A copy of you and shots and protests of that price. And all that is really on the intensifies is the tax on rafa pulled in a 100000. 00 people have flooded the area since monday and the top closed in india release as an outspoken critic of the government, allowing him to campaign and the ongoing election and support some of the worlds best actually to meet here in del huh. For the latest im and league events, its a, its a pass for the paris and, and fix in just 7. 00 to 7. 00 days time. The when we stop this and use our as United Nations headquarters in new york for the General Assembly has backed a palestinian bed to become a full un. Resolution paused with overwhelming support a 143. 00 countries as far as to them saving 9 lives at against and 25. 00 on stand, including the United States. Now this resolution closed on the Security Council to, to reconsider and support palestine full membership to the u. N and weve that would effectively recognize the palestinian stays, county pa this time only holds none of that. And so the status we did not enact international law. We just demanded to see them apply to us and have been until now denied their protection as the campaign to displace and destroy the Palestinian People reaches its ultimate 11. You can decide to stand by the open nation to live in freedom and dignity on its on system land just on to a base. Whats required is that a Good Condition of our rights . Not the continued denied. Well, israels, and also the to the you and lashed out that for it. He said there was opening the International Bodies doors to the terrace supporting palestinian space. You can see exactly what you are inflicting upon that you are in charter with this destructive vote. This is the you are writing the your in charge here with your own hands. Yes. Yes. Thats what youre doing. Writing the you on charter shame on you. Well thats bringing it out. Is there a scared but as under he has been across all of this for us at the you and today gave despite what we saw that from the is really invest. Though we also sort of a welding vote for what we understand was assigning voice and down resolution yeah, thats right. As you said, a 143 countries voting in favor of this draft resolution. And its really a review to the United States, primarily because the United States last month, the Security Council vetoed a resolution that would have caught that cold for a palace strange, full membership at the United Nations. It passed overwhelmingly, in the Security Council last month. But the us used its vito power to block it and essentially to its not letting it move forward. And thats really why this is now being taken up in the General Assembly because so many countries were quite frankly frustrated and upset about that. They decided to bring this to the General Assembly. It was watered down or is water down what it calls for some enhancements to the membership for palestine and a little bit more rates such as the seating arrangements. Palestine can now sit with the rest of the countries in the General Assembly chamber and doesnt have to sit in the back. They also can attend more meetings at the you and those are fairly important and new benefits. I guess you should say that palestine will have, but it was watered down because in this resolution it specifically says palestine will maintain its non member observer status and will not be allowed to vote in the General Assembly. So clearly, while this was an overwhelming victory for palestine, it clearly was not as much as they want and as much as they feel they should have but as, as the rights of a 193 other countries. So in many ways, palestine still very much disenfranchised here. Do you what gave, as you said, the u. S. V turret, the last Security Council vote on this. Theyve made it clear that they oppose this resolution, especially if it does go back to the Security Council. So will this make any kind of a difference that as well, will ultimately be the United States that decides because they hold the a veto power as one of the 5 permanent members of the Security Council. And theyve shown in the past just a few weeks ago last month that they will use that veto power. They feel very strongly that a, its unclear and their view that the, the palestine has met the requirements to be a full member. Of course, a 143 other countries just voted against that. And so they clearly do, but also uh the United States feels that uh, this should be an issue. This resolved between israel and palestine as a final final status issue. Listen, the us is out or not, i went there on this issue. It ultimately if the pressure builds that it goes back to the Security Council that will certainly be significant. But the us has already hinted that they are prepared to be tow it again. Okay. Without us on the costs of there is happenings for us doing headquarters today in new york. Thank you, gabe. Well, lets show you exactly whats been happening on the ground and gaza in the meantime. For palestinians including 3 children, were killed and it is rarely strikingly giovanni, a refuge account of this attack. Congress has a residential building in that county, which is a move in garza. Many of the people have also been injured. We understand medical teams and managed to recover that the bodies of the victims back from under the rubble. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of palestinians of seeing is really shelling is desperately searching for a safe area. Some of the found refuge and a make shift displaced camp and barrels on some central gaza. These tenants that you see, and now the new shelves, us with people, with nowhere else to go. It was rarely forces. Ive also been expanding narrow attacks on the Southern Region of rafa. More than a 100000. 00 palestinians have flooded the south since monday. The one says these rarely armies take or that the roof of Border Crossing has also failed. A critical entry point for humanitarian aid. And is wanting, but found them spreading axles on and its happening is really forces having testified their attacks and rough or pushing deeper into the citys eastern areas, buildings around a q, a hospital or under fire or civilians have been sheltering for months. Well, let us show you, if in the legend i see that rafa cannot bear to be invaded by israel, we are many casualties. Most of the injured and martyrs that are arriving at this hospital are women and children, so that when most of the displays, the person on a mazda is arent wing because some brigade say they have hate 2 tanks. And a vehicle of caring is rarely troops disappears. A full scale round invasion grows and the city comes on to intensify the tax from dear to you in estimates more than 100000. 00 people are fleeing to try and find any form of safety. For many, theres no escape the this motor bits of through welters soon as he dies in her arms despite global calls for restraint, these really army has launched a multiple strikes and a rough at this week. On monday this way of the army drop leaf flats or drink palestinians to evacuate families who once called her off the home, are now heading to almo bossy and darrow bella. But they are struggling to find food, water, and other supplies, and to no, no part of gaza is safe access. Im gonna reach out to 0. We cannot speak child correspondence on the ground, tara come boys, or hes in general belin in central garza tarik. Your in an area where people were told to evacuate from rough. Uh, weve seen the stage of infrastructure then not just, which has been pretty much leveled by is really bumming. Its now doc. How People Holding up of the well, its quite difficult to defect how low codes are coping right now, is the situation with ground, specifically off to being dest place to get in from the area that is supposed to be safe zone for them. As the vast majority of families helping multiply, displaced on trying to seek refuge along with the some of them invisible. We have been to him, but we, at the streets of derek box today. As these trees are completely crammed with people in factories who are living and make shift tens, living on the streets and in the open areas. And we also come across different numbers of families who are still looking for house at this point, being place displaced from a rough on there is a growing pressure on the Medical Center in a deputy by which blocks the hospitals right now is the main only operating hospital in derek by that, which is responsible of providing medical treatment for hundreds of thousands of palestinians being right now result leading of this very densely populated area. But the question among palestinians is what next to go rely to this phone going not met going on the ground. They have been following the east, very military, owed as full days, 4 months right now. And they have been again a tax on areas that are supposed to be safe for them. And we did the past couple of hours and talking to stuff that weve been hearing loud explosions. And then the say rocked refuge account. Place to a debt really about where a number of palestinians being killed and wounded and those will have been wounds that they have been transported to ox, the hospice of here to get medical treatment. So on aspects including the security on the humanitarian level. The situation is the to your rating without to know any kind of International Support or even intervention to rescue what has left from the territory as palestinians believe that the entire International Community has let them down. Now with the close of board is under with the suspension of a to flow into the gaza strip, which gives more signs of a lot regarding the humanitarian situations inside the site. So its hard to speak there about disappointment with the International Community. Just in the last few hours though, we did see an overwhelming vert essentially for Palestinian Statehood at the United Nations General Assembly. I know people that have a huge and on the very pressing concerns related to survival. But are you hearing any reaction to whats happening to new york today of the theres some fox, uh, we all we can hear from people of how they are seeing that step is so important, increase you in terms of gaining more ground internationally. And in order to even put finally the palace than you enrolled in the international arena. But they believe also that the as well as main delay, it has been completely a support thing and even cracking down different resolutions that could be helpful for palestinians in terms of getting the own rights internationally. But yet they are looking forward from the un General Assembly to possible resolutions regarding bringing an immediate cease fire on the ground in fright, garza, i heard from some local saying that we are so appreciate seeing the steps being taken. But what is important to be actually applied to the ground is forced to say sion of many tracks. People here quite busy with affording protection, affording food that is about to run out from palestinian markets, and even to return back to peaceful old days. That they have been completely gone since october the 7th. So what palestinians right now expecting is more International Pressure could be exempted from both parts of the fighting them to conflict to you and goes on to the same time. Could it could increase all the human to tell you a release of fits that had been widely suspended in the past 5 days or due to the cloud, or food as an a would at least to help palestinians to cope with the negative repercussions of this ongoing dentist solely to admit it to convey and just as you are a couple of them, theyre pushing for us from the ground, from gerald all on the central part of the goals district. Thank you very much tart. Well, thats bringing time or communities in the system, professor public policy, the Doha Institute for graduate studies. He joins us again here in our studio, in the thomas, just picking up on what i was discussing that with the topic. And essentially what we saw at the end today was it was a poll on Palestinian Statehood and an overwhelming vert for that. Given the disappointment that people and gauze were felt with the International Community. This was a statement of solidarity. And it says, of course it is, and when it comes to genetic, les the assembly bolting behavior. Historically, it has been in for a little further study. And this has been the trend. I know its increasing more countries up joining the others have been all those in favor of a fund is done on a fleet by this time. And it also helps unimportant the fact that the us and a small number of countries in isolated on that the nation. How do you know about setting for that . So it is a step in that direction for short, but yet its not a for the condition to know. And of course, this is what a scene is and all these nations thats in, thats support, but its done at once to see happening. I mean, for the sun deserves to be independent free states between up to a better. Because because of the un is the one is not a present to country affair. To present that the country would have structure for the globe as it stands. Now its the end of the present sort of has this, it posts the 2nd world war to structured with this can only put on in mindset and the beat, the power mindset as well. So its, its given what it is. And given this over what, when vote i, i see as a bit important step. Well, lets talk about what might now happen at the Security Council. The us hasnt metered a bid for full membership before they said that they will these her again. But as you said, its becoming increasingly isolated. Is washington feeling the pressure, of course, the please, the pressure of course, but again its i mean, this pressure, i mean, we wish we wanted to be my 3 of us into a bolting behavior in that direction. But its not because suddenly would have been a very unsuitable we have this, the global competition now between the big powers to be in the us showing the show. I mean, we have comfortable, for example, a country that has been created through a minute to intervention. And if its being recognized by a majority of un member states, but it was never created for you under that ocean. What about a sign which has been voted in favor for by many others at oceans has been a country that does not exist on the map because of a certain or defeat the power of the us and its allies as into us. So its not the fed awards, and thats a problem. So depends on which side of which i know you are know, and this kind of, this kind of to present times we are not with the us or this stands against us because because of visit and effects to it because of the us incentive politics and all the history, we know about the articles and about the inside politics in the us, which kind of thing is ive nothing to do with. But sadly thats the world we live in of. So we have to mother through with these, these realities and these politics and get the best of outcomes of fits. Well, lets talk a little bit more about about prussia on the United States. Weve seen this seemingly deepening risk now between us present drove by then. And is ready Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this and this pause on these very large buttons that he was going to send. Or how does that translate to what happens now in rafa, obviously in israel has a stockpile of weapons. The us is still considered, well, still continuing to defend all the weapons this does compose, make any difference at all. I mean, i, i, whole, but i mean, just studying the, the history of this particular war from its on sits. And the way the us behaves by so many times, or most of the time saying that i things im not doing anything to add to to, to achieve it or to stop is that im, im not of domestic because as you would actually say, i mean, thats the, the, they have stopped this particular weapons, but thoughts of what the, what the thousands of items of other weapons was, which is a send receiving and with an unable to enable it to continue this war. And we see about it defiant is like the government. Nothing the o on a just we just see and just recently that the, what does the, what governance has also agreed the expansion of the many to production of alpha. Uh, now the us is silence. I mean, more or less. Yes because thats nothing. You know, they have stopping these particular problems from going through that in that sense. I mean, if you wanna stop the waters of the us, you can still do it. I can do this as a, as a family system. Instead of getting intervening and many conflicts, ended up getting stuffing was if the proof of that that means or me to, to meet. So its up to the time i come and thank you for joining us again on usa. My pleasure. I mean, while the un agency, if a Palestinian Refugees has decided to temporarily close its offices and occupied easter, we spend often austin to attack them. Why is there any such as this is the latest in a series of increasingly Violent Attacks targeting audra and recent loans. Hundreds if is really such as have protested courting for its closure. Stephanie deca has one of the most, who knows the nice thing about this voice is saying, and hebrew, unreal is when it comes down to view ones agency for Palestinian Refugees. The role in occupied East Jerusalem is set on fire. About 630. 00. The fire was started yesterday afternoon, started right here by, by some of the people watching videos up here before. Yeah, fire. Im the director of the office. Right. Im not a fireman. The head of under his affairs in the occupied westbank says more help should have come. He says only one farm and stood on top of the truck to put out the fire. And no one came inside the compound to help test the the 7th of october. Theres been definitely an escalation of tension against one rug attacks on, on the, not only the physical attacks that we saw last night, the fire. But also a few days ago, there was a demonstration that became very violent with the destruction of our property. Outside of this compound, israel has accused some under employees in garza of been complicit in the october 7th. The tax has a long and difficult relationship with the agency, often calling for it to be shut down under a works to provide Palestinian Refugees with age and education. Not just in the palestinian territories, but in syria, lebanon, and jordan, to the under a compound it occupied is jerusalem has now been closed, and he was extra general and done with dex has condemned the attack. And these really police say after their initial investigation that those who started the fire on miners under the legal age of prosecution, stephanie decker, audra 0, and that the, im turning to india now where the top cortez gone to fail to jail. The opposition need arvin. Kendra, while he was arrested, you were a cold and launch and a Corruption Case which is seen by many as a political move. I Prime Minister and run promotions, Government Supreme Court ruled on friday that the daily chief minister be temporarily released and also able to campaign and the ongoing general elections. Kendral, although will be required to surrender to authority is once again off to the election, finishes in june. When spring and javan, im sorry, hes a political unless to me joins us now from new delhi. So job and this is essentially fail if a casual while he will be going back to jail. I understand on june the 2nd, but his policy is the main challenge to, to the be j. P in new delhi and punch on those words i understand will be done by driven fast. So thats pretty handy timing because mr. Gauge ones that have been really cognizant shot and they all sold for mrs. Church about spotty and also be a lines in the outline. So which is part the d o is a member of the been they needed to generate some momentum. And mr. Mr. Cage about is a very, very determined can be there and it is expensive. Theyre watching z at the kind of interest as of much needed. Go back them to the, to the campaign. As you say, the electrons here, sir, i just wanted to ask you, because i know he is incredibly influential. Ive been wondering how much of a difference this might make to the election, could his arrest actually even give his policy more of the boost is that is his general data set in the ball since abuse or offered fear. Often since the guys that those was seen as, as being victimized by the government and do my position has been a choosing for simple do something. I dont think dorian, of supervising laws against the phones. Mister k divided seeing as one such high profile. And they wouldnt be this way. Thank god for security. Why . Like i said it is a very. Busy cant do anything but also bring all the other officers sputtered to this pattern, proposition groups together to try and make it as difficult as possible for the routing population for the rolling down. Then, as it is, the selection is much closer than what most people are predicting best began. And mr. Change us procedures are ons release on the problem at the mall. What youve done for the beleaguered opposition, and do you say an opportune time . I remember they were huge per tests after kendra was arrest the judges here, the Supreme Court judges have said that they believe this National Election is an important event. So essentially, that has shaped the decision today. Yes, that has affected that decision today. And a lot of people are wondering why the exception has been great for mr. K jobs, theres just, ive been cheap and so they want me to be there. And they outlines the job at n g for somebody whos been able to come up on monday, and all eyes will be on the should before. So whether they will choose allowed, allowed to campaign. But this isnt, this is, this is a significant bowl. And this will have a very, at least in debi, evans, and then there are lots schultz and the rest of the country as well. Oh, well, catch her while on tech support is theyve, theyve maintained that this has all been taught of a political conspiracy against and you talked about control. This is around these elections. How free and fair have theyve been so far when theyve been lost sleep very, but the local where each and bob certainly is a little bit ponder all steve and it should to mission fit. And yeah, the election version of in there is a constitutional party, not browser, or anybody should just structure 3 body yet. It does increasingly being seen as, as, as i have made the government acting at the base of the government. And today the elections are insurance, and there are 2 companies as under very dest, im just going to collect. Busy to the president of already there, thats the congress youre operating your funding around for, for practicing against the election definition. So question marks are being produced and it actually depends on how the election doctors should go back to search. The remaining false is you mentioned that the selection is turning out to be much closer than expected. Power on the threats is know the feeling that his b, j. P is the best of all these bad things difficult for himself by setting up the default. Very odd, he said, to be jimmy at over you got 372 sheets. All you made is 272 for follow up, but you said we needed 217. And the airlines, the idea that we get 400. 00, if the insurance of the 1st 2. 00, so that mr. Multi but its been followed chaney shock. Okay. So uh, very interesting when behaving the election very try to stay here on algebra, job it on. Sorry that physical unless speaking to us from usually thank you for sharing with thoughts and expertise with us here are now to 0. Thank you. When is 50 people . It hasnt cals at during flash flooding and ask us don. We understand rest of the victims of women and children, and the number of dead is expected to rise festival to swum to parts of saga and province about some of the countries move on friday. So as you say, the flooding was caused by heavy seasonal rains and residents say welcome wants to have here on. Im just here. Im so proud to serve in georgia so forward a foreign influence bell is impacting the countrys next generation. And the richardson of the zohar Diamond League by the wills, soft truck and field stalls, continuing their preparations, sufficient coverage, still in the the hello, the weather squatting down now across the middle east allows the driver losing the brisk with him. But we have had just around the gulf shamal, well just take back over the next style. So he went the temperatures of around 3536. 00 degrees over the next couple of days. Youll feel a lot of 36 as we go through sunday. Because the wins will ease down at that stage, possibility of one us out, one of the 2 showers around the southern end of the red sea, but the west of weather will be further north took a particular thing, some to live the showers as we go through sat today is the side of the med logic, dry on sas type of fish. I was just creeping in across the vines as we go on into the 2nd half of the week and wanted to show us just creeping into the north west of africa. Was he going into the 2nd half of the weekend ahead of that . But some live, it shows that across west africa, but more of the way i went to whether into what parts of central and Northern Nigeria but kind of also as well, whether rule way across, into seattle. Yeah. And there is that, whats the weather there for the north west of africa, somewhat to whether to just coming in across the east, the side of africa. But noticed white as it has been recently, there will still be a few showers coming into kenya as we go through the next couple of days. But increasingly dry. Having said that, the west to weather is for the gulf of gimme the on counting. The cost is real installation defends as tech. A whole trade with the nation to one of the economic costs of buying on palestinian watkins and as well as on pending labor is likelihood and can popular new weight loss trucks reshape the industry. Counting the cost on alexs era. Theres a next generation in the United States, theyre not happy with what is happening in gaza. Theyre not happy with the u. S. Foreign policy, and thats why theyre trying to make their voices heard. The administrators of each university really have a choice to either have scully and call him police, be confrontational, or to actually listen to what their concerns are. City stream of people being arrested, placed in the zip tie and cups and taken away many of the purchases weve talked to have said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. The the welcome back to watching algebra thats remind you of on top story is the sound United Nations General Assembly has over whelming the vs to back of how to sing and visit become a full un under a 143 countries voted in favor 9 against 25, abstain and calls on the Security Council to reconsider the message or if that would effectively recognize the palestinian state. And his top court has gone and fails in jails. Opposition need ogden. Kendra wow. Allowed him to campaign. And the ongoing general election was arrested in launch and a corruption hayes which many consider politic english race. Is there any forces expanding attacks on the Southern Region of rockland pulled in a 100000. 00 palestinians. Have said that area is 5. Ok, so hospital and central garza is wanting Beautiful Run out of fuel within 48 hours. Not would force it to suspend or operations. Its one of the very few hospitals that are still functioning. And the strength of correspondent, honey, must was managed to get inside a wanting the some of the images in his report on distressing that were inside deluxe is a hospice, all one of the only few remaining Health Facilities to my operation all across the gauze. And for this particular hospitalization, defense front area and as you can see over a crowded would patients an injury, isnt family members who evacuated to this particular facility seeking shelter in the past 7 months . Have been quite difficult for the Health Sector across the gauze. As for the, from major hospitals being deliberately targeted and destroyed and pushed out of service into the acute shortage and medical supplies in the shorter supply with fuels push the remaining to my operation of hospitality to complete a closure right now. And with more recently, a hospital in dropbox, of the city that has been pushed out of service because of the military operations in this hospital. Not only suffering from the lack of a space and, and being jammed with many people, but also the services. Here are a dire situation right now. Were looking at an extreme charge of medical supplies. There are no space for, for patients, for injuries. Some of them are on the literally, on the floor of the hospital. All very, very devastating situation for, for the hospital to continue on working and to sustain itself. What were seeing right now literally is, is sufficient medical to stop here thats been working for the past 7 months, already exhausted, and then a traumatized giving the, the ongoing intense Bombing Campaign across the district here to, to medical staff are trying to help one of the injures who could not find a bid for him. Hes literally on the floor of the hospital getting whatever, not the Service Treatment theyre doing their best to save lives here. But for the most part, injuries and patients are either on the floor of the hospital or the end of waiting go side. A lack of his business, not the only problem in this hospital, but also the extreme charge or medical supplies as well. The shortage of a seal that is threatening the hospital to shut down major parts of it. The department including the i see you on operations room. We spoke with with a doctor briefly and he just answer with one words describing the difficulties of the situation. The past 7 months have evolved into major problem across this trip. More people are pouring into the hospital right now and within the past 2 days, 1000 of more people are seeking shelter inside the hospital. More evacuation orders we should in the southern part of the trip. First, this hospital to go beyond its capacity as more people either setting up the terms outside the vicinity of the hospital or inside a sport or literally inside the facility itself, just increasing the pressure on medical to stop volunteers, as well as in the patients and injuries inside the facility announcements and reporting is there any forces have been stepping up it strikes ongoing, the Southern Region of rough on more than a 100000 palestinians of floods that area in the last 5 days. Um that sounds good brings us up to date with whats going on right now. That is really forces are escalating their attacks ongoing. So southern most city overall far more than one and a half 1000000 palestinians have sought shelter and safety there for months. Thats after they fled Northern Areas at the beginning of the war. On monday, these really military and dropped more leaflets into eastern parts of the alpha. Ordering more people to evacuate. Palestinians have since started moving north to escape some of the worst of the fighting. But many still say that there is no safe place in gall. Some have sent us no, no, no, no, no one will have. We dont know where to go. Tell us where to go. Is all my wife. Seeing con eunice, a safe place . Are there tense . Is there water . Is there electricity . Is there food and drink . Is it a safe place . Cause a now has no safe placing it in me is really military has now taken control of both the fall and get him. I will send and Border Crossings, preventing vital humanitarian aid from entering the gaza strip. Know a trucks have been able to get through since sunday is really forces our station here at the crossing and engaged in intense fighting pictures released by these really army like bees show their forces operating in eastern drop off and overnight israel intensified its air strikes in the area but its still unclear when the full scale round the salt onto a flush might begin when you as president drove by that has threatened to stop supplying some weapons to israel. If it does go ahead with the ground, the salt and rougher, but is really Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as insisted it troops will go ahead with the attack. As well as when actually spokesperson says the army is well prepared for its ground. A salt and rough on and also the blades. So you have the planet the United States has provided sofa unprecedented Security Assistance to the state of israel during the war must. Whats equally important is the military assistance on cooperation between the american Central Command and the army. This was manifested on the night of the top from the run, but also during the course of the war. The chief of staff, the tenant general, who is the high levy, is speaking to his us counterparts of general Michael Carrillo every day on the efforts on the challenges in the region. Even when we have differences between us, we resolve them in closed rooms. Israel has its security interest, and we also attentive to the interest of the us, and this is how we will continue to probably become enough move. Lets bring it around his military and government commentary. So with israels hearts newspaper, he joins us out from kind of a i mean i understand that as well as saying its already in control of the palestinian side of the roof of Border Crossing. Just to how far along our ground operations right now. Well, the security cabinet um has uh convince the earlier today. Uh, their decision is secret. But in general they said that the action in eastern rough uh will be expanded. They did not say that the rough uh uh, properly, uh, will be, uh right. There are invaded and uh, just uh to correct something regarding your earlier recall. Uh hospitals. Im not targeted by the is really get those false as they are, of course being hit. But this is not the target. And also you forgot to mention the dozens of hostages is rarely hostages. Wherever helps buy from us in unspeakable condition. Well, let me ask you, then how you see this playing out over the coming days and weeks. Weve been hearing that the is really on me is approaching rafa un inspectors. Do you believe that there will be a raw for offensive as weve been hearing from these really ministry . So the statement which we just brought from admin role, a gallery, the idea spokesman methics is very clear that the i b s. And that the no, im not on the same page. Nathaniel o is spoiling for a fight ways. President biden, for political reasons why the idea is making sure that its counterparts such as general kareema, general brown, and even 2nd 3 all seem know that the general stuff in israel is moderate. And thats me is that, of course, if given a direct order to go in to wrap up, the military will execute, but they will do the best to recommend the other option. Well, its an engineer who is quite so adamant that as well will go to learn with or without the us. How much influence does washington actually have at the moment when were hearing that . The israel also wants to, to respect to us to months. Well, you keep saying the age road, why do you mean let them know theyre not identical . Theyre not running the same. Its on. Yeah, well, policies, the Prime Minister is the ultimate decision making. V as a veto over kevin the decisions, but he can not go with the loan. The other ministers are restraining game. And obviously he is blank for his political survival. And therefore he meets the want to go on. If he doesnt go into rough up, there is no predicts for him to prolong the war. And that is why nathan, yall has become the most the least trusted man. Hes rarely probably big. And perhaps the muse rarely. So you say is the least trusted not . Do you think nothing, you know, his lack of popularity might that change is really Public Opinion about war policy thats being driven by his it is rarely Public Opinion is helpless to change the political reality. Because mr. Now has 60 far votes, including his own can be 120. 00 suits can. Thats it. Which means that he can do whatever he wants. Im fairly zone poppy or hes on coalition. I was team up to now they have all the hell together for various interior motives. Hopefully, when minister guns administered, i didnt go to, im not counted among the 64. Besides to leave the government, then the demonstration of the process will force the collect said to call for early election. I mean are in the military and government commented so with israels parents. Newspapers, speaking to a staff from tele, be, thank you for joining us on al jazeera. So you the moving on and 2 people have been killed during rush and shelling and ukraines northeastern khaki region. The local government says that the town of, of chance give out thats 5 less than 5 kilometers from the russian border, was targeted. New kinds armed forces of rushed reinforcements to concave. Is it fights to hold off a russian attempt to break through the front lines . At least 3000 people have been evacuated starter home and has worn out from the opinion capital. It was in the early hours of friday morning. The Russian Forces a box to cross the border. I mean to North Eastern ukraine in the heart of keith region. Now this region is especially important because it has ukraine, 2nd largest city, how to keep the city. And this a box and offensive wasnt just on the ground. It was also with an aerial bombardment. There was at villages and towns being evacuated as well on that front line on the hawk chief region. Well, president polonium is a landscape. Ukraine said that was the now you craning defenses, a holdings, but the a 5052. 00 was being full. Obviously, i put you all on the little content enough to bind a g mitchell. Russia launched a new way to the counter offensives in this direction. Ukraine met them, the with our troops brigades, not hillary. Its important to understand that they can build up and consolidate forces in this area. It is a fact for us, but im gonna try to come on this, you about it and calculate the courses in order to meet the enemy with retaliatory file. Is that a see there . Now there was a brief hold back all the ways are scalable and then i believe that we stopped them with artillery fire. For the moment, we dont know yet if this is just a probing, a type by Russian Forces, or if this is a whole new front thats about to open up in this will, but either way, so you cry, its a big problem. Its suffering from a severe lack of manpower and its all me and also a real lot of west, from rate, with the lots of its been promised weapons from the United States and from it to europe in life. But most of those, a still yet to arrive in the window before they arrive, Russian Forces are expected to try and press home their advantage. Theyre already push pushing and slowly above seeing all the areas of the front line. And now this looks like a new hole that Ukrainian Forces are going to have to try and plug john home. And i would just say to keep to georgia now where i protest against whats called a foreign influence bill has been going on for nearly a month. Demonstrators have been gathering in front of parliament, demanding that the bill be withdrawn was, is there a spoke to one protest of about the choice that the country is your own nation for the future . My name is george. Uh, doing buzz. I am from about to me, a georgia. Im georgia and i was interested in put into politics from early age. Right now. I study low in georgia and International Institute of public affairs. Of course, i love my country if you are going to fight for freedom or you are going to become like colonial of the country. After middle age. George, you always had 2 choices, either European Countries or in the north, russia, and post some of it a countries. We dont only want us, but you were up and you were in union. We consider ourselves, you were. I was actually at the 1st lights, i was one if they were going to say thursday of for these for this i was getting into the to you and at least after a 50 seconds i hear my name is sunday and often one second i am interested i lost my glasses and they were beating me. They were shouting at me and that continued like for one or 2 minutes when the moment is calling you and keeping you 2 choices. Every time georgia has accepted only into one correct choice, and that is for fighting for freedom. Thats what is great in georgia and people. A still a head here on out to play is reunited. As knowledge is nearly 20 is off to facing each other and the champions make final lots coming up shortly. And for, for some of the business like this, this route to you believe, i guess is a line fly on one of your this makes modern pleads. The business latest is free to you believe i guess is minus my on one of your just makes modern plates the back. It is times this point and his father. Thank you very much and this does it well. And the last few minutes can, bobby, has confirmed, he will be leaving probably sounds on the, at the end of the season, the french will come. But when i had already said that he wouldnt be signing a new contract with the club. Earlier this week. It seems to be or knocked out in the champion, so youll get semi finals. But they spent 7 years with the team but failed to win that competition. His final game for p s u will be a guess to lose in the front the, on this sunday, it was 77 days to go until the past lympics many of the was best ashleys to have been competing here in costa, for the latest diamonds. The good meeting among them is engine, superstar new raj, so brought in and pick well then asian. The show typed in dublin champion. It may be season the deb you and kata you finish, 2nd missing out on the wind by just to send to meet this and there was a great performance 5 results. Allison goes santos. That he smashed the meeting, rustled into 400 meters hard. Oh, winning and 46. 86 seconds, which is a fixed cost. This time in history youll have, unless someone kind of said then right, sans how so a message to his olympic rivals, the american one to 200 meters and a personal best and world leading time of 19. 67 seconds. Hes looking to go one bus and pass off to taking silva in tokyo. While i look ahead to paris and for the 1st time and then pick history, some windows will take home more than just a gold metal track and field champions. It will receive a cash price as well, and it was just send reports at least the abs intensity to every events on the global athletics calendar. Dont dont even lead unimportant steps on the weights, the powers games with the stalls of truck and sailed on just be competing for the gold medals for the 1st time and olympic history, athletics wells governing body is to reward its title when is with the cash price a gold medal will result in a 50000. 00 bonus where possible the athletes will go to see a correlation between us, both of these financially growing and their own. Uh, uh, Financial Health and vibrancy. Yeah. You know, the generating profit about image in our competition. So it would be nice to kind of see that return monetary wise, sorry, its a good stock. Let me pick, president thomas bank isnt convinced, saying willed, athletic should focus, its finances on reducing in the qualities between its meant the countries there are in this way part of for the solidarity effort to do everything, to create in the best possible way equal conditions or on athletes around the world, the American Renters at the 1920 full parents olympics, had no hope of picking up a when his check, when the frenchman added cubits on revive the games in 1996. He wont against the spirits of gain and professionalism, but that principle has been steadily eroded. Valan picture also has changed in 1986 to welcome off place, regardless of that its a status. And that all competitors consign sponsorship deals and received money from the National Governing bodies. The crew pleases of trick and field will be unique. The place to benefit from this picture lay reflectance, and rewarding purpose with other really big sports. Yes, a full i 6 words ladies. What do they start . Its really good and maybe its a what i say. Its a good multi reason for a different decent go. Maybe they belong. So they low to start something. So truck and failed will be leading the way in paris. Island picks where the athletics gold medals will come with an added extra attached on the richardson l g 0. So to another olympic gold medal content of the worlds top front table tennis play a want to king, the tiny saw has made it into the final of the solid, the smashed ornaments in dead though. He came back from 2 games down to beat. He said to come to mend teenage or ling, she dont. Well, one has never won them in memphis meadows bus is the current agent champion and one of the names to watch out for in paris. We dont have an impact towards has started this journey on french loyal digital fox was among those at taking part and must say for the, for the date, for the cities football team, the torch will travel over from us and well visit 6 overseas territories. Before arriving in paris for the open, so many of the games onto life 26 and 20 is off to play against each other and the european champions, the final harry to and and then crystal will go head to head as managers in the final or be asian chapter sleep who is in charge of japanese side the oklahoma. Everybody knows well crystal is with all line of the u. A. E. Both played in the famous 2005 european final and assembled work. He was live a pool, came from 3 goals down to breakfast, both milan and the for the trophy. If a final is paid over 2 legs. And the 1st one is coming up on saturday and you, oklahoma its amazing is the situation that we face and a, and another jump is lead. Fine a was a very difficult night for me. But the now we, we face, i gave him on the, on the side, its a pleasure to meet him. A again, after a long time off on the us open champion, dominique team. It says hell retire at the end of the season. The former was number 3, has been struggling to a ton from a roof entry 0 to australian. It said in january, this was his last test it to get back to playing at the level he expects from himself. Well, number 5 alexanders vetted into the 2nd round of the tiny and opens, but ive had no issues again, so straining opponents, alexander drum, and it took the month 6 of 6 full and just open our next phase to turn in new channel godaddy. The and the womens joy to news installing silver suffered another disappointing exist as she was not taught to be the again, well, number 8, it was built in. Its reset by american sophia cannon and the 2nd wrong 3 time grassland finest is struggling for form ahead of the french open source on the 26th of may. So for your tenants face, there hasnt been a lot to be joyce about 2024 and tied for the car has extend that piece leads at 520 to tanya sylvania. And on the stage 7 time trial it to tyson his grip on the race to time for the fonts attempt in his aiming to win this title for the 5th. The and also spoke to me a 100. 00. And a says you, thanks so much 7. Its now a company and south korea has set a new well drag force of flying, the biggest one of turns and a single lights are moving. 5000. 00 drawings have made up the display. Its been a headline attraction as an international exhibition. So hazing the very latest. Unmanned aerial vehicles from mcbride reports now from in joan in south korea. In the night sky over the port city of inch on a synchronize show comprising 5293 points of light. Each a single drove just a few years ago thrown shows like these when measured in the hundreds increasing in scale and sophistication. They represent the cumulative efforts of a small army of technicians all working to port an optimistic vision into the sky. A mission that this team says it never ties of just the level of creativity that goes in in the level of passion. Its always, its like art, theres always a sense of passion, excitement, when you see something, when you see that what people to do with technology. That technology now allows for drones being moved in swoons with an accuracy of less than one centimeter. Its a stunning demonstration. The drone power thats on show, with the nearby exhibition center, showing off the rapid integration of drones into virtually every aspect of our lives. The business of commercial drones is full cost to see double digit growth in the coming is enabled by rapidly developing technologies from the occupational intelligence that controls them to the factories. The power of the whole industry. That until relatively recently didnt even exist and like other, technologically driven industries, promising boundless possibilities. We dont even know about yet. So even with us, 5 years ago we saw, you know, we were doing shapes in the sky as we pushed the limits of the technology. As we put is other technology that theres going to be more and more new industries evolving. We kind of, youre just barely looking over the horizon, getting a sense of but horizons, it seems that will increasingly be filled with drugs. Rub mcbride, douches, era in john, south korea. Well thats it for me and the story of hey, for this news on my colleagues to hell wrong and will be here. And im, i miss with much more of the days news to stay with us here on houses in the amazon home to indigenous people. And diverse ecosystems is being destroyed by relentless drilling for oil. Theyre living in direct contact with petroleum through fear, water. And so, in ecuador, communities of fighting the corporate joins in a battle for survival and to save the lives of the world. How does he was you see doing the fine graph you will see caught a duty and a growth view link for p use a code to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost. And we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. Visit the costs are requested and remember, its a copier size, wealth, and increases systems. Costs on red chris after a controversial president ial campaign and the contested victory proposed to be unto is said to lead indonesia, Southeast Asia is the largest economy. A diverse nation with more than 1300 ethnic groups for that to go. While were comfortable with the people, were not going to be determined by for in none of the president s alexis, indonesia, proposed to be unto chokes, to l. Just the room, getting close to the people most affected by those in power is often dangerous, but its absolutely vital. The story is to be told weve pushed the fall forward as we can to the front line. Now, the smell of that power and a lot of the stories that we cover a highly complex. So its very important that we make them as understandable as we can to as many people as possible, no matter how much they know about a given chrisy. So issue as long as you say, were correspondence, thats what we strive to do. The do you in General Assembly bucks, the resolution calling depaula started to become a full un men, the color, the zillow rahman, you want to hold zillow as well. Headquarters here in the hall also coming up in a cl trickle mood phase rosa basset assurance, a copy of the un charter in protests over the vice meanwhile, and

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