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Streets of gaza. We are pools on how disease is spreading mid fears of cholera. And she by the chairman, aid for gaza, stuck in kentucky because as well that the freedom for tennis sale the we started with a student protests in the us camp, set up at Columbia University in new york and solidarity with palestine as turned into a movement. The spread across the us to europe and beyond. Students are demanding that schools divest from israel and of colombia. Theyre promising to maintain their own camp and until it demands a met. The universities have made several offers, promising to examine and review the investments. But its not enough for the students more than 550. 00 have been arrested so far. So today is day 203 of genocide for palestinians in gaza and nearly 75 years of colonial violence from the apartheid state of israel and amends anguish for palestinians everywhere. If you are not focusing on the brutal genocide currently happening in gaza and the apartheid system, palestinians are living under in all of occupied palace time. We implore you to do so. It is important to remember why we are here. Our encampment here at columbia and in cabinets everywhere around the country are part of a Larger Movement for palestinian liberation. Ill just here is kristen. Some of them is at Columbia University in new york. After 10 days, the encampment here at Columbia University is still going strong, alumni and other supporters of the demonstrators are dropping off food. Faculty, volunteers are guarding the entrance to the and cabinet, and the students themselves remain here, day and night. Theyre holding kitchens that involved muslim and jewish students together. All of this while negotiations are continuing with the administration. But its clear at this point the university doesnt want a repeat of what happened when they called in the police and arrested more than 100 students. Thats just brought out more in demonstrators here at Columbia University and all around the country as well. It also provokes criticism from the faculty. The School Senate earlier criticized the administration and a formal statement for its clamp down on the students, which they see as a violation of what the University Stands for, for a free speech and the right to speak out. That said, the university is also facing pressure from students who say they feel uncomfortable and at least one major donor who has announced that hes angry about what the school is doing here and has pulled his support. Kristin salumi alger 0 new york. Heres unofficial. Now at George Washington university in washington, dc, the number of professors inside the college courtyards has gone down significantly since this time on thursday. The reason for that is the right sort of being made by the university warning students, you could lose their housing. Theres the possibility that they could lose College Credits that they might not be able to graduate or not the 16 inside the courtyard. But as you can see, theyve been joined by hundreds, are excited to come to give their support to i. Dear boy, to the protest outside the university, and the number of those have turned up, put a to spoken to the cried one of those was a young man by the name of the site, but now hes a jewish student and he says, there is a very good reason why he decided to add his voice to the protests here at g w. This is a fight we should be in together. You know, like i said, we are the spiritual and often literal descendants of the victims of a genocide. Theres another one going on right now. We are watching it live stream on our phones, on our tvs. We should be here raising our voices. I shouldnt be the only one that i am far from the only one. The only jewish person that is here today. And we should all be here standing up against a human ization against polarization and against genocide because weve seen it before and never again. And that means for anybody, many of the academics at George Washington and also other schools in the Washington Area have actually sent a note to the authorities. Saying that the students should not be punished for exercising their right to free speech. And for exercising their brains to contemplate what is happening in guys. But the authorities have not decided at any point to discuss with the students that demands that the university divest from is really companies that they look at is really academic links as well. And they give it guarantees that those who are protesting will not face any sort of punishment in the future. Those who are still protesting see the steering the steering until the demands are met. Also sure, ill just see the George Washington university in washington dc. Meet on parasite demonstration by students who has broken off off. They occupied the Main Building of a science as Po University for hours in the evening. The University Management said it had reached the agreement with students who promised they would no longer interrupt the process. Just there was natasha buckler. Was that the protest . Im central space for full . A r k did inside terraces, prestigious steel sPo University. Dozens of students demanding it in to israels war and garza outside the others, challenging for phones to help stop. What they say is a genocide. We are witnessing a genocide and as a student we are in the process of shaping our own political awareness. And we know that students movements and voices have marked history. So this is why we cant stay silent. Things became tends when a group, supposing israel arrive to stay to counter protest, really. So cancer, i live near here and i worry, this university is no longer friends. French police moved in to separate the 2 sine. Meanwhile, most students during the demonstration this through the children, one of the universities like there is another great we have a few demands, but one of them is to start investigating all of the ties they have with the state of israel, which is academy and financial. Theres already research with the work on that to understand how these really universities are complicit in the case of potential genocide declared by the i c j. And we want to talk with investigating and prep partnerships to protest as relate to student demonstrations. And wednesday, french from these period assisting. The student says with a pete 100 and symbolic theres a root, we will not only and seems to be very wide and burn friend slides. There is a starting process. 9 voices. Now weve reached another step with the Police Coming in to our campus during the wednesday, the organization to take us out of the companies. This is the next assignment of a silence. The must be broken, say to students. If palestinian rights its a be heard katasha butler, ill just sarah power have also been protests at University College london. Ill just say with some of the i get reports from that may not have been undertaken by the University College london who know just to arrange other options, but also a few patients as well. They recently also has a 30 full day occupation. And one of the buildings as well, but with this particular demonstration, they all cooling up for you c o. 2, we think, and in fact, its research collaboration, Drones Companies such as b, a, e, and the last page. This is part of the loan, the since since october weve been, weve been holding raleighs woke house teachings and to try and hold you. So to account for that complicity is set aside to gain garza and most recently. And they said that we held a site for day long occupation of a lot, just as of right in the hot compass. And the 2 major reasons, the 1st being to hold you sale to account. And secondly, to educate about the policy and the struggle on, on to so select aside security for the course as part of a growing movement of student bodies action to dispose. They do seem a part of the main protests that had been taking place in london. Usually at the weekends as well, and they say that it is possible a learning process to so allow people to understand this conflict, more and watch resides with the cost of it when they got jagow out of there. I mean, all these really forces have launched a series of ass strikes on several neighborhoods in gaza, at least 5 palestinians, including children, killed an attack on a residential building and roughly several of the injured website into the queue. A specialized hospital, the Palestinian Health ministry. It says at least 51 People Killed in the past. 24 hours. Was one gauze that has left the strips, Health Care System in ruins. The collapse of Sanitation Systems of lack of clean Drinking Water is feeling the spirit of disease. Ill just say i was funny, my friends ripples after months of bombardment on suffering, the people of god that have been left within you in the beginning of each because it should be a honda for the situation is very dark and the place is not suitable for living at to no toilets, no water, no sanitation facilities, just making it very difficult. One toilet and one was designed for 5000 displaced individuals. People are in overcrowded spaces. And this has led to a spread of Infectious Diseases, very alien to us. Even the Health Ministry cannot determine what these diseases uh the lack of showers in hand washing facilities means maintaining the proper highs unit, nearly impossible by getting water and for Waste Management held the breed diseases carrying mosquitoes and slice the number of those with malaria, dingey fever and other illness is rising, whole eligible diseases such as hepatitis and other Infectious Diseases are spreading quickly. Vomiting and diarrhea are among the most whites but diseases among children. Israels war on gaza is also screening the management of medical ways, adequate sanitation and the supply of clean medical supply and issuing the there is no sanitation or Waste Management. When you live in the street. Theres no sanitation, tools, or equipment to help tools as simple as a broom or sweepers are not available if they are available, they are very expensive. For 7 months, weve had no work or salary and we cant afford buying these necessities. Its not just on sanitary conditions here that are creating health of problems, sickness, stress on the problem of the comes like being not excited. The pressing on post Traumatic Stress disorders are building into a Mental Health nightmare for the people of dog roles intends bombing, campaign has eliminated nearly all social services and health care facility. Recovery will need a humanitarian Aid Organization. Local authority is an International Actors to work together. Sanitation, Waste Management and health care, including Mental Health treatment are all needed. Immediate, clean water would be to start and even more. Outage of the Gaza Palestine and International Aid Organization Says israel is deliberately preventing a ship carrying a down International Observer some reaching garza, the freedom flow to the coalition, says israel has created an administrative roadblock to stop the vessel from leaving the port in is done, but us a bank has more ready, but theyre not setting sale. The 8 has been loaded with the International Students that to, that has facebook organizers say are administrative roadblocks, initiated by israel. The leadership act in this business that of the republic of getting the best. So organize the say theres been pressure to have this like removed and stuff, the vista from departing. So i understand the message to the European Countries about the nations to, to be participants on the ship and creating challenge for them. And also sending a lot of massachusetts, the turkish government to acquire the challenge from the 4th authorities. And its not as far as it was on the freedom for the to the 14 years ago, who was one of the 9 people kills. But these really made that even they boarded them, of you motor motor, a way to i dont know if was on the, for the to the in 2010. Israel continues to deny the entry of life saving age for palestinians. And we cant just defy while our government to nothing effective. We could change the realities in silver plan to sale with this live saving a but also to confront and challenge israel seeds on the civilian population. But she would now have to wait. No one here knows for how long you and experts have demanded the safe passage for the freedom to, to the closing on these well to adhere to international, including recent orders from the International Court of justice can show unimpeded access. For too many children aid activists have not been told to return to their home countries until the to the is ready to leave. Nobody knows how long that will take or if it will default for garza, without instructions on political pressure which remains to be seen. But for now, the 5500 tons of humanitarian aid will remain here. And there will not be a challenge to these various egypt, garza, i said vague. A da 0 is symbols that the to the occupied westbank where 2 young palestinians have been shot dead bodies rarely forces of the solemn checkpoint. Mid janine, the victims were opposed to be killed during fighting, but soldiers. These ran, these prevented ambulances from reaching the body shop right here. And ill just say right, when we come back marching for a month and present to them on the government to move for landless workers. And why kenya is for while refusing to leave the homes despite devastating floods. More of those things, the highlight of the weathers looking a little likely across north america, by that particular across the great plains. Lots of summary down pools here. 2 areas of low pressure getting together. Im at spring producing widespread stormy conditions and this Severe Weather outbreak. Last thing a few days actually it will continues to drift this way. The east was moved funds ahead of that. So that means that were pushing it across the eastern parts of the us and it will eventually get squeezed. The re still full team in new york as an 18, thats what they say, but look at those temperatures. Ready . Jump as we go into some by 20 i celsius and they say, and we could talk 32 by the time we come to monday, much cooler as usual, just spilling out to central and western posts of kind of as a way to get that temperature. Contrast with a life samples will be a possibility of some very gusty winds last highly or tune 8. I mixed in with weather into central parts of canada on terry equifax pushing all the way down into the deep south of the us and becoming even more widespread as we go through sunday with 1st of all i be still pushing further east with stones continue across the espana i, lets do some showers, that all the way down into southern parts of central america, of the indonesia is building a new capital city. Deep in the jungles of borneo, this is for the original open across the nation. But not everyone supports the idea that someone would definitely have. We see this as an authoritarian decision whos on the 101 east where deals indonesia moving a mega sitting on out to 0 Award Winning documentary is from around the corner, which is 0. The the welcome back you watching out just a record to mind about top stories here. This i Like University post have some sort of down to a ton of style. Ill continue to spread across the united states. Students are demanding their schools divest from israel within 550. 00 protest is up. Interesting said, is ready for us, is that the lowest aspects on several neighborhoods across because at least 5 understands, were killed in an attack on a residential building and a roof for us to him help industries or fortune of these 51. 00 People Killed in 24 hours and instructional Aid Organization says israel is deliberately preventing a ship carrying a gun International Observance from beach and concert. The Freedom Flotilla Coalition says israel has created an administrative roadblock to stop the vessel from leaving the port in east uncle. Now supports the israel within the us, evangelical Christian Community has been unwavering that all around 11000000. 00 american evangelicals and their support as well as based on their belief that the existence of israel will pay the way for the return of jesus christ. Listen to this recent exchange between the congressman and the university of columbia as president. Are you familiar with genesis 123 . Probably not as well as you are homeless man. Well, its pretty clear it was the covenant that god made with abraham. And uh, that cabinet was real clear. If you blast israel, i will bless you. If you curse israel, our curse you. And then in the new testament it was confirmed that all nations would be blessed through you. So you do not know about that. I have heard that now that youve explained that. Yes, ive heard that if they are familiar, do you consider that a serious issue . I mean, do you want Columbia University to be cursed by god of the bible . Definitely not. Okay. Well, thats good. Well salary vance friend bath is from the santa carl universe that she says that some evangelical police regarding israel a based on a misreading of the bible. Its a political view of the end times, especially rooted in the last book of the christian scriptures. The book of revelation, which is that when the world ends, its going to end in a battle in israel and the geographical place of israel, where jesus will come again. And thats a very distorted out of context for our understanding of that text. So that just that, that, that simple story is taken way out of context from the political, evan jellico movement. Youre not interested in the value of the state of israel except to the degree that during its destruction will come. It will be the 2nd coming of jesus, which is troubling in its all right, so its not for the sake of this real really the no off the move in 2 years of war. Ukraine is struggling to recruit new troops. Its recently passed a little lowering the conscription age from 27 to 25. But on tuesday it went even further issuing new possible rules for men abroad. Ill just say with john home and reports from keith to ukraine, struggling to find men to fight its military. Come on during the east. Has said that in some sections of the front line, brushing policies out number, its 7 to one. Now its governments announced a new controversial measure. It will stop issuing any new passports, a broad military age, but theyll only be able to get them back in ukraine. He wants them to come home is what the ukranian minister of Foreign Affairs to meet, throw cool level, wrote in a statement how it looks like now a man of conscription age went abroad. Shoddy state doesnt care about it. Survival and then comes and wants to receive services from the state. It doesnt work this way. A country is a will a wednesday, the oldest seem to go into instant effects and the ukraine Impossible Office in will. So there are tens of thousands of ukrainian men of military age in poland to go to pick up my possible goal here is 6 am. Yesterday we spent the night, but no ones giving us a possible. What do we do now . This is a fight against draft dodgers, but they didnt ask us on the basis we went abroad. How can i be a draft dont j . If i went to broad legally not to tell you the neighboring ukraine supports the measure. And its defense minister said like wednesday that each country could help out. We talked about, weve already suggested for a long time that were able to aid the ukrainians side by helping those who are subject to ministry service. Go home. Mr. Is a test. I think that many of our compatriots feel outraged now when they see young ukrainian men in hotels and caches in here all the time. About how much effort we have to make to help ukraine, but will the measure increase ukraines true numbers . Alexi headman is a military analyst and was a major in the army. Lets begin with those models that im going to put along with. We need 3 things. One is the middle tree 8 that weve already got from out part is to is the mobilization of troops and 3 powerful fortifications to repel the russians. These 3 things need to add up so that were able to find the width is from a 61000000000. 00 a package from the united states. Now suddenly begin arriving in coming weeks. Ukraine still missing meant with the john home and ill just say to keep you cry. No drums try come a gas field in Northern Iraq has killed for many work cuz they have talked to place in the province of sending money. Yeah, thats in the codex region. Local authority, say the field which is owned by you a base company was by the damaged and is likely to lead to power outages. That one of vietnam is top leaders has resign just weeks off to the president. Quit the head of parliament is the latest senior figure to leave office. I made an Anti Corruption crackdown unless say the crisis could have major implications for vietnams economy. One of the Fastest Growing in the region just here was jessica washington reports super meeting at the whole team in most of liam in knowing my this is rooms in which the chairman of the National Assembly attending his state duties in the morning just hours before stepping down with a non, once one of the most powerful men in vietnam, he was one in in 2021. To probably move further, i will continue to improve the quality and efficiency of the parliaments, work towards the ultimate goal of setting the people, the nation, and the happiness of the people. But his time in office has been caught short. Earlier this month, queen met with china as president susan king. In the jing speculation he would be removed from his post had already begun, and his resignation came days off to his assistant, was detained in connection with the corruption investigation. Vietnam is a one policy state. Its top leadership is known as the full pillars, the potty, general secretary, the prime minister, the president , and the chair with the assembly. Its the latest people in the countries talk leadership in just a few weeks. This show the invitation of the population to root out for option, which has be really big problem. So you get, now se my faithful 14 years ago, was on the other hand, just local signals of very bad moment for i think this confidence and yet not because many weaknesses. I worry that the end think options on paying east coast to park. And it makes the bureau to see really power line is a sweeping Anti Corruption campaign has seen hundreds of state officials and Business Executives prosecuted or forced to step down earlier president s both on tongue resigned after what the communist party said was violations and shortcomings. Vietnam is due to habits, Party Congress in 2026, with the removal of 2 prominent to contend is for the role of general secretary experts say the lack of a clear succession plan. They created some for the turbulence in vietnamese politics. Jessica washington out to 0. As in brazil and of a long expected land reforms, the scene, a wave of protest activists from the landless workers move and say president , due to the silver has not done enough. But the conservative dominated congress is accusing him of siding with protest is one. Okay, you dont get a story. Thousands marching across brazil demanding land protests market. The fortys anniversary of the longest standing Agrarian Reform movement in latin, americas largest country. Since the beginning of april, members of the land, this Workers Movement or the m. S. T, have organized 30 land occupations in 13 states, and these are establishing camps like this one. I think the whole global view and the site we are doing our duty pressuring the government to enforce our rights, preserves democratic constitution stipulates that unproductive line should be expropriated, and distributed to those who need it. And so they can grow food and not go hungry. This land 300 kilometers away from the city of realtors and narrow used to be a sugarcane plantation. Now the old church serves as the Community Kitchen jacket, you know, made the associated know where to go. After family was evicted, she hopes to build her new home. Here, the government has responded by announcing it would invest over 100000000. 00 to settle. 73000. 00 families by the end of the year. But activists from the landless Workers Movement say its not enough and the quality remains of pressing is showing brazil. Nearly half of the countrys arable land is controlled by just one percent of agricultural full days and the farm lobby wheel, significant power in congress. Its representatives have a choose the left Us Government of siding, but squatters and a half propose to bill allowing the police to expel them without a traditional warrant. We believe in Property Rights and therefore we understand that the laws in brazil should be strengthened in a way to um, you know, not allow these kind of movements through happening. People like, hey, need us to box fog. You the present has enough wealth to accommodate both the haves and the have nots. Like herself. She spent 3 years in a camp similar to the one shes now helping build before settling into her career at home. Today cheer and so living by selling organic fruits and vegetables at the local market. Monica, and give all g 0. Comp was the square that causes brazil. Now the Ohio Police Department has released body camera footage of the arrest of a 53 year old black man who died after he was detained. From tyson can be heard repeatedly telling police officers. I cant breathe as they put him to the ground. An officer can be seen facing a knee on his neck for about 30 seconds. The incident is reminiscent of George Floyds death in minneapolis 4 years ago, which at least a wave of protest against funded fatalities. A heavy rains of devastated parts of east africa in recent weeks floods in terms of near the indian kenya, up to at least 200 people and destroyed thousands of homes. And the a Central Region has been hit, especially hard and recent days. Malcolm lab reports from Colorado County itself with the capital, and i wrote the reins mostly come at night leave devastation in the morning. Thousands of people have been killed in flash floods here in kenya, holdings upon those mother was one of them. This is what remains of the home and her possessions. 6 people died here. This is exactly the phase. This is where we found them. The 40 of my mothers neighbors was trapped right across here and it seemed as though my cousin held her ankle with her head lost between her ties. People in the slums of the capital nairobi say the governments done little to help present

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