Crack down on protest is demonstrating against georges so called foreign influence belt the. So if we give him the ongoing coverage of arrest of protesters at Columbia University in new york, just in the past few hours, police entered the campus and arrested a number of students who, occupying a historic whole off of the barricade themselves inside university, says that requesting police to enter the campus in order to restore what is called safety and order to our community. And its awesome to stay on site until may 17th. Well, students in new york and across the us. Ive been calling for an end to the will on garza and for their academic institutions to find that street divest from israel. The lets go live down to christian sleeman. Shes just outside Columbia University, so it appears that the Police Operation has ended, christine, but a heavy presence does remain on the streets, took us through the scene thats being that tonight. Yes, well it was a little after 9 pm local time that the police entered the campus at the request of the university administration. But they were there for under 2 hours. And in that time arrested about 50 people at least 50 people. But even before they entered the campus, everyone knew this was coming. A police bands and buses started showing up on the outside of the campus and the streets around the surrounding, the campus blocks and blocks of new york city streets were shut down to 3 traffic. And the call went out from the demonstrators on campus and inside the hall to supporters outside to come and show up. And they did. And when i 1st arrived here, there were a demonstrators in the streets as well. Also, fellow students and faculty members, just monitoring the situation, coming to show support and express their concern about what was going down on the campus. Police moved in quickly and entered the building, broke through the doors that had been barricaded by the demonstrators who occupied that building. While at the same time, dispersing the demonstrators who were standing locked armed, starting the front of the building as well. And some of them were thrown to the ground. Some of them were dragged off. Uh, some of them were arrested, but others were basically how sold quickly off campus. The demonstrators that i spoke to who had been inside describe being pushed and shoved and hustled off. They were very upset, very shaken, and while they were not arrested like the others, they are facing suspension from the campus for their activities as well. Of course, and whats been the reaction to all of this is an extraordinary seans will see it of us keeping saying the sub University Said that this is a security concern that the occupying the building had escalated the situation. That they are concerned that demonstrators who have no affiliation to the university were taking part. And this was a concern echoed by the mayor of the city who claimed to have the evidence that outside agitators were taking part in the demonstrations. He showed video from security cameras showing master people that as they entered the building and broke windows and to get inside the building and also blocked the doors and the entrances. But a lot of the students and faculty members that i talked to here, see that as a dont by that. What was said there, they say this was a peaceful student demonstration that the students, you know, had instigated this for all, for the reason of a shining light on the situation in gaza and in the palestinian territories that they wanted to draw attention to this and, and theres been a lot of blow back towards the administration from the faculty at the school that has come down the use of police in the 1st round a. And i think we can expect that well have similar reaction to the 2nd round of arrest as they happen tonight. A lot of concern, a lot of attention being focused on this and you know, Columbia University has a long history of try a long tradition of protest. And many saw this in line with colombia as a tradition of teaching human rights. And as and so it was very opposed by many of the faculty and date of christmas name. He brings the same to just outside Columbia University. Thanks very much, kristen. A lot of you. I spoke to cameron james, hes a lead. Organize a company as jewish voice for peace. He says theres widespread support amongst students for the leadership of Columbia University to resign. I think we have seen the University Try again and again to silence pro palestine voices on campus. And every time they tie the silent, but we only get louder, we only bring lights and numbers to our valleys largest number to add to our protests. So i am certain that you will see a large, large blow back from the student body from faculty, from alumni in the coming weeks. We will not stand for this biling Police Brutality on our campus, and we will stand up for what we believe is. But what to arrest a suspension from universities mean for students and does it not intimidate them . I would say students are very intimidating, but it is nothing compared to what policy means that they think in gaza every day and be recognized the purpose that we have. And be back to ignite that we have to put our lives at best. So we can protect individuals in gaza in the west bank in history. Did you see students threatening stop . Was there a breakdown and order with us threats to security on campus tomorrow . As far as that is that i have not heard any threats against staff or public safety. And the occupation of hamilton hall, which has not been renamed in hall, was nothing but peaceful. No one was time and there was no violence of any sort. The only valleys we have seen now is by the n y, p d being brought in, some violent me a rest peaceful protest. This coming in response to all of this was all students are asking for of the university all the calls for the administrators, or indeed the president , president , suffolk to step down over this. So yeah, so slightly there was a large, large support for me need to seek to resign for laura rose and barry to resign to the president of fine arts and for a whole investigation that ive seen this happen in the past few weeks to be done as well as being a wave of all the protests against, as well as will and gauls or universities across the united states. After students were rest of the university of texas in austin on monday, many was still being held in jail on tuesday. Hows your castro has more . There has been a slow trickle of the protesters that are being released according to the university of texas austin, administration. 79 people were arrested for mondays protests and they had been charged with. Were seeing a lot of criminal trespassing as a major charge here. And now more than 24 hours later, still the vast majority remain inside the jail thats behind me. And thats despite the calls that youre hearing behind me of not only 3 talestine because of 3, those pro testers. These are you teach students some faculty member and other members of the austin community, the house of vigil over night waiting for every last one of those arrested to be released. And joining us, his guest, who was an attorney has been helping some of those that have been detained as well as some of the thanks for joining us. Tell me about the charges that these individuals are facing. And some of the criticism that, you know, this started out as a peaceful protest. So are these charges valid . I think its important to note this counselor, these continue to be peaceful protests. They started as peaceful protests. And that never changed. And these students are protesting. And for exercising a right constitutionally guaranteed to them at a public university. No, them broke any laws that the university of Texas Police Department threatened them with the criminal trespass morning if they refuse to disperse, which is something they shouldnt have been asked to do in the 1st place. So in, in short, to answer a question, no, i dont think these charges are valid. How many have been released to your knowledge and what is, what is it that they are going to experience now . So im just having been here a couple of hours today, it seems like only a handful, probably no more than 5 or 6 if i had to guess have been released. Obviously if the students had been here for a very long time, and im sure id, it goes without saying being and being in a holding cell being and county lock up as a traumatizing experience enough for kids this young as well has time to gauze and now the northern town of bay law here, which has been slowly destroyed by weeks of his ready strikes 5 till the civilians were injured and the latest attacks. But these radio oppressions seemed aimed at killing and operating the 10s of thousands of palestinians who have remains the despite orders to leave most ill call who is a journalist based and gone. So, and this is his report. Basically the closest target to the house in beta. Yeah, exactly. Itd be a bit to that he had learned about you behind me, the house of a move, the family and the the, the, the, the down did resulted. Many injures and cousins got one on this. And this is my name is also from the stuff for you, probably heard, intrusive. Im, i live in this house. The pleasure to assist in with our adults is when the house was struck by a bowman there injuries, but nobody was killed in the can see a behind me Civil Defense and river are trying to reach a people who got injured from visit prosecutions, remains National Criminal court has spoken to medical stuff and gone through about mass graves funds, l shaffer, im not so hospitals as well. Has system as id be targeted hospitals and its me a 7 month roll on garza. Well them 34500 people have been killed by the is really ministry in that time. Unless you as estimate the move in 10000 palestinians missing under the Russell Honey mackwood correspondent and gaza has this report. As the prosecutor is a from interNational Criminal court are investigating whether these massive graves are evidence of a word crime. They have interviewed a staff or from gaza ship an officer, hospital rescue workers having to do more than 400 bodies within Hospital Ground and say, some people may have been buried alive or executed this fight hospitals being protected under international law. They became a Battle Ground and got really forces bombed, rated embassy, the ship, an officer, the 2 largest hospitals industry, the u. And has, that is really forces the transport, nasir from a place of healing to a place of death and the mass graves. Maybe just the 1st of many such discoveries emergency workers in gaza say they dont have enough equipment to reach people buried alive in bond building. And many trapped under rubble are dying. I dont know if i did already do that, so let me know. I saw the flow, we estimate there are more than 10000 people trapped under the rubble of the specialized increase have not been able to recover these bodies. And those monster of most meaning, created in deductible which is recorded by the golf industry of health. This is because we simply do not have the results as well, capability to recover the thousands of palestinians still trapped under the rep. I mean, while the visual dis taller stands up more than 34500 people, the actual number wouldnt be known until distributed, cleared a process, the you on say it could take up to 14 years. Honey, my god, ill just see it all from rough. I palestine to a different logic bushes on the way to reach sci fi and go on. So with us existing pressure on how us to agree to as wells times last is where the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to attack rafa in southern gaza, whether or not as a sci fi, but as with reports from occupied east jerusalem. These rails miller trees already hitting targets in roughly the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says a much larger operation aimed at how much is leadership and these remaining battalions will happen. I dont want to kind of split up for you. Well enter wrap up because we have no other choice will destroy the homeless battalions that we will complete all the objectives of the goals, including the repatriation, all the outcomes, ts then yahoo is under International Pressure not to launch a full assault on rough or more than a 1000000 palestinians, a sheltering military assault on rough, it would be an unbearable escalation, killing thousands marched civilians, enforcing and the thousands the fleet. They must do whats necessary to protect the civilians and in the battle space. A much better job of what weve seen thus far. And as you know, theyre north of a 1000000 civilians that have moved into that space that you have to or if youre going to conduct operations and then those civilians must be accounted for and hopefully move data moved out of the area. Also in the line of fire would be, is really captive the families protested in jerusalem on tuesday, demanding a ceasefire. Deal is, israels military says its ready for a rough operation. Thomas smiths now decide whether to accept a deal knowing that netanyahu was promised to attack the last stronghold. Come, what may come us, as always insisted on a permanency spine. Whatever pressure that might be on Benjamin Netanyahu from overseas or from the families of the captives, as well as Prime Minister, relies on Foreign Ministers to stay in power. They wont the raft result to go ahead and go any deal with how much a terrible defeat defy them. And then, you know, who could be out of office a bonus. Smith alger 0 occupied east jerusalem. So head here on al jazeera, striking against modernize ation take the boxes, foss drive is in the philippines. Step up, the industrial action plus wise and ball play has introduced a new gold box car and say, quote, this thing, the fast lane to 2 weeks. So the, the total does not something content im kind of foundation is deliberate over 300000000. 00 will suffice in more than 75. 00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sex on an emergency donation spence on projects and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300. 00 on luis hobbins, it goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. Our most of these bless and the bless im we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. So the annual watching ounces era has remind you of on top stories this hour in new york. Police have waited a whole occupied by protestors who support homicide at Columbia University. And the rest of the dozens of the University Administrators say they will expel the students who took over the building. Thousands of students across to us have been demonstrating against the us as role in israel. Small casa, for a 3rd consecutive day, tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets of georgia as capital to protest. The government so called for an influence little legislation will require organizations receiving funds from abroad to. But just to us for an agents payments that could be used to crack down on groups, critical up the government and damaged georgias ambitions of joining the European Union. And has it has led to weeks of demonstrations on tuesday, police 5 was kind of the crowds of some protests became violent elation of all of a report. Some tvc are they said tracing on severely avenue in the central police, it remains tends to protest against the adoption of below and for an influence continues. The cross is being discussed these days by the trojan parliament. I close the lot of controversy. So emotions and passions are running high Law Enforcement offices a trying to this past the demonstrators. Now the ryan police have surround the department building. Its called into all the police are using. Tia johnson was kind of the case, the protests as well. The protests is chauncey cuts about which means georgia and waving declines of georgia on the European Union according to the trojan ministry of internal affairs. Because its near the poem and building 10 bond. And so the us over to have the gun implementing measurements to restore public old on a pushing protest as away from parliament. And at the moment the situation is not stable at so as you can hear, the routing side of the one piece for the on tonight, tens of thousands of people gathered here at the police were asking to protest as to comply with, with the demands of Law Enforcement officers, but at some point things got out of control. Youd ask for 5 out of a o. D 0 release a georgia can use presence when we time has held a special Cabinet Meeting is heavy, rains continue to lash the country. The death toll for the month, so fronting has reached at least a 170. 00 people. 185000 of us have been displaced. Catherine story reports from my matthew town in central can you . Of the these people have lost all they had homes, belongings and their relatives penny not one boy can only pray to try and ease the pain. She spelling her mother and 2 sisters. What buried under debris in flash floods that have slipped my mind. You town for me, what cousin . I comp brief. Its like im dreaming when i saw them at the moultrie and it was a real quad. Those forced from their homes are given clouds and food. Theyre still trying to make sense of what happened. John can, with the as neighbors are helping him carry one of the few things he has been last week rescues found. Hes 9 year old son dead on this chair was done. And part of what he me to no, no, my daughter will say the what to push to against a tree that had been uprooted. She was injured. The water also carried me, but i was able to cling on to a branch. The red cross is coordinating recovery operations that hes off, but he has started with an opposite gully that had been accumulating what to see is the rain started caved in. The impact was devastating. The colorado is a stretch of about one 5th to meet as uh, with but the length is quite long. We are looking at about 50 kilometers that we actually need to come. This is a challenging operation. 200 volunteers have been deployed. What does that machine over there is being used to clear the debris and were talking about what does that come down so much for whos had the huge trees as well. And what is going to happen after this is that the volunteers will use shovels to dig through the mad to see if there are bodies from underneath. The people in the villages are also helping the owner of this call hired some to help him remove important facts. They say they found bodies. Some people swept away by the water, may never be found laughter and say that something theyll find difficult to leave with. Catherine, sorry, my matthew central can you in the philippines drive, as of privately owned bosses in his jeep needs, have once again be in the house on the streets of the capital to protest against government times to modernize the service. It comes a day of to a deadline to doing cooperatives in the next 2 or 3 years, and also being told to replace the conic vehicles with green. A options on or below has moved from manila, thousands of workers marching towards the president ial palace to the med for higher wages as they do every labor day. But this year theyre also here to support quote this the g p drivers, tv drivers were paid to the governments gp Modernization Program. The government wants to replace the old war now. These with modern mini buses, but recently they also approve the dues office locally manufactured jeep needs that look like the traditional jeep these but would need the modern standards. But these processing drivers say that the 1st step to this Modernization Program to join cooperative or get employed by corporations, just t been to corporate interest. And this means that they lose their licenses to operate, which means that they lose their income. And then the so were not against modernization post say were just asking the government to re examine the program and prioritize pull working filipinos instead of business interests. How these protesting drivers say it is ironic that a deadline for them to join cooperative felt a day before labor day. But the government didnt budge, wouldnt budge because the government says that they have already extended the deadline. Several times they have given drivers enough time to be able to comply with requirements to join the governments. Tv monetization program. No, only hold that post testing drivers now have is their petition in the Supreme Court where the government to suspend is cheap. The Modernization Programs. But so far, the Supreme Court has not acted on it. Their supporters in congress go say that they might be able to find a middle ground. We are actually studying what we can find if theres something in the form of a bill that will be presented as an alternative to the view Modernization Program. How diverse will really be part of the whole process, or whatever happens, these protesting drivers say theyre not getting off the screen. And if they dont get course, get off the screen. So they say they have the numbers in the Public Transportation system for to below. How does 0 thank you. This is experiencing the longest heat wave in 76. He is at least 10 people have died of heat stroke and schools have been shots until thursday. The lack of rain and intense heat has turned in life. It has thousands of people on low incomes, including many farmers, tons of chandry has moved from deca, the fun with that she is experiencing the longest duration of unprecedented hot weather in its record in history. For many people, the intense heat, coupled with high humanity, is making life intolerable. Its way too hot. I couldnt ride my ritual for too long in this heat. Thats why i have to rest in the shade more often than usual, which is why im not doing enough. Im feeling very anxious. And got got the temperature rose about 40 degrees celsius on 15th april. I mean, the west of the country reached 43 degrees, and farmer walkers are suffering heavily. I have never seen heat like this in my life. Our duty requires us to stay a long hours outside in the heat. And its hard to bear this. Scientists say our been areas have been hit particularly hard by whats known as it island effect. Thats why i built up environments reader and he amplifies the temperature. Med office is warning. The phenomena would continue to out me. But the rate of temperature increase may slow down and there may be some rain does pity, allowing me into a ways for taking the safety of health. Where does this to be at . Extend compares to the condition the United Nations showed in front as called on bangladesh. To take precautions expressing the concern for the health and safety of children. Additional so july months. Right. And we have identified the districts that may experience higher temperatures. The benchmark limits. We have identified about 14 districts and have decided to keep all educational institutions closed. And World Bank Studies saves more than 3 quarters of the population in bundle dash are at risk of experiencing a decline in Living Standards because of Climate Change related temperature rise, need regular rainfall temperatures rate. Ill just see the doctor, the founder of the was launch has Crypto Currency Exchange has been sent as the full months in prison for allowing criminals to loan the money on his platform trunk pen. Joe, who resigned from finance in november, i pleaded guilty to violating us money laundering. Knows finance has also been fined. I have a full 1000000000. 00 off to investigate is found. It helps uses by pauls functions, prosecutors and sort of 3. Yes. Sentence for the full not finance boss. Simple boys, new currency has gone into circulation. The introduction, if its in public, gold or the ink, is the governments latest attempt to tackle hyperinflation. Hi latasha. As a story from her. All right. Brian positive. Im, well i see that its too soon to know if this new currency, the ball with gold was big will make a difference to his daddy like, like millions of other People Living in the country with one of the highest inflation rates in the world. He wants to bobbys economy to improve says the cuttings is picked up by something that we get in touch with you in good form means that we have some more confidence in these cuttings. Which means that um it too easy to enforce says within the public. Does it replaces, does, and bobby, and donna, which last 3 quarters of its value this year, and hes backed by gold reserves and foreign currency. The central bank has promised not to put excessive volumes of the new notes or flags, the discipline government in the sense that to you cant increase it is monday without it being a corresponding increase in the gold reserves or in the even in for

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