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Punjab province and 10 other people. The pressure is on as south sued an ease rival fact factions talk about ending the war. First in syria, Government Air strikes targeting a rebel helgd town have kill held town have killed 100 people according to al jazeera sources. They say more than 200 others were wounded in the attack on a crowded market in doumas north of damascus. We get the latest from beirut. The Second Attack in a week but most of the casualties, because it was a market, were civilians. And the opposition is calling it a massacre. Dozens killed, dozens wounded. It targeted a market place, a rebel strong hold not far from the syrian capital, the city center of damascus. There was an air strike and people gathered at the site of the impact to help evacuate people and more raids hit. That is why there is such a high death toll. This area regularly comes under attack by syrian war planes. Some are linking this to the recent developments on the ground. Yesterday a number of opposition groups promised to, quote, ignite all front lines with the government. Why did they make that statement . It follows their decision to end negotiations with the government on a ceasefire and a possible deal on two other front lines in syria. One in the north and one in the damascus countryside. The opposition telling the government they plan to push forward, this could be a message from the government that we are still here and we still have power. At end of the day, these negotiations were about population swap that is almost an Unprecedented Development in the course of the syrian conflict. The government was demanding that they be moved to the rebel controlled north and that the shia residents be moved to governmentcontrolled areas. The targets were in areaes where a ceasefire has collapsed. Thousands of people are mostly supporters of the president and are also shia. It is difficult for the government to protect them, thats why it wants to transfer them to safer areas as part of a deal. But the opposition ruled out negotiation pulled out of negotiations. The rebel group that was negotiating on behalf of the opposition said the governments main ally, iran, wants to partition the country. Over recent days were there talks to give rebels rebels tran the damascus countryside safe passage. According to the opposition, iran also demanded the towns residents leave as a way to get muslims out of the countryside and area along the leb leb leboe boarder. That has been along the key trance transport routes. We have seen since the summer of 2013 that policy beginning to take shape. Reporter for the government and its its allit would consol date their control of an enclave which are home to many of the country aloites who are loyal to the president. They can no longer defend the entire country. Their forces have been withdrawing to lines they are able to defend. Even the president aknowledged there is a lack of manpower meaning they have to pick their battles in areas of tra strategc importance. People have been divided according to sects and loyalists loyalists. The fact that a population swap was on the north the north negog sable shows there is a forcd migration could be policy. The former Prime Minister is responsible for the fall of mosul last year. 35 others were blamed for losing the second city to isil fighters fighters. Commanders who abandoned their posts were demanded to face trial. In may the shia government battled isil in an offensive that lasted three days and isil pushed military forces out and took over the city. ThePrime Minister said anyone officer grade or above who left their post must be Court Martialed. We have more from baghdad. How cig significant of a develot is this . Two big developments. When it comes to this report from a Parlimentary Committee formally accusing malacky of the fall of mosul is a big deal. It certainly shows that there has been a deepening well of resentment toward the former prime min minister. It is also the former governor of that province and other military officials there. 37 in all. This is something that is going to be interesting how it plays out here in parliment. Now these recommendations have been passed from the speaker of parliment to the prosecutor and referral is for these for the fe prosecuted. The proposed court marshaled were expected. Anybody officer grade or above accused of abandoning their posts are being told now they will be Court Martialed. Whether they have been or when it will happen, that has yet to be determined or made public. These are very Significant Developments at a time when the government is trying to prove again and again to the public thigh are they are doing their best to clean their house of corruption. It looks great for the Prime Minister but what power does this hold in carrying this through . A very good question and we spoke to legal experts and they say they do not have a lot of power. This will rest in the hands of the judiciary here and that can be lengthy. Many believe this is something the Iraqi Government doesnt want to play out in public at this time. First you have to deal with possible resistance from the former Prime Minister who is in iran. You will do v to deal with other resistance from former supporters of his. We dont know how it will play out. The parlimentary body, the committee that ratified their decision and passed it on to the speaker who passed it on to the prosecutor general they dont have a lot of power at the moment. It is significant but will rest in the hands of the judiciary. Thank you very much for that. Pro Government Forces are bealting battling houthi rebels. At least 50 50 houthi have been killed. They for full control of the province that have substantial oil reserves. Pro Government Forces hold five of yemens six provinces in the south. Thousands of protestors have taken to the streets of brazil demanding the impeachment of the president there. Calls have been growing in a badly faltering economy. After narrowly being reelected she has seen her Approval Ratings plummet to a historic low. First, lets take a look at the major issues facing brazil plummeting commoditiy prices and unemployment the lowest in five years and the devaluation of the local currency by nearly 30 since the president came to power. Public safety and health care has also been a serious issue for millions of brazilians. We get the latest from rio. Its lower than 8 , here popularity. How will she come back from this . Reporter its going to be very difficult for her. Those protests happening now not only behind me but currently 929 states across brazil are not enough to impeach her. They just show how unpopular she is. According to the law of this country you have to have a legal wrongdoing during your presidency to get impeached that said, there is at the moment an investigation ongoing of government expenditure for 2014 related to the world cup. That investigation is ongoing and that could be a basis for impeachment of the president. The protestors here are calling for her to leave. Most of the banners banners froe workers party. Some in english not to recognize her as the president of brazil. They say she is tainted with corruption and tainted with scandal even though so far there has been no direct links between her. The turn out today is extremely important. This is the third march of protests since the beginning of the year. The turnout will signal how much momentum is called for her impeachment having in this country or not. It all sounds very festive behind you there, but how much damage is people power going to do . Reporter certainly people power will make her have a very hard time if she stays as president and continues her second term. We are only in the sixth month of the first year for the second four year term. She will have a very hard time. She will have her wings clipped and it will be difficult for her to put forward the austerity measures that are badly needed in the country because of the shrinking economy. She will have to concede a lot to the opposition. I was speaking to ann arbor an d how many people go on the streets and the lower house of congress is looking at that and Everybody Knows that what happens and how many people on the street are a signal about how this government is going to go further on for the next three years. A sterling job with all the noise. Thank you very much. Do stay with us here on al jazeera. Protecting our natural heritage. We follow the trails of suddenned suspected poachers. In india the government has pledged to construct separate toilets for girls and well see how it is going and why it is important for girls education. And jason day in contention for a major once again. We have action from the u. S. Pga championship later this hour. A passenger plane with 54 people on board has crashed in the papua region. Joining me now on the phone from djakarta. We know its crashed, whats next . Reporter nearlet border of papua guinea was seen crashing against a mountain by local people. Rescue workers havent been able to find the remains of the plane because of the area. Tomorrow a big rescue operation will be on the way and teams will go into the Mountain Side trying to find the plane. There were 54 on board, 49 passengers and 5 crew. And very quickly, you say it is dark. It is a very mountainous region. Talk us through the safety of this plane itself and the company that ran that airline. Reporter the company mainly operated remote areas. Andthe planes are 27 years old. This airline has been black listed in the European Union as many other airlines in indonesia. They dont have a good record for air safety. This year already two major crashes and papua is known as a dangerous area to fly in. The weather conadditions condite unpredictable. Thank you for that update. In pakistan the minister of punjab has been killed. We have more from islama bad. Reporter home minister was visiting his village about an hours drive from islamabad and holding a meeting with the locallies and several policemen from the area also present when a lone suricide bomber entered into the building where he was holding the meeting and detonated his explosive. It was so powerful it brought the entire building down, leading to a rescue effort that took several hours. The government confirming that the minister has been killed in that attack. He wassality was at the front oe organization. His death will be a severe blow for the country at the time when the military was busy in the operations along the western border. Its the worlds newest country, south sudan is just four years old but has been embroiled in a civil war most of that time. International sanctions could apply. The south sudan president and the rebel leader are part of a deckatedslong conflict that led to the splitting of sudan and south sudan. Under his leadership rebel factions captured a string of regional towns including key oil hubs. 10,000 people have been killed and more than 2 million have been displaced. While the talks continue at least 40 people have died in a cholera outbreak in south sudan. We get the latest from the capital, where the government is struggling to provide clean Drinking Water. Reporter this is called the donkey in south sudan. The primary source of water in a country with 45 of the population doesnt have access to clean Drinking Water. The family of 12 cant afford to buy purified Drinking Water or chlorine tablets to treat water from the bore hole. If we can afford to get water from a tanker we will otherwise we have to get it from the bore hole. Yes, we get sick. Reporter the river supplies the capital they pump water from the river and people bring their jugs and pay to fill up. The government cant afford to treat the water with chlorine or ensure private Delivery Companies are providing safe supplies. The tankers are providing less water and not making delivers as be often and they only see water tankers once a week in their neighborhood. The lack of access to clean water is causing cholera out break. Doctors without borders say among the most recent out break 1,400 were infected, 41 died. She says her neverue was on the verge of dying when a neighbor told her about this clinic. By that time her daughter was also sick and said sometimes the water has to drink untreated water. The problem is the government. The government knows how much we are suffering. We are living in a bad situation situation. Reporter aid groups say ending the war and building aid areas must go hand in hand. Lack of hygiene, it has to improve to get rid of the cholera. Families have to rely on the neighborhood donkey and risk getting ill. Lets go live to the eeght ethin capital. Do we know if the key players are on the ground . Reporter we understand now, yes, the south sudan president is here. A bit of a struggle to persuade him to come and participate in the talks. It was down to the uganda president who manageed to persuade him to come. There had been reports that he was reluctsant to speak to the rebel leader because of these two generals that have split from the group. It is the south sudanese as a pretext to not sign the deal put on the table. They say the only person he can talk to is the rebel leader and say the split is an administration problem. The generals were sacked in july. They were splitting only last week. There are fear among the south sudanese what impact this could have the information is that basically the rebels have to, in his word, get their house in order before talks continue. Worrying times as we approach the deadline for that deal to be signed. So many obstacles you touched on. Not only break down with the generals, there is also some resistance to the proposal, the Mediation Team put together to help. Why is he not happy with that . The eight region member block in this region and the u. N. Au china and the u. S. , denmark. And the south sudanese delegation have said this agreement is biased, it is too much in favor of the rebels here. They accuse the chief mediator using a dictitorial means to try to push this agreement forward and say it was imposed on them by the internationalg community and there are key points that the south Sudanese Government are concerned about. One is the power sharing agreement and who gets the lions share of the Oil Producing area and the upper nile section of south sudan. According to this agreement the rebels get 53 of control this this area. They are concerned about this idea of the demillitarrize. Whether they will be part of it and that deadline is approaching tomorrow. I will watch events for us. Still ahead i was a student and a friend betrayed me and abused me. After my parents found out they disowned me. A recent child abuse scandal scandal. Cubas ties to the u. S. Get closer we see an excite who sees a Bright Future for his country. In sport ser reena williams. Well have the details coming up. [crowd chanting] hell no gmo. Theyre slamming a technology that could be used to solve problems for people who desperately need it. They get exited about technology whether its in their phone or in their car, so why is it so weird on their plate . Somethings going into food that shouldnt really be there. Techknow investigates. You could not pay me to fake data. Your entire life has brought you up to this point right now. American teens making a difference. We want to fight for our education. Choosing a path. If im not sharing the gospel, then i feel empty inside because thats the gift that god has given me. Deciding their own future. Im pretty burnt out. If i said that im perfectly fine, i would be lying. Oscar winner alex gibneys edge of eighteen. The powerful conclusion. Hello, welcome back. The top stories on al jazeera in syria Government Air strikes targetying targeting a rebelheld town. It is northeast of damascus. Indonesias Transportation Ministry confirm a passenger plane with 54 on board has crashed in the pap. Ua region. The former Prime Minister and 35 other officials are responsible for the fall of mosul last year. Earlier the Prime Minister ordered Army Commanders who abandoned their position as isil advanced to face trial. A lawyer and former Program Manager for the consitutional support unit at the u. N. Join the us live from london. What do you make of the latest developments and the timing too . Reporter its slightly fascinating. Its a watershed. We have the Prime Minister in power for 10 months months. Doesnt have much power. Wasnt doing much in the last 10 months and all of a sudden here he is leading the challenge of the revolution pretty much in government. He has the people out in the streets asking him to clean up and he seems to be cleaning up. I want to jump in, you said he has the people out in the street. Is he just doing this to appease their anger . Or is there a lot more behind it . Is he really trying to clean up iraqi politics . Reporter thats interesting. You could read the actions as revenge over his old rival. The first action he took was to not only fire six senior members of parliment but abolished their posts. The second thing he did was to Court Martial various military commanders who abandoned posts last year before his own term. And, again, in one of those situations malacky is being blamed. On the other hand you could take a more optimistic view, what the people in the streets are doing, hey he he maying reflecting the will of the people. This is very well a case of real democracy in iraq for the First Time Since the elections. Can he afford to do this now . The iraqi army have been pointed out to to be unable to take on isil. Fuprosecute members of the fuprosecute members of the iraqi army it will split people any more. Even more. Reporter is this a situation where he is investigating what is going to . The people are asking for answers and they are looking beyond the military actually. The people are looking at what the people in the streets have used the expression the head of the snake. They are looking at the people who are ultimately responsible. The iraqi people have their own network of information and they are used to be lied to and the truth spreads. The military commanders were ordered by particular forces to drop arms and abandon ship. The people asking for a clean up of the Central Government and the powers that be and arent looking at the military. Its beyond the military. On one hand, yes, the fact under article 96 and it could be a superficial move. The first stage would be an investigation and thats what he is doing. He has not gone straight to Court Martialing. He has set up a panel and they are not particularly powerful, that have been instructed to look into this. Okay. Fascinating conversation. Well see how the story develops. Thank you. In china, residents near the chemical blast site have been asking questions and they want more answers from the government government. There are foors fears toxic ches are leaking into the area from the war houses that have been storing sodium cyanide. Reporter some have compared this to a nuclear explosion. Closeup, thats what it looks like. The government has confirmed the lethal chemical sodium cyanide was stored here. There was an added urgency to the search for survivors on sunday as the toll for the dead and messing continue to rise missing continue to rise. Along with the anger among families of the missing and those made homeless. For the second day they attempted to protest outside a hotel with government officials briefing journalists. We want them to tell us the truth and help us find a proper home. What we need most now is for the government to take care of and you say keep us informed. Reporter the government doesnt know what caused the explosions, but officials now admit sodium cyanide has been located in two locations and insist the readings show the air is safe for those outside the exclusion zone. If you are outside of the 2 kilometer zone, these numbers should be within normal standards. This should not have any affect on peoples lives. Reporter gas masks are now the most precious commodity. These are for the military, but there is not enough of them. Even if there were, they wont protect from sodium cyanide. This isnt very professional. It requires a special material for protection. I dont think you can do that. Reporter chinas welloiled volunteer machine has moved into action. Thousands have come from all over china and are handing out water, food, clothing, all of it vitally needed. The list for the middling missis getting longer. The majority firefighters and police. The explosions were so powerful only a few bodies have been identified. A recent case of child sex abuse has turned attention to the plight of the countrys children. We get this report. Reporter as dusk fall, a park starts to fill up. Men and young boys hang around. Every evening is the same. Then the men who offer massage arrive with their bottles of oiflt oil. You can hear this all over the park. Street children give massages too in a city with thousands of homeless kids, its a way to make money. Its also highway some of the children how some of the children are sexually abused after being sold for sex to customers by socalled facilitators. The kids are of different ages starting from seven, 8 and 9 years. The customers are looking for them. They abuse them. Sometimes they are paid, sometimes they are cheated. This park has a veried bad name. Reporter gangs of men befriend children who run away from home. Both boys and girls. They give them gifts and then abuse them. Later they are sold for sex all through their teenage years. A lot of this takes place here in the streets around the train station. Thats what happened to alley. We are not using his real name to protect his identity. He is 21. He has been living on and off the streets since he was 7. I was a student and a friend betrayed me and abused me. After my parents found out, they disowned me. I didnt nt to be a prostitute but im in and stuck. I want to leave but i cant, there is no option for me. Reporter he says in pakistan many girls and boys roam the streets out their parents and end up in trouble. These kids can be protected if parents supervise them f. We give them no care and they run freely they will end up in this business. Reporter there are some organizations trying to protect Street Children by reunited them with their families or taking them into care. The child run Child Protection bureau looksan after 1,000 children. They have been remove from the streets or rescued from homees where they have been abused. No one is looking after them. Took them from streets and they have medical facilities and trying to give them a normal, social health life. Reporter this is the only province in pakistan with this type of refuge. With the scale of the problem so great, most staff realize for every child they help, many more are on the streets and on their own. The former president of the Supreme Court Bar Association of pakistan and says that child abuse in pakistan isnt a new problem and the government needs to do more. And this is not something that is hidden from society. But very little has been done by the government. I do recognize that the Punjab Government and Child Protection officer dos work hard, but we have we have to educate the parents. Most importantly when they go outlooking for the children who run away from home, the police is not helpful. Neither is the media helpful in that regard. Children are not even taught in school that this is something that is wrong and you are the victim. This is not your fault. It is something they are not told about their anatomy. This is something we one year ago the indian Prime Minister made a promise all schools would have separate toilets for boys and girls. Education experts say this one simple thing will be something to keep girls in class. Reporter they are learning the basic lessons, now these students can take care of their basic needs at school. Thanks to this newly built toilet court use of the indwran government. It doesnt look like much more than a hole in the ground but it is making a world of difference at this school. She says the old toilet was unusual at times and this one is better than the one she has at home. The toilet before this didnt always have running water, this one does. The old toilets smelled really bad, but not this one. It has a proper wash basin unlike the old toilet. Reporter School Officials say the grant from the government to build a new toilet means students dont skip class. Girl his to go home to use the toilet before. Thats why we needed one here, so they wouldnt have to leave school during the day. Girls have benefited from this. Be. Reporter its a difference story at another school in the same district. Here, there are separate toilets for girls, but a lack of maintenance makes them less than ideal to use. Many existing toilets in government schools are in this condition or worse with unreliable plumbing and smell suggest of sueang. Sue sewage. They say the governments pledge is the right idea but hard to achieve in a year. Sanitation experts say another years needed to ensure no schools are left out and to guarantee the quality of construction. They say the Prime Ministers support has made a noticeable difference. They are trying to hard to do it the earliest. On the wond hand it is encourage one hand it is encouraging it is being built. Reporter studies show female attendance increase where there is a clean, separate toilet for them. The rush to build the toilet and maintain them has as you much to do with education as sanitation. Still to come in the news hour food aid on an industrial scale. How one u. S. City is getting donations to people in need. And we have the sport including a world golfer taking the scenic route around the whistling straights golf course. Millions of people in the United States are living on food donations. 46 million americans including 15 million children live in homes without enough food. We get the latest from chicago, where hundreds of thousands are living on hand outs. Reporter here in chicago, heart of the American Farm belt, the hungry lineup for food. We havent got enough food today. How come . Reporter this is the face of hunger in america. It helps me out with my groceries when you are on a fixed income. And i have 11yearold and a 35yearold to feed. Reporter in the Worlds Largest food exporting nation across town from the Commodity Exchange sets food prices for the world, hundreds wait hours for free proceed us. This is not feeding the people who are sleeping on the streets, at the bus stations arkts the train stations. There are people in need. Reporter the produce truck drops its load several times a month to supplement the shelter hoos here and across the u. S. Wouldnt out of six residents gets food donated and they are not the people you think. One out of two households includes someone who is working, most have a roof over their heads. Its not a small problem, its something in 200at when the recession hit we saw a huge spike in need and it hasnt gone back down. We are busy and doing a booming business. 200,000 pounds of food per day is leaveing this warehousing and distributed to food pantries and soup kitchens across town. Reporter thats just in chicago. Across the United States 46 million receive assistance from the u. S. Government. We have chronic hunger in america and across the world who dont know where their next meal is coming from. We have many other families across the u. S. Who might experience hunger from time to time because they run paycheck to pay check. Reporter when times get tough those americans join in lines like this. Lines Food Security experts say are growing longer. Ties between the United States and cuba are giving hope to exiles who have beenivated from their families. People started to leave the country soon after the communist community swept castro to power. One 20,000 cubans went to the United States. From 1965 until mid70s more than a million left cuba on freedom flights provided by the u. S. Government. Close to 1 million exiles live in the United States, most of them in miami mam. Many have gone to other countrys in europe and latin america. A musician left cuba eight years ago looking for better opportunitys in mexico. Here is his story in his own words. My name is juan sore anio. Im a cuban musician and have lived in mexico for about 13 years. I came to mexico because i got a job to work. We had an awe ditionz in cuba and they liked our work and brought us over here. A cuban never leaves his country. Leaving was nostalgic because you leave your family and roots and way of life. On the other hand you are excited because you will fulfill a dream that is the biggest of your life, to do well. I had mixed feelings. Cubans a i got my education thanks to this system like many other professionals. Not only artists but scientists. Something in any other country would cost thousands of dollars or more. Here it costs nothing. Cubans have made incredible sacrifices and have shown bravery and courage. Let Food Shortages and lack of resources and if you needed soap and didnt have it, people had to invent how to get things. I think its the people from cuba who can take the credit for putting up with so much during the embargo. No one thought cuba and the United States would reestablish relations and i think is wonderful. And something all cubans both in the island who suffered the consequences of the embargo the most and outside of cuba are delighted. Im very happy because my whole family is there and many things are going to get better for the people, who are the heros of cuba. Lets catch up with sports. Jason day has a twostroke lead over Jordan Spieth going into the final round of the u. S. Pga championship. The australian is on 15 under at whistling straights. Its. Reporter for a Third Straight major in a row the australian is top of the leader board going into the final round. Saturday under he is still without a major victory. Conjoo confidence level is high, i am more just enjoying being out to the golf course kind of hard to go out and play the next day. Reporter he is 2 strokes behind after a third round 65. Having already won the masters and the u. S. Open the 22yearold will be the you think whyest player to claim three majors with a victory in wisconsin. Even though its been a great year and won two this year, at the same time when you look back on your career years and years from now you may not remember what happened within a year, but you will remember how many you won and how many got away from you. Brandon grace the round of the day with the 8 under par 64. Me is a shot dehind spieth. Justin rose on 12 under with and is in contention again after finishing third at will the bridge stone invitational. Martin knows all about the whist thing straights course having bun here five years ago and in good shape again. Four strokes offer the lead at 11 under. Unlikely rory mcil row will maintain hisit toole at 4 under 68. The world number 1 is nine strokes behind day. Second round leader matt jones had an unplanned visit to the hospitality tent and still manageed to play his shots off the carpet. He will return on sunday from 10 under. In the English Premier League arsenal are back on track as they beat crystal pal palace 21. Arsenal had lost to west ham last week. City 1nil up. Athletics world governing body iaaf deny acquisitions they suppressed results on allegations of doping. Research shows nearly a third of the worlds top athletes have admited to using performance enhancing drugs. 1,800 athletes were interviewed in south korea. They say the iaaf did not commission the survey but used its infliewns to suppress the findings. Serena williams loses. The challenger rallied to force the decider. She was off her game with 30 unforced errors. And the final of the montreal masters later. The win in the semifinals means he will replace Roger Federer as world number 2. He needed only 65 minutes to beat the world number 5 in the same final. Jorge lorenzo claimed his fifth motogp victory of the season in the be czech republic. The two time World Champion started on pole having broken the lap record in qualifying. He never lost his lead and finished ahead of the reigning champion. He has now joined the championship leader with ross i who came in third. Well have more for you later on. Thats lovie thank you. Do stay tuned. David foster waiting in the wings with another fult bulletin up for ow al jazeera. The devastation as 100 people die in syrian Government Air strikes on a market in the opposition held town of duma. Good to have you with us. Youre watching al jazeera. Im david foster. Coming up in the next 30 minutes on this program, a talibanlinked group says it carried out a suicide bombing that killed a pakistani politician and ten other people. Hundreds of thousands turning out in brazil protesting about the president s government. The remains of this

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