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Two years after admitting rigging emissions tests, volkswagen is now offering a diesel scrappage scheme for older models. Theres more misery for householders in birmingham, as refuse collectors go back on strike, in a dispute overjobs. And englands footballers play malta in a world cup qualifier tonight, after a record final day of business, in the summer transfer window. Coming up in sportsday later in the hour, we will have the very latest from every nomination before their world cup qualifiers. And it could be must when for scotland. Must win. Good evening, and welcome to the bbc news at six. The Security Company gas has suspended nine workers at an Immigration Removal Centre near gatwick airport, for allegedly abusing detainees. It follows an investigation by the bbcs Panorama Programme, claiming officers mocked, and assaulted people. Its claimed there was widespread self harm and attempted suicides at the centre, and that drug use was rife. Gas says its aware of the allegations and immediately began an investigation. Those suspended include a female nurse, six detention custody officers, and two managers. Alison holt has more. Brook house Immigration Removal Centre sits a couple of hundred metres from the runway at gatwick airport. Its run by the Global Security firm gas. Here Foreign National prisoners facing deportation at the end of their sentence are detained alongside asylum seekers, Illegal Migrants and those who have overstayed their visas. Covert filming by the bbcs Panorama Programme shows a chaotic place awash with drugs. With self harm commonplace among the men held there. There are officers doing their best, but the undercover investigation alleges some staff mock, abus, or even assault detainees. The incidents picked up by the hidden camera worn by another officer. Callum tulley has worked at brook house for two years. There is a culture of violence at brook house, when i started working there, iwas, i quite quickly became disturbed by what i was seeing and hearing about. It is the latest scandal to hit gas. Last year another panorama investigation at Medway Secure Training Centre in kent led to allegations of the mistreatment of some teenagers held there. The company says it is waiting to see the brook house footage but has suspended nine staff and put five others on restricted duties. My initial reaction is that i am absolutely disgusted by the alleged behaviour. It is totally unacceptable to me, to the organisation, to anyone else who would work in this in this kind of vocation. What does that tell you about the culture of brook house and also of gas because culture comes from on high. My expectations are clear, that we care for people, we look after people, on occasions we challenge people, and we do so in a way that is accepted, that is clearly laid down. Its the home office who decides who is detained at centres like brook house. It says it condemns any actions that put the safety or dignity of detainees at risk, adding that gas needs to ensure there is a thorough investigation into the allegations at the centre. The company says it has alerted the police. Alison, this panorama investigation raises issues not only about abuse but the nature of the detention. Absolutely, on monday we will seek the full allegations, im sure many points will arise from them. When you have a place like gallowgate, like centre is Holding People for deportation across the country a place like brook house, people who have reached the end of their sentence, often hardened criminals, alongside people who have perhaps overstayed visas, they may not have beenin overstayed visas, they may not have been in trouble for anything except immigration offences. Add drugs, self harm and desperation and you have a toxic mix. Brook house and other such centres were built to house people for 72 hours, just a couple of days ready for their departure from the country. The average length of stay according to inspectors the moment is a8 days. Some people have been there for over two years. Some people have been there for over two yea rs. If some people have been there for over two years. If you look across other immigration detention places, the latest figures show there is one person who has been in a centre for about four years. So all of this raises very serious questions about how well this system is working at the moment. Alison, any thanks. Alison holt, there. And you can see that Panorama Programme undercover britains immigration secrets on bbc1, on monday night, at 9 oclock. The brexit secretary, david davis, says hes a determined optimist about britains future outside the european union. His comments on a visit to washington, come after the trade secretary, liam fox, accused the eu of trying to blackmail britain into accepting a brexit divorce bill as the price for beginning trade talks. Heres our Political Correspondent eleanor garnier. The Prime Minister, showing how its done. At a meeting with the emperor ofjapan, a lesson in delicate diplomacy. But it seems her trade secretary hadnt got the memo. Speaking injapan, he accused the eu of bullying the uk into agreeing a brexit divorce bill before it will start negotiating any future trade relationship. We cant be blackmailed into paying a price on the first part. We think that we should begin discussions on the final settlement, because thats good for business. The outcome of this weeks negotiations in brussels revealed that money remains a key Sticking Point in the talks. Its clear the uk doesnt feel legally obliged to honour its obligations after departure. Nobody will pretend it was anything but a tough exchange this week. But i think the british taxpayer would expect nothing less. Its no surprise there is a bit of rough and tumble at this stage in the talks. Its significant liam fox didnt repeat the word blackmail when asked exactly what he meant. A moment perhaps when frustration got the better of him. But its certainly not a phrase you can expect the Prime Minister to be uttering. Fresh from his talks in brussels, the brexit secretary gave a speech to Business Leaders in washington today. He tried to laugh away his colleagues controversial comments. I never comment. I know what youre doing. I never comment on other ministers views on these things. Look, we are in a difficult, tough, complicated negotiation. I have said from the beginning that it will be turbulent. What were having at the moment is the first ripple. And there will be many more ripples along the way. Critics here claim liam foxs talk of blackmail will only make matters worse. His language is intensely unhelpful. This is sabre rattling from a trade secretary who is twiddling his thumbs because he cannot do anything until the trade position of the uk has been resolved with the eu. The Prime Minister rounded off her trip cheering on the gb wheelchair basketball team. But when it comes to brexit, the government is still searching for some big points and will be hoping for more winning ways to come. Eleanor garnier, bbc news, westminster. Its now believed more than i,a00 people have been killed after catastrophic flooding across several south asian countries. The annual monsoon season runs from june to september, but this year has been particularly heavy. In all, around ai Million People have been affected, in bangladesh, nepaland india. Millions have been left homeless, and more than 950,000 homes have been destroyed. Bangladesh was first hit by flooding in the middle of august, leaving roughly a third of the country submerged. At its peak, almost a weeks worth of the average rainfall for this time of year was dumped in the space of 2a hours, as sanjoy mujumdar explained at the time. This is one of the worlds largest, and because of heavy monsoon rains it has breached its banks and the entire area around it is flooded. These people have taken up the only sliver of land that has been left untouched. Well, the flooding then moved west to nepal, killing hundreds more people, and destroying at least 90,000 homes, mainly in the poorest parts of the country. The rising waters and numerous landslides there have left thousands of villages cut off, leading to shortages of food and clean water. Now the heavy monsoon rains have reached india, where parts of the countrys financial centre, mumbai, are under several feet of water. One of the worst affected areas is the eastern state of bihar. Justin rowlatt is there. Those least able to cope far the ha rd est those least able to cope far the hardest hit by the floods. This woman says her life has been ruined. Translation i have lost everything. I had translation i have lost everything. Ihada translation i have lost everything. I had a cow and a goat. They were both killed. My house is totally broken and im just left sitting here by the side of the road. I have nothing left. I just here by the side of the road. I have nothing left. Ijust dont know what to do. The people here are subsistence farmers, some of the poorest and most Vulnerable People on earth. The floodwaters have began to drain back. 0nly on earth. The floodwaters have began to drain back. Only to reveal the wreckage of homes and of lives. More than 500 people have died just in this one indian state, 17 million affected, and now there are new concerns, houses, schools, roads, they all need to be rebuilt and then of course there is the danger of disease. Filthy water, hot weather, and the lack of basic sanitation can bea and the lack of basic sanitation can be a deadly combination. People remained in water three, four days, their homes submerged in they remained in the water that they were drinking contaminated water, so its a huge risk. And this is a snapshot from just one tiny part of a catastrophe that is unfolding across much of south asia. The region floods every year but this is different. Exceptional rains have brought devastation across the foothills of the himalayas, from bangladesh in the east across india and nepal all the way to the west coast of india and into pakistan. The death toll from the collapse of a single building in the indian financial capital, mumbai, rose to 33 today. Police suspect it was weakened by the torrential rains. And 16 people have died in flash floods in karachi, the largest city in pakistan. Eid one of the holiest daysin in pakistan. Eid one of the holiest days in the muslim calendar is tomorrow, it is typically one of the busiest days in the city as families come togetherfor busiest days in the city as families come together for the first of all but the fury of the monsoon is not spent yet, more rain is forecast across the region. Justin rowlatt, bbc news, brook house. Bihar. The former england football captain, wayne rooney, has been charged with drink driving. The 31 year old retired from International Football last week, after rejoining his boyhood club everton over the summer. Well danny savage is at their home ground, goodison park. Phyllis in on the background. Rumours circulate and this morning that he had been arrested for drink driving, it was a few hours later thatjetta bliss drink driving, it was a few hours later that jetta bliss confirmed that just after 2am this later that jetta bliss confirmed thatjust after 2am this morning the 31 year old footballer was arrested by officers in wilmslow after they stopped him driving a black vw beetle. He was arrested them. Pictures appeared on social media during the evening before hand of him having pictures taken with friends and supporters but he was arrested some hours later. What happens next . It appears before stockport magistrates on september 18. Then he can either admit to the charge or he could contest it. He is englands highest profile footballer, now charged with drink driving, it is undoubtedly going to attract a lot of publicity. Clive. Danny savage, many thanks, at goodison park. The former archbishop of westminster, Cardinal Cormac Murphy Oconnor, has died aged 85. He was created a cardinal by popejohn paul ii in 2001. As archbishop, he was the leader of the Roman Catholic church in england and wales for nearly decade. Martin bashir looks back on his life. The almighty god bless you. Cardinal Cormac Murphy oconnor served as the head of the Roman Catholic church in england and wales from 2000 until 2009. His theological acumen was recognised early and he served as rector of the English College in rome before becoming bishop of arundel and brighton. And it was in sussex where he faced his greatest public challenge. A local priest, michael hill, had been accused of child sexual abuse. Then bishop Murphy Oconnor decided to redeploy him as a chaplain at gatwick airport. Hill went on to abuse children and was jailed in 1997. Cormac Murphy Oconnor refused to resign but described his management of hill as a grave mistake. Out of that terrible case came his decision to ask lord nolan to help him rethink how the Catholic Church in this country dealt with child abuse issues, to try to avoid such terrible things happening again. Although he did not engage directly in politics, it was his careful nurturing that led tony blair to convert to catholicism in 2007 after hed stepped down as Prime Minister. A year later, Cormac Murphy oconnor published a book entitled faith in the nation, in which he argued against the erosion of religious values in public life. It was this assertion that the Christian Faith must play a role in the public square, that Cormac Murphy oconnor had contended for throughout his life. Martin bashir, bbc news. The former archbishop of westminster, Cardinal Cormac Murphy Oconnor, who has died aged 85. Our top story this evening. The Security Firm gas suspends 9 workers, after the bbc uncovers assaults and abuse on detainees, at an Immigration Removal Centre. Coming up, im in malta where england fans are expecting the world cup qualifying. In sports day, we will look ahead to the start of the domestic Rugby Union Season including the premiership champions, exeter, who played tonight. Two years after the car manufacturer volkswagen, admitted rigging diesel emission tests, the compa nys launching a scrappage scheme. Several manufacturers are now offering incentives, to trade in old models registered before 2010, for newer less polluting vehicles. It comes as the toughest ever new car emissions tests are being rolled out. Richard westcott has been looking into the scheme. Now theyre all piling in. Four Car Manufacturers launched scrappage schemes today. One was the Company Caught cheating emissions tests, volkswagen. They are offering thousands of pounds for your old car as long as you buy a new one. Is this really about cleaning the or boosting sales . We are very serious about our responsibility for our quality. We are bringing out the scrappage scheme and we have launched an electric vehicle, a plug in carand a launched an electric vehicle, a plug in car and a range of hybrid ca is plug in car and a range of hybrid cars which will have a serious impact on air quality. The emissions scandal two years ago put the car industry under pressure to clean up vehicles. Manufacturers say this will make a significant difference, especially in our biggest cities, but experts are not convinced. Most of these scrappage schemes are aimed at removing private vehicles. Given these private vehicles only contribute a of the emissions, if they are successful it means there will only be a 0. A reduction. It is very small indeed. If you do scrap your car there is a big chance it will come out here. This big pile behind me is thousands of cars being minced up by a giant machine. 90 of the car is reused for something else. How many cars might come off the road . S we saw scheme just after the road . S we saw scheme just after the financial crisis and it threw up an extra 250,000 cars a year. The financial crisis and it threw up an extra 250,000 cars a yearlj would imagine this will have the same effect again. A quarter of a million old car is potentially gone, but it still leaves around 19 million driving on our roads. Kenyas Supreme Court has overturned the results of last months president ial election, saying the poll was flawed. The news was greeted with jubilation by opposition supporters. The judges ruled a new election must be held in 60 days. Well, our correspondent is in nairobi. Tomi this ruling was a surprise . It was a stunning decision. Not even some on the opposition side saw this coming. Election monitors said the vote was credible but the opposition disputed it. They said the process was fraudulent and that is why they took case to the court. The winner said he disagrees with the Supreme Court but respects the decision. Next there are fresh elections within 60 days under intense scrutiny. How unprecedented is this . This is a first for kenny and indeed africa. Its a major statement of the strengthening of democracy here. It shows the increasing independence and respect for the rule of law but there is still a fresh election to come and that is where canyons will be watching closely. Thank you. Refuse collectors in birmingham are back on strike, in a long running dispute with the city council over job losses. Industrial action was suspended last month after seven weeks of stoppages, but unions now claim the council has gone back on a deal not to issue redundancy notices. Well, sima kotcha is in birmingahm for us. When we came here a few weeks ago this pile of rubbish was high today, it has got bigger and the stench is unbearable. Bin workers said if they dont get what they want they could continue the strike till early next year. It looks bad and it smells even worse. A bin strike thats been going on for weeks and people here have had enough. Itjust smells like a tip. I mean, theres bags just dumped everywhere. Rubbish bags which have opened up and just scattered all across the road and we have to walk through it every single day. That smell, its so awful that you would rather do this to yourself than smell it, really, ugh. The council and the refuse workers are arguing about shift patterns, pay and conditions, and job losses. The owners of this fish and chip shop say its affecting their business. If the bins get ripped then its a big invite for the rats. And that can smell really bad and its unhygienic for everybody. People having to walk around and go around, you know. This strike started at the end ofjune. The Council Claims that its been costing them around £a0,000 per day to hire agency staff to clean up all this rubbish. Then the industrial action was suspended in the middle of august as the two sides held talks to figure out what to do next. Then at 7 30am this morning the strike was back on. And thats because the council confirmed last night it would be cutting jobs. The unite union says they wont let that happen and will carry on striking for three hours every day. This is an ideological decision. Its been taken out on the low paid by faceless paid officials who earn, frankly, obscene amounts of money. £180,000 a year, and they are asking people on £19,000 to take a cut. Its disgraceful. The Councils Leader had said there would be no redundancies but hes come under pressure from his cabinet to change his stance because some of them say no job losses are unaffordable. Everyone still has a job, who has been given those redundancy notices. They can either have a job at exactly the same level, somewhere else in the council, or they still have a job on the bins. Birmingham city council is the largest local authority in europe. The longer this dispute goes on, the more expensive it gets for them and for those on strike. Sima kotecha, bbc news, birmingham. Englands footballers take on malta, in a world cup qualifier tonight. And in the squad is the New Liverpool player alex 0xlade chamberlain, whos transfer from arsenal went through on a dramatic final day of the summer transfer window, with premier league clubs spending more than £210 million. Well Natalie Pirks is in the maltese capital valetta. The matches taking place in the capital and weve been getting the reaction. It is a fiasco, the tra nsfer reaction. It is a fiasco, the transfer window, every year, the prices go stupid. The money is ridiculous. The transfer window has been one of the best but moneywise, interesting, but i would disagree with the spending and how much you pay for players. With england you dont have the deal with the big money transfers, for me, personally, it is obscene but i understand that is the way the game is going. The views of some of the england fans. Great weather over there. It is up and down. All the details to come. A lot of sunshine in your weather pictures today. Struggle to find anything other than that but heres an example from kent. There have been thundery downpours. There still are. Weve seen some into east anglia. This strip of whether fading. The odd one might pop up. For much of the uk it is dry and clear. Just like last night, temperatures drop away. Sunspots will be flirting with freezing. A chilly start. There will be some patchy cloud. You might find an isolated shower but even these will be lighter. The vast majority will be lighter. The vast majority will avoid those. I will stay dry. In the sunny spells that continue it will feel pleasantly warm. The breeze freshens and the west. Heading out into Northern Ireland it might be drier but it may well be raining when you come back in. Saturday night and into sunday this is the change. There is a weather front coming in from the atlantic. There will be gayle through the irish sea. A wet start in the west. The rain leaves Northern Ireland behind it will track. Some in Eastern England will hold onto a dry day until quite late on but even here, the cloud increases and the wind picks up as well. Saturdays view is there but the change her sunday, there will be rain moving east and most of us will see that at some stage of the day. A weekend of two halves. Theres a forecast through the app and online. A reminder of the top stories. The Security Firm gas suspends nine employees. 1a00 people have died after heavy monsoon rains across parts of south asia. That is it. I will be back with the late news at ten. Hello. The headlines gas has suspended nine employees following reports of assault at an immigration centre. Cardinal maccormack the former archbishop has died. It is believed more than 1a00 people have been killed after catastrophic flooding across south asia for that the sheehs across south asia for that the sheers monsoon season has been particularly heavy. In all around a1 Million People have been affected. There have been calls for calm as the kenyan Supreme Court annulled the kenyan Supreme Court annulled the results of the last president ial election and orders a new one. Mr kenyatta was declared the winner in last months poll. Now for a look at what else is coming up on bbc news. Bin workers have returned to the picket lines as strike action in birmingham resumed after a dealfell apart. Wayne rooney is charged with drink driving. As Harry Potterfans will know, today is the 1st of september, the day the young witches and wizards of britain had from kings cross to hogwarts for the beginning of a new school year. Now it is time for sportsday. Hello. Im 0lly foster at the bbc sport centre. Heres whats coming up on sportsday. Theres a lot at stake in the international break

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