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Described the arrest of a teenager in connection with fridays London Underground bomb attack as very significant. The 18 year old was arrested at the port of dover, one of the main crossing points to france. Detectives say they are keeping an open mind about further suspects. Daniel sandford reports. The hunt for the london tube bomber led this afternoon to this Surrey Council estate, and a mauve terrace house. Fearing an explosion during their search, counterterrorism officers evacuated residents from several streets around the property. There could be a bomb down there, and they were telling me i could go into my house, even though there could be a bomb. Im really scared. The couple who live in the house being searched by police, ron and pennyjones, are well known for fostering teenagers, including refugees. They were even given mbes by the queen. Shes fostered generations and generations of children. You know, and ive never known anyone more dedicated to the community, and helping people. Itjust shows you, doesnt it . Maybe shes, after these years a bit too trusting. Even the best people can be made a fool of. The house was raided after Police Arrested an 18 year old man in the departure area of the port of dover, just before 8 00am this morning. The port also had to be partially evacuated. It was an arrest senior detectives described as very significant, and was the first sign of a major breakthrough. At this stage, were keeping an open mind around whether more than one person is responsible for the attack. And we are still pursuing numerous lines of enquiry and at great pace. It seems that the improvised explosive device at Parsons Green station, a bomb in a bucket, had failed to go off properly. That bags on fire. But it produced a sheet of flame in the carriage. 30 people ended up in casualty, and three were still in chelsea and Westminster Hospital this morning. But, despite todays arrest, the official terrorism threat assessment in the uk is still at its highest level, with armed officers patrolling stations and busy venues Like Premier League football games. The threat level remains at critical, and there will be further investigations in part of the operation later today. We urge the public to remain vigilant, but not alarmed, and we hope to come back with more news in due course. This has clearly been a good day for officers investigating the Parsons Green tube bomb, but they are not yet completely confident that the immediate threat is over. Daniel sandford, bbc news, sunbury on thames. Well, a little earlier daniel gave us more details about the suspect in custody. Well, this is an 18 year old man, who was arrested actually in the departure area of the port of dover, the place where people who are about to board ferries to france are usually found. And he was arrested by kent police on behalf of the counterterrorism officers who are investigating the failed attack. He is thought to be somebody who is being fostered by an elderly couple in this town in surrey, to the south west of london, a town called sunbury on thames, the house of an elderly couple whod had literally hundreds of foster children in their care, over many generations. Its their house that is being searched here tonight, and was raided by very, very heavily armed officers this afternoon. So it looks as if it was somebody who is being looked after by the sunbury couple, perhaps an overseas refugee, the main suspect behind the tube bombing. Well, Islamic State has claimed responsibility for almost every incident of this nature that there has been in the uk and in europe in recent years. The fact that they sought to claim responsibility for everything suggests that they find that convenient for propaganda purposes. I dont think it necessarily tells us that this is something that was either inspired by their propaganda, or actually driven by people actually in the Islamic State territories in syria. But it certainly shows that they find these kinds of incidents very helpful for propaganda purposes. Lets go to bangladesh now, where the government is planning to build a giant camp for the 400,000 ethnic rohingyas who have fled from neighbouring myanmar. The government says it will also impose restrictions on the movement of the rohingyas in order to prevent them from settling in other parts of the country. 0ur South East Asia correspondent Jonathan Head has the latest from coxs bazar. When they first started crossing the border, three weeks ago, bangladesh said it would send the fleeing rohingyas back. With 400,000 already here from previous outbreaks of violence, the government believed it could not take any more. But the unprecedented surge in numbers of rohingyas has forced bangladesh to reconsider. It now wants to build a vast camp, adjoining an existing one, in which it hopes to accommodate all 400,000 of the new arrivals. The police say they will also enforce restrictions, barring the rohingyas from moving elsewhere. There are questions, though, over how fast this can happen. The displaced rohingyas are in desperate need of the most basic aid. They are, in many cases, sleeping in the open, with no sanitation or water supplies. Until now, the Un Refugee Agency has been restricted to the relatively small numbers, around 70,000, living in official camps. Un officials hope the government will now consider a wider role for various un agencies, so that a full scale relief effort can be organised. Jonathan head, bbc news, coxs bazaar. Lets take a look at some of the other stories making the news Security Forces in the democratic republic of congo are reported to have shot dead more than 30 burundian refugees. Many others were wounded. The refugees are said to have overrun a jail where four fellow burundians were being held. Police in the us fired tear gas and rubber bullets during clashes with protesters in st louis earlier on saturday, after a white former policeman was acquitted of murdering a black suspect. A peaceful rally over fridays not guilty verdict turned violent after police confronted a group of demonstrators. More than 1,000 people have demonstrated in the tunisian capital, tunis, against a controversial amnesty bill that was approved by parliament on wednesday. The law gives amnesty to officials accused of corruption during the rule of zine El Abidine Ben ali, who was ousted in january 2011. A demonstration has been held in central barcelona in support of over 700 catalan mayors who backed a referendum on regional independence. The leaders have been summoned by spains public prosecutor, and will be arrested if they dont answer the summons. Here is our europe regional editor danny aeberhard. We will vote the chant from 700 mayors and their supporters, gathered inside the gothic courtyard of catalonias palace of government. They have come to the administrative heart of old barcelona. There, they were met by crowds waving the Pro Independence flag, and were received by both the citys own mayor and the regions president. Those in madrids sights hammered home messages of defiance. Translation were sure that we wont be cowed. We wont remain still. We will do everything necessary so that our people, the people we see every day, can exercise democracy and can vote. Long live catalonia. The spanish governments dilemma how to stop a referendum that polls suggest a clear majority of catalans want, even as they indicate that the odds are against independence. Prime minister Mariano Rajoy has vowed to thwart what he has called an intolerable act of disobedience. But come down too heavily, and it risks playing into the hands of the secessionists. The dilemma for the catalan authorities how to stage such a referendum, in the face of madrids implacable opposition. This goes beyond legal threats and efforts to seize election materials. Madrid looks set to take control of the regions finances next week. The referendum is planned for 1 october, two weeks away. So far, neither side is backing down. In syria, Russian Troops have taken control of the eastern city of deir al zor, forcing out so called Islamic State fighters. The city had been held by the militants for three years. Russias presence in the country has helped president assad hold onto power, despite the countrys civil war. The bbcs Steve Rosenberg was the first british journalist to enter deir al zor after is was driven out. On a Russian Military helicopter, we are heading east across syria. We are escorted by two gunships, in case we come under attack. Eventually, we arrive in deir al zour, a city only starting to recoverfrom a nightmare. For three years, this part of town was cut off from the rest of the world, surrounded by is fighters. Well, with the help of russian air power, the syrian army broke that siege just a few days ago. Now, people here tell us that is militants have been pushed back around three miles. But security is still a concern. Russian special forces accompany us to the market. The syrian soldiers here, well, theyre a little more relaxed. Supplying the city with food and drink and medicine is easier now. During the siege, deir al zour had to rely on humanitarian aid by air. Thanks to god, thanks to the syrian army and the russian army, this man says, syria is victorious. There is still fighting in deir al zour, but the syrian army has reclaimed much territory in and around the city. This Oil Rich Region was the heart of Islamic States economy. Defeating is here would be a major victory for president assad. Life may be returning to this city, but there is still danger here. Steve rosenberg, bbc news, deir al zour. The United Nations has called for an investigation into the killing of burundian refugees in the east of the democratic republic of congo. The un force in congo says the congolese Security Forces shot dead 37 refugees and injured 117 others. It said one soldier was killed in the incident, which began when the refugees protested against the expulsion of four burundians from the drc. Andrew plant reports. The bodies of burundian refugees, a p pa re ntly the bodies of burundian refugees, apparently killed when Security Forces opened fire. 0fficials apparently killed when Security Forces opened fire. Officials in the democratic republic of congo say the refugees were attempting to break into a secure compound. This camp, just a few mails from the border of burundi, now home to thousands who fled outbreaks of violence in the country which erupted there more than two years ago. Translation the Security Forces in the democratic republic of congo threatened to kill us, in case we did not want to return home to burundi. Justice must be done. Many more have been injured in the violence at the camp. Basic medical care given at the side of the road. 0pponents medical care given at the side of the road. Opponents of burundis president say his move to stay in office in 2015 was illegal. The clashes that followed forced tens of thousands to flee, opposition rallies crushed with rumours of disappearances and torture. Rallies are taking place to try and draw International Attention to burundi, and a situation that many say could escalate into civil war. Translation there are people dying every day it burundi, and they close their eyes. So perhaps we are there to move them a little, perhaps to open the eyes they are trying to close. It is very, very hard. The government says the People Killed we re government says the People Killed were members of an armed group who had attacked an office of the National Intelligence agency. The Un Refugee Agency has called for a full investigation, and has sent medical teams to help treat more than 100 who have been injured. Stay with us on bbc news. Still to come modernising an ancient chinese tradition. How these robots have been showing off their skills as martial arts masters in a kung fu display. 30 hours after the earthquake that devastated mexico city, rescue teams still have no idea just how many people have died. There are people alive and people not alive. We just can help with whatever we have. It looked as though they had come to fight a war. But their mission is to bring peace to east timor and nowhere on earth needs it more badly. The governments case has been forcefully presented by the justice minister. He has campaigned vigorously for abolition, having once witnessed one of his clients being executed. Elizabeth seton has spent a lot of time at this grotto. Now that she has become a saint, it is expected that this area will be inundated with tourists. The mayor and local businesses regard the anticipated boom as yet another blessing of saint elizabeth. This is bbc news. The latest headlines. Police in the uk have arrested an 18 year old man on suspicion of a terror offence following fridays bombing on a london tube train. Bangladesh is imposing wide ranging restrictions on the movement of more than 400,000 Rohingya Muslim refugees whove fled myanmar in recent weeks. Europes biggest airline, ryanair, says its cancelling up to 50 flights a day for the next six weeks. The move could affect nearly three hundred thousand passengers who will be offered alternative flights or refunds. Many have complained about the short notice of the cancellations. Our Business Correspondent joe lynam reports. Its europes busiest airline, but its grounding hundreds of its own planes. In doing so, its ruining holidays for thousands of its own customers, some of whom are now stranded overseas. Carrie ann woodgate is in poland and was e mailed by ryanair. The next flight out of here is next thursday. We cant get through to anyone at ryanair, we cant get through to a manager, live chat doesnt work, the app doesnt work. If you do ring ryanair on customer services, all you get is, were having a very large volume of calls. You betcha others have had to cancel their holidays. They text me the evening before the morning i was supposed to fly, so, yeah, pretty disappointed. Lost a holiday out of it, and lost some money as well. Ryanair says that air Traffic Control issues and weather, as well as a surge in pilots and cabin crew taking their holidays, is forcing it to ground up to 50 flights a day until the end of october. But thats still only 2 of the airlines entire flight schedule. But passengers set to fly with ryanair in the coming weeks simply dont know whether their flight will actually take off. It could be cancelled right up to the moment they arrive in the airport. The spin that ryanair is putting on this is saying, we want to make our timekeeping better, so were putting more planes on the ground in case something goes wrong. I must say, from the passengers perspective, someone like me who has got a booking on ryanair in the next few weeks, that looks like total tosh. Basically, its a massive administrative foul up. All their cabin crew and pilots are taking their holidays before the end of the year. So, what could you get back if youre affected . Eu rules say you are entitled to a new flight or full compensation if your flight is cancelled. The airline also has to cover your food and accommodation if youre stranded, and it should offer to pay for a flight with a rival airline if it cant get you on another flight to your final destination. All this means that these cancellations could cost ryanairs enigmatic boss michael 0leary up to £100 million. Its difficult to put a price, though, on damage to the airlines reputation. Joe lynam, bbc news. North koreas leader kim jong un north koreas leader kimjong un has said his goal is to match the military power of the united states. These comments come after the latest missile test has been described as highly provocative by the un security council. Pyongyang has been warned again of possible military action but russia and china say that diplomacy is the only solution. North korea has released footage which it says is of its latest Ballistic Missile test, the day after it was carried out. Also images of an elated kim jong un, present at the site. The countrys state media has quoted their leader as saying this was to achieve equilibrium force, so that the us would not even talk about a military move against his regime. Across the pacific, washington is considering its next move. Weve been kicking the can down the road and were out of road. So for those who have said and been commenting about the lack of a military option, there is a military option. Its not what we would prefer to do. We call on all nations to do everything we can to address this global problem, short of war. When the Us Administration talks about everyone, that really means china. Yet beijing says its the americans who are not upholding their end of the un sanctions bargain. Translation the Un Resolution also calls for reopening dialogue and resolving the issue through consulations. The resolutions should be implemented fully. Meanwhile, with no solution in sight, the public in south korea and japan are left wondering what their futures might hold. In both countries, its not only the hawks who are considering if they are being adequately protected from a Nuclear Armed neighbour. Here in seoul, not surprisingly, the Current Crisis is dominating politics. Theres an Opposition Party petition being circulated, in an attempt to collect ten million south korean signatures calling for the reintroduction of Tactical Nuclear weapons here. The government says this willjust inflame the situation here. And increase this threat to the countrys citizens. And just one hours drive away, north korea says it is close to reaching full nuclear capability. In the uk at least four people have died ina in the uk at least four people have died in a crash on the m5 in south gloucestershire. It happened between junctions 15 and 14, involving several vehicles including a lorry. The motorway remains closed in both directions and police say it will be shut until at least sunday morning. The british super model kate moss has been heckled by hundreds of anti fur protesters outside a show fashion in london. Police were forced to form a human chain to allow celebrity guests to enter the building where burberry was hosting a London Fashion week event. Protestors chanting shame on burberry had blocked the road. In australia, a koala has been released back into the wild after enduring a 16 kilometre nightmare clinging onto the axle of a four wheel drive vehicle. Incredibly, she was unharmed, as tom donkin reports. How much can a koala bear . Quite a lot, it seems. This koala in the southern australian city of adelaide held on for dear life to the axle of the moving car for 16 frightening kilometres. The curious marsupial had snuck behind the wheel of a parked car, which took off with her still inside. It was only when the driver heard the panicked cries of the inadvertent stowaway that it was discovered. I have never seen anything like that and it is absolutely incredible. She was crying a little bit, she was shaken. Certainly in shock. I rushed straightaway to the vet. Rescuers had to remove the wheel of the four wheel drive to free the animal. Luckily, apart from some burnt fur, no real harm was done. After a period of rest she was taken far away from traffic and back to the trees. Happy to put the brakes on her driving days. China is a country that is advancing at an extraordinary pace. It has one of the largest economies in the world and its taking an ever greater role on the global stage. But it seems some people in the country have discovered a way to combine the past with the future. The bbcs tim allman explains. Everybody was kung fu fighting. Those fists were fast as lightning. It is an ancient martial art. A study that requires discipline. But in china, even the robots do kung fu. 0ver in china, even the robots do kung fu. Over a thousand of them, in fa ct, fu. Over a thousand of them, in fact, lined up at the Opening Ceremony of this competition. Hundreds of teams trying to come up with the most amazing technological marvels. Its not just with the most amazing technological marvels. Its notjust robots, how about a wheelchair that response to bra i nwaves about a wheelchair that response to brainwaves and the Slightest Movement of the head . 0r brainwaves and the Slightest Movement of the head . Or this, a Remote Control robot that can swim. Translation we held this competition was an important aim of finding talent, especially those who explore robot innovation and entrepreneurship. The organisers hope this innovation can help transform the economy. 0ne kung fu robot at a time. Just a reminder of our top story this hour, police in britain say they are hunting for more potential suspects after an 18 year old man was arrested, suspected of planting a bombing devised on a train on friday. Hello there. The second half of the weekend should bring us a decent day across most parts of the country. It could be a chilly start of the day on sunday, with some mist. Later on, sunshine. A few showers, but not as many as on saturday. And not as heavy as they were, either. Low pressure still sitting to the east of the uk. High pressure moving in from the south west from the atlantic. That leaves us with a cool northerly breeze, particularly eastern scotland and north east england as well. Most of the showers on sunday morning will be concentrated across southern england. Across much of the rest of the country, quieter. Some heavy showers towards the channel isles. Inland, most places dry with clear spells. One or two patches of mist first thing across england and wales. The chance of a mist in the north east of england. Much of Northern Ireland and scotland, a dry and bright start. But a chilly start. That will warm up quickly once the sun gets going. A cool breeze across parts of eastern scotland and north east england, which could dry in a few isolated showers. Most places will be drier a good part of the day. During sunday afternoon, a rash of showers developing. In many parts of the country, you will avoid the showers altogether, particularly in the north and west. But we could see one or two showers towards the east. If you do catch one, it should pass through relatively quickly. During sunday evening, any of those isolated showers will largely fade away, leaving us with a fairly dry night. But you will notice that breeze on the south coast of england, drawing in one or two showers across the north sea. With clear skies and light winds elsewhere, a cool time. By monday, temperatures will be a few above freezing in some areas, giving a cool start to the working week. Monday, low pressure in east and at High Pressure in the west. Largely dry weather across the country on monday. With the northerly breeze feeding in, with showers and eastern showers and eastern scotland and england. Further inland, one or two isolated rogue showers popping up. Most of us avoiding them. Many of us, the weather will be dry or right. Temperatures 17 or 18 degrees in the south, but cool for newcastle and aberdeen. Tuesday and wednesday, a bit of rain in the middle of the week but the temperatures are on the rise. This is bbc news. The Headlines Police in britain investigating the bomb attack on a london tube train say they are hunting for more potential suspects. An 18 year old man was arrested in the port of dover on suspicion of a terror offence. Police also raided a Property West of london following that arrest. The house belongs to an elderly couple who are known for fostering children over several decades. Bangladesh has imposed wide ranging restrictions on the movement of more than 400,000 Rohingya Muslim refugees who have fled myanmar in the past three weeks. The scale of the crisis has overwhelmed parts of bangladesh. Security forces in the democratic republic of congo are reported to have shot dead more than 30 burundian refugees. Many others were wounded. The refugees are said to have overrun a jail where four fellow burundians were being held. Four people have been killed and a woman and two children are critically ill in hospital after an accident on the m5 in south

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