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You kinds of 2nd largest city will have the latest from the israel has carried on new air strikes on the body, a refugee camp in the north and holidays or the night strikes that killed the 6 people in the house, sheltering the space to palestinians. And early february is rarely forces withdrew from knolls and draws on saying it had destroyed last battalions there, but its forces of re into that area and resumed their tax. Or some of them debate begins, are coverage in the crowd, which evaluated refugee camp palestinians have very lifting food of water, no medical services, and nobody else to go. In his regular moms keep following him. Many Civil Defense workers have been killed, wounded, arrested, those dest struggle to reach the wounded, as there are no lights or even street that are left. The thing is really will things, but the house with 30 people were taking shelter. Think it only took over 200 people and 6 parties. The rest like thousands of, of the palestinians. They mean better than the rubber children among them. Best now, booth i do popped up. I mean you, i mean, we was safe in this house. We did most have any strangers with us, they were only women and children. Here we all know thomas or fata, all parts of islamic jihad, there were only civilians um children in this house. They told us to move to the suppose its safe place, and all of a sudden the house falls on top of buttons and then to say it ought to refugee camp. This is the daily struggle as daylight brings into view the cottage of the night before and all to come in sight of children, parents and relatives in the morning as the number of that has been rising every one of the last 224. 00 days in the to the end of the cost with was it inside the you in run school, just base people from northern and since you got the had been children care, palestinian said those as arrived, well have to keep moving as one place after another comes into attack. Hell equipped in short staffed hospitals including alexa, come on with one employee. The hospitals are struggling with the high number of patients and physician is miserable because it is always, always because its a actually, its more which with a we are spending with thing and its in spite of the shortage over them. But it seems to be bigger than the sports of whats the point and the cause of the closure of nicholas gates when we are completing a muscle v short. Daniel, these communications, these really minute disclosure of fold crossings into gauze that means lit late can get in the us as it was able to deliver some through its new floating pit. But thats far from enough for 2000000 palestinians trapped in the strip under continues but bought some of them. Jobby houses there. Oh honey, my flood joins me now from there all the while on the central part of the gaza strip. Hes just outside the citys main health center, the locks the hospital honey. Just coming back to whats happening right now and your body. Weve seen this incredibly heavy offensive tanks on the ground funds from the its now been going for nearly a week. All people on the ground, the safe, i know people started returning after they were told that the area had been kid of the yes. Well, in terms of the safety of, we can safely say there is no safe a place across the gauze and from including javante, a refugee camp right now with whats going on. Because you cant simply, as many people have expressed that in a frustrating where there is no safe zone, there is no safe place in a war zone. Whats going on in july, theres just a reminder of the initial weeks of this genocide on were in whats going on right now on the ground constitutes the agenda genocide. Theyll acts as there is a clear, a deliberate that talks on old means of life, including the public facilities that the schools and hospitals, and also remaining a residential buildings or by the refuge account of the initial weeks of this genocide or what was fond, relentlessly and easily by it is really military entire residential, the blocks were completely destroyed with people given as little as a few minutes to evacuated. These Residential Homes, the number of civilian casualties inside these Residential Homes when it was attacked by its could be counted by the hundreds and right now, not only were seeing air attacks in our dealers today, but also there are military activities on the ground using both those are that are so far abusing major parts of giovanni, or if you can be right at the entrance of the cam, its still very close to the edges of the northern city. Thats a big lie on between. Only creating what looks like more of a buffer zone. And creating a road for days really military to move freely on. Its similar to what is happening and its 3 juncture just within the past half an hour we confirmed reported from an eye witness on the ground and your body. Or if you can work, a group of people were targeted by a drone missile that was fired, the them, these people seem to be getting moving around the refuge account, looking for some Water Supplies and food supply at this particular hour. Because as soon as its dark, its very difficult. Nobody can moves outside their homes or the shoulders or days that question centers in the common 3 people are reported go the right at the spot and many other injuries were also reported. Now, there are so many people are still trapped inside these Evacuation Centers with no food or Water Supplies. With this for the past 6 days, you speak there about evacuation incentives. In our psalms report, we heard about an attack to on you and school in there. All, by the way, you are all people still pouring into that area, given the strikes that are taking place on what is supposed to be safe spaces on the measures were right now, the notions of safe zone doesnt really ring a bell for people hear what theyre doing people here like to stay in groups, right. Even though the city itself has been repeatedly targeted, but people are looking at where there are people to stay in the, the like to be around them because can, this is that it might be shocking for our viewers, but people see it here to die with a group is that are just then dying, individual athletes. It will have someone to take care of your body after you get killed. This is exactly whats going on and this is the narrative among people. People are pushed to the edge right now and the real lives there is no safe place that older more people keep pouring into their velocity from rough, all the way through the central area. Mentally here at there is block city. The city is running out of almost the so all of the space and infrastructure and facility, there are more people who are going through a other, a central part cities, including a bridge and my god, the refuge account, the new site on that is, by the way, under relentless artillery shilling for the past couple hours, there are reports of many people who are injured and transferred to allow the hospitals. Thats a small chargeable Health Facility in the site on an events where they are transferred to a lock. So hospital again, the term safety here is become a luxury for people, people who are not believing it because it has been so far. Its very misleading contradictory, and they people end up being killed here. And weve seen that happening within the past few days. People were killed within 2 days of their arrival to their but i city when they were born inside a Residential Home that they took as a shelter honeywell floors at the with ordinary life. Just for us on the ground from daryl bella in the central cause district. Thank you, honey. As well, the fast shipments of a have entered gauze are using a new pricing pay that was built by the us military. The us says, 90 truckloads a day will be delivered using this temporary installation, enabling some 500. 00 tons to enter the strip in coming days. Well lets take a look at where it is on that his web appears. Locations you said thats for the south, then originally planned. And thats because the last moment he is really on the also to be moved closer to one of its major check points. United nations is to coordinate the distribution of the aid officer to unload it and then inspect it again by is there any forces. But it says, if israel continues to prevents the entry of fuel into the strep, theyll be no way for it to be distributed. Despite this new maritime card or land still remains the most effective wave a to reach palestinians. What are the i spoke to john cubby, the White House National Security Communications adviser. I began by asking for his assessments of how this fest age of every one so far so good. Weve got about 300 pallets of food in today. Were hoping in coming days to be able to almost triple that quantity and we had to be for, for the 1st, for the 1st day, we just wanted to make sure things worked well. So we were trying to not be too overly ambitious, but we are trying to get to get that 8 increased over the next 72 hours or so. And we hope to be able to do that. Weve had terrific cooperation across the board. I mean, this is a real multinational and Multi Lateral effort. It starts in cyprus, were grateful to the leaders there in cyprus that of allowed shift to come in there with aid and assistance all the way, getting it to the peer. And then all the way in is rarely have been very supportive of this. And its a Multi Lateral effort across the United States government with United States military building, the peer of course. But usa id really taking the lead in terms of how the eightys is getting to the peer and, and being managed over that causeway. So theres been a lot of teamwork here again, so far, so good. Uh, were excited about the possibilities. I do want to address one thing that you sort of alluded to before coming to me and thats, its not enough. So im not stuff getting in right now. Period and the peer itself is temporary, peer will not be on the all on its own to get the kind of food, water medicine that the, that the post and hes living in. Gotcha, so desperately need. We got to get those ground crossings as land crossings opened as soon as possible. You say that we need to get land costs open as soon as possible, and theres hardly anything coming through them right now. Rough as close con, let me tell him, is a little bit better. As youve said to this, these ratings are being very supportive century blinking and present 5 and have said time and time again, that it has been us pressure that was getting a scaled up. So whats stopping that from happening now . Well, when i said theres really been support of, i mean of the temporary peer, they have been very supportive for their role in terms of helping get the material from the trucks and the causeway onto the marshalling area there. Sure, but clearly not enough is being done to open up the crossing drop the account shalom up for further north. These crossings are still, as you rightly said, largely close. Thats just unacceptable. Of israel says it sounds the bodies of 3 captives in garza and we can speak to a cost on an inbound con. Hes in the gold in, in capital. A non reminded to my view is israel has shut down alger. There is operations there and we on our pushing from outside israel and iran. Let me ask you what we know about these, these bodies that were hearing about from, from these ran these right now to well, of these is really all these folks been daniels, rigari actually gave a price conference where he said that the minutes we had recovered a bodies of 3 hostages from the goal is to strip they actually with named, its a gather into, i mean both scalar and shiny. Lower shiny look is actually a jewel gym and, and is riley national guard. He went on to say that the bodies were recovered in an overnight operation carried out by the military and sion. But we also have now know that these people taken hostage by him us by says from the supernova, Music Festival on october. The 7th. We also now have a statement of from these ready Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu. He says, this terrible loss is heartbreaking. My wife sarah, and i agree with the families, all of our hearts are with them in the hour, sorry, we will return all of our hostages. The living im the deceased i like but this is not going to be good enough for. Ready the bring them home that campaign the bring them out and campaign of the Advocacy Group that uh, working on behalf of the families of the people remaining captives dead or alive to try and get them back. Theyve been hugely critical since october the 7th of the lack of effort space sites. The Prime Minister hasnt done to try and get my board to try and get people out. So they said that is a ceasefire available. They should be the bodies being released up. The problem is that simply not doing, you know, so expect in the coming hours. Perhaps not just a hit from the bring them i campaign, but to see people out on the streets and tell them from seen this in the past before. Its one time he is protest when things like this happen and wrong given not building pressure on this and yahoo around his cabinet. Im wondering where the torques are at the moment. All the even talks going on and is really engaging with him on the, on the issue of kept his right now as well. Everything the way hearing from the tare media, it says egypt to mediate says, is that the tools have affective lead failed that was around it, folks happening uh, there were a significant relative to what was happening during what they would dumping as the remedy on seized by the seized by the holy month that was 4 weeks ago. That didnt happen then though with this more efforts by the egyptians to try and get the 2 parties together, then we heard from a spell, i need a just a few days ago. One of the leaders of a mouse who actually said we presented to the is raised with a deal that se rejected right now. Theyre all ex folks going on as far as we know. But we do know that whenever these tools filed, there is intense pressure from the categories from the directions to try and get those talk started again and wrong con. Now with all the very nice just for us. Thank you and run a reminder that hes covering this from amman because he is around has band. Ill just hear him. So were reporting from outside the country as well as the head here for you all. Now is there on a produce in paradise report from chalet on times to shut down cold production and import town the had a low the despite it being a very hot picture across much of south asia. We all seen some very wet weather over the next few days with a heavy rain picking up the southern parts of india, as well as the shore line can. Thats a head of the monsoon. You can see the heavy rain picking up as well across from central areas own sack today with heavy falls to the north east of india, with that rain touching into bungalow dash as well. Because of much of a north of india, the heat is going to continue to build places like rock just on the also new delhi with the temperature lingering in the early to mid fourties. Theres lots of heats coming in for pockets done as well more in the way why settled weather in the days ahead. Well see some way to weather. However, starting to touch into in bunker thats bringing the temperature down to closer to the average. Thundershowers that on monday, and the rain is set to pick up the southern parts of japan and Southern China once again. But on saturday, it is looking launch me settled with bright to skys temperature is sitting well above the average across the Korean Peninsula and into northern parts of china. It is going to turn much went to however, of course, most central and southern areas with some of those thunder storms in hong kong. On sunday im reaching of mines. The tragedy for me, of a democratic solved effort there. Its how quickly we sort of adopted the very told re global, know the intertwining of money and politics campaigner, im to fine stay and photography shockey do on the, on active is on the crisis in gauze. What is happening today is happening on our watch. The news from now there will be people asking, how did you let it have the studio will be on scripted part one on on disease the the, [000 00 00;00] the welcome back to watching out to 0. Lets remind you about top stories for sound. Intense baffles, taking place between is rarely forces and palestinian arms groups. And giovanni, im in northern garza, at least 31 palestinians happen, kills across the street that stay in while the us as the 1st trucks carrying your monetary and aid of and took gaza via a temporary pair. But 8 groups have reiterated that land crossings can bring in much more a much more quickly. Want us to get into this a little bit with time. Our community is an assistant professor Public Policy at the institute for graduate studies. Tom and i literally just the, the last hour i spoke to john covey, the National Security uh, Communications Adviser at the white house. And i asked him about whether or not this gives these rallies, unexcused essentially to keep land crossings coastal, or at least the stem, the flow of aid through them. When he said, absolutely not, this is all meant to be complimentary. What do you make of that . And what would we believe could have, i mean, i mean, the americans failed to keep any promise of us. Since onset of this work, i mean, they have grown so many do so many deadlines that is on the surface across them. Theyve been complicit motor lesson. This at the wards and kind of seen us have every reason to be worried about dispute, because its stuff this is for a new stage that signal is up, but the thing is will not be in control of the livings will not be held in garza before this war uh, lets start 1st was just the clear, of course the dispute has a very, very limited capacity, and this is according to you, an agency. So it will not be able to address the us needs the best human field and development that able to cover the needs and the future of the guns us even at scale about capacity, theyre talking about a 150 trucks a day. Thats obviously less than a 3rd of the 500. 00 that were coming in daily. But of course, and the other question is why the puter, when you have, i think 7 to 9. Well, for sure. The border crossings including the egyptian, the crossing with egyptian side, which has been for the operation of im function that an old what the need it is is what is that all 4 more to 8 to come in. But these ladies have been refusing to do so. So im, im, and most importantly the timing. So now a week, a week after, is it a, uh, takes over the rough posting, which was the last remaining crossing that was operation of between egypt and lesser, of the peoples thoughts functioning. Now to relieve is that i have from the responsibility to have is it a these cutting what the plan to do and rough off, which im sure the americans know about. So the timing is very suspicious for it, but a stain is you close that up for and then couple of days after the period starts fully functioning and its signal for something bigger to come. And im, but as soon as out of what it, what it, because then what did that, this would be a new occupation then what did that is that an establishing then its sodium quota door, which the pewter also uh, is linked with basically. So basically you have a medical supplies coming to, is it a 80 the names have even quoted or control, but it is like the army in the middle of the guys a slip cutting doesnt into to have so. So of course, i mean the steps that im done a lot of we dont know. What does this mean for us . Thing isnt the future because a few is a keeps closing, the official one of the crossings. And on the other line on this limited the condition to think, aid, influenza. I mean, we feel for the last time i stay with me because i also want to ask you about what weve been seeing happen in the hague, in the netherlands, where israel has again, rejected accusations that its carrying out genocide and casa lawyers. Israel has told the International Court of justice, it has the right to move ahead with a full scale offensive on profit to defend itself against them off on thursday. So dont forget, also go to all the israel, just dont its offensive on the city saying its a violation of the genocide convention. Isnt as, as ive used south africa of operation on behalf of floss effect. It has a clear anterior motive. We need to ask you to order is ready to stay away from your office and to with 0 or the troops from doesnt. It does so in order to obtain military advantage for each spotlight from us, which it does not wish to see the feet. Its a tom earlier we were talking about how does that has essentially become the test of the International Justice system . How do you think its holding up when we talk about it and see whats happening with the i c j. So when it says that the fact that is engaging with this case broke us off to its goods, thats what really matters is the outcome and the results. We dont want another somebody needs send the making a bigger somebody send the guns a slip, and then the Community Takes the use and use for it to recognize that this is a genocide. I mean its unbelievable. I mean, without a spect, i mean to dimensions the way the one is functioning that, i mean, the one that was spending so much f for these couple of these days to discuss the on the shows, the data memory, the subunits. So genocide which is built in the perfect but at the same time there is an ongoing genocide happening under its watch and its not able to stop it. So what we expect from the u. N is an integrated u. N. The functions as an integrated system, where do you have, i sent you an ice se on other limitations to get things that equipment date to immediately stop this war and open investigations. And secondly, we want the time, the other is positive, you end up x. Now. Now to end this budget and the clinicals civilians, and we dont want to put upsides running this process. And so the one is it under a huge pressure and its being tested now. And if it fails on this, then we should worry about the future of the world when it comes to these mechanisms of justice, time of commerce, thank you for sharing the thoughts on joining us again on options here. Up as a of the of the opinion minute treat says the front lines have been expanded by nearly 70 kilometers off the russian launched. A new push from the north. Ukrainian president brought to me as landscape visited the engine troops to boost morale. Hes described the situation is extremely difficult to our home in the sense as this update from call kings in eastern new k. Its now been moved in a week since Russian Forces crossed over the border and into north east and ukraine. Opening up a new front in the fence, if its taken about 200 square kilometers of territory there on that board. What the training government is said that its now containing and stabilize in the front line so that theyre not penetrating any further into the country. But the ukranian heads of the forces has said that it was so rushing through this or extending that front of my mouth. Suddenly, the kilometer is of an effort to draw ukrainian reserves and reinforcements that thats a problem to ukraine because its already being outmanned in terms of soldiers, in parts of the front line, even before this new offensive. Ukraine said that there was 7 russians. So just to one ukrainian, so just so thats going to put fresh pressure on that pool. So how to keep the city itself where we all, thats ukraine, 2nd largest city. Its home to more than 1000000 people that soon so being attacked fairly constantly by the to the point where on the side of the city had an air ride a lot to move in 16 hours, but so long as a regular since the early days, the full scale invasion back in 2022, im russian pool says they say a using especially guided phones. They can be dropped by russ complains outside the writings of ukrainian defences. They have wings on. They have such a light in the navigation systems, and they can then travel tens of columbia to zip note the to get to the target. And that is often been buildings here in the city. So the pressure on this ne, them reads them in ukraine, still fairly intensive. This point, john home and how does it a hockey . Meanwhile, the Ukrainian Drone attack has caused Power Outages in the city of sylvester, poland crimea, according to rational authorities, south side images. As you see, the show damaged russian will print your pains at the bell back at base, which is nice of us. Depaul, Ukrainian Forces have repeatedly attacked refineries and all the Energy Facilities inside russian territory view and human rights chief says hes horrified by the escalating violence near the sued in the city of al vasta agencies and chad bracing for new ways of refugees. As the fighting ensued on continues like 100, already been hosting about 410000 series news refugees from the previous stuff for crisis, creating a shop increase and fuel and food prices do and estimates the best conflict on going after. Moving to yeah, has created the Worlds Largest displacement classes of about 9000000 people. With our d as in chat, expect the number of student use refugees in that country to rise by about a quarter of a 1000000 to move 8900005 december. About a half a 1000000 students have also fed to egypt, maybe 840000 in the south suit on and just over 23000 to Central African republic. Their whole 7 more than 14000 People Killed since this conflict began in mid april last year. How copeland enrolled in chalet is due to start winding down as part of a government plan to phase out cold production in the country in the city of made on is schools and residents are suffering from advanced stages of cancer due to contamination from the ponds. Youre seeing, youve been helpful every days, the line swimming from their lair to the beach of michigan, eunice, in northern chevy with the disappearance of their natural prey. These one self sufficient hunters of the sea, or becoming akin to beggars, relying on handouts from locals. Thats because the coast of mickey units, population, 13000, is home to more than 40 industries, including 12 caufield thermo electric plants. The consequences of industrial pollution are everywhere, as is fishermen and none b. A genie, a high rise, a what i got into the crops are all black underneath the cold. So when you crack them, the meat is all black 2 and that proves there, contaminate one fisherman, horses, son just tells us the floating waste from the nearby factory stings to the touch. Which you see here is a catch of muscles or in Spanish Mission eunice or these. And thats what it is. This town its name, the fisherman used to be able to get these just by going about 20 minutes from here and there boats. Now we have to go out at least 4 hours, sometimes overnight, a day, even 2 days to be able to bring back as much as this. Because its the only way that they can bring back a product thats not contaminated. They say studies show a lower mean levels of heavy metals in the water, including mercury. And that town has one of the highest cancer rates into the. For me, not only by this is convinced that her 16 year old daughter is 5 really tumors and auto immune disease, with the results of her having a large amount of local shellfish which she was pregnant like allow. But the doctor asked me if i leave them a helio and is no wonder he said, and the air and the water contaminated even the machine. But its difficult to prove and even harder to demand compensation. Cold is being phased out to reduce to these carbon footprint, but the industry is responsible for the damage thats already been done or not the the li, liable because they didnt violate Environmental Standards at the time they were built. Making you and this is one of chillies, 5 thermo electric centers, nick named sacrifice sellers, c b a, b as belong to industrial, which provide a lions share of employment. So people think twice before complaining and that effect environment. And that has and given the shortage of alternative work here, the people of making units are left with a few good choices to see and human al jazeera, mickey, eunice jenny,

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