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A deliveries in rockland because of a renewed as really offensive in southern gaza. They menissi right in the pod westbank city of janine kills at least 8 the we begin in central golf where at least 10 people, including a pregnant women, have been killed. An overnight is rarely strikes. It happened in the, the wide area, buildings sheltering the space people were targeted by the strikes. The bodies of the dead and injured were taken to lock. So hospital indeed all by law was rarely forces out once more laying seized 2 hospitals in the gaza strip. Almost 200 people, patients, their relatives and medical workers have been trapped inside the out the hospital in northern clauses since sunday is rodney smith is aiming at the building on a rock. It has hit the 5th floor. The army also opened fire on the come all odd one hospital forcing stuff and displays palestinians to flee axles. They move, which has more the chaos and fear with north and gaza. As promised in his credit for safety, seeking refuge from relentless darkness. These really army has fired them to come out to install spill building is bait lie here for some patients and medical staff to sleep among those evacuated are premature babies and beds with the patients with chronic illnesses and i was going to yeah, i really do not know what they mean, but is there is no explanation for the attack or medical facilities. Its out of hubris, february, and bob or isnt these right . These are acting according to that desire and no one is able to hold them to account. This patient for example, has a fractured hip. Really, i dont know what to say to come all up on hospital is being targeted by is really for assistance sunday, despite international laws, protecting hospitals. Stuff say they have been intentionally targeted uh for the most part of this is the less facility that provides medical services in the north of the gaza strip. Its clear that this barbaric attack was targeting on duty medical staff in the reception and emergency section. This is further evidence of the barbaric nature of the occupation. This is really military offensive, is ramping up across the gaza strip. A drone attacking the yep. And the refugee camp killed a young palestinians venturing bouts to find food. Survivors were taken to the barely functioning q 80 hospital in the rough uh the 7 month is really a sultan garza has already devastated most of the strip and cost attire humanitarian crisis. Intensifying siege is also causing severe food shortages. Pushing palestinians dangerously close to family. Access items, how does their to the main you and the agency for Palestinian Refugees is a spending Food Distribution to displace palestinians in golf a self in the city of rough. Uh that is because of ongoing pricing in the area between the is riley army and alms groups. Im in order for me all me to flee the area and rest supplies and nearly depleted off the israel clothes landbers into garza. And roys golf is not just distribute to a few days and all cause already has moved from there all by that and central golf zone. The lack of food in strip more than half the population of the gaza strip that completely rely on Food Distributions from under what, under what reduce that they will suspense, or if we distribution due to the lack of supply and security. But lets, let me explain this. Were talking about more than 1000000 palestinians who were seeking refuge. And therefore now they have been displaced for more than a couple of times they are. They moved to con eunice and to the middle area and they do not have any type of food assistance. The price is in the gaza strip are very high, where people have not been working for more than 7 months. Right now they, they spend all their savings and the only way theyre relying on food and getting food and feeding their children is under one other 8 organizations. But this was expected, special needs that were more than 2 weeks. Now. Nothing is being entering from cut them up asylum, and the rough on crossing were all of the committed to use the food committees and the fuel are not in during, and this is leaving for a very dire situation in the causes trip. Lets get more on that announcement. The owner is suspending operations in rafa. Ill just there is Gabriel Alexander reports from un headquarters in york or the un says all of the major border check points were a is supposed to come in. The guys that essentially are not working. The roof of crossing the un says remains closed. The care of boost salem crossing. Well technically open. The un says in practice is not really usable and the error is crossing and the north closed on may 9th and hasnt been open since. And another crossing called areas west in the near. Busy only allows such a little 8 in its negligible, our colleagues it onto our report that today the agencies Distribution Center as well as the well food programs warehouses both in rafa or now inaccessible. Jude ongoing military operation on was says that its Health Centers have not received any medical supplies for the past 10 days. Despite this Health Care Staff continued to provide thousands of medical consultations each day and Health Centers that are still operational, un humanitarian worker and gaza. Say there operations, there are near collapse gabriels on to ill just see that at United Nations in new york as well as administrative communication has revokes and add a, a decision to shop down the a p news agencies, not a Camera Position in southern israel. The Associated Press is now reviewing the live video feed that overlooks northern dogs. The strip is there any government has also returned broke costs equipment. Seas from the news agency on tuesday is rarely authorities had a keys and these agency evolved using the nearly institution find on out. Is there a Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu . His government has found out. Is there a from reporting in israel to well, in a statement the Association Press welcome to decisions saying it was pleased with the development. But it was still concerned about these rarely governments use of the new, far and full costs and know on the ability of independent journalist to operate freely in israel. An official has more on this from washington dc. The associated price is one of the biggest names in american journalism. Its headquarters in new york, and theres offices around the country as well as around the world and clients around the world as well. When the white house had what the use really had done, they asked them to rethink and return the equipment. And they use the diplomatic levers and the pressure that they have to manage to get that decision over time in just a couple of hours. Now you remember when ill just see it was blocked from operating in israel by the is really government. About 34 weeks ago. The white house then said that this was the correctable. The express the Consent Agenda list should be allowed to do their job, but they never put the pressure on the way they did over the last few hours. That pitcher is no backup being fed to clients around the world. The israelis close to dont saying it was a threat to national security, but its a very wide short. Theres just a pool of smoke over northern guy. So theres very little detail in it. And that was obviously challenged by the united states. And the whole decision has been challenged by a number of free speech and journalism advocates in the us. In fact, the National Press club based here in washington, dc said that this was yet another example of is really aggression against journalism organizations trying to report the water and gas it all the pressure ill just say to washington or at least 8 palestinians have now been killed by the is really on the, in an ongoing rate on the janine refugee camp in the occupied westbank launch numbers of soldiers and vehicles storm to come a surrounding areas at a on shes day off the move in 19 hours the way that shows no sign of dont pig reinforcements were seen entering jeanine a short while ago is 21. 00. People have been injured on the palestinians. When present says is there any troops stopped one of its ambulances from carrying victims out of the account. The abraham reports for 22 years. Surgeon was saved a bidding work to save lives at the junior hospital. But this time, no one was able to save his after in his way the rate on jeanine in the north of the occupied westbank went about to do something today. And i didnt recognize him at 1st because this per either can legal gun fire continued as i was trying to help him, but he was already dead. She was always there for patients while he was on and off shift. I might be next just because im going to work. It was 8 am local time on tuesday. When hes read the army started advancing towards virginia, a refugee camp. At least one student and a teacher were shop that can move to follow up for the students had the final exam. So we heard that one teacher has been injured in the right. So we started calling the parents to pick up the children. There are a few decap is still surrounded by the way the forces making. Its hard to count the number of casualties, which is the are so far as the major damage to roads and buildings is really army also demolished the home of a palestinian flights are killed a few weeks ago. But the main goal of the rate it says is to target palestinian fighters jeanine, which is um, i would co call it a and many garza so in, in the west bank to us for many weeks for months now. As you know, because there are many pair, was there parent infrastructure, weve eliminated tear as they are. Weve apprehended many terrors there as well. So far, local sources say the ones to were all civilians even those reporting on the story were not spared. This has become common for palestinian during the discovering israels military raids freelance camera man, im in my hospital was shopped in the back seat and a group of journalists were surrounded by israeli forces. So they tried to move for safety. It was out of the honda we clearly identified ourselves to the soldiers who were nearby. We were wearing our press gear and we were clearly targeted. The shooting even continued after i was shot so far, only one person has been laid to rest. There are others whose bodies are waiting the end of the rate to be buried. This is a story that is often repeated in june, 1 of loss, pain and destruction. One that would go on as long as is real, maintains its occupation. The he just eat a, youll kill probably to a thing, palestine in the us next year of stay on the blinking has been trying to convince congress to fund his departments 2025 budget. As far as one goes, a is a focus with this senate is showing a growing pauses on divide tico heinous, salacious of the few hearings on the hills. The same situation sworn in the protest began in the morning and the afternoon. Oh, thats to recommend this island protest continued read. So tans framing the secretary of state on the prosecutor. Its an International Criminal court seeking arrest warrants for the leaders of israel and come off blinking promised to work with congress to find a way to punish the i c. C. Lets look at it. We want to work with you on a bipartisan basis to find an appropriate response. But the bi partisan divide over israel was on full display as Democratic Senators question the recent state Department Report that said, while it is likely israel has violated International Humanitarian law using American Made weapons, the binding administration did not take the steps that would have cut off military aid as required under us law. This issue does not require additional investigation. Weve seen this play out in real time. And um, the report stating israel is doing more to get humanitarian aid in. I think thats grading on a curve that if thats sufficient, that anything sufficient for many republicans, their complaint that the binding mr. Ation is pausing to shipments of 3500. 00 bobs at every stage. You have been telling israel do not kill the terrorist, and that has been from day one. The Bottom Administration is asking congress for 64400000000. 00 to fund the state department and other International Programs in 2025. The proposal gives you create an additional 482000000. 00. Israel, 3300000000. 00. As for the palestinians, congress has voted to cut off a to enroll the main Relief Organization for palestinians, for the 1st 6 months of 2025. These budget requests are very rarely agreed to, and in fact, the us congress has only passed all the Appropriations Bills on time 4 times since 1977 on israels war on guys are blinking. Basically said the same thing. Hes been saying for months that israel has a right to defend itself, that its not doing enough to get humanitarian aid into gaza, asked repeatedly what the us could do to see changes on the ground. He didnt really give an answer. Patty called alpha 0 at the capital. So it has on the out. Is there a dollar problems noise wrap up that case without the former president taking the stands in his house money trial, columbia as president announces action up to recessions of revel bond. The, its a hot forecast for many is a hard for one. Lets get going with your weather update. Colors are on dark, the red, the hotter it is, parts of the same province and bucket stand closing in on 50 degrees in jacob a bad i do think youll get there later in the week. Now through the other side of the border in northwest india through punjab, the National Capital region are just starting to pradesh like this. Temperature is exceeding 40 some cases 45 degrees. But lets take the colors off. Weve caught quite a bit of rain pouring into careless state in southern india, same through the northern bodies and all of this what weather will crash into that western side of sri lanka. So Copious Amounts of rain to go here over the next little bit. All of it stretches across the bay of and gold pours into the end of it and see runs into the south coast of myanmar. Crosses the border into thailand, injecting a lot of moisture into the atmosphere for indo china. So chavez and storms here on wednesday, showers in storms in southern china, thats moving across the taiwan through pads, re go islands. Its just going to clip kyushu islands, but for the rest of china to the north, the low river valley temperatures in the 30s, and there is some of that rain getting close to kyushu, and our biggest burst of rain for indonesia will be central. Callum 910 on borneo the a meeting of minds with israel committing genocide before our eyes. And none of our mainstream politicians across the board seem to have a problem with it. Campaigner andrew fine, stay and photographer shock you do on, on active is on the crisis against each one of us. These are with this and this is upon us. As with this is to be able to validate for the seeing around the studio will be on scripting. Part 2. 0 no disease. The, the the welcome back to watching out. Is there a mind the thought top stories is our really forces all attacking the 2 remaining hospitals in northern dasa patients and medics of playing the come all at one hospital. Meanwhile, hundreds of people are trapped in the o aldo hospital, which has been on the sea since sunday on rise funding the distribution of food, and says that can no longer operate due to the stress of his rarely attacks. The closure line crossings to placing it supplies the attorney forces of killed at least a palestinians during the raid. And janine, in the old pod was fine teacher, a student and a surgeon are among those killed the state funeral will be held in the coming else. But rawlins late president abraham racy, he was killed in a Helicopter Crash on sunday, along with the foreign minister and 7 others. His body has been moved from the Northern City of to breeze to, to hong before the burial. Later on thursday. For years, sanctions against iran forced it into the periphery with countries afraid to deal with the wrong because of us pressure the crane war. And the imagines of tentative economic blocks has changed how it wrong is viewed and dealt with. A said vague takes a look at how tight runs International Standing and relationships have developed. Recent years, its ukraine will, may have rallied the us and its, you repeat allies against russia, but that wasnt the only alliance express accent and solidified the ring and drones used by rush. It had been instrumental in the wall used to strike ukrainian cities an oval. Well, its a defenses. Its brought the 2 countries closer together. Its no longer the case that countries us try to be seen to do business with here on. The country officially joined the bricks group this year. The alliance of brazil, russia, india, china, and south africa, along with other countries like side year radio. It was a move to ends, us attempts to isolate their own through sentients without the economic duck Office Access to fast growing market and opportunities for mutual cooperation. Iran assigned agreements with india, russia, and china, and develop many of those relationships under the presidency of a brian, right . You see who died this week . The war on cause it has also thrust iran into the spotlight. Its a major supporter of posting and resistance groups. The us was eager for it not to be dropped into the will. The region was put on fire the 20 ringing strikes. It is written targets. Retaliation for the is ready bombing over wants embassy, damascus, strike, which kills 2 of its generals. And made it clear that the runs a major pair that can exact its instruments and its relationships with countries around the world means its no longer isolated of huge the way the us would like it to be said big i 0. The judge in greece has dismissed the case against 9 egyptian men accused of causing a deadly migrant shipwreck in the mediterranean. Last year. They were facing charges of people smuggling ahead of the trial, right . Police tussled with 1st test as outside the courthouse. Demonstrate this claim that the 9 men were being denied a fat trial, a keys, the green coast guard of failing to intervene and rescue efforts. Of the 500 people went on board. The adrian now only a 104. 00 rescued. 9 people have gone on trial in germany accused of attempting to seize parliament and i have as for the stays, they include an aristocrats, a form, a judge, to senior on the offices. In total 26. 00 people are being prosecuted in 3 related trials and what is being called one of the most complex cases. And recent chapman history, dominant came reports. He is accused of plotting to over throw the German Parliament uninstalled himself as head of state henry, the 13th prince voice, a man with an hour socratic background to prosecute his se. Wanted to bring back the old imperial german heis after a qu data among those on trial with him or a form, a judge and 2 x senior officers, colts Officials Say its one of the most complex cases in recent german history. Its kind of hard, its impossible to say how long this trial will last. The court has ordered a scheduled about 50 days up until january, but this not an indication. It may last much longer. It depends how much testing monday, the defendants case. One of the central charges is the royce and the others use these properties in the states of tilling to formulate the plans, including one where they faxed illegal weapons and ammunition for their alleged to the most of the defendants have been in custody since their arrest. Maybe 18 months ago, including this lady gets mazda didnt come on, who was still a civil judge when she was detained, but was once a member of parliament for the far right alternative for germany, or if de potty, its alive, she knowingly showed fellow conspirators around the book this talk was still in Office Defense lawyers reject the charges. One behind. The original royce says his client has been demonized. I bet you as this folder is portrayed as some big monster who was the lead of the whole thing. Its just not true. The media push investment and it shouldnt be wrong, but we will rectify that. The defendants so boldly part of the iceberg. A movement which does not recognize molten germany, but leaving the pre world war one imperial predicts as a lives on which explains why this building was so important to the royce group in its current guys as the bonus tag, prosecute to say, the accused, wanted to seize it and to throw after the selected members, but thats the old rice tag. It represents the time of the cases which they allegedly wanted to restore. The Authorities Say these defendants believed in the so called deep states theory. The lawyers say theres no evidence they committed any crimes. Dominant came houses, era bull in the criminal trial, or former us President Donald Trump is entering its final phase. On tuesday, the defense team rested its case without cooling from to testify. He is charged with 1st the full counts of falsifying Business Records to hide hush money. Payments to an adult film actress christian select me, reports from new as the defense rest of its case. And the 1st ever criminal trial of a former us president after calling 2 witnesses. And donald trump wasnt one of them. Instead, they honed in on Robert Costello a lawyer who disputed claims that donald trump knew all about efforts to silence an adult film star and paid his former fixer Michael Cohen to do so. Terms of payments to colon are at the heart of the charges. The faces 34 accounts of falsifying Business Records, that cohen admitted on the stand that hes lied under oath before the prosecution had no choice, but to put Michael Cohen on the stand. And thats what they did. Of course, he present certain difficulties. The jury saw documents e mails invoices, phone records, and even checked, signed by donald trump and heard from Stormy Daniels who was paid to keep quiet in the run up to the 2016 president ial election about an affair. She claims she had with him, and they also heard from media mogul, david packard, trumps co conspirator, and the hush money scheme. But the prosecutions case largely comes down to cohen and what he says, his former boss knew. So thats the great big, cant present any evidence that directly shows that he knew this is only information in trust. Hey, the only way to present that evidence is by presenting Stormy Daniels, Michael Cohen, david peck, are people that have spoken to trump and can tell a jury that was being tapped behind the payment. Trump, who denies all of it, reserved his commentary. So the cameras expert the jury will return to the court room next week to hear closing arguments and begin their deliver ration solved. 12 jurors must agree on Donald Trumps guilt or innocence to avoid a mis trial. Kristen salumi al jazeera new york, a fly from london to single pul, hit turbulence, so severe that one man died and thousands of those were injured. 10 hours into the flight, the plane dropped around 6000. 00. We fees within this space for a minute before regaining altitude. Passengers that when wearing seatbelts were catapulted into the ceiling and objects was thrown across the cabin. And it happened that lets see both sides. What not on. Because i didnt hear any kind of tone like that. That usually goes on the face in the intercom when to see about sign goes on as well as no announcement from the pilot necessarily. I think the pilot was meeting just trying to deal with the, with the situation before you could even really tell everybody within the plane to grace so hold on or to buckle in. So its you really just have to work with your instincts, like i knew there was some, there was a lady behind me, i think from us who was on buckled, but she baby to quickly buckled in like the people who didnt respond or were sleeping with the ones that unfortunately many like separate a lot from the incident. Columbia and present gustavo petra, will travel to a Southern Region on friday in response to the detouring thing security situation. Spencer, group of former fall cripples is launched, a full front offensive again state forces as under up at the center this report from. But with that in the series of explosions of the rock columbia, its called a tile county region over the past several days. This is whats left of a Police Station in the town of morales, after a blast, killed several officers and injured and the 6 others authorities believe the far gmc, a rebel group is to blame for the violence. The groups western faction walked away from the stocks with the government in april, starting a full scale assault and the region where they operate. North ship. By the way, well say we want to go see a new c spy with the e. M. C. This criminal organization has shown with its attacks against civilians in this region that a truce isnt possible. President gustavo pay through order defense minister in the military leadership to immediately travel to the area and establish a Permanent Security Council calling for a total offensive against the group. He also replaced the armies chief general louisa spina who had come under fire for the deteriorating security situation. Alco residents say they have been increasingly terrorized by the group name is. Its very distressing, especially for the children have know what this fighting is affecting the school of it. So have to you 50 security expert, Elizabeth Dickinson says the violence is the consequence of an increasing fragmentation of columbus internal conflict in recent years. And particularly since the pandemic we saw the ultimate, there was a trend toward consolidation

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