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Hello, and welcome to the program. Im fully back table. Washington rolled out the red carpet for kenya as president william, brutal this week. The 2 countries, im mocking 60 years of diplomatic relations and theyre promising to strengthen those ties. Starting with secuity corporation, president router reiterated his commitment to sending a 1000 Police Offices to help restore order in haiti. The visit is also important for broader us africa relations. Washington appears to be playing catch up on the continent. China has invested heavily in infrastructure in numerous african countries, and russia has increased its military presence in west africa after a series of cools in recent years. So can washington fulfill its new promises . And how could african countries benefit . Well discuss all this with our panel of guests in just a moment. But for us this report from dimitri method income. Its the 1st official state visits by an african president to the white house since 2008 to can you for guess, washington is designated in kenya as a major non nato ally. It joins the ranks of israel, australia, capital, brazil, and 14 other states with the honorary title comes the promise of deeper financial and military cooperation. Thats it for from of years collaboration are joint check counter chairs and operations of degraded isis, and l should bob cost, east african mutual support to ukraine valley. The world a stand behind you and charter and our Work Together on haiti is helping pay the way to reduce instability and security president William Russo has secured investment with a quarter of a 1000000000. 00. Washington will also assist in alleviating kenyas foreign debt. 2 thirds of which is owed to china, africas biggest trading pot that we agreed on, the significant opportunity for the us to read the color to recalibrate it. Strategy since then, its support for applica discussed of the us African Leadership summit by enhancing its investment in the institutions of public on integration and increasing support for peace and security. Americas footprint on the continent has shrunk after a series of military coups in recent years. Since seizing power and july 2023 junction leaders in these. Yeah. Have ordered, 1st french, and then us troops to leave. You may actually call, you have agreed that this withdrawal will end on the 15th of september 2024 at the latest in the place. The generals have welcome to Russian Troops and stationed them after us base. After the wagon, a group of mass scenarios was incorporated into the Armed Forces Last year. Moscow is now openly increasing its influence in africa and was received a warm welcome in this year, where its pledged to help fight on groups that is under the, the terrors by killing our soldiers. Weve never seen a frenchman nor an american full on the battlefield. Its only them usually and who are dying and then you said and came up with africa increasingly critical of washingtons unconditional support for israel and its, were on guns, a President Biden is trying to win back some points. We share the belief in freedom, democracy, dignity in a call with a traditional song and dance team. It didnt go out to 0 for inside story the as well as now bringing our guests for todays show. Stella gara is a governance and security analysts who specializes in youth development. Shes joining us from nairobi, kenya in washington. Dc is david sion, a professor of International Relations at George Washington university. Hes a former American Ambassador to book in a fossil and a few of you and also, and i will be naked them as mandate research of with the east africa peace and Security Governance Program at the institute for security studies. I will welcome to all 3 of you. Thank you very much for joining us on the inside story so that you can start with you. So the 1st state visit from an african and leader to the us since 2008, we moved to is being featured in washington, the role that the red carpet for him. How is this being viewed . First in kenya . I think that the reactions to, to this visit, they are kind of who of course, ill be focusing on some of the issues that have been trying to address with the government, including the need for those types and reduction of all the for, and jeeps. Which our president has been doing the manual. They are canyons from view that they supposed to be central districts would mean that really didnt cost some audit. And so what do i be worried about that and how to do buckling, own or digging, or a special bring that but then disclose the terms of people who are really and how big this kind of a partnership would be. And so well do are looking to see what kind of changes would come out with this. What is the us between on both, on what a good you have to do in order to receive what theyve given all of us. And then you can see at the other geopolitics, how is this as a position to around this, the, the, the state or relationship with china. And i did meet that chain of custody itself in, in, in africa, shipping the investment for investing. Yeah. As well. We have a need, but were going to upset individuals attribute to maybe the us. So the mix reactions for these right, well, and what else, deeper into some of the issues you raised there. And i also wanted to find out from you, stella, what canyons i hoping that the president brings back when he returns. But let me bring in and by solution to the conversation. Now im baset or designating kenya as a major, non nato ally, highly symbolic. But what does it mean practically . They are many issues that are more important to african meat is like getting a permanent state on the un security council, or perhaps restructuring, global, Global Financial institutions. What will this, this designation change for kenya and for africa in general, as well the one tangible thing that it changes is to allow kenya to purchase certain kinds of military equipment from the United States. So it would not otherwise be possible. Otherwise, it is primarily a symbolic measure, but its only one of many measures that are being taken during the course of this visit. I dont think its the most Important Development in the visit so far. I think some of the Economic Issues are far more significant than this one. Yeah, and one of the most Important Developments also being that kenya has again reiterated that he will send a 1000 Strong Police force to haiti. Haitis on President Bidens agenda and bassett, a chin but not on william rotate was why is a us not committing troops when hated is in his backyard . The United States is committing a great deal of the funding of 300000000. 00 so far in order to support this Multi National mission, which will be about 2500. 00 troops and total or policemen. A 1000 of them coming from kenya. So the u. S is, youre correct, is not providing any forces, but it is providing a great deal of the funding. Nichols emma 0 thoughts. What are the geopolitical ramification of kenyas decision to send these 1000 a police force . A Police Officer has to hate the uh, you know, all the way to the western hemisphere to help with the unrest it. And this is happening, as of course, there are crises on the african continent that kenya could be helping with is, is this a strategic move by kenya . What would it get out of this . A fairly small, just about the african tragedies that are inexperience, that can able to assist, but also the questions are being raised to the level of insecurity in the country at the moment and questions so suggestively being asked about kenya is who been sending these Police Forces to, to id whereas on the other hand, you find the country is experiencing a lot of the security in, in may the parts of the country. So these are great. I dont, you know, that. So there is also a lot of concern amongst getting us on just about what kind of what ive done my desk, im quoting, but of course, um, why is it not . Can you also focusing on its internal security, which is also a big problem at the moment . Yeah, quite surprising stella to many people in kenya that the countries sending chose all the way to a to you when africa has no shortage of security. Needs to be met is kenya during the 5 men ministration spitting here to one of the biggest issues that has been brought to her on this is whether or not this is just being done as im going to be sure to receive resources and especially outside that examination the best that it wasnt attached to be so find very many kids who have had the many, many of the things that are on the safety of useful piece of number 2 of the fact that we havent even reached on what are all over the issue of the police to citizens, you know, countries weve seen have others and policing needs in the me. Theyre not offering this kind of subsidies of room. There was to the training and capacity all the Police Officers coming from 10 to 2 or 5 of the sections that are glad he has addressed the attempts to address these through providing training to the Police Officers. At least a 100 of them went to the us for training in between november last year and now and hopefully they have acquired the rights to the government is also trying to convince him that because bedroom from the re sport bedroom, fuller, i think you put them in full and those are drawn from a special oh patients. Oh that they have the kind of skills that 100 flat these 3 groups have been used, device terrorism to address extreme by that situation. And so i do hope that the testing situation, but then the question that kind of asking me is we have a b correct where hes full, we have a v by the police, will that response to, to the rest, read the violence and kind of let me ask you, this is the ask you that is going to be brought into into light and whether it was watching, get people always nice of addition, mentor to the existence there. I havent mentioned that there has been that the main, the in the, in the deployment because ive seen a lot of the banks around this issue last name that there was supposed to be around 200 bits of the ground as of yesterday. But the flight of the medium is white, as i told you, made have not been mention. So slowly, those would be 12. 0 uh, do you guys about why they have the different events and this condition of virus or the, or the input for the printer. Busy has to do with Something Else and can be Electrical Work is happening. And it has also been so bad condition along the way. And most of which the government have attempted to address to defense at that process, including the sending or by that sort of agreement with the, the government, the transitional, oppositional counseling, hygiene and bassett. A shame, what would the us be telling canyons . I mean, if it were in a position to do so, to, to reassure them that this, the police force thats being sent to haiti is needed and how important is kenya and also africa to the us as National Security outlook pro kenya is very important to our american National Security interest primarily, and the point of a forgotten east africa. He is something of an exception and it is somewhat unusual to have a place go so far from, from africa to too heavy. But i should point out that the United States as also engage in the horn of africa and support her both somalia and can you about the whole sure, bob terrorist organization, we have about 400 american troops in somalia. We have a military facility and can you all of this is a into trying to disrupt the option, bob thread, which very much impacts kenyatta as well as somalia. So there is a security relationship that extends into the 100. I forgot east africa the right time because im part and for can you do to make a damage to your thoughts about what am, by solution said they, how important is the security relationship . As far as i can use consent to king as what is being of it goes the security i liked to the United States. And these particular engagement between the us and the kenya is basically a very strategic one. Bear in mind can yeah. Hes um, they will just sort of get you put placed in that region that as often tends to be very turbulent um medium so. So then uh so um, so do i need self . I saw mine. Yeah. And can, you has oftentimes paid a critical or holding piece, mediation, conflict resolution. But of course, theres also security threats and 2 in the north of especially as mentioned, including the territories and, and can you. I was also for the wounded bronto steroids in my thoughts. And we started kind of canyon the United States pop up really being pulled up, waiting on issues to the we had come back in violent extremism and terrorism. So this particular cheap by present total and engagement with the us in prison. Bidens is also for the most security ties, especially bearing in mind that kenya is actually in august. It being very john, so it plays a vital role in terms of the just strategic engagement. So some, some Strong Security ties that both countries are looking to strengthen. You say, nick of them is a stella. What about on the business side of things . What do canyons help present router will bring back when he returns from the st. It is definitely looking forward to craig deals. This looking for 2 different kinds of investments in different sector and they have been versus mentioning of a many successful vendor to, to seeking a position to know when that then improve that. They the economy from that to what has been happening. The last couple of months king is hoping that the kinds of investment that will be injected enjoy and we will give them some reprieve from the tax special that they have been experiencing. But the other thing that can has also looking for is to continue enjoying the kinds of stuff that they have enjoyed, even on the front of the region. You know, that couldnt have the to insure and training the region and the certificate for me. And it has also been very grateful and some of that drunk of these he did in the last couple of years. And if you could get us, well be looking to see how would you meet your game ground based on going on the different to and all the changes at that point where i dealt with this new position and to chat with patients. I think it has also particularly looking to see how best kind of need engage a in a model that is going to provide employment in jobs when different people. So what to think of the present is going to be announcing what needs to be time. Theyre looking to see how those translates into jobs and disposable income into the pocket. So this gives us okay. Okay, so some very strong ties, as weve heard and, and by suppression, as you said, kenya very central to us off of good relations. And id like to broaden the discussion now if we can add a t 3 to us africa relations because theres been a bit of criticism of the by the administration present by didnt keep his promise to visit the continent during his 1st time. So is this visit by the kenyan president to washington and the voting out of the red carpet for him . Is that a way to make up for his lack of engagement with africa as well . I think that is part of the reason for this visit. I think it was the fortunate good having said he would visit africa and in 2023. And that did not happen. I should point out that some 24. 00 cabinet level officials have visited africa during the bite and administration, but that still does not make up for president ial visit. I dont think we, we should attach too much importance to a president ial visit is what the substance is of the relationships between United States and each individual african country that ultimately is going to be more important than a one time visit by the president. I dont want to go under state the importance of, of a president ial visit either. There was also ambassador the us African Leadership summit in 2022, which so a lot of African Leaders travel to washington and a number of promises were made then by the by mid ministration, where they executed with those pharmacies followed through well, its a, its always difficult to to document exactly what happens after one of these on meetings. Certainly i some of them, im sure, have not yet been implemented. Others of, i didnt have a lot of them depend upon the American Private sector in terms of Foreign Direct Investment in africa. And the degree to which those have been implemented, i frankly cant tell you the dollar amounts. My guess is that there have been some disappointments in that regard. Before and direct investment is dependent upon the American Private sector. And if you can get them to engage, theres not a great deal the Us Government can do about it except offer more incentives to engage. Which i think the visit by our present rental is trying to do on washington right now. Or a nicky him is your thoughts about this . How does this visit healthy us re engage with on for good . Not just in terms of quantity perhaps, but in terms of of quality what should be, which of washington be doing now to counter a growing chinese influence as tele mention, but also russian influence on the african continent. I think that you should be able to be worried about the they they didnt know. One of the diminishing in friends that it is of any of the content is envelop. Paula, shortened them by china and the raj. End of the me. Drange pas actually getting a lot of grounding, they pull in teams and they may be twine summer sessions. The question is actually, youll find that you never told me to gauge or measure the level from the december. Interesting to talk, your suffolk assignment is such indicators such as that, then you mentioned all the fact that other major powers are catching up with africa. And another example need, they will tell you to, you know, but i should look at this. I have, for instance, today is a little the travel in terms of us as influencing the core mean that but to be what, but ive been a Good Standing now for sure. The United States as your new tribes, truly in case the continent. Last year we saw their visit or Vice President coming to iris and save or african countries of cause the secretary of state and need can, has been a numerous of easy to the continent. But of course of it comes also want to see tangible results in terms of the infrastructure in terms of health or reach these particular treat by present thoughtful i have a lot of maintenance and promises that im going towards. I know just have i could catch up Climate Change and both as a development issues. So it is quite the welcome of a while to move about solution. Let me just ask you about some of the challenges that perhaps one of them the best catch is that the challenges that the us is facing in africa right now. And that is, you know, new share the last year change of nature of the relationship between washington any share. And weve had the pentagon confirm that the american choose those left in asia, i will be withdrawing by september. How does america, how does a us balance secuity partnerships today in africa with Democratic Values . How does it make sure that its not taken over by, by russia and china, on the continent . Or you, you put your finger on or on a real dilemma for the United States, which does offer rate on the basis of different various human rights principles and support for the rule of law and, and democratization, a western style of democratization. So when you have in the saw hill origin, as we have recently seen, a military coalition, where in the case of new share and elected government has been overthrown, that runs contrary to everything in United States, believes that we even have laws on the books that prevent everything except humanitarian assistance to continue into such countries. So this is a dilemma for the us. So theres no question about it. I was simply pointing out so that when you have a country like russia stepping yeah. And then providing small numbers of troops, basically offering a praetorian guard to the new military leadership. I am not convinced that this is a long term rice, a recipe for success for russia. In this part of africa, this is a part of the continent that is have many colors and things will change again some day and marble rush would be when that happens. Yes. Tell me your thoughts about what them by so it shouldnt just sit in this dilemma, but the us is, is facing an african or i view this from a very different bus that team. I am very keen on the interest of african countries on the, on the, the interest of Self Determination biopic and countries and a lot of the african countries are kind of really thinking how they have been engaging in 3 different buttons. As i mentioned, this is happening at the same time. When does this crumbled for relationships, especially from the partners with the kind of the governments. And this is why the was finding surgical procedure in the district and he travels like russia and in the and china oftentimes the government. Im looking for a friend in need, especially after the. Ringback the, the session, but for the, the, the call be back to me. And they also looking to, to, you know, provide survival assessing of the liaison for the, for the citizens. So the, the form or the, the entity or the government all day for an upgrade, of whos going to negotiate, you know, lead that looks beneficial to african governments, is actually going to gain feedback. And so maybe that has a strong everything into the and everything is up for grabs. Obviously the us part of frontier for that, and in terms of relationships with different governments in africa. And so these are at the defense event. And of course, we have an opportunity to, to improve some of this revisions and make them better or sent. And then we know the finish that they had, which is what i think. And the who is attempting to do with, with kind of right now. And of course, and kind of digging into by the rushes, digging by the sort of them coming with difficulties. But of course theres a lot more that goes into deciding who then becomes the who becomes and whatnot. And i believe that the, that we must be careful, even in this conversation, my last the weight of it, just african governments. Why bills looking at what the interest of russia, china, the u, as in indiana, play as one to come or vote in this conversation. Naked them as your thoughts, how do we balance the traces of everyone and how, which partnerships is most beneficial to african countries today is not just of course china and russia, but also wishing to key the gcc region. Express growing interest on the continent. How, which, which of these back partnerships is most beneficial to africa and African People not just in leadership. And how does africa balance these different interests . I will sure you will find that most of all these uh, this different uh, global pause of different and digital in the interest of one on the United States as he started come to be not good putting uh, development, but not to the content without a doubt if you look at the eastern titles of africa, can you kind of terms, i mean in terms of Health Position and relate to dish has to do with my labor yet each of the aides Climate Change, they noticed this has to be an upgrade stop button, a little bit button on the other hand you have seen in the past to dig gets the, the chinese of come with a lot of the funding, whether you find a little infrastructure or told about projects, which again is it was welcomed. And of course the other party, so you know, you know, with no strings attached, but the, and we also see the rise of either made change, pause the talk you that also offering the development button a sheet in countries such as designing a building, railways and the like the diesel, so now the going button often good. Hows Different Number all the development but not as individual. All these so big pause of a different day and im it solvable development assistance, right . A basset or a sion in washington dc. Ill give you the last word. What does the future hold for us on forget relations and what happens if come november . The by mid ministration is no longer in power. What happens if it trump administer a Trump Administration . Is back in power in washington . Or might, the Trump Administration did not show a great deal of interest in africa . Certainly the president , president trump, himself did not. The various parts of the bureaucracy remained very active on the continent. But i think that africa will do better with a, by an administration in the future, then it will with an a, another Trump Administration. Thank you very much. Thank you to all 3 of you for a great conversation. Make a demo as monday, stella a gara and david sion thank you and thank you as well for watching. You can always watch this program again any time by visiting our website that entre 0 dot com for further discussion. Go to our Facebook Page at facebook dot com, forward slash 8 inside story. And of course you can join the conversation on x ill handle. Is that a great inside story from me for the back to buttonhole team hearing . Go hi, thank you for watching bye for now. The when the news . Yes. Again. These palestinian families in rough rep what little they have following forward is from the east really military evacuation or risk that they went told russel where to provide safety. The closure of the Rock Crossing has prevented the departure of thousands of wounded people and patients who were waiting to travel among them is a 2 year old lumber of a holy. She and her cousin, sustained injuries, and isabel s try it costs money off to 7 months to the path for more than one point. 5000000. 00 palestinians remain some such and as does this apply to humanitarian aid into this trip with the warnings they could be further depleted. I was displaced from ill shoot you a tongue sierra 10 to daniel bella. Dental rafa. And this will be the 5th displacement, 8 Groups Holding for isabel to de escalate. Now and say there is no plan. Be for the people in rough. Interrogate the narrative. Theres no question about the United States is effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. Yeah. Think the correct but so in the International Community upfront only went out to do the challenges with 2 motors to take 90 to country and k o l g 0. Well, goes to gamut with political schools in the 1980s with sexual bias. I think there was a big back. So come many battles in which south humans president was part of a deadly game. I refused to give them my head, will give up power the killing of south pm and the politicians during a routine cabinet meeting. Age 1986, an estimate of an assassination on al jazeera, the. Ready hello on elizabeth for donovan. Doha would be top stories on al jazeera is around, has continued attacking it offline, southern gauze, at the spot. Did you ins, top court, ordering it to stop the defense of the strikes of a pool to that the all should boot a refugee camp and near the crazy hospital that will also attack some central gaza with 6 People Killed near the why . The guns, a bridge and the north of the strip is really false, is advancing into jabante a trying to take control of the refugee camp. The flashing that has intensified during the past 2 weeks on the south should east

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