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Its been a year since a u. S. Led coalition began air strikes againststrike against isil in iraq and later syria as well. It prompted the government to ask for International Help to flush them out. U. S. Coalition includes bahrain jordan qatar the United Arab Emirates and saudi arabia. On the ground 3,000 u. S. Soldiers are training iraq troops. As of may the combined operations have cost the u. S. 2. 44 billion. So on average the u. S. Is spending nearly 9 million a day on its fight against isil. Mohamed is in baghdad where many are doubtful that the antiisil strategy is working. Reporter with hopes as faded as the pictures that surround them its a mourn. Atmosphere for the patrons of baghdads historic cafe. Here they sip and smoke what small comforts are provided. But not even these decaying momentos of iraqs glorious past are enough to counter all of the reminders of its dangerous present. The majority they didnt think that america [ inaudible ] it affects on the ground. Nothing on the ground. Reporter political analyst tells me that in the year since the u. S. Led coalition began its airstrikes against the Islamic State of iraq and the levant. Many iraqs have grown more distrustful than ever of their Governments Alliance with the united states. They think the iraqi side have Global Policy and they want to use this war for their Global Policy. Reporter a short walk away, just down baghdads bustling street,ed mood is livelier, but not much happier. During the recent record heat wave though, anger and anxiety seem to rise faster than the temperature. Here in baghdad there is a real sense of concern about the effectiveness of the airstrikes against isil, especially at a time when the group has a strong hold just 90 minutes away from the cam capital rich with history where the citys elite have trash did come to buy books discut issue and debate. Many express their concerns over the strategy to defeat isil. Translator throughout the year we havent seen any tangible results and leaves us with a very big question mark about whether the coalition is serious about fighting isil on the ground or not. Reporter we asked them to review their strategy, and actually deal sear yeahly with iraqi force to his help them fight isil. Reporter others put the blame on sectarian politics playing out in the government of iraq. The problem is mutual trust. Everybody knows what we are talking about, there is lack of mutual trust. If this is not resolved, isis will be Walking Around baghdad in no time. Reporter in a city where writers once rained on i reigned on a street where poets once ruled. Amid the volumes of fix and nonfix its fear thats being expressed now. A palestinian man who died of injuries sustained in an arson attack carried out by Israeli Settlers last week has been laid to rest. Hundreds of palestinians attended the funeral of the man in his hometown. His house was fire bombed last friday killing his 18 month old son. His other young son and wife were both injured. Imtiaz tyab sent us this update from the occupied west bank. Reporter amidst the sadness here there is an awful lot of abler. Anger at the fact that no meaningful progress has been made in the case surrounding the death of 18 month old child and now his father. The israeli authorities have put a gag order on this case and there what we understand is america tonight that nobody has been arrested and nobody has been questioned in connection with this case, in the background we have been hearing from the palestinian leadership saying they will take this case all watt i to the International Criminal court. They are saying that the deaths and the fire bomb attack on his family home that badly injured his wife and child, is a war crime. Form he egyptian president Mohamed Morsi who was depose ed in a military coup in 2013 has complained that hes been given food in prison that he suspects may have been tampered with. Morsi made the comments in court in cairo where he and 10 others have appeared on charges of espionage and leaking classified documents. He shouted at the judge from his cage saying there were five incidents that he said were life threatening. He said he has stopped eating prison food and is suffering from hypo glee seem i cant. Earlier his son spoke to us through a translator. He said his father has stopped eating because of his fears of the prison food. Translator my father president Mohamed Morsi says there are certain extra judicial efforts with regards to the bad healthcare and food he receives in jail. The contents of that food could represent a threat to his life. We have not been allowed to visit him since november 2013 so we are reliant on what he says in court. Today he said that he thought of stopped eating. Hes not allowed to have food sent in and is only eating the food that is prepared for him by the egyptian prison authority. My father is is not suffering from any serious disease only suffering from diabetes a condition which requires continuous medical care which is not available in the prison. Haitians will begin voting on sonde in sunday in the first elections for four years happening during a difficult time for the caribbean opportunity are you. 10ss of thousands of haitians have been returning from the dough minute can republic. More than five years after the devastating earthquake, itsest estimated that 60,000 people are still living in camps. Security is still a concern but the size of the u. N. Peacekeeping force is expected to be reduced next year. The World Bank Says haiti is the poorest country mount americas and one of the poorest in the world. Highly dependent on foreign aid it will have to cope with decreasing donations in future years. Rob reynolds has more now from portportauprince. Reporter at the talk Radio Station in portauprince, its all politics all the time. In a country so poor the televisions are a luxury and where more than half of all adults cant read or write radio holds the key for politicians. Radio is the best medium in haiti. And you have to use them with a lot of capability to have the success in politics. Reporter running for office is expensive. And some haitian candidates say there is a lot of dirty money floating around. A lot of people use bad money like drug money things like this because in this election we have this problem in haiti. Reporter and money talks. And money talks unfortunately. Reporter we caught up with wouldbe senator is to ask about shady campaign funding. Translator i have got people calling me every day offering me money, but i refuse. I want to be able to showed public exactly who is financing my campaign. Reporter several of the people at this Campaign Rally confirmed that their attendance was motivated by cold cash. Spread around by the candidate. Translator some of the people here already got their money. But me and my boys, we are just waiting until after the rally to get paid. Reporter along with drums and horns go fear and violence. Late last month a group of supporters of a local candidate was gathering right here at this Street Corner when a motorcycle pulled up, the man on the motorcycle began shooting, he killed three people. And then escapeed. A memorial banner names the murdered men. Translator i had three Close Friends killed and i saw four other people wounded. Reporter political analysts say as in past elections the threat of violence is high. It looks like violence is part of the equation now because currently, we have heard a lot of, you know, examples of violence in so many places. More people that are interested, the more violence is an issue. And the more explosive it is reporter ed command every the u. N. S International police force says enough Haitian National police and foreign officers will be on hand to prevent violent incidents from getting out of control. Hundreds of people have very very marched through the streets of ferguson missouri to mark the anniversary of the shooting of the unarmed teenager Michael Brown, the 18yearold whose body laid in the streets for more than four hours was shot dead by a police officer. Sparking a National Debate about police brutality. Chris sin slewp is a in ferguson and she has more now on what has changed since then. Reporter many events taking place all around the city of ferguson to commemorate the oneyear anniversary of Michael Browns death and call a telling to the issue you it raised of race and police brutality. Not only here in ferguson but around the country. Earlier today there was a memorial march with mike brown sr. That started from the scene where Michael Brown was shot and continued to a local high school. On sunday, will be the main commemoration event. And on monday there are some calls for civil disobedience. We have been talking to people here in ferguson about whether or not they think things have changed for the better. And its a mixed bag. There have been changes the police chief and city manager have stepped down and been replaced by a black man more black men in office. But everyone you talk to seems to acknowledge that there is still a lot of work to be done to mend relations. There is a lot of people in town who think that ferguson has been unfairly painted beyak activists as a racist community so these conversations are continues being and if there is one thing that has come out of mike browns death, that is an elevated conversation about this issue taking place not only here but around the country. A thousand residents have been activated a day after nearly 1500 were order today leave their homes in to other nearby towns. Official suspect the fires were started deliberately. Still ahead on the program nowhere else to go, the migrants who have taken over a disused school in paris. And the u. N. Pledges millions to the rescue effort in myanmar but hundreds of thousands remain affected by the floods. Time now for a reminder of the top stories on al jazerra. One year of u. S. Lead airstrikes against isil in iraq and syria but on the ground many say the fight against the group is not being won. Thousands gathered in the occupied west bank after the death of a settlers house was bombed. Haiti elect on his sunday, more than 1,800 candidates are standing for just 129 seats. 15 antirebel fighters have been killed after a car bomb exploded at a military base in yemen. Further 20 people have been wounded in the explosion in sanaa late on friday. It was the same day the progovernment forces retook the last military base in the south held by the houthis. Elsewhere there yemen 3uae soldiers were killed in the campaign. Ray bomb has exploded in afghanistans eastern city killing two people coming off at capital kabul suffered its worst day of violence so far this year, three explosions within off within just 24 hours killing 52 people and injuring hundreds more. The Afghan Taliban said it was behind one of the attacks. More migrants have been brought to italy after being rescued from the mediterranean sea. The 800 or so, including women and children, were taken to a port in southern italy. They were rescued in several operations on thursday. 24 hours after 200 migrants were feared to have drowned in the same area. Most of these latest arrivals are from africa and syria. Meanwhile, the greek Prime Minister has asked europe for more help to help handle the 10s of thousands of migrants who have arrived in his country. An estimated 124,000 people have fled to greece from countries such as syria and afghanistan this year alone. Prime minister Alexi Tsipras says thats causing a humanitarian crisis within an economic crisis. And he calls on europe to show hey more united front saying now is the time to see if the e. U. Is the e. U. Of solidarity or an e. U. Harassed everyone trying to protect their borders. The mayor of paris meanwhile says migrants illegally occupying an unused school there can stay at least for now. The refugees from eritrea ethiopia and sudan took over the building after weeks of living on the streets. Charles stratford went to meet them. Reporter he says he fled fighting in libya five months ago. He wants political asylum in france. Translator i find myself in france before i was in italy. But now it is france. I speak a little bit of frown of. So that helps. Reporter he is one of around 250 men women and children that took over this disused School Building in paris. Most of are migrants from africa syria and afghanistan. They say they had no choice but to occupy the building because police kept forcibly removing them from makeshift camps. Local people bring them food. And a group of volunteers are helping them with their asylum applications. If you have no pity for Asylum Seekers he next time you have no pit foy poor people, next handicap people, well, et cetera, et cetera. So i think the way we treat illini lum seekers is a pretty fair brought ter meeter of our level of democracy. Reporter with respect to his finding them somewhere to stay the situation at this former school not only high highlights the migrant crisis here in france but in wider europe also. National assists and 10 a e. U. Parties have seized on the migrant issue cross europe. French National Party leader says france cant afford it take in more migrants. Per partys popularity has grown because of her position on immigration. Around 60,000 pima ply for a sigh sigh lum in france each year. France is not generous to Asylum Seekers. Although the figures have increased lightly. Less than two applicants out of 10 actually succeed. In their asylum plea. When the average in europe is 35 of successful applications, up to 50 in scandinavia. Reporter European Commission chief says europe must not cave in to what he describes as pom you lift demands in e. U. Country to his automatically deport migrants and Asylum Seekers. The commission has proposed a system to redistrict Asylum Seekers based on things like Economic Growth and unemployment rates in each country. But not all Member States want quotas imposed on them. He has made it to france but its unlikely that he and many of the people sheltering in this old school or elsewhere will be allowed to stay. Charles stratford, al jazerra paris. Iraqs defense minister has accused isil of executing more than 2,000 people in the last year in the countrys northern province. The government was however unable to say when and exactly where the deaths have occurred. Translator the cursed criminal gangs have carried out a heinous crime that humanity and world conscience wail bow their brows to, they carried out a horrible massacre against our people killing in cold blood. Whoever carries it out cannot be considered human, 2,070 citizens were killed only because they believe in a concept of a united country. In west africa Public Hospital doctors across ghana are strike to go demand better working conditions. Patients in the capital lined up on friday at medical facilities hoping the strike wouldnt affect their care. The National Labor Commission Says the strike is illegal but the medical association has threatened mass resignations if their demands are not met. A jury in the u. S. Has convicted a former Russian Military commander over a Taliban Attack in afghanistan in 2009. He was found guilty i of of planning and leading the attack which targeted u. S. And afghan forces. The charges include attempting to destroy a u. S. Aircraft and use a weapon of mass destruction. A jury in the colorado movie massacre case has rejected the Death Penalty for gunman james holmes. Jurors agreed that he should serve life in prison without parole instead. Holmes opened fire during a film and killed 12 people and wounded 70 others in 2012. His defense team have argued that he was insane at the time of the shooting. At least one juror who did not vote for the Death Penalty is going to give colorado a very ugly face. When you look at, you know, what has happened in light of this, thats not justice. You know, hes living, hes breathing, and our loved ones are gone. For over three years now. And the gaping void, the gaping wound that we have with the loss of our granddaughter has been replaced with a new abscess of him living. The u. N. Has pledged 9 million in aid to help people affected by the devastating floods in myanmar. Nearly 90 people have died and four states have been declared disaster zones. Florence l. O. O. I. Reports now from a village. Reporter the people of the village returned home several days ago. The flood water has receded but for four days the houses here were submerged. Translator i couldnt bring anything with me. I just took my child and left. Reporter when she returned, her home and most of her belongings were gone. She had to move in with relatives. 11 people crammed in to a small house. They have received some help from local organizations. Rations of rice, cooking oil and bottled water. But they dont know when the next aid package will arrive. Translator we have no money. We cannot afford to buy what we need. I am worried about the future. Reporter its clean without their people here need most. This is a manmade reservoir where villagers get their water but its been contaminated by flood withouter and only used for washing now. The people here collect every drop of rain they can relying on makeshift contraptions as well as buckets and pales. Villagers here didnt have much to begin with. Now they have less. Translator our home is filled with water and mud. I am worried and sad. Reporter around 400 heads of livestock were lost. He is the village leader but he has never had to deal with a disaster like this before. Translator i feel very guilty but i dont know what to do. I dont know thousand a point the politicians. I just wanted a. Reporter the cents flood is the worse people here have lived through. They say they are not sure how to begin recovering whats lost. Florence looi, al jazerra near old township, Rakhine State myanmar. Mixmexicos capital is one of the most populated cities in latin america and Affordable Housing can be hard to find. Now one of the poorest districts has found an unusual solution. John holman explains. Reporter the usual Mexican School day in a very unusual classroom. This is the countrys only Railway Wagon school. Translator its great. Because when you are in here, you feel like you are traveling to other countries. Reporter the school is the heart of separating trail cars in a poor mexico city suburb. Elizabeth cordero gives us a tour of her train car. Translator here is my kitchen and my living room which is small but comfortable. This is the bathroom and shower. And as you can see, we have internet. Phone line and cable tv. Reporter elizabeths husband, like many here, work for a state rail company. And the family lived and travel ed in wagons. When the company wound down, they simply moved in to these abandoned ones. They have raise aids family here. And now elizabeths son alan, teaches in the school. Translator all of the families in these wagons have known each other for years so we are very united. If someone has a problem we solve it together. Reporter the communitys biggest problem has been the attempts of the mexican authorities to move them on. They have always resisted. Many simply cant afford a house. Mexican mortgages come at high interest rates. So if you are not well enough off to buy a house out right. That covers a lot of mexicans, including the People Living in the wagons here, then your chances of owning a property are slim. The community continues to expand with a new generation growing up in these unusual living spaces. It may not be perfect but its home. John holman, al jazerra, mexico city. Cock fighting a local tradition for the french territory of, but now a court wants the spore to be banned tania page reports. Reporter like boxers before a big fight all the birds are weighed first cock fighting a popular tradition on reunion island which is a french territory. Its how these men spends their weekends. There is banter and betting. But cock fighting under threat the french government wont allow any new venues to open and eventually wants the fights stopped completely. Translator in france there is more fighting and boxing between men we dont force the cocks to fight if he doesnt want to fight he doesnt fight. Reporter the birds are highly prized so these men say fights to the death are rarely allowed. These birds are even my matched. Unlike reunion and france. For some people this is animal cruelty. But here its an important part of life. A strong, proud tradition these men dont see why they should change things as who they are for anyone. Less than a Million People live here. Although reunion is much closer to africa than europe this, could be any street in france. The lifestyle islanders enjoy is financed by the mainland. While these men may like the benefits of europe, they dont want all of the rules. Although this cockpits owner believes closure is inevitable. Translator there are more people here now and my neighbors are complaining. I cant move the venue so it will be difficult to continue the tradition. In time, france will succeed in closing all of the cockpits. Reporter but the sound of one traditional that is flourishing fills the air at night. It was the music of slaves it used to be banned. Its important islanders are able to practice their culture they say. Translator i am french, yes but how can i explain it, we are people of the world here in reunion, we have a cultural wealth. Before people of my caliber my ancestors fought phot fat to for the right to play this music thats why i have to play 2678 the island streets may look european, but appearances are deceiving on this slice of europe in the indian ocean people move to their own beat. Whether its to the sound of a drum or the crow of a rooster regardless of what paris says. Tania page, al jazerra reunion. Samura to find out. For centuries the tribes of this country lived together without tribal atrocities, and nothing like the rwandan genocide ever took place

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