Protect their culture. And land preserves Indigenous Peoples, a staging, a 5 day process and the capital, the 17 gmc, were going to begin in gaza, israels waters and its 200 today. More than 34183 palestinians have been killed since october. The 7th. And there are no signs of the volumes ending in the central parts of the strip is really air strikes of targeted all will say that refugee count areas and then often the size of also being hit. Meanwhile, kata was confirmed, it still involved in mediation efforts to reach a cx 5, despite attempts to undermine the process of the i know we assessing our role as the as mediators. We need serious commitment by all sides to reach a deal. And secondly, attacking the mediator does not show commitment, does not show seriousness and does show a lack of enthusiasm and positively engaging in the mediation process. And this is what we are getting at right now, especially from the guy, the counting fox, those ministers who ive made these claims to end this conflict, the only way to guarantee the security of the peoples on both sides. And the only way to end the mascot and the bloodshed that is taking place right now in the, in that, that and without believe in the 4th a set itself. I feel that it would be very difficult for the media do to accomplish a i developed the writing assessment and assessment, attract some damaged or destroyed 60 percent percent of homes in gas. Its also devastated the health care system. Its also want the entire population is facing acute Food Shortages and the reports. But israel plants to relocate civilians from or off before its gotten defensive for us and the you and have warned against as one point. 5000000 displaced palestinians are sheltering in the southern city, Civil Defense teams, se favorite cupboard dozens, more bodies from mass graves in the grounds of naso hospice, and con eunice in Southern Gaza. 310 bodies are being fine so far. What does he say . Some of the victims were killed during the is various ease of the hospital. Civil defense Officials Say hundreds more are buried in the medical complex. The u. N. Is calling for an independent investigation. We are horrified also by the destruction of unnecessary medical complex and as she saw medical complex and the reports of the discovery of mass graves in and around facilities recall for independent effective, transparent investigations into the depths as given the prevailing climate of impunity. This should include international investigators, hospitals are entitled to very special protection under International Humanitarian law. And thats the clear, the intentional killing of civilians, detainees and others who are of the combat is a war crime that a couple is on the, has more from it off i, in Southern Gaza during the 1st day in a row where the medical team is alongside with the Civil Defense crews working tirelessly in order to find new bodies at being buried in the grave. The odds of the hospital as we have been collect a recording really a very and cards of a write off. Uh, bodies spinning berries inside this a medical facility. Now really yes, to tell you the medical team spanish to recover the 73 and looked at the dozens of bodies also have been recovered from that area. Now we have seen hearing from the golf causes Government Media Office stating that the majority of bodies were at a completely have different signs of being blindfolded. And a number of them were wounded on sides with elderly and closer women who have been taken at from on display as location. And they have been shots and killed by the ministry in that area. And they have been a very deeply into sound on the military had thrown bios of waste over it just to completely not to show what the majority of genocide to act being carried out in the pots and also the got golf Government Media Office has been saying that their bodies are still messing in different areas in the gaza strip as families are trying to search for their family, relatives and members in that area. Um its a no clue justification being made by these very sides regarding these incidents. Is there any metrics report or the preparing to move palestinians from rough despite to Going International condemnation, Bernard Smith reports from occupied east jerusalem. And we know that todays rarely media has been reporting recently that the defense ministry, adult has ordered some 10000 tents and is in the market for another 30000. And the defense ministry. These really government is told about creating humanitarian islands. So despite this incredible pressure, not only from the us, but also from other governments, particularly your opinion, governments that they will not support. A Major Military offense is offensive and wrap up. And one of these rarely is to go ahead with it. These rarely government is determined to do it, and its really because Benjamin Netanyahu is government is, will a cabinet and have not yet achieved the objectives in god. So those jump to objectives, being the destruction of how much and the release of hostages. Lots of pressure domestically, particularly over the failure of the government so far to release hostages. Theres lots of protests about that. Im. The government believes that are still for how most battalions in ross so that most of how much is leadership is hiding in tones deep on denise rafa. And for all of these reasons, these railey government says it is determined to go ahead with an operation in russia because it wants to try and route to remove. How much, how much is the ability to operate in gods . I was speaking in the last out of the head of the un agencies of Palestinian Refugees says israels recent attacks and the agency are part of a push to remove it from the gaza strip is or the to some of the stuff of involvement in the until the 7th attacks, but a review of the agencies operations, least on monday. The state of israel has not provided supporting evidence for his claim will join even though is the United Nation from the United Nations, is the commissioner of on roughly less than any. Thank you very much indeed for being with us. The report that we were talking about was the one to put together by the french, from a friendship funding this a coughing call. The not, there were a list of recommendations, but it made to ensure accountability so that i own what could demonstrate its neutrality. Do you think that will go a significant way to stopping that kind of obligations being made against the organization . Or do you think youre going to, this is something that you were simply going to face for a long time. So 1st of all, thanks for having me. I really hope that the rich, the default wed have for us to restore to confident. So ill post this on the door, so disability darren and myself are, but when it comes to result, we have with come also the recommendation. And you might have not the stuff that the report clearly indicated that the agency already have a number of a robust mechanism to didnt waste no try to issue under this a make a name of i would say to sound of many of the agencies or into the national enjoys but because of the nature of the conflict that we are dealing with and the complexity of our environment, the you to the need to do even better. And this is a reason why we embrace on embrace. So the recommendation made by a clean cut in on the team. And we have now preparing response fun to follow up on this recommendation at junior press conference, who gave a long list of uh, the level of, of damage to own were property. And of course the, the effect that this has had on was stuff the arrests that are being carried out and so on. What is the morale of stuff . I dont know at the moment, of course, not just in gaza, but in all the areas that it operates when it must, i would imagine field that is under constant pressure or yeah, the only wise on the constant at a constant pressure constant cooling, of discomforting a constant administrative, a restaurant, and also constant i would say sometimes. So social media, assassination. And the says definitely an impact on no style for you might also have seen over there now stuff today. So they have been opinion poured and also v as in the population in the west bank. And you know, gaza, there is a deep anxiety, is that if the, the agency is a discount or the do this for the also put an end to the 2 state solution. I was i just had a pretty console last week. And basically i told the member that the i talked to on want have nothing to do. We send to try to, to issues. But in reality, now, what keep it that the, by the objective to street, the defense team and from the river just stages. You also mentioned in your press conference, but within 24 hours of the obligations originally being made by man of bias, real about members of on were allegedly taking part in the homeless letter tilbury 7th attacks and southern israel. 16 to 18 countries have pulled their funding. How concerned and how worried are you that countries are prepared to pull funding so quickly before obligations are actually just determined to be funded of that and that shows also the on president the crisis on china jones. The agency is currently facing on dealing ways. It is true that 6 in the country within 48 hours adults, the pools. But the good news is that soon. So most of the countries have reviewed the decision on the have reinstated the contribution to the agency. At the times it took the decision, it had to the agents who basically have no visibility anymore, evolved. Its a financial contribution today, folks to the fact that most of the doing those ive come back a new to and ive also joined the agencies. We have a slightly more visibility and i can say we some consult uh that we have enough resources to keep. Oh, active. It is running a nice the till the end of june and go into the multiple tonight. But its very precarious, and we continue to function most a 100 to most a given the allegations that were made about genre by israel. You were talking in your press conference about the fact that you have to have a Constant Contact with the, with all parties who are involved in the crisis. How difficult does that situation become, find those obligations have been made . It was, you know, the ones the allegation of in may and they had a considerable negative impact on the agencies. Some confidence have been temporarily of bro, with the member states. So we had to rebuild it. Oh, i forgot to restore the so confidence, know the cuts and cut, and thatll be for the supported by the free institute. The is a key element to restore the confidence. So we, so we, so member states, how confident are you know that on why is in a position to be able to deliver the age that people in gaza and elsewhere so badly need need decent again, everything is extremely precarious. So as you know, the United States has also decided to suspend all the its contribution to the agencies that you thats it wont be coming back up before march next week. This leaves behind a huge shortfall that we will have to reach you. I am cautiously optimistic that we might succeed to with the support of the existing door in advance, but also with the support the offer new doing us given the fact that you werent you, as you referred to that on what is constantly facing pressure and obligations from from all sides at times, throughout the course of its history of ever being, particularly in this circumstance, has there ever been a discussion about on right, changing its role are changing the way that it works in order to try. If nothing else to take the pressure off at stuff or on the ground, we have tried to initiate a number of discussion related to a pompous cheaper as you know, so this is a 70 feet of mux. Its 75. 00, give us a of a, of a one before october 7, a 7, a one to the truck to initiate the discussion about the kind of what a loan continued to be. The, the for the Inclusive Service provider for the purchasing that risk. The specialty in the absence of, of, for the to can arise because we have seen that the interest of all funds are doing it to support the agencies has also decreased the over the years and before the conflict in the, in odessa. So this type of conversation definitely needs to take place one. At the same time, we have to make sure that the, this conversation to not, we can to future right off of the police, investigate, to use this conversation takes place on the i would say the principle of resolution free or to you said that you were stopping the ground had been telling you that there had been, had been some improvements in the number of 8 trucks that were getting into guys. I believe that you quoted the figure of the average was about 200. 00 a day. There had a peak that had been over 300 at talk to us briefly. Sorry about the priorities. The unreal has in terms of the kind of a that it is trying to supply and garza. I mean, it sees deep slope and shows also that the if the result but because we look, we can increase the number of trucks, we can increase the volume of the supply we to enter in together. So it is true that the office enough to shoot a so the have been some cars that have been some improvement to my critics on the ground, for example, indicated that the last convoys entering into the no sir, have not been assaulted by desperate the people who have struggled to get the pomp of the assistance of a truck to sign that the, the, some slides improvement. But to read this, the new mean, i would say hung up on stuff nation, taking this into a governess tree, but we need this is supply to be on interrupted. And at the same scale in the foreseeable future, i just wanted to ask you, so before we let you go, just very briefly, um, in terms of on was experience on the ground, particularly in gaza. How if a tool is not going to affect how on what deals with situations similar to this in the future, will you be reassessing the way that you approach your services in situations like this . But 1st, we have also to go into the recommendation of the content every falter because it may be some of them might also impact the, the way we might deliver services in the, in the future. We have an an action review of taking place in real time right now, becoming outpatient and gaza. And we will certainly also known some lesson to be applied to the in the future context. If god forbid that there is again, a conflict for that lives that any we appreciate your being with us and ill just you know, thank you very much indeed for your time. I think it appeared, it was being held for the palestinian non killed by his very forces in jericho. The 44 year old was a father of suite. His death springs, the number of palestinians chilled and the occupied westbank since october, the 7th to 487. 00. Another 3 people were injured by his really gotten fired during rates and refugee comes in jericho. On tuesday morning, 11 state media is reported that a woman to 12 year old niece of being killed by an is where the air strike save media is said 6 others will bundle from the home. And i mean near the border with israel was head. These really ministry on has gone on. Ive been fighting at each other across the waters since october. This last part of fighting between israel and Lebanese Group has bala, has been growing in intensity. Theyve just based tens of thousands of people on both sides of the border. Theyre in a honda joins Un Peacekeeping troops, touring southern lebanon to see the cost of the war. The signs of war are visible almost everywhere, along 11 on sport or with isabel. This is a front line where theres little life after more than half a year of hostilities that began when hezbollah opened up a front to help. Its like him, us in casa, most of israel strikes have been focused on an area about 5 to 10 kilometers from the border. Now we are crossing the montgomery. You can see that riley present position from here, where im moving close to the blue line. And who knows when uh, sharing or i know yes like is going to happens. We are traveling with members of the United Nations peacekeeping force in southern loveland, on their own patrol with lebanons army. Their mission is to ensure the area from the border to the latania river is free of arms and fighters outside the states control. We are here to support the lead on the side of me on the leave as the lead on these government to take control of the, of the situation. But the army is not the dominant force here. Has the law has a strong presence even before this late, this confrontation, and despite thousands of strikes, israel has failed to push the groups fighters back the you enforce has repeatedly warrant that the danger of escalation is real. Of the. Yeah, were looking for the, you know, the people this is an air strike. So were looking for the, this uh, how can we prevent this is collisions. So after this, moving at on, dealing with that searching for the police, whether we can have the same, few people remain here, nearly 100000 lebanese have left their homes and livelihoods. Its a similar situation on the other side of the border. This is the cost of war, official say, losses are already in the billions of dollars, although the concept is still large and contained and confined to the, for the region, has been lost as the conflict wont end until theres a ceasefire in casa, but possibly not even then because as well as threatening a wider war if Border Security doesnt improve center for their elders either. So theres nothing on the war and gaza has led to world wide solidarity protests. Weve palestinians, students that us universities are the latest to make themselves heard. Later on monday, Police Arrested a 133 people to sit in demonstration at new york university. There were similar things at yale, for more than 40 demonstrations were charged with trespassing to define orders to leave prison. Salumi is that new york university, as well behind me is the plaza where the demonstration of heard last night, where those people, students and teachers were arrested by new york police. You can see theres one person back there holding assigned. Mostly we have students coming and going on their way to class today, but if you pan over, you can see that huge barricades have been set up. Theres a heavy security presence in the plaza there and theyre actually building a wall of plywood is being erected to block off this plaza. Were at new york university, which is very much a city university. Unlike some of the demonstrations that youve seen at the Ivy League Schools like columbia and gale, where the campus is very enclosed and blocked off to the public. This one sits right in lower manhattan, so its very much in the middle of the city wide. A the scene is calm here, theres still much debate on going at new york university, and kansas is all around the United States. And here in new york as well, this demonstration pops up in solidarity with the columbia student protesters who are record a 10 city, a little and cabinet on their campus last week. And then were arrested over a 100 students. There were arrested as well. And there, as here, weve seen faculty also coming out to sending students right to peaceful protest. Those protests that colombia are continuing today, and were hearing about new and stopping, popping up around the country as well in pittsburgh, in boston, in the south. So this is certainly not an isolated incident here, and students vowing here and elsewhere to keep up their demonstrations and keep up the fight. Or at least 5 people, including a child of diet while im trying to cross the English Channel from funds to the u. K. The small boat, they were on being kind of more than a 100 would be refugees and migrants. A British Border force volunteer about cali to several people to shore. A French Authority say they rescued at least 47. 00. On a disaster happened dollars after the u. K parliament possibly so called the roll on the bill. The governments controversial plan to process migrants and refugees offshore. Already false and has more for london, a pretty terrible incident that took place just very close to the french shore line. Very soon after this boat parks full of people, its a unusually densely packed small boat. A french Authorities Say a 112 people on board. During these initial moments, there was some kind of a crush on board. And 5 people died as a result among them. A young girl really serv, so small that having watched or die and, and she is on the beach. Shell be honest with frontier already saying that 47. 00 were rescued from the boats. And these are some of the see around it that theyd some 50 wanted to continue. The journey on to the you take on the naval escorts has been reported and that gives you a sense of the evaluation. If no desperation there is so to make these journeys in the face of such stranger, this was on a calm day when they were a number of such the inches from the french coast line. The Prime Minister receives through not being honest about this in relation to the pop passage of the bill of the nights and he said that the results of his more tragic death suit of channel this morning. I think its a reminder of why offline is so important because theres a certain elements of compression about everything that were doing in which he means trying to scope these journeys and destroy the Business Model was, is government, whats it of the people smugglers . How would this be the opposite views and the rest of the council charity here in the you k, which says that rather than us you headline grabbing hostile policies such as the rolanda plan, the u. K. Government should instead be seeking to ensure that theyre safe and legal roots and better systems for dealing with the site and applications that are currently in place. As an assistant to European Union member of parliament has been arrested in suspicion of what prosecutors they are describing as an especially severe case of spying for china. The suspect works for the far right alternative for germany. Poxy is accused of giving the Chinese Intelligence Service information about negotiations and decisions and the european parliament. 3 other people have also been arrested for spying for china. Beijing has rejected espionage claims as a hight fight, as of Indigenous People have gathered in the present. Liam capital for 5 day protests defending their land and cultural rights. Its against what they say is president s loose and not feeling religious silvas unfulfilled from, says to create reserves, but expel land the droppings from their territories. Indigenous drive, say theyre disappointed with the government and that their rights cannot be negotiated. United nations, besides sufficing over the disputed area and northern ethiopia, has displaced more than 50000 people. Rival regional loops are fighting for the control of that i a all the mos in the southern to dry disputed districts was on the ticket ice control and totally outbreak of war in 2020, it was then seized file hum of forces from the neighboring region. The route box, the government during this 2 year war against a guy in the photocopies upon it forces were due to withdraw from the area officer 2022 peace deal. At least to us quakes with more than 6. 00 magnitude hit, tie one alley on tuesday, the and the at the center of the 2 crates and the dozens of smaller increase within the islands, eastern country of highlands. There were no reports of casualties. And people in finland of woken up to snow and freezing temperatures. Such heavy snowfall is not unusual, but its unprecedented. For this time of year, the last time the capital, helsinki recorded a similar amount of daily snow, was in 1972. When those next coincide stories going to examine the resignation of israels military intelligence chief and what that means for the war and gaza. Stay with us, the the hello that will get to africa in the 1st of the middle east and levant, where the heat is set to build over the next few days is a launch the dry picture here. The way to weather is pushed out further east across iran was seen storms and showers, with the likelihood of hail in some places. Now the wind is set to pick up a shamal wind blowing down the gulf on wednesday, kicking up some dust and affecting visibility behind that, were seeing a lot of heat build across the event for places like 11 on have issued an excessive heat. Warning is, the temperature pushes up to 37 degrees celsius, that on thursday we should be sitting in the mid twenties. Now the heats also building across the northeast of africa with temperatures in cairo, pushing why talk into the early fortys when the conditions could cause ascend, storm across libya, as well as egypt behind that we but with the weather moving across to new z. But it is set to improve on thursday, well see temperatures coming down slightly across the region that we some way to weather looking for the south of this for coastal areas of nigeria, but the west of the rain continuing to pull into tunzia as well as kenya with some very strong winds around coastal areas for the south of this raw, the dry and hot. The illegal goal is threatening the survival of the brazilian, amazon sienna, monique people, the forest and the planets ecosystem. With a counter offensive is underway. As the tribal chiefs had to your gold clubs, the corridors of power not to seek help, to demand the world to see the warnings of its Indigenous People. Holding up the sky, a witness documentary on the jersey, the of the 1st senior was really official, has resigned over how mazda is october attack. The military intelligence chief took responsibility for major security failures. Message does extend during israels war on gaza. And could it be the 1st step towards accountability this is inside storage. The

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