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In mexico where the search for survivors from tuesdays earthquake is still going on. Relief workers in mexico city know they dont have much time to save people believed to be trapped still under the rubble of a primary school. 21 children and five adults were killed when that building collapsed in the force of the earthquake two days ago. But several people have been pulled out alive from the rubble. These are just some of the people, 500 members of the army and navy, 200 Police Officers and volunteers, they have all been working away atjust this one site. Ii all been working away atjust this one site. 11 children have been rescued from the ruins of the building. It is believed to be at least one person alive underneath the rubble. Rescuers are still trying to reach that person. I have been speaking to our correspondent who is in mexico city. Close to a0 buildings collapsed in the wake of tuesdays earthquakes. Rescue operations are happening across the city. I am in a six Story Office Building where there has been activity for the past couple of days. What they are hoping to do is find more people alive. Theyve already rescued 28 people from this building alive. As you can see behind me the rescue operations or ongoing. They now have some International Help in this rescue operation. Israelis have been flown in to help with the search mission. As well as a huge presence from the mexican army and mexican police. There are hundreds of volunteers who have turned up here. Some with their own tools who have turned up to do what they can. 0ne own tools who have turned up to do what they can. One of the concern that the moment, which remains not just here but at the school, is the possibility that some of these buildings may collapse further. That is something rescue workers are having to tread carefully with. What i saw earlier today and yesterday we re i saw earlier today and yesterday were many volunteers going into the building with these huge planks of wood. What they are trying to do is use those to prop up the existing structures to prevent further collapse. What we were told by a defence spokesperson about the operation here is that everyone they have found in this building so far has been found alive. That gives hope to family members here. We heard earlier, for example, that they were focusing some of their effo rts they were focusing some of their efforts on the fourth floor of this building where they believe that as many as ten people may be huddled together. Yesterday they managed to make whats up contact with some people in that group. They havent today. They are now trying to reach them and hopefully pull them out alive. Managed to make whatsapp contact. Is life carrying on as normal around these collapsed buildings . I will be honest, ive only spent most of my time here and since i got to mexico city. When i landed at the airport i was able to look at the areas below which were untouched. When we drove from the airport to this area everything looks like it was a normal, busy, bustling metropolis. Lots of traffic. That kind of thing. Most of our effort and time have been spent here. As i say, there is a lot of hope still, although it has been more than a8 hours since that earthquake struck. The mexican government, as we have talked about before on bbc world, has appealed for more international assistance. Specifically in terms of getting specialist equipment to help with their rescue efforts. President trump has announced more sanctions against north korea. He made the announcement after a meeting with the leaders of japan and south korea on the sidelines of the Un General Assembly in new york. Here is a little of what donald trump said. A new executive order will cut off sources of revenue that fund north koreas efforts to develop the deadliest weapons known to humankind. The order enhances the treasury departments authorities to target any individual or entity that conducts significant trade in goods, services or technology with north korea. Iam services or technology with north korea. I am very proud to tell you that, as you may have just heard moments ago, china, their central bank has told their of the banks, it isa bank has told their of the banks, it is a massive banking system, to immediately stop doing business with north korea. Donald trump. We can speak our correspondent who is there right now. correspondent who is there right now. We can speak to our correspondent who is there right now. We have details of the sanctions. Any foreign bank that knowingly conducts or facilitate trade with north korea can be subject to us sanctions. That would mean the us cutting off the ability of that foreign bank to operate here in the us. All banks do. Pretty much. That is stephanie aimed at china. It is china does the most trade with north korea. That is definitely aimed at china. It is most likely to have contact with north korea. That is significant. The us have been talking about doing it. Now it has happened. The chinese are apparently on board with this. The us treasury secretary spoke to the chinese bank, told them they shouldnt do any business with north korea. This is still the diplomatic route, despite that speech by donald trump, threatening to destroy north korea if it continued on its path of nuclear and Ballistic Missile tests. This is still the Us Administration pursuing a very hard nosed strategy of sanctions in the hope of changing the behaviour of kim jong un. I suppose what nobody knows is whether this will make any difference to jeong jang, who whether this will make any difference tojeong jang, who has continued to come up to this point despite many previous sanctions, to do this. Difference to pyongyang. This is not as severe as cutting off oil imports going into north korea. There was a cap put on crude oil before. Without it north korea would grind toa before. Without it north korea would grind to a halt. But trying to attack the financing in north korea, and by targeting chinese banks, welcome all banks that facilitate trade with north korea, i mean, that is severe. It is trying to cut off as much as is possible. The sources of funding for the Missile Programme of funding for the Missile Programme of north korea. An Interesting Development at the un after a week in which President Trump was pretty threatening against north korea. Now we have a diplomatic response. Thanks very much. Nothing short of a major disaster, those are the words of the governor of puerto rico as he assessed the damage caused by hurricane maria. Let me show you the scene as the category five storm made landfall in puerto rico. You can see how bad this was. Everything battered by those wins. After the harry kane had passed people emerged to assess the damage. You can seejust how passed people emerged to assess the damage. You can see just how bad some places look. Very extensive damage. After the hurricane had passed, people emerged assess the damage. Additional storm surges are expected. It wasnt just damage. Additional storm surges are expected. It wasntjust puerto rico that took a hit. Dominica is in the middle of a clear up operation and it does not even look like it has got underway yet. Well grant is in puerto rico. What sort of picture do we have of the damage at the moment . Willgrant is we have of the damage at the moment . Will grant is in puerto rico. Up will grant is in puerto rico. Up until now people have essentially been hunkered down in their homes for the best part of a full day and two full nights. They are beginning to see how about the devastation is. Im ina to see how about the devastation is. Im in a small town here, just outside the capital, many people lost their homes entirely. Many had their rubes ripped off. Many were flooded. You can see how bad things are in this area. Roofs ripped off. There is no electricity and it looks like that will stay that way for quite some time. Are we expecting any weakening of hurricane maria, will itjust gets stronger . We were expecting weakening. Then we heard it had strengthened again to a potential category five. It seems like it is lasting a long time. Those extremely powerful winds continue. That is what caused all of the devastation around me. And puerto rico was in the grip of a financial crisis. It will need federal support. Trump has said that will be available. Thank you very much forjoining us life from puerto rico. Wall streets top regulator has admitted its Cyber Security systems have been hacked. Hackers gained access to Sensitive Information which may have been used for insider trading. We can go over to new york and talk to what information do we think they got hold of . They got access to a programme called edgar. That is where companies will upload all kinds of Sensitive Information. Be it quarterly filings. 0r Sensitive Information. Be it quarterly filings. Or perhaps other acquisitions. There is a suggestion that the hack happened back in 2016. But we are only hearing about it 110w. But we are only hearing about it now. The information the hackers got could be used for insider trading. It would have been used, given the kind of information that was derived from edgar, it would have been used quite immediately. It is important to know that we are only finding about this hack which happened in 2016 now. The head of the sec says he made a Courtesy Call to lawmakers in washington before this information was made public. This is being viewed as a serious breach, is it . Absolutely. There are people who are downplaying it. But it is a really serious breach. We are talking about the governing body that regulates all of wall street. It is significant. It is even more significant, given what has happened over the last few weeks in the us with regards to the echo fax hack. Were talking about millions of americans whose information has potentially being jeopardised. As more information comes out about it, how long the hackers had access to that information, the story gets a lot more. Thick, i suppose . Convoluted. Exactly, and that is why people are looking at the sec with even close oui looking at the sec with even close our eyes. Thanks very much. Stay with us, still to come we will be heading to germany, it is going to the polls for a general election in three weeks time. Ross willjoin us live. Consumers are being advised to stop buying fridges and freezers with flammable plastic bags which could create a fire risk. According to Research Nearly half of the products have flammable bags. They might not be the cause of a fire that they could help fire spread. Lynn faulds wood welcomed the report. This report is really good. They have shown that whirlpool, one of the biggest suppliers, they have plastic backs on them. The fire service have done a greatjob in london showing how quickly they burn. In america they favour their Steel Industry. They say their appliances are safer, they have steel backs, and their domestic steel backs, and their domestic Steel Industry gets support for this. 0ur our top story rescuers are racing to reach survivors trapped under the rubble of a school in mexico city which collapsed during tuesdays earthquake. 11 children have been rescued from the building. There is believed to be at least one person to live under the rubble. Rescuers are trying to reach that person. 0ther are trying to reach that person. Other stories from around the bbc south korea has approved a plan to send millions of dollars worth of humanitarian aid to the north in spite of pyongyang continuing to develop nuclear bombs. They said they would give money aimed at children, pregnant women, and to improve medical supplies. Among our most watched videos online, these adorable pictures of a baby elephant walking for the first time ata baby elephant walking for the first time at a zoo in belgium. The picture was taken just hours after the birth of the baby elephant. It doesnt have a name yet. The zoo is taking suggestions from the public over what to call him. The german election is happening at the weekend. Ros will be covering all of it and we can go live to him in berlin. Hello. We are into the final straight of this german election campaign. Election day is on sunday. By campaign. Election day is on sunday. By Late Afternoon the first exit polls will be coming out. They tend to be pretty accurate. We will have a good idea on how things have gone. At the centre of this is Angela Merkel, the chancellor of germany, she has already served three terms, she has already served three terms, she would like a fourth term to extend her 12 years in power. At the moment you would not bet against her doing that. Martin schulz is against her. Used to be president of the european parliament. But he has come back to germany to make an impression on domestic politics. We will see if he manages to do that. I am talking to you from berlin. Im in an area of the city right in the centre, kreuzberg. This is where refugees who have recently come to germany live and there is a Cultural Centre at the top of it which is kindly hosting us. Immigration is one of the pressing issues in this campaign. Because of the decision by Angela Merkel in 2015 to allow hundreds of thousands of migrants into germany. During that year and the next 1. 2 Million People applied for asylum. That continues to dominate political discussions. Earlier on, just a few kilometres away from here, i went to visit some of those who have arrived. Backin of those who have arrived. Back in 2015 berlin had a problem. 0ver back in 2015 berlin had a problem. Over 1000 back in 2015 berlin had a problem. 0ver1000 refugees and migrants were arriving every day and they need somewhere to stay. The biggest building in europe was part of the solution. At one stage over 2500 people were living in these vast hangers of this airport. That figure is now around 300. With those People Living in accommodation like this. 7596 living in accommodation like this. 75 of those here are men. They arrived early this man arrived from afghanistan early in the year. Translation i read about the campaigns on both Angela Merkel and martin schultz. They both have good attitudes towards refugees. This man is also from afghanistan. He is 20 and has beauty of the two years. Translation since 2015 many refugees have come to germany. We we re refugees have come to germany. We were unhappy because in 2015 we could not go to school. Now it is better. We can go to school and get training. The facilities are run by a company. The shifting Politics Around immigration affects its work. I wonder if this election might offer some certainty. No. Chuckles we dont think it will affect our daily work. What makes us a little bit. Where we have concern is how the atmosphere will change. We depend on the social acceptance of what we do. So, we are not the single operator here, but we are, kind of a Community Working together on integration. If you feel that pa rt on integration. If you feel that part of the society does not follow your approach, or does not think it is good, what to do, it makes work difficult. Lets talk to robin alexander, a well known journalist in germany, and the author of the driven 0ne. In germany, and the author of the driven one. I have read in the past that you said that decision changed the relationship between the chancellor and germans. Can you explain how . If you visit her valleys, which she is doing now, you have angry crowds. They are making a lot of noise against her. This is very non german. Never happened before. She was always the person in the middle of the debate. Everybody respected her. Now she has enemies. But she has lots of supporters, as well. Lots of young people, which you would not expect from a right of centre politician. Thats right. But a lot of people left of centre are supporting her because she is showing the germany that we like. You we like you being a friendly face of germany. That is where things get interesting. Because Angela Merkel is in the centre it has made it difficult for the social democrats to offer a different position. Exactly. The social democrats have a great challenge to challenge her. Everything they tradition stand for, Angela Merkel already provides it. Traditionally stand for. On the one hand she is successful, but on the other hand she has a big hole to fill. Did she have a different vision for germany, or a practical decision that needed to be taken . The second, practical decision. There was no plan. Germany was not prepared for this wave of immigration. We now cope with it. Everything after that was improvised. Are you surprised that two years later she is clear in the polls and doing well . Im surprised because she really went through rough times. On the other hand she did an intelligent campaign. She is a promising open borders. But what she is saying is that what happened in 2015 was something extraordinary, we can be proud of it, but it wont be repeated. That is what the german people want. One question about the alternative, polling well in third position, do you make a connection between that and the 2015 decision . Definitely. We have never had a right wing party in Parliament Since the second world war. It means Something Different and germans than it does to the netherlands or belgium. A lot of people who say they are conservative by structure and mindset are now thinking of voting for them because they dont feel represented by angela mcavennie more. Thank you. Represented by Angela Merkel any more. Angela merkels party is well clear. Perhaps even more interesting, in third, the afd, and if they were to come third, that would be an extraordinary result. It would be the first right Wing National party since the second world war. This party has a position that islam does not belong in germany. I went to visit its spokesperson for its youth wing to get that policy explained. Translation jell o when wing to get that policy explained. Translationjell o when one talks of islam not belonging in germany it is because its outlook conflicts with oui because its outlook conflicts with our law. Translation islam and migrants from islamic cultures who come to us believe sharia law is more important than our basic law, and that marriage with underage girls is fine. Those are the examples of islam that does not belong to germany or europe. If we look at the polls it seems a significant number of germans sympathise with your policies and you may well take representation for the first time. But you have a problem, havent you, because none of the other parties will work with you . Translation it is the opposite. It isnt a problem. It is a necessity. We have made it our slogan that germany needs a genuine and strong opposition. That means we dont have a need to become any part of coalition which wouldnt have us anyway. But we want to be the Strongest Force for opposition and work accordingly against any ruling coalition. Unfortunately for the last few decades germany hasnt had a genuine opposition. That is what we wa nt a genuine opposition. That is what we want to change. The afd is known as an antiestablishment party, but increasingly you are also in anti media party. You talk about the lying press. Do you think that is a positive contribution to germanys democracy if you try to undermine the press that reports what is happening in your country . Translation the germany it would be healthier if the media landscape would change radically. Because at the moment there is a massive Smear Campaign against ourtwo the moment there is a massive Smear Campaign against our two main candidates. Ive also experienced the media myself. At a recent Campaign Event one of the biggest newspapers misreported me. That is for us as a party, not a small hair in the soup as we say in germany, but a in the soup as we say in germany, buta campaign in the soup as we say in germany, but a campaign against iraq. There seems to be a campaign in support of the christian party. In germany the media is no longer objective. I dont find this description of the lying media wrong. But a campaign against us. The media should go back to the faces of theirjob and that is to report objectively. As you can see come on the roof of this cultures and i have beenjoined by ali, who is symbian, and simon, who was german. They will offer us some music. Ali, who is syrian. As 0011 music. Ali, who is syrian. As 50011 as music. Ali, who is syrian. As soon as the polls shut and the exit polls come out i will have a special programme looking at those results live on the bbc news channel in the uk. For now, it is over to you, guys. Sings in german. Hurricane maria continues to exert its influence across the caribbean. 0n its influence across the caribbean. On wednesday the residents of puerto rico had to endure devastating, destructive winds and some life threatening flooding as the category four hurricane ripped through the heart of the island. I would like to illustrate the point in terms of the wind strength. Sustained winds across puerto rico of 155 mph. This footage is from the south east of puerto rico. Doors were ripped from their hinges. The storm brushed the north east of the Dominican Republic and has intensified again. There is and has intensified again. There is a level of uncertainty as to just where maria is going to go as we move into the weekend. We need to keep an eye on that. A brief mention ofjose, still sitting keep an eye on that. A brief mention of jose, still sitting over keep an eye on that. A brief mention ofjose, still sitting over here, a wea k ofjose, still sitting over here, a weak affair. Just causing some rough seas and high swell across the cape cod coast line. Elsewhere in north america things are quiet. Snow over the rockies. We have seen unusual early snowfall here. And a scattering of showers and parts of texas, georgia, and expected into florida by the middle of friday afternoon. Staying with the story seem, if we move over to south east asia, ijust seem, if we move over to south east asia, i just want to point out this angry looking cloud on the satellite picture. We have seen heavy rainfall over mumbai. The emphasis of the radius that further north and east of that through nepal and Northern Areas of india. We could see up to 300 millimetres of rain already falling on saturated ground. There is potential for localised flooding and mudslides. Showers through northern and eastern state of india, and also continuing into bangladesh on friday and the weekend. Forjapan week could see heavy rain down to the south. The same for china. And it looks as if towards south thailand we will see enhanced rainfall. The heaviest of which looks likely to be over the philippines. We need to keep an eye on these thunderstorms because they may develop into some sort of rotation and develop into a storm over the next few days. In europe, this area of low pressure has been a nuisance, introducing localised flooding for the balkans. Heavy rain for hungary. And it will move to the east into the ukraine, as well. It isa east into the ukraine, as well. It is a slow improvement through Eastern Europe as we move towards the weekend. Still some rain here, but sunny spells and scattered showers elsewhere. To the north and west of europe, decent spells of sunshine, temperatures are pretty promising, as well. The weather for the week ahead for the uk coming up shortly. Hello, you are watching 0utside source. Rescuers in mexico are working as fast as they can trying to reach anyone trapped in the rubble of a school which collapsed in tuesdays earthquake. Families and loved ones hold onto hope. We still believe he will make it out alive. I would dig him out myself if i could. Donald trump tightens the screws on north korea by calling for tighter sanctions at the united nations. We will cut off revenue that funds north koreas efforts to develop the deadliest weapons known to humankind. Theresa may plans to break the brexit deadlock as she plans for a major speech in italy

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