Of four soldiers in niger earlier this month. Joseph dunford says their families deserved an explanation of what happened. The body of one soldier, sergeant la David Johnson, was not recovered for two days. His widow has accused President Trump of treating her with insensitivity during a condolence call. Our north america correspondent peter bowes reports. Last post plays. Sergeant la David Johnson was laid to rest at the weekend. President trumps call to his widow, may sharejohnson, came a few days later as she waited at miami airport to receive her husbands body. Myeshia johnson. The president said he knew what he signed up for, but it hurts anyway. And that made me cry, because i was very angry at the tone in his voice and how he said it. He couldnt remember my husbands name. She also said the us military had refused to let her see her husbands body. They wont show me a finger, hand. I know my husbands ollie from head to tail and they would let me see anything. I dont know whats in the box. It could be empty for a wider. But i need to see my husband. Donald trump responded in a tweet. Ata at a news conference, americas top uniformed military officer was asked to address Myeshia Johnsons concerns about viewing her husbands roddy. There are times when we make a suggestion to the family that they may not want to review the remains. At the end of the day, the policy is, it is the familys decision as to whether or not they do that. Generalfunds had to whether or not they do that. General funds had said to whether or not they do that. Generalfunds had said military investigators were still gathering fa cts investigators were still gathering facts about exactly what happened when sergeantjohnson and three other soldiers were killed in niger. He said the American People were owed an explanation. Prosecutors in new york are investigating the company co founded by the disgraced film producer, harvey weinstein, to see if civil rights have been breached. They will seize documents relating to complaints about Sexual Harassment and how they were handled. Mr weinstein has been accused of various Sexual Offences by dozens of women, claims which he denies. Sarah corker reports. The Weinstein Company has come under intense pressure over the scandal that has rocked hollywood. Earlier this month it fired its co founder, harvey weinstein, when reports of his alleged Sexual Assault and harassment surface. Now the company itself could be in the firing line. Ina itself could be in the firing line. In a statement, new York Attorney general Eric Schneiderman said this civil rights enquiry seeks to identify employees who may have been sexually harassed. It is understood Company Documents will be seized, including any relating to how alleged complaints were handled. Meanwhile, on the red carpet in california, a lists said it was time for hollywood to change. A listers. For hollywood to change. Alisters. Maybe this is the watershed moment, where we believe women and they can feel safe. The fa ct women and they can feel safe. The fact that somebody that powerful has had their career completely ruined, i think that is a real message to anybody who would cave like this. More than two dozen women have now made accusations against mr weinstein. The movie mogul has unequivocally denied any allegations of nonconsensual sex. But the fallout from this scandal continues to send ripples across tinseltown. The Chinese Communist Partys National congress is roaring to a close. That is of course theyd dig talking point, the economy. Jamie is here with all the business news. Today does mark the last out that five yearly congress in china. It will almost certainly hand president xijinping a second will almost certainly hand president xi jinping a second five year term. He may even have his name inscribed on the partys constitution, placing him alongside mao in a pentium. In the pantheon. And america is ramping up pressure on china. President trump has a forthcoming trip to asia next week and says he will press china to seize what the white house calls are the true trade practices. Predatory trade. They wa nt to practices. Predatory trade. They want to address the problem of chinas trade barriers. So far this year the us has imported goods worth over 300 early in dollars from china, but only exported 80 billion worth back. That is a deficit of about 240 billion. Here is the question, will china be in any mood to listen . The other story worth following this morning is the stream of revelations about the part which social networks played in russias attem pts social networks played in russias atte m pts to social networks played in russias attempts to influence the 2016 election. That has brought facebook and others even closer attention from politicians, and also the threat of new regulations as well. Executives from facebook, twitter and google will soon be testifying to congress, but they also have reason to be nervous about the reaction of individual states rather than the federal organisations and regulators. In new york state, a law will soon be considered which would an anonymous advertisers on facebook and its rival networks. I will have more on that shortly. You can get in touch with me and some of the team on twitter. Lets pick up on some of whatjamie was talking about them. Then. We can see live pictures of the chinese come in as Party Congress drawing to a close in the great peoples wall in beijing. Live now to our correspondent robin brant, whos in Tiananmen Square in beijing. Robin, there was this expectation that president xi jinping would be elevated to this incredibly senior position, akin to that of chairman mao. Has that happened . It is the story there . What is the story. Yes, domestic media is reporting in the last ten minutes that, indeed, as proceedings wrap up inside be great hall of the people, they have voted unanimously, we are told, followed by enthusiastic applause, we are told. They voted to accept an amendment to the constitution of the party which will indeed right, in reference to president xi jinpings theories, his thoughts, and also ascribed his name to it. This sounds like a technicality, frankly, a little strange to outsiders, maybe. And an anachronism, as well. But inside china this is a very significant moment. Hugely symbolic. As you have said, there are only two previous leaders who have had such a change made to the constitution of their party. One is chairman mao, their party. One is chairman mao, the founder of modern china, he sported still hanging on the wall of the forbidden city. The other is deng xiaoping, who was at the helm of this country in the 1970s when there was such a radical opening up of this countrys economy. So, two crucial eras with two crucial leaders, and now xijinping, who wa nts leaders, and now xijinping, who wants the world to know that he believes, and those around him believe, that he is at the helm of a third crucial era for china. We have been saying during this party co ng ress been saying during this Party Congress that president xi jinping may be trying to lay the groundwork to perhaps going to a third term beyond the second one that is about to begin. Does this suggest that is looking more likely than it did before . It is difficult to say. The convention is that general secretaries of the party, presence of china, serve 25 year terms and then they retire. We are halfway through xijinpings then they retire. We are halfway through xi jinpings decade then they retire. We are halfway through xijinpings decade in power. He will be anointed today to serve another five years. Usually by this point, certainly in the last 20 yea rs or this point, certainly in the last 20 years or so, this point, certainly in the last 20 years orso, and this point, certainly in the last 20 years or so, and they would have emerged. An heir would have. Xi jinping himself emerged around 2007 as the mantra plays hujintao. An man to replace. Tomorrow we will see the new line up of what is called the new line up of what is called the politburo standing committee, so who knows. Xijinping may have aspirations to go beyond the conventional ten years. Frankly, aspirations to go beyond the conventionalten years. Frankly, it is suited too soon to tell. What is suited too soon to tell. What is very clear is that he and his five yearly congress having consolidated his power even more, and his hold over the party and the country. That will help in Going Forward , country. That will help in Going Forward, trying to continue, certainly, his anticorruption campaign, and to continue in what has clearly been a big domestic effo rts has clearly been a big domestic efforts to crush dissent in this country. Robin, thank you very much. The United States has announced limited measures against myanmar in response to the treatment of its Rohingya Muslim minority. The state Department Said military assistance would be withdrawn from burmese units involved in the violence. Bangladesh is now housing almost one million Rohingya Refugees whove fled the violence in myanmar. The United Nations says the World Community must pledge more money to help but the future of the rohingya people is unclear. Our correspondent clive myrie has travelled to the bangladesh myanmar border, and sent this report from the kutu palong refugee camp. For Rohingya Muslims who have escaped myanmar, neighbouring bangladesh is a land of Second Chances. These refugees, part of a huge influx we saw cross the border, are queueing for their first food supplies. With their pink ration cards, they are now dependent on the kindness of strangers. It can be a long, tiring wait in the clammy, humid air. Best to do what you can to make things a little bearable. These rohingyas are the latest in a long line of victims of a sectarian and religious conflict that stretches back many decades. This is a crisis thats been going on a long, long time. You guys must be feeding people who have probably sort of been through this, crossed the border, many years ago. Thats true. Weve been feeding for 25 years. You can see it in the camps. At the bottom of the camp, theres refugees from 25 years ago. You move upwards, ten years ago. One year ago, and now you can see whos arrived yesterday. These guys have arrived this week . Its incredible. For the refugees, this might be the land of Second Chances but it seemed one Rohingya Muslims luck had run out. A few days ago we found abu in the arms of his big sister by the side of the road. Limp and lifeless, acutely malnourished, we alerted unicef. After several days in the clinic, abus back from the brink. You 0k . He was terribly sick, with fever and diarrhoea. It was a close call. So, the doctors say he was malnourished, still is malnourished but he is taking in food, which means that, hopefully, in a few days, maybe a couple of weeks, he should be eating normally. And, fingers crossed, gaining weight. But will abu and his big sister ever see the land of their birth again . Just how long is this period of exile for the hundreds of thousands here . The future of the refugees is being discussed at the highest levels, between the bangladesh and myanmar governments. Could the rohingyas one day return home and these camps close . Well, no ones holding their breath. At the un general assembly, bangladeshis Prime Minister made it clear where she thinks the blame for the crisis lies. Translation this forcibly displaced people of myanmar are fleeing an ethnic cleansing in their own country, where they have been living for centuries. Its a charge myanmar strongly denies blaming rohingya insurgents for attacks on civilians. The funeral procession of Rashida Mohammed makes its way through the rohingya refugee camp. He was 75 and never saw muslim and buddhist reconciled in his homeland. The Younger Generation may one day see this happen but, for now, the many rohingya will live and die on foreign soil. You are watching bbc news. Stay with us. Still to come, we preview the controversial new film coming to russian movie theatres after months of protest, threats and violence. A historic moment that many of his victims have waited forfor decades. The former dictator in the dock, older, slimmer and, as he sat down, obedient enough. Dawn, and as the sun breaks through the piercing chill of night on the plain outside korem, it lights up a biblicalfamine, now in the 20th century. The depressing conclusion in argentina today, it is actually cheaper to paper your walls with money. Weve had controversies in the past with great britain, but as good friends, we have always found a good and lasting solution. Concorde bows out in style after almost three decades in service. An aircraft that has enthralled its many admirers for so long, taxis home one last time. This is bbc news. The latest headlines after the deaths of four us soldiers in niger earlier this month americas top general, promises a full investigation, into how they died. Earlier my colleague Laura Trevelyan spoke to the former us secretary of defence and one Time White House chief of staff, leon panetta. She asked him about the controversy surrounding what President Trump said, or didnt say, to Myeshia Johnson whose husband was killed in action. It makes no sense to get into this tit for tat and all it does is it lowers the office of the presidency, when you engage in this kind of attack on a widow. I mean, shes 2a years old, shes just lost her husband and her life and, because of that, itjust would be better for the country, and for the presidency, if he could just simply move on and deal with the issues that might take the lives of other americans in battle. If we could turn to north korea, a subject that youve written about the many years, the president is heading to the region next month, he goes to south korea, we have a former cia director putting the risk of military conflict at between 20 and 25 . What do you make of those odds . Well, i wouldnt get into the odds of making business because its hard to tell what exactly is the situation and how dangerous it may or may not be. I do think that because of the exchange of rhetoric between President Trump and kimjong un, that it has increased the tensions in the region and theres no question that the danger of a miscalculation or of a mistake could very well produce a larger conflict, but i think the key right now is to do Everything Possible to tighten the noose on north korea, through containment and deterrence, increasing our military presence, increasing our navy presence, providing a very tight Missile Shield and increasing sanctions on north korea and trying to get china to enforce those sanctions so that it can impact on their economy. I think, the reason iran came to the table is because there was a uniform effort by many countries to put sanctions on iran and enforce them. We need to do the same thing on north korea. But on iran, as you know, the president has decertified that deal. Hes kicked it over to congress. But our european allies are urging us to stay in it. How damaging is this to the us standing with its allies . Well, i regret what the president did and i will tell you why. Because what gives the United States its credibility in the world . Its the word of the president of the United States and whether or not president s stand by those words. We gave our word, working with our allies, that we would enforce that agreement and, yes, there are a lot of concerns about the agreement, should it have covered other areas . Why didnt it . But the fact is it is an agreement that is working to prevent iran from developing a Nuclear Weapon and because it does involve iran and because they are complying, i think it would have been far better for the president to say well continue to enforce that agreement and we will work with our allies to try to get iran to address these other concerns. That wouldve been, i think, the better approach. Former us secretary of defence leon panetta talking there to Laura Trevelyan. The rebuilding of the city of marawi in the southern philippines has started after the military said it had defeated rebels supporting the so called Islamic State group. President duterte placed the island of mindanao under martial law after the insurgents took over parts of marawi. Thats the capital of the mainly muslim province of lanao del sur. The five month military campaign to evict the militants was backed by america. Kathryn armstrong reports. The sound of gunfire can still be heard across the city on monday. But the battle for marawi is now over. Months of fierce fighting have reduced entire neighbourhoods to ruins. But it was a time for prayer and celebration for filipino soldiers. The end of this conflict also ends immediate fears that is would establish a south east base in marawi. We all know, for the past 154 days, we have suffered so much death, for the government side, for Government Troops and as well as civilians. Marawi is a predominantly muslim city in an overwhelmingly catholic nation. The fighting started in may, when hundreds of militants, waving black flags of the so called Islamic State group, stormed the city. President duterte then declared martial law across the southern philippines. More than a thousand people have been killed in the conflict. And as the us defence secretary arrived in the philippines for talks with asian leaders, he praised the military efforts. Weve very tough fighters, you know, in southern mindanao, and i think that the Philippine Military has sent a very necessary message to the terrorists anywhere. It is estimated rebuilding marawi will cost at least 970 million and the conflict has displaced hundreds of thousands of people. While the fighting is over, concerns remain about iss longer term intentions in the region. Sarah corker, bbc news. A controversial new film has premiered in russia after months of protests, threats and violence. Matilda, which tells the story of a romance between the then future tsar nicholas ii and a ballerina, has attracted huge attention ever since orthodox activists led by a russian mp began a campaign against it. Our moscow correspondent Sarah Rainsford reports from the premiere in st petersburg. This is how extremist responded to a film about russias last czar. They torched two cars and ran another one into an empty cinema. This is what upset them. Matilda is russias most controversial film in years. Upset them. Matilda is russias most controversialfilm in years. A upset them. Matilda is russias most controversial film in years. A love story about a ballerina and a future czar. More soap opera than bio pic it has become a test of artistic freedom here as the violence to ban it has grown. Despite the threats, matilda made it to opening night. With the arsonist arrested, celebrity socialites and stars poured in for the Saint Petersburg premier. After months of threats, violence and controversy, matilda is finally getting its moment on the red carpet. Some foreign stars are not here because of security concerns but so the director, the fa ct concerns but so the director, the fact the film has made it this far isa fact the film has made it this far is a reason to celebrate. Translation i hope there are no incidents now so that people can come to the cinema and watch the film in peace. But i think this is a victory, not so much for me or for matilda but for commonsense. Translation mack it is a failure, however, so this mp who campaigned relentlessly to get the film banned. Nicholas ii is an orthodox saint and this woman insists the love story is blasphemous. But nicholas and matilda did have a romance and the proof is amongst the dusty documents in this theatre archive. Her diaries record late night trysts with the man she called nicky. There is even a first kiss. On these pages at least at least it goes no further. Translation even these diaries say that if anything happened it wasnt how the film director imagined it. I think that is why there has been protest. You have to be respectful. At hull the director puts a barbie doll together with ken and makes them kiss and roll around in a passionate embrace. Even at the premiere, the director was harangued. This man told him his film was a threat to national security. He has not actually seen it. The dispute is bound to rumble on. But after this gala performance, matilda will hit schemes across the country was extra security to cinemas just country was extra security to cinemasjust in country was extra security to cinemas just in case. Before we go, lets return to the live pictures from the great hall of the people in beijing where the National Congress of the Chinese Communist party has just finished its concluding session. Within the last half hour we have had it confirmed that the party has voted overwhelmingly to enshrine the current president in the constitution. That elevates him to a status which puts him on a level with chairman mao. Hello there. If youre a fan of the mild weather, there will be a lot of moving in. Bringing a lot of cloud and moisture from the atlantic with outbreaks of rain. For today it is looking cloudy, quite mild with further rain at times. The wet weather will push into many areas as we start this morning. Across the south west, generally very dry. Could be a little bit of light rain and drizzle, but also some low cloud, mist and murk. Very mild here to begin the day, 15 to 16 degrees. Now, further north into the midlands, wales, north west england here, itll be quite wet. In fact, a pretty morning commute into work. Atrocious Road Conditions for a while. The rain Clearing Northern ireland, but it really will be quite a wet start across much of scotland. Quite breezy too, particularly across south and west. As then as the day progresses, well, its an improving picture, certainly for northern ireland, the sky should brighten up. It will remain quite breezy here. And some bright weather pushing on in towards scotland, although there will be a few showers around. That weather front, though, tending to hold on across parts of Northern England into towards wales. But it will be mild here and certainly very mild across the south and the south east. Temperatures of 18 or 19 celsius. Theres our weather front snaking across the uk. It looks like it may sink across central southern parts we think on wednesday, so here we could see most of the damp weather. Whereas further north, brighter skies, some sunny spells around. Quite breezy, though, across scotland, here a few showers blowing in, particularly across western areas. Temperatures around the mid teens celsius here. Further south, though, again, very mild, 16 to 18 celsius. As a head on in towards thursday, looks like that weather front moves a little bit further northwards, so the damp weather could be across central areas. To the north, breezy, bright, some showers around, very mild across the south and the south east. Given some sunshine, we could even see 20 degrees in one or two places. Then we start to see a change on friday. That weather front continues to get pushed away to the near continent because High Pressure builds in. What that also does is bring some cooler air across the northern periphery of the High Pressure is some cooler air, which will pour down across the uk on a north westerly wind as we head on into towards the weekend. So a bit of a change to take place. It will be brighter with some sunshine, but it will be noticeably cooler, particularly in the north. This is bbc world news. The headlines Chinas Communist Party has added president xi jinpings name to its constitution, confirming his status as the nations most powerful leader in decades. Xi presided over the closing session of the partys twice a decade congress. After the deaths of four us soldiers in niger earlier this month, americas top general has promised a full investigation. The probe comes amid continuing controversy over President Trumps response to their deaths. Prosecutors in new york have launched an investigation into possible Sexual Harassment at the Weinstein Company, the studio founded more than a decade ago by the disgraced movie mogul harvey weinstein

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