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In the last 2a hours voters in germany have redrawn the countrys Political Landscape, and the affects are likely to be felt right around the world. Chancellor Angela Merkel will serve a fourth term in office, but her authority has been weakened as her party, the christian democrats, seeks to build a new coalition. Protests have also been held in several cities after the anti immigra nt alternative for deutchland party was forecast to win seats in the federal parliament for the first time. Damian grammaticas has more on that, in a moment, but first, heres our correspondent, jenny hill, on the political fallout. It has been a frustrating night for Angela Merkel. A brave face, though, for the cameras, and for the party faithful. Mrs merkel has won the election for them, but it is not the victory they had hoped for. Support for her conservatives is lower than it has ever been under her leadership, a verdict perhaps on her decision to open germanys doors to a million refugees. Translation lets not beat about the bush. Of course wed hoped for a better result. But lets not forget weve just had a very challenging four years. Thats why im happy to say we achieved the strategic goal of ourcampaign. We are the strongest party. Mrs merkel casts herself as a symbol of stability security in a shifting world. For many, a vote for Angela Merkel is a vote for the status quo. Her campaign has focused on her familiarity, her experience, and yet it seems that alone is no longer enough. Because this is todays real success story. Anti islam, anti immigrant, anti euro afd, the far right, is now part of the german establishment. Translation we will hunt them down. Well hunt mrs merkel down, and well take back our country and our people. It is a profound shift in postwar german politics. Today, running together in berlin. But, in the heart of this country, there is division, discontent. Translation they are like the nazis under hitler. I was born in 39. Im a war child, i grew up in the ruins, and now we get this again. Theyre criminals. Translation its difficult. There arent many alternatives to angela merket. Translation she doesnt do much on her own initiative. She reacts a lot to what others do, and thats a kind of stagnation. Angela merkel must now find coalition partners, win back voters, persuade her country, perhaps some in her party, she is the right woman for the job. Exhausted, bruised the end a long campaign. Mrs merkels conservatives may be the winners, but it doesnt feel much like victory. Jenny hill, bbc news, berlin. Nazis out nazis out, the chant. But the afd is in. And so left wing protesters took to berlins streets within minutes tonight. The afd has won more seats and influence than anyone imagined. So there is shock in a country still shamed by its nazi history. Im pretty shocked. Im really, really angry. Like, its complete sadness and rage. Like, its both in my heart right now. What is it about what the afd stands for that you most dislike . One of the highest guys of the afd, he said the germans had to be proud of what they did in the first and Second World War. And i mean, what did germany do . They bleep slaughtered jews and homosexuals. This is nothing you can be proud of. So whats shocked so many in berlin are the echoes of the past. A party that they view here as having nazi sympathies. Extreme nationalism, extreme right wing back in the bundestag. And the target of their chance, well, its up there. It is the afds leaders, because that is where they have been celebrating their election results. Before this election, the afd had no seats in parliament. It was only formed four years ago by academics hostile to the euro and germany supporting bailouts of countries like greece. But the party has morphed, moving further right. This was a campaign ad, hostile to gay rights and to islam. We want bikinis, not burqas, it says. And against the euro, too. The afd wants to protect germany and german culture. The turning point for the afd was the refugee crisis. Hostile to Angela Merkels decision to welcome one million new arrivals to germany, the afd wants refugees turned away. On most issues it is opposed to germanys mainstream. There must be a voice that is going against the ever closer union. There must be a voice that is going against the euro rescue policy. There must be a voice for protection of the border and to go against islamisation. All germanys other parties will shun the afd. But germany is entering a new, more divisive era. If you want more on the german election you can head to our website, theres analysis from our correspondents as well as video insights into germanys post war politics. Thats bbc. Com news. A look at some of the other stories making the news, now. Un agencies in bangladesh say there has been a notable drop over the past two days in the number of Rohingya Refugees fleeing violence in myanmar. But a spokeswoman for the International Organization for migration told the bbc it was too soon to say that the influx is over. More than 400,000 rohingya have fled to bangladesh since a crackdown by myanmars military. A masked gunman has opened fire at a church near the us city of nashville in tennessee, killing a woman and wounding six others. The 26 year old gunman shot himself but his injuries are not believed to be life threatening. Taiwanese protestors have forced the cancellation of a concert organised by a chinese talent show, which failed to mention taiwan in its promotional material. Students from the National Taiwan university were also unhappy with their university renting out its Sports Ground to the chinese tv show sing china. Organisers called a halt when protesters struggled with security guards and sounded air horns. In the last two hours, the United States has issued a new travel ban, adding north korea, venezuela and chad to the list of countries whose citizens are prohibited due to poor security and lack of cooperation. The restrictions for venezuela are limited to officials working for Government Agencies and their families. Sudan, one of six majority muslim countries on President Trumps original list, has now been removed. The other countries included are iran, libya, syria, somalia and yemen. And tonight President Trump has been tweeting. We have an update on events in the us and more background on the travel ban at our website. Once again, thats bbc. Com news. The us treasury secretary says america will do everything it can to avoid nuclear war with north korea. In a Television Interview Steve Mnuchin also talked about economic sanctions and said President Trump had authorised him to cut off Financial Institutions anywhere in the world that support north korea. I can assure you, the president s number one priority is the safety of the American People and our allies. The president doesnt want to be in a nuclear war, and we will do everything to ensure that does not occur. 0n the other hand, the president will protect the American People and our allies. And having a country like this have nuclear weapons, testing them, using them, sending rockets over our allies thats unacceptable behaviour. Donald trump has become embroiled in a row with leading us sports stars, after criticising american football players, who refused to stand during the National Anthem. They say theyre protesting against racism in america. But the president argues theyre being unpatriotic and has called for them to be fired. The row resurfaced in london at Wembley Stadium ahead of an american football game, when several players defied mrtrump. Jon donnison reports. 0 say, can you see. You might think only a fool would pick a fight with these guys, but President Trump is not shy of punching above his weight. Today, though, at wembley, by refusing to stand for the star spangled banner, dozens of players defied him. It came just days after President Trump had this to say. Wouldnt you love to see one of these nfl owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, get that son of a bleep off the field right now. Out, hes fired. Hes fired but in todays later games across the us, the defiance spread. Taking a knee, as its become known, has been used mainly by African American players, in protest at cases of Police Brutality towards americas black communities. Tonight, i am taking a knee for america. And last night at a concert in new york, stevie wonder, held by his son, went out of his way to criticise President Trump. And it is notjust american footballers who are clashing with the president. Steph curry is one of the worlds best basketball players. As part of the nba championship team, it is tradition that his Golden State Warriors should visit the white house. I dont want to go, thats really it. The things that hes said, and the things that he hasnt said, in the right times, that we wont stand for it. But the president was not best pleased. 0n social media, he said going to the white house was a great honour, and that steph currys hesitation meant the invitation was withdrawn. Today, as american football came to the uk, the controversy came with it. This morning, President Trump was up at dawn to take to twitter, to urge fans not to turn up at matches if the players continue to disrespect the flag and the country. But here at wembley, for todays nfl match, the fans have clearly ignored him. Its not criminal. Its their right, and i think its symbolic of. Its very similar to what Martin Luther king did. A peaceful protest of things that are going wrong. Respect the flag, respect the country. But you know what . Freedom of speech is an important thing. Once again, donald trump doesnt seem to mind who he upsets. By stirring up controversy on issues such as nationalism, patriotism and race, he is playing to his base. And, from many of them, he still gets a standing ovation. Jon donnison, bbc news. Stay with us on bbc news. Still to come in many parts of pakistan, stray dogs are a problem to be controlled, but on this Deserted Island off the coast, fishermen are becoming their best friends. Ben johnson, the fastest man on earth, is flying home to canada in disgrace. All the athletes should be clean going into the games. Im just happy that justice is served. It is a simple fact that this morning, these people were in their homes. Tonight, those homes have been burnt down by serbian soldiers and police. All the taliban positions along here have been strengthened, presumably in case the americans invade. Its no use having a secret service which cannot preserve its own secrets against the world. And so the British Government has no option but to continue this action, and even after any adverse judgement in australia. Concorde had crossed the atlantic faster than any plane ever before, breaking the record by six minutes. This is bbc news. The latest headlines after the german election, Angela Merkel is set to serve a fourth term in office, but both main parties have lost significant support. The anti immigra nt alternative for germany looks like becoming the countrys Third Largest party and will win seats in the federal parliament for the first time. Lets stay with events in germany, my colleague ros atkins is in berlin gauging reaction. Thank you very much. Talking to martin here in germany. What are the core reasons that have driven this rise in nationalism 7 the first reason is the refugee wave that started in 2015 and continued in 2016, and brought about almost one million refugees into germany from muslim countries. I think the second reason is an anti muslim sentiment that is very strong. The feeling that the composure of germany will change and the population will change. There is a big fear of this change in certain parts of the population. How relevant is in germanys history is to this result, particularly the fact that it was once divided into two countries . I think that with the history of the Second World War and the nazi regime, it still plays a role. With germany and west germany, the communist government plays a major role. I think the afd, they have mainly gained in the east. The federal state has gained more than 30 . I think that in east germany, you dont have many foreigners or germans with foreign origin living there. You dont see many refugees. There is a strong anti refugee sentiment. Many analysts have said that if Angela Merkel did well in the election, china would be a major focus, notjust the eu but fundamentally developing better relations with china. Do you think she will be able to be as ambitious with her Foreign Policy given this disappointing result . I think she will be ambitious and will probably join a coalition with liberals and the greens. They are both very keen on Foreign Policy. They are very pro china, especially the liberal party. I think that will give her some backing. Also for the eu, it is probably a good sign. Both parties, both minor parties back the eu. When you looked at the liberal party tonight, when they saw their results, more than io , they raised two european flags and cheered for europe. I think this will be tough for Great Britain as a negotiation partner. Thank you very much forjoining me on newsday. We are past midnight here, as the sun comes up tomorrow, the country will begin another working week. This election has revealed a Political Landscape that is far more diverse and fragmented than anything we have seen since the Second World War in germany. The ramifications for that will take many years to play out. A controversial referendum on independence for iraqi kurds, is due to go ahead on monday, despite growing International Pressure to call it off. There are fears that a vote for the autonomous kurdish region, to form its own state, could lead to renewed instability in iraq and beyond. The kurds live in the oil rich north of the country, and make up nearly a fifth of the population. Our middle east correspondent 0rla guerin reports from northern iraq. Generations of struggle and decades of persecution have bought the kurds to this. The last rally before their independence referendum. The outcome not in doubt. The strong support here is matched by strong opposition almost everywhere else, especially in baghdad. The prime minister, haider al abadi, warning in a televised address that anyone who plays with iraq will suffer the consequences. Translation taking a unilateral step, which could affect the integrity of iraq and its people, and the whole region, is not accepted. The kurdish referendum is against the iraqi constitution. We will not accept the referendum or its results. But even as he spoke, the kurdish leader, masoud barzani, was giving a defiant news conference. The iraqi flag still behind him, but not for long. He played down the risks of a new conflict in the middle east. Do you accept whatever your intentions, there is a risk that this referendum will spark violent confrontation . Either with iraq, or with your neighbours, or perhaps both . Translation we do not have any intentions, we do not initiate any violence and we dont expect that and we do hope also that the others will not think and initiate that. We will be very patient, because we do believe that violence is not going to add to any solution. 0n the contrary, it is going to complicate the situation. But it is plenty complicated already. These are turkish tanks near the border of the kurdish region. It is a military exercise, but also a clear message. Turkey, which has a kurdish minority of its own, says the referendum is a terrible mistake. But the kurds believe the arc of history is bending their way. They say tomorrows vote is about Self Determination and democracy and, whatever the risks, there can be no going back. 0rla guerin, bbc news, northern iraq. More than 35,000 people have fled their homes on the indonesian island of bali amid fears that a volcano could erupt for the first time in more than 50 years. The evacuations come after two days of heightened seismic activity. The bbcs tim allman reports. It looks relatively peaceful, but it seems mount agung may be waking up. Increased seismic activity has sent tremors through the area, a warning that this volcano may soon erupt for the first time in more than 50 years. Translation this morning, we observed sulphuric smoke spewing from the crater, and we have never seen this before. This smoke spewed from the crater about 200 metres high. To protect the public, an exclusion zone has been put in place, and thousands are being told to leave their homes. They are given food and shelter. Legend has been taken. The last time it erupted, more than 1000 people were killed. Others gather at local temples, hoping for divine intervention. Save this village, said this man, i hope god will protect and save this village from the volcano. Officials have urged people to remain calm. But there is no telling if and when the eruption will come. Tim allman, bbc news. There are thousands of stray dogs in pakistan where authorities have made sporadic attempts to cull them. Many view them as a Public Health risk, while others hold cultural beliefs about all dogs being unclean. But as the bbc has been finding out fishermen working off the coast of the countrys biggest city karachi have adopted a group of stray dogs living on an uninhabited island where theres barely any water orfood. Theres quite a buzz injapan over blue bees spotted at a garden in the south of the country. Its believed the rare blue species brings good luck. Tourists have swarmed to the garden in kochi prefecture where they were discovered. Its modelled on paintings by the french impressionist claude monet. No doubt if youre an entomologist, spotting the blue bees would earn you some stripes. Dont forget you can get in touch with me and some of the team on twitter, im duncangolestani. And leaving you with Something Back in time. A 15th century form of fighting is making a comeback. The first ever world jousting championship has been held in sydney. Organisers described it as the original extreme sport. Hi there. Most of us will have enjoyed some fairly warm weather for late september over the weekend. The highest temperatures, in a few spots, up to 23 degrees celsius in the warm spots, about five Degrees Higher than it is at this stage of september. We have also had a weather front with us, for some that has brought outbreaks of rain. The rain has been getting a little bit more widespread. This weather front has wiggles of cloud all over it, parcels of rain working along the front. Certainly not an even spread, some getting more than others. Some dampness around to start today for much of scotland, england and wales, it will be a mild start. Through monday, this weather front finding it difficult to move east because of this locking area of High Pressure across scandinavia and europe. The weather front is weak and going nowhere fast. For the far west of wales and parts of south west england, some brighter spells worsening. Many areas, rather cloudy to start the day. Mild with the risk of some rain. Northern ireland is different. A mix of sun and dense patches of fog. It could cause problems on the road. Scotland damped to start the day. Through the west, the weather front staying in the same area. Rain fizzling out as it continues to weaken through the rest of the day. By the afternoon, most of us will have dry weather, perhaps brightening up across east anglia and south east england. The best of the sunshine further west, especially in Northern Ireland after we get rid of the fog. Here is the chart for tuesday. The front is still with us across england and wales. Rarely any rain left on it at all. Today, cloud thinning and breaking up. Increasing amounts of sunshine coming through. In the sunshine, pretty warm for this time of year. Highs 16 21 for most of us. Some changes towards the middle part of the week. This weather front moves in from the west and will bring some heavy and persistent rain across ireland and Northern Ireland. Could get around 30 110 millimetres of rain. Perhaps even more over the hills. Coupled with that, some Gale Force Gusts extending through irish sea coast. To the east, bright, dry and relatively warm. Temperatures peaking into the low 20s. For this week, generally more unsettled with more rain at times. Quite windy, and those temperatures coming back down to normal. Thats your weather. This is bbc news. The headlines Angela Merkel is set for a fourth term as german chancellor, after parliamentary elections, but her partys support dropped dramatically. The right wing alternative for germany will win seats in the federal parliament for the first time. The centre left social democrats had their worst result since 1933. The row between President Trump and some high profile sportsmen and women has grown. More than 100 american footballers protested during the playing of the National Anthem at games on sunday. What began last year as a protest against racism escalated after the president s criticism. The Regional Government of Iraqi Kurdistan is going ahead with a referendum on independence later on monday, despite international opposition. The move has been fiercely opposed by the iraqi government. Turkey and iran have warned the vote could bring chaos to the region. Now on bbc news, dateline london

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