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His. All of the sports including jason day is in contention for a major once again. We have action from the us pga championship later this hour. Hello. Well, its the worlds newest country. South sudan is just four years old. But for nearly half of that time, its been embroiled in civil war. Its a deal to stop fighting, if it isnt agreed by monday, International Sanctions could apply. But the peace talks in ethiopia appear to be in disarray. How did we get here . Well, so south sud ans president and the rebel leader are veterans of a decades long conflict which led to south sudan splitting from sudan back in 2011. Now, the current fighting erupted after kier fired his deputy in december, 2013. Mashar went on the run and under his leadership, rebel faxes captured a string of regional towns including oil hubs while president kiir used ugandan troops to try to crush the re b rebebbion. Several attempts at peace deals have failed i mean, what is actually whats the reaction to this news . Reporter well, thats right. We believe that the south suddanese president has said he is not now willing to speak directly to mushar, the rebel leader because of the reports of this split, what he says is these two generals that have split from the rebel faction. Now, we spoke to a rebel spokesperson here who tells us that they say that the south Sudanese Government is just using thises a pretext to delay the signing of this deal. They also said that mushar is the only one kiir can speak to in terms of pushing these negotiations forward. They describe this split, these two generals that have moved away from the rebel faction as being an administrative problem. Now, we believe that these two generals were sacked by mushar in july. It was only last week they announced they were leaving the rebels. The question remains as to whether, in fact, they have the support on the ground amongst the rebels to pose any kind of threat. And whether, in fact, you know, they have the kind of military capability and the military support to cause any problems. Certainly, the south sudanease easy Government Spokesperson we spoke to yesterday said this was an indication of mushar need to go get what he described as his house in order before these negotiations went further. Charles, we will leave it there, but thank you for that. Of course, we will be discussing that subject later on the program here on al jazeera. In syria, meanwhile, government airstrikes targeting a rebelheld town have killed at least 67 people. Thats according to syrian activists. They say more than 200 others were wounded in the attack on a crowded market in duma, northeast of the capital, damascus. Syrias air force has confirmed it carried out the airstrikes in duma and in the nearby area of harasta. Meanwhile, a deal to move thousands of people out of besieged areas in syria has collapsed. Fighting has started again. Zeina khodr has all of the details. Reporter the targets were two towns in the northern prove incident of idlib. A temporary ceasefire has collapsed. Veblz have assumed an assault. Thousands of people are mostly supporters of Bashar Al Assad. They are shia. It has become difficult for the government to protect them. Thats why it wants to transfer them to safer areas as part of a deal. The rebel group that was negotiating on behalf of the opposition said the governments main ally, iran, wants to partition the country. Over recent days, there were talks to give rebels who were trapped inside the town in the damascus countryside safe package. According to the opposition, iran also demanded the towns residents leave as a way to get sunni muslims out of the countryside and areas along the lebanese border. We have seen proceedregime forces have been focusing on the territory and some has been around the town of zebadani and along the key transport routes west toward lebanon. We have seen since the summer of 2013 to some extent that policy beginning to take shape. For the government and its allies the town of zabadani is important. Recapturing it would help secure the international highway that links lebanon and syria and further consolidate their control of an enclave that includes the kalamoon region on the border, damascus, homms and coastal city home to many allowites who are loyal to the president. The government and its allies can no longer defend the entire country. There their forces have been withdrawing to lines that they are able to defend even president Bashar Al Assad acknowledged there is a lack of manpower which means they have to pick their battles in areas of strategic importance. Syria has been partitioned with front lines separating people according to sects and loyalties. The deal to transfer the besieged sunni and shia communities in zabadani may have fallen part. The fact that a population swap was on the table shows there is a new syria emerging, one with different borders and where forced migration may become policy. Zeina khodr, beirut. An isil Suicide Attack has killed at least seventeen security people in anbar prove incident just northeast of the city of falujah, two trucks filled with explosives targeted a group of soldiers and shia militia men who had been fighting alongside them. Iraqs Prime Minister has ordered military commanders to face trial for abandoning positions in ramadi earlier this year. Located in the anbar province, ramadi is the capitol of the sunni hartland. In may, the predominantly shia government battled isil in an offensive that lasted three days. Isil pushed military forces out and took over the city. The Prime Minister said anyone of officer grade or above who left their post during the battle must be Court Martialed. Mohammed jamjoon has more on this from baghdad. Reporter abadi tonight ratifying recommendations that had been made to him by members of iraqs military that had conducted an investigation in to officers having abandoned their posts when isil took over the city of ramadi last year. Now, the Prime Minister is now agreeing with the assessment of those military officers saying mosul, for the past several months, this committee was about to publish its findings more recently. I think there was a lot of controversy about those findings in iraq. We have also had recently the escape of the Prime Minister who has traveled to iran on an unofficial visit. Now, all of these things in my view are linked. Why are we now in terms of mr mr. Abadi looking at the fall of ramadi and not looking at the more dramatic fall of mosul. It is expected in any state, in any ruling state, to Court Martial anybody who has not followed the rules. However, i think we need to follow the rules equally and more effectively as we go along. And i dont think the government is doing that as we speak. We all know now that the iraqi army is not effectively trained nor effectively equipped. I dont think in any event anybody is expecting the army to withstand the huge assault as we have heard them from the state from the isis against them. I think the more leading role that has been taken to confront isis was by the popular malitias who are supporting the army. The army is taking a back seat role. In order to more effectively carry out the battle against isis, i think we need to strengthen the army and investigate as to why they have withdrawn from those places. Taking a few generals and putting them on trial, i dont think, is going to achieve much. Progovernment forces are battling Houthi Rebels for control of yemens Third Largest city. Fighters loyal to hadi say at least 50 houthis have been killed southwest of the capital, sanaa. The main Security Headquarters was retain by progovernment forces on saturday. They are also in full control of shabwa prove incident, which has substantial oil reserves. Means progovernment fors hold five of yemens six provinces in the south. N an andersonesian plain with 54 people om board has gone messing. Search and rescue Officials Say they lost communication after taking off from the city of jaiporta. More from jakarta. There is no report off the plane whatsoever. It was on the way to a town, a small town very near to the papuanew guinea border in the eastern part of indonesia. It flew from the capitol 14 minutes before it lost contact with the control tower in a very mountainous areas and officials in the region are saying that the weather was very bad. There is no report of the plane landing in any other small airport in that part of indonesia. And the search has now been halted because, at the moment, its already evening in papua. Its dark, and rescue workers are saying they are going to start again in the morning, trying to search for this plane. Its a plane thats a twinengine plane which is very often used in these kind of remote areas in indonesia. There was an accident actually at this airport only five years ago, and then 10 people died, also when they were approaching to land at this very small airport in papua. In chinese, people in china, People Living near the chemical blast want more answers from the government. They are fearing toxic chemicals are leaking from a warehouse storing soldium sigh need. When 112 people have been confirmed sign. Some survivors have compared this to a nuclear explosion. Close up, thats what it looks like. The toxic pool from smoldering fires is still shrouding this industrial zone. The government has now confirmed the lethal chemicalcal, soldium cyanide was stored here there was added urgency to the search for serve viewers on sunday as the toll for the dead and missing continue to rise. Along with the anger among families of the missing and those made homeless. For the second day, they attempted to protest outside a hotel where government officials were briefing journalists. We want the government to tell us the truth and help us to find a proper home. What we need most now is for the government to take care of us and to keep us informed. The government still doesnt know what caused we need nights multiple explosions, but officials now admit that sodium cyanide has been identified at two locations, yet insist their readings show the air is safe for those outside the exclusion zone. If you are outside of the two kilometer zone, these numbers should be within normal standards. This should not have any effect on peoples lives. Gas masks are now the most precious commodity in tianjin. These are for the military, but there is not enough of them. Even if they were, they wont protect from sodium cyanide. This is very professional. That would be very special material of protection. I dont think i dont know. I dont think this can do that. Chinas welloiled volunteer machine has now moved in to action. Thousands of volunteers have come to the city from all over china, and here, they are handing out water, food, clothing, all of it vitally needed. The list for the missing is getting longer. The majority of those yesterday to be found are Fire Fighters and police. Officials say the explosions were so powerful that so far, only a few bodies have been identified. Adrienne brown, al jazeera in tianjin. Still ahead on the news hour. I was a student and a friend betrayed me. He abused me. After my parents found out, they disowned me. Stories of report, we report on pakistans streets. Protecting our natural heritage. We follow a trail of suspected poachers in the vast National Parks in senegal. In the sport, last seasons top two teams get ready to go head to head. Details later in the program with sanaa. To pakistan where the home minister of punjab prove incident is feared dead after a Suicide Attack on his office, 10 other people are also privatize to have been killed. Rescuers are on the scene trying to free people buried under the rebel of that. Camille hider joins us from islamabad. Update us on the latest, please. Reporter to brief you, initially, there was a lot of confusion when that attack took place about 50 kilometers from islamabad in which the minister was killed. Initially, it is reported up to two suicide bombers may have been involved, but the authorities are now confirming that it was one suicide bomber with a very powerful device. Now, the home minister was near his native town. He had a Political Team at his Political Office sid not far from his home. There were other local villagers, particularly from the local police who were caught by that blast, a blast so powerful that the roof came down. There were desperate attempts by rescue to try to remove the rubble, and it took several hours for them to find the body of the home minister. So the interior minister, of course, claimed until the body was found, there should be no confirmation about the fact that he had been killed. But his body has now been recovered, and it has been shifted, likely to be shifted sorry to the hospital within the next hour or so. Okay, thank you very much. Lets stay in pakistan and the recent case of child sex abuse has turned attention to the plight of the countrys Street Children. Nicole johnston went to the city of la hor and also sent this report. Reporter as dusk falls on lahor, a park near the central train station starts to fill up. Men and young boys hang around. Every evening is the same. Then the men who with their bottles of oil. You can hear this all over the park. Street children give massages, too, in a city with thousands of homeless kids, its a way to make money. Its also how some of these children. This park has a very bad name. People in the park told us that gangs of men befriend children who run away from home. Both boys and girls. They give them gifts and then abuse them. Later, they are sold for sex all through their teenage years. A lot of this takes place here in the streets around the train station. Thats what happened to ali. We are not using his real name, to protect his identity. He is 21 years old. He has been living on and off the streets since he was 7. I was a student and a friend betrayed me. He abused me. After my parents found out, they disowned me. I didnt want to become a prostitute but now i am in, and i am stuck. I want to leave this, but i cant because there is no other option for me. Ali says in pakistan, many boys and girls roam the streets without their parents and end up in trouble. These kids can be protected if parents supervise them. If we give them no care and they run freely, they will be abused and become wasted like me. They will end up in this business. There are some organizations trying to protect Street Children by reuniting them with their families or taking them into care. The governmentrun Child Protection bureau in punjab prove incident looks after 1,000 children. They have been removed from the streets or rescued from homes where they have been abused. The children on the streets, no one is looking after them. The government has took a big step about 10 years ago. The children, they took them from streets and they came here. They have school and psychological therapy. We are trying to give them a social, normal life. This is the only prove incident in pakistan with this type of refuge. With the scale of the problems so great, most staff realize that for every child they help, many more are on the streets and on their own. Nicole johnston, al jazeera, lahor. Well, lets get more on this from asmar, the former president of the Supreme Court Bar Association of pakistan and human rights advocate. Thank you for joining us here onnays. First off, just how important is this subject for pakistan . There seems to be a lot of shock and outrage. At the same time, we are hearing a lot of the victims are not really getting the support that they need. I think its not only important. Its crucial. And this problem has been there for many years. It has escalated. It has become more. We have to attack the root causes of it. What are the root causes . Poverty is one. Secondly, we have to educate the parents. Thirdly, most importantly, even when parents go out looking for their children who run away from home, the police have not helped them and neither has the media helped them in that regard. Earlier, when many years ago, i do recall when we were working for child restrictions, whenever a child was missing, the media would help and put up their photograph, say we could give their photograph. They abuse them. I want to ask you because it appears child sexual abuse, right around the world is an abhorrent crime, but there is a lot made of it being a taboo subject within the pakistani social strata. How much is this an obstacle to actually tackling the issue . It is absolutely not only a taboo. But children are not even taught in school that this is something that is wrong and that you are the victim. You are not to feel guilty about it, that you can talk about it, that this is not your fault. Its something that children are told told and educated and not even told about their anatomy. This is very much a taboo subject. Its beginning to open up now but not earlier. But its just abject neglect by the government and by the authorities as well. Okay. Thank you very much for that. Thank you. Well, children are among dozens of migrants boarding inflatable rafts in turkey hoping to reach the green greek island. This group is mostly from iran. If they manage to reach their definited nation, they will find greek authorities struggle ling to cope with large numbers of my grant as emma hayward now reports. Reporter its unclear who started it, but there was no holding back. Anger, frustration and suspicion boiled over under the intensity of the summer sun. Many had come hoping to get the papers to allow them to leave kos for the mainland, but the Police Station was closed. Disappointment and desperation turned in to chance chants of freedom some hearsay others are getting preferential treatment. Iran, no, no papers. What happened . Please. Please, can you help . The situation on kos is becoming increasingly urgent. Even a loaf of bread is precious. Some people have found shelter and even a shower. But the facilities are being criticized. In camp, there is no electricity, no water, and no food. No food. There is in camps, men and women and girls and boys. They are not giving us food. Hundreds of migrants are being moved on. This boat left for athens on friday. Another pass enger ferry. Take a look at the last picture. One of the poachers standing in front of the camera. Local tribes were forced out of the area 40 years ago to protect animals from being hunted. But rangers say some tribesmen are known to work with traffickers. We are not surprised. Lilts have the best knowledge of this park. Its so lucrative, its tempting to want to hunt here. We slowly approached the spot where the pictures were taken. Poachers are probably armed. Rangers worry about a gun fight as well as being attacked by dangerous animals nearby. Suddenly, she spots them. They launch an ambush. As expected, local villagers. On them, weapons and food rations. He says he was hunting bush meat but the park rangers dont believe him. Most of what they kill is smuggled out of the country to asia. Poachers are after big cats like this. Yokolo is a rare panther. Rangers found him when he was a baby after poachers killed his mother and all of his siblings. Despite all of the efforts put in place to prevent poaching, there are a number of animal did like yokolu that are on the verge of extinction. So the United Nations says this World Heritage site is in danger. Rare antelopes, pry mates, none are spared. Rangers say poachers kill indiscriminately, even using automatic machine guns. Its disgusting, and we feel responsible. We are supposed to protect the site. Its such a difficult task. There is an estimated 19,000,000,000 a year, the global trade in wild animals is booming. Despite local efforts like this, it continues to grow. Nicholas hawk, al jazeera, yokolokubu park. Lets catch up with the weather. Not the best of news regarding those wildfires in america. No. We have double hazard still. Weve got strong winds and more so low humidity. Thats what is fanning those flames. So, a we look at the weather map, as i run the sequence, weve got areas of low pesh pushing through. Gives an indication that the wind is fairly strong. These pictures come from oregon state where you can see the winds blowing and just making the situation worse. See the trees blowing in the breeze. The situation really isnt going to change very much. There is a high fire across montana, wyoming, and the fire extends across many parts of the west of the we have the ongoing drought and hot weather. Phoenix, arizona on friday had the highest recorded temperature of 47. 2 celsius which for american degrees is 117 degrees farenheit. Largely dry across the west with most of the weather, if you like, taking the place further toward the east. You may think north america, what about the caribbean, the Hurricane Season . The Hurricane Season has been notable by its total absence except for a variety of reasons. All we have at the moment is a scattering of showers. But there are signs of a potential Development Taking place off of the coast of africa. This particular system, it may get swamped by the dry air across the atlantic. If it does, we will keep you posted. For a moment, its a developing system. Richard, thank you very much. Still to come in this newshour. I am fez jamil where the government has mrernlingd separate toilets for girls in government schools. We will see how construction is going and why its an important issue for girls education. Also, cuba ties with the u. S. Get closer. We need an we meet an exile who sees a Bright Future for his country. A swift surprise for certainean a williams. The details coming up. Ethiopia has been split in rebel ranks. The home minister of Punjab Province is feared dead after a Suicide Attack on the. 10 other people were killed. Rescuers are on the scene trying to free people buried under rubble. Also, an indonesian passenger plane with 54 people on board has gone missing. Search and rescue Officials Say the airport lost contact with air Traffic Control over indonesias remote papua region. More on our top story, and the attempts to find peace in south sudan. Joining us from nairobi via skype is meredith preston, head of Africa Center for humanitarian dialogue. Thank you for joining us on al jazeera. So many failures in this whole process to try to reach peace. Are you hopeful that these talks will actually take a step forward . Thank you. Absolutely. I am hopeful they will take a step forward no one believes tomorrow would be an ultimate peace agreement. I think its very important that the parties find something they can commit to. Okay. So much toing and freeing. Will he go there office who will he talk to . Do we have any idea so far who is going to be sitting around at that table and whether those peace talks will actually happen because the pressure is on them now. Isnt it . Absolutely. The pressure has been on them not just from the International Community but very strongly from the region as well. The latest that i have and, to be honest, there is a lot of speculation and conjecture about whats going on. The latest i have is that the president is heading for the talks and the talks will be happening tomorrow between him and dr. Mushar. Tell us a little bit more about these sanctions because this is what a lot of observers are saying are bringing these two men, these two groups, together. Do they really have much to say and much to lose if those sanctions are put on them . I think it really depends upon the nature of the sanctions. I mean you can look at individual targeted sanctions that would potentially freeze assets, ban travel of senior members on both sides and you have arms embargoes and large economic sanctions that could be placed on the country. I think that the concern generally is that any combination of those would be a serious blow. I think the question of how those are actually implemented and the commitment will be the ultimate indicator. We touch on the igad group in a moment. But first off, we know that there is a split amongst the reynolds. Even if there is an agreement, how can they make sure that both parties and those in the background actually agree to it . How difficult is that process . Well, thats always a challenge in mediation where you have divergent views, especially when you get closer to an ultimate agreement. I think whatever happens tomorrow if they do sign something, its incredibly important that they rethen reach out to the faxes that are not presently at the table and try to address their griefances and concerns as part of a longerterm dialogue process. Okay. If the tomorrow, its one step. Maryland preston mcgee, we have run out of time. I am sure we will talk to you then. Thank you. Thank you. Now, while the talks continue in addis, at least 40 people have died in a cholera outbreak in south sudan. Natasha gname, where the government is struggling to provide clean Drinking Water. This is called the donkey in south sudan. Its the neighborhood bore hole and primary source of water in a country where 45 of the population doesnt have access to clean Drinking Water. The yazban family of 12 cant afford to buy purified Drinking Water or chlorine tab blessed to treat water from the bore hole. If we can afford to get water from a tanker, we will. Otherwise, we have to get it from the bore hole. Yes, we get sick. The nile river surprise juba with its water. Tankers pump water from the river then drive to neighborhoods where people bring their jugs and pay to fill up. The government also cant afford to treat the water with chlorine or ensure private Delivery Companies are providing safe supplies. Rising fuel and production costs mean these tankers are providing less water and arent making deliveries as often to remote areas. The asmans say they only see water tankers once a week in their neighborhood. The lack of access to keep water is causing cholera outbreaks. Doctors without borders says during the most recent outbreak, almost 1400 people were infected, 41 died. Thet. Elwan says her neighbor told her about this clinic. By that time, her daughter was also sick. She says sometimes the whole family has to drink untreated water. The problem is the government. The government knows how much we are suffering. We are living in a bad situation. Aid groups say ending the civil war and building essential services for citizens must go handinhand with better education. Lack of clean water, lack of latrines and hygiene is an endless thing. This has to improve to get rid of cholera. For now poor families will have to rely on the neighborhood donkey and risk getting ill. Natasha gname, al jazeera, juba, south sudan. Sri lankans will head to the polls. Most of the focus has been on the former president. A report. Reporter parliamentary elections are usually about National Issues and who can best deal with them. But there is nothing usual about this one. When we see whats happening in the country, we are unable stay away from politics. You should request whether the actions followed by them are peoplefriendly. Seven months after being voted out, sri lankans former president is attempting to come back. This time as Prime Minister. His main rival, after years in the political shadows, eager to come in opposition. He decided the future of this country on january 8th. Now, you must decide your familys and your own future. Thet he has urged people to Carry Forward the change that began in january. He has made it clear that he wont support rajapaksats return. The new government has brought change. Analysts say a level Playing Field for this election is one example. And new rules have empowered the election chief. If anyone tries to taking thet from the polling station or try to influence, we will. An limits also say stability will be an important factor for waters. The majority of people did make the point that they wanted a single party to be able to have sufficient seats in order to be able to govern with stability. You know, so i think that is a concern as far as the waters are concerned, you know. Look, we have to give a decisive result. We have to get on with the business of government with governance. Many say the root causes of war, the economic, and Foreign Policy are among a number of areas that must be addressed. But they havent been issues in this campaign. Problems, solutions and policies have taken a back seat in this election, which has been dominat dominated. Most who go to the polls on monday, the choice is whether to return or continue to put their faith in the politician who defeated him t al jazeera. One year ago, the indian Prime Minister modi made a promise all schools would have separate toilets for boils and girls. Education experts say this one simple thing would be a huge step towards keeping girls in class. Faiz jamil reports from the northern herana district. Reporter they are learning basic lessons. Now students can also take care of their basic needs at school. Thank to in newly built toilet, courtesy of the indian government. It doesnt look like much more than a hole in the ground with walls and plumbing, but its making a world of difference at this school. Naha says the old toilet was unusualable at times. This new one is better than the one she has at home. The toilet before didnt always have running water. This one does. The old toilet smelled ready bad. Its a different story several kilometers away, at another school in the same district. Here, there are separate toilets for girls. But a lack of maintenance make them less than ideal to use. Many existing toilets until government schools are in this kind of condition or worse with unreliable plumbing and smelling of sewage. Some organizations that for years have been building separate toilets for girls say the governments pledge is the right idea but hard to achieve in a year. Sanitation experts say another year is needed to ensure no schools are left out and to guarantee the quality of construction. They say the Prime Ministers support has made a noticeable difference. I never saw high officials running from pilar to post to get it built in the schools. Trying hard to do it at the earliest. So on the one hand, it is encouraging that it is being built. Its important. But i totally agree more time for the completion. Studies show female attendance increases at schools that have a clean, separate toilet for them meaning the drive to finish building the rest and maintain them has as much to do with education as it does with sanitation. Fez jamil, al jazeera. Just ahead on the newshour, food aid on an industrial scale. How one u. S. City is getting to people in need. We have all of the sport including one golfer taking the scenic root around the whistling straits golf course. They believed in what they were doing but they were not scientists. It wasnt science at all. Theres a lot of lives at stake, a lot of innocent people. How many are still locked up . The integrity of the criminal Justice System is at stake, plain and simple. Faultlines. What do we want . Al jazeera americas hardhitting. Today the will be arrested. Groundbreaking. Theyre firing canisters of gas at us. Emmy awardwinning, investigative series. We have to get out of here. Millions of people in the United States are living on food donations. According to a new study, 46 million americans including 15 million children live in homes without enough food. John hendren reports now from chicago where hundreds of thousands are living on handouts. Here in chicago, heart of the american phone belt, the hungry line up for food. We havent got enough food today. How come . It helps me out. I have an 11yearold and a 35yearold to feed. The Worlds Largest foodexporting nation not far from the illinois cornfields across down from where the Commodity Exchange sets food prices for the world, 311 people wait for hours for free produce. This is not even feeding people at the streets, bus stations, train stations. Its not feeding everybody. Just feeding so much because there are people in need. The produce truck drops its load 50 times a month, supplementing free meals from food pantries and homeless shelters here and across the u. S. This is an o assess in a city with many food deserts. Here in cooke county which includes chicago, one out of six gets food donated from the deposit os tory. They are not necessarily the people you think. One out of households include someone who is working. Most have a roof over their heads. Its not a small problem. Its something that in 2008, when the recession hit, we saw a huge spike in need and fortunately it hasnt gone down. We are doing a booking business. About 200,000 pounds per day is leaving this warehouse being distributed to food pantries and soup kitchens. Thats just in chicago. Across the United States, 46 Million People receive Food Assistance from the u. S. Government. We have chronic hunger, people across america and across the world who regularly dont know where their next meal is coming from. But we have many other families across the u. S. Who might experience hunger from time to time because they run, you know, paycheck to paycheck. When times get tough, those americans join in lines like this. Lines Food Security experts say are growing longer. John hendren, al jazeera, chicago. Okay. Lets catch up with the sport. Sana has joined us. All yours. Thank you very much. We start with golf and jason day has a two stroke lead over Jordan Spieth in the final round of the us pga championship. On 15 under at whistling straits. Richard par has more. Reporter its deja vu for jason day for a Third Straight major in a row. The australian is top of the leader board going in to the final round. A saturday, a 6 under 66 to move to 15 under at the u. S. Pga championship. Despite three second place finishes, he is still without a major victory. Confidence level is high, but i am just more enjoying just being out on the golf course rather than, you know, in previous, you know, positions thatch had in major championships, i have, you know, viewed them as very stressful and, you know, kind of hard to, you know, go out there and play the next day. Jordan spieth will be alongside day in sundays final pairing. He is two strokes behind after a third round 65. Having already won the masters and the u. S. Open, the 22yearold will bel become the youngest player to claim three majors with a victory in wisconsin. Even though its been a great year and we have won two this year, at the same time, when you look back on your career years and years from now, you may not remember exactly what happened within a year, but you will remember how many you have won and how many got away from you. Brandon grace at the round of the day with an 8 under par 64. The signature african is a shot behind spieth. Justin rose is also on 12 under. The 2013 u. S. Open champion is in contention again after finishing third at last weeks bridgestone invitational. Martin kliman knows about the whistling straits course having won here five years ago. He is in good shape again. Four strokes often of the lead on 11 under. Its unlikely rory mcilroy will retain his title, 4 under 68. The world number 1 is nine strokes behind day. Second round leader matt jones had an unplanned visit to the hospitality tent. He managed to play his shot off of the carpet. He will return on sunday with 10 under. Richard par, al jazeera. Am world governing body, the iaaf has denied the abizations that they express a study that revealed widespread doping. They did admit to having serious reservations about the interpretations of the results. According to british newspaper, the sunday Times Research shows nearly a third of the worlds top athletes had admitted to using performance enhancing drugs. The university in germany interviewed 1,800 athletes at the 2011 World Championships in south korea. They say the iaaf did not commission the survey, but used it in influence to suppress the findings. In the english premier league, arsenal leading 21 at universitial palace right now. Champions chelsea face Manchester City in an hour. City are going in to the match following a 3nil victory in their opening game against west brom. Would see i am an annual 5 points clear of the blues after just two games. But the city boss insists he is not thinking about the title just yet. We are not thinking about the title in the here fourth this year. The final of the montreal masters and in doing so he sglooipz sdmraidz federer as the world number 2. He needed only 65 minutes to beat world number 5 shikori in the semifinal did, winning the match in straight 663, 6love. He will meet djokovic in the final. The worlds number 1 is big into beating the records of five masters series titles in one year. He has already won four this season. He defeated in the semis. Beating the french opponent in straight sets 64, 64. Thats it for sport. Thank you very much, sana. To bring you breaking news concerning the plane thats been missing in indonesia. Its been reported that it has been found crashed in papau. It had 54 people on board including five children. Now, warming ties between washington and cuba are giving hope to ex aisles separated from their family. Close to a million live in the u. S. Many others have settled in europe and latin america. Now, one sariana is a mutesition who left cuba looking for better opportunities in mexico. This is his story. My name is juan soriano. I am a cuban musician. I have lived in mexico for about 13 years. I came to mexico because i got a job to work at demedio. We had an audition in cuba. They liked our work and brought us over here. A cuban never leaves his country. Leaving was a bit nostalgic because you leave your family, your roots, your way of life, but on the other hand, you are excited because you are going to fulfill a dream that will probably be the biggest dream of your life, which is to do well. I had mixed feelings. Cubans 0 their government their free education, their healthcare is also free, a taste for sports. I got my education, thanks to this system. Like many other professional did, not only artists, but also scientists. Sothing that in any other country would cost thousands of dollars or more. Here, it cost nothing. Cubans have made incredible sack fights, shown bravery and courage. The food shortages, lack of resources, even bathing. If you needed soap and didnt have it, people had to invent how to get things. I think its the people from cuba who can take the credit for putting up with so much during the embargo. No one thought cuba and the United States would reestablish relations. I think this is wonderful and something all cubans on the island, the ones who suffer the consequences of the embargo the most and the ones outside of cuba are also delighted. I am very happy because my whole family is there, and many things are gob to get better for the people who are the heroes of cuba. Stay with us here on al jazeera. I will be back with a full bullet after this short break. At least 67 people are killed after a string of air. Coming up on the program, a Suicide Attack in pakistan killed 10 people. Protecting our natural heritage. We follow the trail of sct

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