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Ground. Where electrical interference is, can actually disturb it from this to your magnetic storm. And thats something that were watching quite closely right now. Its normally airplanes of grounded or redirected around wherever occurrence of being reported. And weve seen this back in the 2003 halloween to your magnetic storm. This is exactly what happened. We had a cross diverted to make sure that they run our incidences, but our infrastructure is designed for us to be able to control when we turn it on an offset. For example, our ground stations. Here here on the ground, were able to turn them off to limit the effect that a to make a big storm like this might have. So we do absolutely have protocols in place to try and limit the damage. But we have seen in past, you might ext on that sometimes if its not completely successful. So what were seeing is that instead of needing to be quite far south or north to see the aurora, its creeping on down search. Uh, one of the best bits of advice is just go outside when it becomes stock in the evening and try and catch a glimpse. You might even be able to set your phones to take a Long Exposure image to try and catch that beautiful ribbons of dancing line across the sky. And yes, if you do have safe, solar viewing equipment, that is substantial to actually see the sun spots that have caused this on this to your magnetic event. So it is, there is a bright side to this. Yes, we are concerned that it could affect our infrastructure, but it really sometimes is omar. So once in a lifetime, opportunity for people who do not live near the north and south poles to see over an action, the ok, the news hours at the top of the hour analogy 0 in this project table, have more news for you. But coming up next its the street thanks for watching the of the. Ringback the student processed in support of gaza all growing as new encampments continue to pop up in the mid v as really on. So on the left off. What is this Global Movement really about . Im trying to achieve its goals. Im mary impulse. Why im, this is the stream in time to grow. The sure. The the n y p d swept the entire lawn, calling out piles of students personal belongings. You can see a lot of their tense backpacks, food, the save, how do your student boxing detention suspension. These are some of the penalties faced by students protesting for garza, with over 2500 arrests. So fall in the us to learn on multiple injuries, the consequences for students all serious. But there are also some wins for the demonstrates as deals are being reached and a number of universities have agreed to divest from israel. So whats next for the movement . Lets say from those at the hearts of it from dallas, texas mesa, um it has actually a student at emory university, an executive board member of emory students with justice in palestine. Kendall gardner, a student at Oxford University in england, who is a member of oxford action for palestine on christopher lacquer bessie, a, ph. D student at the university of chicago, where he organizes with students with justice in palestine. Welcome to you. Oh, last week we add all fast episode on the Global Student movement for gaza. This is a comment from one of, of you as to the establishment. Couldnt give the movements a better push and fuel than by sending a violent cups on peaceful protest as this force is on stuff oval. It has become a global fight of this generation. A symbol of rebellion. The global majority can identify with. There is no coming back me some i want to ask you about your campus income and which was met with some very serious violence. Why do you think that isnt . Do you connect that to all the struggles that you engaged in . For example, that with regards to comp city, yes, 100 percent. I do just to provide some broader context. So every university invests in a program called gilli. And this dance for the Georgia International Law Enforcement exchange program. And in this program cops have been, since actually, elena, Police Department officers have been sent to israel to trade was the i, yes, you very is really Defense Forces which are committing atrocities on the ground. So facilitating the apartheid, the ethnic cleansing, and the genocide of palestinians right now. And our very own atlanta Police Department officers have trained with these people the idea. And we definitely think that is contributing to the extra legal, brutal violence that we are witnessing on campus that we are being met and their Police Response to situations that are already completely calm and non violent. Furthermore, we definitely connect these struggles with the struggles of stopping cop city. Once again to provide some context. Cop city is a 90000000. 00 project and at last 65. 00 millions of dollars of that which is coming from the pocket of atlanta tax payers. And this is a program which is going to establish basically a mock see in the will, lonnie forest which is near atlanta. And its going to take up about 65. 00 acres of that forest land. And its going to provide a moxy for these already extra militarized cops to train and, and basically further cultivate that military presence in atlanta that the atlanta Police Department already have things and yeah, so obviously yeah, on thursday morning of april 25th. We were met with 3 different Police Departments, the every Police Department. Yeah, lot of Police Department. And then the gsp, the Georgia State patrol who brought in their state troopers to supposedly de escalate. A situation which like i already mentioned, was by our ports completely non violent and peaceful. Yeah. And their response included, you know, teasing students shooting a tear gas out our fee. I had to your got shot literally right below me was very hard to breathe. We were a tackled, we were salted all for protesting genocide, and its honestly center. We are on it that they would meet us, which such war tactics when we are just trying to protest a war which has resulted in a genocide of innocent civilians in palestine. Thanks my son. Christopher, youll and comment was also met with some violence and you had an interesting tactic with regards to your conversation with the police. Can you tell us about that . Sure. So i wouldnt go to tactic exactly what happened is that they waited in a very cowardly way until everybody in the camp was either sleep or gone. And then at about 4 30 in the morning, they stormed in, in riot gear. Will be 40 or 50 of them screaming and charging at us, throwing hard objects in every direction, chairs, wood, plants, etc, trying to just destroy the camp and suppressed the movement as fast as possible. But um, yeah, so what, what essentially happened after that is that a small group of us managed to sort of form a line and fold it just outside the quad at the central campus where the kept it in. And over time, this was probably around 5 am. Overtime we started getting more and more support and people started showing up in a numbers and the cost failed to actually can us just office and eventually they, you know, set up the girl and tried to push us out and we were able to hold them off and it was in that context while we were standing there and this, uh, uh, so i guess stand up with the cops for hours that i was asking them to. You know, basically this is the reality of, of cause its a reality of 2000000 people in a go, im being systematically starved, brutalized annihilated, every university destroyed every hospital bond, mass graves underneath hospitals discovered so you know, 40 percent of even the front of the land is gone and the entire population is on the brink of starvation. So my question to that really was, so can you really look at yourself . Uh, they continue following orders to suppress the only viable National Movement against this genocide right now. Um and can you really look at your kids faces knowing how showing that youre going to be after you continue doing these things. Ready and i was trying to express to them that you know, the difference between them and us is that, you know, every genocide depends, not just on a few individuals like that. And yahoo, as democrats on a claim, it depends on the whole network of complicity. A network of implicated people who incentives. Ready or another agreed to go along with the orders that given i agree to go along with the prevailing societal currents dictated by those in power tango. And can i ask you a somewhat conversely, oxbridge seems to be taking a relatively soft touch so far, so it might be perceived, the oxford students are just having it, but if its only on the noun, how do you ensure that you pharmacies take your stone seriously or yeah, so um, 1st of all, as you can tell from my voice, i am an american and so im very acutely aware that the policing context in the us and the u. K. Are extraordinarily different. However, the u. K. Police are still a colonial entity. They still cannot be trusted, and i still do not have confidence or faith that they will not escalate on us. So thats something that were taking seriously every single day. Our cabinet is not a jolly space every moment of every day were thinking about are huh. And that in and of itself, mix this space that is full attention but its a subject to 2010 talk to the by people outside of the in cap ment. Maybe thats not cops for us, but theres certainly been um, people that we have needed to kind of get our Security Team to deal with. And we see our role in this moment of kind of bringing ourselves into a global base by launching oxbridge encampments. Were showing the world that the students arent going anywhere, and then we will not stand aside as our comrades in the us are brutalized or thrown on the concrete or having riot gear and tax brought upon them. My alma mater to lane brought tanks out on the students and ox bridges. Here it is. We are going to globalize this movement. You are not going a fan. We are to be aware of that. We will need to do what we have to do to get the university to take us seriously. Yeah, so that we can have it here and intense negotiations. Well, the university of buffalo not have broken o institutional app academic ties with is ro, trinity college. Dublin has pledged to cop ties with these really companies. Meanwhile, in the us, several and comments, including brown and north west and have agreed to either de escalate or this maam. So on the basis of negotiations with the universities, he is the university of california announcements. A long hours of negotiation yesterday. We have decided is that we have the agreement that robustly nice are the man the the mesa m all these agreements to negotiate a window for the movement. So yeah, lets be clear definitely. Um, beginning dialogue with our University Administrations that you know, discuss how to reach our demand disclosed, divest, and protect the students as quickly as possible and as efficiently as possible. Those are obviously very good and very crucial 1st steps. But we have to keep in mind alternately, these are our demands. Our University Administrations to disclose all financial investments. Divest from all is rarely companies and all companies that fund the apartheid, the, the cleansing and the genocide of post and use. And we want our University Administration to provide complete protection and is due to all these students being under arrested in these protests. So i would stay away from calling these negotiations in absolute when, because simply having a dialogue on how to quickly and most effectively reach these demands of ours. That is the expense of our negotiations. But as far as settlements, we are not going to settle for anything. And i repeat anything that is less than these 3 demands that we have demanded. Because ultimately we have to keep in mind our goal here is the freedom of the palestinian people. We cannot stop and we cannot rest until they are free from an apartheid state which suppresses them through systemic racism as an a cleansing and genocide. So the true success will be one argument or reach and ultimately one. Palestine is free from his real well senator Bonnie Sanders is one of many whose drawing comparisons with the process against the war in vietnam in the 1970s with Media Coverage. So part of rise, all the process misunderstood his professor for hash. The media in particular, is known by the quick to understand the seriousness is to, to protest. Because ill need to disclose to serve assessed with formal political power with political parties, elections, legislation, policy may cause little bits. Does this tendency to depict any groceries movement of an outburst of tales of these . Im not the cool forces trying to disrupt everyday life. And no reason other than some said grievance. That couldnt be further from the truth. These parts to organize that coordinated space of being peaceful. And they have a clear set of the minds which are which evils the fact that they disrupt tibits will certainly understanding because that is the point. Students often feel they dont have much formal political power or academic power, but what they do have is leverage to disrupt the life of university andrew, wider attention to cause that they feel. And i think many of us as faculty and in the wide world will say, sale or questions of life. And christopher, a recent you got poll showed that 53 percent of adults felt the College Administrative decision to spread, suspend and expel some pro palestinian processors. Was about right or not harsh in austin, the older people get the hall, should they think the punishment should be . Im all these process miss understood. And of course, in some cases i think misunderstood, is too generous the worst and others that i think. Yeah, because of how cynical um, how a selective Media Coverage has been there are a lot of adults who, you know, sincere, linkage st having the reason not to believe that were not just a group of some sort of hodge podge of anti semites is unreasonable and our kids, people that are just, were building for the front of it without knowing what were doing that. Um, i mean, i gave an interview which went somewhere if i were, which was the occasion for meeting bye this year. And im glad that that interview went very well, because i think the really important thing is communicated in it. But i also find it sort of depressing because that type of interview could and should have been already given countless times by countless students around this country. And across europe, like theres nothing i said in the interview that thousands of students on every campus would not say if they were never given 4 minutes of air time of the camera. And the only reason that happened to mike, because i was involved in a police stand off, and so they were some of the larger ones. Um, yeah, but yeah, i mean that the coverage has been so um, uh, defamatory that worst and carefully curated invest that every time you give an interview, and you try to communicate the gravity of whats happening in casa and the urgency of this moment of the collective responsibility, we feel as taxpayers in the country in the us, in the u. K. Who are extensively involved in and in many ways presiding over this genocide and stuff gets completely written out of it. Never. Ready in favor of a fluffy store. Ready is about like campus tensions and free speech and whatever else, the point, those children who are starting to death right now or the point. Well, kendall, a recent poll by hobbit sense, a 3rd american Political Studies found that 2 sides voters today believe that its not safe to be openly jewish on university campuses. So many of us have been echoed in the u. K. As agers preston yourself. Is this a fab reflection of the situation on campuses . Absolutely not as christopher, just point out. Im also here because i went viral as a jewish person, speaking for palestine. And let me be clear in this moment that should never have had to happen. No one should be deferring to jewish people to be the voices for power, city immigration. And i have a lot of complicated feelings about the role that im taking on as a jewish person in this movement. Because people for some reason still think that they need to defer to jewish voices to believe that a genocide should end. And that is ridiculous. A orn cabinet is a safe space for all people, but especially jewish people. We held a teacher and im anti semitism and, and design is im yesterday that i led rolling a ship off on friday. Weve been having productive conversations that i think need to be having that should have been, had had publicly for a long time. But what actually somebody has an actually looks like when its not being instrumental lies to brutalize the people of palestine. And as a jewish person, what im most worried about um, for my own safety is the way the anti semitism by the all right. By raping nationalist spine, youre not, this is not even being focused on because instead those people are being invited to israel to support the genocide of the palestinian people. And so if we want to have a real conversation about jewish safety, what that means is committing to deliver ation of palestine. And so many people refuse to understand that refuse to engage in it because of a media narrative that is being propped up by our governments in order to support their complicity in an imperial settler colonial project. The jewish people have always been opposed to error. Some design is im have listed as designers have existed for many young people joining the movements of a support. A palestinian abrasion has also challenge the wide of views about society and also received. Listen to this is all video of bb, netanyahu talking, and if this isnt as american as apple pie, like he was like, yeah, were going to go in or off. Uh, were going to take over like the way i just said that and seeing that kind of shifted my perspective. Because i feel like a lot of people are seeing whats happening right now with casa, as america doing israels bidding. But the reality is, is real as an american colony period. And we can draw direct parallels between the way that america expanded west and what is happening right now to post it in the process of land, seizure, divide and conquer practices of incentivizing settlers to moved into occupied territories. America has perfected the genocide playbook and i think its really interesting how it kind of gets to be like, oh, were just getting our strings cool by is real blue, blue blue mesa universities have spent many years now talking about the need for the colonize ation. Full anti racism, what do you say to those who say the colonized vision isnt, say a rascal. I mean, the content vision here, this is another reason why the movements have spread. So globally, so quickly, because everybody is seeing that israel is simply a neo colonial state and that is for those who dont even want to define a call. And i vision as something that has ever left. I mean, really like we are seeing a live in strong and israel right now and there subjugation of the palestinian people. They treat them like 2nd class citizens in their own homes on their own land. Theyre subjected to different legal systems, different educational system, simply on the basis of their res. It is textbook definition of apartheid. And it is the textbook definition of con. I vision. Of course, if i want to ask you about this idea of awakening in kendall, i come to you straight off to that the, the video we just saw, sort of suggest as a kind of why the awakening happening is that yes, i think so, and i think that that is precisely why were so such extreme forms of new mccarthy. A refreshing and Police Violence right now is because the Political Class and Business Class and Corporate Media can see very. Ready the ground of shifting and young people and increasingly large numbers of all races, religions, backgrounds, etc. And are seeing what the global south has been saying about the United States for decade after decade after decade. Which is that despite itself, the image as. Ready sort of the generous benefactor to the world. It. Ready and not just a neighbor of genocide and gaza, it is an imperial, and that is a fairly huge portions of the world that behaves an expletive and brutal fashion that topples governments that will whenever they cease to do its bidding, that imposes vicious sanctions regime. So countries that refuse or, or resist reading change efforts. And so when we talk about the case of palestine, it goes on as well. If it accuse us of singling out israel is if its some singular evil in the world. And i think that what the present, the tick tock says very important. This regard is real, does not control the us. And israel is not the only evil actor in the world. Israel is as nixon ones put it, one in americas cops on the be in the middle east is our of the. Ready was formerly britains now its ours, and we are invested in it as it help posts to further our own internal interest in large portions of the you were, are going along this as well. Um, but in this sense that there is not simply as rarely occupational post any land and people there is a us as rarely occupation. And that has been the case for more than half a century, such as is rarely a part of his us as really a part time. Yeah, no, theres not just a. Ready set of concerts, us as your insurance and so in this has to confront the reality of gaza. Um, in this moment is to confront so much about both the colonial foundations and the imperial operations of the United States. And that is the, the reckoning that i think the Political Class is very afraid of, because it cuts much deeper than just stopping one genocide or giving one sci fi or Something Like that. It comes to the very core of the conversation here in palestine and the dismantling of an imperial regime that has been a global nightmare for so much of the world for more than half a century can do. I want to bring you back in. That was something you wanted to come back on. And i also want you to tell us a little bit about what these and comments represent. Yeah, so id like to add to these points. This is a British American imperial project, oxford man wrote the balfour declaration, and part of what our encampment is trying to do is to really show how flu the this d colonization rhetoric is an academic spaces arent cabinet, sit on the lawn of the pit, riveras museum which is the museum of colonial atrocity. The museum has taken um human remains off of display and still have them in storage. Diekama innovation is not theoretical is material. And that has implications for our campuses. See what our encampment represents to us is a sort of reclamation, a trip, trailer reclamation, and many ways of what this university is supposed to be for it students. And i think that what that represents on a global scale is, are solidarity with these territorial, the colonial movements that are happening all across the globe that have been happening all throughout history about what it actually means to be called eyes. It means listening to the laboratory demands of colonized people, giving those people um the right of return to their land. These are material things and the Political Class does not want to engage with that because it has material implications. And it means that the status quote will have to change the arrow keys that we have in place will have to fall. And that is what the operating is trying to really hit home and you k as well, because this is the imperial core. Yeah, this is where the mandate of palestine was palestine was created. Yeah. And the university of oxford and cameron is not going to go anywhere until that idea is reckoned with. Well, thank you for that candle uh with so many students preparing to graduate at this time. Of deep up people we wanted to end today. So with an address from palestinian student, i sure i find that from the university of illinois, chicago, i urge you all to acknowledge the class of 2024 of has done that no longer exists students that will not be walking their stage this year and 14000. 00 children who will never walk a stage ever again. Celebration without acknowledgment, would be an injustice on behalf of my people. And so my fellow graduates, i urge you all to advocate and go against the grain. I urge all schools including you, i see, to drive us from Companies Complicit and instruct. Done. Let us be the generation that holds morality close to our actions and hold each other accountable in times like these. With hardships we face, there will always come ease. And as o b one can know via stated, may the force be with you and all of your degrees. Thank you to our guests, may son, kendall and christopher. And thank you for watching. Do you have a conversation or topic that youd like to see us take on . This is also your show. So let us know using the hash tag or the handle h i stream and well look into it. Stay awake and ill see you see the brian as well. Um one says its too soon to know if this new currency, the ball because it will make a difference to his daddy like like millions of other People Living in a country with one of the highest deflation rates in the world. He wants to bobbys economy to improve physics, replace this and bobby and donna and the steps i go to says and find cars. Commodities such as inputs, you tease, rent and fuel a paid with us dollars. That means and bobby, and still have to change the zig on the police to the new racing. A legal mind me change operating without a license. Undermining the new car and government. They just want people to change their money back and not many here. Havent seen the signature yet. People are buying and selling mainly in us dollars. They say over the years, its be more stable than somebodys money. To use the currency doesnt least value rapid that could change. Take them into this is took, took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive national, Sustainable Tourism program. Partnership with the global, Sustainable Tourism comes village life here retains and strong. Every meal is like a feast from the farm to the tape. Hundreds of excavations and restoration. This country is a place to slow down and enjoy the simple things coming to discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties or the, [000 00 00;00] the other i missed of the attain. This isnt use our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. More evacuation orders with no way to go. These really minute trade tells palestinians to flee eastern rafa fall intensifying its assault on the r. Little victims of as rarely as strikes. Meanwhile, arrive at all. Ok, so hospital and central garza age children are among the United States, says israels use of american weapons may have broken international and asa plus

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