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Grief, sorrow anger thousands gather in srebrenica where the largest atrocity in europe in two turning to outrage when the serbian Prime Minister arrived. People began to throw rocks and bottles. The Security Team rushing him away. They were there to remember this day. July 11th, 1995. Thousands of men and boys slaughtered by the bosnian society. 136 newly identified bodies from that massacre arriving at the ceremony 20 years later, laid to rest alongside thousands of others. Nadim barber has more. Reporter prayers as attention fell on this cemetery for the victim of srebrenica. 13 more people to rest 20 years after they were killed in many cases just parts were found. This woman says its a painful day for her. Translation i feel better because i know where to come i wish this would never have happened, or at least that i would have the entire body. I only have three bones. Now i can come and visit my brother. Reporter among the political figures invited on saturday form u. S. President bill clinton in power at the time of the kill eption. Eption. Kill eption. Killings. Im bell begging im begging you not to let this be a memorial of tragedy. Reporter and the current president. He met a muslim woman who lost several rel ties. Relatives. He was turned on by a section of the crowd. Denying genocide is a misrepresentation and disregards the highest decisions of two judicial courts. Its also an insult to the victims. Beyond the anger theres renewed grief as the cemetery fills up. Reporter the 20th anniversary brought visits and speeches from leaders around the world. Year in and out what the event mean for the families of the victim is a chance to merge their loved ones. Still, theres an estimated 1200 srebrenica victims whose remains are not identified. They are likely to be digging fresh graves for years to come. Earlier, erica pitzi talk toed to the ambassador talked to the ambassador who accused others of not doing enough to stop what happened. We are talking about acquiescence and complicity. Theres never been an acknowledgment or apology until the last few days when we have received information through Dutch Television through the guardian, and u. S. Documents an acknowledgment from former Clinton Administration officials that in fact, there was a secret agreement that n. A. T. O. Air power left if you would, in its holster. That was bosnian ambassador to the united nations. Theres no resolution to the greek debt crisis european ministers meeting in brussels to wrap up talks. Theyll meet storm. Reporter after nine hours of talks, including an awkward dinner, proceedings in brussels are coming to an end. You can see some. Ministers involved in the negotiations leaving the building. We are no clearer as to the overall response to greeces new proposal but its hoped they could secure 59 billion in Financial Support to keep the country afloat for three years. Across the board theres a lot of suspicion and distrust. Theres some skepticism about the figures put forward, as to how it would manage its debt, and the feeling that greece could dig into its pockets. Its in debt to the sum of 356 billion. 180 of its gross domestic product. Its in a precarious position at the moment. But some eurozone countries are pushing for deeper reforms, wanting more laws to be introduced by the greeks to show how serious they are. One country pushing greece as far as it can is germany. Earlier in the day it came up with two suggest suggestions of its own that perhaps greece sells off fixed assets in the form of real estate to gather 55 billion in funds to pay off some creditors. The second suggestion was a temporary grexit for about five years, to allow greece to restructure some debt at the same time remaining within arms length of support from some of greeces european allies. We are no clearer as to what the road ahead will entail. The goal posts have been moved. Talks will resume on sunday. A professor of economic at the stern school of business joins us from california. As always thank you for being with us. Is it possible to have app agreement that is good for an agreement that is good for grease greece the county and bad for people. I dont think so. If the agreement is good for greece, it will be good for the people. People are indicating that they have been squeezed enough that the sponge no longer has water. If the people say they have nothing et cetera to give and an agreement says you have to give more is it a waste of time . I dont think so. The average person doesnt understand the prospects of the economy in the future. People see what happens. They lost 25 of income in the last five years. Going forward, they have the opportunity to sign this agreement, and as a consequence, maybe they will lose 5 of the income, more this year. But the alternative, which is leaving the euro would mean losing 50 of their income and savings, and live in poverty. People have to weigh carefully the two alternatives go on with the agreement, lose a bit more money, or go to a new currency and face disaster. Both situations are not good but going with the agreement is better than going with the new currency and facing disaster. When you talk about cutting pensions. These are people that pay into a system. When you retire you look forward to collecting your money. Should that money be on the table as well . These are two questions. Im for people getting what they have been promised. The second question this is not necessarily their money. When the system is right, when the system is set up so people get more than they put in or most do, its not their money, but the money of the greek taxpayers. The system has to adjusted, become balanced so that what they put in what they get out. Thats the adjustment proposed right now. I am sure its a painful adjustment especially for people who are expecting to get a certain pension, and may get less. Because of this region it happen on relatively high pensions. Greeks are accepting the situation peace replyfullypeacefully based on what you have seen in the past do you expect things to be accepted soon . I think if theres no deal the banks will be closed, they dont give money out. We have a very racky transition rocky transition to a new turn si. I dont know if things will remain calm. They can get rough there as well. I hope we can avoid this and have an agreement. So that we can avoid the worse, social unrest and worse. Niklas the professor of economics at the stern school of business, thank you for being with us. To vienna where the clock is ticking on a deal to kerb Irans Nuclear programme, both sides saying they made progress but are struggling to resolve kicking points before finalising agreements should there be one. Those include keeping an arms embargo in place. The deadline to reach a deal is this coming monday in tonights a deeper look, the obligations iran has, and why some say the treaty has major flaws. It took a few hours for the u. N. Brokered ceasefire to be broken. People say heavy shelling between factions continues. Reporter in this area people had conflicting opinions about whether u. N. Brokered humanitarian truce would mean a lull in violence during the final days of the holy month of ramadan. Translation theres no truce. They say this but at the same time they keep shelling ut. Us. No one disagrees with the population facing a humanitarian cat as troughry. Y catastrophe. Translation we need gas, oil, electricity from the truce. Reporter 80 of the population needs food and med sign. Fighting has stopped aid reaching man. During the previous truce aid groups made deliveries to yemenis in areas with the worst fighting. They hope to do that again. As reports came in of air strikes and fighting on the ground. The u. N. Asked for restraint. Theres a truce, but its countered by violations. The blood of yemenis is shed in some areas. Both sides expressed doubt about the truth. One thing should be clear if they cant delivery supplies. 6 million yemenis could be facing famine afghanistan is saying recent u. S. Air strikes destroyed the top leadership of a fledgeling Islamic State affiliate. One air strike killed the leader of an Islamic State affiliate. The u. S. Confirmed it conducted an air strike. Afghan Officials Say another killed the affiliates second highest official the pope celebrating mass in paraguay. Bringing the crowd tars. He praised the women as the most glorious women in america. Thousands lined out for mass. The pope from argentina is in the last leg of a homecoming tour that has taken him from bolivia to ecuador they have come by the busloads. Tens of thousands of argentines descending on paraguays capital, with one purpose in mind. We have come to see our pope, says this person. He is from my neighbourhood. An estimated 1 million pilgrims from the popes native country arrived since wednesday. A similar number is expected from neighbouring brazil. Not since the 1864 war of the triple alliance in which argentina, uruguay and brazil went to war against paraguay has there been an invasion from neighbouring countries. Inside the church, a group dear to the popes heart a group is preparing to see the archbishop ready to send him a giant flag signed by members of the paris. From a slum where the archbishop worked with the pure. We want to see st. Francis. He give us hope. Reporter this man worked in the slum, a righthand man. The kind of priest that smelt as hits flock, as the pope likes to say. A recovering drug addict is here. He spent 10 years in prison and said he was rescued by the father 10 years ago. Hed leave the kath eid ral, and walk to our paris and sit with us eating stew. He taught us to have faith. I have come to see my brother and friend. Not a pope. Reporter the argentine born pope has not returned to venezuela since going to the cathedral. He preferred to stay away so no one could gain Political Capital from the visit. Until he can make a return visit to his homeland the hope will have the consolation of knowing that he has not been forgotten republican president ial candidate trump taking his Border Control message to arizona. The word is getting out that we have to stop illegal immigration. We have to. We have to. The new york businessman saying incompetent politicians allowing the crisis to get out of control his words and that he loves the mexican people and many legal mexican im grants work for him. I love legal immigration. I love it. I love it. I think its great. My wife is a legal immigrant. She went through a long process. Its not easy. We should maybe make it easier and faster which i think is fine. When trump got into the race he thought his platform would be based on jobs and leadership. His message catching on and he is drawing large crowds. A beach set to open after an explosion on the shoreline brought police and bomb squads there. Beachgoers saying they heard a boom after 11 00am. One witness saying it sounded like a grenade wept off, another reporting that it came from under the sand. A 50yearold woman was knocked into a wall. She is expected to be okay. Coming up. Nuclear negotiations with iran details of the 1968 Nuclear Nonproliferation treaty and the role it plays in todays talks. Later new details involving boko haram and nigeria. Fears that the groups may be using the girls it kidnapped last year as suicide bombers. Its saturday night, time to take a deeper look at the Iranian Nuclear relations. Ronald regan said just but verify. Thats a problem with iran here is why. In 1968 they signed off on the nuclear nonprove liferation treaty. The agreement was hailed as a way forward in a world that saw far too much war. It had its roots in the darkers days of world war ii of the erica pitzi has more. Movie reel a short time ago an american plane dropped a bomb on hiroshima hierro seema the first time the world saw the devastation of Nuclear Power. Movie reel the japanese started the war. They have been repaid. With this bomb we have added a new and revolutionary increase in destruction. Reporter two bombs dropped by the u. S. Killed more than 200,000 people, reduced two major japanese cities to ruins, and left no question world war ii was over. Movie reel tens of thousands of american flags. Reporter and the Nuclear Arms Race was born. The soviet union soon began to develop its own nuclear arsenal, followed by spain, france and chipa. Calls for an end to the arms race were heard worldwide. By 1968 the Nuclear Nonproliferation treaty was drawn up. The treaty encourages the pursuit of Peaceful Nuclear energy, requires disclosure of nuclear programs, with a goal of global disarmament. This is an historical occasion. As i sit here i hope those of us that were fortunate enough to be present will look back one day. And see that this was the first milestone on a road which led to reducing the danger of nuclear war. The treaty recognises five members of the u. N. Security council as Nuclear Powers. 185 other countries are part of the treaty iran is one of them. Since signing it iraq baumped a program saying it is peaceful and does not violate the treaty. Iran approaches Nuclear Activities differently. We are living under the framework a few countries have not signed and cannot be held to their tools. India and pakistan are open about their own weapons, its believed israel had them. But it is never confirmed. North korea withdrew from the treaty and faced sanctions. Unlike north korea, iran is party to the treaty. The u. S. And allies or on the road to becoming a Nuclear Weapon state. Theres a lot of talk from the other side about whether, in fact, some of the terms can by abided by with some of the terms in lausanne. If they cannot. That would be a problem. I have said from the start. I will walk away from negotiations if, in fact its a bad deal lacy healy is a senior fellow at the stimpson fellow and policy director and joins us from washington d. C. And the president of the Iranian American Council joins us. Does a treaty work if not everyone abides by the agreement . So. Great thing about the nonproliferation treaty is that it provides a mechanism by which the United States and partners can react, if it is not abiding by the treaty. Iran was a signatory to the mvp when it opened in 1968. It since had some issues where secret facilities in particular, have been discovered by the i. A. E. A. The International Watchdog that watches over the signatories to the mvp. Things like this that have sparked particular interest so that iran has been doing suspicious activity leading the International Community to believe that iran may not comply with its obligations under the npt. This treaty still works it allows them to react, react to irans potentially negative movements, and ultimately that really is what led to the sanctions that brought iran to the table, and the negotiations we are in today. Do you take iran at its word when it says it is only pursuing the peaceful use of technology and if so, why. As we speak at this point, yes. Things could change. Im not talking about the past. Im talking about the present, and im not talking about the future. I believe nations have different strategies and different make different decisions as things develop. After the war with iraq, iran was nervous about the security, and the whole world almost was behind Saddam Hussein fighting iran for eight years. They developed at that time the idea that to survive they have to have capability. Then things changed. Now i think years later iran became increasingly more confident that they can defend itself by what they call conventional power that it has, and its a huge conventional power in terms of the population. The military people and so on. I think at this point, i think rain does not have the intention to build Nuclear Power. Why do you believe that . What makes you think so . First, iran is ready, and has been ready to open up everything that they have. We know a bit about what is going on in the country, i think the u. S. Administration some years ago, in 2006 i believe the u. S. National security, you know agency and its affiliates decided, and i wrote and reported that back in 2003, iran gave up on its intention to build to develop that nuclear device, and that supposedly they were after. So i think the u. S. Government also says that they are not, as we speak, in the mindset of developing a Nuclear Weapon what they are concerned, and everyone else is is the future. Would iran stay with that mindset. Will iran really remain loyal to the decision it has made back in 2003 lets say in 2020. The answer to that question is complicated. It depends on the security environment. I want to introduce another peace of souped. Ill let you talk on the backside of this. Richard butler was the former australian ambassador to the u. N. And chief weapons director in iraq. He said that agreements like nonproliferation treaty were the only way to stop countries that can build a bomb from doing so. Take a listen. Can anyone be presented from doing from acquiring them if they know how to build them. The answer is no. And thats a fact. Can circumstances be established, agreement amongst nation that make it on balance more sensible not to do this than to do it. The answer is yes. Thats what we have in the Nuclear Nonproliferation treaty. Thats why some 30 countries, including my own, australia who could make a Nuclear Explosive device dont do so. Other countries have been trying, others pursuing the bomb is libya, iraq north korea, south africa during the apartheid years was said to have a bomb, and israel by some estimates has dozens if not more. Are we talking about a selective treaty. This is true. Looking at the issue of the treaty, when it was brought open for signature, there was an estimate that there would be many many many more Nuclear Weapon powers. Is the glass half empty or half full. We have seen of powers in this way. India, pakistan india and north korea. This is not very many. Ultimately south africa give up the Nuclear Weapons, syria, and other countries. Ukraine was one that they close to give away in order to gain not only the security assurances center other countries like the United States, but gain Nuclear Weapons and Energy Technology which is part of the npt as well. In giving the countries access to nuclear energy. They are able to have a prosperous society. Many will not build Nuclear Weapons, based on the cost of the Nuclear Weapons process. Very expensive to do the research. Which brings me to the next point. Under the terms of npt theres a mechanism allowing countries to withdraw. The only country to do so north korea in 2003, their blatant pursuit of Nuclear Weapons and ballistic weapons are proppic to this day. Courtney kealy has problematic to this day. Courtney kealy has more. Reporter north Korean State Television showed pictures of rallies, in support of north koreas withdrawal to a Nuclear Arms Treaty that was effective in 2003. This declared the United States as the enemy destroying world peace, and vowed to turn america into a see of fire and hell. Then secretary of state colin powell called the decision a sad estimate on what north korean leaders think of their own people. It is their failure to comply with obligations, and their failure to do what they were supposed to do under not only international obligations, but the agreed framework entered into with the United States. We hope that the north korean lerdship will realise leadership will realise the folly of its actions, realise that the International Community and the United States will not be intimidated. North korea threatened for years to drop out of the Nuclear Nonproliferation treaty when they did, it took less than a month to announce the react vision of Nuclear Power facilities. Two months later, it had Nuclear Weapons. By 2006 the u. N. Security Council Approved a resolution to impose sanctions on north korea, and demanded answered to the nuclear test. To this day, despite rounds of talks among several nations. North korea is claiming to have nuclear abilities. What about violations that arent enforced by the International Community, case in point you saw north korea. Does that mean the npt is worth nothing more than the papers its written on . Membership in npt is voluntary. Countries that are members are voluntarily so. They can with three months notice, they can walk out. The reason they are in the treaty is supposedly the treaty will bring give them the right without any problem to develop Peaceful Nuclear technology for energy and other purposes and that the International Community will participate in that Peaceful Nuclear movement. That is the only reason they are there a member. Otherwise theres no reason for them to be a member and be under any obligation. A member of npt has a safeguard measurement, imposing inspections, and now they have added additional protocol. Making an inspection any time anywhere kind of situation. So if a country like iran was a member, and if that country is not going in receive cooperation, help on developing peaceful technology, it will have no reason to stay there because then it would be all liability. No asset there ms healy, north korea decides in 2003 that it no longer wants to be a party to the npt and decides this wants to build a bomb. What is there to stop countries walking away if thats what they want to do. What good, then is the Nuclear Proliferation treaty. North koreas decision comes with consequences. Not many countries are will to deal with extreme isolation that north korea chose to dole with. Kim jong un and his father are willing to do that and has for two generations. They have done that and the u. S. Allowed them to do it. They are a special situation. The u. S. And International Community made the calculation that theyll cop tape a north korean contain a north korea Nuclear Weapon. They can enable it to exist as lock as theres not a major as long as theres not a Major Development in delivery for them to get it elsewhere. Theyll deal with that and not laurm an attack. Launch an attack. In a case like iran the u. S. Is clear theyd launch an attack in response to an iranian attempt to build a weapon because the country is closer and able to launch a Nuclear Weapon across the border to a u. S. Ally and poses a greater threat for that reason. North korea is a special case. They are isolated and continue to be isolated in that way, in a way its able to deal with. I was doing checking. Bashar alassad the leader of syria, born in 1965 the birth date is unknown. Hiroshima and nagasaki occurring 20 years before they were born does the world discuss ramifications of an atomic attack or weapon as much as they used to should we talk about what would happen if one of these countries get a bomb . Unfortunately, maybe unfortunately as well, the issue has fallen off the major debate. People are worried about gas, and the things that affect them day to day. But things like Nuclear Weapons, they cant see them affecting them. They see things like terrorism on the news and terrible things happening and they know terrible things are happening. Maybe its a good thing in one way that Nuclear Weapons are not in the news, we dont want them to be in the news but its important we understand they are a threat and particularly with rising threats between the u. S. And russia the two Largest Nuclear arsenals, theres a real threat, and its a possibility it could happen and we must be aware of it. Are you afraid that this many years after hiroshima, and nagasaki, that the world doesnt debate what happens when a bomb goes off, and spends too much time debating what happens if someone has a bomb . The world has so many Nuclear Weapons, if anyone starts to use them. It will be self destructive. The others will respond, and that will be within minutes. Do you think kim jong un cares about what you just said . I hope so. The fact is that the country is calculated, they have become cautious and i think the good news is that after, you know the world war ii, no country has ever you know used a Nuclear Weapon and i dont believe that anybody as has, you know a reason to do so. Again, we never know, countries come to a point of you know a point where they for the existential point. They come to a point where the existence comes into question. At that point if the country has a Nuclear Weapon theyll use it. I dont think, for example, israel will have over 300 nuclear war heads, will use that against the arabs and iranians or anybody. If it comes to a point where the state survival is at stake, they may think of using it. Again, largely they have been using it as a deterrent, as opposed to a defensive or deterrent systems as opposed to defensive system or strategic system. Again, i think the good news is that too many Nuclear Weapons out there have basically made it obsolete. Mutually assured destruction. Mutually assured instruction. Lacy and president of the Iranian American Council. Thank you for taking a deeper look. Thank you for having me. Thank you coming up bring back our girls it was a trending hashtag a year ago. Those thymean nigerian girls kidnapped by boko haram, are still not home. We look at new strategies the government is looking at straight ahead. Officials in nigeria say they presented a Suicide Attack in maiduguri. A bus load pulled away before the bomb blast, a day before boko haram killed 10 more in a village. The new president promises to fight and rescue 200 girls kidnapped. We have more on what has been a year of frustration. Reporter these parents lived for more than a year not knowing if theyll see their two daughters again. The sisters are among more than 200 girls kidnapped by boko haram from their school in chibok. Boko haram says it forced some of the girls to convert in islam and marry fighters. The president met some of the schoolgirls parents to show that he is committed to bringing them home. In his regime, this boko haram will come to an end sooner or later. Some of the people, if they are killed, we will know they dont have our daughters. Reporter since the girls of chibok were seized many were too afraid to stay and fled. Some moved to a settlement in the outskirts of a capital in abuja. This mans niece was kidnapped and is still missing. He says the government must rehelp build chibok. We need security, trust. The security of life needs to be assured at home. Reporter in office less than two months. The president Muhammadu Buhari made it clear stopping boko haram is a top priority. His predecessor was criticized for failing to contain the group. He met with leaders and announced a military force with neighbouring countries to battle boko haram by months end. We want him to end boko haram, lets have peace and bet the people of iming nigeria go back to a normal way of life. Reporter for friends and family, that cant happen until the girls come home. Michael is an amount for a firm detail in rick accept. A year in risk acceptance. A year later we are talking about bring back our girls. If we were talking about france or great britain, would very still have this conservative today . We probably wouldnt have needed the social media impetus. Chibok lessons is a showing the social media. Or the lack thereof of power. Or how the search died out for the victims. Boko haram now wants to exchange the girls for prisoners swap or not . So if the negotiations are real, i dont think the Nigerian Government will be blamed for discussing swapping the chibok system for prisoners held. Negotiations appear dubious at best. The sources have been anonymous. They said that the government is not negotiating, so its unclear who is negotiating on behalf of the victims, and without hierarchy, of boko haram that we know of its hard to know who is negotiating on their behalf. I read the notes. There are concerns that female suicide bombers may be the girls this we are talking about, and some of the girls, a lot have been married off and have released a beheading video. How much is fact how much is fiction . Used bombing briefed in the past month as they are routed out of territory. They shift towards suicide bombings a lot of these suicide bombings are wonder to be young girls. Theres no proof that these are the same girls kidnapped in tobruk theres 2,000 young women and girlfriend kidnapped, but there is little doubt that theres a connection and that the boko haram draws a lot of the used bombers from the pool. The president of the United States said he was going to get involved. What does it say that a year after betting involved. We are having it dialogue. We said at the time that we are not seeing members criticize a lack of response in nigeria, with regards to boko haram. Why is that. The government had a shaky relationship. Typically assistance is offered in form of train. The United States blocked the sale of helicopters and the reason being is the amendment in the u. S. Congress or the United States cant support direct military directly if its involved in human rights abuses. Its levelled against the military. Answer this question for me. Is this the which is why boko haram is strong or nigeria is weak. Boko haram has a strategy, they are por delayed as portrayed as a rag tag group. Does the government have a strategy. They have not adapted conventional approach to the a asymmetric and terrorist bombing and attacks that boko haram can use as it shifts into sleeper mode. A year later we are talking. Michael klein, senior analysts for drum cusack, a firm specialising in rick assessment. Thank you for being with us. Well we light back. This has preservation on a scale that no other sites have. Under threat by Global Mining and scheduled for demolition. Mes aynak is one of the most important sites in the century. With time running out. Theyre losing everything. Can archeologists stop the clock . This is rescue archaeologic we are trying to excavate as fast as possible. More han 700 might more than 700 migrants had to be rescued across of coast of libya, they were found in floatable rafts. Four men and eight women were found dead on one of the rafts. More than 150,000 migrants trying to cross the mediterranean, 2,000 dying doing so. A typhoon making its way to south korea after slamming into the coast more than 1,000 have been evacuated. Heavy rains devastated the form lands and flights cancelled. This is one of the strongest tif oops to make land fall typhoon to make landfall. Kevin corriveau has been tracking it. It is a catty 1 has not category 1 has not hit land fall. This is what d looked like as it pushed to the south of the okanagan. Right now you can see a push really loading its definition. We think its going to be probably a topical storm strength making its way across the yellow sea, and towards south korea and north korea. There we expect to see, as a tropical storm, a bit of flooding, between four and six inches of rain falling across the region, i want to go bang about 24 hours, across the United States and parts of kentucky, we had major storms. Look at the damage that we saw here. Close to a Bowling Green kentucky heavy winds, strong pushing across the area some estimating over 80 Miles Per Hour across the area. Heavy rain as well. Tornados were expected or predicted in that area but that has pushed off. The big threat across the region will be temperatures, and we are not talking about the northwest like we have for weeks, we are talking about the Central Plains heat advisories are in effect, for heat indexes over 100 degrees all the way to monday night. They call that summer. Thank you very much. New york city making a move to clear up the backlog in its courts. We talk about a programme coping lowlevel offenders from being locked up indefinitely. Amazing images beamed back to earth from outer space. Pluto like its never seen before. Welcome back to al jazeera america. New york city unveiling a plan designed to keep low level offenders out of the gaol whilst awaiting trial. As Roxana Saberi explains the change to the bail system is designed to make sure people are not stuck behind bars because they are poor. When this man was 16 he was arrested for allegedly stealing a back pack. His bail was set at 3,000 an amount his family couldnt afford. He spent three years at new york citys notorious Rikers Island gaol beaten and in solitary confinement waiting for a trial that never happened. He wept free two years he wept free two years ago. His family said he never recovered. The three years in gaol is what killed him. Reporter he hanged himself. If you dont have bail right away you could be on a bus to Rikers Island. Reporter it calls for a form of the bail system. We shouldnt house people whilst awaiting trial in that facility because they cant come up with 500 or 1,000 reporter mayor bill de blasio vowed to come up with change, coming up with a plan to help nonviolent offender remain free whilst awaiting trial. He said in a statement the plan will give judges alternatives to setting bail such as supervised release, ranging from check ins or text messages. Others ipp cloud treatment includes treatment for drug addiction and mental health. Our system goes behind incarceration, that needs to be reined in. Reporter activists hope it will help more poor minor ties. The effect of keeping people at home families stable and lowering the rate of incarceration at rikers is enormous. The ripping effect from an economic and social perspective. That is exciting. The plan could help others avoid what his client endured. That was his message. Now its his legacy. That means a lot to his family. Theyll never have their son, nephew, brother, unle back. Theyll know that hes made a difference. Together the world is getting the best view of pluto that the human eye has seen. N. A. S. A. s Mission Growing closer to the planet. Sending back images baffling to signs and n. A. S. A. Pictures of geological patterns are coming into view. Its amazing what we are seeing now. It was a gradual approach. Every day we see a new view of pluto telling us things we never knew before and seeing crazy black and white patterns we have no idea what they mean and we are seeing circular things are they craters or something else. New horizons is travelling to pluto at the rate of 9 mills mills person. Ill be back at 11. See you then. [ ] onamerica tonight the Weekend Edition sparking a high alert. The plane has to be ready in half an hour. It could be any one of them, it happens to be 912. The fire season and how bad will the season be, and whether the firefighters have the right tools to stop the blazers. Abbing accelerating addiction. Is it scary for

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