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This is al jazeera america. Im tony harris. The gunman who Police Believe shot and killed two journalists live on television is in Critical Condition right now. The result of a possible selfinflicted gunshot wound. An update from virginia authorities planned at the top of the hour. The shooter open fired this morning at a Shopping Center center roanoke. Reporter Allison Parker and cameraman adam ward were interviewing a guest when the report was interrupted by gunshots. What more do we know hat this hour . Well, tony, as you noted its a horrific incident. Maybe more disturbing, lurid and graphic by the fact that it happened on live television. A local tv station working out of roanoke, the reporter, the videographer on scene doing a live report, interviewing vickie gardner, the chamber of cam measures celebrating 50 years of the existence of this manmade lake when suddenly an spread said to be suspected to be a former employee, a former onair employee approached them, and this is what makes it even more horrible. Not only was this taken place on live television, but mr. Flanagan, the alleged shooter, had a point of view camera with him and later posted on social media. Ms. Gardner is injured and in stable condition at the shooting, but tragically, Allison Parker, the onair reporter conducting the interview, killed b, said to leave the area also killed. Mr. Flanagan, 41 years old, a former employee of the station. He described this person as angered, they had to call the police to escort him from the building. For his part, mr. Flanagan with a series of tweets ledging racism on the part of Allison Parker, the woman eventually shot this morning. He said that they sent hr on him. Mr. Flanagan is reported to have a history of troubled employment at other television stations along thest coast. The situation in flux here, mr. Fran began evidently rented a car from the roanoke airplane. Headed up interstate 81, cut over on interstate 66 towards the washington area. Ran into some sort of trouble there whether selfinflicted wound or approached by police, ran off the road about an hour and a half just west of washington, d. C. He is said now to be injured. Initial reports have him killed. Those reports have since been taken back. Flanagan is said to be injured. Thats the latest on the situation now. A lot of information there, mike. I appreciate that. Is there anything that the white house is saying about the shooting at this hour . Inevitably it was brought up josh earnest, the spokesman saying that this is another example of all too common gun violence in this country. The governor recently elected echoing those comments saying that this was an individual who was a disgruntled employee. Were waiting for a press briefing. Federal Law Enforcement also involved, that should happen in 25 minutes time. Mike viqueira, appreciate it. Thank you. The pentagon Inspector General is investigating if the military has overstated its gains over isil. The appropriate started after an independent analyst accused Central Command of reworking estimates for political makers. He also said that the military brass have been portraying those assessments too optimistically. Jamie, it seems that the inspector germ this actually happened rather than who did it. What are you hope to find here . The pentagon is not even confirming that the Inspector General is conducting this investigation. But according to the New York Times sources what theyre looking at if some of the intelligence assessments were detentionly cooked to make them look better. The defense secretary relies on unbiased and unfettered assessments to make judgments, and that the pentagon is referring all inquiries to the affected general offices, right now, and right now theyre not confirming that. Intelligence by its nature is ambiguous. Its usually not conclusive. And it relies on experienced analysts to interpret it and give it a likelihood of what it means. And it is open to interpretation. The question here is has someone taken some of the professionals intelligence analysts and made them look better. In the pentagon they say weve then before overly optimistic about the battle against isil. Weve not overstated the gains. Meanwhile, this investigation has gone forward because having political makers have intelligence that is free to any sort of outside political influence is key. We saw it in the 2003 iraq war. What happens when intelligence is give the wrong entertatio interpretation. Is it possible in this case or maybe its an area where the investigation will explore, is it possible that in this case higher ups sent orders down that they provide data to support the campaign . You know, tony, its possible. But you know what is more likely is that some of the people lower down in the chain get an idea of what their positives would like to hear. You know how this works in any organization. They dont need to be ordered to say something. If you know the boss wants the data to show, the sales are looking good for the sect quarter. You know what they would like to hear, and sometimes that can influence things. Thats one of the things that the Inspector General will be looking at. There is an old saying in the intelligence business. Tell me what you know. Tell me what you think. And tell me which is which. Tell me what you think when justice is looking at this. I can think of one instance in particular where we were briefed by an officer in the. [ serial command about how well things were going in ramadi, and the same day the city was falling. Is clearly his gel against was not in sync with what could be happening on the ground. Jamie. Thank you. Thank you. There is criticism about the u. S. Strategy against isil from inside iraq. The man who heads the strongest shia force fighting isil told al jazeera that the u. S. Is trying to further divide the nation. We have more now from baghdad. U. S. Military advisers in iraq have been training as part of their strategy to defeat isil. Hundreds of them are already on the front lines. They believe that their role will be crucial to recapture the mainly sunni region. The program is backed by the iraqi government. But there are powerful voice who is are raying questions. A tomorrow commander which groups shia Paramilitary Forces which have largely replaced the iraqi army on the ground. If the americans are concerned about the sunnies, then they should not violate iraq sovereignty. They should give them the capability to train them. This is not charity work but a plan to divide them up. The military vehicle dont hide his good relation relations with iran. Whatever all it was it was found there had in the 1950s. For many the u. S. Training program is a step in the right direction to create the socalled National Guard. There has ban good start. The u. S. Trained 7,000 sunnies in anbar, but they still didnt give them proper weapons. These men are under the control of the defense ministry, but we hope one day parliament will approve the National Guard project, and each province will have its own force from its own people. The people in anbar were vince have a long history of animosity with the shia led government if baghdad. There seems to be efforts in the popular noble indication forces to take a part the government agreed with him and told the u. S. To stop its forces. There if there was mobilization. It could be easily won. Hes described as one of the most powerful men in iraq. He has long dismissed his role in fighting isil in iraq, but now hes openly criticizing an integral part of strategy. Stocks are trading higher today despite another down day on the chinese exchanges. [ bell ] the dow soared 400 points at the hope. That katrina adams. Shell be here tomorrow. Right now its up 2 . In china the shanghai composite anded down again. But the nikkei at 3. 2. Sang high is down. For the firstdegree murder of alexander boyk. Life imprisonment without possibility without parole. All told, holmes received 3,000 years in jail. The judge called holmes an angry quitter who gave up online and turned hi turnhes charged with raping a 15yearold and is part of a ritual at st. Paul School Called the senior salute. John henry smith has more on the trial. Do you see him in the courtroom today. From the time the alleged victim took the stand at the New Hampshire rape trial both sides worked to answer a key question. Did the senior have intercourse with his iowa cueser at all . The police said that she twice questioned labree. It was very clear to me that further conversation with him was not going to be conducive with his mom being there. Owen said that he finally saw that we should not be talking about that matter in a coffee shot where there were employees and other people at the front of the shop. I offered that he could come back with us, and he offered to do that. She admitted that he never admitted to her having sex with her accuser during either of their meetings. On monday, one classmate testified that he believed something happened. He told you that he hooked up with her . Thats correct. Did he elaborate any further . No, he did not. What does that mean to you . It could have meant, again, anything from they kissed to they had sex. Other classmates admitted to having sex with the young woman. I told him that it went, that she was a lot younger than us. When asked, he sort of said no p i asked him in a serious manner if he had sex with her, and he proceeded to tell me that he did. Well, he said to keep it on the down low, thats what he said so i guess dont spread that. John henry smith. Al jazeera. Up next on the program. Excuse me, sit down. You werent called. Sit down. Sit down. Sit down. Donald trump gets into a Heated Exchange with a news anchor. This time over immigration. A study by 9 university of pennsylvania looks at 13 southern states. These are the states that account for 5 percent of all suspensions and expulsions nationwide. Researchers found that black students are suspended and expelled at much higher rates than white students. Earlier we spoke with one of the cohear they ar coauthors of the report. The research is very clear on this, that black students tend to be targeted and suspended at disproportionately higher rates for reasons that are incredibly subjective like the kid was rude or giving me attitude, or you know, the kid perhaps was loitering in the halls where the Research Shows white students would get away with those things and not referred to Principals Offices for disciplinary action. Instead they tend to get referred to the Principals Office for things that are less objective like skipping school, smoking, or property destruction, vandalism. There is definitely a racialized element to the numbers that we provide in the report that we think that are inextricably linked in the way that weve all been social id to think about black people as criminals, deviant. I think that teachers sometimes unknowingly go into schools and into classrooms having been socialized to think about young black people in these deeply criminalized ways. There for, a kid does anything, right . There is this hyper response to get the kid out because this kid is a problem like so many other black people are thought to be problems in our nation and in the southern context. They hope that theyl they wilthat parents will use the information in the research to demand change. Donald trump creating a storm. Yes, excuse me. You werent called. Sit down. The Tense Exchange between republican president ial candidate donald trump and u univision anchor jorge ramos happened at a political event. He was questioning trump about his immigration policy, and trump didnt want to answer. You havent been called. Go back to univision. Ramos was escorted out of the room when he was later allowed back in, the two clashed over trumps proposal to end birth right citizenship and deport millions of undocumented migrants. Ramos said that trump clearly gave the orders to three him out, something that ramos never expected. What i would expect is that i could ask that question as a journalist. I did not expect to be thrown out of a press conference. It is clear with his body language that he was giving orders. Trump spoke on the phone on nbcs show saying that ramos was out of line. I was being asked from another reporter. I would have gotten to him very quickly. He stood up and ranting and raving like a madman. He was out of line, and most people, most newspapers reports said that i handled it very well. He has been invited to talk about the immigration proposals. But there is a deeper history. Trump is suing univision after it dropped the Miss Universe pageant after his comments. They demanded that he apologize. Including this tweet. One of trumps main proposals is to build a wall with mexico which he said that mexico should pay for. Paul beben went to the border to show why this may be easier said than done. This is the u. S. Side of downtown nogales. You can see that its made of steal, concrete and looks impenetrable. But it is not. People tunnel under it and climb over if. When i was covering a another series of border stories we saw two young men go over this fence and back again in seconds. We assume that they were drug smugglers, they were wearing bag packs. We happened to catch it on camera. Take a look. Donald trump said that hes going to stop young men like those and every hells who cross the frontier by replacing this fence with a wall, it runs all the way from the Pacific Ocean to the gulf of mexico. 200,000 mile2,000 miles of border. Is that physically possible . Well have the facts on the ground and the fence. Well have that story tonight. You can watch the full report tonight at 8 00 p. M. Eastern time. Ten years after Hurricane Katrina we meet a shrimper who rebuilt his business after losing it all. Ill have two or three puffs and ill already have a nicotine buzz. A new accusation of racial bias today against a california tourism company. The napa valley wine apologized for kicking off a group of women off its train over the weekend. Now a hispanic woman is coming forward with a similar story. The napa valley train said it was wrong kicking off a book club of mostly africanamerican women off the train. The Police Escorted the group off the train. The group said it was humiliated. We were direct and asking questions, but at no time were we loud with them or inappropriate with them. They may have let it go if it werent werent for the companys media social media response, following verbal abuse it was necessary to get our police involved. Thats absolutely untrue. We never touched anybody. The post was clearly a mistake. The bad thing about social media is that people want to respond right away. And many times thoughtfulness is actually more important than speed. We made it, yall. Look at us. Were ready to get on the wine train. The incident caused the stir on social media with the laughing while black. A reporter on the train sitting six seats away from the group said that the women were just having a good time. They were loud, but they were not drunk. They were loud from the moment they got on the train. They were just happy. She said that the women should not have been kicked off the train. Its not a movie theater. Its not a library. It is bakley a wine box. People are there to drink wine and take in the scenery and have a conversation. The ceo of the company has since apologized to the group contacting one of them by phone and writing a letter that reads all this week were looking back at the impact of Hurricane Katrina ten years after it slammed into the gol gulf coast. It had a profound impact on those who rely on the gulf for its livelihood. One of indianas coastal waterways going fishing. I met joe ten years ago just a week afte after katrina hit the coast. What was it like right after the storm . It was the bad, really bad, mostly from the debris in the water. We didnt have reefs. The islands, they werent there no more. There was a big change, quick, overnight. How is the business right now . Right now, its bad for the fisherman. There there is no price for them right now. Then when they put the pacific trade deal, vietnam is going to come in with the fishing. Vietnam is the biggest exporter of shrimp in the world, bar none, theyre the biggest. Theyre going to be shipping direct over here. So this is an industry that is under considerable pressure, katrina, the bp oil spill, and then the trade deal. Its tough for shrimpers. Thanks for joining us. Im tony harris in new york city. The news continues next live from london. This is al jazeera. Hello, im lauren taylor. This is the news hour live from london. Coming up. Refugees on the hungarian border call for help as the country considers sending the military to the front tear. South sudans president reluctantly signs a peace deal under the threat of u. N. Sanctions. Two journalists in the u. S. State of virginia is shot live on air. Putting boots on the ground in

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