After nearly 30 years in prison Jonathan Pollard is being paroled. Pollard, an american citizen was sentenced for life for spying on israel. And critics say that hes a traitor who should remain in prison. And Mike Viqueira joins us live from washington d. C. And did the white house play a role in getting pollard paroled . It insists that it did not. And senior officials in the department of justice say that this was a mandatory parole, dick tainted by the laws of the time in 1985 when Jonathan Pollard was arrested, when he tried to enter in washington d. C. Passing off what was described as an incredibly large quantity of classified information. And sparked fierce passions ever since erica as you know. But at the time, the laws in 1985 stated, under the sentencing guideline that an individual convicted of this crime would be released after 30 years mandatory parole unless there was something that they had done in prison, behavior that would have mandated them staying longer, and pollard hasnt done so. Hes in ill health, and highs going to be released on the 21st of this month. In the u. S. And israel, in the wake of the iran deal, which israel vehemently opposes . Theres an element of the administration playing very couldcoy. And this obviously happens in the shadow of the iran deal. And benjamin netanyahu, who was incidentally the last of a series of prime ministers asking to grant clemency. And that didnt happen. His parole expires on the 30th of this year. But the white house trying to sway Public Opinion in israel, and trying to get people on the side of the iran deal, and not on the side of it, but more sympathetic to the u. S. Cause. And on this question of what or not the government actually timed this to coincide with the deal, Loretta Lynch the attorney general was dismissive and joked about it, saying that it would be incredible foresight if 30 years ago, he was put in jail and convicted knowing that the iran deal would happen at the time that he was due to be released. Thank you. Nato alize met today in an emergency session to discuss turkeys decision to intensify the fight against isil. Nato members say that they are in strong solidarity with turkey, and marty is in brussels where the meeting took place. They have solidarity in the fight against turkey, and thats what they had hoped for out of this meeting. But the nato sec general was short on specifics but he was asked if there was any possibility that nato would be involved in a socalled buffer zone an isle free zone on the turkishSyrian Border and heres what he had to say. Nato is part of these efforts, and its something that is discussed on a bilateral basis between turkey and the United States. I welcome the increased efforts by turkey to fight isil. Turkey has a powerful military. And it has well placed air bases, and its a front line state, so it has strategic importance. But it also brings complications because of its dual track military policy. The fact that its attacking not only isil, but pkk kurdish bases in northern iraq. On the ground in syria allied Kurdish Forces have been the most effective opponents from the west point of view in the fight against isil. And they have almost been the Ground Forces if you like for the western alliance, so the western countries the clarity on what are turkeys objectives in the fight against the pkk. And if they respond to the pkk attacks, and they call for a Peace Process to be kept alive at the very time that the turkish government is pouring cold water on that prospect. Turkeys involvement in the fight against isil could create complications. Ali velshi is here to break it down for us. Hey erica. Complications is putting it mildly. One of the most effective on the Ground Forces in the fight against isil are the kurds. To save the Syrian Border town of kobane. And some of those kurdish commanders are reporting that their positions are being shelled and bombed by the kurdish military. Heres whats happening. The kurdish are closely aligned with separatist groups, and many of these kurdish fighters, they call terrorists, and they attack turkey. They are using the fight against isil to launch parallel attacks against the kurds in syria in order to keep them from getting too strong. But part of that nato meeting today was to encourage turkey to show strength and not completely give up on a threeyearold Peace Process which turkey has abandoned. Heres the bottom line. The u. S. Has ride on those turkish troops. They are called the peshmerga who fought isil when the u. S. Train iraqi army cut and ran. So when turkey shells scurred itish positions it doesnt help. But the question is whether turkey is more interested in degrading the kurds than in fighting isil, and theres some evidence that that is the case. Turkey has been obsessed with the kurdish nationalist problem that it has and not giving them more rights, and they dont take it as seriously as the other members of nato do. So its somewhat of a calculated risk you think . Yeah, turkey brings a lot of firepower to the game, and it could be a game chair. The 10th Largest Military in the world. And 4,000 active servicemen, and last week, the u. S. Opened its bases and america is able to start hitting those isil targets more frequently and at better angles. But its better to bring turkey into the fight and deal with the problem that it creates with the kurds afterwards. But were very big on not thinking through unintended consequences. What are you doing tonight . Im digging into another player in the region, iran. Secretary kerry and the Energy Secretary were grilled on capitol hill about the deal. Some of the Big Questions are irans continued support for groups like the hezbollah and the houthis and yemen and some call hezbollah a terrorist organization and some are wondering if its going to embolden iran to keep fighting these proxy wars in the east. You can watch ali velshi on aljazeera america. On capitol hill today secretary of state john kerry defended the obama administrations deal with iran. Defending the allies and saying that they will be safer because of this deal. Libby what else is the secretary have to say today . Reporter kerry and two other officials were on capitol hill for the second time in a week and the message is that the sanctions have worked because they have brought iran to the negotiating table. And they sent a message that the focus now has to be iran have getting a nuclear weapon. Now pitch men for the deal thats not sitting well with republicans and even top democrats. As i continue to review the deal though, there are a number of issues that i find troublesome. Secretary of state, john kerry, once again flanked by the Energy Secretary and the head of the treasury, trying to convince them that this is the best way to prevent iran from getting a nuclear weapon. When it comes to verification and monitoring, theres no sunset ever. He said pulling out would only give iran a free pass for iranian enrichment. And it could isolate the United States. If we walk away, we walk away alone and our partners are not going to be with us. The clock has started ticking. The republic controlled congress has until september 17th to approve or disapprove and they have a tough road ahead. If disagreement goes through, iran gets a cash bonanza, a boost to its International Standing and a path to nuclear weapons. At times secretary kerry couldnt hide his frustration so do you care more about this deal and irans people or american sovereignty . Congressman i dont need any lessons from you about who i represent. I represented and fought for our country since i was out of clem. And god bless you for your service. Dont give me any lessons about that, okay . Let me make it Crystal Clear to you. This is americas interest. Because america is the principle guaranteer of security in the region, particularly with some of our closest friends. He pushed back on the notion that theres a better alternative. We hear these complaints, this agreement is going to give them money and its going to to do this. What this is supposed to do is stop them from having a nuclear weapon. And i want somebody to tell me how theyre going to do this. But republicans were unconvinced. Its like a quartet. And you said respectfully, you dont have the power to surrender our greatness. The white house in another meeting on wednesday in an attempt to win support before they go to a sixweek recess. One of the biggest concerns erica a 24day window when they want to see a site and when they can get conceal inside of iran. But the Administration Officials say that the 24day window is a big improvement on what we have knew, now which is endless stalling tactics so its better than now. And they say that the Intel Community and the experts will know if iran renegs on its deal. Erica . All right libby casey live in washington d. C. Coming up later this hour, my conversation with ali rezaian, his brother has been held in ircan for more than a year. And expected to resume talks in pakistan later this week. Pakistani Officials Say that arrangements are being made for talks on friday. The two sides had talks this month. Nearly 220,000 people have died in syria since the conflict began four years ago and millions more have fled the fighting. The new chief gave his first briefing to the Security Council on the humanitarian situation. And the news, in a word is grim. After more than four years of fighting in syria the sheer scale of the humanitarian crisis is staggering. Since the spring of 2011, more than 4 million syrians have fled their shattered country nearly 2 million into turkey. Making it the country with the largest refugee population in the world. Most of the rest have mored into camps and communities in lebron james jordan, iraq and egypt. Some have made it to europe, more than 270,000 have applied for asylum there. Inside of syria the war has displaced 7 and a half million more. Virtually all of them, according to the u. N. , are enduring horrifying deprivation and danger. It has transformed into a war characterized by the complete failure to protect civilians, generating gargantuan levels of suffering for individuals. Steven obrien said that the Government Troops and other warring parties are making a bad situation worse. Preventing the humanitarian aid from getting to where it needs to go. In june, only 5 of the people who needed aid in syria actually got it. The courageous efforts of humanitarians to reach people with assistance should not hide the fact that widespread fighting and visiting conflict lines and obstacles and restrictions put in place by all parties continue to significantly hinder the delivery of aid to people of syria. Obrien proposed against calling a proposed buffer in syria a safe zone, unless theres a guarantee that people almost certain to flock there for help would be protected. The u. N. Has asked for 5 and a half billion dollars in relief funding this year. So far, they have only gotten one quarter of that. The crunch means of less money for health, education and even food for the swelling ranks of refugees. Rations have already been reduced. And hope is in short supply. At this point, the only thing available in abundance is worry. The fighting in syria has sparked what is the biggest refugee crisis in a generation, and with no end in sight for the fighting, short of a massive crises in humanitarian relief, that situation looks to get only worse. Aljazeera, united nations. Briton is promising to step upper security with the tunnel connecting france with the uk. Monday night, at least 2,000 migrants tried to enter the tunnel and its the biggest tunnel by refugees to get into the area in the last six weeks. Train passengers were delayed. And self people were injured. Chunnel officials the compensation from france and the British Government by problems caused by the immigrants. President obama with a warning speaking to the African Union and ethiopia. He warned that the continent would not advance if the leaders refused to step down when their terms end. Reporter it was the first ever address by a u. S. President to the African Union. And barack obama did not disappoint. It was African Leaders who remain in office beyond their term limits that do the most. When a leader tries to change the rule in the middle of the game just to stay in office it lifts instability and strife, as we have seen in bruni. And this is often just a first step down a perilous path. Obama [ unintelligible ] for reelection for a third term, provoked weeks of unrest, as an example of trying to overstay his power. And the president asked African Leaders to clean up corruption. Nothing will unlock africas economic potential more than ending the cancer of corruption. And you are right that it is not just a problem of africa, it is a problem of those who do business with africa. It is not unique to africa. Corruption exists all over the world, including in the United States. But here in Africa Corruption drains billions of dollars from an economy that cant afford to lose billions of dollars. The president commended african nations for leadership across the continent. Most of the president s comments were well received. The key highlight of the speech was the point that he raised about africa we cant expect the rest of the world to do for us. The part about him that was a very funny one. All should leave and you should come and let the new leaders lead. It was an address that marked the end of his fiveday trip. And president obama warned that africas pending position could bring both opportunities and disorder. And he asked African Leaders to create more jobs for young people, going to stability. Ethiopia. The government of bahrain said that iran may have played a role in a deadly attack on Police Officers. Two officers were killed in a bombing near the capital of manama. And this is the latest in the attacks on the security forces. Bahrain is still dealing with a fallout from the protests in 2012. They are home to the u. S. Navys fifth fleet. A son of Moammar Gadhafi was sentenced to death today for the revolution, revolution and dozens of others were sentenced to death for those crimes. Hes the father that many thought would succeed his father Moammar Gadhafi as leader of libby libby libya but now he faces death by firing squad. Hes being kept in prison by a former rebel group in the mountains. They oppose the legally installed group in tripoli. 36 others were also given sentences on tuesday including former intelligence chief abdullah al sunusi, and alma muddy, who were also sentenced to death by firing squad. Those sentences from tripoli will be carried out. It will be delivered up to them by their lawyers and even the prosecution has not been acquainted with the laws today. 60 days for appealing the verdict. It has nothing to do with politics. A case was brought up by the International Criminal court in 2011 but lubbias leaders won the right to try him at home. In tripoli, it has been questioned. And Human Rights Watch has been accused of failing to provide him with legal representation. The former aids represent the different faces of colonel gadhafis 32 year long dictatorship. Putting rumors to rest. Why texas officials released new video of sandra bland from inside of her jail cell. Plus, deep regret. The american hunter apologizing for killing a famous lion in zimbabwe explains why he did it. Authorities in texas released new video today of the woman police say committed suicide in a texas jail. Sandra bland is shown being questioned by police, sitting in her cell and talking on the phone. A Waller County judge said that the video was distributed partially in response to conspiracy theories that suggest bland may have been murdered. She was found dead three days after she was arrested for a traffic stop, and her death has been ruled a suicide. A prison employee today pleaded guilty to helping two convicted killers escape from a prison in upstate new york last month. She told the judge that she provided richard matt and david sweat with hack saws and tools used to cut through the walls of their correctional facility. And she could face seven years in prison. She got in over her head that she should not have started and shes paying the price now and she realizes that she made a horrible had mistake. Richard matt was killed by the police and sweat is in police custody. A Seattle Police officer may be fired over her arrest of a 69yearold africanamerican man. After cynthia whitlash accused the man of using his golf club as a weapon. A Police Officer who arrested an africanamerican man for carrying a putter as a Walking Stick has been notified that she could be fired as a result of that arrest. She arrested him on Seattle Capitol Hill neighborhood. And whitlash made said that he made a threatening gesture but the dash cam doesnt show that. She repeatedly said that he needed to drop the golf club. Your golf club, please put it down. Youre not free to leave. Put your golf club down. Put it down put it down this happened last july. Wingate was arrested and charged. But the charges were dropped when the whole incident came to life. The Seattle Police returned the golf club, and wingate has sued the city for 750,000, saying that the arrest was racially motived. And the officer been reprimanded for posting comments around the Michael Brown hear killing. Her union the Seattle Police guild. Said that they will back her in the hearing and will file an appeal if its dismissed. It comes from the office of professional accountability, and at this time, theres no timeline for a hearing or an appeal. Allen schaffler reporting from seattle. New hope for jason resident rezaian, and a warning about killer robots. The effort to stop art official tense before its too late. On capitol hill today a sometimes frustrated secretary of state, john kerry urged the house to support the repeat iran nuclear deal. And many on the House Foreign Affairs committee disagreed that the deal will keep the u. S. Safe, and should not have done it with americans held in iran. When are they going to be free . Can you speak to that, mr. Secretary . My last conversation with foreign minister, zarif and the president was about the four american citizens being held. And we have followed up on that conversation since then, and were in direct conversations and thats all im going to say here today. That i hope that they will be returned to be with their families. Should Congress Rejects the iran deal, president obama would not in theory be able to lift most of the economic sanctions on iran, but the white house has vowed to veto any bill along those lines. And joining me now jasons brother, ali rezaian in washington d. C. , and thank you for joining us. Lets talk more about the nuclear deal, and are you concerned that it might jeopardize any leverage to release your brother . I always said that i didnt want him to have something that he didnt have any control. He didnt have anything to do with these negotiations and certainly this has dragged on ask on. But my hope now is that were getting more attention. Jasons case and the case of the other americans are getting a lot of attention now and i think that the iranians and the u. S. Government needs to realize that the attention has consequences and they realize that something needs to happen and jason needs to get out. It has been a little more than a year since jason was arrested and how is he doing . Well, you know, right now hes really depressed. He gets a chance to see the news and he sees whats going on and he sees the nuclear deal and that people are happy about this, in the news occasionally and that really hurts him. He knows hes innocent. And physically, hes having issues. Its summer, and its 100 and he has respiratory issues, and hes having problems with his high blood pressure. And though his trial has started, he has no idea when the next trial will be. It drags on and on. And now the trial is going on for six weeks. So it has only been six hours worth of trial time. So last year, an adviser for the Supreme Leader expressed hopes for jasons relief. And then this year, the foreign minister called him a friend. Is this Just Lip Service or is there truth to the words . I think that the iranian government has a lot of faxes and a lot of areas with competing power, and i think that it all balances out. So our hope is that the foreign minister and the president will impress upon the Supreme Leader as well as the judiciary that holding jason has negative consequences for the deal, for the agreement, as well as their future ability to work with other governments and businesses around the world. And that they let him out immediately. Tell us about this petition to the u. N. , that you and the Washington Post are filing. Yeah, we filed that last week with the u. N. Working group on ash traited tension. And this is a group of six people that our human rights experts, they review the cases to see if theyre being held in an arbitrary nature. And this was clearly the case for jason. He was held for nine months without access to a lawyer, and ten months before the trial started. These are the things that well look at. Irans National Obligations and human rights codes and they give the iranians an opportunity to spond. We know for a fact that the iranians have received that packet already and the u. N. Has been working quickly on this, and we hope that they treat it as urgent and make the iranians respond as to why they have been holding jason for the past year. Ali rezaian the brother of jason rezaian. To representatives from a dozen countries are meeting in hawaii for the biggest trade deal in history. The nations make up the global economy, and what exactly does this deal mean for the u. S. . Well, erica, this is a huge trade deal. But as the name suks, suggests, it goes up from new zealand to asia and australia as well. So it already has comprehensive trade deals with, mexico and japan, and the trade deals that exist are not very comprehensive, and the u. S. Stands to make a lot with trade from those countries. Countries have grown by 14 as a result of the trade deal. And the u. S. Not so much, the economy is so much bigger here. The u. S. gdp in the first year. But for the u. S. , this is not just about economics but politics as well. President obama during his first term made it clear that he wants the United States to pivot more to the asiapacific region and he sees the trade deal center to that. This is not just about production, but also involved, setting the architecture, and Legal Framework environmental laws and president obamas fear is that if this deal doesnt go through the other big player in this ream, china the unofficial rival across the pacific, it could bring in an alternative free trade based on its standards, and not the United States. So that is the driving Political Force behind in essence an economic deal. But certainly, like most deals, this one has its critics, and what are they saying . What arent they saying . They have complained all over the place. More richer paying countries say jobs will get lost, offshore places like vietnam if the tariffs are reduced from those countries and the Environmental Standards wont be high enough in the deal. But the other thing the investor state settlement clause. And what it does, it allows conversations to sue governments if governments bring in laws that they say account to their profit. In australia right now Phillip Morris is suing the Australian Government to bring in cigarettes to discourage them from buying cigarettes, and under a different dealership, because they could be bringing in more of that. No one really knows what is being negotiated. This is what one woman tells us in melvin. Anything outrageous that people are going to be held accountable for an agreement that we never wanted in the first place. So andrew, whats the likelihood of sealing a deal here . Well, the hope is that a deal can be reached by the end of the week, and still be ratified by congress here in the United States and parliament elsewhere but if the details cant be ironed out, there should be something on friday against a backdrop in hawaii, and theres also want u. S. President ial timetable to worry about. Hilliary clinton has been a lot less supportive of the deal than president obama, and they want to get the deal sorted. All right andrew thomas, breaking it down for us live from maui, thank you. The killing of an iconic lion in a Zimbabwe National park has sparked international uproar. The authorities identified an american as the big game hunter who illegally killed the cat. Jonathan betz has the sad story. A huge backlash from all over the world for that. He was lured from his sanctuary and killed by an american, and now hes coming forward and admitting that it was a big mistake. The 13yearold lion was supposed to be out of hunters reach, and part of a study, he was tagged with a gps device, so popular and beloved that the locals named him cecil. When his remains were found in Zimbabwe National park this month, he had been skinned and his head cut off. The name of the hunter, walter james palmer, a dentist from minnesota, and they released his passport number. He came into the country around the beginning of this month of july july. He admitted to the kill, but blamed his local guides, saying that i had no idea that the lion i took was a known local favorite. I ride on the expertise of my guides to ensure a legal hunt. He was on safari when he lured cecil out of the park, and shot him with a bow and hour and tracked him for 40 hours before killing him. Something that palmer paid handsomely for. The exchange was 250,000 u. S. Dollars. Palmer has a passion for hunting big game. Seen on the website trophy hunt america showing off his kills. It sent off an instant media fire storm with a facebook call to boycott his dental practice and the hashtag cecil the lion. People called him a vile sadistic human. You want someone like this in your mouth . Hes an american psycho. He has six females that he maintained with and two dozen conducts. A species already in danger. So palmer is being sought for poaching charges and his guides are awaiting court appearances, and the sad thing cecils cubs will likely be killed by the next male in the high,y to take cecils place. We bring in the miamidade ecological park and gardens it for joining us. My pleasure so we know cecil is the 23rd lion hunted down in this one National Park in zimbabwe, and why now is this garnering so much attention . Because cecil was an iconic animal. And the reality is, when i hear i didnt know it was an iconic animal. But every lion is. People travel from around the world to see this lion and photograph him. And you say i paid 50,000 to do this. But thats nothing compared to what tourism pays to see this lion and thats why these countries have to start enforcing this. To kill an animal like this, its not for food, but for vanity. Its sickening, its disgusting. Youve been to this park, and what kind of safeguards have you seen to protect families from being lured out of the park and killed some. Thats the problem they just dont have the resources. They have so few rangers and patrols, and these are huge expanses of land. And the poachers its not really the poachers who are the bad guys. They are trying to survive and get food for their family and children and the money corrupts them. The real bad guys are these people who are getting the money in there and corrupting. The corruption is overwhelming in these countries and what youre doing is making it impossible to protect these areas. These large National Parks are not fenced and theres no way to get enough funding to provide the patrols for the officers to secure this. And the bottom line, the poachers know the land better than anybody and they are willing to risk their lives because a lot of times thats the only way they can make a living and feed their families. The poachers are labeled as a really bad person, and theyre really the victim of the circumstances brought about by the corruption of others. So the corruption is being a big barrier in thest to protect these animals are there any laws or regulations that could be put into place that could truly deter illegal hunting and coaching . They could pub the laws in effect but what im really happy about now is the advent of social media. This storm in social media this could make the difference. Theres an old saying, if the people lead, the leaders will follow. And now the people have a mechanism and really address and bring about this concern. And trustily, government officials are paying attention to this. They dont want people to say im not going to go to zimbabwe now, or im going to boycott this dentist. Im sick and tired of seeing people shooting giraffes and taking pictures of giraffes. Are you kidding me . Thats like shooting a tree. I dont know whats happening in society but we have to get off of this kick of satisfying our own vanity. Get a camera, take a picture and put it on your wall. Both live and you have something beautiful that you can look at for the rest of your life. All right spirted discussion. Thank you for joining us. Wildlife and Communications Director at miami gardens. Thank you. Police in china have raided an electronicking factory in beijing, suspected of manufacturing tens of thousands of fake i phones. More than a dozen people have been arrested in an alleged scam said to be worth 20 million. More from hong kong. The International Technology firms will be following this case with some alarm not the least among them, apple itself. Hundreds of workers are said to have been involved in the fake factory on the outskirts of beijing themselves. Taking the comopponents to old i phones and passing them off as new i phones. It came as they were detected by the United States and tipped off to china themselves. The authorities in china will point to this as evidence that they do get tough but its a timely reminder of how sophisticated some of the counterfeiters are becoming. Big names . Science and technology have big fears of the implications of Artificial Intelligence. They have called for a ban on offensive and autonomous weapons. That was presented today in argentina. Live for us in buenos aires and big names are in the letter. Steven hawking and steve wozniak, and what are their concerns . Artificial intelligence is all armed. And we have it everywhere. Cars robotics, and its generally a very good thing, as the scientists will tell us, and they have only just begun this technological revolution, but theyre concerned that some, especially those [ audio difficulties ] all right so i think that we lost daniel there talking to us about Artificial Intelligence and lets go to the next story. Theyre finding the next generation of computer coders in the uk. The organizers hope that it will put fresh eyes on solving real life problems. Reporter using computers to find solutions to real life problems. These young people, from 12 to 18 are designing apps, but doing it under pressure. And they have five days to come up with the idea, design it and pretty it. Its called a hackathon but theres nothing sinister about it. Its business trying to show young people with computer skills that working in an office with others can be fun. These kids are still in school, but one in five young people across europe is out of work. Whats crazy about that, is at the same Time Technology Companies Struggle to fill jobs. Weeklong hackathon takes young people out of their bedrooms and hope that one day they will join an office. They may lose interest, because they dont find other likeminded young people to share their ideas with. So these kinds of events create a platform to share ideas and hopefully continue with the coding because theres a great shortage. Steven is giving tips, he won a competition in 2009, and he understands how sometimes its hard for a very skilled programmer to integrate into a workplace. An awful lot are stuck in the bedroom. And so these further improve skills, especially client skills, its really important. Building confidence. Though theres only one girl in this Group Organizers say 30 of the young people are female. [ unintelligible ] and accommodation and travel, and it puts it all together to see how affordable it can be. These kids are learning much more than just computer skills and coding. Theyre also learning to Work Together as a team, and how to pretty their work once its finished. All of the important skills that they will need to one day get a job in i. T. Not all of the participants want to work as computer programmers when they get older, but they know their skills will be useful no matter where they end up. Aljazeera, london. Its a first for the nfl. The Arizona Cardinals hire a woman for their coaching staff. Plus, what pet should i get . The new dr. Seuss book, a bestseller i bet. I could not have dreamed big enough to imagine that this day would ever come. I started playing football 15 years ago, and i fell in love. To be here, i didnt even dream that it was possible. The beauty of this is that its a dream that i never could have had, and now its a dream that other girls can grow up and have. That was jane welter, the latest addition to the cardinals coaching stat. More on the cardinals historic hire. In march the coach said someone asked him when the nfl would see its first female coach. And four months later he hired one. 47yearold jen welter has been hired as a preseason coaching intern. She will work with the teams linebackerrers. She herself was a star linebacker for 14 years in the womens football alliance, a womens pro league, where she helped to lead the dallas diamonds to four championships. I knew as soon as i started playing football, it was my destiny. This led to the january 2014 moment in the mens indoor football league. With that carry and two others, 52135pound welter became the first woman to play in a mens Preseason Football Team anything but a kicker. While she didnt make the squad, she made it as a preseason coach, and the cardinals fans are welcoming her to the nfl. I dont thinking a man or woman matters. We have seen really bright females come in and make a huge impact. Welter joins a growing list of men and women. This summer, Becky Hammond was the first woman to lead an nba team to a summer championship, and also, the first female referee. Well, its another defeat for tom brady. The nfl is upholding the four game suspension against the patriots quarterback for his role in deflate gate. Also destroying his cellphone and brady must accept the ruling or take the nfl to court. For a look at whats coming up at the top of the hour, John Seigenthaler has more. Convicted spy Jonathan Pollard, he spent 30 years in prison, and why released now . And a woman who died after her arrest. From her mugshot photo to placing a phonecall what were learning about Sandra Blands life hours before her death. And why those pictures with being released now. And the Police Conduct or misconduct. Three stops in the country all caught on video and all raising concerns. Whats happening to those officers . And finally a look back at an historic look at folk music 50 years ago. Bob dillon electrifying a concert crowd when he plugged an electric guitar into an electric socket. The crowd was stunned and he made music of a different type. The folk faithful were betrayed. And how that moment changed music. All of that coming up in 5 minutes. A new dr. Seuss book has been published nearly 25 years after the authors death. The manuscript for what pet should i get was packed among his things. First there was one child then there were four, and then came some parents and then even more. They came to dr. Seuss garden and had a good look. Not at the sculptures, but at a new book. A new dr. Seuss book . How can that be . They topped it in a box. Looked like dr. Seuss had nearly finished it back in the late 50s early 60s but never submit today to publication, and that means that we are lucky enough to have another dr. Seuss book in the treasury. Its called what pet should we get . Dad said that we could have one. A tough choice for this brother. Not these kids, theyre all set. What pet would you get . A kitty. I want to get a kitty. Still the message rings true, decisions are hard, but theres something we all must do. Dr. Seuss was born here in springfield. Its his hometown. You might have guessed from all of the sculptures around. Theres cat in the hat and horton hearing the who. And not to mention thing one and thing two. But take a closer look, all around town, you find things in his book. What we think is a vast experience in springfield, many of his ideas created in his childrens books later on came from his experience in springfield as a child. You know what else is true . Parents like his books too. They always seem to grab attention, and they love reading them over and over again, and its fun so we keep going. I think that the kids like the simple text and the rhyming and the characters. And theyre so excited to see them out here. When all is said and done, its another great dr. Seuss book no matter where you are from. Aljazeera, springfield massachusetts. Hi everyone. This is al jazeera america. Im John Seigenthaler. Freedom for convicted spy Jonathan Pollard freed to be paroled from prison. Is it a peace offering to israel. Inside cook county jail. Not the detention center. Its the Largest Mental Health hospital in the state. Im overwhelmed. But im so ready to go home. The story and struggle of one former inmate. Coach jen. I could not have

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