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Six and a half Million Viewers tune in to channel 4s First Episode of the Great British bake off, but did the show rise to the challenge . Good afternoon and welcome to bbc news. Tropical storm harvey has moved east to neighbouring louisiana, after battering the city of houston in texas for the past four days. Thousands of people there have fled their homes in search of Emergency Shelter amid severe flooding. Residents in port arthur, texas 90 miles east of houston are said to be in survival mode. residents have been posting pleas for help on social media and calling local radio and tv stations for help. The storm has made landfall for the second time this time in the neighbouring state of louisa na. The state increased its emergency resources, doubling up on high water vehicles, boats and helicopters on duty. These are some of the latest pictures from houston where a night time curfew to prevent looting from abandoned homes, as authorities and volunteers battle to rescue stranded people and provide shelterfor those made homeless by the rising waters. The flooding which has left much of the city underwater has killed an estimated 20 people. With £400 million worth of domestic property at risk. 0ur news correspondent Johnny Dymond reports. Plucked from the flood water. Lifted from a rooftop, a mother and child. One of so many rescues in a city turned into an inland sea. From across the us have come volunteers with their boats. Now the only way to reach many residents as the water has risen and risen, and risen again. This is a bad storm. They said it was catastrophic. It is catastrophic. As soon as it started creeping up to the front door we had to get out of there. It is overwhelming. I have been crying all morning. Thousands have left their homes in the city to find food and a dry floor in shelters. Even veterans of fierce weather are stunned by this storm. Catastrophic for everybody in houston. You know, im from here and i have never seen this. I lived in South Carolina for years and went through a lot of hurricanes. Never seen anything like this before. Empty homes have made a tempting target for criminals. The police are overstretched. The citys mayor announced a night time curfew. There are too many people from across our city, too many residents that are out of their homes. And they are in shelters. And i dont want them to have to worry about someone breaking into their home or looting or doing anything of that nature while they are away. There was no forced evacuation of the city, most stayed in their homes. Now those homes are underwater and help is desperately needed. The water, the current is very strong. And a lot of people dont want to leave their homes. We keep coming back here and when we come back they decide to leave. So we try to get them out as soon as possible. The scale of the floods is breathtaking. Houses and roads, shops and hospitals, submerged. Reconstruction will be a huge task. But now saving lives is the priority, with residents almost swept away by surging storm water. Jonny dymond, bbc news. Cbss cbss don champion sent us this update. This is the main shelter in houston. For the past few days it had been running at the double the capacity. This morning as the conditions improve, the weather conditions, we are seeing more shelters opening here in the region, including at the stadium, the area where one of the nfl teams plays. A new shelter has been opened there to house 10,000 people. Even as the recovery starts here in the houston area, a very dire situation is unfolding to the east, where harvey continues to dump rain on two cities. 15 inches of rain fell last night and this morning we are getting reports of flooding, at least one shelter there and also people are taking to social media, pleading for help, saying that water is rising in their homes and the sheriff in the region saying he is overwhelmed and does not have the resources to get to some of these stranded residents sadly. North korea says its firing of a Ballistic Missile overjapan is the first step of military operations in the pacific. The United Nations Security Council unanimously condemned the test, in a Statement Issued after an emergency meeting last night. The diplomatic unease coincides with theresa mays visit to japan shes urged china to put more pressure on north korea to stop its missile testing programme. But beijing said theres too much focus on sanctions, and not enough on peace talks. 0urfirst report is from yogita limaye, in the south korean capital seoul. This is the rocket that flew over japan on tuesday morning, according to north korean state television. Its believed to be a hwasong 12 medium range missile, the kind pyongyang has threatened to fire at the us Pacific Island of guam. And north korea has said tuesdays test was the First Step Towards that plan. Its leader, kim jong un, monitored the launch and has ordered more such missile drills aimed at targets in the pacific ocean. The threat is very serious. The indication that there are going to be more launches came from kim jong un himself, so its definite, they are going to launch more missiles. We should take it seriously, because north korea has already said that its going to advance toward the capability of delivering a Nuclear Warhead to an american city. North koreas fierce response came as the United Nations Security Council was meeting in new york. All 15 members of the group condemned pyongyangs actions. The world is united against north korea. There is no doubt about that. It is time for the north korean regime to recognise the danger they are putting themselves in. But no new sanctions were announced by the council. South korea has welcomed the un statement, but is pushing for tougher measures against north korea, as are the us and japan. But even the stringent sanctions passed by the Security Council earlier this month, banning major exports from north korea and putting economic pressure on the country dont seem to have worked so far. Prime minister theresa may is visiting japan a day after a missile flew over the country. The threat from north korea, high on the agenda. Well, i want to work with Prime Minister abe, to work with other International Partners, to do what we all want to do, which is to stop north korea from conducting these illegal activities. We want to work with International Partners to see what further pressure can be brought on north korea and, of course, particularly look at what china can do to bring pressure on north korea. Beijing has hit back at the Prime Minister for her comments, saying she should first ensure the country is fully implimenting sanctions. China has also blamed the us for escalating tensions and has heavily criticised the joint military exercises being conducted by american and south korean troops. Transltion china stands opposed to any chaos or war on the peninsula. Enhancing war on the peninsula will not help towards achieving the goal of demilitarisation or regional stability. On tuesday, south korea also released video of its own missiles, a response to north koreas test. Both sides are caught up in a cycle of aggression. While north korea is high on the agenda, theresa may is also hoping to discuss a post brexit trade deal, on herfirst trip to japan as Prime Minister. Shes described japan as a like minded nation, and a natural trading partner though the country has been forthright in expressing concerns about the impact of britains departure from the eu on its uk based firms. A warning that this report from Rupert Wingfield hayes contains some flash photography. Arriving injapans second city 0saka today, theresa may has landed in the middle of a new north Korean Missile crisis. But it is primarily trade that japan wants to talk to the british Prime Minister about this week. And in particular the deal she is negotiating for britain to leave the European Union. Im going to be talking to my japanese counterpart Prime Minister abe this week about the future relationship between the United Kingdom and japan. About how we can build on what is already a good strong relationship, but build on that in the areas of security, defence and yes, trade. And look to the arrangements that we can put in place when weve left the European Union. Mrs may was greeted by the japanese Prime Minister shinzo abe in the ancient capital of kyoto. At a buddhist temple she was treated to a cup of tea. A very japanese one. Despite mrs mays confident words, these two leaders are far apart on the issue of brexit. Japan is deeply concerned about britain leaving the European Union. It is by far the largest asian investor in the uk. Over the last 35 years over 1000 Japanese Companies have invested in britain, creating 150,000 jobs. Japanese Business Owners said their investments were made because britain is in the eu. We are probably the largest asian investor in this country and it all started when Margaret Thatcher promoted britain as the bridgehead into the european market. The Japanese Companies bought that and came in great numbers. There will be much talk here this week of the strength and depth of anglo japanese ties. But if britain is heading for a hard brexit, those ties are going to be put under severe strain. Rupert wingfield hayes, bbc news, in tokyo. We can now speak to hosuk lee makiyama, a director at the brussels think tank European Centre for International Political economy. Hes also a former diplomat and trade specialist who co authored a European Commission Impact Assessment on the eus trade deal with japan. Thank you for talking to us. So we know that japan and the eu are close to getting a trade deal. Is it realistic for britain to think that it can somehow piggyback on to that after we have left the eu and get a trade deal with the uk . Well, the thing is actually the uk is a part of that deal as long as the uk stays within the eu. The question is what happens once brexit happens and agreement needs to be grandfathered 01 agreement needs to be grandfathered or transitioned into a new deal strictly between japan or transitioned into a new deal strictly betweenjapan and the uk. The problem there are a number of technical issues that arise once you leave a deal and transition to another deal, because you may end up with a worse deal than you had. Another deal, because you may end up with a worse deal than you hadm there also a concern that many Japanese Companies who have invested here in the uk have done so because they see this country as a gate way to the rest of the eu . Absolutely. This is one of the prime, well, comparative advantage of the uk, it serves as a bridgehead for the japane banks and japanese manufacturing. It provides a stable economy and competitive economy to invest in. As far as the Japanese Companies are concerned, many of them, well, did invest in the 80s strictly on the grounds that actually the uk would be a part of the eu and that is the sole reason theyre there. We have already seen some companies, banks in particular, considering moving parts of their operation out of uk. How great is the risk of many of these japanese firms deciding that britains no longer the best place for them to invest, particularly if we end up with what people are calling a hard brexit. The talks dont seem to be going well at the moment. Well, here is the simple fact. 0nce going well at the moment. Well, here is the simple fact. Once the eu and japan agreement will be signed next year, you would have better market integration between japan year, you would have better market integration betweenjapan and the European Union than between the uk and the eu if the hard brexit would happen. That allows for a number of opportunities and as well as if you look at some of the companies that we are discussing that has invested in the uk like nissan, they have considerable supply chains and sub contractors and capacity to manufacture already on the Single Market or in the Customs Union with turkey. So once the next Investment Decision is going to take place for the next generation, so vehicles or products, it is not going to look good for the uk. Thank you very much. The headlines storm harvey moves east, inundating part arthur. North korea said the firing of a missile overjapan korea said the firing of a missile over japan was the korea said the firing of a missile overjapan was the first step of its military operations in the pacific, signalling plans for more launches. Campaigners warn that raising credit ca rd campaigners warn that raising credit card limits could be pushing people already struggling with debt into further difficulties. Liverpool and arsenal have opened talks about alex 0xlade chamberlain. Ahead of final test with the west indies the ecb have said that the bowling coach will leave and join the south africa etc up. England have taken their first win of netballs quad series against new zealand. I will have morejust after half against new zealand. I will have more just after half 2. Kezia dugdale has resigned as leader of scottish labour, saying its time to pass the baton to someone else. Ms dugdale said the party had been revitalised during her two years in charge, and that its time for a new leader with fresh energy, drive, and a new mandate. She has previously criticised jeremy corbyn, but has denied she was under pressure to leave. 0ur scotland political editor, brian taylor, has been speaking to her. Simple question. Why . Why are you going, why stand down . Most political leaders quit at a moment of crisis, something terrible has happened. I have decided that i think the labour party is very much on its uppers. It has made a tremendous amount of progress from the state that i found it in two, two and a half years ago. When it was literally on its knees. Now its time to pass that baton on to the next person. Why . I mean, have you found it frustrating, have you found it difficult . I think you say in your resignation letter, it has been fulfilling but also challenging . I inherited a party, people didnt really know what the labour party stood for any more. I used to hear that all time. So i have made the case for progressive taxes, i have made the case for federalism. Keep making that case then . Why go . I think i have established these as the big issues in scottish politics now, not least educational inequality. And i have enjoyed sparring with the first minister week in, week out, around that. But the work that has to happen now, thats for the next person. Two years seems like a very short period of time but actually, when you look at the immensity of whats happened in scottish politics over that, from the independence referendum, to two general elections, a Scottish Parliament election, a local government election, a referendum on europe. I mean, the immensity of that is huge and its had its toll on many people, not least myself. Do you thinkjeremy corbyn can go on to become Prime Minister . Do you think hes the right leader for the labour party . I absolutely do believe that he can and will go on in the role that hes doing. He will have my full support in doing that. You will back him in that . Of course. And its not the reason youre leaving . Categorically not. But you spoke out against him and criticised, you were critical of him in that earlier period and perhaps some on the left have never forgiven you for that . That may be so. I did that 1a months ago. I havent said a critical word aboutjeremy since. On a personal level we continue to get on extremely well and i wish him every success for the future. And i will be there right by his side to campaign for him to be the next Prime Minister. Are you going before you were pushed . Absolutely not. Im going on my terms. I have assessed the situation that the Scottish Labour Party faces, i have looked at my own life and decisions that i want to make around it and i have decided this is time. Kezia dugdale, thank you very much. Thank you. Prince william and prince harry are due to visit a Memorial Garden for their mother this afternoon, on the eve of the 20th anniversary of her death. The white garden in the grounds of Kensington Palace is dedicated to the life and work of diana, princess of wales. The princes will also meet representatives of charities she supported. 0ur correspondent Richard Lister is at Kensington Palace. Richard, we are still waiting for the princes to arrive. But how significant is this event this afternoon . I think it is interesting, it is a big contrast to commemorations on the 10th anniversary of dianas death. You may recall then the queen attended a service attended by about 500 people and it was quite a big event. This time it is much more low key. The princes are coming to the garden behind that hedge, they should be arriving there at any time. But theyre not arriving there at any time. But they re not really arriving there at any time. But theyre not really going to be doing anything publicly. They will be meeting representatives of some of the charities that diana was working with the most closely in the final year of her life. They say that it is to reflect her life and the contribution that she made through her charitable work. But theyre not expected to do anything public. There will be a statue which has been commissioned and will be at some point unveiled. But not today. Perhaps later this year. A statue of diana will be placed there. Sorry to interrupt, we can just see the princes arriving. Indeed. They will, asi princes arriving. Indeed. They will, as i say, spend some time with some of the representatives of the charities that diana was most closely involved with in the time year of her life. They were in particular centre point, the charity working with young Homeless People and that is a charity which Prince William has become patron of. It was the First Charity that received his patronage. And they will talk to representatives from two hospitals that she was very closely associated with. The Royal Marsden hospital and the great 0rmond street hospital. And an unusual cause, the cause of leprosy. She will talk to representatives from the National Aids trust. That was a Ground Breaking cause she was involved with when she was filmed shaking hands with an hiv patient in 1987. That was considered quite Ground Breaking at the time when there was a lot of confusion about the transmission rates of hiv and aids. That was a key thing she did. They will be talking to representatives from the English National ballet, which was not cause close to her heart. The two princes, as i say, will be involved today in paying tribute to exactly the causes and the charitable work that their mother found very important in her life. But we dont expect them to be meeting members of the public or doing anything more public than theyre doing at the moment. Richard, we have been hearing a lot in the past week or so from the princes, of course these anniversaries of their mothers death very difficult indeed. We have heard them speaking openly about how difficult it was when they were younger. Lets just have a listen and see if we can hear what theyre saying. I think sadly it is just the down pour of the rain it is the rain it is hammering down. Rip ard, they have been talking about how the difficulty of growing up and coping with their bereavement very much in the public eye. Yes they have. And it is quite remarkable to look at the interviews they have given this year. Both to the bbc and to itv in documentaries that have been shown, in which they spoke with extraordinary candour about the clearly devastating impact that the loss of their mother had. Prince william was just 15, prince loss of their mother had. Prince william wasjust15, prince harry only 12 when their mother died in paris. They both spoke in these interviews about the impact that that had, about the disbelief tshs numbness, the difficulties they had in coming to terms with that. Prince harry has spoken about the trauma it caused for his mental helt to lose his caused for his mental helt to lose his health to lose his mother. So they feel this is an event that they still grieve over. They say they both still miss their mother rev i day. Every day. We think of the death of diana being a Pivotal Moment in britains social history and it is perhaps easy to overlook the fact that this was the loss of the fact that this was the loss of the mother of two boys, young men, ata time the mother of two boys, young men, at a time when they were just beginning to find their places in the world and the trauma clearly that they both spoke about is still with them to some extent today. But it was revealing to hear them both talk about the impact that their mothers death had on them in such honest and very raw terms. They had both said that they didnt want to talk about that event publicly again. This would be the moment to reflect on their mothers death. And we dont expect them to talk about it particularly in any great depth from this point on. Those who commissioned the programmes said that Kensington Palace made clear the time was right to add their perspective to the many things that have been said about the death of diana, that enough time had passed a they felt they could speak about it in the way they did. And i suppose thatis in the way they did. And i suppose that is a reflection of the the way the monarchy has changed, partly because of dianas death and the way she lived her life as a royal. Somebody who was prepared to talk about her emotions and be seen talking to people that the royal family didnt necessarily always mix with in times gone by. Perhaps the fa ct with in times gone by. Perhaps the fact their sons have been so open with their emotions in these interviews is a reflection of the values that were passed down by their mother. Richard lister at the gardens of Kensington Palace, this poignant visit by the two princes. Thank you very much indeed for that. If youre struggling with debt, youre more likely to your credit card limit raised without asking. Thats according to research from citizens advice, which found that nearly one in five of its customers is being given access to more credit without requesting it. The Charity Wants a ban on credit extensions without the card holders explicit consent. Heres our economics correspondent, andy verity. Borrowing on credit cards has been growing by 9 . Farfaster than wages. And citizens advice says irresponsible practices are keeping people in debt they cant get out of. Tracy banham ran into trouble when her Small Business hit difficulty. She and her partner used credit cards to plug the financial holes. Then sickness struck, then separation, and it was all too easy to find a temporary solution by borrowing more. She racked up debts of £37,000. It got to the point where i was just paying off interest, basically. At one point on one credit card, i was paying £700 a month and probably £60 of that was just coming off the debt. That was just one of the credit cards. The latest figures from the bank of england confirmed consumers have borrowed just over £200 billion on unsecured loans. With about a third of that on credit cards. Yet one in five borrowers have been given higher credit limits without asking for them. 0n 2. 2 million credit card accounts, borrowers spend more on charges and fees than on repayments. Pushing them further into debt. Citizens advice says if that goes on for two years, lenders should have to contact borrowers and offer help such as suspending interest payments. Credit card holders can still be left more money to borrow and spend on what they like without lenders ever carrying out checks to make sure they can afford to repay it. Ten years after a crash that was caused by reckless lending. Citizens advice said that is wrong and affordability checks should be required whenever credit limits on credit cards are extended. We also think that the regulator can play a bit more of a role so that when credit limits are extended, and this is done in agreement with the customer and the company, that there should be more of an affordability checkjust to make sure that people can afford to pay back the money they are borrowing. The body that represents most credit card lenders, uk finance, says it is taking steps to prevent struggling borrowers being offered more credit, and that it is working with regulators to help people manage their debts. Andy verity, bbc news. Now an up date from japan, where theresa may has been has talks with herjapanese theresa may has been has talks with her japanese counter part, theresa may has been has talks with herjapanese counter part, shinzo abe. We have had words from the Prime Ministers deputy official Spokes Person saying that on north korea the Prime Minister told mr abe that the uk stood should tore shoulder with japan in the face of north korean aggression and discussed the importance of the un showing unity. They focussed on a means to putting economic and political pressure on north korea. And on brexit, we are told that theresa may took the japanese Prime Minister through the process so far, including the third round of negotiations and she said that the uk wasa negotiations and she said that the uk was a strong supporter of an agreement being sought between the eu andjapan agreement being sought between the eu and japan and saw it as a good basis for the start of its own trading agreement with japan and Prime Minister abe we are told was positive about that. More on that to come. Now the weather. Sunshine and showers for much of the north and west of the uk today. 0utbreaks north and west of the uk today. Outbreaks of rain with heavy bursts spreading east and feeling cooler than yesterday. Especially in the breeze. Some sunshine to be had elsewhere. Catch a shower in scotla nd elsewhere. Catch a shower in scotland and Northern Ireland it could be heavy with a rumble of thunder. Nowhere is particularly warm today, nor will be overnight. The rain will clear over Eastern England. Most places become dry with clear spells and temperatures dipping widely in the countryside to mid single figures. Watch out in the morning, parts of law fails and north west england, there could be some intense downpours around with difficult travelling conditions. Through the day, showers breaking out perhaps with thunder or hail. But some warm sunny spells in between. Hello. This is bbc news. The headlines at 2 30pm. Storm harvey moves east, flooding the Evacuation Centre in the coastal city of port arthur, and leaving most of its 20,000 homes flooded. North korea says the firing of a missile overjapan was the first step of its military operations in the pacific, it follows condemnation from the un over the recent Missile Launch overjapan. President trump has tweeted that talking was not the answer to diffusing diplomatic tensions. Theresa may welcomes £500 million aston martinjapan deal on herfirst visit to japan as british Prime Minister. Kezia dugdale resigns as leader of scottish labour, saying it is time to pass on the baton to someone else. She says she is leaving the party in a much better state than she had found it. Prince william and prince harry will visit a Memorial Garden for their mother on the eve of the 20th anniversary of her death. Campaigners warn that raising credit card limits could harm people already struggling with debt. Citizens advice says people struggling financially are more likely to see the limit increased without request. Now, time for the sport. Good afternoon. Its transfer deadline day, so lets bring you up to date on the last minute deals. Liverpool have made their First Official move to sign arsenals alex 0xlade, talks have opened between the two clubs. 0xlade chamberlain turned down a £40 million deal to go to chelsea, because he believes he would be unlikely to play in his preferred position at stamford bridge. It now remains to be seen whether liverpool match that offer for him. Arsenal are also trying to sort out the future of forward Alexis Sanchez amid interest from manchester city, heres our Sports Reporter david 0rnstein with the latest. He is another player with only one year left on his contract. Manchester city had a £50 million bid turned down by arsenal yesterday. Arsenal rejected all of manchester citys advances and say it will take a huge offer for them to sign Alexis Sanchez and that offer in terms of huge money must include a player coming in the opposite direction so it could go right down to the wire. One man definitely leaving arsenal is kieran gibbs. West brom have signed the left back on a four year deal for a fee in the region of £7 million. Gibbs, whos been at arsenal since the age 01 14, is west broms fifth major signing of the summer transfer window. Leicester midfielder Danny Drinkwater has asked to leave the club following interest from chelsea. The premier League Champions have already had two bids turned down for the england player. Leicester have previously stated they do not wish to lose drinkwater. And hes not the only player chelsea are interested in. Theyve also had a £25 million bid rejected by everton for midfielder ross barkley. Chelseas offer is below evertons original £50 million price tag. Barkley will be available on a free transfer at the end of the season. Englands professional Rugby Union Players are to take part in a major study of concussion and brain injuries this season. Its thought its the biggest of its kind to take place in the history of uk sport. It involves a pitchside saliva swab to diagnose brain injuries. 0ur rugby Union Reporter chrisjones earlier told me this could be a major breakthrough. What the university of birmingham have found recently as that molecules in saliva and urine can act as markers to determine and diagnose and therefore on words to treat concussion, which would be a major breakthrough for the sport. This is at the early stages, still investigations going on, and that is why this study is taking place. If there could be a pitch side concussion test using saliva of the player which could be completely objective to prove whether the player does or does not have a concussion or brain injury then it could be revolutionary for the sport. Ahead of englands third and final decisive test against the west indies the ecb has announced that bowling coach 0ttis gibson is to quit his position tojoin Cricket South Africa as head coach. Gibson will leave at the end of the current test series against the west indies. England, meanwhile, have named the same 13 players for next weeks final decisive test at lords. England have recorded theirfirst win of netballs quad series with a 49 45 victory against new zealand in auckland. England were behind heading into the final quarter, before Kadeen Corbin scored seven goals in nine attempts. It follows defeat to australia in their opening match. They finish off the series on sunday against south africa. Thats all the sport for now. Ill have more in the next hour. As houston and the surrounding area continue to struggle with flooding following hurricane harvey, local volunteers are stepping up to help with search and rescue missions. Addicks reservoir and surrounding neighbourhoods have faced particularly severe water levels. The bbc followed teams on trucks and boats as they searched for those in need. This is a bad storm. They said it was catastrophic, it is catastrophic. As soon as it started to creep up to the front door, we had to get out of there. It is overwhelming. I have been crying all morning. It is now flush with the road, coming over the bridge. The streets were flooded before we could get out. If they had told us, youre going to be in an evacuation zone, get out now, i could have pulled my car out of my garage. And i would be high and dry with a car instead of having it parked in my garage. It is definitely heartbreaking to see, we have been in homes, pulling people out of homes, infants, older couples. But it is good that we have People Like Us who stick together and work together. We will probably try for a couple of hours until it starts to get dark or if the water gets too much worse. Weve still got to be able to get out of here, and we have to make it back home this evening. We will do what we can. Terrifying. I havent seen anything like this ever. It smells really bad, like gas in there. It is crazy. I really do not know what i am doing at this point in time. Thats some of the volunteers helping out in houston. Meanwhile, monsoon rains have killed at least five people, including two toddlers, in mumbai as indias Financial Capital ground to a halt under flooding. Roads were hit by waist,deep flooding, flights cancelled and Train Services suspended, stranding tens of thousands. More rain is expected but it is thought the situation has improved for now, the bbcs Suranjana Tewari says. The rains in mumbai follow devastating floods across a swathe of south asia, which have killed more than 1,200. Losing a loved one is a difficult and stressful time for any family, and now its emerged that many are facing the added distress of delays to registering the death. Figures seen by bbc local radio show that most councils in england and wales are failing to register bereavements within the five day target. Emily unia has this report. Last year Graham Morgans mother died. She was 86 and living in a care home. The family had to wait nearly three weeks for the funeral. It was a terrible situation, to be honest, it was the worst you could ever have at a time in your life, and everybody faces it, when someone near to you has passed away. I thought it was terrible. He faced delays in getting a doctors certificate and waited a fortnight for an appointment to register her death with the local council. It has a big impact on your well being. Because youre bereaved, youre panicking, you want to get everything right, youve loved, in my case, my parents. You didnt want to let them down and have anything go wrong. By law all deaths except those that need investigating by a coroner must be registered within five days. But most councils in england and wales are failing to meet their registration targets. In 201123 of all deaths in england and wales were registered after the five day limit. A total of more than 110,000 people. By 2016 that figure had risen to more than 187,000 meaning 36 of all deaths took longer than five days to be registered. The National Association of Funeral Directors which represents 4000 Funeral Homes conducted its own survey in 2015. It found that families were waiting longer to see a registrar. Some registrars, there are cutbacks and Staff Shortages and that is happening all throughout the uk. But what we are also seeing is that certain registrars will not make the appointment for the family unless the family already have the medical certificate for cause of death in their possession. Poppy mardel runs a funeral home in south london and is aware of growing delays. She says the whole process of dealing with death is confusing for bereaved families and more sensitivity is needed. Grieving people should not be disregarded by the local authorities. You know, i think recognition that death and grief are incredibly difficult experiences that we are all going to have to go through, so i dont see why people need to wait to register a death. It doesnt take that long. The Home Office Said local authorities are expected to ensure there are adequate provisions to register a death. The local Government Association told us various factors have contributed to delays but councils are working to reduce them. For Graham Morgan improvements to the system, although too late for his family, would still be welcome. It causes chaos at a time in peoples lives when you dont need that chaos, to be honest. You know, you are bereaved enough as it is. Emily unia, bbc news. Now the Great British bake 0ff without mary berry, or mel and sue, seemed unthinkable to many of the programmes fans, after its controversial move to channel 4. But the First Episode of the new series, which aired last night, appears to have been a success. 6. 5 Million People tuned in, which is channel 4s biggest overnight audience in five years. This series has three new presenters, with sandi toksvig, Noel Fielding and newjudge prue leithjoining Paul Hollywood on the team. 0ur entertainment correspondent lizo mzimba was watching. Can you see it . I cant see it anywhere. Big white tent, 12 new bakers. Sorry, sue, you did say white tent. Some things have changed, no mel and sue, or mary berry, other things feel reassuringly familiar. Leaving the bases uncovered. How are you going to pour your chocolate before it hardens. A total of 6. 5 Million Viewers tuned in to the show, including these loyal fans. Bake 0ff cheers, guys. Hello, bakers, and welcome to the fabulous bake 0ff tent. I mean, i still miss mel and sue but im 0k. I havent missed them. Ifeel like im cheating saying it, but i havent missed them. On your marks. Get set. Bake. The viewing figures are significantly down on the more than 10 million who watched it on bbc one. But 6. 5 million still represents a ratings success for channel 4, who said they needed 3 million to break even. The test now is will people carry on watching . Were they watching because they were inquisitive or because they are true bake 0ff fans and want to continue . There is always the chance the audience will grow as well, as it has historically, over a series of bake 0ff. But they might fall off as well. Dont celebrate too soon, but it looks good at the moment. Channel 4s chief creative 0fficerjay hunt said the Great British bake 0ffs audience last night proves it still one of the countrys favourite shows. Im delighted millions watched the new team put 12 magnificent bakers through their paces. It is the largest share of Young Audiences we have had for a show for over a decade. A large proportion of young viewers is of course crucial in attracting lucrative advertising that willjustify the £25 million a year channel 4 is paying to Love Productions to broadcast the show. Channel 4 will be hoping lots of viewers who watched the show grow over six years on the bbc will stay with it in its new home. Viewers like the very first bake 0ff winner, edd kimber. The show is very, very special to me. I was a very different person when i did it. It was seven years ago and i have seen it go from this tiny little thing to this huge national, International News story. So i have my fingers tightly crossed because i really want it to succeed and i think it really did. Bake off is now channel 4s most popular show, the question for the future is will it continue to be one of the nations favourite, too . We can now speak to andrew smyth, 2016 Great British bake 0ff finalist. Thank you forjoining us. What did you think . I thought it was fantastic. I think like everybody else, there is a couple of nerves about how channel 4 was going to change the format. But i think it was excellent. The standard of the bakers, they seem to have taken it up bakers, they seem to have taken it upa bakers, they seem to have taken it up a level. The challenges we saw in the first week were of the charts. What they were making in that show stopper is something i would struggle to achieve. I thoroughly enjoyed at. A different cast obviously, no mel and sue and prue leith stepping into the Important Role as one of the judges. What did you make of that . Big shoes to fill. I thought sandi and noel did really well. Everyone is a bit nervous in the first week, you need that warm posting to carry it through. I think they did it well. Prue was totally holding her own. Her and they did it well. Prue was totally holding her own. Herand paul complement each other quite well and i look forward to seeing them blossoming. Various people on twitter were complaining about the fa ct twitter were complaining about the fact there were outbreaks. Personally i found that quite useful, to go and make a cup of tea. Did you feel it interrupted the flow . I find it useful. Did you feel it interrupted the flow . Ifind it useful. Im in france at the moment so i was able to dig into a bit of petty street during the outbreaks i think it works, especially because theyve not done it on cliffhangers, theyve neatly partitioned it. I do think it obstructs it too much. In a couple of weeks we will forget there wont outbreaks and it will become part of bake 0ff. Outbreaks and it will become part of bake off. 6. 5 Million People watched it, presumably some of those will have been because there was a lot of interest in seeing what the new show was going to be like. Do you think it will manage to sustain that kind of level of interest . I certainly hope so. At the end of the day its all about bakers. They seem like a really warm bunch, they are coming across well on camera. They are clearly talented. I think because of the way the challenges are designed, that will keep people coming back for more. I hope it carries through for more. I hope it carries through for the rest of the series, its lovely to be on the other side of it again and watch all the new bakers coming in. There was an amazing standard, have you got a tip for he is going to emerge on top . |j standard, have you got a tip for he is going to emerge on top . I think its too early to tell. I think in oui its too early to tell. I think in our series its only after the first couple of episodes where you start to see trends. First week nerves can make some people a bit on edge. Keeping those to myself for the moment but there are a couple keep an eye on thank you forjoining us. Ina an eye on thank you forjoining us. In a moment the headlines and after that the business needs. Business news. As texas continues to cope with the floods from storm harvey, the storm moves east, indundating the city of port arthur and closing the countrys largest oil refinery. North korea says the firing of a missile overjapan was the first step of its military operations in the pacific, signalling plans for more launches. Campaigners warn that raising credit card limits could be pushing people already struggling with debt into further difficulties. Prince william and prince harry visit a Memorial Garden for their mother on the eve of the 20th anniversary of her death. In the business news. One in five people struggling with debt have had their credit card limit increased, without them requesting it, according to research by citizens advice. The bank of england has warned about soaring levels of personal debt with credit card borrowing now at a staggering £200 billion. As the uk Prime Minister meets her japanese counterpart, aston martin has announced a £500 million trade and investment deal between the United Kingdom and japan. The luxury car brand aims to increase exports to japan, open a number of new offices next year and expand its dealer network. Theresa may called the investment vital as britain prepares to leave the eu. Brexit could mean gaps on shop shelves, thats the warning from the british retail consortium. They say crucial details are still missing from the uks vision for future customs arrangements, and delays at ports could mean higher prices and empty shelves. But brexit campaigners said Technology Means theres no need for hold ups at borders. The ride sharing app uber says its cooperating with us authorities who are investigating allegations it bribed foreign officials. Its not clear how many countries are involved, but it comes as the firms board has confirmed that they voted unanimously to appoint expedias ceo dara khosrowshahi, as ubers new boss. Michelle fleury, our north America Business correspondent, joins me now from the new york stock exchange. Tell us more about these bribe allegations. This all goes back to a law that was introduced in the 70s called the foreign corrupt practices act. As the name suggests, it bans companies from bribing foreign officials to get or to keep business. What we understand is that the Justice Department has started looking into this. Uber is apparently cooperating, we dont yet know if they will ultimately go on to open foreign corrupt practices act case. We do know how many countries are involved. Is it a specific country, are there multiple countries involved . It does pile on the woes that uber is already facing. It had troubles both at home and abroad in the summer it had a law firm to look into how the medical records were obtained of an indian woman who was raped by an uber driver. This is the latest caseload to land on the desk of the new ceo. You mention some of thoseissues of the new ceo. You mention some of those issues uber have faced, they must have been hoping for a new beginning with the new ceo. Is there a sense of that does it seem like business as usual for uber . The new ceo comes in because the Company Knows things had to change. We saw, obviously, the departure from that role of the founder. Hes still on the board of the company but there has been internal fighting the board of the company but there has been internalfighting even amongst the board of directors in terms of how much his involvement should be. New ceo, his goal you would assume it is to get to grips with some of the challenges facing the company. Weve talked about some of the issues involving some of its overseas operations. Its run into trouble for expanding too fast, there have been cases where it has broken the law. At home there have been these issues of culture within the company and also patent infringements. Theres a lot to deal with, and thats why this company has been looking for a new ceo. The question is whether it is too much ofa question is whether it is too much of a tall orderfor the question is whether it is too much of a tall order for the incoming ceo, dara khosrowshahi. In other business news, sky has stopped broadcasting fox news in the uk due to low audience figures. 21st century fox, which is owned by rupert murdoch, says the channel has been withdrawn as it is not commercially viable. Sources say the decision is not related to foxs takeover bid for sky. The First Electric mini will be unveiled at the frankfurt motor fair next month and owners bmw have promised a characteristic go kart feel and powerful electric motor. The company has today issued an artists impression of the car. And the London Company that makes the rubiks cube has sued two us companies for selling what it says is a knock off of the classic puzzle. Rubiks brand limited says retailer toys r us and manufacturer duncan toys are violating its trademark and hurting its reputation with an imitation twist puzzle cube. Lets see how the markets have been getting on. Weve put up the currency is because theres a lot of talk about currency that year wrote is strengthening, the pound is weakening. Lots of people thinking weakening. Lots of people thinking we could reach parity by the end of the year, where £1 will be worth 1. Lots of analysts keeping an eye on that. The hire firm hss has issued a profit warning, which sent its shares down as much as 20 in morning trading, with the price now down 80 since the firm listed on the stock market in 2015. Thats all the business news. A post brexit trade deal is also high on the agenda for the Prime Ministers visit to japan. Shes accompanied on the trip by International Trade secretary liam fox and a delegation of Business Leaders drawn from a range of sectors. As part of the visit, the chief executive of aston martin has announced a £500 million deal between the two countries over the next five years. Mrs may has been speaking to our Political Correspondent ben wright. Im going to be talking to my japanese counterpart Prime Minister abe this week about the future relationship between the uk and japan, how we can build on what is already a good, strong relationship, and build on that in the areas of security, defence and trade, and look to the arrangements we can put in place when weve left the eu. As regards the details of our aims for the eu and our relationship with them in the future, weve been publishing a series of papers over the summer, there will be more papers to come, where we are setting out the key issues that both sides need to address. And the ideas we have of how to deal with those. Its the United Kingdom thats been coming forward with the ideas and with the clarity about the future. Its clearjapan doesnt want britain to crash out of the eu in march 2019. Over the summer your chancellor and trade secretary both said britain needs a transitional arrangement. Do you still think no deal is better than a bad deal, we could still walk away . Yes, i think that is right. But if you talk about the point at which we leave the eu, we want to ensure that at that point we do have a deal that is the right dealfor the uk. I said back injanuary in my speech in lancaster house, that one of the things we wanted to ensure was a smooth changeover from the membership of the European Union to the future arrangements, and that we would need to have a period of time to implement any practical changes that needed to take place. That was theresa may talking to ben wright. A computer hard drive containing unfinished works by Terry Pratchett has been crushed by a steam roller, as per instructions left by the fantasy novelist. It is thought up to ten incomplete novels were flattened at the Great Dorset Steam Fair by the 6. 5 tonne steam roller. Terry pratchett died aged 66 in march 2015 after battling alzheimers disease. Nick miller has the weather. Hello. Nowhere particularly warm today but some of us have seen some sunshine and will continue this afternoon. He is one view from northumberland, plenty of blue sky. In complete contrast, this is the isle of wight. Those contrasts are clear to see on the satellite picture. This huge wedge of cloud producing outbreaks of rain spreading east. In the sunny spells to the north eventually developing in the west, if you showered around. Made of those will be to Northern Ireland and scotland, especially northern scotland. It could be heavy with a rumble of thunder. The rain later this afternoon and this evening mostly across parts of east anglia and south east england. There could be heavy bursts. It is much, much cooler compared with the past few days, especially in the breeze. Nowhere particularly warm but at least there are some sunny spells developing across western parts of england and wales as we get through the afternoon into Northern England, scotla nd the afternoon into Northern England, scotland and Northern Ireland. Showers are very few and far between for Northern England but a mass of them in Northern Ireland and scotland. Some heavy and possibly thundery ones on the cards. Going into tonight, some of the showers will fade away, the rain clears from east anglia and south east england. A chilly night with clear skies coming up. In rural spots down to mid single figures. The odd mist and fog patch around as well. Tomorrow morning parts of north wales, north west england, here we could see intense downpours for a time, perhaps with some travel problems. Well keep you updated on that. Through the day will see that the show was breaking out quite widely. Developing further east. Slow moving downpours as well, a risk of hail and bunder, some warmer sunny spells in between. 0f and bunder, some warmer sunny spells in between. Of course will notice that after the cloud and rain in parts of Eastern England for thursday. The picture of a thursday evening, some of these showers around but they will tend to fade into the night. Another chilly night going into friday morning. Still a few showers around on friday. Then its looking like a fine start to the weekend, after a chilly night and a chilly start on saturday. Some warm sunny spells into the afternoon. We are watching another weather system, it looks like the weather system, it looks like the weather will go downhill as we go into sunday. Is this bbc news, im carole walker. The headlines at 3pm. As texas continues to cope with the floods from storm harvey the storm moves east inundating the city of port arthur and closing the countrys largest oil refinery. I live in houston where the storm has passed but the impact of the flooding is devastating neighbourhoods and the water levels are still rising here. North korea calls the firing of a missile overjapan a first step in military operations in the pacific, after the un unanimously condemned the country. Theresa may welcomes a multi Million Pound trade deal for the luxury car maker aston martin on her first visit to japan as Prime Minister. Kezia dugdale resigns as leader of scottish labour. She says shes leaving the party in a better state than she found it but its time to pass the baton to someone else

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