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The growing scandal around the hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein has intensified. The american Actress Rose Mcgowan became the latest woman to make accusations of rape. She says she repeatedly told the boss of amazon studios, who worked with weinstein, what had happened but hed done nothing about it. Mr weinstein denies the allegations. On saturday, the organisers of the oscars will hold emergency talks amid speculation it could suspending Harvey Weinsteins membership. Nick bryant reports. Harvey weinsteins star has plummeted, brought down by some of the biggest female names in the movie industry who have accused him of harassment, and worse. Actress rose mcgowan has said she was raped by the Film Producer in the growing scandal now affecting one of the worlds biggest companies, amazon. In a series of tweets to the companys chief executive, mcgowan said . The amazon head of studio in question, roy price, is facing an accusation from a female producer that he lewdly propositioned her in 2015. In a statement, amazon said . In new york today, one of americas big banks, goldman sachs, said it was considering options for its stake in the Weinstein Company, whose headquarters is not far from wall street. On sunday, the company sacked its co founder. The weinstein name has long been a hallmark of quality in the Entertainment Industry but in the past week, it has been trashed. Creative partners are trying to pull out of projects with what is left of the Weinstein Company. It has been likened to a run on a bank. The oscar winning director oliver stone initially said that weinstein should not be judged prematurely. If he broke the law, it will come out, there will be a trial, and i believe a man should not be condemned by a vigilante system. But later in a post on facebook, he said, after looking at what has been reported in many publications over the past couple of days, im appalled and commend the courage of the women who have stepped forward. Ill therefore recuse myself from the guantanamo series as long as the Weinstein Company is involved. Long time politicalfriends are now distancing themselves from this big dollar democrat fundraiser, too Hillary Clinton here speaking with the bbcs andrew marr. It was just disgusting and the stories that have come out are heartbreaking, and i really commend the women who have been willing to step forward now and tell their stories but i think its important that we notjust focus on him and whatever consequences flow from these stories about his behaviour but that we recognise this kind of behaviour cannot be tolerated anywhere. The show must go on is the motto of the Entertainment Industry. It was lights, camera, action at this movie premiere in new york last night but many women, like the british actress carey mulligan, hope this will be a watershed moment in what is still a male dominated business. It starts with women having opportunities behind the camera and then in front of the camera and in the boardroom and it all comes down to money, so think its about the industry catching up with the idea that you can put a woman in a female role and make a fortune. Harvey weinstein has denied any allegations of non consensual sex. He is now believed to be in a rehab clinic in arizona. Nick bryant, bbc news, new york. Later in the programme, were asking just how widespread Sexual Exploitation and harassment are across hollywood in general. Thats coming up. Lets take a look at some of the other stories making the news. The pentagon says a saudi man who is being held at Guantanamo Bay has been sentenced to 13 years in prison on terrorism charges. The sentencing of Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed Haza Al Darbi comes after his guilty plea in february 2014 for his role in an attack on a french oil tanker off the coast of yemen. South Africas Supreme Court of appeal has upheld a High Court Decision to reinstate hundreds of corruption charges against the countrys president , jacob zuma. The allegations relate to a government arms deal signed in 1999, when he was deputy president. Mr zuma has repeatedly rejected the claims against him. The president of the european commission, jean claude juncker, has insisted the uk must meet its financial commitments to the eu before brexit talks move on to future trade relations. Mrjuncker stressed that he was not in a revenge mood but britain would, as he put it, have to pay. Downing street said britain would honour its commitments. Supporters of the main opposition candidate in kenyas disputed elections, raila odinga, have defied a ban on demonstrations. Reports from the western town of bondo say two people were shot by police. In an interview with the bbc, mr odinga defended his decision not to participate in a planned re run. The uk hasjoined other countries in defending the International Nuclear deal with iran after Donald Trumps decision not to endorse the landmark agreement. The us president has threatened to abandon the agreement altogether, unless the us congress can repair its flaws. Iran said mr trump had made false accusations and appeared not to understand that the nuclear deal was multilateral, which meant the us was not permitted to alter it. Our north america editor jon sopel has more. This is one of the worst deals ever made by any country in history. My number one priority is to dismantle the disastrous deal with iran. There should be no surprise the president is doing what he is doing. He made clear his distaste for the Iran Nuclear Deal at every opportunity. But finding a simple remedy has proved difficult so today, he refused to recertify it. I am directing my administration to work closely with congress and our allies to address the deals many serious flaws so the Iranian Regime can never threaten the world with nuclear weapons. In the event we are not able to reach a solution working with congress and our allies, then the agreement will be terminated. So, what are president trumps aims . He wants congress to adopt tough new measures to redefine the agreement. He wants them to include triggers that could see sanctions imposed if iran violates the deal. And if iran is still not in compliance, the us could withdraw from the accord without congressional action or debate. In his previous life, donald trump was a builder. Now it seems he prefers the wrecking ball, particularly on anything that is a legacy from the obama era whether it is immigration, climate change, and now iran. He seems to want to break it up and is saying to congress its for you to fix it. But the original deal with iran was negotiated with a number of countries, including britain notjust the us. And this evening, the other partners to it have reacted with dismay and anger to the president s statement. It is not a bilateral agreement. It does not belong to any single country and it is not up to any single country to terminate it. So the president of the United States has many powers, but not this one. Theres been condemnation, too, from irans president rouhani, and a strikingly similar point. Translation trump did not correctly Study International law. How is it that a multilateral treaty adopted by the United Nations, originally a United Nations document, can be cancelled by a president alone . This is not a bilateral document between iran and the United States. And he seems to think that he can do whatever he wants to do. The president has Given Congress 60 days to come up with a plan, but, for nine months, lawmakers have been unable to agree a way through on healthcare. Its far from clear they will do any better with the Iran Nuclear Deal. Jon sopel, bbc news, washington. And you can find more on the deal with iran on our website. Just go to bbc. Com news, or download the bbc news app. Youll also find analysis of the part the us congress will now play in the process. Firefighters in Northern California are facing dry and windy conditions for yet another day as they try to contain more than 17 blazes ripping through the region. At least 36 people have died and hundreds more are still missing, making these the most lethal wildfires in the States History. Large parts of Northern California, including sonoma and napa counties, and the city of santa rosa have been the worst hit. Dave lee has the latest. Sir youve got to go this breathtaking footage as a Police Officers view on sunday. He was in the city of centre rosa helping terrified residents evacuate. The next day the city looks like this. These fires have coped california, displacing 90,000 people and destroying more than 5000 buildings. It is burning an area thats almost the size of new york city. As some areas reopen after being deemed safe, other parts of this region are being told to get ready to get out quickly. There is some Good Progress being made, however some of the biggest fires are showing signs of being contained, thanks to the efforts of more than 8,000 firefighters drafted in to help. Some have come from as far as australia to offer expertise. But with the weekend upon them, these firefighters are bracing themselves. Weather forecasts suggest more high winds are on the way. Making good, a lot better progress today, in the hopes of we told the guys get the boots on the ground, do hard work today so that way, by this afternoon or this evening when that wind comes up, hopefully well be in a better position. In areas where the fire has already been and gone, police are also having to deal with looters seeking to capitalise on block after block of empty homes. Ive been out in some of these terrible areas where people are at the point where theyre putting signs on their doors saying theres nothing here, please dont loot. So if anyone thinks they are going to get away with it, i think my Law Enforcement partners will agree with me that thats not going to happen in sonoma county. The smoky air can be smelt as far as 100 miles away. In nearby San Francisco, air quality has been measured as the poorest on record worse than beijing. The strongest theory as to what may have caused this fire points to fallen powerlines. The states power company, pg e, said decades of drought in california meant a weak tree may have collapsed into its equipment, but said it was important to wait for a full investigation before drawing any conclusions. People here are praying for the best but are braced for the worst. This is already the deadliest wildfire in the States History and it isnt over yet. Dave lee, bbc news, california. Stay with us on bbc news. Still to come the angler who kissed his catch and swallowed it whole thanks the fishermans friend who saved his life. Parts of San Francisco least affected by the earthquake are returning to life. But in the marina area, where most of the damage was done, theyre more conscious than ever of how much has been destroyed. In the 19 years since he was last here, hes gone from being a little known revolutionary to an experienced and successful diplomatic operator. It was a 20 pound bomb which exploded on the fifth floor of the grand hotel, ripping a hole in the front of the building. This government will not weaken. Democracy will prevail. It fills me with humility and gratitude to know that i have been chosen as the recipient of this foremost of earthly honours. This catholic nation held its breath for the men they call the 33. And then. Bells toll bells tolled nationwide to announce the first rescue and chile let out an almighty roar. This is bbc news. The latest headlines rose mcgowan is the latest actress to claim she was raped by the hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein. President trump has set out a new, confrontational strategy on iran and has refused to certify the International Nuclear deal. Since news of the Harvey Weinstein scandal broke a week ago, more people have been speaking out about the culture in the Entertainment Industry. A number of actors have said Sexual Harassment is rife and exploitation is the price for being part of the industry. From hollywood, laura bicker reports. The conversation on the red carpet of hollywood has changed. Tough questions are being asked about the culture of this industry. And yet some are still unwilling to come up with answers. This is what happened when i asked about Harvey Weinstein at this film premiere. In the aftermath of this, how does hollywood heal . Youve been in this industry a long time. Yeah, were going to pass on that one. Come on, this way. But thank you so much. The start of the picture, renee zellweger, worked with Harvey Weinstein. Im told my microphone is not allowed near her. You guys need to, you guys need to move back, please. Like way back. It worries hollywoods newest recruits, warming up ahead of their big scene. Some of those starting in their career fear exploitation has become the price they have to pay for being part of the industry. Ifeel like music and movies is all about who you know and what youre willing to do. Just listen to what goes through the mind of this young actress before an audition. But before you even step into the room, am i the right look . Are they going to like me because of this . I dont have that. But what if they ask me to do that . I cant do that. Ok, maybe i shouldnt go. It sounds crazy, but that is literally the conversation that goes on. In your head. Does it not depress you . Yeah, its terrible its horrible. Ijust, ifeel like thats the way it is and theres nothing i can do about it. The Organisation Women in film has set up a hotline to allow victims to report abuse and, potentially, take their cases to court. You know, the idea in hollywood, which has become so customary, that if youre uncomfortable in a situation, lets say youre a woman, and you speak up and say, this situations uncomfortable, youre basically asked to leave. Youre normally given money. And then you sign some kind of a nda or confidentiality agreement. Ora quick claim. What i get angry about is the system that lets them believe that they deserve to be treated this way. This systemic sexism in show business may come as no surprise to people here. But there is a hope that it may act as some kind of tipping point, that the industry can now reform from within. Thatll mean more women taking up powerful positions behind the scenes. That may be the only way that this casting couch culture will change. Hollywood is being forced to look at itself from a new angle. And it might not like what it sees. Laura bicker, bbc news, los angeles. Earlier, i spoke to maria giese, a film writer and director who has campaigned for gender parity in hollywood, and heres what she had to say. I think the whole ethos, the way hollywood functions, its Business Structure actually is what needs to be called into question because it is based on reciprocity of. I will do this and you give me that. And for most women, unless they are very powerful, what have they got to give . And then you get blacklisted and you cant work in that industry any more. So the problem is that its unemployment problem and, yes, we need to get more women into that industry, i think, need to get more women into that industry, ithink, if need to get more women into that industry, i think, if we could figure out some way to generate gender parity with high on the scene than on the screen, these kinds of Sexual Harassment wouldnt be happening so often. But if it is a culture issue, then is that enough to get women in powerful positions . You might still have this issue that you describe of reciprocity, so there are still other forms of exploitation that can happen. Well, i think the really important thing to recognise here is that hollywood is the propaganda machine, one of the most powerful nations in the world and it helps form our cultural narrative and add to the voice of our civilisation, and yet, the people who are making the media content that comes out of hollywood are people like Harvey Weinstein, and Harvey Weinstein isntjust, you know, he is not the only one. It is rife in this industry. They are all like Harvey Weinstein. Not all of them, but it is full of people like Harvey Weinstein. We saw there are still a lot of fear from movie stars speaking out. Is this a watershed moment, do you think things are going to train from now on . moment, do you think things are going to train from now on . I think this is a watershed moment. I am very excited callers, first of all, i counted Harvey Weinsteins movies over the course of the past 35 yea rs, over the course of the past 35 years, he made 294 movies and of them were directed by men. Only nine of them were directed by women. So if we look at the Sexual Harassment problem is actually as an employment problem, and that women have a hard time getting jobs, they have to trade favours to getjobs, then we can see that we need some kind of serious federal oversight, and the problem in hollywood is fundamentally that it is like the wild west and it is almost com pletely wild west and it is almost completely unregulated. And the equal Employment Opportunity laws are not, they are not enforced by our federal government. So what we need to do is to not look for the inside the industry to solve their own problems. We need to figure out how we can create legislation that will solve this problem. 57 people have died in madagascar. There has been another confirmed case in the seychelles. They have suffered plague outbreaks almost every year since 1980, often caused by rats forest fires. The emergence of the plague which affects the lungs and is transmitted through coughing has raised serious concerns. Madagascar accounts for most of the worlds plague cases. Outbreaks are common on this island nation in the indian ocean. Caught early, it is treatable. Millions of doses of antibiotics arrived this week, as well as rat traps. But this years outbreak is different. Both bubonic plague, spread by flea bites and rats, and the more dangerous pneumonic type, spread person to person and which can be fatal in 24 hours, have hit towns and cities. This situation is quite concerning. Cases have doubled over the last week. Over three quarters of the cases reported are the pneumonic type. The transmition of which is from one person to the next through coughing and respiratory transmission. Since the outbreak started in august, these have been the statistics. The first case of pneumonic plague has been confirmed in the seychelles according to local media. A 34 year old man who fell ill after returning from madagascar on friday has tested positive. Earlier this week, madagascars president warned people not to panic, but that the situation was serious. Translation were in a war, its like war. Today i believe we have the weapons and ammunition is to fight this epidemic. The World Health Organization says the risk of the disease spreading internationally was low. In madagascar, entire neighbourhoods are being sprayed with disinfectant, but there are rubbish dumps and open sewers which are causing problems. Sarah corker, bbc news. Scientists say thousands of adelie penguin chicks have starved to death, leaving just two survivors in a colony of nearly 40,000. Extensive sea ice late in the summer forced adult penguins to travel further for food with the chicks dying as they waited. The french scientists described the event in east antarctica as a catastrophe. Now, for every fisherman, there is a story of the one that got away. But this time, its a tale of getting too close for comfort. A man was kissing a dover sole in celebration of the catch when the 6 inch fish wriggled out of his hand and jumped into his mouth. He stopped breathing before being saved by paramedics. Chi chi izundu reports. Thankfully, this fish is larger than the one sam ouilliam caught. At 14 centimetres, his friends had jokingly referred to his catch that night as a postage stamp. Thats it, hes smiling now size didnt matter. Sam still wanted to kiss his dover sole with pride. But the fish wasnt actually up for that kiss. It wriggled free and jumped straight down sams throat, completely blocking his airway. Just a bit shaken up by it all, really. You just dont expect it to happen. I mean, people do things like this all the time. And you just dont expect it to happen to you. His friends noticed his panic and started to give him cpr. I turned my back, before i knew it, he was choking. He got halfway down the pier here, and collapsed. By that point, i was already on the phone to the emergency services. Thankfully, paramedics were just finishing another job around the corner before they got the call. After 17 years of doing this job, ive never seen anything like it. Ive never seen a foreign body quite as much yeah, quite like that. With small forceps, it took six attempts to get the fish out, which did actually come out whole. Once they got sams heart going again, he was rushed to hospital. But hes not the only fisherman that could be caught in this danger. Apparently, there is a tradition amongst fishermen. When they get their catch, they give it a quick kiss before they throw it back in the sea. Sam says that this whole incident has not actually put him off, and he will be here soon on this pier, with his friends, fishing, as soon as he gets the sign off from doctors. So, will sam be kissing his catch any time soon . Probably, yes. Just a little bigger, and not a sole. Hgppy happy ending there. Stay with us. Hi there. Were going to look at the satellite picture, first of all, because we have quite a typical autumnal setup, really. Cool north westerly winds working across the atlantic meeting milder southerly winds, a weather front in between. What of course is not normal is this. Hurricane ophelia, a category 2 hurricane, near the azores, with winds gusting to 120 miles an hour. That will be affecting our weather early next week. But for the time being, we have these warm winds wafting their way across the british isles, dragging out that warm air for the time of year. So, over the next days, we could see temperatures go as high as 24 degrees, if we get some sunny spells. These temperatures, by the way, pretty good, actually, for late july. Except its not latejuly, its october. And those temperatures are really quite incredible for the time of year. Now, its a mild start to the day everywhere with temperatures into double figures. Weve got some rain around, though, northern ireland, into north west england, and south west scotland, as well, seeing that wet weather. Look at these temperatures 16 degrees as we start the day. Thats where temperatures should peak at this time of year. As we go through the day, this band of rain will slowly push its way northwards, whilst easing. The cloud across england and wales, while quite low at times across wales and south west england, with some hill fog patches in the morning, but the cloud will tend to shrink as we go on through the afternoon, to allow some bright spells through. In the best of the sunshine, i think temperatures could get to 22, maybe 23 degrees celsius towards Eastern England during saturday afternoon. Overnight, rain turns heavier for a time across northern ireland, but more especially in western scotland, where it will be a wet old night. Another mild night, saturday night, these are the kind of minimum temperatures, 13, 14 degrees, Something Like that. Now, for sunday, there is a better chance that we will see more in the way of cloud breaks across england and wales. Youll notice, though, the rain in northern scotland. When the rain sticks, it could do across western scotland, through the day, it will not feel especially warm. Temperatures here into the teens. But when we see the sunshine coming out, we could see highs of 23 or 24 degrees celsius. So it will be a very warm day for late october indeed. Beyond that, we have to look again at the azores. This is hurricane ophelia. This is be working in a north eastward direction. Probably got another 24 hours as a hurricane before it turns into a normal area of low pressure. Please bear in mind that the track of this low pressure could change, but nevertheless, you will notice that weve got some very strong winds coming our way through monday and tuesday as well. Firmly in the firing line is ireland. Northern ireland and scotland could also be impacted. The winds may well be damaging. But bear in mind the track could change, so the strong winds could affect other areas of uk, as well. And thats your weather. This is bbc news the headlines the list of allegations about Harvey Weinstein continues to grow. Rose mcgowan is the latest actor to claim she was raped by the hollywood producer. He denies the allegations. Meanwhile Harvey Weinsteins brother has denied reports that the Film Production company they co founded could be closed or sold. President trump has set out a new, more confrontational approach to iran, condemning tehran as a fanatical regime. He said he wouldnt cancel the agreement immediately, but instead was decertifying it. The move has prompted condemnation from the other International Powers that signed it. The worst wildfires in californias history have left at least 36 people dead and hundreds missing. Firefighters are facing dry and windy conditions for yet another day as they try to contain more than 17 blazes ripping through the region. 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