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He was a war hero because he was captured. Donald trump under fire after challenging john mccains war record. Well have the latest of the latest in zurich and reduced to tears andy murray. Houthi fight necessary aden with 40 dead and over 100 injured. The attacks come two days after yemens government in exile claimed that aden had been recaptured from houthi forces. Much of the fighting has now switched to taiz, and a key strap quick region. 28 houthi fighters were killed, and we have this report. A fireball lights up the night skies in taiz with explosions one after the other. The government said that houthi fighters set fire to an oil refinery with a 3 millionliter capacity. They put out the fire but not before the supplies for taiz and eb were destroyed. Ta tigers istaiz is yemens Third Largest province. Fighters on both sides are reported to have been killed. We will sacrifice for the take of taiz. To liberate it from the oppressors who captured our country. Fighters loyal to the government say the Saudiled Coalition has launched three airstrikes, and on the ground theyve been able to stop the advance of Houthi Rebels in two districts. In aden the fight isnt over for complete control but several gospel ministers have returned for the First Time Since being forced to escape. Now there is talk of rebuilding the battered port city. We all hope to rebuild the city as it represents the resistence. That wont be easy. One government minister says at least 100,000 people in aden have been displaced since the war began. Al jazeera. Now six simultaneous blasts have injured two people. Stephanie dekker has this report from gaza. This car belonged to a hamas fighter. The bomb was placed under the fuel tank. There was a huge explosion that shook the neighborhood. First we thought it was israel attacking us. Then we realized it was from inside gaza. Thats scary when your enemy is from one of your brothers in your country. We should protect each other. They said that all is under control and arrested have been made but no specific group has been named. Attacks over the past few months have often been claimed by groups who have sworn allegiance to the Islamic State in iraq and the levant. It threatened to topple hamas. Hamas said its trying to stabilize gaza. Instagety in gaza will be seen as a weakness in hamas and it will provoke israel and launches against israel. And any provocation against israel and instability because the israelis hold hamas for as the responsible party for any missiles or mortar shells coming out of gaza. The Immediate Impact this is halving is on the people here. Its a year since israel and palestinian factions led by hamas fought a 51day war. Much of gaza has not been rebuilt. There is high unemployment, and israel maintains its blockade on the strip. After that attacks come from within. Im really afraid of what will be next. Maybe next its a mosque or a hospital, you never know. The groups say they want hamas to implement islamic law and believe that its rulers are too lenient with israel. Theyre putting pressure on hamas to take control. Its left to hamas to maintain security. Its not the first attack against hamas by groups inside gaza, but it is the biggest. Even though there were no may tallits it is being seen as a strong message and something that has hamas extremely concerned. Stephanie deck kerr al jazeera, gaza. Egypts military said it has called dozens of what it calls terrorists inside the Sinai Peninsula. The military said that seven of its men were also killed in the fighting. A number of armed groups have long operated on the peninsula. 11 iraqi soldiers have been killed in fighting with isil in ramadi. Theyre trying to take the capital of Anbar Province. It fell in isil hands in may. It is about 100 kilometers of baghdad. Thousands have fled the fighting, many head to go baghdad, but iraq has started closing a key bridge that people use to get to the capital. Imran khan went to find out more. On the other side of that bridge there are a number of families we dont know how many that are fleeing the violence from Anbar Province. The government has shot the bridge down. It is not allowing anybody to get across. Now we dont know why that is. We know that the bridge has been closed for a number of days now. In the past the government has said that theyre worried about isil fighters disguising themselves as those who are coming in to baghdad. What the government are allowing very slowly is supplies to go in to Anbar Province. You can see that they have gas canistered and food stuff. Now these guys have been queuing up for most of the day and theyre waiting for permission to go across. There are still a number of residents in Anbar Province that need supplies like these however, there are still those people who build up on the other side of that bridge who want to get out and theyre not being allowed to. Now its five months into a ceasefire deal signed in ukraine and russianback separatists in the east. But its one that was frequently violated. They also agreed to withdraw heavy weapons creating a buffer zone of 50 kilometers. But fighting continue, in Donetsk Forces are still exchanging artillery and tank fire around the airport. 166 of its soldiers have been killed since midfebruary. There are no definitive figures for separatist casualties. But every single day each side blaming the other. Charles stratford went to the front lines with the ukrainian military. [ gunfire ] ukraine oneukrainian army would not let us film. They told us we know that its a violation of the ceasefire agreement, but the separatists butdo the same. We managed to film one of five tanks as they drove off in different directions. Ukrainian army said that those tanks are firing at separatist vehicles coming in. We heard no shelling until the tanks started fighting. And any way you look at it military hardware of that kind of caliber should not be here, according to the minsk agreement. According to the minsk agreement both sides should have clear all military equipment to create a 50 kilometer suffer zone. We found this apartment block one side is completely destroyed. An elderly woman and her disabled grandson lived in this flat. They were killed by a separatist attack the night before. The ukrainian soldier shows me a photo. The boys dead body the bloodstains mark the spot where he was found. As soldiers we want to protect the civilians. We observed that separatist shells were hitting the building. We did not respond because we simply did not have an order to. Sergei shows me his argument. This was my sitting room, he says. He and his family were out when the attack happened. You cant report the truth, said this woman. She walked away. But these men told me that civilian are angry because the military used the building as a base next door. The military said it did not respond to this separatist attack because it was not aimed as a military target. As we left we spotted this tank hidden in the under growth only meters away from peoples homes. A few days earlier we had been in separatist held territory hearing fighters using similar heavy weapons inside the buffer zone. Both sides are breaking the ceasefire agreement. Civilians continue to die. Charles stratford al jazeera, eastern ukraine. There is much more still to come for you on the al jazeera news hour. Little time left to talk as a day for president ial elections in burundi draw near. Plus after a half century of tension just hours before the United States and cuba restore diplomatic relations. And off the coast of south africa an australian surfer has a Close Encounter with two sharks. Now banks in greece are prepared to open after being close ford three weeks. More flexible withdraw limits will allow the maximum of 420 you rows. Thats 454 a week replacing 60 euros equal to 64 a day. But transfers abroad are still under restriction. Were live now from the greek capital of athens. Mohammed, after three weeks people there must be really eagerly anticipating the reopening of their banks. What is the mood like over there . There is a collective sense of relief, you could say. Because people wanted the banks to be reopened. Theyve been closed for as you said over three weeks now and there has been so much exhaustion here about all this debt deal drama. The government clearly tried to insire more inspire more confidence in the greek citizenry. They would like people to start depositing money back into the banks. They dont want a run on the banks. Thats why theyre keeping the restrictions in place. Thats why there is a maximum of 60 euros a day. Now you can take out 400 euros all at once. There is still anxiety. People still not having that much faith in the Financial Institutions in the banks so there is concern with what will happen tomorrow, how greece will react. But they do believe this is a good thing. They hope this will restore normalcy to a Greek Economy thats been flagging for a people who are so weary of all that has gone on over the past few weeks. There are still challenges ahead for alexis tsipras. Hes dealing with a divided syriza party and people who dont want any more austerity. Absolutely right. Prime minister tsipras faced a rebellion in his own party. Because that have he had a cabinet reshuffle. And hes trying to signal to the people that hes down to business. That he has gotten people there on top these ministries that will implement the measures that need to be taken now in order for this debt bail out to happen yet, there are still concerns about these measures. For example the greek citizenry very concerned about vat. Valueaddedtax. On times on transport, beef, and simple items that are used in daily life are going to be more expensive in a time of greater austerity. Prime minister tsipras said that he does not believe in these measures, yet he pushed them through. And a few weeks back people voted down these austerity measures. Now theyre in support of continuing in the eurozone. There was a poll in greece that 73 saying they wanted to remain the you row. Theyre happy that its happening. Its all very complicated. Its all very complex. People want things to get back on track. They want to lead as much of a normal life as they can. Now talks ending the stalemate between burundis ruling party and opposition has been adjourned after the governments side did not turn up. The time is running out as the president ial election are expected to take place on tuesday. We have reports now on the concerns of ordinary people. 18yearold was told not to come to work until burundis economy improves. He was a waiter, but his bosco not afford to keep the restaurant open. I have no money i dont have anything to do but to stay at home. Things worsened politically and economically. After the president announced he was running for an unconstitutional third term. This restaurant has been closed for four months. Families say theyre struggling. Others have left the country. Others are staying put. Theyre going to see what happens after tuesdays election. Politicians say theyre trying to resolve the differences but they cant agree on forming the government of National Unity and possibly postponing the election. Some worry that time is running out. The major threat now is are these people who have attempted the coup. They have gone outside of the country. And they can be just joined by some others and they have already waved the threat of weapons and fight. The president said hes not concerned some mightible trying to forcefully remove him from power. Hes confident he would be reelected. The government did not attendant talks to end theattend talks to end the crisis. Families who have decided to stay in the capital for tuesdays election worry about their children. They hope there will be no more violence during and after the controversial election. Al jazeera. The u. S. Has launched a diplomatic push to reassure its allies after the nuclear deal with iran. On the way to israel the latest u. S. Official to head the charm offenses. Meanwhile the business of doing business with iran is already starting with germany arriving in tehran with spain with similar plans. The Supreme Leader said that it wont change its policy towards the u. S. Israel Prime Minister said point proved. If anyone thought that sweeping concessions with iran would change its policy they have receive a decisive answer in the aggressive and provocative speech of irans ruler. The iranians dont even make an effort to hide the fact that theyll use the hundreds of billions of dollars that they receive in this deal to arm their terror machine. They say clearly they will continue the fight against the United States and its allies begins israel. Washington officials are saying that a new arms deal for israel will not be offered as a sweetener. Tom ackerman looks at why ash carters offer of reassurance may be hard to accept. Saudis crown prince salman, his visit just a few days with the nuclear deal with iran. Known effort to reassure the saudis that their alliance with washington remain steadfast. Ashen carter stopped in riyadh in an attempt to reinforce that message. Sales with the u. S. That include warplanes, Armored Vehicles and missiles and bombs. Some of that hardware has been deployed by the saudis along with its Gulf Cooperation Council partners in yemens war and the u. S. Is providing saudis with intelligence and logistics in the fight against the Houthi Rebels whom the saudis regard as irans proxies. We are supporting saudi in its war against yemen in the ways i have described to restore a political process there in which a legitimate government can be established. But that cooperation hasnt quieted saudi anxiety over what they call irans mischief across the region. In particular tehrans financial and military life lines to syrias bashar alassad. This comes back to iraniansaudistrategic rivalry and the idea that the u. S. Is not pushing back hard enough on iranian influence in the gulf, in the levan and elsewhere. Ascarter will follow up his boss message with israeli Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu. Im preparing to further than any information has gone before in terms of providing them additional security assurances from the United States. Assurances whose specifics for now remain unspoken but not enough to keep netanyahu giving up his appeal to the u. S. Congress to reject the deal. Cuba and the United States will restore diplomatic relations, reopening embassies closed half a century. The u. S. Broke off relations in cuba in 1961, two years after the communist revolution led by fidel castro. Last year president obama and raul castro reestablished relations. Under the agreement castros government has released dozens of Political Prisoners and an u. S. Contractor, and washington has removed cuba from its list of state sponsored terrorism paving the way for restoration. Lets go to lucia newman who has more. How important of a step is this to restoring diplomatic relations between u. S. And cuba . Lucia, let me try asking you that question one more time. Not sure if you can hear me. I seem to have losti have lost all right, well apologies for that. Well reestablish connection with lucia newman. Were expecting within a matter of hours cuba and the United States restore openings, restore relations, i should say reopening embassies that have been closed a half century, a symbolic moment, a historic moment. Lets get up to speed with some of the other stories were covering. Chinese state saying tourists exported. They were watching a documentary about ghengis khan, a mongal warrior leader who died 800 years ago. Now committing suicide after being embroiled in a phone hacking scandal. They denied claims they used spyware to monster South Koreans. The 46yearold agent of the nis was found dead in his car on saturday in an apparent suicide. Next to him a threepage will. Part of that will has been released to the media on sunday in which the agent says that he can reassure the south korean public that the Hacking Program that he was involved in from italy and his technical operations he was also involved with was not used against South Koreans civilians. He also apologizes for deleting some of the data saying he was being overzealous in an attempt to prevent any controversy and attaching itself to the nis. The Intelligence Service has denied that it has used this program to monster South Koreans and restricted its use to monitor north koreans. But they have formed this in the past. The two spy chiefs in charge between 1999 and 2003 were both convicted after being found to over seeing the monitoring of 2,000 South Koreans. And just in 2012 the agency was found to have used its Online Presence to smear the liberal opponents of the president ial election park. A retrial was reordered over the spy chief who was convicted of that as well. The nis will reveal further information to reassure the south korean public in the coming week. Lawmakers in the South Korean Parliament said that the information deleted by this man should be restored to see how it had been used by this Hacking Program. Lets go to lucia newman, who is standing by for us. As u. S. And cuba get ready to reopen embassies that have been closed this is a very symbolic moment. How significant of a step is it on the road of really going all the way in terms of mending dies between the two countries . Hello, it is a very very significant step. In fact, this is a very significant day because it is the last day in which the United States and cuba will not have diplomatic ties after more than 50 years. The fact that they will be opening up their respective embassies does not mean that they are friends that the ideological differences and hostilities are 100 over, absolutely not. But psychologically it has a huge impact particularly here in cuba. This is a country in the colonial days that have lived under a siege mentality. The city of havana is a walled city and its indicative of how theyve lived all these years. For ordinary cubans who have friends and relatives living in the United States this is more than a 360degree change, but the embargo remains in place. Guantanamo naval base remains in the hands of the United States, so there are significant things that need to be ired out but its a First Step Towards normalizing relation. Thank you very much. There is still more to come on the al jazeera news hour. French presented Francois Hollande is asking for government invigoration. And we have more on those who live after after the nepal earthquake. Tell me what you and your generation think is gonna to happen. My heart is racing so fast. Standing at a crossroads. My parents have their plan. Im gonna do what god asks me to do before what they ask me to do. Can a family come together . Do you think that you can try and accept me for me . Life changing moments. My future is in my hands right now. From oscar winning director alex gibney. A Ground Breaking look at the real issues facing American Teens on the iran nuclear deal. Every pathway to a Nuclear Weapon is cut off. For more depth. The narrative has shifted here in tehran. Iranians want the sanctions ended. More perspective. Every iranian will be happy. Iran cannot be trusted. More insight. Iran is actually trying to build trust with the international community. And more understanding. Stay with al jazeera america. Welcome back. Lets take you through the top stories. 45 people have been killed and 120 injured in shelling on yemens port city of aden. Coordinateed bomb attacks in gaza, and terrorists in the Sinai Peninsula where 59 people were killed and two vehicles destroyed. Lets get more analysis on what is happening in yemen. Im joined by yemen specialist what does in latest attack in aden suggest about the strength of the houthi presence in that city . I think you could say in the opinions that this this is the dying breath of the houthies in aden. But its really the message when you had yesterday and the day before the Yemeni Government in exile saying theyve liberated aden from the houthies. Its premature. Very premature. That being said youve had progress on the and by the antihouthi fighters, that being said. What is it going to take for saudi back fighters to con sal date their control over aden . I think it will take a significant amount of effort. Youve seen weaponry with fighters on the ground come in with this big push in aden. While people are saying what is next talking about other areas of taiz, the centerrer the fighting these events are showing that it will take a lot more effort to con sol to consolidate in the country. If youve noticed after in the victory celebrations after certain neighborhood in aden were taken over, you saw them flying the southern flag rather than the flag of the unified yemen. These are people whose First Priority is to fight the houthis. Because theyre fighting for their own independent country. That means these fighters, the fast majority of them, theyre not going up to taiz or let alone up to sanaa. Its an open question of the success theyre having in aden and other parts of the country. It may be difficult to replicate aden and elsewhere. You mentioned taiza very strategic area, and battling concentrated in that city, who might the saudis mobilize in order to do the fighting on the ground that we see in aden. Who could they ally with to capitalize on the aerial bomb batterment . In taiz you had a large number of antihouthi forces. They have organized popular resistence there. This is a repeat of 2011. In 2011 you had taiz being the center of fighting. But back then it was antiali Abdullah Saleh and pro ali Abdullah Saleh fighting. Now its largely the same figures taking part. The question is whether the saudis will be comfortable bolstering a militia. Youve seen support coming in already. The question is whether theyll be able to tip the balance. Thank you very much. Thank you. Now an historic first taiwans two major parties have nominateed female candidates to run for president in 2016. The Ruling National Party has pick picked their candidates. Diplomatic relations in china has become an Early Campaign issue for both of these candidates. Four people have died after a building a collapsed in indias capital new delhi. They are still searching the rubble for a child believed to be trapped. Nepal assuage earthquake left many Tall Buildings in danger of collapse. Thousands to be demolished. And its putting the responsibility on property owners. Its typical to miss the wooden beams propping up houses. These buildings have been condemned after aprils earthquake made them structurally untea. The government said its up to proper owners to we logical relinquish them but so far not many have been. They have. 150,000 have been stuck under the wreckage, the monsoon is here and the government is nowhere to be seen. The government declares the crisis for a year in order to speed up the demolish of 73,000 structurally dangerous houses. But some people hearsay that the larger apartment complexes should be the priority. This building complex behind me is structurally sound but locals say that a proper survey has never been done. Theyre not allowing to inside. But neighbors tell us that part of the ground has subsided and the towers did not come with permission. This is 15 stories tall. They did not get a planning permit. We had appealed to the government but they let the building go ahead. Many people say theyre afraid of living here. Now they want the buildings demolished. Well bring the Building Structures within the building codes. Theyre Still Limited by technology. The government says they dont have the technical know how to demolish buildings more than three stories tall. They have asked for help with the equipment, but more than two months on people here dont want to wait. Al jazeera kathmandu. Flooding in the u. S. State of arizona has destroyed buildings and swept cause ways. Its after her storms hit arizona on saturday. There are no reports of any injuries. Now french president Francois Hollande has called for a were proposal in a weekly french paper. He called for citizens to renew their faith in the european project and. Well, the editor in chief of the journal online publication. Is this the only way that the eurozone can survive . If you take away the attention from greece weve been discussing the construction of the eurozone for some time. And president holland wants this discussion and i think its a good discussion to be had. The problem now given the widespread trust amongst the members of the euro state seen at play i think even though it is very clear that we need such reform, the likelihood of these restorms goingthesereforms being implemented is less likely. When you look at the rise of farright parties and populous parties are going to suggest that were going in the opposite direction, that its becoming lesser of a possibility. It has not set the eurozone the governance mechanism. This used to be a machine that was geared towards forming consensus. This mechanism unfortunately has broken down. And if you look at the way that they couldnt reach for the last weeks summit, thats another indication of this. We have the break down, and we really need something to replace it. But because of the lack of trust that is all around the likelihood, unfortunately, is not very high. People may want to stay in the euro as opinion polls suggest, but that does not mean that either in greece or in german germany that they want fiscal union or to have a central government, a government that you pay taxes to, and countries giving up control of of the decisions that me make. We can really see that the euro is a halfway house. Either you finish it or it will fall down at some point. Weve now reached a fork in the rode, and we have to make a decision, maybe not today maybe not next week, but soon. Now donald trump has taken a swipe against john mccain that is as decisive as it is decisive. John mccain spent five years as prisoner of war. Donald trump is not known for holding back his opinions. Now the u. S. President ial hopeful has mocked fellow republican senator john mccain. Hes not a war hero. Hes a war hero because hes capture. I like people who werent capture, hes a war hero because he was captured. Trump was attacking mccain because he lost the 2008 election to current president barack obama. Many republicans have rushed to mccains side going on twitter to defend the former prisoner of war whose tortured during five and a half years in vietnam. A real state tycoon and tv celebrity touch has been making headlines in a run race with his usual brant of blund comments. Few were spared. Hillary clinton was the worst secretary of state in the history of our country. On mexican migrants. Theyre taking our jobs. Theyre taking our manufacturing. Theyre taking our money. Theyre taking and theyre killing us at the border. Its the kind of speech that excites and divides voters. This time its no different. Gerald tan, al jazeera. Well, still to come for you on the al jazeera news hour. The story of the canadian waste still waiting two years after it was seized. And looking at the sounds of the past. And in sport find out how australia crushed englands cricketers it should have been an easy target. They never really recovered. They fell ten runs short to hand zimbabwe the win. Dunne carded a 66 to move to 12 under. Plus am do yous to win the title was back in 1930. Joining the top of the leaderboard was the last man to win the course there and also to share the lead is jason day. He said that the usa open. Jordan spieth are his chances with 7 birdies and hes one shot off the pace as he aims for a third major. I havent had it creep into my head yet. I dont think it will because ill be slowly focusing on how can i win this Golf Tournament who is around me. Do i need to bury the next couple or do i need to play where i have a chance for birdie. In the tour de france, a crash on saturday and british rider chris froome would hold onto the over all leaders. Andy murray has put his wimbledon disappointment firmly behind him. In are a dramatic reverse singles match, he would fall back from a set down and a break down down to claim victory. Victory. Fifa will hold a meeting on zurich to name the date for the election of the new president. It remains in a corruption crisis with one member extradited to the United States to be held in a court hearing. Now accustomed to you turbulence and instability but it is crucial for the damaged organization. Its time for radical change. The breathtaking swoop to arrest swoop to arrest 14. The date to choose a new leader will be chosen at this meeting. And yet sepp blatter is clinging to the presidency and to leave on his own terms, he was careful to make his june resignation more of a repositioning to avoid more humiliation. This was an issue that is bigger than the president. The problem that we have is not a sepp blatter problem. Dont get me wrong, he is a huge part of the problem but the problem we have is the culture of corruption within the organization. The new president could be voted in as early as december. Prince ali of jordan could run again others will decide whether theyre tempted to stand in a blatterfree election. The fall out from the meltdown takes the situation way beyond football governance. The world cup in russia and qatar are still being questioned, and challenging the right of the u. S. To police the situation. Fifas reputation could not be lower. It is looking to correct its future while being haunted by its past. And World Champion nick has had a lucky escape after being attacked by a shark during competition on sunday. The australian was competing in the open in south africa. These pictures show him punching the shark. He and another were sitting out in the water seemingly unharmed. The final was put on old. His leg grip was bitten in half, but apparently he escaped without injury. I was tripping. It was all the adrenaline. I was just tripping. And then i saw jaws and flesh and i saw it, i was tripping. Im totally fine. Ive got nothing wrong with me. Just totally tripping out. I was just cruising. I was just cruising, just waiting for my opportunity. Yeah i felt like i was just to start moving, get going just start paddling again. Then all of a sudden i just had this instinct that something was behind me. Then i felt that i was being pulled underwater. That is an encounter hes going to remember. It certainly is. Zoe, thank you very much. Now, sounds from history extinct songs and lost accents among thousands of recording stored in the British Library. But arrest archivists say that these sounds could be lost forever if not recorded. Its a race against time and money. Deep in the basement of the British Library, a team of dedicated archivists are sifting through hundreds of thousands of rare recordings. Some sounds are so rare this is the only place left that it can still be heard. Like the voice of one of the most important writers of the english language, james joyce. And this George Bernard shaw. I must give a specimen of spoken english. It is carefully being converted and stored on a huge service for future generations. Now test recordings for now famous movie sound tracks and development of the english language. For some of the records are in a fragile state. The library is battling to raise 60 million to fully digitize the collection, but they dont have long. I think we have about 15 years in which to digitize the collection before the equipment and the maintenance of them become unfeasible or unaffordable. For 7 million recordings its not long at all. We need to double our efforts at this point for the 15 years. The recordings are stored in a range of formats cassettes reeltoreel and records. Its a race against time to preserve this important and vital collection. Firstly before the recordings deteriorate any further and secondly before some of the means of playing these recordings disappear forever. One precious sound that they were able to preserve is that of the extinct bird from hawaii. But its far from easy listening. This was the last male singing for a female, and the female had died in a typhoon the year before. So its incredibly moving. [ bird singing ] the British Library may not have the power to save rare species from extinction but theyre working tirelessly to keep endangered sounds alive. Neave barker from al jazeera, london. Were not going anywhere, im, Felicity Barr will be here for you with a full bulletin after the break. Stay with us. The fighting intensifies as there are key gains on several fronts. Hello, im Felicity Barr. This is al jazeera live from london. Also coming up. The deal may be done for Irans Nuclear program but the u. S. Must convince some of its allies that they are still safe. Apologizeing to american prisoners it forced into labor during second world war

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