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Welcome to bbc news. British police are now investigating claims by two women one of them the actress Lysette Anthony that they were sexually assaulted by the hollywood film executive Harvey Weinstein. Ms anthony, who stars in the channel 4 series hollyoaks, says she was raped by weinstein at her flat in the late 1980s. The metropolitan police say a second victim has alleged that she was assaulted in westminster in 2010 and 2011, and in camden in 2015. Heres daniel sandford. Guys, im not doing 0k. Being battered by a storm of sexual abuse allegations in america, the clouds are gathering over Harvey Weinstein in the uk too. This was british actress Lysette Anthony in 1982, 19 years old and at the start of her career, filming the Science Fiction film krull. That was when she met Harvey Weinstein. And in todays sunday times, she claims that a few years later, he raped her at her london home. Now well known for her role in channel 4s hollyoa ks, she told the paper. While Harvey Weinstein has conceded hes made mistakes and needs help, hes so far categorically denied all allegations of nonconsensual sex. The metropolitan police, which was already investigating the allegations by Lysette Anthony, now says a second woman has come forward who claims Harvey Weinstein sexually assaulted her in london in 2010, 2011 and 2015. British actress alice evans says Harvey Weinstein asked to feel her breasts in cannes in 2002. She avoided his further advances, but thinks he damaged her career. It was very odd. The overtures were nothing to do with, wow, youre really pretty. Or, you know, im really enjoying your. It was nothing to do with me. It was, i want to touch your. They say your blood runs cold, but its not really your blood, its almost like your stomach turns. Last night, the academy of motion pictures, which hands out 0scars, expelled Harvey Weinstein, but he now faces the real possibility of a criminal prosecution in america. And when thats over, increasing chances of a prosecution here in britain, too. That speaking out our correspondent laura in la. Lets speak to our correspondent. How many waves are these new revelations, this time in britain, making over there . These new revelations, this time in britain, making over there . |i these new revelations, this time in britain, making over there . I think the interesting thing is that the allegations coming out of the uk are not even hitting many of the airwaves here in the us. The story for them seems to the moment certainly have moved on, and that is perhaps because of the lack of people coming forward. For instance, since the board behind the oscars came out night saying that they would be expelling Harvey Weinstein, one member has yet to come forward and actually speak on camera, or say anything other than the statement they put forward. However, it was a strong statement. What they are trying to say is that the culture of exploitation that has gone on here in hollywood now needs to end. There isa in hollywood now needs to end. There is a new era coming. But the problem for women and men who feel like they have been abused in this industry is, they wonder if it really is coming. If enough people are able to speak out. Perhaps they feel that people in britain are able to speak out more freely than here. He has not been convicted yet, as he . He still maintains he has done nothing wrong and everything was consensual if it happened at all. Yes, he denies the allegations. There were rumours he had gone into some kind of rehabilitation centre. They are unconfirmed at the moment. When it comes to allegations here in the us at the moment, they are being investigated by police here in california and new york. But part of the problem that prosecutors will have his there is something called a statute of limitations, which means there is a time limit from the alleged offence, when the alleged offence occurred, to when they can bring a prosecution. Here, for six offences in california, it is two yea rs, offences in california, it is two years, and in new york, three years. That gives prosecutors a huge hurdle. What prosecutors say is more likely is, considering the number of women coming forward, perhaps costly civil suits, possibly against Harvey Weinstein himself and against his company. But as i said, one thing men and women here want to come out of this is for the culture to change, for women to feel that they can come forward and that they will be believed. Thank you for the moment, laura bicker in la. Lets get a bit of Historical Perspective on Harvey Weinsteins exclusion from the academy. Jennifer smyth is professor of film history at warwick university. Shejoins us from Leamington Spa now via webcam. Jennifer, thank you very much for joining us. What precedent is there for people being expelled from the academy for whatever reason . Well, it is unprecedented, but it is ironic that he should be expelled from the academy, because louis b meyer, probably the film mogul most associated with sexual abuse in old hollywood, was the founder of the academy back in 1927. Ironically, the academy was formed to improve hollywoods image and to prevent them having to deal with unions to improve conditions for people in hollywood. So there are some really nasty stories about meyer, but not enough, i think, nasty stories about meyer, but not enough, ithink, to nasty stories about meyer, but not enough, i think, to make Harvey Weinstein looked like an angel. But others part of the academy, bill cos by, others part of the academy, bill cosby, roman polanski, all had suspicions or even convictions in the case of the latter. They remained members. How is that . And you didnt mention woody allen either. I think the situation is in hollywood, if you make money, if you area hollywood, if you make money, if you are a start, all is forgiven. If you have so many for best picture 0scars, you know, weinstein has had so 0scars, you know, weinstein has had so many 0scars, you know, weinstein has had so many over 0scars, you know, weinstein has had so many over the years, that he was protected for quite some time. But the company itself has not been doing all that well over the past ten years. I think netflix has taken over. He used to basically be at sundance picking up all these independent films. He was king in hollywood, and he has fallen on hard times. I think for some, hollywood, and he has fallen on hard times. Ithink forsome, precisely because he was no longer a viable financial assets, he could be thrown to the wolves, and it may be that roman pola nskis to the wolves, and it may be that Roman Polanskis time is coming, it may be that woody allens time is coming too. Certainly ironic that Ronan Farrell was the one who broke this story in the new yorker not so long ago. Ronan farrow. I look forward to mondays meeting with the Producers Guild of america, where they decide to kick abbey weinstein out and effectively make sure he never has lunch in that town again. But he still has not been convicted of anything. Harvey weinstein says he is not guilty of any of these allegations. So maybe the academy hasjumped allegations. So maybe the academy has jumped too soon . Allegations. So maybe the academy hasjumped too soon . No, i do not think so. I think they have a Public Relations catastrophe on their hands. I think over the past few years, they have had a lot of bad press to deal with. The 0scarssowhite scandal was something that almost ruined the industry. There were issues with representation, a number of women behind the camera, and all kinds of initiatives to get women more involved. But the fact is, since the end of the studio system, women simply arent that present in hollywood. There is a boy culture, and perhaps since the loosening up of censorship, and the loosening and the presence of women of the kind you used to terrify louis b meyer, are no longer around. There was a sense of this journey and entitlement that really spread over the entire industry like a cancer. Jennifer smyth, professor of film history at warwick university, thank you for talking to us. And well find out how this story and many others are covered in tomorrows front pages at 10 30 and 11 30pm this evening in the papers. Our guests joining me tonight is the entertainment reporter caroline frost and parliamentary journalist tony grew. A cabinet minister has said that british farmers would produce more food for the nation, if the uk left the eu without a trade deal. Chris grayling was responding to a warning from the chairman of sainsburys of a sharp rise in food prices if theres no brexit agreement. Mr grayling said that in any case, he believed the talks with the eu would lead to a deal. Heres our Political Correspondent ben wright. No deal is better than a bad deal. Thats what the government keeps telling us. But what might that mean for your supermarket shop . The retail giant sainsburys has warned that food prices could go up by 22 of written leaves the eu without a trade deal. If that happens, one minister says, we will have to grow more of our own. We will grow more here and buy more from around the world. But that will of course mean bad news for continental farmers, and thats why it will not happen, because it is actually in their interest to reach a deal. So are warnings of higher prices frightening shoppers . This part of south london voted remain, but i found two League Supporters who thought a hike in the price of food would be worth it. Personally, i think this is yet more scaremongering, and it isjust an extension of project fear. Possibly a short term hit. Long term, will be fine . Possibly a short term hit. Longterm, will be fine . Im not too bothered about having to pay a little bit more, as long as we are out of it. The risk of food going up, is that a real risk, and you think it should be focusing minds . I think it is a real risk. We have got deals around europe with food coming in. If there are Tahrir Square we dont have a deal, those tariffs will go up. It will hit the everyday consumer. I think if we get a little bit, we could probably manage it. If they go up could probably manage it. If they go upa lot, could probably manage it. If they go up a lot, that is not what anyone wa nts. It is not just wa nts. It is notjust the price of food that could rise to brexit trade deal. New tariffs could clog up seaports like dover with lorries waiting to clear customs. There is a risk no agreement on aviation might ground planes, although the transport secretary dismissed that possibility today and insisted a deal would be done. In brussels, brexit negotiations are deadlocked. The uk wants to talk trade, but the eu insists the terms of divorce must be sorted first. So to prove it is prepared to walk away, the government has said it is prepared for the possibility of no deal being reached. But parliament is gearing up a fight, with labour vowing tojoin forces with some tory mps to try to change the governments eu withdrawal bill. Their aim, to close down the option of leaving the eu without any agreement. I think on a cross party basis, we will see in the debate in the coming week, the government will get the message, there will be a deal. I think there is a majority to have a meaningful vote, as we have said all along, so we can meaningful vote, as we have said all along, so we can say meaningful vote, as we have said all along, so we can say to government, whatever you are negotiating, it will not be on the basis of no deal, because the damage to parliament will be so great. We will be out of the uber march 2019, but the lay up land is very uncertain still. We dont know what oui uncertain still. We dont know what our long term trading relationship will look like. As far as the future of eu citizens goes, one brexit minister now says they would be able to stay in the uk whatever happens. Austria looks set to be the latest european nation to return a strong showing for an anti Immigration Party according to exit polls in the countrys snap general election. The conservatives, led by the 31 year old Sebastian Kurz, are in the lead, with the far right Freedom Party in second place. Jenny hill reports from vienna. The new face of austrian politics. Sebastien kurz revitalised his party, but he wants to take his country in a new direction. As foreign minister during the refugee crisis, he closed the countrys borders to migrants. Now, he is leaving the door open to the far right. Mr kurz will have to form a coalition government. This is his most likely partner. At a rally on friday, the far right freedom pa rtys friday, the far right Freedom Partys Heinz Christian stracher warned against the immigrants who he says are replacing the native austrian population. Translation islamist not a part of austria. And we dont want any islamise addition of our hometown. Islam is not a part of austria. It would not be a first. The party is governed together nearly 20 years ago. Back then, their right Wing Coalition caused shock and dismay across europe. Today, in an eu bruised by the migrant graces, few are surprised. Lam afraid, migrant graces, few are surprised. I am afraid, really, because this is not a good direction. It is not a good thing to teach the children that we should not help everybody else but ourselves. It isjust not the right decision. Translation Freedom Party is a party like any other. They present themselves well, and i have a good idea what they are about. The other parties do not give a particularly good image right now. Sebastian kirschner to liberally moved his party to the right. He, like so many other mainstream political figures, must respond to an increasingly powerful populist voice. Europes youngest leader, an embodiment of shifting political ground. Jenny hill reporting. Bethany bell is in vienna. We can speak to her now. We can speak to her now. We think things have moved a little bit. Tell us what the projections are suggesting . Well, the latest projections still show Sebastian Kurz and his conservatives in the clear first position, but the social democrats are now just ahead position, but the social democrats are nowjust ahead of the position, but the social democrats are now just ahead of the far position, but the social democrats are nowjust ahead of the far right Freedom Party in second place. The social democrats, according to the latest projections, are at 26. 9 . The Freedom Party just latest projections, are at 26. 9 . The Freedom Partyjust behind, at 26 . This means that Sebastian Kurzs choice of a Coalition Partner is open. He can choose to go back into coalition with the social democrats, although that could be difficult, because their last coalition collapsed acrimoniously earlier this year. His other choice is to go into a coalition with the far right Freedom Party, and some people say that is the more likely option, particularly because both parties campaigned so strongly against stopping illegal migration here in austria. That could be complicated, though, for mr sekurz, because that kind of coalition would because that kind of coalition would be controversial, and would also be a headache with eu, at a time when nationalist parties are gaining strength in countries like germany, hungary and poland. Beyond the issue of immigration, what might we expect from mr kurz, it would be europes youngest leader . Well, he has vowed to slash red tape. He says there is a chance 110w red tape. He says there is a chance now to bring about real change in austria. For more than ten years, there has been this grand Coalition Led by the social democrats and then the conservatives, and there has really been a sense here in austria that things have been stuck in the mud, if you like, because the two parties are just picketing each other. Mr kurz has promised change, and if he goes on to a coalition with the Freedom Party, he might be more likely to achieve that, but of course, as i say, that would be quite a controversial thing. But he says he wants to revitalised things, make things easier for business and bring in Structural Reforms here. And cuba much, bethany. The car maker vauxhall says 400 jobs are to go at their plant at Ellesmere Port in cheshire by the end of the year. The car maker is moving to just one production shift a day because of a fall in demand. It says its struggling in european markets and theres a general fall in demand for new cars. Patients in england who go to see their doctor or attend a hospital appointment may be asked to declare their Sexual Orientation. The nhs says the move is in line with equality legislation to ensure that those who dont identify as heterosexual are treated fairly. Our Health Editor hugh pym has the details. Orthopaedic doctor to main base. The new guidance applies to hospital doctors and nurses, gps and many other Health Professionals in england. And social care professionals in england. They are being advised to ask patients about their Sexual Orientation if that is not already on their records. One aim is to help identify health risks. At the moment, lesbian, gay and bisexual people are not counted across the whole public services. This information standard gives the opportunity for everybody to be given the opportunity to answer that question if they wish. That gives a much more complete picture of all of lesbian, gay and bisexual Peoples Health needs, which Means Services can be better targeted to their needs when they are needed. The document circulated by nhs england says there is it is being made clear that it will be compulsory for hospitals wont be compulsory for hospitals and other nhs and social care organisations to implement the policy. Patients will have the right if they wish to decline to answer the questions. But based on the guidance which has gone out, some are saying the approach is too intrusive. One gp argued it was unnecessary and a waste of time. The thought of intrusively asking of peoples sexuality at every on peoples sexuality at every consultation is an anathema, because the consultation is precious time for patients. Quite often, it is difficult to get to have an appointment with their doctor because of the lack of doctors. So their 8 10 minutes is really valuable time, and it is for their agenda, not for mine, not for the government agenda. Lgb representatives say it is a hugely important step forward, though they acknowledge some people will feel uncomfortable about being asked about their sexuality and there needs to be sensitivity about where the issue is discussed. Ireland is bracing itself for the arrival of hurricane ophelia. This video released by nasa shows the hurricane gusting at winds in excess of 100 miles an hour. Ophelia is due to hit in the early hours of tomorrow morning and its expected that by that time it will have been downgraded to a Tropical Storm. That is not quite right. We will find out more in a minute. Our correspondent chris page spoke to us a little earlier from belfast where authorities are warning of a danger to life. Asa as a Tropical Storm with winds of nearly 80 miles an hour, there will still be potential the lister cause some real damage. In the irish public today, the forecasting Agency Issued the highest possible weather warning for areas around the southern coast. The government in dublin has held a meeting of a special Emergency Task force and they have decided to close all schools in the areas where the gusts will be at their strongest. The storm is expected to hit Northern Ireland tomorrow afternoon. The warning here not as severe as that in the irish republic. And amberwarning, that in the irish republic. And amber warning, still very significant, meaning the forecasters think there is still potential of risk to life because of flying debris and falling trees. Chris page in belfast. With me is our weather presenter matt taylor. We dont get hurricanes here, do we . We dont get hurricanes here, do we . We dont, and it will be a hurricane when it arrives on our shores. It is still a category one storm at the moment. It isjust still a category one storm at the moment. It is just the west of spain and portugal, but by the time it gets to us, it will be an extra Tropical Storm, in that it has lost a lot of its characteristics. But it will still pack a for some. Which is sort of rude is it expected to take . Well lit me show you this first. This is this time yesterday. You can see the divine eye, which is an indication of how strong a storm is. This was a major hurricane. You dont usually get these close to europe, and it has since weakened. It is now a category one storm. It is getting tied up amongst cloud from the jet stream and will push towards is. Here is the pressure chart. It looks quite scary, and for those in the southern part of ireland, it will be. They have issued a red weather warning, with risks of danger to life and property of that hits through the day on monday. Look at those isobars, so close together. The closer they are, the stronger the winds. And we could be seeing on the coasts of Northern Ireland, winds of 90 miles an hour, potentially. The idea that this is not what it was, lulls you into an idea that it is not going to do any damage, but it can. It can, it can. And as well as the warning from metair, we have as the warning from metair, we have a met Office Warning for Northern Ireland. That will be the worst affected place in the uk. Anywhere across the western portion, will be effective. Were talking about the hills, west wales, cornwall, and the isle of man. Winds will be strongest during the second half of monday. Interruptions to travel and there could be some flying debris, and interruptions to power supply. Has that pushes through into scotland across monday night, southern scotla nd across monday night, southern scotland and Northern England could see winds. Not as strong as the west on monday, but they will remain into tuesday morning. When will it be finally gone through oui when will it be finally gone through our shores . It will push off to norway by tuesday, and tuesday will be a much quieter day. Certainly, the second half of monday into monday night, there could be very Stormy Weather for some, but not all part of the uk. Thank you very much. Some breaking news to bring new police are saying that they have launched an investigation following the sudden death of an 11 year old boy in county antrim. The little boy died at a house in newton abbey on sunday. There is one line of enquiry which suggests that the little boy may have died after he was attacked by a family dog, so thatis he was attacked by a family dog, so that is one line of enquiry. The sudden death of an 11 year old boy in newton abbey, county antrim. We will bring you more details as we get them. The librarian Elections Commission says the former ac milan, monaco and chelsea star george weah is leading a first round of voting with 39 of votes in the liberian election. His main rival is the incumbent vice president. The years biggest literary prize, the man booker award will be revealed next week. Between now and then, we will be previewing the six short listed titles. Our look at the would be prizewinners continues today with a look at the fiction debut, i history of wolves, in which a young girl growing up in isolated Community Experience is a shocking coming of age. She is remembering when she became a baby sitter for a family she is remembering when she became a ba by sitter for a family that lived in across the lake from where she lived, and sees that something is not quite right in that household, but does not allow herself to act for a long time until it is too late. It is not that i never think about paul. He comes to me occasionally before i am fully awake, though i almost never remember what he said, all what i did or didnt do to him. We are sitting in a Nature Centre on a Late Afternoon like any other, and his body moves automatically towards mine, not out of love or respect, but simply because he hasnt yet learned the etiquette of minding where his body stops and another one begins. Outside the window, an avalanche of p0p outside the window, an avalanche of pop la fluff floats by, silent and weightless as air. I decided early on to reveal the death of one of the central characters, paul, the little boy. Because i was more interested in thinking about how that event of his death is processed and lindas memory. Linda, has a teenage girl, does not really know when she is approaching the most traumatic things that are going to happen to her. As a teenage girl. Of course, the adult narrator looking back does know. So i was playing with the tension between those two perspectives, and those narrative questions then became the ethical questions then became the ethical questions of the book. The book is asking us to sort of thing through why she fails to act. The sense of place is incredibly important to this novel. The sort of northwoods setting in fuses everything, gives the texture of mood and tone. It really brings out, i think, of mood and tone. It really brings out, ithink, lynettes of mood and tone. It really brings out, i think, lynettes unusual perspective. This book has been called a coming of age story. Coming of age into the world we live in, most of us, is coming of age into patriot league, and coming of age into racism, and that means a loss as much of a gain for many people who are not white man. And that can make are not white man. And that can make a person angry. You can see our special live awards programme next tuesday night at 9 30pm here on bbc news. The man booker prize winner will be announced. A dog that was swept out of the sea has been rescued after it was spotted by the crew of a coast guard helicopter on a training exercise. The dog was in the water near the village of coming stunt on the coast in the scottish highlands. The helicopter kept watch until the moray inshore lifeboat arrived. The dog is believed to have been unharmed by his ordeal and is back with its owners, who say they are giving lots of treats. I thought it was kept that had more than one life as we have heard, britain and ireland are bracing themselves for Hurricane Force winds in the next 2a hours. It comes 30 years to the day after the famous occasion when weatherman michael fish reassured the nation that there would not be a hurricane, despite rumours that one was on its way. They few hours later, southern england was hit by destructive winds of over 100 mph. The great storm of 1987 claimed 18 lives and caused some £2 billion worth of damage. Peter gibbs reports on how the storm affected historic woodland in west sussex. As dawn broke, some 15 Million Trees lay flattened in southern england. At the National Trust wakehurst estate in west sussex, 20,000 trees were lost. Walking through the woods today, you would be hard pushed to spot trace of that catastrophe. But that is thanks to forward thinking by the people in charge of the clear up at the time. We are in coates woods, our Southern Hemisphere woodlands. It was known as coates tree, the day after the storm. That is all that was left . Yes. Ed is the head of horticulture and he told me of the plans put in force after the storm. Out of the carnage of that night came some incredibly clear, far sighted thinking, not to just replace everything that was lost and recover the land, but to subscribe properly to this notion of grouping plants according to where they come from. Would it be fair to say the storm was a blessing in disguise . Its allowed us to create something profound and our woodlands are our big contribution to british horticulture. Those who have worked on the estate have seen it transformed from a scene of devastation back to the thriving woodland it is today. It was a tangled mess, it was like a massive game ofjenga. Some colleagues never got over the storm, because they had spent years nurturing the collection and within a click of

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