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Haram is a top priority. An attack on an outpost be kills 40. Open for business. It is something temporary overcome, as long as we are part of the European Union. Three weeks after they close banks open but things are far are normal. Good evening im antonio mora. We begin with day 1 of the new relationship between cuba and the United States. Today, for first time in more than half ocentury, the cuban flag flew outside what is now again its embassy in washington d. C. Secretary of state john kerry joined Cuban Foreign minister Bruno Rodriguez at the flag raising ceremony both said reestablishing diplomatic ties was only a step towards normalizing relations. The u. S. Embassy in havana was also opened with less fanfare but the flag wont be raised until kerry visits august 14th. Mike viqueria joins us, how much it will all mean remains to be seen. Right the 54 year hiatus, 1961 the last time the cuban flag flew above this building behind me. Now Cuban Embassy once again on 16th street in the heart of washington d. C a Mile Straight that way from the white house. But those diplomatic relation antonio are normal. Diplomatic ties remain strained. It was a ceremony to mark a new era. For the first time in 54 years the cuban flag was raised in washington over what from monday is the Cuban Embassy to the United States. Cuba sang their naicial national anthem. Mistrust still links. Lingers. Cuban minister bruno be rodriguez warned. We move forward in a constructive spirit but with no prejudice whatsoever to the independence or interference in each others affairs. That is part of a strategy for seeking to engage the cuban people more effectively and bring about the kind of change that we would like to see inside of cuba. Later meeting with secretary of state john kerry at the state department, rodriguez had a list of demands. Lifting the return of illegally occupied territory of guantanamo as well as full respect of the cuban sovereignty, and recompense for economic damages. Stand embargo only congress can lift it. Anticastro congressmen blasted normalization. If anyone thinks that the sanctions are going to go away, if the socalled embargo is going to go away they have not been paying attention to the attitude of congress. Congress unlike president obama understands that castros are the oppressors. The president s spokesman is tightlipped who would be named or when. Not until havana improves their record on human rights. Freedom of simply freedom of the press, it is clear cuba has progress to make in all of those areas. Reporter and antonio both the laws of fiction and compromise dictates, what goes up must come down. The cuban flag was just lowered. John kerry plans to visit havana august 14th. The embassy is opened but for the first time in equally long time some 54 years a top american official there on the ground in havana. It might be administration has made it clear that they want the next step to be the lifting of the embargo but we heard the congressman say that he and others on capitol hill dont want that. Is it likely to happen soon on capitol hill . Its not likely. Politics are complicated and no one needs to be reminded of the political stance of florida although those issues are changing. December 17th of last year announcing the normalization that is culminating over the course of today and into next month, dont look for congress to move to lift that trade embargo any time soon. You mentioned a lot of democrats in the white house certainly want it to happen, a lot of cubans want it to hatch as well. But the foreign minister calls it a blockade. Thanks mike. Melissa chan joins us from havana. Melissa. Well, antonio all the pomp and circumstance happened in washington d. C today. Certainly a lot of interest here. Here in havana though there is a u. S. Embassy. The first u. S. Embassy in more than 50 years and so there was excitement. Although people understand that that ceremony that secretary of state john kerry is going to isnt going to happen for another few weeks. Now in terms of normalization i think its important to point out that 97 of cubans according to one poll that came out earlier this spring, 97 of them support normalization. On this day with the embassies opening, a lot of cubans understand this is mostly symbolic in terms of substantive impact. They are not going to feel any different today than yesterday antonio. Right so are there any new opportunities available to cubans on the island now that the ties have been normalized . Well, i think it depends on what cuban youre talking to. Those involved in the Tourism Industry have told us they have seen an uptick in the business. That president raul castro made in december of last year, you have got an impact on the economy. As you mentioned earlier it always goes back to the embargo and until the blockade as they have called it is lifted that is a decision that washington d. C. Is going to have to make that they are not going to feel feel of transformative change. Six months down the line that optimism has been tempered. They understand it is going to take some time, probably years not increments of months, before people will really get a sense of change and what normalization really will mean between the two sides. Melissa chan thanks. Frank calsone the organization to free cuba, the organization opposes the castro regime. Frank joins us from washington d. C. Frank good to have you with us. As a cuban american thank you for having me. What was it like to be a few blocks from the white house the cuban anthem being sung and the flag raised . As one hears about cuba, once you go behind the headlines you find a different reality. Everybody keeps talking as that building became the Cuban Embassy. That building is the place that cuban be government was representsince jimmy carter. The American Embassy has been the place for american diplomats. There have been more where american diplomats in cuba than be canadians or russians for more than 20 years. The change today is mostly symbolic. A sign has been changed. And the flags came up. Right. Now this is very important symbolism is important and you know speaker of the house john boehner encapsulated the main argument of those who oppose the thawing of relations by issuing a statement. He says its appalling to see americas president welcoming and rewarding a regime that has no comparison to american values. If that is the standard then we should have no embassies in left and right wing owner governments around the world. Thats true but many left and right wing governments throughout world were not caught trying to ship cuban migs on a north korean ship to north korea. Many other governments that you talk about do not have troops in venezuela, oppressing the venezuelan people. Many of those governments around the world have like castro has said, that a new spy base is going to be open in havana, a russian spy base. So this whole idea of many other governments around the world is just a way of arguing. One has to look at the cuban situation and decide. All good points. Now Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee ben cardon argues that normalization will strengthen the position of the you u. S. To normalize its interests, wont effectively pressure for change on the island something your organization is dedicated to . Well, first of all there have been relations or the all of these years. This is again a little fairy tale that is being brought out. Even Ronald Reagan sent people to cuba to talk to the cuban government. You should talk to another democrat, a former chairman of the be committee of foreign relations, robert menendez, who opposes iran and cuba. What is your biggest objection at this point . One of the strongest points of criticism is that the mairch government has ignored human rights and beleaguered cuban dissidents during the negotiations. Have the dissidents been brought into the conversation and do you some there is improvement in human rights in cuba . There isnt a question of improvement. In the past year and a half, when the president has been discussing with the cuban government, discussion between the president of the United States and a cuban dictator trying to decide the future of cuba. What about the cuban people . When you think about the dissidents, its not something that happened 20 years ago yesterday, again a group of cuban women who go to our church, perhaps 100 of them were dragged down the street because theyre relatives of political prisoners. The president remains silent for the most part about many of these things. The president wants to have relations with mr. Castro because the president cares about his legacy. But he will have a horrible legacy if he is simply supporting a cuban dictatorship. Furthermore the men through latin america is now you can have a military dictator and its okay with washington. Until this president for more than 20 years that was not case. Im sure this is a conversation we will continue to have frank calson, executive director for free cuba, thanks very much. Some members of congress slammed president obama today for calling to follow the lead of the comiefnt. Al jazeera am paul beban reports. The draft resolution has been adopted unanimously. Reporter within hours of the Security Councils signoff on a deal to scale back on Irans Nuclear program in exchange for stopping of sanctions. President obama stated. This is by far our strongest approach that iran doesnt get a nuclear weapon. There is Broad International consensus around this issue. Not just among the International Community but also among experts in nuclear proliferation. And my working assumption is that congress will Pay Attention to that broad based consensus. Reporter but on capitol hill there is anything but broad consensus. Members of both parties say theyre frustrated the u. N. Voted on the deal before they had a chance to weigh in. We are disappointed that the u. N. Security Council Passed a resolution on iran this morning before congress was able to fully review and act on this agreement. House republican ed royce and democrat elliot engle said in a joint statement regardless of this outcome congress will continue to play its role. If iran doesnt live up to its part of the bargain the deal allows all u. N. Sanctions to snap back into place. Irans intor toirans ambassador was defiant accusing israel spreading what he called iranphobia. It considers peace as an exenlsexistential threat to itself. Even as secretary of Defense Ash Carter visited israel to try to sell it, saying israel remains the bedrock of american strategy in the region. Make no mistake. This deal limits iran but places no limits on the United States, the department of defense or the u. S. Israeli defense relationship. Were moving full speed ahead. Reporter the u. N. Resolution takes effect in 90 days. That time frame was negotiated specifically to give congress enough time to review it. President obama however says hell veto any changes Congress Might make. Those changes would require a new u. N. Resolution effectively starting a process that has taken years all over again. Tony. Paul beban, thanks. The new president of nigeria goes to the white house. Coming up why the fight against boko haram gets Muhammadu Buhari face time with president obama only weeks after getting elected. Former president of chad, a warning to all dictators. Get excited for the 1989 world tour with exclusive behind the scenes footage all of taylor swifts music videos interviews, and more. Xfinity is the destination for all things taylor swift. Nigerias new be president Muhammadu Buhari, met with president obama at the white house less than two months after he was inaugurated. In context tonight pathy culhanepattyculhane looked at the issues. At the end of the day it does not appear that the Obama Administration is ready to make any drastic changes on that. Theyll point out they have already bifn 34 million to the Multinational Task force thats fighting boko haram in the region. We do know some light arms are given othat group but they dont go to nigerian soldiers. The obamas, Obama Administration has grave concerns, that some are going to the are boko haram. Military. He thanked for getting into office. The maintenance of pressure 50 United States and mainly europe to make sure that the elections were free, fair and credible led us where we are now. It could have been almost impossible if the United States did not maintain the pressure on the former energize government, that in order to accept anything less constitutional as far as the processes of the election are concerned. Reporter president buhari is also asking for help getting what he says was 150 billion out of foreign banks. He said that was looted and he asks president obamas help to find it and bring it back to the nigerian economy. Patty culhane thanks. Yvonne ndege reports from abuja how many people there want the u. S. To join the fight against boko haram. Her husband and brother were killed by boko haram a couple of years ago. So she fled with her six children and two grandchildren here to this camp for displaced in abuja. She says shes happy the president , Muhammadu Buhari, is traveling to United States to speak with president obama how to fight boko haram fighters. We want them to give us peace. I tell you as i lose my husband now my children is just like, they are just upside down. Not school not work no anything, nothing nothing. Reporter obama and buhari will discuss how to help over a Million People displaced by boko haram. Still many areas be destroyed by the armed group will have to be rebuilt before thinking of going home. Muhammadu buhari promised to defeat boko haram if he became president ial. Buhari is expected to ask obama for help. He is actually going with a wish list, a Shopping List he will present to the american president to help nigeria battle insurgency, it wont be in the area of deploying troops things like that but intelligence, equipment that kind of help. Reporter some believe the u. S. Is in a difficult position when it comes to military aid to nigeria. It is barred from its own law to provide services to forces that it believes violates human rights. But the military here rejects such allegation. U. S. Government already provides what it calls meaningful assistance. Some are critical of the trip because president buhari has not formed a government yet or chosen his ministers. Domestically we still have huge gaps in terms of getting a government started. You would expect that a visit of this nature would indeed encompass a whole lot of issues, relevant government officials ministers are accompanying him on a athe visit. It is felt that many other issues may not be properly addressed at the meeting but for many displaced by boko haram this woman and her family, improving security should be the number one issue on the meeting without it, nigeria cant move forward without it. Yvonne ndege. Abuja. RonRobin Sanders good to have you with us. I want to talk about this important thank you. This important visit today of nigeria president buhari, meeting with president obama. What do you expect will come out of this meeting . Well first and foremost, it is a resetting reformulating and reorganizing the situation in many ways. Whats going to come out of this session is for the two men to establish a relationship between them. One of the things that is very important on the agenda is the Security Issues in nigeria including is around the region. You and i have spoken in the past and you have been fairly optimistic about nigerias willingness to help out the u. S. But there has been some tension there, even though u. S. Has sent military advisors especially after the kidnapping of the girls last year. Where does that stand on military cooperation especially against groups as violent as boko haram. As i said in the beginning this is a resetting of the relationship and i think thats important to underscore that. President buhari hasnt even been in office for 60 days, he was invited for a visit with president obama. That almost doesnt ever happen. This is a new way to work with nigeria not only in the military realm but in trade and investment opportunities. The u. S. Attitude towards nigeria is similar to the have nigerian attitude torts buhari. They feel he will be have a stronger hand in fighting boko haram . When i sat to to witness the inauguration, he had first and foremost strengthening the health system, also has a very big focus on the human quality of life. He understands that nigerians are suffering at all levels and he plans to address this. But as you know, they can talk as much as they want about trade, and trying toably nigeria back toto bringnigeria where it should be, but without security theyre going to have a hard time to do that. And nigeria has recently increased its attacks even though theres around boko haram has increased its strikes even though the International Community has strengthened against boko haram. Nigeria is a huge country like saying whats going to happen in the north is like will also happen in the central and southern part of the country. Right now its concentrated in the north and they definitely need to do better job in managing that. Over the last two weeks youre absolutely right, boko haram has stepped up and done heinous activities, particularly using young girls as bombers as suicide bombers and definitely that is. But the other part of the country, there are other challenges in Health Systems and education that they also have to address. It is a huge country. It is the most populace country in africa. Boko haram has bane tacking in chad and cameroon and niger and some of the neighboring countries there so are you optimistic that buhari also with his partners in those country and the International Force will be successful from a security standpoint in attacking and defeating boko haram . We have an opportunity to put a lot of pressure on boko haram a lot of pressure on where boko haram gets is money and recapturing some of the towns that boko haram has taken not only in nigeria but certainly across borders. So i think we have to look at how we measure success. It may not be 100 defeat but lets try to contain them. Ambassador Robin Sanders always great to have thank you. Deadly mistake in afghanistan, and teaching children to commit atrocities. How i. S. I. L. Is training captives to fight for it. Welcome back to al jazeera america, im antonio mora. Coming up in this half hour of International News the british launch a campaign to keep people from traveling to syria and iraq to i. S. I. L. First, the stories happening in our american minute. Cheeg gunmans home the official would b chattanooga gunmans home, could shed lied on Mohammed Yousef abdulazeezs motive. The memo an inmate was found dead inside her cell. San sandra bland committed suicide according to officials bust now its being treated as a murder. Be Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has introduced a bill that outlaws abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Doctors could be sued for damages and face fines. Wisconsin is now a 15th state with a 20 week abortion ban. Walker is running for president. United states is offering apologies to the afghan military. Investigates of how and why the bombing happened. Jennifer glasse reports from kabul. This was a mission to remove the wounded and zed after. A military fight hit afghan fighters rather than taliban. I cant see any other reason why this would happen. Some of the Wounded Soldiers had already been evacuated to a local school in Logar Province when the taliban attacked the medical teams. The fight went on for hours. Afghan soldiers continued to retrieve their comrades despite the enemy fire. They dont have much choice. Afghan forces have limited air capabilities and rely on coordinating with u. S. And nato forces for air support. Translator we do have a coordination center. In this case they werent informed at all. Reporter only asmall force remains mainly to train afghan forces. Authorized to carry out what they describe as counterterrorism operations. The Afghan Defense Ministry Said the incident occurred after the taliban fired on u. S. Helicopters. U. S. Officials say theyre investigating. A high level afghan delegation will look into what went wrong in the worst friendly fire incident. Since the beginning of the year. Jennifer glasse, respect kabul. Meeting of activists today. Group was discussing the reconstruction of kobani across the Syrian Border which kurdish fighters captured from i. S. I. L. This year. No one is claiming responsibility for attack but turkish officials believe it could have been carried out by a female fighter from i. S. I. L. Government not doing enough to fight i. S. I. L. A peaceful demonstration but protesters clashed with Turkish Police at another gathering. Police tried to break up the the. Demonstration with water canons. Hasaka has been a three way battle between i. S. I. L. The government and kurdish fighters. Today a group of syrian kurds claimed victory. The ypg said those who remain are surrounded. Some of the youngest victims in the fight against i. S. I. L. Are children. Many of them have been killed, forced from their homes or captured and taught to fight for i. S. I. L. Al jazeeras victoria gatenby has the story. This is an i. S. I. L. Training camp where children are shown how to use weapons and given religious education. A boy was taken to a camp like this after i. S. I. L. Took over his town in Northern Iraq. They told us how to decapitate people. They told us about the koran they also played with our minds by saying we wouldnt go back to our families in iraq. Reporter in june last year tens of thousands of yazidi people were forced to leave their homes in Northern Iraq after their towns were seized by i. S. I. L. Fighters. Some survived what the u. N. Calls attempted genocide, by escaping to sinjar mountain. Thousands of others were captured, men were killed, women were trafficked as sex slaves, murdered or imprisoned. Once they head us the beheading video of the pilots and videos of attacks and executions we saw how they were shooting they brought it to us every week and they showed us. This boy was taken to the syrian city of raqqa. He says he and other prisoners were told to practice beheadings on dolls. They brought dolls and brought swords and told us how to behead because they were not good. Victims of this seemingly never ending conflict. Victoria gatenby. Al jazeera. Four italian construction workers have been kidnapped in libya. Italys foreign minister says they do not know who took the men but they are working with Intelligence Services to try and arrange their selfrelease. Libya has been steadily descending into chaos since the overthrow of Moammar Gadhafi in 2011. Tunisia against the fight of. Extremism. Diplomats agreed on several cooperative measures. Eu policy chief Frederica Mogherini said it was in best interest to stop the threat. In london today, David Cameron put forward a five year plan to combat the groups ideology. Paul brennan reports on camerons prevention strategy. When the girls left to join i. S. I. L. In february it left deep three teen aged london girls to choose an uncertain life in a war torn country versus life in britain. Prevention strategies have surveilled to stop young brittons from joining i. S. I. L. You wont be some valued member of a movement, you are cannon fodder for them. They will use you. Mr. Cameron admitted, he had an omg news sounding warning this socalled British Values would increasingly be enforced. Let us also recognize well have to enter some pretty uncomfortable debates especially cultural ones. Too often we have lacked the confidence to enforce our values for fear of committing offense. Human rights are mentioned as much in the koran as they are in the magna carta but the Prime Ministers use of the word force suggests compulsion in all of this and handled badly there is a potential for clash of cultures here. Ignoring the impact of British Foreign policy on radicalization, and there is a concern creating thought crime. To be liberal you had the right to criticize a lifestyle. To be liberal you have the right to criticize governments foreign policy. You have the right to criticize israel if you want to. To be liberal is all of that and more. So for the Prime Minister to straight jacket everybody into one prison of liberalism is in itself very shallow very unenlightened and unintellectual in my view. Not just a muslim issue. I think its a job for everybody and youll recall also that in the speech this morning the Prime Minister sets you out responsibilities for Media Companies, for social Media Companies for schools for prisons and i see muslim communities as one element of that Broader Civil Society strategy. The british Prime Minister has set out its governments strategy and sparked debate. The implementation of that strategy will come when the other issues are introduced in autumn. Paul brennan, al jazeera london. More than two decades after he was ousted from power the former president of chad is brought under trial. Nicholas hack was inside the coursecourt as the extraordinary case got under way. Reporter chads former president Hissene Habre is in the dock. People say they were tortured under his rule. This is an unprecedented trial. Never before has an african been judged by africans for crimes against humanity in africa. A decade Long Campaign to bring habre to justice the lawyer walks into court. It is a big day, there are all sorts of emotions going through me pride joy and relief that the is president is in the dock. For successfully fighting Moammar Gadhafis libyan troops in the 1980s. Western leaders were accused of turning a blind eye to the atrocities habre committed at home. 40,000 died and 200,000 were tortured until habre moved to senegal, where he has lived in peace for 20 years. Those that commit the horrible crimes that are alleged crimes against humidity and torture should face their accusers. The big question was will Hissene Habre appear . [ owner screaming ] it is his supporters, they are threatening the lawyers and witnesses. Habre joins in. The shouting in french, its a masquerade. [ screaming ] reporter as hes removed from court he shouts, god is great. And then he adds, the court is a knees owe colonial tribunal. The trial will continue without him. Translator for victims and human rights organizations. This is history in the make. The moment Jacqueline Modena has been waiting for. Nicholas honk, al jazeera dacca. How the European Union is struggling to locate tens of thousands of immigrants across europe. The banks in greece have reopened you but serious challenges remain. The greek government met two debt payments today to the International Monetary fund and the European Central bank. It used an emergency 7. 7 billion loan from creditors to meet the dealt line. Also banks reopened for the first time in three weeks but strict limits remain on withdrawals. The country is not close to being back to business as usual. Mohammed jamjun reports. Lazarus has been sewing sweaters since 1978. This isnt the first time he last had to shield his knitting company estos from a maelstrom. His employees are working as efficiently and these machines are moving as swiftly as ever. Still in his offices lazarus says its been a situation. I wasnt able to write checks or pay suppliers, goods coming from abroad. Lazarus is relieved that the drama has come to an end. After three long weeks the banks have finally reopened here. Lazarus went to his this morning. But it wasnt to withdraw money. Like many other greek citizens we spoke with today it was to check on his safety deposit boxes to make sure he could still access it, that its contents were secure. While an affair anxiety still hangs over athens, monday morning was a calm one. The lines werent long. The crowds werent angry. Lazarus isnt surprised. This is something temporary and it will be overcome. As long as we are member of the European Union the European Union has and particularly the eurozone has the tools. And these tools will be implemented. Reporter he like his employees thinks the austerity measures will be punishing but they are necessary for greece. If we had the same thing without the measures we would be more happy. But since they are necessary i will certainly support them. Reporter he now hopes for a Better Future one in which he can sell more sweaters. One whose harsh chill will come only from a winter thats cold and not an economy thats frozen. Mohammed jamjum, be al jazeera athens. Because of the shortage of food and other basic goods in venezuela, the government has ordered be supplies delivered to state run supermarkets. 30 of their goods ostate stores. Strict currency controls have led to a scarcity of imported goods in the country for years. Europes quest to resettle 40,000 refugees has fallen short. A meeting in brussels today resulted in commitments of relocating 32,000 refugees greece and italy committed to take 10,000 the largest share. 137,000 people have made their way to italy greece, spain and maltsa this year. The relocation are expected to start in october. Migrants are also arriving in greece after a long and dangerous journey north through macedonia, Hoda Abdel Hamid spoke to some of the migrants on the greekMacedonian Border. Is. Reporter theyre marching by the hundreds under the bake sun. An the roads and in the fields. Step by 10 until they reach the Macedonian Border and as they go along they form groups that become bigger and bigger. Translator i didnt expect it to be so difficult but now i have to go on. I left everything behind. Im doing this for my daughter. Reporter greece in the midst of its own financial crisis has no means to provide assistance. So refugees and migrants rl on eachrely onsupport and solidarity. Hurns are waiting in this makeshift camp with no hygienic facilities and one tap of running water. Macedonian Police Patrol the border and are often heavy hand he. Ali is 63 and traveling alone. He was beaten when he tried osneak across the border. Hed been waiting for four days. Translator my son needs treatment. Im doing this so he can join me. Reporter recently macedonia has allowed refugees and migrants to transit through the country for three days but they have to wait until they are allowed in. So throughout the night more people have arrived and some have already left. They are organizing themselves in groups hoping that at some point the Macedonian Police will let them through. There are many afghans some eritreans pakistanis but most are syrians. We have been here for 14 or 15 hours. We slept on the ground. Theres no water my clothes are dirty, i used to have a good life but look at me now. Its been a month and a half and im sleeping on the streets. Sometimes people come and help us or at least smile at us that makes us feel like human beings. Translator i was afraid to bring my system here. I didnt want to put them at risk. Nobody knows whats ahead. We hear about bandits and gangs. I could go it alone but i wont let anything happen to my children. Reporter one after another, the groups are allowed into macedonia. But here starts a new struggle to get a transit permit. And then, their journeys continue through serbia and hungary before they hope reaching germany or further north. Hoda abdel hamid, al jazeera on the greekMacedonian Border. While violence is driving most of the economics around the world, the Norwegian Refugee Council set the incidents took place in asia following typhoons in china and the fill philippines people are 60 more likely to be displaced by disaster than in the 1970s. Areas of rapid growth and poorly built housing are putting more people at risk specifically in mexico city, mumbai and port au prince. Government committees. Theyre spending money, theyre not saving it. Costing millions and getting nothing. Its a bogus sham. America tonight investigates. Money for nothing. Theyve gotten away with it for years. Now our global view segment a look at how news outlets across the world are reacting to various events. In the wake of greeces financial crisis germanys der spiegel, options for buying or leasing and talks about the bureaucratic difficulties involved in adding an island to your portfolio. It says the barrier to entry is much lower than you might think and quotes the price of one island as 1. 6 million euros. The japan times uses a baseball metaphor, shinzo abe faces in his world war ii anniversary. Before the ball crosses the plate. And the new england herald, the editorial cartoon shows her grand sons watching old home movies and Prince William saying quote i say granny what is your take on celebrity grandchildren being photographed . An Australian Medical School is working with replicas. The new technology could change the way doctors are trained. Caked in this powder is the latest innovation in 3d printing. Replica body parts. Designs are based on ct scans of people which are colored in a computer to create a file to send to a 3d prifnter. It builds a block of powder, and selects solidifying colors into a tiny portion of the powder. As the block is lowered a 10th of a millimeter a detailed form is created. It was rising out of the powder very eerie. Traditionally students learn from books crude molded models or occasionally from parts dissected from dead peoples bodies cadavers. Two hours a week maybe. Its great having the cadavers there to have that 3d he be sweact really, that practical aspect to what youre learning in your textbooks. You could argue that it is a little bit less than we would ideally want. Cadavers are rare and expensive and in some cultures they are taboo. Frown with the dissection or interference with a zed body and i would like to think that the parts of the world where there are issues of teaching medical students with cadavers that this could fill a unique niche. Molded models cant get close. The time the ambition is a fully dissectible printed body parts. So far there hasnt been a complete body printed. There isnt yet a machine big enough to do it. This is actually a mix of body parts based on scans of different people. A modern model frankenstein. This isnt the ability to print something that could give life, it is a big footstep forward. Andrew thomas, al jazeera melbourne. That is it for this edition of Al Jazeera World news. Fault lines is up next. Ill see you again in an hour. Several months ago, we received a package of dvds. It came from a group of lawyers in michigan, and it contained video testimonies by young inmates of the states adult prisons. Were hiding their identities but the stories we heard if true, were horrifying. Tell me what he does. With his arm. Now hes saying i want you to suck my d. And i say no, i dont do that, man, i dont do that. He said youre going to now. The videos are testimony for a lawsuit

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