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Vote of no over the finance terms. And celebrations at the u. S. Womens Football Team bags a record win at the world cup. So in the past hour greases finance minister habs announced he will step down even after millions of greeks voted no to the bailout terms put forward by europes leaders. He says he is not welcomed by some members of the euro zone and his resignation is actually to help his Prime Minister to reach a new deal. In the referendum, we had 60 of greeks supporting the no, about 38 said yes. Now greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras will go back to europe for what he calls a credible solution. How will his european l minister going to respond . Then european unionthen the European Central bank will reopen, a lot to discuss going to john siropolous is in athens. John tell me about the resignation of the finance minister, is he a sacrificial lamb . He is very much the sacrificial lamb. Weve known that an agreement with him in the euro group would be very difficult for months now. He was rounded up in latvia, on the 25th of april. In an accusation that greece hadnt put forward any serious proposals. He was secluded from a meeting mr. Varoufakis have issued the following statement. He says soon after the announcement of the referendum results i was made aware of a preference by certain euro Group Partners of my absence from meetings. For this reason i am leaving the ministry of finance today. It is not entirely surprising. We have known that at some point mr. Varoufakis will go. However the fact that he will go now, the day after the referendum is very important. Because it peens that it means the mr. Tsipras is signaling his willingness to negotiate with financiers. To get a better deal than what theyre offering now. He is not send manage varoufakis, a person who has created enormous antipathy with the group. The Current Development minister george stefakis, who we did expect to be the more conventional or compromise candidate six months ago when the government first announced his cabinet lineup. John lets step away from the politics and talk about whats happening in grease today. Id be more interested in seeing if the banks will open, whether people can take more than 60 euros out of the atms. We have heard from our financial sources in greece that banking cash reserves are extremely low. And we do know that even with capital controls the system cannot continue much longer without financial liquidity assistance from the European Central bank. Now for last week the ecb has decided to keep the assistance at 90 Million Euros up until now throughout the crisis but we know that more is going to be needed if banks are going oreopen about so in the next 48 hours and depending how negotiations go in brusms we hopebustles welope the ecb will remain open. The withdrawal of lower 50 euros a day could come further down. John siropolous, thank you. A look back at Yanis Varoufakis. Almost overnight become one of europes most recognized politicians. As he wanted across the euro zone over the past six months. Leading an offensive to end austerity and cut a part of greeces debt. Charismatic, casually dressed shaven headed and athletic finance minister was something of a charmer. The german enough de velt, ran the headline what makes Yanis Varoufakis a sex icon . The talks were going well. We established an excellent line of communication which gives me great deal of encouragement for the future. Reporter but his euro zone ministers were not impressed. We agree to disagree. He had a frostty encounter with jeroen dijsselbloem. Can be classified as fast. Some analysts in greece say varoufakis simply surveilled to do the job. We are here after five months and the banks are closed. And actually if you could consider whats the primary role of a finance minister is actually for the Banking System to be working in an orderly fashion and this is not case. Reporter on sunday a last appeal from varoufakis to the people of greece. This is about a holy moment. A moment of hope for the whole of europe, that gives hope to europe that the common currency and the euro zone can exist. Kurdish peshmerga says they have retain a portion of iraq, southwest of are kirkuk. Kirkuk. Hezbollah says they are making gains against fighters in zabadani the last rebel held city in the area. Regime forces launched the assault on saturday, against el nusra linked the al qaeda. Dropping barrel bombs and heavy fighting is underway as well. Five world powers are gathering in vienna for last ditchditch talks with iran. A deal has never been closer. As you our diplomatic editor james bays reports the u. S. Is warning some hard choices will have to be made. Reporter time is running out. Thats the clear message from the u. S. Secretary of state john kerry, who spoke to reporters after two sessions of negotiations with his iranian opposite number. We are not yet where we need to be on several of the most difficult issues. And the truth is that while i completely agree with foreign minister zarif that we have never been closer, at this point this negotiation could go either way. If hard choices get made, in the next couple of days, and made quickly, we could get an agreement this week. But if they are not made, we will not. Reporter Foreign Ministers have been arriving again in vienna. They are now expected to stay until 7th of july, the new deadline. But what happens if they dont reach an agreement by then . The rule is i said in other occasions. If you the rule is if you work on plan a you stay on plan a. That stays the 7th. Im told we got to the stage where all the sticking points could be laid out on one sheet of paper for Foreign Ministers. Some are technical issues but all require political decision and without those decisions there can be no deal. James bays, al jazeera vienna. In yemen u. N. Special envoice in the capital sanaa are trying to broker a ceasefire and toand. The report from mls. From lbs. Abdullah alshami. Theach also managed to control an air base there. One saudi soldier was killed when his base was attacked with artillery forces. Until the end of the holy month of ramadan. Ceasefire to allow delivery of humanitarian aid. Translator ive been pushing hard to find a solution for the crisis. Today ive come to find a quick solution for the yemeni people, we are looking for a peaceful solution that get everyone back to dialogue on the humanitarian crisis. Reporter the means that children have been out of schools for months now and many have been killed or injured. Nonetheless, they keep smiling hoping for a good future without war. Abdullah alshami, al jazeera. Fear for their lives just days ahead of a president ial election. Plus well find out what china is trying to attract more Chinese Workers and grants immigrants to work there. A look he at the headlines on al jazeera. Greeces finance minister has announced his resignation after a record no vote to the european bailout. Helping to Reach Agreement with the international creditors. These pictures just in from athens, their meeting the morning after negotiations with europe. Other headlines for you Kurdish Peshmerga forces have taken back a village of muragawa, after i. S. I. L. Attacked in the middle of the night. Form ministers from five countries are meeting again in veenveen that. Meeting later on monday to discuss the situation. The president of the European Parliament is warned greeks may need humanitarian aid however in the coming days. Ordinary citizens, pensioners, sick people or children in the kindergarten should not pay a price for the dramatic situation in which the country and the government brought the country no. Therefore, humanitarian program is needed immediately and i hope that the greek government will make in the next coming hours meaningful and constructive proposals allowing that it is meaningful and possible to renegotiate. The not, we are entering in a very difficult and even dramatic time. In nigeria, two blas the have blasts have hit a be city gros. In yobe state five people were killed by a suicide bomber. The violence brings the suspected death toll nearly 200 this week. East African Leaders are expected to meet in tans tan tans tanzania. Haru mutasa reports. From a distance they watch him being shot, stabbed and set on fire. The witnesses are terrified of being recognized of also being killed after telling journalists what happened. The 28yearold 28yearold friend was an option activist. Many people are scared. How can they stay here when people have been killed . The Opposition Party wants president Pierre Nkurunziza to step back. The election has to go back. We cannot go beyond what is provided by the constitution because we must have the president elect come 26th august, be sworn in on 26 august. The number of People Killed on either side keeps rising. Sometime it is progovernment and then opposition. Some opposition leaders want a Transitional Government formed until conditions on the ground arrive for a free and fair election. But they dont want president Pierre Nkurunziza to be part of it. Opposition says one person is to blame. President Pierre Nkurunziza must not come again. Give another candidate. Its not the only one man to take country in a war. Reporter people are watching their back. Voting in the president ial election may go relatively smoothly. Its what happens afterwards thats terrifying many. Haru mutasa, al jazeera bujumbura. The government is ready to consider a bilateral ceasefire with farc rebels. But the farc would have to prove it genuinely wants peace and agree to legal cases against those involved in the conflict. The chief negotiator warned talks are hardly advancing. Translator we are open to a serious bilateral and definitive ceasefire. Even before the peace accords and when we have the peace guarantees the taking of matters, say that this doesnt become something of a joke. Tens of thousands of people in ecuador has started to gather at the park where pope francis will perform mass on saturday. After his rieivelt arrival in ecuador people line the streets to catch a glimpse at the first latin american pope. Lucia newman is there sending this report. People have been lining the street for hours to hopefully be gain a glimpse of the pope in his pope mobile. This is giving priority to those often considered on the periphery. Sshes pope francis reaches out to people. He is with the sick with those who need him and ecuador needs him. Reporter ecuador bolivia and paraguay are the countries that have remained most faithful. The pope has said he wants to acknowledge them. Reconciliation, very timely in ecuador because there have been mass protesters against the government some of them violent over the last few weeks. The church has intervened calling on both sides the opposition and the government to call a truce while the pope is here. Second case of middle east respiratory syndrome, mers, there is no known transmission to the community. 36yearold tourist that showed symptoms after arriving in manila in july. The department of health says the government is tracing contact with people who came in with him. Last saturday around 11 30 in the morning we received a referral about a foreigner from the middle east. He was suffering from cost. By 5 00 p. M the test yielded a positive result. The patient was immediately confined and is now under observation, stable and very cooperative. A chinese tourist visiting tokyo has been warned about antichina protests. Some visit voors even beenors have even been attacked. Angry over chinas wiegur people. Almost 1. 4 billion people who live in china fewer than 1 are foreigners. But now the government wants to increase that number to 10 to improve the countrys competitive edge. That strategy also involves encouraging chinese ex patriots to return home. From beijing Marga Ortigas has this report. The first nonasian to deliver the news on this channel. One of only 8,000 people who has whats called a green card. This gives foreigners permanent residency with similar rights and access to social services as a chinese national. It gives you a feeling of being part of the community. And not having the hassles that i used to have when i came here show your passport. But getting the green card wasnt easy. The rules were put in place in 2004 but only those who made what the government calls exceptional contributions to the government were considered. Less than 1 are foreigners. Without dwreen cardswithout green cards they are issued special visas. Bit to further development and competitiveness in the world market the Chinese Government wants to increase the number of foreigners to at least 10 of the population and the main target is getting chinese immigrants to come home. The government realizes they have not just top skills in their profession but also, they have knowledge of chinese language chinese culture. Chinese business practices. To make them ideal candidates to attract back to china. Marvin mao came back from new zealand and successfully launched several internet companies. Im traditional chinese. World is flat for me. Companies that want to go public or go global, even more advantages for People Like Us to do business here. Reporter the government might be succeeding in making the Business Climate trrve for returnees like mao but so much more it has yet to do to keep all foreigners happy to reside in china. Marga ortigas, al jazeera beijing. The u. S. Womens team has won for a fourth time. Fifa president sepp blart blatter surprisingly was not there. The beats of football fever in vancouver. Womens football fever. There was no shortage of goals or red white and blue. Many fans could gist drive across the border to watch the match, a luxury not be available for the japanese. 1. 3 million fans in the stadiums watching the games over the monthlong tournament, there was a record, and with the tv audience at home, having the host talk about a future mens world cup event. Then of course theres fifa, the excitement of this world cup couldnt come at a better time for world footballs governing body. Fifa boss sepp blatter a noshow. United States Justice department refusing to rule out charges against him and his deputy. Fully to understand the politics surrounding this moment, their parents know and had mixed reactions. Translator this issue last come and always go. If the corruption is so its so much a part of it that its distant to everybody that watching the game, everybody that plays the game, everybody thats actually part of the game. The sequence of the womens game is a little bit different than mens. So away from fifa just because they dont seem to care as much about the womens game. Particularly when theyre proven to be corrupt. Opinion divided when everyone agreed this is on this day showed the success of the womens game no matter what is happening inside the organization that governs it. Gabriel elizondo, al jazeera. Hoped this will perhaps boost tourism, two males and five female were transported by air and road, it was a 30hour journey from south africa. The last lions in rwanda were poisoned by cattle farmer. To track any movement near inhabited areas. Plenty online, aljazeera. Com the world news is always there 247. Aljazeera. Com. This is techknow. A show about innovations that can change lives. The science of fighting a wild fire. Were going to explore the intersection of hardware and humanity but we are doing it in a unique way. This is a show about science by scientists. Tonight techknow investigates climate change. I can really feel it vibrating now. Its science versus politics. Do you know what this is . Its a snowball

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