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Affected by hurricane s armour and maria. And Josie Mourinho get sent off for his behaviour on the touchline. Manchester united go on touchline. Manchester united go on to win. We will have that than the rest of the days sport in sports day in half an hour. Good evening and welcome to bbc news. Iran has successfully tested a new Ballistic Missile with a range of up to 1,200 miles. The testing of the weapon, which can carry several warheads, is likely to raise concerns in washington, just days after President Trump attacked the countrys Missile Programme and although moran and because evocative acts. A show of power from tehran, a missile launched as a message to the americans. This was state run television in iran, broadcasting what it says the launch came just days after President Trump attacked iran at the United Nations for destabilising the middle east, and condemned its Missile Programme. He again threatened to abandon a historic nuclear deal, painstakingly negotiated over many years. We cannot let a murderous regime continue these destabilising activities while building dangerous missiles, and we cannot abide by an agreement if it provides cover for the eventual construction of a nuclear programme. Iran insists its Missile Programme doesnt contravene the nuclear agreement, and the iranian president says his people are now waiting for an apology from donald trump. In defiance of mr trump came this military display on friday, at which the new missile was proudly unveiled. Translation like it or not, we will increase our deterrence and defence power in any form we deem to be necessary. In addition to upgrading the missile systems, we will also strengthen our naval, ground and air forces. Irans Missile Programme is in the hands of hard liners and they it seems only being strengthened by the rhetoric from washington. This seems to be a much broader consensus on the need to develop the missile tests as a deterrent because they feel there might be an attack coming especially from the United States with regard to the possibility of regime change. No response from the americans so far to the latest Iranian Missile launch but there is little doubt that the belligerent tone coming from both countries will ratchet up tensions. Just as in north korea, iran is trying to show that it will not be pushed around. Caroline hawley, bbc news. Delegates gather in brighton. He meets some shadow cabinet. Labour mayor s would get the chance to speakfrom mayor s would get the chance to speak from the main stage. You would almost think he had won the election. Jeremy corbyn has got used to be hero treatment, his devoted followers now dominate labour from the top down and the grassroots up. All convinced power is within reach. For the many, not the few. At labours womens conference, wherever he went no one doubted he might have reached downing street injune, only time ran out. Thousands of women took to the streets over six long weeks of our campaign in the general election. Between you and me i wish it had been a bit longer i would have thought another week or two would have served us very well or two. The leaders plan is to give the grassroots, many of them members of the pro Corbyn Group Momentum more power and more of a say. They will get more time to speak at the conference, in feature more say in policy making and maybe more power to choose the next leader. Doubters have been won over, the faithful have never been happier. It is really about grassroots policies and real change, notjust trying to be tory light. Politically have you got the socialist party you always absolutely so. For every leader you cant automatically be convinced of everything he says but there is sufficient there to help me back. You finally convinced about Jeremy Corbyn. Lam. The man that they calljezza is calling the shots, what a surprise, he swatted away a challenge and is now unassailable and at conference he has cut speaking time allowed to is critical labour mps and mayors. Im sorry to tell you it is a conference for everyone, the largest labour conference theres ever been, weve tried to rebalance the speaking arrangements so there are fewer and shorter speakers, and many more speeches from the floor. The ones once attacked as troublemakers are in charge. Some still worry if labour will sink or swim under mr corbyn but his loyal followers can sit back and enjoy their power in the party, more than the other expected. Our Political Correspondent Eleanor Garnier is in brighton for us. Had a game of table tennis earlier, a rock star welcome and is about to ta ke a rock star welcome and is about to take the stage. Yes, the Labour Party Conference officially gets going tomorrow, but sarah micawber will be at a rally this evening. That is unfortunate, we seem to have lost her an error. As soon as we get back, we will go back to brighton to find out what expected. Essentially, Jeremy Corbyn will be speaking at a rally. The conference gets under way overly tomorrow. Speaking to his supporters, he arrived earlier today. His supporters cheering and chanting his name. We have a number of correspondence there, including Eleanor Garnier. Talk about germany. Germanys foreign minister has described yesterdays brexit speech by theresa may, as disappointing. Shed laid out plans to keep paying into the eu budget during a two year transition period, but sigmar gabriel, has accused her of offering no concrete details, on how britain wants to structure its exit from the european union. His comments come after french president emmanuel macrons statement that mrs may must be clearer about what she wants from brexit before trade talks can begin. Theres been another earthquake in mexico, four days after a major tremor killed nearly three hundred people. It happened around 12 miles south of the town of matios romero, in the state of wahaca. So far, there have been no casualties. Britains biggest warship, hms ocean, has arrived in the British Virgin islands, to provide support for those affected by hurricanes irma and maria. There are now more than two thousand uk military personnel working on the relief effort, making it the largest british deployment anywhere in the world. From there, jeremy cooke reports. In to the disaster zone, hms ocean of the British Virgin islands, straight to work delivering aid where it is desperately needed. For the flight crews, a first look at this hurricane shattered landscape, almost every building damaged, widespread devastation. Already oceans Landing Craft a heading to the main island. The navys working parties on the ground getting stuck in. Hot and humid conditions, stinking stagnant water. Welcome to the caribbean. On board ship there are 60 tonnes of essential cargo and with nine helicopters, the means of delivery. Weve arrived with a stack of building material, weve got timber, plumbing materials, hacksaws, chainsaws but importantly a lot of professional personnel who are highly skilled in humanitarian assistance and disaster relief. An urgent mission. The flight deck has been open for business since the moment hms ocean arrived, she has been steaming at full speed for two weeks, everyone on board now ready to go to work. The priority is to improve shelter. Everyone knows the Hurricane Season is not over yet. Of course it is notjust about the british aid effort here. The scale of destruction across these islands is so immense, to get things better will take a superhuman effort by the islanders themselves. They are getting on with the task but they know it will take months or years to get this job done. Most here are delighted that hms ocean has arrived but they also note there must be self help. We dont sit back and relax. When things happen, we act. We get straight to it. As you can see, after a hurricane we go straight to work. We dont wait for help, we start things ourselves. Those leading the uk mission save the arrival of hms ocean is a game changing. The relief effort will gain pace but for these islands to recover will be a greater task still and they will look to the uk for long term strategic support. Jeremy cooke, bbc news, on the British Virgin islands. Hurricane maria and the heavy rain that followed it are continuing to wreak havoc in puerto rico. The authorities there have mobilised the National Guard continuing to help evacuate people in areas downstream of a dam that has failed after days of heavy rain. Sunita jaswal reports. After days of heavy rainfall, Severe Damage to this dam has sent torrents of water surging downstream, causing flash flooding for miles. 70,000 people in several Populated Areas have been told to leave their homes, but information from puerto rico has been unreliable, and it is unclear how many people are still in danger here. Its already been called the worst storm for a hundred years. Many roads are underwater with cars submerged, and those who stayed in their homes were forced to take shelter on upperfloors. Do you have enough food and water . Translation there is a lot of damage, a lot of flooded areas. We need to Work Together but yes, there is a lot of devastation. The number of People Killed in the caribbean has already gone into double figures and is expected to rise. With homes destroyed and Power Supplies down, puerto rico is suffering the effects of hurricane maria. There is now a daily struggle to meet basic needs. These people queued for hours, as only a handful of petrol stations remained open on the island. This situation led to tension between those in line. It was a little agitated earlier. We almost had a fight at one of the pumps, but the police are here, they have got it together, so lets hope and pray we get the flow moving faster and people can reach home before curfew. Translation some of us have been here since 9am, and we might still leave without any gasoline. Its a completely chaotic situation. Ive never seen anything like it in puerto rico. And then there are people recycling empty milk cartons and bottles, desperately trying to stock up with water from a source by the side of the road. Its not known if this is even safe to drink. Puerto ricos governor, ricardo rosselli, has said damage to the islands electricity grid was so severe that it could take engineers many months to fully restore power to the island. Sunita jaswal, bbc news. Lets return to the Labour Party Conference. We are expecting to hear from Jeremy Corbyn at the level. There is a rally taking place. Yes, and he will be telling his supporters that the country has the opportunity from great change, and that labour is the party to bring about that change. People talk about the fact that the labour party itself is being transformed under his leadership, and that the party is getting itself ready for government whenever an election might be called. We should remember this is the first time the whole of the labour party has had a chance to get together since the general election earlier this year, when Jeremy Corbyn did much better than many people expected him to do. He brought back an extra 30 mps to westminster, the prettys membership now stands at close to 600,000. That makes it the Biggest Political Party across europe. There will be plenty of celebrations over the next few days. Behind all that, there is some tension there are some divisions over a couple of issues. There will be robust debate here over the issues of brexit and how the labour party should be pushing the government when it comes to negotiating our future position with the eu. There is also, over the last few days, been the issue of the balance of power that has bubbled up in terms of the grassroots members and those who are part of the parliamentary party. The elected politicians. There has been a division over whether certain Key Labour Party figures, like the mayor of london, sadiq khan, the mayor of greater manchester, whether they should be given the platform to make big speeches. We had in the piece from john pienaar earlier, janet corbyn defending the idea of giving more of the platform time to the party members, to the grassroots. There has been some tension but i think, overall, the tone of this conference will be very different from last year, and there were lots of questions aboutJeremy Corbyns own leadership, whether he should be staying on, who might succeed him, how long could Jeremy Corbyn stay on. Those questions now seems you have gone quiet. I think there is a general acceptance thatJeremy Corbyn is not just general acceptance thatJeremy Corbyn is notjust said in hisjob but he is solid. As the Party Membership creeps up. Just looking atJeremy Corbyns twitter feeds, and Labour Party Conference 4017, will be preparing for the next elections we can build a britain which works for the many and not the few. That sounds very familiar. Obviously he sees himself as a possibility as someone who can meet the country. I think gone are the days when people laughed at the idea ofJeremy Corbyn ending up in a pretend. Now he is building, he says, his party to be the future government. Much as to supporters but i think some of those who have previously been against the idea of Jeremy Corbyn as leader, they are 110w Jeremy Corbyn as leader, they are now getting the hind him and falling into line, if you like. I think that is why there will be a sense of unity at this party conference, compared to 12 months ago. When things were very difficult for me has come to the end of another very bitter leadership contest, and those words for the many not the few, that isa words for the many not the few, that is a phrase that we are going to hear over and over again at this party conference. I have been Walking Around the Conference Centre as people have been putting up the stands, preparing the centre. There are Big Labour Party posters all over the place with that slogan, for the many, not the few. We will leave it there for now but thank you very much. The mayor of london, sadiq khan has defended transport for londons decision not to renew the licence for the taxi app uber. Mr khan said he had sympathy with uber drivers and customers but the company had failed, in the view of tfl, to act as a fit and proper operator. More than half a Million People have signed a petition to reverse the decision and the company says it will appeal. More than half a Million People have signed a petition calling for transport for london to reverse its decision to stop the minicab booking service, uber, from operating in the capital. Iran says it has successfully tested a new Ballistic Missile with a range of up to1,200 a new Ballistic Missile with a range of up to 1,200 miles. As we have just been hearing, Jeremy Corbyn has arrived for this years party conference, saying it will be the largest ever staged. Sadiq khan defence transport for londons decision not to renew the licence for taxi at hoover, as over half a Million People signed a petition calling for it to be reversed. The Ratings Agency moodys has downgraded britains long term Credit Rating. It says it made the decision because of the Economic Uncertainty caused by the brexit negotiations and the likelihood that the public finances would become weaker. Downing street says the firms assessments were outdated. Our business correspondent, joe lynam, explained what the downgrade means. Midis isa midis is a Credit Rating agency like standard emperors and finch. Theyre basically think tanks which give their professional assessment on the creditworthiness of a country, ie should money be lent to it and at what rate . It believes now that britain is a tiny, tiny smidgen less creditworthy than it was perhaps last year. It says the reason for that is due to a potential deterioration in the public finances as a result of brexit. It thinks that the money coming into the states coffers will be slightly less than the government expects it will be, going could to be that little bit more. Basically it means that the public finances and the term of the deficit, which is the national overdraft, and the national debt, the big balloon of money we owe, could actually grow rather than shrink as it had hoped would be the case. The government flatly rejects this analysis by moodys. It says it doesnt bear in mind the analysis given by the Prime Minister on fridays speech in florence. Nor does it take into account the fact that the public finances have improved noticeably even in the last two days. The official number for borrowing for august was the best in ten years. But it could be the case that markets could listen to moodys, and as a direct result britain might have to pay a tiny smidgen more to borrow money than it used to. The two main Party Leaders in germany will make their final appeals to voters today before sundays elections. The chancellor Angela Merkels centrist party have a clear lead in the polls. In what is now a familiar picture across europe, both mrs merkel and the social democratic leader, martin schulz, are urging voters to shun the anti islam, anti immigrant rhetoric of right wing candidates that have gained support in the run up to the election. Our correspondent is in berlin and sensors this. Angela merkels centre right party looks set to get the most votes in parliament. That would mean she would leave the country for another four years. What we dont know is what sort of government she would meet. All the potential government parties that she could form a coalition with are very different. They have different policies when it comes to migration, the eurozone, the economy. Forming a coalition could be very difficult and keeping that coalition together could also be tricky. The other big thing about this election is the emergence of a new anti migrants, anti islam party, alternative for germany. They are sense to Enter Parliament for the first time. They wont form a government because they are controversial. No other party will work with them because some of their members are accused of racism, xenophobia and of inciting hatred. Some members of the party have links to neo nazi groups. Angela merkel has been clear that she wont form any Coalition Government with them. So they wont enter government. But if they do well, and they get a lot of seats in this building, they will have a big impact on the debate here in germany. That is returned to mexico were a magnitude 6. 2 earthquake has hit the south of the country. Near the city of what hacker. Mexico city was hit by a 7. 1 tremor on tuesday. Rescue effort there were temporarily suspended out of fear of further building collapses. Joining me now from mexico city is bbc correspondent is one. Just tell us the latest regarding this 6. 2 tremor. This one sways buildings here in mexico city. It set off the seismic alarm. Many people already in shock after tuesdays tremor, ran onto the streets. There are reports of victims died of heart attacks as they tried to evacuate their homes. The rescue operation to free survivors from tuesday were temporarily suspended to make sure it was still safe to operate there. There is a lot of tension here because the rescue efforts are now under way again. Four days after the earthquake that left more than 300 people dead. Todays earthquake had a magnitude of 6. 1, and its upper centre was located in the south Western State of what hacker. That point of the country was the most affected by another quake that hit the country over two weeks ago, in which 98 people died. The reports so far state that some already damaged buildings and a bridge collapsed. There is clearly no respite for mexico and the mexicans these days. Suffering from this national tragedy. There were a number of people that were reportedly trapped in buildings from tuesdays earthquake. What are the latest details on those numbers . The rescue efforts are still under way ina number of rescue efforts are still under way in a number of collapsed buildings here in the capital. The most effective city after tuesday. Affected. Its not clear exactly the number of people still trapped. On the 30s are saying is that they will keep working, people maintain the effort is to find all the people that they believe are trapped. They are not releasing a figure. The relatives obviously waiting anxiously, following very closely the rescue efforts, seeing how the rescu e rs the rescue efforts, seeing how the rescuers are slowly and painfully removing debris in the middle of this collapsed buildings that are at risk of collapsing entirely. Thank you for that. Police have fully reopened a stretch of the m3 in both directions after it was closed for a long period of today. Drivers said the closure had brought absolute chaos between junctions 9 and 11 near winchester. The Royal Shakespeare company is selling off more than 10,000 items of costume worn by its actors over the last sixty years. Hollywood star and rsc veteran sir Patrick Stewart has been sharing some of his memories of wearing the costumes. Hannah bayman reports. Clothes maketh the man, said william shakespeare, and these are the costumes that have made 60 years of his plays come to life. It makes me feel much more than sentimental, its really quite emotional. There is so much history here. Its the biggest sale the company has ever had, and the money raised will go towards creating new costume workshops. There are more than 10,000 items to choose from, including armour, uniforms, shoes, jewellery, and more unusual period pieces. This whole section of rail is nothing but tuxedos. The funniest, most embarrassing costume incident i ever had was in my very, very first production. I was playing an entirely forgettable character called sir Walter Blount, so i decided i would get the audiences attention sooner, its called pulling focus, so one night i prepared myself, i threw open this steel door, ran on, and as i ran on, i slammed the door behind me, so everyone in the audience would know that Patrick Stewart as sir Walter Blount had entered. My cloak, unfortunately, caught in the great door, so as i moved towards the king, i was brought to a sudden halt. Well, apart from distressing me, what it mostly did was amuse tony and ian, who both began laughing. You can imagine what that did to the audience, because they could see what had happened. It was a horrendous moment for me in my first role in my first play with the rsc, but when i came in the next day, there was someone from the wardrobe waiting for me, and they said, we heard about what happened last night, and were very sorry, but we understand why you did it, and we have taken your cloak and made it much shorter so it wont happen again. Thats the kind of people you work with in the Wardrobe Department of the Royal Shakespeare company. If, around the world, fans of the rsc knew this was happening, they would flock here just to take a little piece of history away with them. And my wife has yet found more garments to wear. What am i going to do . Put my hand in my pocket, i suppose. Prices start atjust £1 so pretty affordable to make all the world your stage. Hannah bayman, bbc news. The weather hasnt been too bad. Lets find out how the weather hasnt been too bad. Lets find out how its the weather hasnt been too bad. Lets find out how its going the weather hasnt been too bad. Lets find out how its going to look of the next few days. Hello. Some of us have had this today, some blue skies, sunshine and warmth. But there has been a lot of cloud, securely across southern and western scotla nd securely across southern and western scotland and north west england. The clouds thickened enough for the spot or two of drizzle. A beautiful in kent. You will likely have seen the warmest place with around 20 degrees. 20 degrees possible in the south east as well. So not to batter some of us. Clouds thickening out to the west. A weather front arrives through the night to night. That will bring in some outbreaks of light, patchy rain. A lot of low cloud and some mark along west facing coast. Further east, not as cool on sunday morning but we will see some decent spells of sunshine pretty much from the word go. For the second half of the weekend, a west and east divide. Easter in scotland, central and Eastern England starting off dry and sunny. That weather front slowly pushes its way eastwards and brings some rain. Some of its heavy in the south west. Ahead of it, we could see up to 22 degrees. Some of the rain turning happy to the and wales by the end of the day. Very light and patchy into north west england, of scotland and Northern Ireland s. A different deal with the rain around. 14 to 16 degrees. By the end of sunday, our weather fronts will start to push its way in mans. But its not really going to make its way across to easter and englands. Here it will stay dry not only through sunday night but into monday. Behind it with quite a lot of moisture and light winds, some fog forming potentially some dense fog. We will need to keep an eye on that first thing monday morning. Monday starts with our weather front slicing the country into. It weakens and an easterly breeze drives that

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