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Hello welcome to the program. Im toma craig, as well as cabinet, has voted to shut down al jazeera and moves. And it works is breaks, international and humanitarian law of the channel it uses as well as attempting to conceal its actions in cancer and media and human rights groups. And even as rel, storage elijah and e have condemned the decision described by his ready Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as the hate channel. And by ministers in his file, right government as a mouthpiece for him. Off the networks is such close loose, endangered its june list, and that it will take every measure it to protects them. Oh, just there, a stuff have repeatedly come on the is riley attacks during this war. Its been a peasant for years. A veteran correspondent assuring of outlay was shots did while reporting in the occupied with bank 2 years ago. The delta 0 bureaus had been bombed by, as well in the past to. So why has netanyahu decided to act at this particular time . And what damage will this do to reporting or is the will and to israel itself . Will put these questions to, ill guess im just a moment, but 1st this report from castillo, please hold. Yeah. Elgins zeros work space in israel is now closed. Its reports banned from the air, which is really police rated networks, premises, unoccupied, East Jerusalem on sunday, confiscating equipment and removing the channel from cable and satellite providers. Im so nice, lots of pass. The government is now unanimously approved the closure of the incitement announced base of how much in israel l. G 0. Channel. Anyone who insights against the state of israel. Anyone who homes the security of israel and the soldiers and foxes of the army, will no longer broad costs from israel. Their equipment will be confiscated. The emergency measure will last for 45 days with the possibility of an extension. Elgins 0 as well as a Foreign Press association. How strongly consumed these really move, the safety or alexander this is as very important we would continue to abide by the law and i think uh, in the coming days we will try to pursue all leaving a practice to account that this. The timing is raising questions now to 0, a guitar base broadcast or has been reporting from the concept throughout the war. The move to shut it down. Now comes us israel plans to attack the Southern City over offer. And during the latest ceasefire negotiations mediated in part like a tar tucker is one of those was ordering and pushing for settlements for the in the video is due to the last 2 or 3 days. And its impossible to sabotage dealer. And this might be connected to god for you, for years ties between now and a 0 and the is really government has been tense. Many of his journals have been killed during israels war on cause of some. So what you have to in 2022. Its senior correspondent, trevino block, last portion of the head by end is released sniper, while reporting from the occupied westbank. No charges followed. Sickly. Is that they want to eh, the vent from any of those to and know what is happening in this war, in the, in the guys desire that we spend telling us that the situation for now the band will not effect out to 0 is operations. And the occupied westbank or the gaza strip, which are not lawfully considered. Part of is really territory. Katia low facility in elder 0 for and so i story l g 0 has documented more than 50 attacks against its jim listened to the style of the war in october, several family members of the discounts. A bureau chief while ill bother with targeted. And his riley is trying to killed his wife 15 year old son, 7 year old daughter, and one year old grandson that same month and his riley strikes killed 19 family members of an l. Just there, a broad cost engineer, mama to of cassandra family with sheltering in the jabante, a refugee can. And then this involved is there. A correspondence on the south sheriff lost his father and, and is riley strike. The targeted his familys house in jamalia. And also in december drones, strike, killed elders, eric cameraman, some of the dock, a while entering. If youre a chief while ill do, then in january of daughters, eldest son holmes, who also works on says there was killed when his car was hit and, and is riley drones strike the. So lets bring in now this now into a hen is big. We have only casseroles are leading into a positive activist and a full the south african intelligence minister in manila is maria risk, co founder of the leading philippine vice news platform. Rob la. She was awarded the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize for her work and safe guiding freedom of expression. And in paris we have jonathan dank journalist hitting the middle east. This get report is without borders. Thank you all very much for being here on al jazeera. We really do appreciate your time. First of all, maria, if i can begin with you, as i mentioned that you were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for a career of fighting for media freedom. I know youve got unique and very personal insights into this issue. How would you describe the ban on al jazeera by as well . I think youve seen the international condemnation. This is a massive blow to free speech and freedom of the press. You know, weve lived through some of this in the philippines and again, i can compare it to shutting down the television airways of the Top Television broadcast during the philippines. Cbs, cbs, and these are things draconian government dots. Jonathan l just erik basically shut down for allegedly being a threat to israels national security. How, how is the report on a switch . Reporting is not the threat. Thats exactly the problem. Uh, the direct is the army. Is there any army thats us . Give us more than 100. 00 during that us and gaza, including as you just mentioned, several a jersey or reporters and their family members of that is the threat. And today what were seeing is the same for this big blow as to, to take back the words of, of mayor, right . So this big blow to the media ecosystem. Um, this is just the manifestation. And as you can form under, if in your, of behind the vin euro, the democratic procedure of the violence, censorship that weve been seeing. These are the army a, a imposing on ghosts since october, something whether by getting during the list of destroying media infrastructure, media offices getting during this family, members for somebodys placing them the media are located. And today we have to start to complete this work thats being done and goes up like some saying, one of the biggest Media Outlets that are still covering the what is it work for us without boat is opinion or evidence that you believe that israel has deliberately targeted during lists which include al jazeera journalist and gaza. Its, its definitely there, there, theres definitely enough evidence to speak of targeting journalist and gaza, particularly for example, in the case of thumbs up that was, that was a 0 journalist and was the son of why did they do it . Was, is really army sense that the next day and, and the, and the statement that they issued, they felt that they targeted the court in which comes on to other journalists were present to this. And that striking to journalist of, of course, the state bank is there any forces did not acknowledge they were generous, but there was an acknowledgement that dates that theyve been had the cards that was according to them transport thing. Im quoting thurs. Now that was 0 evidence to back up. So that is really claim, but they were not journalist. And of course there was plenty of evidence to back up the claim, but there are journalists and they are under the support of stuff. Theres also some of the people who was hit by head target, the drones drug, and thats also injured well enough to us. And some of the colors not getting on the spot. This is very important. Some of the blood out, im just, were more than 5 hours while i had good not the right because of the straight. It strikes around the area where he was, even though they knew there was a journalist leading to the stairs, or stuff was one of the entities that had the quote for the start and for the bombing to stop. So thats have good arrives and these are just some examples of the widespread targeting of the press corps of this strategy. Is there a new strategy to impose and media blackouts and guzzle . And just on, on the blackout run, a different Priest Association said is around now joins a julie is club of authority or in governments to bend the station. What does this do to that as well . Standing when it comes to freedom of the press now . Well, i mean, the procedure section is trial has a long being that the joke gets a criminal, the machine from the in section based on the tara or mess. It goes on displacement mclean, same laws. And i think any one who really believes in the truth and cease the truth we looked at the effects has seen this is one of the most in color, bundled in color and vicious regimes in existence. And in relation to joining with love, of course lifelong be made. I like being great friends of the politics of efforts. And it can watch is happening in the gagging of the media. And in fact, the deliberate execution. Ok. And the less which is being referred to, it takes one but the risk period of a project. So africa, when they killed journalists and scholars law group 1st when theyve been in various newspapers in journals. But if i may, i think that theres no kind of incidence in the fact that this banning takes place at the time of this connection into rough. Uh, no, of course its correct. As has been pointed out, that the 0 right i can hope or right outside of is rarely be occupied to retrieve waste bank and gaza. But i see this is the need by that is on us government. To plug this down real insight into whats going to take place now the genocide now in casa, because its going to be stream is difficult for your journalists to be able to operate and they will be the kind of targets they have being able alone. So this is extremely sinister, and one has to come demmet and do Everything Possible to, to know, as far as possible, the crime, the genocide they is around me, is now taking one step further in it, show the show, the korea is it as an oppressor. Apartheid state. Maria, what well get onto the impact of this band is going to have on l just there is journalism. But 1st of all, run a test on that a little bit there. One, now, i mean presumably and isnt, you know, who could have shot l, just arrow down at any stage since the beginning of this. Why do you think it is now . And do you think it is a coincidence that is happening as i cool for the evacuation of for ortho . There is no coincidence in all of this, right. And i think part of the problem is that we wish it could be coincidence. Look, this comes on the heels just days after the World Press Freedom day celebrations. How do you celebrate our world today, right after world press for they happened in santiago, chile. And what we saw then is that 2023 from 2023 from a year earlier. Theres a 44 percent increase in depth of journalist and all of that book. Partly the majority of it in gaza. You asked earlier, you know, are, is israel deliberately targeting journalists . And as a journalist, we will always say, you know, this is what one side says, this is what the other, but how does he, you know, certainly knows for sure. I should ask you, is israel deliberately targeting journalist . You have a live experience, you know, being the journalist under a tap under rental storage area and government. You must speak it. You must to build a coalition around it because its a battle of facts. But beyond that, its the, this is whats on the student protesters, right . Its the killing of civilians by our ss number. So i think it is 34000 more than 34500 right now. And it continues and with the move into rafa and without during the list there. What happens next, right, exactly. It, jonathan, to the elders here as being described by as well as the heights channel and the mouthpiece for him. Us how endangered ill just, ill just hear a june list. Now, what does decision and these kinds of baseless accusations they they but as a team of such as your address. Ready when, when theyre working, evidently these are, these are very uh, these are, these are accusations that those every inspect to the drivers, somebody says around to they were worried about their safety and their well being given of course, the continuing crimes against journalists that are continually and goes up, i might add also in the south of level and what are does here during this were also targeted and it strikes atkins, wrote those reports that write some of the law and order stuff investigation on the crime show that the israelis has struck twice the location where the journalists were working and during this will clearly identify that. So this is one small example of a very elaborate independent investigation, but prove there was an intention of targeting. And of course, that were later investigations that also came to the same conclusion. And ultimately by right there is by f b by Human Rights Watch by Amnesty International and by the United Nations 5 investigations. But also that is your end intentionally targeted a group of international journalists, including to a journalist from. Ready xerox seriously injuring them, and today, 7 months later, theyre a student of unity. Naturally, this goes back before october 7. There were the strikes, as you mentioned on that 0 offices. And the war on goes up in 2021. And there was beginning of june of oxy, almost 2 years ago in a few days on may 11th. And this, this obstinacy was relentless attack by his radio authorities against the 0 is just a, has always been been during the day. I think it stopped up and not, and were, were really worried about the state of i was just, you know, joining us and their ability to continue working. Oh, runny. You said earlier that democracy in israel it is a joke. Can you just a guess, give us an idea of how you think that they believe limiting the flow of information that out . Is there a puts out there is actually going to help the government in any way at this point in time . Well, of course, its the question of lying about the seat of the section, which is beside behind the crime is to them that those, these sets of values shouldnt in the genocide. So they have to do as much as they tend to conceal the facts. This is what murder is, do this is what the criminal does. Do they operate in the dog . And when you shut down the journalists and the report charge, when you shut this down, you can cover up. And thats why i think its absolutely shilling really bad. What they were attempting to do is to cover up what really is looking like a rain this button should rate, which has been taking place and is being pushed to a new level now. And at the same time within is arrive itself. Uh no of course explain. Mentioned like Something Like proof of 1995 or even more percentage of people simply laptop. So has bought the propaganda from the this is riley media. But at the same time they know they really lives. And i think when you open up their level sense of what you are doing, it has the ability to get people thinking that might feel that they say like even a few percent. Who lot of good question was. So its part of is 11, read the sections and crime that has taken place from israel. Its inception 76 years ago. We need to see that in that lot. I think thats totally clear. Latent because weve seen what has happened. Weve seen, especially through, ill just say our fall right to the main stream channels. Its on me very recently. But from the b, b, c, m a c. And then they began to give me a little bit of the inside of the blood sugar. And then the genocide racked up to 0 tests being selling people. And this is clearly what theyre connected, yahoo government, and what these brady defense for, say a. So we need to see a to mapped why . One point of difference that i dont is there, i guess, has had, is that we have had an extensive coverage from on the ground and gaza. Which many of the news organizations simply havent been able to do, maria . I mean, on that point this hispanics really going to succeed because even if it wasnt and guys are showing the reality of what is happening every single day. Theres still a huge flow of information out into the wide world through social media. It. This is problematic in some ways, right . Especially with generative a i and the kind of Information Operations that are coming from so many different countries. But the challenge today really, and this is something i said in schiller for World Press Freedom day. It is whether our International Rules based order still works. And the challenge is just this, that is core to our humanity to many are getting away with impunity. And that can go from countries to companies. And that is dividing us in ways that are, that are really destroying us to rely on social media alone. While there is real gender real gems. There witnesses, but you cant tell with the kind of in the kind of incentive structures, the design of social media, which rewards which distributes lies much faster and further. And especially if you lease it with fear anger and hate. So this is part of the reason you do any journalist on the ground and by eliminating that propaganda, Information Warfare then takes over and it becomes far harder to get to the facts. Its jonathan, just on that point, i was just, there was no the only Major Organization that could be potentially bands and this row. Do you think that this could lead to a band on other organizations, including with an as rilen . And if so, who do you think could potentially be next . What even if there isnt an on other organizations develop a just either and it says constituents extract and a very clear message to alternative single justin is really learned about us by an or, or, or in depth region, but everywhere in the world. And, and this is something that, that we read because by when, when, when, when journalists are, could, and it goes when Media Outlets are banned, when, when the media infrastructure is destroyed, one this kind of media blackouts isnt both. Evidently, this is a crime again, is against journals against those who are close to them against the palestinians. Uh, but it is also very important to underline how much of a crime this is against the public, against our publics everywhere and the word be it and be it. And there is limited or, or, and by this time or anywhere in the words, to date. There is an attack on the publics right to know the publics right to have information that is for you and defendant included a stick. This means that is not versed in sources and then ideal edges and an editorial lines. And today we were gonna sing and attack on that the band on the 0 is an attack on our right to have information from edges xerox to know what is happening and goes that. And this crucial time from one of the most from one of the places in the world that have that are having some of the biggest repercussions today around the world. Whats happening and goes as influencing democracies around the world. Democracies are based on Public Opinion and Public Opinion is largely shaped by news. So this is very serious for everyone and for democracy is everywhere in the world. Yeah, roni, this isnt the 1st time that netanyahu has attacked media in 2016. He delivered the vilification of is riley media as being part of a part to bring down his didnt government. He clearly has full when it comes to this. How board should his riley and media organizations be with the span . Well, i think the previous speaker has, has pointed that out of, you know, you can stop with the biggest threat. And lets say that in quotes to your system and it doesnt stop there. If it opens the go, its and you move to anybody including human, that the head show as well as institutions and organizations. Then, journals. Then you move up against then, progressively, in that sense that does cause bear in mind that we have this very extreme, quite frankly, racist specialist, the government. And im not saying that makes those who oppose mid didnt. Yeah. That group i enjoyed. So they certainly not by supporting this role, but can i support the idea of the simplest state . But anybody including them is who protest against netanyahu. And paula that is brian jerry. And now this is you dont leave the not those. Yeah. Right now you, they could tease it loops today, and that happened in south africa, yet the communist. Yeah, im from that point brody, and i just want to say that were, i mean, we saw as well looked at a tech june list but, but also entire countries. You know, when south africa took its case of genocide to the International Court of justice. They were heavily attacked by mission yahoo and says government when they will, we will agency. How about us . Theres no other Resistance Group pool been spent in the us started yesterday. Its only a mess. Its the way. So that for to play, im call me is meant other such countries from the philippines then isnt very reality that to the american so on. So you find the bunky and the 0 a is the boat. And so that precarious the buggy, in relation to the c j, it said, well, were proud of what weve done and we steps. But the truth lock out, is there a does that not that good people because you sit the stand it. And i said earlier that it began to effect deluxe of cnn and the b, b. C. Because with the public, god try against the genocide to that is by is 0. Clearly those new is networks begin to feel that they couldnt like that as a head from a stop from so thatd be gained to interview people. Perhaps they didnt to the gym. The stuff like brandon gauze, us with the respect that you that but they didnt bother to even interview. But talk to us from the you tell you from the here, let us from the way through his being in the opposite garza, they know them the pool very recently. So of course it spreads. And this is what the government in israel and will think support is ro i stand by and theyll call us supporters of some us agents of the red communist tailor. This of course is the word, but thats, thats weird things done because they do this over and over and over again. And the optic, we see this with the kids in the college, as in the us side, they wake up, they dont buy it, and thats the dog. But so this is the big, the error that the titles always make. Yes, maria, i just want to, to finish with you very briefly. A lot of this is clearly is about how israel as seen on the world stage and controlling the narrative. Many lists of have described this band as a sign of weakness and desperation. What do you think happens next from here . I mean, theres so many different scenarios, but what is clear is most of the major ones as violence continues, right . Look, what we learned in the philippines is that democracy dies, not all in one chunk, but it is death by a 1000 cuts. And i am taking the words of a summer. Been logged in, right. Not taylor swift, but a summer been logged in. When he said you will be, its piece by piece, a 1000 cuts until youre bleeding to death and you know, giving up press freedom. This was something we refused to do in the, in the philippines because you dont want to voluntarily give up your rights. This is unprecedented globally, and as i said earlier, it is a test for the world. Does an international goolsby east border still exist and we, we will democracy survive. And that is a big question. Thank you so much. We really do appreciate your time and insight into all of this, ronnie, maria and jonathan. Thanks for being with us on inside story. Well, thank you as well for watching. You can see the program again any time by visiting our website, l, just air adults. Com and prefer the discussion goes, well facebook page, thats facebook dot com forward slash ha inside story. You can also join the conversation on x. Ill handle is s h a inside story. Let me tell mccrae and the entire team here and uh huh. Bye for now, the a unique perspective. Why is it the doctors dont get to have a site and any of the medical workforce has been so and devalued by the British Government for such from time on hub voices. Tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you werent find elsewhere. Why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live . We . The public has to get out there and do something about it. The stream announces era. The see these red sand when these one of the worlds most expensive tim is in the black box to try his destination for what i want to ask investigates the spot to capture india sandlewood king on out to the or the government challenges here with the hello marianne demising to have just a quick look at the main stories. Now. The roof of Border Crossing and Southern Gaza has been closed on the palestinian side by is ready tanks, egyptian officials a condemning this move. They say that as well as actions and rasa threatening efforts towards reaching upon them and cease fire is where i was now blocking the main all 3 that brings humanitarian aid into the strip, where many people already experiencing full blown famine. And have these ready, bombardments has also been continuing in the area at least 24 palestinians were killed, buys riley strikes on

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