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Myanmar as violence continues in Rakhine State and refugees continue to flee. Live from our studios in singapore and london, this is bbc world news. Its newsday. Thank you forjoining us. It is 7am in singapore and 8am injapan where people in the north of the country are waking up to the news that a north Korean Missile has flown over them in the last two hours. It flew from pyongyang to hokkaido and landed in the sea beasts of the cape. East. Shinzo abe called it a great threat to his country. We cross to tokyo to repeat with the pace. Is this the first time a missile has passed overjapan . Pace. Is this the first time a missile has passed overjapan7m this is a Ballistic Missile at a military missile, then, yes, this would the an unprecedented step for the North Koreans to do this. Be. They fired rockets overjapan twice in the past. One saint 1988 and once in 2009. In the past. One saint 1988 and once in 2009. Once in. But in those occasions pyongyang said they were satellites, civilian rockets, into space. So far we have not heard from pyongyang about this launch. It appears to be an intermediate range missile, which means it is a serious escalation by the North Koreans of missile testing. We have seen many this year. But until today, north korea has been very careful to buy a very high trajectory so they landed in the sea ofjapan. Fire. They broke that today and went over japan. The Japanese Military made no effort to shoot down the missile. Yes. My understanding is the people across northern japan woke up to sirens this morning. When a launch happens it is not immediately clear when msl is going overjapan. Missile. Warnings went off. Local people were told to take cover. It became clear it was going over the top of japan. The Self Defence Force which does have an anti missile battery, they decided not to engage the missile but let it fly over and landed the pacific. Tell us briefly about the island of hokkaido where the north Korean Missile went over. This is the Northern Ireland of japan. It is a very large island. Northernmost island. It is the far northernmost island. It is the far north of japan. In northernmost island. It is the far north ofjapan. In the northernmost island. It is the far north of japan. In the past it has been a major centre for the Japanese Military to base themselves and to practise because of having more space. But it is just the big Northern Ireland of japan. Space. But it is just the big Northern Ireland ofjapan. We will have to leave it there. Thank you for the update. We will get more now on that news. Thank you so much for joining us, doug. Iwin on that news. Thank you so much for joining us, doug. I win your assessment of the situation. We have had a choice between modest provocation and major provocation. They chose the middle course in north korea. They want to make the point they will go ahead with their missile programme, Nuclear Weapons programmes, unhindered by foreign pressure. At the same time, they fell short of accepting the challenge of president trump. If they were going to launch missiles as threatened against guam, american territory, there would be fire and fury in response. It is an incremental step, certainly important forjapan, because we have not had, as was just said, we important forjapan, because we have not had, as wasjust said, we have not had, as wasjust said, we have not had, as wasjust said, we have not had Ballistic Missiles go over japan before. Japan did the right thing, alerted the people, but realised it was not this time a threat to japan and it not choose to alert the anti Missile Defence system. That time may still come. The us may have a reaction against north korea. But the us has been reminded that the effort by secretary of state Rex Tillerson and others to get north korea to talk about the Weapons Programme is futile. Boris johnson has called it reckless provocation. He is outraged by the action taken by north korea. We also know from colonel bob manning, who has been speaking about the pentagons point of view, they say they are assessing the situation. That is the official word coming from them. What is now likely to happen in terms of how the us and its allies are going to react to this . Well, my hope is that over time, not too much time, we will realise that trying not to solve this problem is not good enough. We will have to escalate Missile Defence and covert operations and capabilities and perhaps even reintroduce tactical Nuclear Weapons to counter north korea so that we can get them to understand the possibility ofjoining talks. They are not ready for that now. They wa nt to are not ready for that now. They want to test and test and test to demonstrate to the world they have the capability that cannot be denied to launch missiles. We might need to look at this. It is not calamitous tonight because they did not launch against guam and other american territories. But it is going in a bad direction. And key for your time. Thank you for. Another top story. The situation in texas. Authorities say they are still in a search and rescue situation. It is the most powerful storm to hit texas in 50 yea rs. Powerful storm to hit texas in 50 years. Half a Million People are in need of help following severe flooding caused by torrential rains. 30,000 people have been left temporarily out of their houses in houston. In texas today, every stranger is a friend. Medic exhausted, unable even to stand, but she is safe. Right here its ok, its ok. All day long they have struggled to safety. Family after family abandoning their homes to the water. Anything that would float became part of this makeshift armada. People here are pulling together, but many say they had no choice. Theyd called for help but no one came. Some neighbours and people came in with boats, but not enough help. And none from the authorities . None from the authorities. Authorities have been basically useless. And they have been overwhelmed by the scale of this crisis. Three days after Hurricane Harvey smashed into their state, texans are still struggling in its wake. In this suburb of houston, they called for help all night, but no one answered. In the end, it wasnt police or firefighters that came to the rescue, but friends with a boat. You called 911 and no one answered, but you answered the call. We had a boat and a truck, so here we are. And that is happening all over texas. Yes. And in the cold and the rain, a helping hand was warmly welcomed. You must be grateful. Of course. I am grateful to the whole community. Seeing houston all helping each other out. It is touching. Ijust wish i could help others. In moments like this, we all need it. There is frenetic activity as boats buzz up and down the river. This little vessel alone has rescued 30 people so far. And the situation is developing very quickly. On the rooftops of flooded houses, many more are still waiting to be rescued. In desperation, all they can do is to cling on and call for help. In houston alone, more than 20 helicopters are flying rescue missions, but pulling people from the floods is delicate and it is dangerous. And as texas brings in 12,000 soldiers from the National Guard to help, the state also has to prepare for a president ial visit. It is an historic amount of water in particular. There has never been anything like it. So, uhh, the people are handling it well. And the people of texas, as you know, have really persevered. When you watch the spirit and enthusiasm, helping each other, the teamwork, it has been something. Texas is saturated, and it is struggling. Thousands of people have made it to safety but the waters keep on rising. And the lone start state is swamped. James cook, bbc news, houston. And now we will go live to tokyo. A conference is due to be held. We are not sure who we will see taking the stage. But of course this will be in direct response to what has happened, north korea firing a missile directly overjapan. The Prime Minister has been speaking, saying it is an unprecedented and serious threat. He is asking the un to strengthen pressure against north korea. We will bring you that conference when it comes. Also, dramatic pictures from china of a landslide in the south west of the country. Two people have died and 25 are missing. Landslides are a frequent danger in this part of china, especially after heavy rain. China, especially after heavy rain. China says india has withdrawn troops from eight disputed himalayan border area, ending a tense stand off which has lasted a few weeks. A disputed. They have had an agreement. Beijing said the indian troops had been trespassing and it was pleased that they moved back to the indian side. The chief brexit negotiated, michel barnier, has warned britain it is time to start negotiating seriously about leaving the eu. Speaking ahead of the Third Session of face to face talks between the two sides, brexit secretary david davis said they needed to be more flexible. The vatican has announced pope francis will visit myanmar this november as violence continues involving the countrys Rohingya Muslim people. Thousands have fled their homes in recent days as deadly violence erupts between the army and rohingya insurgents in myanmar. Many have escaped to the border between Rakhine State and bangladesh but are being turned away by border guards. The fighting has already left more than 100 people dead. The bbc is at the bangladeshi side of the border. 100 sitting around me. They came from myanmar. Just this morning some of theirfamilies from myanmar. Just this morning some of their families with them and others left their families back where they came from. This area is being called the zero point. The border guard of wrangler does have quarantine the area. Bangladesh. Despite the high alert, some Rohingya Muslims have managed to get into bangladesh. Also the border guard says they have sent back a few hundred in the myanmar. Most of the People Living here are women, children, and elderly people. They are being given food by locals. Bbc news, bangladesh. We arejoined by we are joined by matty smith from a human rights organisation. Hejoins me from bangkok. Thank you. How disappointing is it that Rakhine State is experiencing this new round of violence right after kofi annans report which gave people hope . This is hugely disappointing. There was a tremendous amount of hope. His recommendations were comprehensive and importantand recommendations were comprehensive and important and covered a wide range of issues. Just hours later, the militant attack happened, and now, of course, the military is responding with typically brutal force against the civilian population. It is terribly disappointing. What needs to be done . What should be the role of Aung San Suu Kyi in all of this . Well, Aung San Suu Kyi, her power is limited by the fact that the military maintains a certain role in the political life of the country. But right now her office is spreading dangerous propaganda about the situation in Rakhine State. Her office is continuing its knee jerk denials of human rights violations. They are drumming up sentiment against the Rohingya Muslims. This is profoundly irresponsible and very unhelpful. At this point, the state m e nts unhelpful. At this point, the statements coming from Aung San Suu Kyis offers and bigger violence in Rakhine State, they have not solved anything. That is correct. In the last few months we have documented soldiers committing mass gang rape and mass killings, forcibly displacing tens of thousands of people. We know right now there are tens of thousands of people running for their lives. Unfortunately, the government and military are not doing anything. Many of these people on the border have been turned back. Watcher bangladesh do . What should be their role . What should. Bangladesh is hosting half a million refugees. But right now be bangladesh authorities have an obligation to provide help for them. What they are doing is forcing them back into situations where they face imminent harm and persecution and that policy needs to change immediately. There are indications that the Bangladesh Border guards may force people back. An so much. This is newsday on the bbc. The latest on our breaking story this hour, north koreas latest missile test which has flown over the north of japan. He is the first African American to win the president ial nomination of a major party, and he accepts 45 years ago to the day that Martin Luther king declared, i have a dream. As darkness falls tonight, an unfamiliar light will appear in the south eastern sky. An orange, glowing disc that is brighter than anything save the moon our neighbouring planet mars. There is no doubt that this election is an important milestone in the birth of east timor as the worlds newest nation. It will take months, and billions of dollars, to re pair what katrina achieved injust hours. Three weeks is the longest the great clock has been off duty in 117 years, so it was with great satisfaction that clockmaker john vernon swung the pendulum to set the clock going again. This is newsday on the bbc. Im rico hizon in singapore. Im Babita Sharma in london. Our top stories. Within the last hourjapan says that north korea has fired a missile that flew over its territory before crashing into the sea. Shinzo abe said it was at grave threat. President trump has pledged his full support for the state of texas as the region continues to be hit by catastrophic flooding. Every post war french president has had a dog, lets speak to robert kelly, professor of Political Science at south koreas Pusan National university. How significant is this latest Missile Launch by north korea now overjapanese Missile Launch by north korea now over japanese territory . Is Missile Launch by north korea now overjapanese territory . Is this more provocative than previous Missile Launchers . It i think so. Sending a missile over state sovereign territory. It is a big deal. North korea did not get permission. One of the concerns about these things is that if it north Korean Missiles didnt behave properly and broke up or crashed into something and landed on a ship or something, we are lucky that the Programme Works well enough that it didnt hurt anybody. This is a big step up and japan it needs Missile Defence. How significant is it that the missile flew overjapan and earlier, there was a threat from kim jong un that they would fire missiles to guam . This is why we continue to have these debates about north behaviour. Theyjust dont do what they have been told to do by International Law and their neighbour. The united nations. They do this solely to threaten japanese civilians in order to prevent any kind of strategic action by south korea or the united states. North korea or the united states. North korea doesnt have any meaningful threatening relationship with japan. What about asian governments and the us, particularly donald trump, who have said in the past that he will threaten pyongyang with fire and furyk . Fury. Jetta the talk a few weeks ago was a lot of bluster. If they tested near guam, it would put pressure on drop to respond. Japan is trumpa pressure on drop to respond. Japan is trump a backdoor for him to not say anything. Trump. The japanese have been pushed a way from having conflict with north korea. This will bolster the south korean japanese, us. The chinese will not say anything about it. Of course Prime Minister shinzo abe has called it a very grave situation and will basically hurt regional peace. Youll make it really is. This is north korea say they have the ability to strike any city injapan with a missile. Put a warhead on it and you know japanese are worried about the north korea is using chemical weapons in the past. You can send it anywhere injapan and kill a lot of people. There is no strategic reason why north korea should shut threatenjapan. Wheeler bennett a direct enemy. They are not a direct enemy. This is why we do not trust north korea because it threatens civilians were no other purpose than its cell. Itself. At very much. Thank you. In india a cult like figure followed by hundreds of thousands has been sentenced to ten years in prison for raping two of his worshippers. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh who is known as the guru of bling was found guilty last week triggering large scale riots in which 38 people were killed. The bbcsjustin rowlatt reports. Account whether controversial self styled guru was held was under strict lockdown. Normally flamboyant god man was subdued as the 20 year sentence was god man was subdued as the 20 year sentence was read god man was subdued as the 20 year sentence was read out. The victims said it was too light and they would appeal. After the explosion of violence that followed his conviction, the indian Authorities Say they are taking it no chances. 16,000 Paramilitary Police and troops have been deployed. This town is the focus of concern today. This is the focus of concern today. This is where the vast temple complex that serves as the gurus hq is where the vast temple complex that serves as the gurus h0 is based. Are your troops are ready to besiege the temple if necessary . Jelena qayyara quipped, fully ready and fully trained. When the instructions are given, we will implement it. We are equipped. He isa implement it. We are equipped. He is a controversial figure. Implement it. We are equipped. He is a controversialfigure. He started his own movie and has millions of followers. Many devotees is that despite the rape convictions, they have not lost faith in the man they regard as a living saint. Translation he is a true guru. The accusations are all false. I was deeply hurt by the verdict. His blessing to always be with us. It is a matter of hill he is injail, the guru is always a guru. Tonight, the guru is always a guru. Tonight, the temple complex is effectively under siege, surrounded by heavily armed police and troops. Inside, there are reckoned to be 15,000 hard core disciples. There are reckoned to be 15,000 ha rd core disciples. The there are reckoned to be 15,000 hard core disciples. The fear is what happens when the authorities try to get them out . Just in rollout, bbc news. You have been watching newsday. Im rico hizon in singapore. Under british arm in london. We are taking you live to tokyo. We are expecting to hear some kind of News Conference ta ke to hear some kind of News Conference take place. The latest coming to us from japan take place. The latest coming to us fromjapan in take place. The latest coming to us from japan in reaction to of course the breaking news we brought you that the North Koreans have launched a missile that has passed overjapan and landed in the sea nearby. The pentagon are currently assessing the situation from washington. Shinzo abe are in emergency meeting with his ministers. More to come. Stay with us. A full uk forecast is on the way and i can tell you, it will be nothing like as disruptive or dangerous as to whether we are still seeing on the other side of the atlantic. Tropical storm harvey has already delivered over one metre of rain in parts of texas. The radar picture shows the weather has been relentless and it continues on tuesday. We are likely to see further flooding into the problems may extend further east as well, a long the gulf coast, parts of louisiana, mississippi, alabama. Also the risk of tornadoes. The dangerous situation is continuing. Back home, some spots on monday got up to 28 degrees and some eastern areas could see something similar on tuesday. Further north and west, areas of cloud working into the picture. This through yorkshire, lincolnshire, the south of wales and the south west. Slow moving, the odd spot of rain. It marks a line between cooler and fresh air from the north west and some warmth that clings on the south eastern corner. Sunny spells through london, essex, suffolk, kent. Some spots could get up to 28 degrees. Not a bad day for the Channel Islands but for the south west of england, some cooler, fresh air. Despite some sunshine, 17 or 18 degrees. Maybe 20 in cardiff. A stripe of cloud stretching up across a good part of the midlands. For Northern Ireland, we end up with a mixture of sunshine and showers. Some heavy showers being blown into northwest scotland on a strong and blustery wind. Maybe 17 degrees in aberdeen. Not bad across northern england. Some sunshine but lincolnshire and the north norfolk coast as well, cloud and drizzle and misty conditions. For the early part of wednesday, warm, by the end of the night, two different weather systems swarming and gathering down to the south. These bring a pretty wet day for parts of southern england, the midlands and wales as we go through wednesday. One weather system towards the south west, one to the south east. The two are likely to merge to bring a lot of cloud, outbreaks of rain, blustery winds and a cool, fresh feel to the weather. Temperatures well down across parts of the south east. Maybejust 17 degrees in london. Through northern england, Northern Ireland and scotland, afairamounts of sunshine, some showers and temperatures similar, 16 or 17 degrees. We stick with the cooler, fresher feel for the end of the week with some spells of sunshine and just a few showers. Im rico hizon with bbc world news. Our top story. North korea has fired a missile that has passed over northern japan. The countrys Prime Minister shinzo abe said the launch was an unprecedented, serious and grave threat. The missile broke into three pieces before it landed, around a thousand kilometres off japans eastern coast. Catastrophic flooding in the us state of texas is expected to worsen in the coming days as waters rise following Tropical Storm harvey. Up to 2,000 people have been rescued in and around houston. And this story is trending on bbc. Com. The facebook founder Mark Zuckberg and his wife priscilla have welcomed their second child, a daughter called august. The couple posted the announcement on facebook along with a letter to the new baby girl. Thats all from me now. We will have more on north korea as well. Stay with bbc world news. Now on bbc news its time for hardtalk

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