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Could be on the way and the coming days as well. Bundles reports at least 26 tornadoes, ravaged, 3 states doing the greatest damage in iowa. Oh, it is just a rip, it gets hard to describe until you can actually see at the devastation, much of the town of greenfield population. 2000 was torn to pieces. Many residents are stunned and trying to cope with the extent of the damage done to pruitts family home has been wrecked. Just going to the most you know, like i said, just picking up stuff in the region known as Tornado Alley violent spring time storms are a fact of life. But this warm of twisters was particularly large and powerful, moving rapidly from west to east, gaining strength as it bore down on fields and farms. Residents rushed to shelter. We have some reports in the weather was going to be bad and there was a tornado heading our way. And so i took my kids to the basement authority, se multiple people were killed and dozens are being treated for injuries. When we have this many homes that have been destroyed and i just fully demolished, we want to make sure that every resident, every person has a kind of force. Trailers were flipped like toys in wind turbine smashed to the ground. Tens of thousands of people were left without power and the Weather Service says more storms are on their way over the next several days. Rob reynolds, l g, a 0. Subject of all the stories on the website. The dollars of adults comments updated throughout the day. We continued to focus on the continuing bombardment of casa in altamont, but listen, so ill be back with move in just into half of the time. But next all the, ill just say what fits starting in somebodys team here in denver. Thanks for your time. And your company, the team in the gaza strip as is there a lot continues. Theres a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media. And it needs to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanize as, as readings and actively humanize of palestinians. This is not the time for doing this kind of way. Tracking those stories examining the journalism and the effect that News Coverage can have on democracies everywhere. Here at the listing, the best the, [000 00 00;00] the. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 the. 2 the. 6 if we try to look at the big challenges, humanity is faced. I would say one of the most important parts is he considers ourselves outside of nature the thats wrong from the beginning. But we got used to it the end of the list and looking thats been me to send a b will system know that lied in of the community. The citizen is broken into this system. 2 those to skip into the committees list. 2 2 6 6 the we made a big mistake, educating children adults that we need to take care of nature. Nature takes care of itself. Getting what we shouldnt be teach it is. If nature does not function, we dont exist. We depend on the cause we learn from nature. We have a chance to move forward, the mental reason why we find ourselves in the Environmental Crisis that we do. It is because we lost our sense of connection with nature. The society moved from one worked with nature and we be nature to one extracts, uses and discards. That is the 1st disconnect that we recently need to hear. If were going to move into a better one. Were trying to think the year and changes are happening. But this is not how nature works and because there were things becoming explanation, were not really prepared to understand the urgency we are in the planetary flips, its not, its here the, in the ways to, well, the goal of the economy was so deep and implicit, we never actually discussed it, but it was endless Economic Growth shaped just like this, a growth cut rising for as up as to the ceiling. And its true that growth is a wonderful, healthy phase of life. We love to see our children grow. We love to see plants and trees and nate to grow, but nothing in nature grows forever. The dominant assumption is that every industry must grow must increase production every year perpetually forever. Regardless of whether or not we actually need it, the middle of an ecological emergency is clearly madness. Because growth requires energy in the more energy use, the more difficult as the carbon us rapidly. How do we find solutions . We have to look at the, we need a complex, a vision from one schuman flourishing, looks like in the 21st century. And funny though, it sounds, it looks like a donor, we need to take this linea degenerate to become like system and turn it into a subclass or cyclical regenerative system where were not using our past resources. We using them again and again, final casserly collectively. So that we work with and within cycles of living, well, theres one country thats closer than any of the to getting into the donut. And thats costa rica because its close to, to meeting peoples needs. Almost within the means of living planet. The in 2002 and the chemical factory and holland was very stressful time and i had a small heart attack was a big warning sign. And i decided it was time to go ahead and change my life. Die i saw this place was paradise. I fell in love with cuz we got, i decided i was going to go ahead and try to create a, a cuz the ways french america, people call it a lot of the resort of farm and living university. And its all those things for me. Benchmark artist living already, and this is an experiment i try to do it because of the possibility to see how the system works. It is the 1st place of your generation from regeneration is a, a concept that basically looks at the nature and says, well, this is what nature does. The system itself is design in such a way that he is almost perpetual. Whatevers left over from one system is food for another system. The leftovers from the restaurant can go to feed the animals. The compos goes to the orchard and produces more food. And then you see everything, tying it together and i wouldnt call a circular economy. I would call it letting nature be thats how forest works as being very creative and imitating this, the of the, the, just the, the deal local knows go. This is the say sign is 27 percent of the predictor. Went to a lot of the noise. So let me hit the youngest out. I key. I said, bank then you said on foot, there we go. 1190 a bit when i got another the x and c back in of them into a nina. But i swear the political system, e keeper, and lose radical. My a blend best unit, ask you so, and thats pretty made ascii distortion, and in no system under handed us here. Then we left the village, gate bung, painted on the left, on the ceiling is but a deal with the splinters, suicide really nicky. And the system process a little bit canada i see on post them into some process. So they go more or less, especially if she and then im going. The ceiling is a visa, but i was suspicious. The input of boise to is that most of that is a way for those ease, ease me my data out the so if you send those to handle with the fundamentals, learned he, uh, the money that to send even the even seen it at the butler, i meant the wrong which of us, which of my son said these small changes are immense. I mean, the, if you think even on the human scale, its the Little Things that so you can have both arms off and still have a life. But if your chemical composition is change just a tiny little bit, youre dead. The. 6 6 or we cannot only single planting trees as source and capture card because as the planet gets hotter and dryer, were seeing forrest bird. If we look at nature, nature has me capable of pulling c o 2 from this guy and putting it in either feet. We can work with instead of thinking, we need to get rid of all the cap. We do the listing crazy approaches we need to understand that the perfect espn to me of the good and if the cow is not perfect, does not mean that its not good. A well run, man, it juice capital. The way the should be managed. You get the carbon sink with station into that so that way ill wait. What ever negative consequences to mess and press induction of the couch . So if we add regions of agriculture and some cattle grazing was present of agriculture, we can capture almost a 150 percent of carbon every year of the issues we were certified darby neutral with a negative footprint. 1275 tons. We are contributing somewhere between a 150. 00 and 450000. 00 every year to the world. Ringback we know that weve got this, weve known for a long time. What and how to change the pieces. I think any business should have a triple output for life, for people, and for business, im not against profit and more profit, the better, more money to invest. We cannot grew intentionally, it wont work, nature does not work like that where were not losing the battle. The industry comes out with something new and the consumer starts going crazy again and, and discarding things that are perfectly good that served as well. So everybodys looking for that new shining, seeing, winning. In reality, we need to look at things a little bit more. I agree for, you know, a 100 years and theres a huge chunks of our economy that are totally a relevance to human well being. And we would be better off and help them. We should always be asking gross of was a and for whos benefits. Mm. A 1000. 00 worth of cheer. Gas and bombs is big. This is valued exactly the same as a 1000. 00 worth of health care. It should be cleared to people that aggregate growth and g p has no necessary relationship to human wellbeing or to social progress or anything like that. G, d, p, in never mission developing as it grows. Any policy grows. Many people idealize norway, or sweetener germany, s countries that have achieved fully. But if you look at the planter boundaries there so far exceeded that they are completely under developed countries because they were able to satisfy their social needs by being a parasite to other countries, to the rest of the world. Taking resources, way above way beyond their country. See that is not developed because of all cases where like norway wed be dead already. The, theres not one single country in the world that you quoted self developed that said its costa rica and jordan and colombia. And maurice just that a closer than others on a farm on modest income per capita. It is possible to provide decent life for all people close to within the means that the planet would. You would say costa rica is the poor us nation and world because that had none of the features that were valued before. We have no fossil fuels, we have no metals, we have no interest today we realize that was a blessed because having no fossil fuels, we had no other option but to produce all electricity with clean energy. And this is a really important example because it gives us hope that there is the possibility of getting the, the we need to build a better system that will make the oven. So least a lot faster. And if we can bring by regions to regenerate life, not only human life, all life forms, well start moving into a Better Society that wont even care about gdp the but the truth of the matter is that we today are in a moment in time where we can go back and reconnect the thats the 1st see without us nature still there, but it just becomes a little bit less the sounds people wish for awards crisis to make this change. I dont think we have enough of a crisis right now. We have to understand that this is a moment for funding the mental mindset change and not have any patience for those who are not willing to collectively contribute to that the theres no excuse for us not being connected to ensure because we always had it. But you cant blow out with you dont know, you need to go ahead and experience it. And once you experience it, you have to learn to experience. In other words, driving through nature doesnt do it. I think thats a human choice that we have to make and to understand that we are all interconnect that we are all part of the same width of life. And if we understand our sense of what is right and what is wrong with fund a mental issue, one of many books up to him is what needs to be done. See on that machine and i see on him is so note over guessing boylen got forward. You say they did either conflict. I mean, so they had it said we went over it to us. So say youre lucky, dolcy stem cell is 2 daughter buckling, but it depends on how many posts you sent me that this one in the vehicle im interested in the, to linda to dallas on a solo lesson. See on getting some be in get nothing speed you go for them. As i put in that of age the i work for many, many decades trying to change concepts and we wont be able to change my sits at the speed rate. I dont see the people that fly and private jets not flying approaches. So if we do return this practices, they can bring it by diverse and they can store carmen, that can harvest water that can make rivers flow again and bring life back. We can do that without taking away the jets of anybody without taking way consumption. Im not saying we shouldnt work on reducing consumption and changing lights. Im just saying we dont have the currently, the capability of doing it on time. So people sitting on the glass buildings can still be talking about g d p. If theres a culture, if theres that active society, nobody will be able to start the case that is due to the school as well. But lets say a couple of days is you, is that what i mean . What from the 40 k j not. What do you mean . Most of those in the people going to change the deep mindset. So weve inherited it stops in the classroom teaching today, students the ideas that actually stuff and, and i think we do this through showing places that are actually beginning to try to turn around a few drawing new images that give us literally a new picture of the kind of economy, we want to create the new ones, like you said, yeah, click on the seo and this has been whats going on. No, no sort the bucket less but sonus given in this, put in a sort of thing and then going through and his phone what i would just put on a summer desk, a solution and i see what the plan was intended going processes. This is cecilia. Either she knew that of going the see on this bucket levita, florida is going back up the bus and seem like julian know, the question is what we teach. We have to teach and to me at 251. 00 and a lot of nature, its not always about mashed. Its also about spirit the we need to learn that we can only move forward by collaborating. So its not competition, its collaborating. Its coming together. And i think youth is ready for that. I think thats the only way we can change the system. I want other people to learn from what we did and with better that to be for me making me happy. We need to make the best of our time here and try to do as little damage as possible and enjoy life as much as we can, the, the nimble so set price points having the labels god knows this past is last 4 months. They can associate sick with nick goodness, and thats at least a little more till they and they had on one planet the but a less the do thats going to it. As soon as cape limit the most, i had an associate whos the development that im the 9 us closest to most member to open a little bit. So and my, my sleep is good, but its so nice through the handbook. I mean the and there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken active risks making that boy saves her how many disasters do we need to start taking action in the fights against the climate . Catastrophe this generation is trying to save the world. We are in an emergency right now. When you do the much destruction, youre gonna face the consequence nature and then i will just be a risk new series dying now or never will youre looking at now is below the slope from the nearby to pile landfill. Garbage has reached a height of more than 35 meters and is well over capacity. This is just one of many landfills around the country that have exceeded capacity, mostly due to an excess of plastic pollution. Indonesia is one of the well to talk contributes has of Plastic Waste accounting for around 7800000. 00 tons each year. And its at locations like where i am on the outskirts of jakarta, where you can see the scale of what Environmental Groups cool. A Plastic Waste crisis, the most common plastic pollution engine asia are single use sashes, which Environmental Group say or small, but accumulation add to the countries environmental button entities is government says that it is working to address the Plastic Waste problems and has had some success in making this and such as reducing marine Plastic Waste and promoting recycling, the refuge and goals that is a full sized bottle of balls and the school sheltering display civilians killing 5 bottles and 5 children the products a whole lot. But you wont be able to save a lot somewhat headquarters here in the hall. Also coming up. Israel recalls that some basset is from pilot spain and no way up to 3 european nations announced the recognition of a palestinian states. Also, taiwan mobilizes its full size up to china. Begins ministry drills around the island and find the present and will not crawl polls. Tools with leaders,

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