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But experts say Climate Change is aggravating. The effects parts of the country ive seen record heat in recent weeks. Youll, new weather pattern has lingered for months without the it hasnt rained within the water should area is about dams. And in addition to that water evaporates quicker because of extreme heat. One unintended benefit, however, has been a growing number of tourists while the town of the line is gaining world wide beam forts, reemergence from underwater. Local say theyre not celebrating because the dam doesnt have enough water to generate power and provide irrigation. And we saw on your guns, it was 2 years old when the government moved the entire town by the end of the what, although im happy to be able to see my birthplace. Im sad there because i worry about how this could affect our farmers. That visitors are amazed, but say theyre just as concerned doing this now. Its really interesting, but its also scary for, for the future. If its a trend thats going to happen and going forward, its gary for those who live around it right now, because it isnt just the remnants of the old town disappeared. But an entire patch of green and brown were water used to flow and boats, though abandoned, used to sail, find it below al jazeera, but the behind me of the philippines. While you can find more News Features and analysis on our website just tied to, ill just say we got con. I know your devices for the news continues here, off to dine, us to stay the night in america is a region of wonder of joy tragedy. And yes of violet, but it doesnt matter where you are. You have to be able to relate to the human condition. No country is a lie and its my job to shed light on how and why the the settle about the mission to make those chicken when all occasionally portray be wanting to monthly quarter. Sure. So the not to show up the, but we, we have plus, i think bob natalie cause you to even have an audio must get by the, by not being but one body to shop the out. The one on the the you can eat the rest of the month, adult people. This coming people. Moya. Nice to match up by the brush. Little junior, the on the on the, on the hill and is it equally done a little but they landed mean it ample time that that means you lose the bicycle, missing it for. But a little while, if you have the water screws and was sent to us on the as that one, yet the bottom of the soon as it equal 5. If you sense much, my dear me, i dont want to be believe the said the show that this is all i saw these activities with the business with us. I mean it was part of it is a villa planet sauce of them. If you think about what causes Climate Change, youre talking about burning coal, oil, or natural gas to produce the energy that runs factories or heats homes. Youre talking about the very fundamentals of a modern economy. So we have to find a way to displace the use of fossil fuels in each of those activities. The means moving towards from a renewable based sources of energy. But there is a material intensity to creating solar panels, electric battery, these wind turbines. And this is creating a boom in mining for the cobalt, the lithium and other key minerals to make those technologies use of where they are use out of where the sea levels effect of the company and assume the light of the whole nasty virus recalls police a process, so just a moment the front theres on demand and meet you is on the vehicle while so its crucial. Who owns the mines . How would they financed . How would they government somebody always gets hurt. And unfortunately, its usually the people in the world who are poor us and are re stable to defend themselves, including in places like congo where the governance is a shambles. The. This is what the assuming added to this before, the informant and just the agency, the div, good. A simple model. So theyve gone through these. Yes, but the lead me you need it to be very difficult but so for man just to be a lot to you know what the pharmacy is by the swimming act as an on yeah, the did. Is it the one i shall know completely . The one that a local fed was withdrawn from com. You my son . No, no, no. I mean on the, not the one i should come on monday unless i did find them off one day off bought a job, but im not much of the flushing and what is she coming from . Well, when i appreciate it can, what is the name of the mentor goldsmith . Me more than the lazy 40 some years. Yeah. I mean, mobile phone data move on to met the metric on met the man he let me know when i own the best performed duty of vent them me post the data. The longest. Good news junkie provides us the gnostic on the show me c. A got visual buses, it carries it. Does it advise you, maam . It is what i mean. You got these and all of identical and the shows you the, the passage unique buys the securities uploaded securely. The lady delegate, exempted as it is. And if for us to the black human margin. So anybody for joining should move with his big set in a team and took off by the funding become us may not go much go flushing o d b a, find it up on in their screen on your family and friends of your son. We thought i should, we should go dont know that they got they just bought it by the way to come up with them when they probably dont get enough money to be nice of them was, you know, the name of it. They prove it led to the printing, the minimum i was, i need to know when to find out the funds have been given melody thinking, if any of them catching done up a flash back, they were interested in apple. Think i can afford you better by chevrolet. Amazing. The escape. Okay. They should be able to get them to morning. Jennifer, can she get you the the the vsoft assess not from list but weve been shown in one of one of okay. Yeah. Somebody from 90 to nikki, so believes that it was a lot of a 10. 00 on media 80 to do the easy to look through this with us. I mean yet that is for the particle would have been sheets me. I see the potter. These are the vision was the of the a lot less on the lives of these are the love seat. You see the lovely suits of on sheen is i mean it is a duty on the other off. Uh, did you uh look, see, nicely with useful for them. Uh, but the cool not done with the phones not on the top 20 by 30 clement on is the good news news. Windham provides you to some of these companies on the left of the show, and this is the man the way to push the front of it up to the balconies of the shop. Whats going on with them . Yeah, just so cool. It may, but the security number we need with those funds we offer wasnt going to share with them in the top of what any spots the the, the saw and didnt have a set of revisions. And thats what i expected you just brought. Thatd be really a problem, but its on a 30 day notice that the us get it. The diesel duty day is example, is the point of view on this for this one, the design on on proceed, is it going to be lead on . I read once left over to the book and so it will be lower this for this on the. Yeah. Because then honestly luck regarding the scene for the piece, the, the part i books the andre lauder system, and yet a lot of what i did, it will not show anybody do that sound key to distribute will keep her feet. Ok that ssl several feet in it. In the conditions in which that money is happening in many countries, deep plate, exploitative of children of labor as they should be dignified and well paid jobs. Extractive industries ultimately always impoverished the countries where theyre expecting. Theres very few exceptions to that. The working in the global south, where many people are living on less than a dollar a day is not so much about united, decelerating grace, because what we have is actually populations that are facing starvation and hung because of Climate Change. The date need most need more of everything, not less. But how can we get more of everything without having to industrialize in the same way that the way the just the good the by the fuck you the list but thats what i mean. Yes. You see on that theres a big, youll see glass that you have less of that page. It loads up to what to do. Theres a status, i mean, yeah, yeah. Did he had he thought that it is a good way to shop for get active in the next couple months. Most people before me the better than it is. Yeah. Oh no hope you do to get let me be cheap. The kind of good, the good, you know, you, lets see when the judges the money you could include them in the google go to a bunch. Im going to turn this, i much the money losing the purchase of so lucky mcgee from the we need to know is it versus the on the menu. Drill logan because theres some damage. Amelia, im a major problem. Let me see. Let me go need. Okay, good goods name here. My will, julie, im on the most so much you will, but a really good just to give you a simple quiz. The not the one the, the single the there is a simple narrative that topping or fossil fuels will get us to below a 1. 00 degree. Its not enough. We need a mix of solutions. Yes, we do need to scale down and reduce fossil fuels, but how do we do so without completely changing our way of life in terms of balancing growth and balancing the innovation . But what generally happens, especially in africa, is that a solution is imposed is always about offering alternatives and bringing people along to see what those alternatives might want to buy this you did you finally finally google it . Thats good news. Just its all i see not a big one that shows the blood thats on the not them polezza show the program. Magical finding. The mail people feedback loop, bring it up a few this i thought the some of the pretty much about them. What is missing or on . Because this only started, im an old really, really busy signal was the part of the this but this one me yeah. The donald to be this is a long supply loving. Yeah. They didnt do that. I mean, id be like a visit, thatd be good. And one of forward to that because the, the adults are between us or not. Give them assess. But did you believe you to provide deals . Who would be on are all going to read this assign thought to please me yet, but its, and the political look is political bots, associate boston editing us on the, on our buzz on the 1st 30 back to the whole, the growth see the north today relies on this massive net appropriation of resources and energy basically means that the damages from the global north gross are effectively suffered in the global south. Not is known as who compatible with the news about the deep transformation thats required of the transition toward Clean Technologies is one that is only available to precisely those who are most responsible for emissions. That is unacceptable. So there is a double responsibility of those who have higher carpenter footprint 1st to clean up their own. And secondly, to support those who also need to have access to a better life. The country is like the u. S. So like the you have a responsibility to make sure that while they are drawing on these resources that are important to to make the transition to the Renewable Energy economy are not extracted on the backs of people who just dont have any other options in life. Been to work in terrible and sometimes deadly conditions by you them. The dream in the usa of electric, s, u, v is for all the rest on the back of extraction from the mind to congo, and from the body. So kind of leaves workers who are supposed to bear the drugs of that stream. This is not a bible future. The i dont here. Certainly the people talking about is simply using less energy. I think we need to completely read the fine. When we think of his progress, and instead of like more energy, faster, your bigger houses, bigger cars, we have to instead think of progress as more empathy, more compassion being and balance those you. This is what she dental sicily daddys over the victim didnt expect. So you can predict once a month, if you notice all the see like because somebody polluted this lot because some of the method that the me this and they said that you saw a lot to people. I think so actually, i mean, yeah. Above it or so to show this to you, if you dont mind when i oh my gosh and you know you may somewhere, but be sure to cock my people book. I use the ball, my degree one symbol, but when i want to be above but lets get my shuttle. But oh, when are they about by name . No, wonderful. Now im a shuttle name. Whats up typically would you the young, im me you the full body still suffering the joy. Amazing that about the the me from implementing medical additional might be the no no, no, no go need. Okay. The image and woke up to a bunch of movie to turn this i much, thats the money but lately it can isnt this other trio none. Vega really, if i do, you have uh to, to well know, well pulling up from, you know, by the somebody you can play the music but the kind of movie the by the jump on like once a month when i was reading it go sure thing. Get know, guys, budget looks almost like, you know, when i ship, i think thats what they should have done by the of the amazon home to indigenous people. And diverse ecosystems is being destroyed by relentless drilling for oil. They are living in direct contact with petroleum. Prepare border and so in ecuador communities are fighting the corporate joints in a battle for survival and to save the lives of the world. How does he was view series doing the fine glass in a well filled with b. Concerning transformation is underway from the amazon lane 1st to the arctic sea environment are generally still around the front lines with the lights to reveal the truth as they continue to expose Environmental Issues and corruption. Many have been targeting true together, let support environmental and ensuring that the truth prevails for the 1st World Press Freedom Day Conference in 2nd to the 4th of may 2024. Unique perspective. Why is it the doctors dont get to have a say in any of the medical workforce has been so undervalued by the British Government . From time on hub voices. Tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you werent find elsewhere. Why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live . We the public have to get out there and do something about it. The stream on al jazeera, a news, despite a police correct on student protests, demonstrations and supports of palestine row across the us and around the world, the carriage on. So this is all just here a lot from also coming multiple is ready attacks on Southern Guns that leave at least 9 people, including children ahead of united nations, wells, food program says finance organ gone. So it is full blown. An ongoing is right

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