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Of oscar winning producer Harvey Weinstein . And why did it remain a secret for so long . Get in touch with us using the hashtag. beyondioodays hello and welcome im katty kay in washington and Christian Fraser is in london. Weve had several jaw dropping moments during the Trump Administration and this weekend was another extraordinary one in american politics. A Top Republican senator tweeted that the white house is an adult day care center, and said mr trumps recklessness could lead to ww3. The Vice President then flew half way across the country just so he could be seen walking out of a football match, because the players had knelt during the anthem. Another bizarre episode in whats being called the reality show presidency. If you are looking for mature, measured, political dialogue, dont look to america right now. So lets walk you through the twitter drama. It started when mr trump tweeted that republican senator bob corker begged him to endorse him for re election in tennessee. I said n0 tweeted trump and he dropped out said he could not win without. My. He also wanted to be secretary of state, i said n0 thanks. He is also largely responsible for the horrendous iran deal mr corker then responded with this extraordinary tweet its a shame the white house has become an adult day care center. Someone obviously missed their shift this morning. On top of that unedifying political theater there was big policy news this weekend. A former adviser to george w bush, ron christie, joins us. I imagine this never happened in the Bush Administration when you work there . It has never happened never the spectacle of republicans turning on one another has never happened, the language they use, the tit for tat that the president and cork are engaging, which bit of it surprises you most . I look at Ronald Reagans 11th you most . I look at Ronald Reagans iith commandment, thou shall not attack a fellow republican, the trompe playbook has thrown that out of the window if they do not treat against the majority leader, or attack corker, what aggro greats aggravates me is that it seems like the president of the United States is having a tantrum in the bedroom of the white house and they want where is the strong American Leadership we are accustomed to . I worry about the prestige and reputation it may have on us as a strong country. And is there any chance that there is a thought out strategy behind this . My immediate concern was that the president needs people like bob corker to get policies through, is there a Good Cop Bad Cop thing going on . Not a chance, the president only has a two vote majority, bob corker, if you ta ke vote majority, bob corker, if you take him off, you only have one more with 52 republicans and 48 democrats in the senate. You cannot afford to alienate your very partys senators. Bob corker is a very strong voice and he could spend the rest of his time in congress Holding Hearings about whether or not the president s tweets are damaging American Foreign policy. It is a reckless and foolish have undertaken by President Trump with no in strategy or endgame but the beat goes on, another tweet and a new cycle. President trump doing it to his own party. And it always happens at the weekend, i get the impression of general kelly coming in and going, has anything happen . And they go no, not at all lets talk about daca, which would protect young immigrants that have come into the United States. The white house put out their priorities and policies that they want to go hand in hand with the dreamers act. There are all kinds of demands, it looks like a laundry list of demands. Money for the border walls, they look michael gove want electronic checks to verify who is employed. This kind of stuff that is exactly right, what i find interesting about this strategy of unveiling this immigration plan this weekend is that the president seemed to have a Good Relationship with nancy pelosi, the leader of the house and the leader of the senate about moving forward on immigration, the notion that there will be money in there for a wall on the southern border takes all democrats off the table automatically. If you are looking at my previous answer of trying to build consensus in the senate, i do not see how a number of moderate republicans in the senate will go for this. You have a political statement that the democrats have against the republicans but no comprehensive Immigration Reform takes place. Ron, stay with us. We will speak to you later, theres been a lot of political news as well. It is worth reminding you, we have moments in the trompe administration where we say it is unprecedented, extraordinary, this is not normal behaviour. Ive covered four american administrations and ive never seen american administrations and ive never seen anything like this. Ive never seen anything like this. Ive never seen a never seen anything like this. Ive never seen a top senators say that the white house is an adult daycare centre, and somebody is not on ship. It does not normally happen in american politics but this is no ordinary senator, this guy was on the list for Vice President , for secretary of state and he was close to the president. Nine months ago. And somebody the president needs . Yes, particularly when it comes to his Foreign Policy policies. Not only does President Trump want to cut the number of Illegal Immigrants in the us hes also cutting the number of refugees allowed into the country. There are currently record high numbers of refugees globally but mr trump plans to cut the number admitted to the us from 84,000 in 2016 to 45,000 in 2018. To put that in some historical perspective. Under ronald reagan, america admitted some 200,000 refugees every yea r. The white houses decision has met stiff criticism, including from the man who until recently was the top us military brass. Admiral Michael Mullen chairman of the joint chiefs of staff under both president bush and president 0bama says shutting out refugees is a recklessly narrow take on how to put america first. We are pleased to say he joins us now at the moment. Thank you very much for coming in. Not only had he said that there are studies that show that countries that bring in refugees benefit that you say this is more than that, its actually a threat to American Foreign policy . It isa threat to American Foreign policy . It is a huge change, america has represented this white shining city light on the hill that refugees have sought to come to for many decades. America has always led in refugee crisis, sometimes up to half the refugees in a given crisis. We are fundamentally changing who we are. And that is a huge worry. It has an incredible impact. The piece that i wrote recently, i heard from a person up in new york that said that basically, the refugee influx into utica had fundamentally saved new york from an industrys standpoint. That is a great strength of our country. We are a country of refugees initially and we should not forsa ke refugees initially and we should not forsake that. But the numbers are falling . Well, yes. I would accept what admiral mullen is saying. When you look at the state of play in europe, weve had a backlash in germany and when it comes to the vote on brexit, you could say. When you look at security with regards to refugees, a lot are coming in. Two people who came in and committed the atrocity in paris at the bataclan, they came in through the refugee process. At parsons green, we had an iraqi refugee who left a bomb on a train. People are right to have some concerns . I do agree, ithink train. People are right to have some concerns . I do agree, i think people are right to have some concerns but we need to address those straight up, as opposed to massively and completely shut them off. And continue to reduce them in terms of the numbers. I speak from the perspective of the us. The other thing that it does is it gives no relief to persecute people in various countries all over the world. From a security standpoint, it has a direct correlation to increasing instability in many countries from which they come. I think we all have a joint responsibility to address that too. That may used the word reckless view of america when it came to the president , bob corker said of the president as well, he talked about how donald trump is reckless to the point where it could lead to world war three. Would you agree with him . Im not sure it could, i have a lot of time for chairman corker, he is a thoughtful guy. I think what he is doing is expressing a concern that could lead to a miscalculation. That we are so could lead to a miscalculation. That we are so tightly wound on some of theseissues we are so tightly wound on some of these issues with north korea, for example. There is not a lot of space to manoeuvre. We could be misinterpreted, our president could be misinterpreted by the leader of north korea and they could be miscalculations which could get out of control. That is what corker is saying. But there isnt much room to manoeuvre any more. We know about the checks and balances which surround the white house when it comes tojournalism, congress, the courts, but talk to me about the military process. How strong our checks and balances that may prevent inadvertent action . He is signed up to carry out the direction of the president of the United States. And built for speed . Correct, to go through our democratic process. So, there is no immediate check and balance, per se. Thats not to say that secretary matters will not push back hard on internal discussions that if the president makes a decision to carry out a strike, they will do that secretary mattis. |j hope this is not glib but would you put him in charge of one of your Nuclear Submarines . He actually is in charge of all of them. That is just a fact. The fact that we have two more than judge just a fact. The fact that we have two more thanjudge whether i just a fact. The fact that we have two more than judge whether i would have done that or not, the American People did that and i support that. The question is, how does he execute that responsibility . There is a lot of talk about the iran deal. You may have some thoughts on that. The German Foreign minister said today that their big concern with regards to north korea is that it would be very unlikely that they would agree toa very unlikely that they would agree to a deal or diplomacy if the us walks away from the iran deal . Womack a very important part of this discussion, that we take into consideration when we made the deal originally, seven countries were involved in the deal and breaking faith with them would send a really bad signal as well. I in no way support iran with the support of terrorism. What is lost in this too often, this was a deal with nuclear weapons, they are the most dangerous weapons, they are the most dangerous weapons on earth and i were supportive of it then and still am. We should be as hard on iran as possible in these areas, and unless there is evidence, there appears to not be any in terms of them breaking the deal on their side. I think we need to stick with it. General mullen, thank you for talking with us. We hope you come back soon. Theresa may has warned european leaders that britain will make no more concessions on brexit until the eu 27 compromise on opening trade and transition talks. The british Prime Minister told the house of commons she had moved far enough in the negotiations and the ball was now in europes court au contraire, said a spokesperson for the Eu Commission its entirely in the uks court. You are probably getting the drift. The talks which resumed in brussels this morning are at a critical stage, eu leaders will decide in a weeks time whether enough progress has been made, to advance the talks to the next phase. The british Prime Minister is digging in. A new deep and special partnership between a sovereign United Kingdom and a strong and successful European Union is our ambition and our offer to our european friends. Achieving that partnership will require leadership and flexibility, notjust from us but ourfriends, the 27 nations of the eu. As we look forward to the next age, the ball is in their court. But i am optimistic that it will achieve a positive response. Because what we are seeking is not just response. Because what we are seeking is notjust the best possible dealfor us, but seeking is notjust the best possible deal for us, but i believe it would also be the best possible dealfor it would also be the best possible deal for our it would also be the best possible dealfor our european it would also be the best possible deal for our european friends too. One man who knows a thing or two about tricky negotiations is the former uk ambassador to the us sir Christopher Meyer. He took to twitter this weekend to express his frustration at the way negotiations are going. He wrote if eu27 fail to shift from their opening position, its tantamount to instructing barnier to negotiate for failure. Im pleased to say that sir christopher is with us. The idea that we bestow on europe that they know what they are doing, they have an endgame in mind, we portray our own side is pretty useless . M an endgame in mind, we portray our own side is pretty useless . It gets me really, really irritated. The way in which the eu is negotiating at the moment, the eu 27, its like a set of Easter Island statues, planted in the ground like that. They stand on their opening position. We have made concessions. We open the possibility of further concessions, and they just we open the possibility of further concessions, and theyjust stand on where they started. Structurally, if thatis where they started. Structurally, if that is how they continue with these negotiations, they are, in reality, negotiating for failure. That is why i say that unless Michel Barniers instructions get flexibility, for the European Council at the end of this month, they are, in effect, telling him negotiate for this to fail. You know what it is like to negotiate trade deals, and you know the british civil service, you say it is important for us to walk away with no deal and actually, no deal is better than a bad deal. It is the british civil service, i bathe the mechanics of government which are in position for us to be able to do that . Of course they could, all they need is the political instruction to be told what to do. I would hope that this process has already started, because, as an option, it has been on the british table since the Prime Ministers speech to the Tory Party Conference in 2016. A cost free speech, if i can put it like that where she sat that no deal was better then a bad deal. Where she said that. People may understand that this is notjust a brexit slogan, that you voted to remain, that the negotiation has to be brought to a successful conclusion. I think that could be done easily. But the most important thing ina done easily. But the most important thing in a negotiation is that you have a bottom line. You have objectives, a fallback position, a bottom line which represents the minimum that he would be prepared to accept in order to conclude a successful agreement. If you are negotiating and youre at surrey pushes you below the bottom line and will not go above it, then that is the moment you pull the plug. You say, im sorry. That deal you propose is disembarked ages for us and it would be better therefore to have a no deal. Disadvantageous. In negotiating with the russians of the soviet union days, it works m sounds like trump, the art of the deal according to sir Christopher Meyer after your last bit on the show. At least my tweets are sentience a bit of grammar. You havent accused 10 downing st of being an adult daycare centre. You know how important it is to the Prime Minister to get a good trade deal with us but we get signals from the us over agriculture quota is that they will play hardball. It will not be as easy as london says, post brexit to get a deal with the us on trade. Can you tell me a time when the americans have never played hardball . They are hardball negotiators. This is their default position. The so called special relationship melts in the heat of american enthusiasm to win in negotiation. With my experience of the americans, at most they are trade negotiators and, by origin, they are lawyers and often litigation lawyers. They bring all of the skills of litigation into a ferocious negotiation across the table. So, we were never going to have an easy trade relationship negotiation with the us. It does not mean that we should be defeatist and that we cannot get it but that transmission from the white house to the president with his warm words of encouragement for a trade deal, that transmission goes all the way down to the hard negotiation across the table and can sometimes be a very tenuous thing indeed. We should put an our asbestos underwear and be prepared for a really tough negotiation, which may well succeed. Im not saying it wont. Negotiation, which may well succeed. Im not saying it wont. So mr barnier is set, do you see them employing customs people or putting their Computer System in place . The tea m their Computer System in place . The team say no. Really they are not prepared for a no deal scenario which makes us look weak. At which point do we flip the tables and say, here we are we are not as weak as you think we are you dont have to be so melodramatic as two through the table in the air, slap Michel Barnier around the face. It may work quicker you dont have to do that i said just now, the eu was structurally preparing negotiations to fail. But, it has a structural problem of itself. I heard you say that they are in an advert pages position. And we are in a weak position. And we are in a weak position. We are not, there may be a quantitative difference between 27 plus the commission and the European Parliament on the other side of the channel. That does not measure the relative strengths of the two sides. If the euro drops in brussels, we are if the euro drops in brussels, we a re really if the euro drops in brussels, we are really serious about walking away. Even if this gives us temporary costs. Then, it may help to change attitudes. It may actually break up the apparent unity of the 27 Member States which, in my view, isa 27 Member States which, in my view, is a unity which is there but extremely brittle under pressure and we need to apply that pressure. Its good to have your thoughts, thank you for coming in. Disunity in the 27 and asbestos underwear only on 100 days. We are well accustomed to President Trump being the center of controversy but this time it is the turn of the Vice President , mike pence. He has been widely criticised for his weekend trip to indianapolis to watch his hometown colts play the 49ers. He flew at great expense aboard air force 2, from las vegas to indianapolis and then back to la. Estimated cost 250,000 dollars. Far more than it would have cost had he flown straight to la. From the Football Game he tweeted a picture of himself sitting in the stands with wife susan which it turns out was taken three years ago. And then it emerged that he had walked out straight after the National Anthem because some of the players had again knelt in protest. Was this spontaneous . No not according to the press pack who were with him who were told to wait in the trucks. This is the reaction of one of the 49ers players after the game. My honest reaction, does anyone know the last time he went to a Football Game . 0k he tweeted out a three year old photo the information i have is the last time he went to a colts game was three years ago so this looks like a pr stunt to me. This morning President Trump tweeted the trip by vp pence was long planned. He is receiving great praise for leaving game after the players showed such disrespect for country lets get ron christie back. Political stunt or principled stand, as we ask at the beginning . political stunt or principled stand, as we ask at the beginning . I think it is actually both. I think it is a publicity stunt when you fly halfway across the country, go to a Football Game and say, i will be jetting across the country, go to a Football Game and say, i will bejetting in a few minutes, and walking out. When you know these players will take a knee. But i do agree, as an avid Football Player and a patriotic american, i would fly out of the game if american, i would fly out of the game if i saw these multi Million Dollar brats taking a knee. Its a political stunt but i agree with him leaving. As we suck all of the water out of the swamp, when some of the taxpayers so, we had steven mnuchin, tom price and now we have Vice President pence flying all over the country and wasting our tax dollars . It is amazing to me how republicans campaign to be the fiscal conservatives and wanting to be be shepherd to the taxpayers dollar but you have all of these people taking private chartered flights and living life on the hog. For goodness sake, fly commercial if you have to go somewhere. I understand you want to protect Vice President and the president but when have cabinet secretaries jetting around like they are rich and famous, it gives a sour taste, that they are the positions for them, and not me. Did we miss a major headline, did you just say that you area headline, did you just say that you are a Football Player . Im a huge football fan i thought ron christie, the Football Player, the football star earning multi Million Dollar is was gracing us with his president s what are you doing on our programme . Im a cricket player and trying to liven it up a bit, im a cricket player thats a bigger story, an american that plays cricket you never know here on 100 days and very quickly, the Vice President did well this weekend, or not . Politically . I would president did well this weekend, or not . Politically . Iwould say president did well this weekend, or not . Politically . I would say a title he didnt do any damage but he didnt do himself any good. Its great to have you with us. You are watching beyond 100 days from the bbc. Coming up on the bbc news channel, one of hollywoods most famous producers is sacked from his own company. The latest on the allegations made against Harvey Weinstein. And we humans cannot be trusted to make rational decisions, we need to be nudged into them. I thought that was kattys policy. We will hear from thought that was kattys policy. We will hearfrom richard thought that was kattys policy. We will hear from Richard Thaler. Thought that was kattys policy. We will hearfrom Richard Thaler. Much more still to come. We are approaching this time of year where there is a lot of cloudy and damp weather, that is what is in store over the next few days. For most of the week and the next 48 hours, there is a lot of damp weather in North Western areas. This cloud across the atlantic is racing in our direction. This south westerly flow of air, pushing in from the south west, expected to carry on for the next few days. How to break up in some areas. Tonight, rain across the hills of wales. Around the Lake District and into scotland. Quite a breeze from the south west, and temperature values of 14 degrees, 12 degrees in newcastle. And tomorrow, fresh and sunshine in scotland and northern ireland. The next weather system comes in, bringing in more rain. In the south, the club to break up and we get highs of 18 degrees. Tuesday night into wednesday, this weather front night into wednesday, this weather fro nt m oves night into wednesday, this weather front moves across the uk. These isobars, these white lines, it basically means stronger winds, it will be a breezy day. On wednesday, those winds are higher, slightly heavier rain in the north of the country. Eventually, it will turn right across scotland. This cold front means it has cold air coming behind it. That means first thing thursday morning, a touch of frost in some northern areas. It will be mild and breezy, a little spell of cold weather as we head towards thursday morning. Especially in northern areas. It will turn milder as we head towards the weekend. All of this orange is warm air from the southern climes, living in our direction with this big area of low pressure. Mild air, heading in our direction. Guess what . I wont necessarily say it will feel like summer necessarily say it will feel like summer but we will see temperatures potentially in the 20s across some southern areas potentially in the 20s across some southern areas come potentially in the 20s across some southern areas come the weekend. So, a grey start with the rain and the wind, turning warmer by the weekend. This is beyond 100 days, with me katty kay in washington Christian Frasers in london. One of the Top Republican senators is now in a twitter war with the president even comparing the white house to adult day care. The white house says the border wall is a must on any immigration policy putting thousands of young people brought here illegally in jeopardy. Coming up in the next half hour, catalonia could declare independence from spain injust 24 hours time but the diplomatic and economic pressure is mounting on the regions president. And we find out why ivana trump turned down the chance to be the Us Ambassador to the czech republic. Let us know your thoughts by using the hashtag beyond0nehundreddays. Four days after the New York Times broke a story about Sexual Harassment by one of the titans of hollywood, there is still a stunning silence from the movie industry. 0scar winning Actress Meryl Streep has finally come out and criticised Harvey Weinstein for what she called inexcusable behavior but thats about it. The painful truth is that many people were aware for years of weinsteins behaviour. It would seem he was hiding in plain sight, no doubt protected to some extent by his friendships with famous people. This weekend one of his accusers rose mcgowan said the silence was deafening. 0ur north america correspondent nick bryant reports. Hes a behind the camera figure who has become one of the most prominent red carpet stars of the industry. Harvey weinstein now cast by some as a sexual predator. He is the producer behind a string of hits. Pulp fiction showed how he could turn arthouse films into box office sensations. The king s speech brought oscar winning success. But now hes been fired from the company he co founded. In light of what the wine Steam Company described, his new information about his misconduct. Ashleyjudd was one of the first actresses to speak out and the New York Times reported hed reached settlements with eight women. The question stands, who protected Harvey Weinstein . Did the women believe this would hurt their careers . It is a movie mogul allegedly preying on aspiring young actresses in a modern day version of the casting couch, but the industry has been slow to publicly condemn a figure of enormous influence. 0ne with the power to break as well as make careers. Harvey weinstein is a prominent democrat with friends such as Hillary Clinton in high places but today the first lady of hollywood, meryl streep, a friend who once referred to him as god spoke out about the claims. The disgraceful news about Harvey Weinstein has appalled those of us who work he championed. The intrepid women who raised their voices to expose this abuse are our heroes. Judi dench, who won an oscarfor her role in the weinstein movie shakespeare in love, said the allegations were horrifying. Last week he apologised for behaviour which in the past had caused a lot of pain but also claimed many of the accusations are false. This is a storyline that even he cannot control. We are all the people, hollywood has a view on domestic abuse, politics, climate change, almost everything. But this guy, who revealed himself ina but this guy, who revealed himself in a restaurant, actresses who watched and massage in the shower, nothing there have been a lot of questions about where is hollywood when it is one of their rome. They all spoke out when the president of fog news was accused of Sexual Harassment. You heard a lot of people in this country. A stunning silence. For these young women who had been in this position, harassed by somebody who is so much more powerful than a hour. It will make it even harder next time around. People like ashleyjudd, when they we re people like ashleyjudd, when they were in this position. As profiles 90, were in this position. As profiles go, hollywood gets zero. It is not just the actresses, because donald trump said he knew. But it is also, you have to realise how incredibly powerful Harvey Weinstein was comic he controlled , they also didnt wa nt to he controlled , they also didnt want to speak out. Meryl streep has spoken out, where is everybody else . Lets move on. Sometimes even christian and i behave in ways that arent rational. We do things that arent in our own best interests. Christian, for example, spends a lot more money on ties than he can really afford. Ive been known to splurge on another pair of shoes i didnt really need. What we didnt realise is that our behaviour could become the subject of a nobel prize. Well, not ours in particular, but man kinds tendency to act irrationally. Its the field of economics known as behavioural economics and now one area of it has earned Richard Thaler a place in the history books. And if you think, hey, where do i recognise this guy from, maybe this willjog your memory. Selina has a pretty good hand, showing 18, dealing showing seven. A good hand, good odds, the odds of her winning this hand is 87 . Ij good hand, good odds, the odds of her winning this hand is 87 . I am ona her winning this hand is 87 . I am on a winning streak and everybody wants to get on the act. How could i lose . This is a classic error, in basketball is called the hot hand fallacy, a player makes a bunch of shots in a row, players are sure hell make the next one. They are sure that what is happening now will continue to happen in the future. During the real estate boom markets we re during the real estate boom markets were going up and people never thought it would go down. 0ur economics editor kamal ahmed is here. Explain behavioural economics, why doi explain behavioural economics, why do i always make that decision . M you think about 0rthodox economics, it assumes we are rational beings. Given a set of options, we consider those options and we choose what is best for us. Richard thaler and many others have said that is not quite how human beings behaviour. They make bad decisions, we are busy, we do things out of habit not rational decision making. His idea, that behavioural economics, if you understand it you can nudge people towards better choices. But doing things outside 0rthodox economics would argue. Lets talk about healthy eating. If you want people to talk about eating healthily, godman will put out information about obesity being a bad thing, diabetes and cardiac condition. Richard thaler said it is better to put the food on a shelf in your eye line, that nudges you towards eating healthy food, even if you havent heard of the obesity argument. It is this idea that we can be encouraged to make better choices not by being proven to us, that at choices are bad, but by nudging us. The notion of your gym membership, we all let it fade. What would be better, rather than redoing it, would be telling you all your friends are still in the gym and they go once a week. That gets your competitive juices going, that is called peer norm pressure. Rather then being told you should stay fit, you are told you should stay fit, you are told that your mates are staying fit. It is different ways of not wasting huge amounts of government money on public campaigns, but doing small, Little Things that have a big impact. I cant believe from a media have let your gym membership slip i remember when this came out, it is about time, this is so obvious, that people behave in ways that are irrational. I dont need that extra pairof irrational. I dont need that extra pair of shoes, but what i want to know about the theory of this is whether it has worked in practice. How much evidence is there that if economists change the way they think, they have managed to make is make better choices. In britain and in america, it has, they have 90 units in government that look out how to make policies work. One is on pensions, we tend not to think about saving for the future because we think short term. Automatic enrolment into pensions means that people are now saving much more than their pensions. It was on about telling them that you should be saving more, well put in an automatic thing where you were obliged. That shows how behavioural economics can make better decisions on serious matters like old age. 0n theissue on serious matters like old age. 0n the issue of food and healthy eating, 20 of more people ate healthy food if it was put in their eyeliner rather than if they were simply told that it would be good for them. Actually, even though it sounds fun and jolly, this behavioural nudge aspect does have a good outcome. It also engages with us on good outcome. It also engages with usona good outcome. It also engages with us on a more human level, economics can seem a us on a more human level, economics can seem a bit dry and boring. Richard thaler has successfully make this a human language, a language about how we live. And admitting that humans can be wrong. It allows us to make mistakes and a good thing to do, rather than wagging your finger. It is interesting, one thing that happened here when nudge came out, a nanny state, there was quite a lot of pushback from conservative circles saying that we dont want the government nudging us in what might be the right direction. Not a debate you have heard much of in the uk. Lets look at other stories. Us media say an investigation by google has discovered that russian agents spent tens of thousands of dollars on adverts in an effort to interfere in last years us president ial election. Sources connected to googles probe say the ads were aimed at spreading disinformation across googles products, including youtube and gmail. A google statement said the company was deepening its investigation. Firefighters are battling several fast moving wildfires that have forced residents to leave many neighbourhoods in northern california. Mandatory evacuations have been in place since sunday, after a blaze broke out, less than 90 kilometres north of san francisco. Winds of more than 60 Miles Per Hour are fanning the flames across the region. Turkey has issued another arrest warrant for an employee of the us consulate in istanbul the second this week. In an escalating diplomatic row, washington and ankara have suspended most types of visas to each others citizens. Turkey accuses the us consulate workers of having links to last years failed coup attempt. Youre watching beyond 100 days. To spain now and theres uncertainty about whether catalonias leader will declare independence following the recent disputed referendum. The regions president , Carles Puigdemont, will address the Catalan Parliament on tuesday. But some of his partys own politicians have indicated he will make a symbolic statement, rather than calling for a total breakaway from madrid. Lets speak to the bbcs tim willcox in barcelona. Are you getting a sense of what might happen tomorrow . M are you getting a sense of what might happen tomorrow . It is changed, because when i arrived last night, i thought there might be this form of words that might avoid declaring independence. But today speaking to people on both sides, im really not sure. It is only 24 hours ago that you had hundreds of thousands of demonstrators taking to the streets of barcelona, wanting to stay unified with spain following the referendum eight days ago where 90 of the people who took part voted for succession to leave spain ona voted for succession to leave spain on a 43 turnout. But the language coming from both Carles Puigdemont andindeed coming from both Carles Puigdemont and indeed the spanish Prime Minister, certainly his deputy Prime Minister, certainly his deputy Prime Minister also, i think the stakes are getting higher. There is real uncertainty and division here. Not only among People Living in regions with autonomy anyway, so i think the odds are even about what Carles Puigdemont will do tomorrow and factoring or so the reaction of Mariano Rajoy, we dont want interlocutors, we dont want mediation, this is illegal, we cant do this. We will not talk to any third party, that is the official statement. A cautious Prime Minister, politically viable, as indeedis minister, politically viable, as indeed is the catalan president , if you met Mariano Rajoy up the staircase, you couldnt tell if he is going up or down. But he has the support of wider spain disagreeing with this unconstitutional move to hold a referendum. I think if he is pushed and provoked he may well invoke article 155 which takes away autonomy from catalonia and reverted back to midriff. If that happens it will be fascinating. Reverted back to madrid. How much do they talk their about the reaction from the rest of europe . We heard france and germany coming out, not surprisingly, saying this will not be recognised. You can declare independence but we wont recognise it. Is that something that concerns people in barcelona or not particularly . Again, it depends who you speak to. Those who want separatism say that this is just threats, if we declare independence the world would come to us. We would have two, we are too big of an economy to ignore. Bat they would have. The eu it would be devastating. This is potentially the biggest crisis ever to affect the eu if this region of catalonia did break away. It could provoke other secessionist movements as well and cause real chaos. Which is precisely why the french and germans are saying what they are. Thank you. Still to come. Tanning revolution into a still to come. Tanning revolution intoafamily still to come. Tanning revolution into a family business, 50 years after the death of che guevara, his son takes the bbc on a motorcycle tour of havana. Now times running out to spend your old pound coins in a weeks time, businesses will be able to refuse to accept them. From monday, the old pound will no longer be legal tender although some shops may ignore the royal mints deadline, to give us more time to spend the coins. Simon gompertz reports. The days of the old round pound are numbered. From next monday shops will not have to accept them and they will not be allowed to give them in change, but some shops, like poundland, are unhappy about their customers being encouraged to think they cant come and spend their old pound if they still have them. And here is the cause the new 12 sided pound coins being struck in their hundreds of thousands at the royal mint. The mint and the treasury wanted a clean switchover between the two. Poundland is rejecting the idea of a sharp cut off, saying it will accept the old pound until the end of the month, something businesses can do if they want to. Another problem is that in some places, and with some parking machines for instance, if you try to use the new pound coin, itjust gets rejected because they have not adjusted the machinery yet. Hammersmith and Fulham Council in london said it will have the job done later in the year. Meanwhile, tesco still has some coin operated trolleys which have to be modified with just days to go before the deadline. However, if you have old pounds left over afterwards, banks are saying they will accept them indefinitely from their own customers and when that stops, the bank of england will take them for ever. 0ne niggle for businesses is that hsbc, lloyds and some other banks want customers to sort the old and new coins into different bags, before paying them in, so it is goodbye to the round pound. But not without some annoyance and disruption. Simon gompertz, bbc news. Lets return to one of our top stories President Trump has demanded funding for his border wall as part of any deal on immigration. A red line for the democrats but if they reject it the fate of thousands of young people brought to this country illegally by their parents, will be injeopardy. There are currently around 700,000 recipients of the deferred action plan known as daca. The bbc recently caught up with a few of those people referred to as dreamers in fresno, california. It breaks my heart and breaks me mentally. I remember being little and not knowing what would happen, i just knew i was going to see my dad. Being able to get my kids in school, it isa being able to get my kids in school, it is a dream compared to what i rememberasa kid it is a dream compared to what i remember as a kid growing up. |j it is a dream compared to what i remember as a kid growing up. I feel the political and government. Is unpredictable, anything can happen. In this year the us has been a roller coaster, at least for me. It has been very unstable. In the face of isolation, we have different groups running for different causes. The biggest one is immigration. To do the right thing, work, education, get a job. Do the right thing, work, education, get ajob. I see do the right thing, work, education, get a job. I see this is my country, i spend more time here than anywhere else. We have dreams, just like anybody else, we want to give back to the country that has given us so much. Those are the people that the democrats want to protect, which puts them in a bind, they want to help the dreamers but they dont wa nt to help the dreamers but they dont want to put this tough new measures that donald trump wants. They will have to choose at some point, the democratic leadership, that these proposals are dead on arrival. It has been 50 years since the death of one of worlds most famous revolutionary figures ernesto che guevara. He runs a private business on the island offering motorbike tours to tourists. In cuba, will grant went for along for a ride. Son of latin americas best known revolutionary icon, Ernesto Guevara has inherited much from his father his strong features, his name and his passion for motorbikes. But unlike che guevara, ernesto has taken a very different path in life into tourism. He runs a motorbike tour company, whose only link to che is in the name poderosa tours after the famous norton 500 of the motorcycle diaries. Translation this is a private Company Using foreign capital, working alongside some state run cuban companies. That is not a new union, it has been happening for years, now, for centuries, in fact. Ernesto gave us rare access to join him on a city tour of havana. Business is brisk, with cuba receiving record numbers of visitors, last year. Ernestos company has proven a popular way to see the island. Americans my age, we have never been able to come to cuba and now we can and i dont know how long that will last so i thought i had tojump through this window when i could. When 0bama opened up cuba, she said, we really should go soon. Before it changes. So it took us a while to kindof get it together but we are here now and i have really enjoyed it. Despite his name, ernesto insists he is very much his own man. Translation its never been a big deal to me, to have the surname guevara, and i have never used my surname for anything. The upbringing my mother gave me would never have allowed me to act like that. As the son of a famous marxist whose image adorns every Street Corner in cuba, Ernesto Guevara knows he has his critics, especially in miami, who accuse him of double standards for running a capitalist venture on a communist island. But criticism is not something that bothers him. Translation i am the co ordinator because i like doing this, because it is my idea to start doing tourism by motorbike. Nothing more. It has nothing to do with whether it is socialist or capitalist. In the 50th anniversary of his fathers death, ernesto admits that sometimes his surname has been a difficult cross to bear. Certainly, the global fascination with che guevara is unlikely to slow down. Still, he is happy to simply focus on what interests him most seeing cuba by motorbike. Will grant, bbc news, havana. Ican i can see you doing that, christian. Here. Asked me for advice about tweeting. What did you tell him . I told him to tweak. He i could be the ambassador. But i like my freedom, why would i say goodbye to miami in the summer, and spring and fall in new york. I have a perfect life. Why indeed . She is the one to blame will stop she is the one telling him to tweet. She rings him every two weeks at the white house and he asks her what he should say. And she tells him to keep tweeting. It is herfault tells him to keep tweeting. It is her fault and telling him to keep it in the family business. You now have the prospect of his ex wife now being the ambassador to the czech republic. She also said i am the first mrs trump so i am really the first mrs trump so i am really the first lady. I wonder how that went down . Seriously, it is quite interesting that she still has a close relationship with him. The point is that he has invited her to be the ambassador of the czech republic. It tells you that he doesnt have many people to turn to and that he or so likes to keep it in the family, even his ex wife he would bring into the family business. , what i like you said is seriously, there is nothing serious about this, it that she would have delivered leave her life in st tropez . We are approaching the time of year when we get damp and drizzly weather. That is what is happening this week, and this 48 hours will bring many doubt weather to the northwestern and western areas. This cloud on the atlantic is rating in our direction and this south western pattern, this flow of air with the cloud preaching in from the south west, is expected to carry on to the next few days. The club will break up in some areas, so it is not all bad. It wont be raining all the time. Tonight we have most of the rain across the hills of wales, the la ke rain across the hills of wales, the Lake District and into scotland as well, without quite a breeze from the south west. Temperatures are in double figures. Tomorrow, is a little bit fresher with sunshine for a time in scotland and northern ireland. Then the next weather system ireland. Then the next weather syste m co m es ireland. Then the next weather system comes in and brings in yet more rain. In the south the cloud will break up the little bit and we will break up the little bit and we will get highs around 18. Tuesday night, into wednesday, that weather front, the next one that is, moves across the uk, these isobars, the white lines, mean stronger winds, it will be a breezy day. On wednesday those winds are a notch higher, slightly heavier rain across the north of the country, eventually will turn brighter across scotland. This cold front means it has slightly colder air behind it, so the first thing on thursday morning there is a touch of frost in northern areas. It will be mild and breezy, but that is not strictly true there will be that mild spell of cold weather on thursday morning. Especially in northern areas. But thenit especially in northern areas. But then it will turn much milder every turn towards the weekend. All this 0range turn towards the weekend. All this orange is warm air coming in from the southern climates, drawn by this big vortex, this big area of low pressure, milder air heading big vortex, this big area of low pressure, milderair heading in big vortex, this big area of low pressure, milder air heading in our direction in the weekend. Guess what . I went necessarily say it feels like summer, but we will potentially see temperatures in the 20s across some southern areas on the weekend. This week has a grey start, rain and wind, but turning warmer by the end. This is bbc news. The headlines at 8 theresa may says the ball is in the eus court as she prepares for the possibility the uk could leave without a brexit deal, as she announces new proposals for how the uk could trade should that happen. While i believe it is in all our interests for the negotiations to succeed, it is our responsibility as a government to prepare for every eventuality. An inquiry hears how prosecutors misled the press over abuse investigations into the late mp cyril smith. Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein is sacked from the company he founded as allegations of his Sexual Harassment grow. Also in the next hour two sides of the coin. Some wont take the new version, some wont take the old confusion reigns as the deadline to scrap the old pound coin approaches

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