so radicalised to begin with. Thank you so much for your time. Thank you for joining us. Our correspondent nada tawfik is in new york. Of course, the thing the police are dealing with there is a suspect who is still alive and they are going to wa nt to is still alive and they are going to want to question him and find that what his motive was . Yes, and that is exactly what has been happening. We have heard from Police Forces sources about what kind of interaction they have had with the suspect from his hospital bed. Now, he has told authorities that he has no remorse for what happened. In fa ct, no remorse for what happened. In fact, he bragged about the attack that he took out on behalf of isis, saying that he was very pleased with how badly it was, how successful it was, in his terms. It is interesting because he also told authorities that crashing into the school bus whereto special Needs Children and two adults died was actually an accident, that he continued that he had planned to continue ploughing down the cycle path killing more pedestrians. The operation is very much ongoing, forensic teams combing through the area, combing through the white pick up truck, and we have heard that authorities have recovered knives from the vehicle as well as a ten to 15 page letter written in arabic that basically says isis will endure. Thank you very much for that. We will be going back to new york for a press conference from new york police at about 3pm. Heres our Political Correspondent ben wright. Damian green is facing questions about his conduct. All of the allegations are completely false. All of the allegations are completely false, he said this morning, clearly angry at claims made by this woman, the academic and tory activist kate maltby. Seen here on the same Television Programmers damian green injuly. Now she has published a piece in the Times Newspaper claiming that in 2015 mr green made some suggestive comments and fleetingly touched her knee when they met for a drink in a pub. Kate maltby also says damian green sent her a flirtatious message in may last year, which she ignored. She described feeling awkward, embarrassed and professionally compromised. Damian green has instructed libel lawyers over the claims. Now one of the most senior members of the cabinet, mr green said in a statement he has known kate maltby says 2014 and the pair had a drink twice yearly. The Prime Minister has asked the Cabinet Office to investigate these claims of inappropriate behaviour by damian green, who is the latest and most senior politician to be caught up in the allegations swirling around westminster, many of which are fiercely denied by the mps involved. For instance, Justice Minister dominic raab today said any insinuation he is engaged in anything resembling Sexual Harassment or lewd remarks is false and malicious. He has already taken legal advice. But politicians from all parties agree that Parliament Needs to overhaul the way staff can make complaints about Sexual Harassment. The government has committed to do that. Mps save behaviour has to change as well. The most important thing is to change the culture of entitlement by some older men who think theyjust have a right to prey on younger women or men that they have a power relationship with. It is an abuse of power and it has to stop. Both main Party Leaders said they were deeply concerned about allegations of harassment. I have written to all Party Leaders inviting them to a meeting next week to discuss a common transparent independent grievance procedure for all those working in parliament. We have a duty to ensure that everyone coming here to contribute to public life is treated with respect. We need better protections for all in this house. This house must involve workplace trade unions. It is also incumbent on all parties to have robust procedures in place to protect and support victims of sexual abuse and harassment. Whether or not there are more allegations about the behaviour of politicians in the coming days, mps are clear that the culture here needs to change. Ben wright, bbc news. Our assistant Political Editor norman smith is in westminster. So, an agreement on talks to see how we can change things but the problem itself is far from dealt with . You get a sense that far from beginning to fade away, this whole controversy is just to fade away, this whole controversy isjust building to fade away, this whole controversy is just building and to fade away, this whole controversy isjust building and building, with more and more women now being prepared to come out and publicly speak about some of their experiences across a whole range of allegations, from really the most serious, of course, yesterday with a labour activist telling how she was raped and when she tried to alert labour hq was discouraged from pursuing the matter. Then we have had cases of parliamentary assista nts had cases of parliamentary assistants being obliged to buy sex toys and a number of instances of female Party Members having their knees felt by conservative ministers. It covers a huge range but the one thing that does seem to be happening is more and more women are prepared now to speak out and you get the sense that this really is beginning to build. I have no doubt ever coming days that we will probably see yet more allegations and my sense is that this is not something that will just and my sense is that this is not something that willjust be put to bed quietly and resolved quietly. They will have to be some fundamental decisions taken at westminster, not just about the complaints system but about working practices and attitudes. When you speak to practices and attitudes. When you speakto mps, practices and attitudes. When you speak to mp5, i think many take the view that we have perhaps reached one of those moments of change at westminster, where people are having to stand back and evaluate how things are done here and whether they does now need to be a fundamental rethink about how westminster operates. Norman, thank you very much for that. You are watching afternoon live, these are our headlines. Five friends from argentina are among eight People Killed and ii argentina are among eight People Killed and 11 injured in a truck attack in new york. President trump calls for extra vetting at us borders. The Prime Minister talks of an independent process for tackling Sexual Harassment at westminster. New allegations are made against kevin spacey. A second actor says he made advances on him when he was a teenager in the 805. And in sport, Chris Coleman says he still has no idea about his future, admitting that next months friendlies could be his last seven international manager. Tottenham look to top their group as real madrid visit wembley to play them later. Manchester united also in action. And trevor bayli55 admits the ben stokes affair has been difficult but in5i5t5 bayli55 admits the ben stokes affair has been difficult but insists the squad is focused on retaining the a5he5. I will be back with more on all those stories on afternoon live at half past. More now on one of tho5e headline stories. A second man has alleged that the Hollywood Star, kevin spacey, behaved inappropriately towards him in the 19805. The man claims that when he wa517 the actor tried to get him into bed while he was staying at his new york apartment. Earlier this week, spacey apologised after being accused of making a sexual advance toward child Actor Anthony Rapp, who wa514. Kevin spaceys representatives were approached for a comment about the latest claims but have not yet responded. The second man, now in his 505, wants to remain anonymous. Sophie long has this report. Kevin spacey, one of the biggest names in film, theatre and television. They say we get the leaders we deserve. His portrayal of president Frank Underwood in house of cards has mesmerised millions for years but in recent days netflix suspended production of the hit Political Drama after Actor Anthony Rapp accused spacey of making sexual advances towards him three decades ago when he was 1a. Kevin spacey apologised, saying he did not remember the encounter but was beyond horrified. Now another man has told the bbc anonymously he was left traumatised at the age of 17 when he woke up to find kevin spacey holding him after he refused to share a bed with the actor the night before. Spacey would then have been 26. In the morning, i woke up and his head was on my stomach and his arms were wrapped around my torso. Very affectionately i would suppose. It certainly was not aggressive but it was affectionate and not something i was comfortable with as a heterosexual male. Not something i was going tojump out of a window over. Speaking exclusively to the bbcs Victoria Derbyshire programme, he said that he did not think anything sexual had happened but that he felt that he was being groomed in some way. You know what i felt was that i was being manipulated. And that i was in over my head. This was an adult and i was not yet an adult. Anthony rapp said spacey seemed drunk when he alleges he made sexual advances. This man said no alcohol was involved. With me, he was either very stupid or he was predatory, or maybe a bit of both. Whatever the cause may be whatever the case may be, i was uncomfortable at best and traumatised at worst. The old vic, the london theatre where kevin spacey worked for 11 years has set up a confidential complaints process for anyone who may want to come forward. Sophie long, bbc news. A review of the experiences of families of the hillsborough victims says there should be a new law to make it an offence for public bodies to cover up failures. Bishop james jones was asked to write the report after inquests into the deaths of 96 liverpool fans in 1989. The review says that public authorities need cultural change to stop what it calls the burning injustice in the way bereaved relatives are treated following a tragedy. Fiona trott is in liverpool for us now. A call really for a charter for bereaved families . Exactly, yes, but does that go far enough . I will tell you what the victims say in a moment. First of all, the theme of that report, bishop james moment. First of all, the theme of that report, bishopjames talking about a patronising disposition who wa nt to about a patronising disposition who want to put their reputation before accountability and when you read the report, you can understand why. Thereafter tanned accountant from relatives who talk about their experiences in the immediate aftermath of the hillsborough disaster. Here is one. Police officers visited my mum shortly after the disaster. They bought brought my dads belongings in a bin bag and tipped them on the floor. They said, what was an old man going doing going to a game like that . That is why the bishop is calling for a culture of change. He wants bodies to sign up to a charter to avoid seeking to defend the indefensible indefensible. He once families to have public funding at inquests for legal representation and he calls for a duty of candle for Police Officers and bishopjames also says the government should give full consideration to the hillsborough law, which is very important because families have fought for this. It would make it a criminal offence for public bodies to cover up failures, but the report suggests it should be considered once the Law Commission has finished its own review of the misconduct in public office. We spoke to the lawyer of one of the families who said that was too late. It should be considered now so that people in the grand felling quarry, for example, could perhaps benefit from it. In the Grenfell Tower enquiry, for example, could perhaps benefit from it. The families have thanked the bishop and said he has done an excellent job but bishop and said he has done an excellentjob but as bishop and said he has done an excellent job but as for lessons learned, the feeling if this isjust a start. The Northern Ireland secretary has said he is taking forward the necessary steps for westminster to pass a budget for Northern Ireland. James brokenshire said talks between the Democratic Unionist Party and sinn fein had failed to Reach Agreement to establish an executive. It is the responsibilities of the two parties to form an executive to ta ke forward two parties to form an executive to take forward its own budget. As i have now indicated it is very unlikely and executive will be in place within a timetable to pass a budget by the end of november, which is the point at which we and the Northern Ireland Civil Service assess the Northern Ireland that Northern Ireland will begin to run out of resources. No government could simply stand by and allow that to happen. I am therefore now taking forward the necessary steps that would enable a budget bill to be introduced at westminster at the appropriate moment in order to protect the delivery of Public Services in Northern Ireland. James brokenshire. Lets get more from our ireland correspondent. Are we now inching towards direct rule . That is what it feels like. That is called the Parliament Building but a parliament has not operated within it for the past ten months. Civil serva nts it for the past ten months. Civil servants have been running Northern Ireland, working off of pre existing Spending Plans, but they dont even have a budget for this year which began financially in april. Without the government to authorise expenditure, Northern Ireland will basically run out of money at the end of november if they do not have an executive. James brokenshire i there was saying he is going to initiate a budget process at westminster and he expects that to come before parliament after the short november recess which is the week after next. We can therefore expect legislation to provide Spending Plans for Northern Ireland. Does that relate to direct rule . James brokenshire argued that no, it doesnt, as he will be knobbly he will not be changing spending policy, but there are others that argue a budget is the most important piece of legislation a parliament can pass, so once that is given to westminster, it is direct rule. Whether it is direct rule or not, it is certainly the most serious juncture in events here since the process collapsed injanuary. Juncture in events here since the process collapsed in january. Time for the weather now. When you said earlier that it was time for beach walking weather, i could hear people saying earlier that it was time for beach walking weather, i could hear people saying that earlier that it was time for beach walking weather, i could hear people saying that was earlier that it was time for beach walking weather, i could hear people saying that was ridiculous. No, look at this. Yes, but what is the temperature . It is mid teens celsius, which is good for this time of year. Yes, but there has been terrible rain elsewhere. There has been, but it is very nice in guernsey as well in this photo. Do you like it warm or cold . You need it cold at this time of year. Let me show you the radar picture from earlier run today in scotland. The bright colours they show where some of the heaviest rain has been around glasgow, ayrshire, argyll as well, but it is gradually petering out and weakening of that moves southwards. It will continue to push out with as we head towards the first part of the evening. For the north of scotland, there has been some sunshine around, into the north east, and pleasant weather sunshine has been. Their temperatures will fall away as guys begin to clear overnight. That rain stretching from southern scotland into northern england. For the south, after a lovely day as you have seen from the picture, a fine day gives way to a fine evening. During the overnight period, that whether brand continues to push into central parts of england and wales, creating thicker cloud and maybe the odd spot of rain, though there will not be much on it by the time it pushes into central areas. To the south of it, there will be clear skies, southern england could see dense fog patches and a clear cold night across Northern Ireland. For thursday, a reversal of fortune. More cloud across the south after a foggy start for some, a much brighter start for Northern Ireland scotla nd brighter start for Northern Ireland scotland and northern england. It will be cooler. Nine or 10 degrees for glasgow, for example. And once we lose the dense fog tomorrow, again, fairly mild. 13 or 111,000 yea rs. Again, fairly mild. 13 or 111,000 years. Friday, we are between weather systems so a bit of a benign day weather wise. A little bit of brightness here and there but it will be at a premium. A few showers around and then we start to see a change across the north and west of the country, turning windy and potentially wet. Into saturday, quite wet with a weather front spreading across the country. Notice behind it, tightly packed isobars from the north west bringing cold air across the uk from saturday into sunday, bringing blustery showers for the weekend. Also some sunshine, too, but with this cold air, of course nights will be chilly. Scattered showers for the weekend, a chilly wind which you will notice and then into sunday night, a traditional bonfire night, cold and chile. This is bbc news our latest headlines. Five friends from argentina and a belgian woman are among the eight People Killed in the new york terror attack. President trump has ordered Homeland Security to step up what he calls extreme vetting for people looking to settle in the usa. The truck driver who ploughed through crowds is identified as a 29 year old uzbek man President Trump orders increased vetting at us borders. Theresa may has called a meeting of Party Leaders to agree new procedures to deal with continuing allegations of Sexual Harassment and abuse in westminster. We have a duty to ensure everyone coming here to contribute to public life is treated with respect. Another man has alleged that the Hollywood Star, kevin spacey behaved inappropriately towards him in the 19805 this follows the recent allegation that mr spacey made sexual advances toward a 1k year old boy in the same decade. Sports now on afternoon live. Uncertainty over Chris Colemans still. Thats right earlier Chris Coleman was announcing his 24 man squad for the friendlies against france and panama next month and he was asked wales manager Chris Coleman says he has no idea if all things are good, i think they will look me personally and my personal contract, there is more elements in the equation than that. I have to look at it and say, can i ta ke i have to look at it and say, can i take it forward . I have to look at it and say, can i take it forward . Is the structure where i need it to be, is the facilities is what we need to take it forward . It is notjust me personally. Looking towards the night, more Champions League action . Three more english clubs are in Champions League action this evening. Manchester city will reach the knock out stages if they avoid defeat against the italian side napoli. Tottenha m ta ke on real madrid at wembley knowing a win would see them through; it will be the first time the spanish side have played at wembley. I feel that real madrid is the best tea m i feel that real madrid is the best team in the world but at the same time when i price real madrid, i have the belief that we can win. England cricket coach Trevor Bayliss says the players have agreed sensible rules for drinking on the ashes tour of australia but there will be no curfews. The squad is in perth, preparing for their first tour match, without ben stokes whos still in england, awaiting news on whether hell be charged over an incident outside a bristol nightclub. To me, not drinking in between matches, to me, is sensible. The players have sat down and had a chat and they have come up with it. We dont want to put too many curfews on them that keep them in their rooms and it is about picking the right time to have a couple of drinks but obviously knowing when to stay away from it when you are preparing for a match. Scarlets Centre Scott Williams has been recalled by wales for the autumn internationals. He was initally left out in favour of clubmate Hadleigh Parkes but he returns to the squad after dragons tyler morgan suffered an ankle injury. Were 100 days away from the start of the Winter Olympics in pyeonchang, south korea and one of the athletes tipped to win a medal for team gb is snowboarder katie 0rmerod. She narrowly missed out on qualification for the games four years ago and responded by becoming the first female snowboarder to land a double ten which is two full flips and one full spin. I was so gutted last time when i missed out on sochi, so close but i didnt get their and i let that frustration out and ended the double time and since then everything has gone upwards from you, i started getting bid invites to games on tour and getting my world cup podiums and my confidence levels have gone so highi my confidence levels have gone so high i feel i have earned my place in the sport now and im really co mforta ble in the sport now and im really comfortable and confident with my riding andi comfortable and confident with my riding and i feel im comfortable and confident with my riding and ifeel im going into this 0lympics riding and ifeel im going into this olympics in the best shape possible and feeling confident i could bring back tee macro medals. Hard to believe that is 100 days. Thats all the sport for now. Ill have more for you in the next hour. Lets get more now on the deadliest terror attack in new york since 9 11. Five friends from argentina were among eight People Killed yesterday when a truck ploughed into pedestrians, cyclists and hit a school bus. At least 12 others were injured as the driver careered down a cycle path along a number of blocks in Lower Manhattan, in an area where the streets were busy with people out celebrating halloween. The man being held by police has been named as 29 year old Sayfullo Saipov a driverfor the taxi company uber, who arrived in the us from uzbekistan in 2010. He was shot and injured by officers as he tried to flee his hired vehicle, and eyewitnesses said he shouted allahu akbar god is greatest as he ran. President trump has ordered the Homeland Security services to step up the vetting of immigrants. The us secretary of state said his thoughts and prayers are with the victims of the attack. This has turned out to be international in terms of the victims, we have one belgian citizen who died in the attack yesterday and five argentinian citizens, and additional belgian citizens injured as well. We really sta nd belgian citizens injured as well. We really stand incomplete solidarity with belgium, argentina and all of the countries against his acts of terrorism. 0nce the countries against his acts of terrorism. Once again, we see the evil face of terror in our own borders but this is a face that knows no borders and certainly belgium, europe and other countries affected by this evil that confronts us affected by this evil that confronts us from time to time. We welcome and appreciate the Strong Coalition of all partners in this fight against terrorism and will continue that fight until we can eliminate this threat to all american citizens and friends and allies the world. The new york state Governor Andrew Cuomo says the suspect has links to so called Islamic State and was radicalised in the us although Security Services believe he was acting alone. The governor has been speaking to cbs news. The investigation is ongoing. The best evidence we have is that he was a lone wolf model. Going through social media to see what connections he may have had, there are a few interactions with Law Enforcement, he was a truck driver with some particular violations. State police helped him in his truck at the ditch at one time but there is no evidence now that it was part of a larger conspiracy, a larger plot. This is the evolution of the jihad tactics. It is no longer geographically isolated, the internet has given a Global Platform and a Global Training ground and they have a simple play, rent a truck, create mayhem. There was a noted that referenced isis, in many ways this was now a classic case of the radicalisation of a domestic jihadist who associated with isis and this is their new playbook, very simple, usea and this is their new playbook, very simple, use a vehicle to cause harm. It is new york, it is london, it is germany, it is france, to ohio. This is more of what we have seen. A survey of men dealing with fertility issues suggests their needs are often ignored. Network uk says infertility can affect a mans Mental Health, career and finances but warns emotional support remains scarce. Sheridan voysey and aaron deemer have shared their stories with us. I remember it was the year 2000, and my wife, merryn, walked into the kitchen and she said, honey, i think its time. We started trying. We assumed that it was just going to happen fairly normally. And then, after nine months or so, we decided it was time to go and get some tests done. Those tests revealed that there was a problem on my side, significantly. So we went and tried a whole heap of rounds of ivf lets just go and do as many rounds of ivf as it takes to get the success that we longed for. What about you, aaron . How long was it for the two of you . From when we were trying, its about eight years of essentially not really having any explained reason why we werent getting pregnant. And we had three miscarriages during that time, which yeah, sort of that unspeakable pain. For me, there was a deep sense of guilt. When youre holding your sobbing wife at the starts of month after month, and then when youre going through Something Like ivf, it can be week after week, and later on, towards the end of ten years on thisjourney, sometimes its night after night. You go, im the reason for this. Im the cause of you not getting what you so desperately want. So that led to a great sense of guilt for me. When we were married, we were, like, 0k, were going to have five kids. And i remember that, i remember being in this. The conversation where you decide how many youll have. I thought, i want five kids, that would be amazing. And to think that, ten or 12 years on, its like ok, no. What my big expectations in life, and these plans have all shifted. Yes, very much. Do you have that experience of seeing fathers and kids playing, does that affect you . Walking through a park, you do see a guy with his daughter. I would have loved a daughter. And the other thing, aaron, i actually would have been a pretty good dad. Looking back on it, i think, yeah, we are stronger because of it. Some days, some weeks, some months, we were pulled apart. For sure, we are. And other weeks and months, it pulls us together, and we are really as a team going through it. If you handle it well, it can also lead to much more intimate friendships, where you do actually take that bold step of sharing yourself with someone else. So, if you handle it well, it can actually be a good thing. A plane carrying the olympic torch has landed in south korea, 100 days before the 2018 Winter Olympics begin in the city of pyeongchang. But the event will take place amid regional tensions with north korea in a Nuclear Standoff with the United States. Mark lowen sent this report from south korea. Lighting the way to the Winter Olympics. The flame carried carefully into south korea en route from greece. A symbol of the olympic spirit that this country hopes will burn brightly, 100 days from now. The 2018 kilometres long relay echoing the year of the 23rd winter games. The Olympic Games have begun, proclaimed the head of the organising committee. The republic of korea and pyeongchang are ready to welcome people from all around the world. The 13 venues in this Mountain Resort are indeed nearing completion. Pyeongchang is on schedule to welcome 15 disciplines with 102 medals up for grabs. But the worry is ticket sales. Just 30 have been sold. The organisers hoped half would have been bought by now. One reason for slow sales abroad is the soaring crisis in north korea which has stepped up long range missile and Nuclear Tests and engaged in a war of words with the us. South korea hopes the games might ease tensions and wants the north to participate. A figure skating pair has qualified but pyongyang hasnt yet said if it will take part. The threat over the border isnt worrying the british athletes already here. Were here to focus performance. And our training and preparation. Obviously the media and everybody are rightly focused on those tensions. But we have evacuation plans in place. We have done all the preparation and so we are not letting it affect or distract our preparation for the winter games. The hope is that the arrival of the olympic flame here, the torch relay and these Public Events might finally enthuse south koreans about their games. And generate a late surge in ticket buying. Because the home crowd will be needed all the more especially if concerns about the north korean crisis are making some abroad reluctant to come here. They have dubbed it the olympics for peace and harmony. Putting their faith in the power of sport to unite. And in that ancient belief, the olympic truce. Mark lowen, bbc news, seoul. The Business News is next. First, the headlines. Five friends from argentina are among eight People Killed and 11 injured in a truck attack in new york. President trump orders increased vetting at us borders. Party leaders agree to meet to discuss an independent process for tackling Sexual Harassment at westminster. New sexual allegations are made against kevin spacey. A second man tells the bbc that the actor made advances towards him when he was a teenage boy in the 19805. The business headlines. Retail giant next has once again seen growth in online sales offset a decline in its shops. Next said it expects consumers to continue the trend towards shopping online and that other retailers were experiencing the same. The high street chain has had a tough year with falling first half sales and profits. Manufacturing companies saw strong growth in business last month. Its mainly because of new contracts encouraging them to ramp up production. Nationwide says house prices went up by around two and a half percent in september compared to the same month last year. The company also says any rise in Interest Rates tomorrow will only have a modest impact on homeowners. So, next is suffering because of the rise in online shopping. It is like a tale of two companies in the same company. What it is seen is that online sales have gone up by about 13 but in the corresponding period shops have seen sales go down by 8 soa shops have seen sales go down by 8 so a diverging trends. The trend has been happening to the company all this year and it thinks it will continue for them and other retailers as well. And volatile trading . Yes, we are becoming a lot more picky as consumers, it says even things like the weather can affect when and where we shop. I spoke to a retail analyst about this. It is tough on the high street at the moment. The high street store whats like m s, debenhams and next are struggling to drive sales above la st are struggling to drive sales above last year. Why . Consumers incomes are being squeezed with the rising price of food going up, spend is prioritised for these items and there is less money to go onto nonessential items like clothing. What can retailers do to combat that . Retailers are trying to create more exciting stores, adding perceptive bars, restaurants, debenhams announced it will add gyms into some stores but it is still going to be tough in the next few years. We are predicting little growth in physical sales. The biggest economy, the United States, some big news. Yes, were talking about the biggest economy in the world so in the next few hours there will be an announcement on what it wa nts to will be an announcement on what it wants to do about Interest Rates so we have seen wants to do about Interest Rates so we have seen rates wants to do about Interest Rates so we have seen rates go up twice this year and the smart money is on a third rise before the end of the year but the question is when. Third rise before the end of the year but the question is whenlj know someone who can tell you. Samir tantalus. Can tell us. No one is expecting a rate rise from this particular meeting. There is a little bit too much uncertainty and too much talk about who is going to be replacing the current chair of his term expires in february. With so his term expires in february. With so much talk around her replacement, now is not really the best time for a rate rise. That said, many economists still believe we are going to see a rate rise by the end of this year so we have one meeting left before we could see that happen. Since you mentioned janet yellen, why is she out of favour with mrtrump . Yellen, why is she out of favour with mr trump . Generally, when it comes to fed shares, the president s will sometimes keep the current shares or though they were nominated bya shares or though they were nominated by a president from a Different Party but President Trump wants to make his mark so to speak. And it seems that he is more inclined towards selecting someone on his own towards selecting someone on his own to be the next fed chair and the big rumour is Tyrone Powell may be selected. He is a republican, he has been on the fed board for a number of years now so that is working for him but on the other hand he has voted in favour of those banking balls that were tightening banking after the financial crisis and President Trump has said he wants to roll back some of those rules. That could be a point two are going to fight. What the markets make of this . Markets do not want to see anyone who is too hawkish, someone who wants to see Interest Rates rise because that would impact for all of the traders here on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange so Everyone Wants to see Interest Rates continue to gradually go up and really to keep markets calm, the best Case Scenario would be to keep janet yellin in the current position but thatis yellin in the current position but that is not looking likely. Thank you. I want from you now the markets. Positive news on the ftse. Propelled by the pound which is helping some companies that are trading. Next, you can see in the red, the same with m s, retail sales for Retail Stocks have been spooked by next announcement. The pound is up by next announcement. The pound is up against the euro. Yes, what we are thinking we are seeing is an Interest Rate rise tomorrow which helps to raise sterling. 0k, thank you very much. Talk to you later. Aboriginal authorities have decided to stop tourists from climbing uluru one of australias most famous landmarks. The giant red sandstone monolith, formerly known as ayres rock, is sacred to Indigenous People and aboriginal landowners have long complained about travellers scaling the site and have ordered a ban that is expected to start in 2019. From sydney, phil mercer reports. Aboriginal leaders say that uluru shouldnt be treated like a theme park. To them the huge rock that is almost 315 metres high is a sacred place like no other. The local people believe that simply by touching the ochre red sandstone, they can communicate with the gods of creation and receive blessings from their ancestors. The rock was handed back to its traditional indigenous owners in 1985. Since then they have urged tourists not to climb uluru and elders believe a ban has broad public support. Translation i work with lots of visitors on a daily basis. I do it all the time, and if anything they ask us when we will close the climb. For traditional owners, seeing non aboriginal visitors scale the iconic monolith is to witness the desecration of a holy site. Officials hope that the ban will restore dignity to a special place. We will need some experts to help us work out how we restore and rehabilitate if that is what the traditional owners want. And how i think the word that was used today, was how we heal some of the scars that might be on uluru. While bad weather and safety concerns have led to the rock often being closed, many travellers have stopped climbing it out of respect for indigenous culture. Those falling numbers have triggered a clause in a Management Plan that gives aboriginal groups the authority to order a ban. It is expected to come into force in two years time. But for some tourists it is a move that will cause disappointment. Everyone does a base walk but i think you would have a heart warming story to tell, you know, like something that was a little bit more passion driven when you actually finally get to the top. More than 250,000 people visit each year. Indigenous leaders believe they will still come, despite the ban, and experience the majesty and wonder of australias big red rock and its shifting colours from the ground. Phil mercer, bbc news, sydney. We will be going to new york for a news co nfe re nce we will be going to new york for a News Conference with Police Following the terror attack yesterday but first a weather update. Foremost, a decent afternoon, good spells of sunshine in england and wales but atrocious conditions in central and southern scotland, persistent rain gradually easing later in the day and a span of rain spreading into England Wales overnight. Behind it, one of two showers but a chilly night and in the far south fairly mild in towns and cities with dense mist and fog patches forming. That fog could be a problem across southern areas to begin with, it should clear away, a band of cloud continues to affect england and wales, a great day compared to what we will see today but to the north cool and fresh and a chilly start, if you frost patches around but a fine afternoon with plenty of sunshine and dry for the best pa rt plenty of sunshine and dry for the best part of the day. Feeling fairly pleasa nt best part of the day. Feeling fairly pleasant in the sunshine despite the chill. For the rest of england and wales, rather cloudy, a few breaks in the cloud developing with sunny spells and cornwall and devon doing well through the day after mist and fog clears away. Still fairly mild, temperatures 12 or 13 degrees. In towards thursday evening, the cloud will linger on for a while across southern areas, clearer skies gradually filtering into northern areas. Into friday, a bit of a messy day, we will start to see whether friends ganging up on us from the west but spots of light rain across Western Areas and across the south, brightness across eastern areas but the most rather cloudy day, temperatures tend to 13 or 1a degrees. Into friday, the start of the weekend where things get quite wet. These weather friends the weekend where things get quite wet. These weatherfriends pushing across the country towards saturday first thing and a spurt of wet weather. A fair amount of showers, some sunshine as well and a return to overnight frost. For the weekend, looking bright in between any spells of rain or heavy showers and there will be a noticeable chilly wind. Hello, youre watching afternoon live. Im simon mccoy. Today at 3pm terror attack in manhattan five friends from argentina and a belgian woman are among the eight victims. The truck driver who ploughed through crowds is identified as a 29 year old uzbek man. President trump orders increased vetting at us borders. This was an act of terror and a particularly cowardly act of terror aimed at innocent civilians, aimed at people going about their lives who had no idea what was about to hit them. Party leaders agree to meet to discuss an independent process for tackling Sexual Harassment at westminster. We have to ensure that everyone coming here to contribute to public life is treated with respect. Its not disneyland australia bans tourists from climbing the iconic rock uluru. Coming up on afternoon live all the sport. And a question mark over Chris Coleman. We will be looking into whether or not Chris Coleman will be staying at the club. He said thats something he would consider. He said he would lose after wales didnt make it to the world cup, but he says at the minute he hasnt got a clue. We will hopefully have more of the answers later on. And on the Champions League too, i know, holly, thank you very much. And the weather, stav has the latest. For most of us, today a disent afternoon. Good spells of sunshine particularly in england and wales, but atrocious conditions this central and southern scotland. This heavy rain easing later in the day and this band of rain spreading southwards into england and wales overnight. There will be barely anything on it by the time it reaches england and wales. Behind it, one or two showers, but a chillier night to come here. Also coming up, theyre called the un retired people of a certain age who decide that putting their feet up is not for them and they return to the world of work. Hello everyone. Lets go live to new york, where the Police Commissioner of new york city is holding a News Conference. We are going to get an update on the injured. You will hear from the mayor and the governor. I want to thank you for being here at Manhattan District Attorney office. Commissioner roger is from the new york state Homeland Security. And the commissioner is here. I would like to thank the state police for being here and for everything they did yesterday. The chief of the department is going to layout some of the security plans we have in place in light of yesterdays event and ahead ahead of sundays new York City Marathon. Bill sweeney, the assistant director in charge of the fbi will make a statement. And then john miller, Deputy Commissioner of intel and Counter Terrorism will share with you some of the details about the work that were doing on this case. As you have to understand, that this investigation is still in its understand, that this investigation is still in its infancy. We dont have all the answers and there are details today and there will be more down the road and not everything we are going to be able to share with you. You know in terms of casualties, this was the worst terrorist attack in new york city since september, 11th. We saw the strength of that resolve last night with the large crowds that attended the annual halloween parade in the village and we will see it again on sunday when 50,000 people compete in the marathon and 2. 5 Million People cheer them along the route. The nypd and the fbi and our Law Enforcement work hard together, each and every day to prevent the type of thing that occurred here yesterday. What happened yesterday was not ok. It will never be something that any of us will never be something that any of us will accept as inevitable. Since 9 11 we, again along with our partners at the local state and federal level have disrupted or prevented two dozen plots against new york city. Countless lives have been saved. But none of that matters when eight innocent lives are taken bya when eight innocent lives are taken by a criminal, committing a cowardly act driving a rental truckment we are working hard to the get to the bottom of what happened yesterday and why. And were working tirelessly to prevent anything like this from getting repeated. I tell you as often as i can, that true Public Safety is a shared responsibility. Law enforcement, Government Agencies are doing what we can. And the men and women who work with us do it better than anyone, anywhere in the world. But we need everyones help. There are more than 8. 5 Million People in new york city. Plus all the people who commute in every day and all the tourists. Thats a minimum of 17 million extra eyes and ears and gut feelings that can remain vigilant on behalf of all of us and i talk about this all the time. If you see something out there that doesnt right, if it makes you uncomfortable, you have an obligation to make a call or flag done a police carment at least give us done a police carment at least give us the opportunity to investigate that. I want to thank everyone for their on going help today and every day and thank you again for the Swift Response yesterday by the nypd officers, the new york state police, the firefighters and ems workers who did a really greatjob under the circumstances and let me introduce the commissioner, dan. Dan is going to geoff you an update on the injuries from yesterday. Dan. Thank you, i will be non specific regarding the privacy of the victims. There were 20 victims at yesterdays attack. Six were pronounced dead at the scene. We transported 14 victims to three hospitals, two of those victims were pronounced so the total number of deaths were eight. Six of those were citizens of other countries, five from argentina and one from germany and two were americans. Of the 12 remaining, thankfully, three have been released from the hospital. Nine remain in the hospital. Four of those were critically injured, but are in stable condition. The others are in stable condition. The others are seriously injured. The injuries ranged from a by lateral amputation to serious head, neck, back and chest trauma, and trauma to arms and legs. This was was a heinous attack that resulted in eight deaths and serious injuries and our prayers are with the families of those who died and those who remain in the hospital. Thank you, commissioner. Thank you, to all the men and women of the fdny and all the First Responders and all the ents who wept to the aid of those who were afflicted and did it so well. I want to start by thanking all of my colleagues, who are here, thank you governor, and all of our state partners who are here, all of our federal partners, thank you congressman forjoining federal partners, thank you congressman for joining us. Federal partners, thank you congressman forjoining us. Everyone is here in a common cause. This was an attack on the United States of america and an attack on new york city and an attack on our people and it was the definition of terrorism, an effort to take away peoples hope and spirit and to make them change and spirit and to make them change and what new yorkers showed already is we will not change. We will not be cowed. We will not be thrown off by anything and this cowardly act, targeting the most innocent people in the middle of the most innocent per suits was meant to make people feel they could not go about their daily lives and what we saw last night, the governor and i went to our annual halloween parade, one million new yorkers showed up for that event and as we spoke with them, they were undeterred, they we re them, they were undeterred, they were strong. It made me very proud of new york city and all the people of new york city and all the people of this country to see that strength in the face of adversity. This morning, people went to work. Kids went to school. No one thought there was any choice, but to stand up to this act of terror. So, as we now move forward, we start with giving our prayers to the families of the eight who were killed. They, as you heard, six of them came from other nations here. Because they saw new york as a special place to be and we now and forever will consider them new yorkers. They shared this tragedy with us. We will remember them as new yorkers. They were here because this city is a beacon to people all over the world, a place that every kind of person comes to and is respected and that wont change. 8. 5 Million People here, we understand, this was an attack on our values. It was an effort to break our spirit. But as an effort to break our spirit, it failed. New york city is a very strong and resilient place. We have great faith in the men and women who protect us. We have such pride in the nypd and we see them on duty and we know they are the very best so were strong, were resilient people because we know were protected and we know that this place works when people dont feel deterred. And ill tell you, this violence was an effort to make us blink and we wont blink. We wont change. The nypd yesterday showed us once again how much new yorkers can rely on them and i want to commend 0fficer ryan nash, i spoke to him earlier today. A good young man, five years on the force, he was very humble about what he did, but what he did was extraordinary and gave people such faith and such appreciation in our police force. Now, this investigation, as youve heard, has just begun. Its important to emphasise again this morning that we do not see any additional credible and specific threats against new york city. We will constantly keep people posted. But we do ask eve ryo ne people posted. But we do ask everyone to be vigilant. Commissioner 0neill laid out what eve ryo ne commissioner 0neill laid out what everyone has to understand, be a pa rt everyone has to understand, be a part of the solution. Share what you know with the police, dont think twice, give information to our officers. And many of those previous effo rts officers. And many of those previous efforts to undermine us, the commissioner referenced, those almost two dozen previous efforts to attack new york city, a number of them were stopped because good people came forward with information in time. We need everyone to understand that they can do that too. As we move forward, we will look forward to the marathon on sunday. It will go on as scheduled. It will be an extraordinary event as it always is. It will be well protected as it always is and we will take additional measures to ensure that. But my message to all new yorkers is do what you do best. Be new yorkers. Be strong. Be proud. Be resilient. Show the whole world right now that we will not be moved by terror. Again, you see eve ryo ne moved by terror. Again, you see everyone here, every Agency United in common cause and this is also pa rt in common cause and this is also part of what makes us strong. And with that, i want to thank for his effo rts with that, i want to thank for his efforts and the states efforts and welcome the governor. Thank you. Thank you very much. Let me begin by asking us all to remember in our thoughts and prayers the eight lives that were lost tragically. That is damage that can never be undone and there are families today feeling pain, that is unimaginable. Mayor, to the nypd, the state police, i was on the scene yesterday, the performance was phenomenal and the Co Ordination and the effort was top shelf. And it gives one reassurance to know that there is this level of professionalism and expertise, protecting the people of this city and this state. Its also important to remember that while the leadership of the Police Departments is top shelf, officer nash, five years on the job, 28 years old, he was a hero and the nypd is notjust the leadership, its the men and women who are out there every day, who are on the first line and i think officer nash, really showed how important they are and how talented and how brave. So we all applaud and congratulate him. I spoke to the Homeland Security secretary yesterday who pledges full Co Ordination with all the federal efforts and the fbi. I think its important that we are all working as one and in this kind of situation there is no all ter thattive. This is not a time to have alternative. This is not a time to have politics. This is not a time to point fingers. This is not a time to find blame. It is a time to come together and work for a common goal. The effort yesterday killed eight people. But in my opinion, the effort failed because the effort was not to kill eight people. The effort was to disrupt us, to terrorise us, to scare us, to create mayhem, thats the effort. Thats the goal on all of these attacks. New york is a special target because we have that statue of liberty in our harbour that we are proud of, holding up the torch for freedom and democracy, but we have seen it all around the world and it is to create mayhem and terrorise and it failed. The mayor is exactly right. The halloween parade last night was a beautiful example of the failure of the attempt. One million new yorkers came out with their families, with their children, they celebrated. They were there. Just a number of hours after the incident and it was new yorks way of saying, we will not be deterred. We are not terrorised. You will not win. We said that in 1993 after the World Trade Center bombing, the first time. We said that after 9 11 and we said that yesterday. Unprompted, spontaneously. They were all there. And the mayor and i marched and it was really, reassuring to see the resilience of new yorkers. No, you will see increased Police Presence all across the metropolitan area. Were going to double the number of bodies at places of congregation, airports, tunnels, pence station which has 600,000 people who go through it every day, the most heavily travelled transportation hub in the hemisphere. I dont want anyone to draw any inference from that. We dont know anything. We are not responding to anything. Its just as a precaution. The same thing at the marathon. The marathon will go on because new york goes on and its an important event for all of new yorkers. Again, i want to end where i started, the effort by the First Responders was phenomenal. The reaction by new yorkers as evidenced la st reaction by new yorkers as evidenced last night, this morning, people got up. They went to work. Children went to school. And thats what makes new yorkers special. That strength, that resilience, that ability to be undeterred in the face of ugliness and the actions of a depraved coward because thats what this was. This was the actions of a depraved coward. There is no grand statement to what was done. It was the act of a coward. And thats the way it should be regarded because thats the way it was. I was proud to be the way it was. I was proud to be the governor of the state of new york last night. Im proud every day, but seeing new yorkers response made me feel especially proud. And again to the team you see assembled up again to the team you see assembled up here, the fbi, the nypd, the seamless Co Ordination, really is something to behold and a source of strength and comfort, i hope, for all new yorkers. Thank you. Thanks, governor, thanks mr mayor. To reiterate what the governor and the mayor said. Now is not the time to live in fear. It is not the time to be fearful. Now is the time for all new yorkers to be strong as we a lwa ys new yorkers to be strong as we always are. Right now, the chief of department will talk about what were doing to increase security throughout the city. Good morning everyone. Immediately following yesterdays attack in Lower Manhattan, the department quickly mobilised and deployed additional resources. Additional Police Officers and additional heavy weapons teams to key locations throughout the city. Last nights halloween parade which attracted over one million participants was also security at that parade was also security at that parade was also enhanced. We added more trucks and more blocker vehicles to the side streets that led on to sixth avenue and we also assigned more heavy weapons teams, not just to the parade, but to the surrounding area. New yorkers and others who utilise our Transit System will see a lot more officers. They will see a lot more officers. They will see a lot more uniforms. They will see more office rs more uniforms. They will see more officers on the trains. They will see more officers on the platforms. They should expect more bag checks at more stations. There will be more kay nines, explosive detecting kay nines in our subway system and heavy weapons teams as well as our Critical Response xwhand will also be deployed to major hubs and other stations throughout the city. There was some track closures that remain in effect and i would like to point out thats the west side highway from 14th street down to the tunnel. It still remains an active crime scene and we anticipate it will be closed until early this evening. So, we have assigned traffic agents to the area, but motorists please avoid that area. And we are just a few days away from the new York City Marathon, over 51,000 runners will participate. 2. 5 million spectators will line the streets in all the boroughs and in our city and weve enhanced security for this also. It will be a very safe event. We have added more trucks, more blocker vehicles, i cant give you the exact number. I have it, but i cant give it to you, but it will be the most ever deployed at this event. We more than doubled our observation teams, our rooftop observation posts as well as our counter sniper teams from the Emergency Services unit throughout the boroughs and not just in manhattan and weve added more heavy weapons teams throughout the city. Officers from our Emergency Services unit, from our Strategic Response group and from our Critical Response group and from our Critical Response command. They will be at fixed locations along the route, but they will also have a mobile response capability. If they are needed elsewhere. And this increase will supplement the already launch, substantial detail of uniformed office rs substantial detail of uniformed officers that you will see along the route, but there will be officers in civilian attire, that you wont see, they will be mixing in with the crowds to detect any suspicious activity. Kay nines, a large number of kay nines will be deployed along with Counter Terrorism officers. Our aviation, helicopters will patrol from above, they will survey rof tops and certainly Traffic Control agents, they will have the hard task of keeping traffic moving in the affected areas. As the commissioner said, 8. 5 million new yorkers, several million other tourists, thats a lot of eyes and ears in our city. If you see something, say something, tell an officer, call 911 or certainly you could call the new york city terrorism hot line, 88, and we look for it to be a very safe and we look for it to be a very safe and enjoyable sunday. Thank you. Thank you, now we will here from bill sweeney, the assistant director in charge of the fbi office and bill and his people continue to be great partners in new york city. Bill. Thank you, jimmy. Good morning, everybody. Our thoughts and prayers are from the bureau are with all the victims families, especially this morning and for all those that are still recovering. Right now, the new york jttf which still recovering. Right now, the new yorkjttf which is come priced of 50 plus agencies is following up on related leads as we work to process intelligence information related to yesterdays attack. Our parten in newark is fully engaged, both are operating 24 7 and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. We have joint Terrorism Task forces around the country that are following up on leads as we generate them and kick them out. The investigation is still in its early stages. I knowl investigation is still in its early stages. I know i say this each time, but it is vitally important that we do not inadvertently disclose information that could adversely impact this investigation. I think the public understands that need for the level of Operational Security and for that reason, i may not be able to answer specific questions on how much or what we know. I can say we have been conducting searches throughout the night and into this morning, i expect those searches will continue and additional searches will develop as we generate additional information. I expect evidence collection on the scene to continue until at least early this afternoon, but more likely until early this evening. We are very grateful for the patience and the resiliency of the patience and the resiliency of the workers and the people that reside in the area. Im asking the public to call us with any information that you may have. We set up the hotline. The two numbers are on the chart to the your left, the first nationwide, call fbi. Obviously the nypd number is up there, but we have a second site which is vitally important. It is a link where the public can upload their videos and their photographs that they may have obtained when they were at the scene. That link is that allows the public to upload the videos so we can review them for additional evidence. Thank you for your cope op ration. Thanks, jimmy. Thanks, bill. John miller is going toi thanks, bill. John miller is going to i have us an updated chronology of what happened yesterday and hes going to talk about the investigation. Again, what bill said, we have to let this investigation get under way. It is not even 24 hours yet. There will be some things we can tell you and there will be a lot of things we cant tell you. John. Thanks, commissioner. We are in the early stages of this investigation. So the information im going to give you today remains preliminary. Meaning some details, timelines, etcetera may change as we develop more information. This investigation is being carried outjointly by the nypd, fbi, joint Terrorism Taskforce, and the Intelligence Bureau of the nypd with the Counter Terrorism bureau and hundreds of detectives from the nypd bureau who responded to the scene and worked through the night developing evidence and following leads. The timeline as we have it now, starts at 2. 06pm at which point the suspect rents a large vehicle from the home depot located in new jersey. According to the licence plate readers on the George Washington bridge, he exits the bridge into new york city, southbound on the west side highway at 2. 43pm. At 3. 04, a Port Authority camera on top ofan at 2. 43pm. At 3. 04, a Port Authority camera on top of an air vent shous the vehicle entering the bike lane and travelling at a high rate of speed southbound at west street. At this point, according to witnesses, video and investigation, appears to target bicycle riders and pedestrians, within the southbound bike lane travelling at a high rate of speed. That ends when he cold leuds with the school bus, injuring a numberof leuds with the school bus, injuring a number of additional people and at 3. 08pm, we get more than a dozen 911 calls reporting people down, the School Bus Accident and a man with a gun in the street. Two Police Office rs gun in the street. Two Police Officers who were out on another call, are alerted by civilians about the activity going on outside. They leave that location. They are joined bya leave that location. They are joined by a third officer. They observe a man who appears to be waving a gun and yelling at the scene of the accident and they observe people down on the scene. One of those office rs down on the scene. One of those officers brian nash takes action and fires his Service Weapon bringing the attack to an end. As the injured we re the attack to an end. As the injured were being removed, by Fire Department and ems personnel, and being triaged at the scene, a perimeter was set up around that truck and the nypd bomb squad was called in to clear that vehicle for any suspicious devices. The suspect is identified as Sayfullo Saipov, a 29 year old legal permanent resident of the United States, who came into the country from uzbekistan in march of 2010. Overnight, based on the investigation, there have been a numberof investigation, there have been a number of search warrants executed and there maybe more, witnesses interviewed, associates tracked down and other activity we have been able to piece together a number of facts. We re cove re d to piece together a number of facts. We recovered in and around the vehicle multiple knives, a pellet gun, there are eight dead and 12 injured. We have a lot to go through. The Detective Bureau in particular, using hundreds of detectives has been going up and down the west side highway and on both sides of the street meticulously trying to pick up every piece of video from every Security Camera and every Traffic Camera and every bank camera, anything that will help us put together this timeline and have the imagery to go with it so we can reconstruct as much of this as possible. We will be reviewing licence plate readers data, not our own, but from the surrounding area to reconstruct the suspects movement, as well as interp views with associates. The suspect was transported to bellview hospital. We are awaiting to hear an update on his condition today. Obviously, he is in custody and under arrest. Based on the investigation overnight, it appears that Sayfullo Saipov had been planning this for a number of weeks. He did this in the name of isis and along with other items recovered at the scene were some notes that further indicate that. He appears to have followed almost exactly to a t the instructions that isis has put out on social Media Channels before, with instructions to their followers on how to carry out such an attack. At this point, we will open it up for questions. Inaudible we talked about this yesterday, it isa we talked about this yesterday, it is a big city. I know the bike path very well, i do not think there are any bollards there, we will look at that now. We said yesterday that we learn from every event not only in the city but across the world. The suspect was interviewed at the hospital, and we are not going to be able to go into his statement specifically. I have a question for the governor, have either of received a call from President Trump, and you have sources telling us inaudible where Police Investigating other suspects . We can say that mr saipov has never been subject of an nypd or Intelligence Bureau investigation, nor has he been the subject of an fbi investigation. We know that through our work with the jt tf overnight. We are looking at how he has touched the subjects of other investigations, his activity relating to those people and we are building out in concentric circles to try and document that but it appears that he will have some connectivity to individuals who were the subject of investigations, although he himself was not. Aboubakar although he himself was not. Abouba kar reciprocals yesterday although he himself was not. Aboubakar reciprocals yesterday from the Homeland Security secretary and the Homeland Security secretary and the Homeland Security adviser i received calls. Both offered any and all help to new york city in this moment. They said they would be 100 available to us going forward. This was at seven oclock approximately yesterday evening but not from the president directly. I received no call from the president. I also received a call from the Homeland Security secretary, acting secretary duke, we talked about a coordination of resources, jt tf, the fbi, but basically, did we need any other assistance from the federal government . I received a phone call from the acting secretary also, a little after eight oclock. Are you bothered that you didnt get this call inaudible. Im not bothered at all, two senior officials called promptly and offered help, and that was appropriate. We are here to talk about this situation, the facts, and no one rpo wants to politicise any of this. I do not think anyone should be politicising this tragedy at this moment in time. Every focus should be on those whose lives were lost, on their families, should be on those whose lives were lost, on theirfamilies, on should be on those whose lives were lost, on their families, on the work that we have to do in this investigation. I am not bothered that the president didnt call. I am bothered by an attempt by anyone to try to politicise this situation. That plays right into the hands of the terrorists. They are trying to disrupt, they are trying to create mayhem, they are trying to divide. The point is, to do the opposite is to unite, normalcy, proceed as one. So, politicise this event . I think it is wholly counter productive. So, politicise this event . I think it is wholly counterproductive. The suspect had imitation weapons, it seemed like he was fleeing. Are you talking about suicide by cop . We have made that determination yet. At the back . Inaudible is there any sense in this investigation as to how or why the individual became radicalised . M investigation as to how or why the individual became radicalised . It is too early in the investigation to know that. Inaudible studio we will pull away from that news co nfe re nce studio we will pull away from that News Conference in new york, but clarifying the situation, we are unable to answer many of the questions put to them, but we do know that there were 20 victims, six died at the scene of the attack, two died at the scene of the attack, two died later in hospital. Four are still critically ill. The injuries described included a double amputation, so several severely hurt in the hospital. Bill de blasio, he said it was an effort to break their spirit but it had failed. You heard the new york government, governor, he criticised any attempt to politicise this attack in new york yesterday, he was asked about the lack of phone call from President Donald Trump, that may be seen as a criticism of his tweets in the aftermath of the attack. The suspect is in hospital, and the fbi say that they are still waiting to talk to him, but they were regarding this as a terror attack. The assailant had links, they said, to isis, and following the instructions online from isis of how to carry out such an attack. That is the latest from new york. We will return there and it is also worth saying that they pointed out sundays new york marathon will go ahead as planned. This is afternoon live. Theresa may has told mp5 that action will be taken where theres evidence of Sexual Misconduct in parliament. The Prime Minister has called a meeting of political leaders to agree new complaints procedures, as allegations about Sexual Harassment by mp5 continue to circulate in westminster. Heres our Political Correspondent ben wright. Damian green is facing questions about his conduct. All of the allegations are completely false. All of the allegations are completely false, the cabinet minister said this morning, clearly angry at claims made by this woman, the academic and tory activist kate maltby. Seen here on the same Television Programme as damian green injuly. Now she has published a piece in the Times Newspaper claiming that in 2015 mr green made suggestive comments and fleetingly touched her knee when they met for a drink in a pub. He offered me career advice and in the same breath made it clear he was sexually interested. It was not acceptable to me at the time and it should not be acceptable behaviour in westminster in the future. Kate maltby also says damian green sent her a flirtatious text message in may last year, which she ignored. She describes feeling awkward, embarrassed and professionally compromised by mr green. Damian green has instructed libel lawyers over the claims. Now one of the most senior members of the cabinet, mr green said in a statement he had known kate maltby since 2014 and the pair had a drink twice yearly. But he said, it is absolutely and completely untrue that i have ever made any sexual advances on miss maltby. This untrue allegation has come as a complete shock and is deeply hurtful, especially from someone i considered a personalfriend. The Prime Minister has asked the Cabinet Office to investigate these claims of inappropriate behaviour by damian green, who is the latest and most senior politician to be caught up in the rumours and allegations swirling around westminster, many of which are fiercely denied by the mp5 involved. For instance, theJustice Minister dominic raab today said any insinuation he is engaged in anything resembling Sexual Harassment or lewd remarks is false and malicious. He has already taken legal advice. But politicians from all parties agree that Parliament Needs to overhaul the way staff and other workers here can make complaints about Sexual Harassment. The government has committed to do that. Mp5 say behaviour more broadly has to change as well. The most important thing is to change the culture and to end a culture of entitlement by some older men who think theyjust the most important thing is to change the culture and to end a culture of entitlement by some older men who think theyjust have a right to prey on younger women or men that they have a power relationship with. It is an abuse of power and it has to stop. In the commons this lunchtime both main Party Leaders said they were deeply concerned about allegations of harassment at westminster. I have written to all Party Leaders inviting them to a meeting early next week so we can discuss a common, transparent, independent grievance procedure for all those working in parliament. We have a duty to ensure that everyone coming here to contribute to public life is treated with respect. We need better protections for all in this house. This house must involve workplace trade unions in that. But it is also incumbent on all parties to have robust procedures in place to protect and support victims of sexual abuse and harassment. Whether or not there are more allegations about the behaviour of politicians in the coming days, mp5 are clear that the culture here needs to change. Ben wright, bbc news. People spend years making plans for life after work and you might expect them to just want to put their feet up once they do finally retire. But new Research Suggests one in four of us are un retiring actually choosing to go back to work within five years of stopping. Lets speak to one of them angela laws had retired but is now social media manager for a start up company and also here is professor debora price is co author of the report on reversing retirement. Angela, lets begin with you. Most people are counting the days to retirement and as soon as it hits they want to relax or to change, but you didnt . I didnt, ifound something that i love so much, one sided stop work i retired for a little while. How long . About ten yea rs, little while. How long . About ten years, andi little while. How long . About ten years, and i got into pet and house sitting because i lost a beloved spaniel, i wanted sitting because i lost a beloved spaniel, iwanted pets sitting because i lost a beloved spaniel, i wanted pets in my life so i began pet sitting and house sitting, i meta i began pet sitting and house sitting, i met a gentleman who started a company and he had a vision of creating a community of like minded people who loved pets and he could enable pet lovers to trifle. I got involved in it enable pet lovers to travel. I worked for the company for free because i loved it so much. I took over social media, because of my social media background. It is about communicating to people and telling a story. Its about a passion and making people believe that that is something that they can become involved in. A lot of people would say, thats all very well. Ive cleared this with you already. How old are you . I am 71 in december. You sound as though someone who has started a new job you sound as though someone who has started a newjob at the age of 30. Is that the trick, finding something that you love doing . It is something that you love doing . It is something that you love doing . It is something that you are passionate about and it isnt an age thing. Age is a number, andi isnt an age thing. Age is a number, and i know it is cliche but it is true. I believe that comes from within and finding that thing, whatever it may be, whether it is gardening or whatever, its that one thing that you are passionate about and we are keeping pets happy at home and to me that is worth all of its weight in gold. And a lot of people will look at this and say, a quarter of the population go back to work, why . What is the reason . Apart from wanting to get involved in something that you love, most people do not have that opportunity . There are different motivations for different people, we are seeing two was developed. Some people need the money, they do not have a sufficient pension, but others go back as angela eloquently described to create meaning in their lives. Some people are bored, they may want routine. Men in particular may have their identity bound up with work and finally transition difficult. A lot of compensated reasons, some positive, others negative. Presumably some people found the shock of being at home with someone full time, found it quite tough . That issue is well documented what we are seeing clearly in the project is that this seems to be much more available, this pick and choose life style available, this pick and choose lifestyle seems to be more available to people who are quite privileged. Highly educated, mostly men in good health. And at the other end of the scale, if you are made redundant and lose yourjob in your 505 or 60s, in manual occupations you may be unemployed for a long time, it may be difficult to find a job. And you accept that you are lucky to have found work at this stage. Extremely. Particularly something you feel so passionate about. Was having the money a factor . Of course. It enables me to help my children. But iam not enables me to help my children. But i am not wealthy enough to actually sit back and say, i do not need the money. Of course it makes a difference. But it wasnt the motivation for me to do it. Im also very lucky that i have an incredibly supportive husband, and i couldnt do the work i do withoutjohns help. Ive embraced working remotely as well. I do not stay in an office. I travel the world and i still do my pet and house sitting. Last year i was in barbados twice. If you are house sitting, thats not a bad place anyone can do this, we have a whole membership of retired people finding that they can travel far more and they have the love and company of pets and they can go anywhere. A lot of people would look at angela and say, what an inspiration, that sounds great but for other people, it isnt an easy decision. . For other people, it isnt an easy decision. . So much depends on health. We also know from the work that we have done that if your prime motivation for working beyond state pension age is that you need the money, it diminishes your quality of life. If your prime motivation are these kinds of things, it enhances your quality of life and that makes sense. We have managed to show that. What we are concerned about is that there are two was developing. One for people where state pension age is getting ever further and pensions are a mess, they may not realise the money that they thought they were going to. Its a group of very anxious people but on the other hand you have people with all of these choices, thinking of the 100 year life, in an out of leisure and work. They are not really the same people and they are not the same world. They are not really the same people and they are not the same worldm is great that both of you have come to talk to us. Angela lawes, im sure you will be working way beyond 100 thank you to both of you. The Northern Ireland secretary, James Brokenshire, has said he is taking the necessary steps for westminster to pass a budget for Northern Ireland. James brokenshire said the Democratic Unionist Party and sinn fein had failed to agree to establish an executive and it was unlikely that power sharing could be restored at stormont before Northern Ireland ran out of money at the end of this month. It is the responsibilities of the parties to form an executive to take forward its own budget. But as i have indicated, it is now very unlikely that an executive will be in place within a timetable to pass a budget by the end of november. Which is the point at which we, and the Northern Ireland Civil Service, assess that Northern Ireland will begin to run out of resources. No government could simply stand by and allow that to happen. I am therefore now taking forward the necessary steps that would enable a budget bill to be introduced at westminster at the appropriate moment, in order to protect the delivery of Public Services in Northern Ireland. Lets get more from our ireland correspondent chris page. He is at stormont for us. There is a sense of inching inevitably towards what everyone does not want which is direct rule . Thats right, for the last ten months stormont has been deadlocked, an example there of some of the strong feeling that we have among members of the public, great frustration at the ongoing political deadlock. The Northern Ireland secretary James Brokenshire believes that the state will have two introduce a bill at westminster to legislate for a budget for Northern Ireland. For the house of commons, the week after next. He is prepared to withdraw that if there is an agreement between the stormont parties butjudging by what the parties butjudging by what the parties have been saying this afternoon, political miracles here are not unknown. It seems devolution is disappearing. They will go in and reflect on the situation they say, they are open to talks but gerry adams says it must be meaningful, and these talks cannot continue endlessly. The Democratic Unionist Party say they want decisions to be made at Northern Ireland, and here in stormont they believe the time is right for westminster to pass a budget which is the measure of good government, they say, that Northern Ireland needs. There are still sticking points, no sign of an end to this ongoing political deadlock. A sense of deja vu. Chris page, thank you. Egon is here in a moment hell be telling us whats hot and whats not in the Business News. First a look at the headlines on afternoon live. Five friends from argentina are among eight People Killed and four injured. Two of the dead are american. Party leaders agree to meet to discuss an independent process for tackling Sexual Harassment at westminster. Theresa may has told mp5 that action will be taken where theres evidence of Sexual Misconduct in parliament. The Prime Minister has called a meeting of political leaders to agree new complaints procedures, as allegations about Sexual Harassment by mp5 continue to circulate in westminster. Heres our Political Correspondent ben wright. Heres your business headlines on afternoon live. Online sales at next have gone up but sales in shops fell by more than 13 in the last quarter. The company is warning of tough trading conditions in the run up to christmas. Manufacturing companies saw strong growth in business last month. Its mainly because of new contracts encouraging them to ramp up production. Nationwide says house prices went up by around 2. 5 percent in september compared to the same month last year. The company also says any rise in Interest Rates tomorrow will only have a modest impact on homeowners. The message from next is have an online presence. Their online site did rather well . In the last three months they have seen online sales rising by about 13 . In the corresponding period, shop sales fell by about 8 . They have seen this trend developing throughout the year and they think it will continue not just for them that for their competitors. And a warning about volatile trading which the city does not lie . It basically means that we are becoming much more fickle as consumers. They say even things like the weather can impact how we spend. They say that trend will continue again, notjust for them they say that trend will continue again, not just for them but they say that trend will continue again, notjust for them but their competitors about this. Ive spoken to a nalyst competitors about this. Ive spoken to analyst sophie were what about this. It is tough on the high street at the moment, shops like m s, debenhams and next are struggling to drive sales above last year. Consumers incomes are being squeezed with the rising price of food, going up with the rising price of food, going up and spending is prioritised for these items and there is less money for nonessential items like clothing. Retailers such as next are trying to create more exciting stores, creating experiences like per second bars, restaurants and debenhams announced that they will add gyms to their stores, but it will be tough in the next few years, we are predicting little growth in physical sales. I went to look for a bank branch the other day, they seem to be closing daily. They say everybody uses atms and are online. The atm thing is interesting. If you are suspicious, and i might be slightly suspicious, banks may want to charge more for using them and that could well be about what is to happen . The biggest operator of atms in the country, they import then through the country, they are cutting the amount of money to operate the system. The fear is that this will lead to a reduction in the number of free atms that we have access to. Ron delnevo is from the atm industry association. You are worried about this . Yes, Bank Branches have been closing down over the last few years and we now have bank branch deserts. 2000 communities around the uk without Bank Branches. People rely on free atms for financial services. If they are taken out because they are no longer economic, that is a disaster for communities and the economics of them throughout the uk. They say they are committed to maintaining a network of free atms . In financially excluded areas, this isntjust about them, this is for everybody in the uk. Last year, over three quarters of all payments at Convenience Stores in the uk were made using cash. Cash is still the dominant Payment Method in this country. According to figures released by the bank of england. It isnt just about some atm paw released by the bank of england. It isntjust about some atm paw in financially exclusive areas but cash for everyone. That is under threat because the economics of the atm paw will not be at a 20 reduction looking to change over the next few yea rs. Looking to change over the next few years. Links a beast changes are necessary if we are to have an atm system at all . We already have the most Cost Effective system in the world. What they are actually doing is trying to chase down to the visa interchange levels. Visa is an organisation that declared war on cash years ago and theyve got no interest in making atms viable. It would be a disaster to move link interchange levels to visa levels. Atms cannot be operated economically at those levels. How much will they charge us . At the moment, the interchange is not paid by customers but some of those atms there, they are operated by independent operators and some bank atms may have to shift to a charging regime. In which case, a typical charge is about £1 75 for a transaction. Im not saying that every machine will charge that boat is not enough of a change are rendered uneconomic. Wrong, thank you. Sorry to interrupt there time for a quick look at the markets. Positive news from the ftse, buoyed by commodities ron. Next have warned of volatile trading, as we have discussed, impacting Marks Spencer 5 as well. We are expecting an Interest Rate rise as well. Thank you. Aboriginal authorities have decided to stop tourists from climbing uluru one of australias most famous landmarks. The giant red sandstone monolith, formerly known as ayres rock, is sacred to Indigenous People and aboriginal landowners have long complained about travellers scaling the site and have ordered a ban that is expected to start in 2019. Is seen esker World Heritage site and attracts thousands of visitors every year. Time for a look at the weather. Heres stav. For most of us today, a decent afternoon, good spells of sunshine in england and wales but atrocious in central and southern scotland, persistent and heavy rain through the day. Spreading southwards into england and wales overnight. Barely anything on it by the time it reaches england and wales. Some showers but a chilly night to come. In the far south, its fairly mild. Some dense mist and fog patches will form. Heath fog could be a problem in southern areas. It should clear way. This band of cloud will affect england and wales, a grey day here compared to what we will see today that in the north, cool and fresh and a chilly start. Some frost patches around. A fine afternoon with plenty of sunshine and drive for the best part of the day. Full scotla nd for the best part of the day. Full scotland and Northern Ireland, and into the north of england as well. Light winds, feeling pleasant despite the chill. For the rest of england and wales, its cloudy, some brea ks england and wales, its cloudy, some breaks in the cloud developer, cornwall and devon do pretty well as the mist and fog clears away. Tem ptress the mist and fog clears away. Te m ptress of the mist and fog clears away. Temptress of 12 or 13 degrees. On thursday evening, that cloud will lingerfor thursday evening, that cloud will linger for a thursday evening, that cloud will lingerfor a while in thursday evening, that cloud will linger for a while in southern areas. Clear skies, linger for a while in southern areas. Clearskies, gradually filtering in. On friday, its a messy day, i think. You will see weather fronts ganging up on us from the west. But its a cloudy one. Some spots of light rain in northern and Western Areas. Some brightness in eastern areas but for most, its a cloudy day, temperatures of 10 degrees. 13 or 14 in the south. On friday and into the start of the weekend, things get wet. These weather fronts push across country as we head toward saturday first thing. A spell of wet and windy weather. In the north west, called air filters weather. In the north west, called airfilters down weather. In the north west, called air filters down across the uk. Bringing with it a fair amount of showers. Some sunshine as well and a return to overnight frosts. For the weekend, its looking bright between spells of rain or heavy showers. There will be a noticeable chilly wind. Hello, youre watching afternoon live. Im simon mccoy. Today at 4pm terror attack in manhattan five friends from argentina are among the eight victims. The driver who ploughed through crowds is identified as a 29 year old uzbek man. Police say he followed instructions for the attack from social media. Based on the investigation overnight it appears that Sayfullo Saipov had been planning this to are a number of weeks. He did this in the name of isis. Party leaders agree to meet to discuss an independent process for tackling Sexual Harassment at westminster. We have a duty to ensure that eve ryo ne we have a duty to ensure that everyone coming here is treated with respect. Its not disneyland australia bans tourists from climbing the iconic rock uluru. Coming up on afternoon live all the sport. Another Champions League night tonight. We have liverpool, totte n ha m tonight. We have liverpool, tottenham and Manchester City in action and we will be looking ahead to kick off later on. Thanks. Stav has all the weather. It has been a glorious day for many up it has been a glorious day for many up and down the country, but some areas have been sopping wet. I will have the details in half an hour thanks, stav. Also coming up, damaging their Mental Health and self esteem. The infertile men left feeling worthless and isolated. Hello everyone. This is afternoon live. Im simon mccoy. President trump has ordered a step up in the vetting of foreigners travelling to the us after yesterdays terror attack in new york in which eight people were killed and 12 people were injured. The suspect, who has been named as Sayfullo Saipovfrom uzbekistan, was injured by police and taken into custody after his truck mowed down the victims on a cycle path in Lower Manhattan. In the last half hour, police said it seems likely he carried out the attack in line with instructions posted on social media by members of the Islamic State group. Mark lobel reports. I need an ambulance right here a school bus lies in ruins moments after the terror attack in Lower Manhattan which ended with many dead, and the suspect in custody. Oh my god. Horror. Did you guys get him . One student who moments earlier caught sight of a man revving his engine impatiently at a traffic light, described a state of panic. Me and a friend were kind of wondering why he was being so aggressive behind the wheel, what is going on, you know . From there you could see the carjump onto the kerb, strike two people and continue down the street where it hit a bus and then veered off. At that moment everyone was just trying to figure out what was going on. It all began around 3pm during a sunny halloween in new york. A rented white pick up truck drove through a cycle lane for many blocks, fatally striking cyclists and pedestrians. The driver abandoned the vehicle, wielding fake guns after hitting a school bus. He was then shot by an officer. Eight people were killed and 12 injured. Those who died included five friends from argentina in their late 405, there to celebrate the 30th anniversary of their graduation from a polytechnic college. Two americans and a german citizen we re two americans and a german citizen were killed. The attacker has been named as Sayfullo Saipov. A 29 year old immigrantfrom Sayfullo Saipov. A 29 year old immigrant from uzbekistan. Police now rapidly seek answers. The republican senator Lindsey Graham wa nts republican senator Lindsey Graham wants the attacker treated as an enemy combatant so he can be questioned without a lawyer present. Donald trump says he wants Stricter Border controls after what he attack bya border controls after what he attack by a sick and deranged person. He said, i have ordered Homeland Security to step up our extreme vetting programme. Being politically correct is fine, but not for this. A letter was found pledging allegiance to the so called Islamic State, President Trump wrote, we must allow isis to enter our country after defeating them in the middle east and elsewhere. Enough. Today new york is dusting itself down after another unexpected and shocking strike so close to the site of september, 11th attacks. Shocking strike so close to the site of september, 11th attacksm shocking strike so close to the site of september, 11th attacks. It was the definition of terrorism. An effort to take away peoples hope and spirit and to make them change and spirit and to make them change and what new yorkers showed already is we will not change. We will not be cowed. We will not be thrown off by anything. But now the wave of truck based terror attacks has spread to new york, there is a need for greater vigilance and intelligence to stop any more attacks from clouding this skyline. Donald trump says he wants to work with congress to terminate the diversity Lottery Programme. This is a green card lottery which he says allowed the new york truck attack suspect into the United States. He pinned blame for the scheme on senator chuck schumer. Authorities havent confirmed how the suspect in yesterdays attack, Sayfullo Saipov, actually immigrated to the United States. But mr trump tweeted earlier saying the terrorist came into our country through the diversity visa Lottery Programme. I want it to be merit based, he said. At a press Conference Held today to give an update on the investigation, john miller of the nypd said this attack was not carried out in the spur of the moment. Based on the investigation overnight, it appears that Sayfullo Saipov had been planning this for a number of weeks. He did this in the name of isis. And along with the other items, recovered at the scene, was some notes that further indicate that. He appears to have followed almost exactly to a t the instructions that isis has put out in its social Media Channels before, with instructions to their followers on how to carry out such an attack. We are hearing from downing street that the Prime Minister, theresa may, has spoken to President Trump to express her condolences regarding that attack. She said she was deeply shocked and saidnd by the loss of life and her thoughts and prayers remain with those affected and reiterated that the uk will continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with the United States in defeating the evil of terrorism, the two leaders noted the strong intelligence and security co operation between our two countries. The downing street spokeswoman says the Prime Minister and President Trump discussed the need for an international approach to tackling poisonous terrorist ideology online. That news coming in in the last few minutes. Joining me now from new york is jeffrey ringel, director of the soufan group, which provides security and intelligence advice to governments and businesses. Hes also a former officer with the fbi. On the face of it, things could have been a lot worse in terms of how the police reacted yesterday . Thats true. This attack could have been much worse if the driver had taken a different route or if he had waited until the halloween parade and where there would be thousands of people on the street, there may have been many more victims. I think the Police Response was very good. At stopping at attack once it commenced. Interesting to hear that 12 planned attacks have been prevented from being carried out. Obviously, new york, given the history there is a city on high alert at all times . Thats true and ididnt hear alert at all times . Thats true and i didnt hear the News Conference, but i was in the new york office of the fbi and it was a frequent occurrence for us along with the nypd to uncover the plots and stop them before they happened. The fbi will be concentrating on the suspect who is still alive and thats a huge asset for the investigation, isnt it . Yes, it is because now we can ascertain what his motivation was, we can get from him, from the attacker himself, what his motivation was and also right now the fbi will be scouring all the information thats going to be collected at his residence, they will be using their national and their International Connections to share information and to gather information as quickly as possible. Interesting that it was stated that this had been planned for sometime and he had had followed to the letter, instructions online from isis about how to carry out such an attack. It is interesting that donald trump and theresa may have discussed that in the phone call they have had . Discussed that in the phone call they have had . Well, unfortunately, in open society, such as ours, people can go on social media, they can voice their displeasure with the government and they can voice their displeasure with a lot of people and that does not violate the law. This individual may have been on some of the Law Enforcements radars, but if he didnt cross the threshold, the most Law Enforcement can do is monitor him and keep an eye on him. It really comes back to prioritising threats and also more resources. Its interesting from an outsiders point of view, to see the reaction to this, a terror attack, eight dead and there was a different response to an attack in las vegas in which many more people were killed and we didnt see the response from the president then that were seeing with this . Yes, i will say thats interesting, but its another endication, i would call the attack in vegas, it was a criminal action, but its in vegas, it was a criminal action, but its domestic terrorism and i think the us has a different approach toward International Terrorism and than they do to domestic terrorism. This whole green ca rd lottery is domestic terrorism. This whole green card lottery is the toe can yous of this particular inquiry. Is the president right to say he wants to ban that, do you think . president right to say he wants to ban that, do you think . I want to go back and correct something i said. In the vegas attack, we still dont know what the motive was and terrorism usually has a religious or political motive, because we dont know what the vegas shooters motives were, thats why that hasnt been declared terrorism, i dont think. On the green card, here is an individual thats been in the country for centre years. He held a job. He has a family. You know, by all accounts, other than some very minor traffic incidents, he was a law abiding citizen. So, the idea of attacking a Visa Programme now, i dont think thats the problem. I think the problem is the hate message thats passed on social media and how its recruiting people who are otherwise or who are looking for a mission in life. Thank you very much for your time. Thank you very much for your time. Thank you very much for your time. Thank you forjoining us. Our correspondent nada tawfik is in new york. Bill saying the attempt to destroy spirits in new york had failed. It must abjittery place right now . Yes, im just a block from where this attack took place and here in Lower Manhattan you have children who are just right beside me now at recess playing in school, but yesterday, they were in lockdown here and pa rents they were in lockdown here and parents have been coming down to ta ke parents have been coming down to take their kids for the next day of school, really determined to get on with life as normal, to underscore to their children that they have nothing to be afraid of, but of course, they are a bit nervous so we have seen some parents waiting by the whole by just have seen some parents waiting by the whole byjust waiting to get their kids after school, being too afraid to leave them for a moment. There are mixed emotions, but certainly, you heard from the new york mayor and the new york governor how they have been proud of seeing how they have been proud of seeing how new yorkers have carried on undeterred, going to the halloween parade last night, following through with holding the new York City Marathon on sunday. There is the determination to show that in the face of these types of attacks, that new york wont be scared into changing their daily routines. Nada tawfik thank you. Theresa may has told mp5 that action will be taken where theres evidence of Sexual Misconduct in parliament. The Prime Minister has called a meeting of political leaders to agree new complaints procedures, as allegations about Sexual Harassment by mp5 continue to circulate in westminster. Heres our Political Correspondent ben wright. Damian green is facing questions about his conduct. All of the allegations are completely false. All of the allegations are completely false, the cabinet minister said this morning, clearly angry at claims made by this woman, the academic and tory activist kate maltby. Seen here on the same Television Programme as damian green injuly. Now she has published a piece in the Times Newspaper claiming that in 2015, mr green made suggestive comments and fleetingly touched her knee when they met for a drink in a pub. He offered me career advice and in the same breath made it clear he was sexually interested. It was not acceptable to me at the time and it should not be acceptable behaviour in westminster in the future. Kate maltby also says damian green sent her a flirtatious text message in may last year which she ignored. She describes feeling awkward, embarrassed and professionally compromised by mr green. Damian green has instructed libel lawyers over the claims. Now one of the most senior members of the cabinet, mr green said in a statement he had known kate maltby since 2014 and the pair had a drink twice yearly. But he said, it is absolutely and completely untrue that i have ever made any sexual advances on ms maltby. This untrue allegation has come as a complete shock and is deeply hurtful, especially from someone i considered a personalfriend. The Prime Minister has asked the Cabinet Office to investigate these claims of inappropriate behaviour by damian green, who is the latest and most senior politician to be caught up in the rumours and allegations swirling around westminster, many of which are fiercely denied by the mp5 involved. For instance, theJustice Minister dominic raab today said any insinuation he is engaged in anything resembling Sexual Harassment or lewd remarks is false and malicious. He has already taken legal advice. But politicians from all parties do agree that Parliament Needs to overhaul the way staff and other workers here can make complaints about Sexual Harassment. The government has committed to do that. Mp5 say behaviour more broadly has to change as well. The most important thing is to change the culture and to end a culture of entitlement by some older men who think theyjust have a right to prey on younger women or men that they have a power relationship with. Its an abuse of power and it has to stop. In the commons this lunchtime both main Party Leaders said they were deeply concerned about allegations of harassment at westminster. Ive written to all Party Leaders inviting them to a meeting early next week so we can discuss a common, transparent, independent grievance procedure for all those working in parliament. We have a duty to ensure that everyone coming here to contribute to public life is treated with respect. We need better protections for all in this house. This house must involve workplace trade unions in that. But its also incumbent on all parties to have robust procedures in place to protect and support victims of sexual abuse and harassment. Whether or not there are more allegations about the behaviour of politicians in the coming days, mp5 are clear that the culture here needs to change. News from glasgow. Scottish tories, the conservative party there, have suspended a former election candidate after he was accused of sexual assault. Stewart cullen is alleged to have assaulted a woman while at oxford university. The allegation has been made by a London Fashionjournalist in a allegation has been made by a London Fashion journalist in a post on network, instagram and the scottish tories say he has been suspended with immediate effect subject to further inquiry. Youre watching afternoon live, these are our headlines. Five friends from argentina are among eight People Killed and eleven injured in a truck attack in new york. Police say that the suspect planned the attack using social media. Party leaders agree to meet to discuss an independent process for tackling Sexual Harassment at westminster. New sexual allegations are made against kevin spacey. A second man tells the bbc that the actor made advances towards him when he was a teenage boy in the 19805. In sport, tottenham look to top their Champions League group as the european champions visit wembley later. Manchester city and liverpool are in action later. Wales manager Chris Coleman says he has no idea about his future admitting next months friendlies against france and panama could be his last as an international manager. Englands cricket coach admits the ben stokes affair has been difficult, but he insists the squad is focussed on retaining the action. I will have ashes. I will have more after 4. 30pm. A survey of men dealing with fertility issues suggests their needs are often ignored. Network uk says infertility can affect a mans Mental Health, career and finances, but warns emotional support remains scarce. Graham satchell reports. I remember it was the year 2000, and my wife, merryn, walked into the kitchen and she said, honey, i think its time. We started trying. We assumed that it was just going to happen fairly normally. And then, after nine months or so, we decided it was time to go and get some tests done. Those tests revealed that there was a problem on my side, significantly. So we went and tried a whole heap of rounds of ivf lets just go and do as many rounds of ivf as it takes to get the success that we longed for. What about you, aaron . How long was it for the two of you . From when we were trying, its about eight years of essentially not really having any explained reason why we werent getting pregnant. And we had three miscarriages during that time, which yeah, sort of that unspeakable pain. For me, there was a deep sense of guilt. When youre holding your sobbing wife, it starts of month after month, and then when youre going through Something Like ivf, it can be week after week, and later on, towards the end of ten years on thisjourney, sometimes its night after night. You go, im the reason for this. Im the cause of you not getting what you so desperately want. So that led to a great sense of guilt for me. When we were married, we were, like, 0k, were going to have five kids. And i rememberthat, i remember being in this. The conversation where you decide how many youll have. I thought, i want five kids, that would be amazing. And to think that, ten or 12 years on, its like ok, no. What my big expectations in life, and these plans have all shifted. Yes, very much. Do you have that experience of seeing fathers and kids playing, does that affect you . That does occasionally happen. Walking through a park, you do see a guy with his daughter. I would have loved a daughter. And the other thing, aaron, i actually would have been a pretty good dad. Looking back on it, i think, yeah, we are stronger because of it. Some days, some weeks, some months, we were pulled apart. For sure, we are. And other weeks and months, it pulls us together, and we are really as a team going through it. If you handle it well, it can also lead to much more intimate friendships, where you do actually take that bold step of sharing yourself with someone else. So, if you handle it well, it can actually be a good thing. Dr esmee hanna is the lead researcher of the study, shejoins us now from leeds. Joining me now is sheridan voycey, he and his wife spent over ten years trying to conceive but were unsuccessful. Dr hanna. Were you surprised by the findings . No. Weve done Previous Research about men and infertility and found that men do find it a deeply distressing experience, but this study is on a bigger scale and we have learnt much more about how men experience infertility and particularly the impacts on their mental well being and depression, anxiety, high levels of stress that men experience, but also the impacts that there are on their relationships and also their work and finances which we havent discovered before in previous work. Is this menjust discovered before in previous work. Is this men just being discovered before in previous work. Is this menjust being men or is it that the support really isnt there . Reproduction obviously being focussed primarily around women because of pregnancy being a site ofs labour mean that men have been excluded from conversations around reproduction, but we need to include men within the conversations because they are deeply affected by the experiences of infertility as you heard in the clip earlier and its really important that we actually listen to men and find out what support they need during the experiences. Sheridan, when you were first aware that you were going to need ivf, if your wife was going to conceive, how did you find the process . Conceive, how did you find the process . A lot of people find it demeaning for the man because the concentration is on the woman . 0h very much so. You have the conversation with the doctor where he breaks the news that you have, if youre the prime cause of the infertility, that you have got less sperm count or Something Like that. Straightaway, you have got a blow to your masculine clit, from that point on the conversation is geared around the woman. If you are going through Something Like ivf, you can understand that, it is a physical process and invasive process. But there is another side to the equation absolutely. I cant remembertoo many equation absolutely. I cant remember too many conversations that we re remember too many conversations that were brought back to me, how are you doing, sheridan . How are you feeling with this . What about the relationship with your wife . Because she is going through a very difficult time. Youre there to support her and yet, in the back of your mind, im the problem . 0h support her and yet, in the back of your mind, im the problem . Oh gosh. As you saw in that package that we did, the sense of guilt for me was very strong and the fact that i did feel that i was the reason my wife couldnt have the most desperate thing that she wanted. The pressure into a relationship is very, very common. Its something that we hear quite a lot from readers of the book we released. A very unexpected result of our ten yearjourney which was ivf and adoption, was a book called resurrection year. I have heard hundreds of peoples stories who have got in contact with me after that and who have got in contact with me afterthat and im who have got in contact with me after that and im glad that now we have got official research to back it up, because it is what i have heard. The pressure comes into a relationship primarily based on decision making. Yes, there is pressure from the drugs and other things, but are you going to be on the same page when it comes to how many rounds of ivf, will you go for local adoption, many rounds of ivf, will you go for localadoption, overseas many rounds of ivf, will you go for local adoption, overseas adoption, there were times when we have got a good marriage, but it really pushed us to the edge, it really did. You have hoelted the difficulties for mens careers, their financial worries, but about what it does to relationships . Because its tough for any couple, however well they get on to go through this . Absolutely. Those impacts on relationships is one of the things that our survey has shown that the impacts on relationships between intimate partners can be affected by the experience of infertility, but the experience of infertility, but the relationships with friends and family who men describe as a poor source of support, this is where men may need support from others who have gone through that experience and who understand what it is like so they have that they have someone else to talk to outside of their relationship where the pressure around that infertility experience. 40 of men had not sought support for intertillity issues. What did your survey find was the reason . The men found they couldnt find the types of support they were looking for didnt exist and there has been in recent times been a rise in online forums and facebook groups set up by men who have been through those experiences to support other men because of the lack of provision. Often the support that exists is seen to focus and be targeted to women and men feel exclude, but we know men may value the support of other men who have been through that experience and some of the online setting are proving to be quite useful, but we need to know about what support men may want, whether thats counselling, so that we can try and work out better support to help men and their partners when they are going through this process. Yes. I wa nt to going through this process. Yes. I want to pick up that word, process. Want to pick up that word, process. If want to pick up that word, process. If you go through it, it does feel like a process for both the man and for the woman. Im just wondering at the end of it, if there is no child, if it lass not been successful, how easy is that to get over . 0h successful, how easy is that to get over . Oh my goodness. Its a process. It really is. And our experience and the experience of those that weve kind of had the privilege of journeying those that weve kind of had the privilege ofjourneying with has been that you really do have to grieve well and if you grieve well. You used the word grief . It isa well. You used the word grief . It is a loss. This is the thing with infertility. It is a death without having a funeral. It happens every single month and you never quite know how. Because you have had the highs of the hope . Expectation followed by disappointment. Fur doing ivf, you are waiting for the next blood test and so if you do come to a point like we did where we had to draw the line ourselves, you find that then you are able to grieve and then you can move on with your life and i think thats a good note to mention there, simon. The fa ct note to mention there, simon. The fact if you handle this well, if you handle it poorly, it can be the unravelling of you. If you handle it well, it can lead to a deeper sense of relationship and community with other people and a deeper sense of service to others, thats been our experience, but i wouldnt wish our ten years on anybody. Experience, but i wouldnt wish our ten years on anybodylj experience, but i wouldnt wish our ten years on anybody. I really appreciate you coming to talk about it. Its not easy and it takes bravery. Sheridan, thank you very much. And dr hanna, thank you. A second man has alleged that the Hollywood Star, kevin spacey, behaved inappropriately towards him in the 19805. The man claims that when he was 17, the actor tried to get him into bed while he was staying at his new york apartment. Earlier this week spacey apologised after being accused of making a sexual advance toward child actor, anthony rapp, who was 14. Kevin spaceys representatives were approached for a comment about the latest claims, but have not yet responded. The second man, now in his 505, wants to remain anonymous. Sophie long has this report. Kevin spacey, one of the biggest names in film, theatre and television. They say we get the leaders we deserve. His portrayal of president Frank Underwood in house of cards has mesmerised millions for years, but in recent days netflix suspended production of the hit Political Drama after Actor Anthony Rapp accused spacey of making sexual advances towards three decades ago when he was 14. Kevin spacey apologised saying he didnt remember the encounter but was beyond horrified. Now another man has told the bbc anonymously he was left traumatised at the age of 17 when he woke up to find kevin spacey holding him after he refused to share a bed with the actor the night before. Spacey would then have been 26. In the morning i woke up and his head was on my stomach and his arms were wrapped around my torso. Very affectionately i would suppose. It certainly was not aggressive, but it was affectionate and not something i was comfortable with as a heterosexual male. But not something i was going to jump out of a window over. Speaking exclusively to the bbcs Victoria Derbyshire programme, he said that he didnt think anything sexual had happened but that he felt that he was being groomed in some way. You know what i had felt was that i was being manipulated. And that i was in over my head. This was an adult and i was not yet an adult. Thats what i felt. Anthony rapp said spacey seemed drunk when he alleges he made sexual advances. This man said no alcohol was involved. With me he was either stupid or predatory or maybe a little both. Whatever the case maybe, i was uncomfortable at best and traumatised at worst. The old vic where spacey worked for 11 years has set up a confidential complaints process for anyone who way want to come forward. Later on afternoon live. A tweet from alex lovell she will be making her debut on afternoon live. They will be talking about the number of People Living in vans around bristol. Its all to do with. Well, i will leave it to you. We will see what peters story is. Thats to come. Now, we will look at the weather. Stav is here. The calm before the chill . Yes, but there are some people on the beach that is today, the mid teens there. That is eastbourne beachin mid teens there. That is eastbourne beach in east sussex, glorious across england and wales, sopping wet further north, in central and southern scotland, this dog doesnt wa nt to southern scotland, this dog doesnt want to crossfire localised flood it isa want to crossfire localised flood it is a great picture. I will show you the radar picture. Its big news today. This is the biggest story, heavy rain through the central belt, persistent and incessant. Heavy at times, weve seen localised flooding. We did have some warnings that it has continued to fizzle out, pushing further south, and migrating into northern england. Some showers rattling on through northern scotland. Clear spells, thats the theme overnight. Skies turning clear. Some showers and Northern Ireland, rain getting into cumbria and northumberland, around the evening rush but for much of england and wales is a fine end to the day with clear skies, light winds, temperatures beginning to fall away. Overnight, that weather front continues to fizzle out as it moves into wales and the midlands. Ahead of it, clear skies and damp and humid airto the of it, clear skies and damp and humid air to the south. We are likely to see dense mist and fog patches developing by dawn. Across the north of the country, clear and cold conditions. We could see a touch of frost to start thursday. A cold and bright start across the north. Foggy in southern england, that could cause trouble problems and even issues at the london airports, bear that in mind, and even issues at the london airports, bearthat in mind, it and even issues at the london airports, bear that in mind, it will fizzle out and did much of the country it looks glorious on thursday, largely dry, plenty of sunshine, 9 degrees in glasgow, 1214 in sunshine, 9 degrees in glasgow, 12 14 in the south, that weather front will clear and then we have this weather system, but nine on friday, no wind to mix up the air and break up cloud. Many places could hold onto the cloud through the day. Sunshine in the south and east, signs of a change taking part in the north west, stronger winds pushing in. Temperatures 10 14d. At the start of the weekend, this weather front rattles through to bring a wet spell on saturday, clearing away but opening the floodgates to a north westerly wind, then much colder air, a strong north westerly wind feeds in with showers to northern and Western Areas, then we see a return to overnight frosts. An unsettled start, then it looks like sunny spells and scattered showers, a chilly wind. That takes us to bonfire night, a traditional cold one. More on bonfire night for you tomorrow if you are watching this space. Goodbye. This is bbc news our latest headlines. Five friends from argentina were among the eight People Killed in the new york terror attack. Police say the citys marathon will go ahead as planned on sunday. The man who ploughed through crowds in a hired truck is identified as a 29 year old immigrant from Uzbekistan Police say his instructions for the attack came from social media. Based on the investigation overnight, it appears that mr saipov had been planning this for a number of weeks. He did this in the name of isis. Theresa may has called a meeting of Party Leaders to agree new procedures to deal with continuing allegations of Sexual Harassment and abuse in westminster. We have a duty to ensure that everyone coming here to contribute to public life is treated with respect. Another man has made allegations against kevin spacey he says he woke up to find the Hollywood Star lying on him when he was a teenager in the 19805. Time for a look at the sport now. Kat is here. We are talking about the manager of the Wales National team who took them on a fairy tale run to the semifinals of the euros last year but last month he failed to qualify for the world cup so its a huge disappointment for fans but most of them would be sad to see him go if he did. Today, he was announcing his 24 man squad for wales friendlies against france and panama and he was asked if those games will be his last in charge. In response he said he has no idea. So yes, general confusion, we are not much clearer on that at all and a lot of action in the Champions League tonight . Yes, Champions League returned last night man united and chelsea were in action there was nothing scarier than chelseas defense last night. Tonight its the turn of Manchester City, liveprool and spurs. City will reach the knock out stages if they avoid defeat against the italian side napoli; liverpool sit top of their group ahead of their game against maribor. Tottenham can take a huge step towards the knockout stage if they can beat real madrid. Itll be the first time the spanish side have played at wembley. Spurs should be confident after holding the defending champions to a 1 1 draw at the bernabeu two weeks ago. I feel that real madrid is the best tea m i feel that real madrid is the best team in the world but at the same time, when i face real madrid, i have the belief that we can win. England cricket coach Trevor Bayliss says the players have agreed sensible rules for drinking on the ashes tour of australia but there will be no curfews. The squad is in perth, preparing for their first tour match, without ben stokes whos still in england, awaiting news on whether hell be charged over an incident outside a bristol nightclub. To me, not drinking between matches is sensible. The players have sat down and have had a chat. We dont wa nt to down and have had a chat. We dont want to put many curfews on them, keep them in their rooms. It is about picking the right time to have about picking the right time to have a couple of drinks but obviously, knowing when to stay away from it when you are preparing for a match. Jonny may will miss englands match with argentina next saturday with a hamstring strain. The winger has picked up the injury in England Training in portugal. Jack nowell and elliot daly also on the sidelines. He has scored ten tries for his Club Leicester so far this season. Were100 days away from the start of the Winter Olympics in pyeonchang, south korea and one of the athletes tipped to win a medal for team gb is snowboarder katie 0rmerod. She narrowly missed out on qualification for the games four years ago and responded by becoming the first female snowboarder to land a double ten which is two full flips and one full spin. I was so gutted last time, when i missed out on sochi. I was so close but i did not get there. I let all of that frustration out when i landed the double ten and since then, everything has gone upwards for me. I got my big in bytes for the big games, and got the world cup podiums. My confidence levels have gone up big in bytes. Im really co mforta ble gone up big in bytes. Im really comfortable and confident with my riding at the minute and im going into this olympics in my best shape possible and i feel good that i could potentially bring back two medals. Englands florentina parker and wales amy boulden are a shot off the lead after the first round of the ladies open in abu dhabi. Both had the local wildlife to thank for making the rough a little easier. After negotiating the gazelles, they shot a five under par round of 67 to sit one behind lead Lee Anne Pace from south africa. I bet you get even more scary wildlife in south africa thats all the sport for now. Ill have more for you in the next hour. Now on afternoon live lets go nationwide and see whats happening around the country in our daily visit to the bbc newsrooms around the uk. Its a news nationwide welcome to alex lovell in bristol who will tell me about a sharp increase in the number of People Living in vans in the city. And in a minute ill be speaking to peter levy in hull about a productive winter in lincoln. The smirk says it all much more to come. Lets go to alex. More People Living in bands in bristol, what is that about . I saw this for the first time when i was driving around this weekend, a friend of mine is taking me on weekend, a friend of mine is taking meona weekend, a friend of mine is taking me on a cool backward through bristol, which you probably know as you are from the west but there were lots of vans parked along the side, a caravan here, another van there. I wouldnt even have done a double take wouldnt even have done a double ta ke but my wouldnt even have done a double take but my friend said that people live in them. The numbers are increasing, we are looking at this today. They are notjust living in vans, people have converted an old ambulance, an old horse box, hasek ca rava ns ambulance, an old horse box, hasek caravans and various traditional vans, but what they are saying is that they cannot afford the rent, or they are trying to avoid the rental sector, some of them may be wanting to save up, they do not want to throw the money away on a property thatis throw the money away on a property that is not theirs. One guy wants to save up and put the rental money towards courses, and studying that he can do. He has graduated but he wa nts to he can do. He has graduated but he wants to do more. Those People Living in vans, what they are asking for is, it isnt terribly practical as you would imagine for any of us to live in something temporary like this, but you have things like amenities that you need. Something as simple as security, they are asking for a more permanent base, they are highlighting the fact that in many areas it is indicative of a housing crisis and they want to get onto the housing ladder. Lets hear what they had to say. Somewhere where it is not a problem. Someone with more potential to put more amenities in. I did not think that people would be opposed to a relatively small and reasonable fee but if it becomes a monopoly again, thats the reason why we are doing it. To escape that. What will the city council do to help . They say where there is land, it is taken up for Affordable Housing. They want to support people and make Affordable Housing for those people who want to get onto the property ladder. But they cant do it. There is a stalemate there. The locals say that these are very nice people and we have spoken to a lot of them. They are not causing harm but once again it isnt really sustainable. House prices may be affected. Youve just seen the pictures where they are on both sides of the road, all the way up both sides of the road, all the way up and the sanitation issue again. It is not ideal. Some people are even getting in on the act. We had a look on the internet and found on gumtree max someone advertising a van in the eastern for £220 a month. There is nothing to say we will leave at there. Thank you. Welcome to afternoon live. Now, peter leavy, a baby boomer and it is all to do with the fa cup . All big news today and you manage to find this lincoln city had a great cup run, the first non league team to reach the quarterfinals for 103 years, that was around january and february time. Nine months later, a lot of babies have been born in the city. And everyone is talking about it. One new mum in the city told us how thrilled she was. Amazing. We announced to all our friends that day that we were having theo, it made it more special. Red and white, but there is a battle of heritage . Definitely not, lincoln all the way how have the city reacted to this baby boom . Everyone is talking about it for whatever reason. Five of the mums turned up to meet the chairman but what we do not know is how many other new mums, or very close to new months, are in the city who have not come forward. If there are more watching the programme, come forward watching the programme, come forward it isnt unprecedented. Germany recorded a 30 increase in birth rates nine months after the country won the world cup. A very busy time in lincoln, very active for many lincolnshire ladies, and i gather you know what they are like. Peter, im speechless both of us, i hope, but certainly me thank you for finding it |j of us, i hope, but certainly me thank you for finding it i know. Alex, we havent got time. I wont tell you thank you very much. You are watching afternoon live, i will be calling peter in a moment if you wa nt to be calling peter in a moment if you want to catch up on more of those stories, go to the website. President trump has just been talking about the new york terror attack, lets hear what he has had to say. Today we mourn the horrifying terrorist attack in new york city, just blocks away from the site of the World Trade Center. A man drove a truck into a pedestrian bike path and murdered eight people, and injured very seriously at least 11 more. All of america is praying and grieving for the families who lost their precious loved ones. In a horrible act. Our hearts break for them and we resolving their memory. Our administration is coordinated closely between federal and local officials to investigate the attack, and to further investigate this animal who did the attacking. Updates will be provided as available. I am today starting the process of terminating the diversity Lottery Programme. Im going to ask congress to immediately initiate work to get rid of this programme. Diverse array the diversity lottery. It sounds nice. Its not nice. Its not good. It hasnt been good. Weve been against it. We want to immediately work with congress on the diversity Lottery Programme, and terminating it, getting rid of it. We wa nt terminating it, getting rid of it. We want a merit based programme, where people come into our country based on merit. We want to get rid of chain migration. This man that came in, or whatever you want to call him, brought in with him other people. He was the point of contact, the primary point of contact, for, this is 23 people who came in, or potentially came in, with him. Its not acceptable. We want to get rid of chain migration and we wanted to do that for a long time. Ive been wanting to do that for a long time. I will be asking congress to work on it immediately. There are already bills about ending chain migration and we have had a lot of good bills in there. We are being stopped by democrats because they are obstructionists and honestly they do not want to do what is right for our country. We need strength, we need resolve, we had to stop it. We are going to get rid of this Lottery Programme as soon as is. He came in through the diversity programme, as you know, and we are going to stop that. We are going to as quickly as possible. Get rid of chain migration and go to a merit based system. Terrorists are constantly seeking to strike our nation and it will require the unflinching devotion to our Law Enforcement Homeland Security and intelligence professionals to keep america safe. We will take all necessary steps to protect our people. And our communities. And to protect our nation as a whole. We have to get much tougher. We have to get much smarter. And we had to get much less politically correct. We are so politically correct. We are so politically correct. We are so politically correct that we are afraid to do anything. And that isnt only our country that is other countries too that are having very similar problems and we had to get tough, we have to get smart and do what is right to protect our citizens. We will never waver in the defence of our beloved country. Ever. We will never, ever forget the beautiful lives that have been taken from us. That was a horrible event and we had to stop it and we had to stop it cold. We also had to come up with punishment that is far quicker and far greater than the punishment these animals are getting right now. They go through court for years, and at the end they will be. Who knows what happens . We need quickjustice, and we need strong justice. Much quicker and much stronger than we have right now. Because what we have right now is a joke and it is a laughing stock. No wonder so much of this stuff takes place. I think i can speak for plenty of other countries in the same situation. Studio donald trump giving his first reaction to events in new york yesterday. Egon is here Business News in a moment. First a look at the headlines on afternoon live. Five friends from argentina are among eight People Killed and 11 injured in that truck attack in new york. Police say the suspect planned the attack using social media. Party leaders agree to discuss an independent process for tackling Sexual Harassment at westminster. New allegations are made against kevin spacey, a second man tells the bbc that he made advances towards him when he was a teenage boy in the 19805. Heres your business headlines on afternoon live. Online sales at next have gone up but sales in shops fell by more than 13 in the last quarter. The company is warning of tough trading conditions in the run up to christmas. Manufacturing companies saw strong growth in business last month. Its mainly because of new contracts encouraging them to ramp up production. Nationwide says house prices went up by around 2. 5 in september compared to the same month last year. The company also says any rise in Interest Rates tomorrow will only have a modest impact on homeowners. More of us are shopping online, next is the latest to feel that . They have found in the last three months that online sales went up by about 13 book shop sales in the same three month period were down by about 8 they say this has been happening to them throughout the year. They think this trend will continue for them and other retailers. They use the words volatile trading and nobody likes that. We will see what impact it has on their shares. As consumers, we are becoming more fickle. Even things like the weather can impact the way that we shop and where we shop as well. So, lets get more on this. Lets talk to james bevan, chief Investment Officer at ccla investment management. It paints an interesting picture of the retail sector, doesnt it . Sorry, could you repeat that please . Im saying that this divergences between online sales and store sales presents an interesting picture on what we are doing as consumers. Absolutely, and indeed, its part of a continuing trend, its not a new story at all but a picture that has emerged over several quarters, not just for next but the entire industry. It has terrible implications for the high street. Next is one of the winners but they need to invest substantially in the online offer to continue to be competitive. And the high street, if we are seeing such growth in online sales, what can people running shops up sales, what can people running shops up and down the country do to fight back . It is tricky, what they have said is there is high dependency on the weather and so we will need to be dependent on shoppers who want to go out and shot but the proposition within the shop needs to be attractive and there is evidence that people look in shops and order online because it is more convenient. And another story to talk about that has caused a bit of a stir, the proposal by link, the atm network people, to change how they operate which could impact on they operate which could impact on the number of free atms that we have . Its a tricky issue for the atm world. Link runs about 55,000 machines and they are proposing to cut the amount it charges to card players from 25p to 20p per transaction and the inevitable hit will be a reduction in the number of machines. Links say it will not be material, people in the sticks are rightly nervous. Thank you. Lets have a look at the markets now. Mentioning next, first of all. Yes, next are warning about volatile trading, that has impacted on their prizes and the price of other retailers. The ftse has come off its games, we are expecting an Interest Rate rise tomorrow which pushes sterling up which makes it more expensive for exporters who operate on the ftse to make sales. And the pound and the euro reflect that as well. Thank you. Aboriginal authorities have decided to stop tourists from climbing uluru one of australias most famous landmarks. The giant red sandstone monolith, formerly known as ayres rock, is sacred to Indigenous People and aboriginal landowners have long complained about travellers scaling the site and have ordered a ban that is expected to start in 2019. From sydney, phil mercer reports. Aboriginal leaders say that uluru shouldnt be treated like a theme park. To them the huge rock that is almost 315 metres high is a sacred place like no other. The local people believe that simply by touching the ochre red sandstone, they can communicate with the gods of creation and receive blessings from their ancestors. The rock was handed back to its traditional indigenous owners in 1985. Since then they have urged tourists not to climb uluru and elders believe a ban has broad public support. Translation i work with lots of visitors on a daily basis. I do it all the time, and if anything they ask us when we will close the climb. For traditional owners, seeing non aboriginal visitors scale the iconic monolith is to witness the desecration of a holy site. Officials hope that the ban will restore dignity to a special place. We will need some experts to help us work out how we restore and rehabilitate if that is what the traditional owners want. And how i think the word that was used today, was how we heal some of the scars that might be on uluru. While bad weather and safety concerns have led to the rock often being closed, many travellers have stopped climbing it out of respect for indigenous culture. Those falling numbers have triggered a clause in a Management Plan that gives aboriginal groups the authority to order a ban. It is expected to come into force in two years time. But for some tourists it is a move that will cause disappointment. Everyone does a base walk but i think you would have a heart warming story to tell, you know, like something that was a little bit more passion driven when you actually finally get to the top. More than 250,000 people visit each year. Indigenous leaders believe they will still come, despite the ban, and experience the majesty and wonder of australias big red rock and its shifting colours from the ground. Phil mercer, bbc news, sydney. Thats it from your afternoon live team for today, next the bbc news at five with jane hill. Time for a look at the weather with stav da naos. Hello, its a pretty quiet end to the week before things turn cooler as we head into wards the weekend. An atrocious day in central and southern scotland, persistent heavy rain, this rain sinks into england and wales overnight, just some spots of rain and drizzle. Ahead, some dense mist and fog patches develop, behind it clear skies and a touch of frost. On thursday morning, plenty of sunshine in the northern half of the country, a better day for central and southern scotland and in england and wales we see a lot of cloud. The odd bit of light rain. Sunshine in cornwall and devon, the odd glimmer of brightness further east. A cloudy day generally, winds pick up outbreaks of rain in the far north west of the uk. The odd shower and temperatures of 10 14d, they fall away as we head towards the weekend. Cold air plunges south, a mix of sunshine and showers. Today at five. The attacker who mowed down cyclists and pedestrians in new york had been radicalised in the United States. President trump says he would consider sending him to guantanamo. Eight people including five friends from argentina were killed in the lorry attack in Lower Manhattan. A 29 year old man, an uzbek immigrant, is under armed guard in hospital. President trump he came to the us seven President Trump he came to the us seve n yea rs President Trump he came to the us seven years ago. This man who came in brought in with him other people. We wa nt in brought in with him other people. We want to get rid of chained migration. We

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