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We asked the spectators Fraser Nelson and a professor who worked alongsidejohn mcdonnell. Music. Also tonight. Just how much fun did those bunnies really have . As the death of hugh hefner is announced, we ask if playboy can be seen as a force for emancipation. And this. He said he was stepping down to avoid causing embarrassment to the Prime Minister and to his colleagues in government. Alan hollinghurst on his new book, the sparsholt affair. The book opens in oxford in 1940 at the time of the blackout. We end up in the book at the end of 2013 and the whole nations personal privacy has radically altered. Good evening. A conservative Prime Minister running to the defence of capitalism would have seemed, in another age, like a fish talking up the benefit of water. Today, theresa may felt the need to tell an audience at the bank of england that a free, well regulated, market economy, is the greatest agent of collective Human Progress ever created. Why . Does she seeJeremy Corbyns brand of new economics as a big enough threat to address . Or does she suspect the country itself is moving away from the things, the beliefs, her party has long taken for granted. Theyre not unrelated of course. So perhaps the bigger question is, is she right to worry . Is capitalism having a quiet crisis of confidence . Heres chris cook. The mood on our Economic System appears to be shifting. Today, the Prime Ministerfelt obliged to defend its free markets from assault. A tide of scepticism about capitalism has been coming in since the financial crisis. But, these days its clearest manifestation is the peaceful movement, being led byJeremy Corbyn. The capitalist system still faces a crisis of legitimacy stemming from the crash. Now is the time that government took a more active role in restructuring our economy. Applause. You might be blase about all of this. After all, its hardly a new complaint from the left that capitalism is in crisis. But the thing is, capitalism in britain is in a crisis. You see, over the past few centuries, capitalisms genius in britain has been delivering higher and higher productivity. That is to say, Technological Innovations have been incorporated that let the average worker produce more in a given hour. That made us all richer, its fed into higher living standards. The problem is, that process has recently started to break down. This is a graph showing how much hourly productivity has grown over ten years going back to the late 18th century. You can see it goes in fits and starts with bad times and good times. But, on average, the amount that we produce for an hour of labour grows by about 15 over a decade. Productivity growth is now at a 200 year low. For all the innovation around us, the amount of stuff a british worker can make in an hour has basically not increased for a decade. Most people dont talk about productivity in their day to day lives, but they do talk about their wage packets. Because that is what matters for their living standards. Every talk about wages over the last few years, one of the reasons growth has been so low is because productivity hasnt been growing. It is no coincidence wages are so low that this has been a catastrophic decade for productivity. There is suggestion it has eroded support for economic liberals. People will survey done whether they agree more with the proposition the pay of Senior Executives should be capped or businesses should pay what their Senior Executives see fit. What about, government needs to do more about how businesses behave vs how the government regulates too much . Dont assume the scepticism is driven just by young people, as the reports other author explains. Young voters and older voters are very different, and that is clearly seen on social issues, where young voters are more liberal and older voters are more conservative. When it comes to the economic issues, they are broadly quite far to the left on a lot of economic issues. What is to be done . The debate in this country has gone to public, private and who owns what. We should be having a discussion about the shared responsibilities, and the shared risk taking, the Co Investment in new areas which will lead to profits, but in the meantime helps solve massive societal problems, whether it is on Climate Change or the 21st century care system we need for the ageing population. Britains economic malaise is that its a country whose growth has come from working more, not working better. I am nowjoined by the editor of the spectator, Fraser Nelson. Alsojoining us, here to offer a social democratic perspective, is professor anastasia nesvetailova, she is the director of the City Political Economy Research Centre and was a member ofjohn mcdonnells Economic Advisory board until it disbanded last year. Down the line from new york professor richard wolff, an american marxist economist, who has written books including capitalism hits the fan. Were feeling the pusle here do you think something is really shifting in how the country views capitalims and its benefits . I would say so. Not only in this country, i would say capitalism, crises in capitalism come and go. There are Structural Conditions that have not been resolved since 2007. Austerity worsened the situation. There are bigger problems as was mentioned in the report. Ageing embarrassment, inequality and these are huge challenges facing the future. Unfortunately, unlike in previous transitions of capitalism in the 20th century, we dont have a vision on how to resolve them. It is not coordinated or articulated. Was theresa may right to go out and defend capitalism and the free market . Did it sound like confidence orfear . It sounded like a Prime Minister who is realising the other side is talking about socialism. Tories thought this was ridiculous, but actually there is a market forJeremy Corbyns ideas. Take the renationalisation, two thirds of tories want re renationalise, utilities we rationalise. The conservatives are thinking, maybe we should be engaging in these basic arguments. Tories have a habit for thinking the arguments are settled in the 805. If i can go tu professor in new york, this is global, isnt it . Probably not a new thing . It is not new, but speaking from the United States, i can assure you it is deeper than anything we have seen in my lifetime, with my grey hair. I have never seen americans on a scale, left, right, old, young, questioning the system. Showing they are not willing to go along with an old stale debate about public versus private. They are beyond that, they want fundamental changes and the vision that is emerging here as people question and challenge capitalism is the notion that the way we go forward has to be at the base of society. If we want it to work differently, it is the worker co op idea, changing the way the enterprise works is where we have to focus. There is a difference between questioning how capitalism works and saying it is time to overthrow it . Neither of you have been an advocate for something so radical . It is the only game in town. You still believe that . Yes. There are varieties of capitalism and there are varieties of relationships that govern it. As a free marketeer, as a spectator editor, would you stand here now, sit here now and say, the tories do have to have bigger ideas and do things differently, they have to incorporate socialist elements into their policy . Not socialist elements, but the tories need to make the argument for basic Wealth Creation. They cant assume these arguments are won. You have employment at a record high, inequality at a 30 year low. So many things going right in the economy, the conservatives think they speak for themselves, but they dont, you need to articulate it. When David Cameron came in in 2010, since then, those at the bottom, their incomes have come up the most and those at the top, their incomes have come down. They are possibly asking the wrong question. At the time of the financial crash, it was all about austerity, and restructure, it was about equality . Yes, social progress. Was that wrong . Yes, they were talking about fairness, social cohesion. This was a progressive government they brought society closer together but now nobody believes it. Anastasia, when a conservative voice is meeting you that far, what does that tell you aboutJeremy Corbyn, john mcdonnell, what do they have to do now if they are going to secure this . I would agree with fraser, that there is a Centre Ground and the need for resolution and different diagnosis. One of the big mistakes in addition to austerity, which was a fatal, political decision, was this unspoken understanding we should return to pre crisis 2007 type level of the economy. This was the point precisely where things, why they broke down. So to restore that particular level of the financial system, the balance between public and private and market and state, that was the visionary mistake. Professor, there is this tag line taken on here, called centrist dad, someone who cannot get their head round a more progressive type of politics, do you think when you talk about marxism, you are talking about a throwback to the 70s or about something brand new . I am talking about something brand new. Marxism has evolved and the critique of capitalism and the critique of socialism was practised over the last century. All of those things have been superseded, they have been criticised. People have learned. But is why the focus is not on the state doing more or less. I would disagree respectfully with the others. We have tried every type of capitalism i can imagine. State involved, state not so much involved, little more of this, little more of that. We are done with that. At least in the United States. The thrust of where people want to go is something else. Changing the organisation of the enterprise, democratising it is a fundamental shift which isnt containable within the capitalist shell and that is where people are going, at least here. Let me ask you what seems an obvious question, what is donald trump . Is he a capitalist, a protectionist, or is he trying to throw the system upside down . How do you view him in economic terms at least . In economic terms, he is a sign that the old establishment, the democratic, republican, it is beside the point, nobody wants it any more. He was the one to come forward on the right, which is where america is, and say, i am something new and throw all of that out. Bernie sanders, on the other side, that is the sign going in another direction. His is the old package, as though it was something new. Most americans already see that and they watch in dismay as he does his games and his tweets. They want to go somewhere else. As a conservative, you have to have something to conserve. As a capitalist, you have do have capital . If young people today dont see they have anything to conserve, mortgages, houses or capital, where do those new conservatives come from . That is a problem. The bubble created means that house prices are so created means that house prices are so high that the new generation doesnt think it will have a stake in the free market system and doesnt think it can lose anything by having Jeremy Corbyn in power. So you have lost them . The conservatives need to do more to win them back and demonstrate the appeal and how the free market system is everybodys best way to a more prosperous future. Global poverty is 10 . It was 40 when i was born. It is collapsing. In britain, the Wealth Creation is amazing. But you need to articulate the success. You think this is the right track as opposed to just a protest track . Not necessarily, it is interesting to hear an american perspective, this is a debate on a national solution. All the policies will be defined by the rule makers of the time, the eu and the us and if youre not work with them, your alone. That is another question. Thank you all very much. Now to rex, a breakthrough. The body language today had changed, hadnt it . I think that is correct. A breakthrough may be overselling a. We need to make progress on the island of irelands, once an actual commitments and on citizen rights. There are still major problems on those fronts to be there does not look like we will get the talks unlocked to broader issues any time soon. But the tone of Michel Barniers comments are much warmer, it felt a lot less like a headmaster telling of a naughty schoolchild. That stuff really matters because other countries, other political leaders need to buy yen and Michel Barnier is making it easier politically for them to do that. It feels that we are closer to a better place than we were. The Iraqi Government has said it will impose a ban on on flights into kurdish territory. The Kurdish People voted for independence which has angered many powers. For independence which has angered many powers. Turkey for independence which has angered many powers. Turkey has many world powers. Turkey has threatened crippling restrictions, british Officials Say they are self sufficient and have rejected the demands of baghdad. Is this pretty much what you would have expected from a result like that . think 92, 90 expected from a result like that . think 92,90 3 is expected from a result like that . think 92, 90 3 is what we would have expected in favour of independence. In terms of the reaction, we expected strong words and blasted but i think that bad, by shutting of kurdistans airport, is showing that it really means business year. We have seen the parliament urging iraqi Prime Minister is to send in troops to reta ke minister is to send in troops to retake oilfields. Whether they will go that far, we are a long way from that stage, but we have seen iraq and iran doingjoint that stage, but we have seen iraq and iran doing joint military exercises near the border, iraq and turkey doing something similar. The key will be to see what the turkish to. They say they will now only deal with baghdad for oil. Kurdistan exports over half a Million Barrels of oil, nearly all of that through turkey. Is that pipeline is cut off, they say they can manage but i think they say they can manage but i think they will be in trouble. The pentagon says it is worried that this takes away the focus on isis. Is that a legitimate worry . If kurdistan goes independent then eve ryo ne kurdistan goes independent then everyone forgets about isis . The americans and the british are worried about that. Interestingly we saw Islamic State put out what they said was an audio statement by what they said was their leader, trying to deny it claims he was killed by the russians. We could not verify whether it is him. It does sound like an. If it is him, it seems to be made quite recently. It references north korea. It seems to references north korea. It seems to reference the referendum. What the americans are worried about is if there will be genuine conflict inside the International Anti ices coalition. The kurds were key to that. If there is conflict and that will take their eye off the ball, potentially open ended door for them to return just as they have almost been pushed out. These are far spread pockets but when you add up kurdistan and catalonia and, scotla nd kurdistan and catalonia and, scotland and brexit, you do start to get this emerging sense that referendums are on the rise. Is there something to do . Can it go anywhere . In terms of kurdistan, there is no constitutional mechanism for them to secede. There is no article 50 that they can trigger. This referendum was designed as the start of a bargaining position with baghdad. The kurds have dreamt of a homeland ever since they were left homeless after the break up of the 0ttoman homeless after the break up of the ottoman empire. They will fight this bug that baghdad and iran and turkey who have their own kurdish minorities to worry about and worry about the secessionist example being set, they will fight hard to prevent it. The british and the americans will also do so. The kurds are really on their own here. The only people supporting the are the israelis and in the middle east having the israelis on your site can bea having the israelis on your site can be a double edged sword. Having the israelis on your site can be a doubleedged sword. An all Party Parliamentary group for kurdistan, we have the minister to tell us about the progress being made. Clearly both the United States and the uk tried quite hard and, i must say, i commend everyone and their teams who tried to get to a place where there is an agreement. A framework for negotiation over and it nine year period between kurdistan and baghdad. A new agreement . A new agreement between the two sides. Referendum being postponed. Alas they were out of time. The campaign had gained its own momentum. We were there, as Many International observers were, invited by the high commission. We went to places. My colleague spent most of the day in kirkuk. A big turn out there, a mixed turnout in other areas. The kurds have said already that this is a non binding referendum. This is a position that they have a mandate from their people to negotiate. Its not that they dont ever expect to be independent and they want to see how far this mandate can go or is the iraqi Central Government wrong to tell them that they could not have autonomy . Prime minister buddy was close to the negotiations. And since thenit close to the negotiations. And since then it has been said that we can go back and facilitate that negotiation. I think all options they were pushing for to be on the table. I suspect where we are today is, you know, the moment you have a referendum, and you have to begin to negotiate, to go to your people and say that this is where we are at. Do you think they should be allowed to have that referendum . You think they should be allowed to have that referendum . They have clearly had it. It the right to Self Determination is enshrined in the un. The point is that i think it is unwise to collectively punish, for example as of tomorrow, all International Flights being banned. Prime minister a buddy has said he will not punish the Kurdish People in that immediate sign that. Prime minister abadi. I think it would drive a wedge between the Kurdish People and baghdad which is not wise. I think the two sides need to come together and begin serious negotiations. There is a roadmap towards accommodation, a settlement between the two sides. Some will tell you all as the infidelity of his first marriage that created a dark fascination with sex for hugh hefner. Some will tell you he was merely an entrepreneur ahead of his time who saw the ease at which could be monetised. Either way he turned it into a multimillion dollar industry with an unforgettable logo. Magazine of high end soft focus nudity. Hugh hefner died yesterday at home. Hugh hefner often described as life is something out of an adolescent s wildest and wetter stream. He lived to the ripe old age of 91 and died in his mansion surrounded by family. It was a life lived in technicolor. I have a little bit of a rebel in me. A little bit of a rebel in me. A little bit of a rebel in me. A little bit of a nonconformist. I found myself at an early age asking questions and i was not getting satisfactory answers for a. As well as the archetypal bone bunnies, he told esquire magazine he had no idea of how many women he had been with. He reckoned it is over 1000. The magazine that made his name was founded over 60 years ago. Broke new ground, finding a way to do nude and make it seem high end. From the beginning i wanted to give 680 good name and incorporated as a natural pa rt name and incorporated as a natural part of the mens entertainment magazine. He turned it into one of the most recognised local bands in history. He launched his first issue aged 27 with money he had saved working as a copywriter. The cover featured what would become the most recognisable woman in the world. The rest is history. The magazine allowed him to launch a casinos and nig htclu bs allowed him to launch a casinos and nightclubs with its name and travel ona nightclubs with its name and travel on a corporatejet nightclubs with its name and travel on a Corporate Jet called big nightclubs with its name and travel on a corporatejet called big bunny. He hired a literary editor. Short stories by atwood and nabokov. Even an interview with Martin Luther king. At its peak, in the mid 70s, it was selling 7 million copies a month. Female celebrities lined up to sue playboy. Finally, one quits, a woman gets paid more than a man for comp able work. Perhaps that was nojoke. It for comp able work. Perhaps that was no joke. It appealed to the kind for comp able work. Perhaps that was nojoke. It appealed to the kind of man who wanted to feel frisky, not dirty. By todays standard it seems benign. And airbrushing of the messy bits of sex, leaving behind just the languid glamour, the silk pyjama. And what of the legacy he left . Aside, that is, from the 50 million or so dollars he will not be leaving to with 31 year old wife. Did he pave the way we for a rougher and nasty pornography for opening the door of acceptability, or was he a liberator of women, putting their sexuality and power centre stage at a time when few before him had dead . Did you see him as a pornographer . I guess it is hard to dispute that . It is very easy to dispute that. There was nothing pornographic at all in playboy or anywhere. He began by showing the girl next door, that was important to him, he believed and he loved the beauty of women, but more than anything, he believed in, im sorry i lost he believed in what was going on in the country and civil rights and he did many things to. Further civil rights. There were many black people who right now are talking about, in fact i was texted byjim brown last night who thanked me for the film that i made and how i put the true hugh hefner on the map. Many people have said that. I dont believe he is a pornographer. Youre to go deeper to find pornographer. Lets take that to our other guest. He was an advocate for civil rights, how do you see him . I mean this is kind of a surreal interview to listen to. It sounds like talking about a great leader. It is not a biography, it is a film and it was a film that was. Entirely funded independently. I made the film, because i met hugh hefner through my earlier movie about bix beiderbex. He wanted to see the film, have a copy of it and many years later my husband and i. Let her finish her point. In this era of fake news and fake biography and fake obituary, it is important to as, who is sponsoring information . If an independent biographer and an independent film maker said this guy is the best thing since sliced bread, that is one thing. I am not trying to get in a fight with you. If you step back from the man himself, was what he did pornographic, exploitative or was he a liberator of women who had never taken those roles up until that point . He very much respected women. Is there any point in my being here . I cant even speak. He was very respected by the women who worked for him. Naomi, do you want to address that thought . No, because it is not the main point that is relative, especially for the people on his payroll. Nor for the playboy foundation. What i want to say as an independent person, he both introduced or was part of this capitalist sexual revolution of the 60s, a partial sexual revolution and i think it is weird to have this cultural geography of him as a great liberator, First Amendment protector when what he did was innovate paying underpaid women, really big sums of money they couldnt say no to. We are staying with you, finish your point, naomi wolf. To take off their clothes, it was liberating of part of a reductive version of masculine libido to have this steady stream of naked women, cheap at that time. You should reverse the gender to see if this is a great liberator. I am going to leave. I will come back to you in a second, my question to naomi is, if you accept there is going to be a pron industry of some kind, wouldnt you prefer it to be porn or nudity alongside Margaret Atwood or articles about Martin Luther king which frames it in a more benevolent way . Id really like to finish what i came here to say. If you reverse the genders and a 91 year old woman had passed away who had made millions of dollars who have put millions of young, underpaid men of different in chipmunk outfits and encourage them to show women their genitals so that women could masturbate to them, you might say that was innovative. If you reversed the gender, we would find it totally unacceptable. Would you like to finish that point, if you reverse the gender. I am going to leave. Bridget, do you want to come in on that. I wasnt aware i was going to be arguing with another person. I have lost the person who was an amazing icon in america. He has changed the face of the world in many, many ways. I agree, there are some people who talk about him, that he exploited women, but at the same time i dont believe it. I have a right to my opinion. I fully hear that naomi sees the other side. But there is no arguing that. She is on one side and i am on the other. We will end it, but thank you both very much forjoining us. The Booker Prize Winning british author Alan Hollinghurst has previously chronicled wealth and controversy at the heart of the establishment during the aids panic of the 1980s, in his book the line of beauty. His new novel, the sparsholt affair, concerns a fictional gay sex scandal and its repercussions in the lives of several generations of a family. Alan hollinghurst gave this exclusive Television Interview to our culture correspondent, stephen smith. I think i wanted to create a sense of what one now has, trying to remember the famous scandals of the 60s or 70s. Profumo, poulson, the names of half remembered scandals which once sold millions of newspapers. A fictional affair from this era lurks in the background of Alan Hollinghursts new novel. I wanted it to assume in the book, something of that atmosphere of something for a moment in the news and then sort of, increasingly forgotten. And when someone mentions the name years later, it suddenly brings back the atmosphere of that period. So i was interested in the effect of the scandal i suppose, more than the actual mechanics of the scandal itself. He said he was stepping down to avoid causing embarrassment to the Prime Minister and his colleagues in the government. Of course, sex scandals are nothing new to hollinghursts readers. The Booker Prize Winning the line of beauty includes the fall of a fictional minister in mrs thatchers government. She was actually rather wonderful about it, the lady. Hinted there was a very good chance id be back in the government within the year. Well, thats all right then. Hollinghursts novel explores the lives of gay men and others in britain since the second world war, when homosexual acts were still illegal. The book opens in oxford, 19110 where its much easier for things, at the time of the blackout and so on. It could be clandestine and very secret and remain secret for decades. We end up, the book, in 2013 in a world in which the whole nation of personal privacy has radically altered and people are broadcasting their most intimate lives and acts online and i bring johnny, the son of david sparsholt, whose 60 at the end of the book, into this new world of sort of Online Dating and so forth. Are you on whatsapp . Michael said. Not yet. Said johnny. You should do it, we can whatsapp each other. We sort of got each other anyway, havent we . Said johnny. Then michael seemed to have finished all his phoning and texting. He sat back, grinned atjohnny in anticipation and said, so hey, enough about my dad, what did your dad do . My dad . Said johnny, briskly. Youve probably heard of the sparsholt affair . Michael smiled, almost tenderly at his screen, murmured, no, bitch and thumbed in a quick answer. He glanced atjohnny, sorry, what was it called . The movie, right . Well, not yet, said johnny. As a gay man, hollinghurst unequivocally approves of greater equality. As a chronicler of gay lives, he has a few modest regrets. If youre dealing with a world of secrets and private signals and codes and danger around sexual and romantic activities, youve got rather more to work with than you have. Personally, im pleased to be in a World Without all the legal prohibitions of the world into which i was born. And the hypocrisies of it . Exactly, and the dangers of it. Do you think those gains are secure . Well, i think in the present climate, we are beginning to feel theyre under threat. More dramatically, perhaps in the us than they are here. Certainly, outside our culture, if one looks at Eastern Europe or catastrophically, africa, the situation is absolutely terrible and getting worse and worse. When trump just, at the spur of the moment decides to ban transgender people from serving in the forces, it is a terrifyingly reactionary thing to do. Art is a theme of hollinghursts latest. The National Portrait gallery, or npg, piques the interest of a tv personality called bella, who fancies having herfamily immortalised. at a Corporate Party held in the npg, bella had been trapped for ten minutes in a side room showing new accessions, which included johnnys portrait of freddie green, bequeathed by his widow. Bella captured the label displaying these facts on her iphone. Jonathan sparsholt, born 1952. So, 60 years old and fairly experienced, but since shed never heard of him, perhaps not too expensive. its a tradition, which i suppose goes back to the 18th century, of people with a lot of money being painted in their. Finery. Lovely homes lovely homes, with their children and their labradors. I was rather amused and fascinated by the fact that thats all still going on. Perhaps someone will do that for you, alan . That would be nice. It would be great, wouldnt it . Thats it for today, which was, of course, National Poetry day. Now, it so happens the book a poem for every day of the year by allie esiri is being performed at the National Theatre in november, so we borrowed one of the cast to mark the occasion. Heres Joanna Lumley with something told the wild geese by rachel field. Good night. Something told the wild geese it was time to go. Though the fields lay golden something whispered, snow. Leaves were green and stirring, berries, lustre glossed. But beneath warm feathers something cautioned frost. All the sagging orchards steamed with amber spice, but each wild breast stiffened at remembered ice. Something told the wild geese it was time to fly. Summer sun was on their wings, winter in their cry. No frost in the forecast tonight. A mild night. A lot going on on the weather front. We are tracking maria, the storm that wrecked the islands of dominica and puerto rico last week. This area of low pressure in canada, then a cloud that looks like a massive year bringing rain across the uk. That is spreading in overnight ear. Wringing wet weather of western parts. Drizzle running in ahead of that where it seemed quite murky in the hills of southern england. Some hill fog patches working in. Some areas will see some rain. Quite a gloomy start for parts of central and eastern england. Patchy rain and far more coherent, but wet for many of us. Across parts of wales, devon and cornwall, writing up. A grotty morning commute in england. Damp in northern ireland, brighter skies edging into western scotland. Through the rest of the day, this band of rain pushing east. Quite slow to clear away from lincolnshire, yorkshire, east anglia and the far south east, but getting there in the afternoon. Some sunshine, blustery showers in the north west. Feeling quite cool compared with recent days. Temperatures 14 15 degrees. Could see 20 across eastern counties of england in the afternoon. Lost three conditions continuing through friday night across the north west of the country. Winds light across central and eastern england. Temperatures getting down into single figures. Quite a chilly start to the weekend. The weekend is a weekend of two halves. Saturday not bad, bright spells, showers in the west. Turning wet and windy during the course of the weekend. Saturdays forecast, a fairamount of the weekend. Saturdays forecast, a fair amount of sunshine for most. Not entirely dry, a few showers mainly affecting western areas. Temperatures on the poolside the north west. 17 18 degrees in the south east. Wet and windy on sunday, gales and severe gales coming our way around North Western coast. Blustery everywhere, rain followed by blustery showers. Temperatures 1619 by blustery showers. Temperatures 16 19 degrees. You will remember hurricane maria, that could bring a speu hurricane maria, that could bring a spell of heavy rain to southern counties of england on monday. It would be a hurricane, but we could have some very wet weather. It wont. And thats your weather. The headlines from singapore. Beijing gets tough on north korea. As businesses will be kicked out of china by january. And as businesses will be kicked out of china byjanuary. And could a dna breakthrough by chinese researchers pave the way to preventing genetic disease . And from london, also when the programme, calls grow for action to help the rohingya in myanmar, we reveal the un failures over the conflict. And waiting and watching. 0ver conflict. And waiting and watching. Over 100,000 conflict. And waiting and watching. 0ver100,000 people are now displaced as balis volcano threatens to erupt

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