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Thousands of protests has happened, demanding the resignation of benjamin. And yall, whose government is the 2nd day of demonstrations in front of the apartments, a similar action held in tennessee the past few days. Some people have set up tents and theyre ready to make this a long term process of an ease. Now and theres been heavy gunfire that hates these national products. Civilians was seen running for safety to state the fighting between on getting to the police and the capital for the prince. Gangs control more than 80 percent of haitis capital. On the 1500 people have been filled this year. 15000 rooted from their homes. Us so full people know that a my father is one of them. My father was not involved with that. The one. His name is dearly node p a. I told him all the time, i found him dead, this folding now and pets you on the bill. If you dont comply, if you dont look for a place to take shelter, theyll sheets here. When youre driving around the mice with the, with outside the and you come across the police call that going to shoot to you. As a young man living in the country, it breaks my heart. What i think about these kinds of things. I feel like crying because i can also lose my life. When i see things like this child, look, i think im older than him, right. Look, hes a child. I dont even think hes got seen yet. But you can find more news features, add information on our website as out of here dot com. I know your devices use continues here on up often the stream, the state, the searching is own from the random genocide, the same as remembered school bone in honor of the, of the 800000 lives that perished with mass graves still being from a many ruined and still displaced to reconcile this the nation. The anniversary of the rwandan genocide on out to sierra is the us. It will with genesees favorite clam, of course, referring to the latest time to time. Take so many, you know, take talk as the viral videos that came to massive popularity during the pandemic. But the us says it poses a security risk. Does it . Im very impulse. A lot of this is the street, the United States government. Can i ask what our priorities are right now . To talk if hills is the, is the 247 news channel of so many of our young people and its like out just 0 on steroids. So the tick tock band, this time feels pretty inevitable. So the only thing that this to compound bill has proven to me is not the government can in fact get them together to get things done right. When it comes to banking, the being remedied up is the one time and they decide to like unite forces and come together. Know when the homelessness rates are going up is 10 talk could span. I will personally make sure that in scrim realty is under the photograph of the peoples republic of china, and the Chinese Communist party is trying to stealing my information. Like im an 18 Year Old Girl in michigan. What am i going to do for china and take my information . I dont care to not be be in like im trying to change my life on here. Like im just went viral video where you within a few months americans might lose access to the platform. If a bill that recently passed through the house of representatives is signed in to know the us once the beijing base company which owns take talk to sell the app to a u. S. Company of what it says of privacy and National Security concerns. But critics say this is actually about censoring young voices joining. We discussed this today, all 3 us based tip top content creators and organizes camille Green Digital create the and speak of also known as the gen v historian. Nikita red call comedian and writes a im content creates a known as professor. Ive been very university on 6. Org and one of rashid and entrepreneur with the background and research whose content focuses on palestine on us is role relations. Welcome to you, my wonderful panel. Thank you for being here at the key to let me kick off with you. Tell us a little bit about the content that you create on tape talk, why the platform is so important to you. Hi, so i talk about news, pop culture and economics for the girls. So things of news needs for our before i do still the mostly complicated information and, and just like fun ways that women would enjoy and like see things through our lens. And i think it takes off is really important because it allows me to reach an audience that maybe doesnt like to watch traditional views or like learn things and like a rigorous academics and boring ways. And i just, you know, i think it will be quite a last to lose some ideas that i think that a lot of people have to learn things for my videos. And it just like have more fun or anything that way. Awesome. Well, what do you, what is it about 6 talk, which makes it gen these apps of choice . Yeah, there are several factors that contribute to take talk popular young jen z to that immediately comes to mind our authenticity and community jersey. More than any other generation values authenticity, both in the content they consume and the content they create. Other social media platforms really do promote a pause uh, more polish self image. And when we look at take talk, you tend to see more real authentic videos and, and the really to next with that. And what we also see is that this translates into our communities and interactions and genuine relations on take top that youre just not really getting on. Know theres also media platforms. Hello. Whats the state k then is the band does go ahead as well. There are these things are at stake. There are over a 150000000 active users on tick tock, United States alone that will use for a lot of people, the preferred op of choice. There are thousands of Small Businesses that will also lose their ability to reach the customers and potential employees. And of course, is the underlying concern that many young people have that will lose our ability to express free speech in a way that weve been doing on tick tock ever since 2020, after the death of george floyd in the protest that followed tick tock has been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest. And its one of the assets, but the most effective for this cause. So losing tip top will be a huge blow to junk peoples ability to organize in this way. Now not everyone agrees that the app is a force for good. Take a look at this. I think it makes complete sense for the Us Government to require the tick tock, not be run by a Chinese Company in america, because just think for a 2nd. Would a nother country allow, you know, like, would china allow, or would the russia allow america will do of Great Britain to any of these other places . Would they allow them to have a social media foothold that literally can shape the minds of all of its people . I dont think they would ever got tick tock and why, im glad it could be banned. There was a phase when tick tock convinced me. I had cancer died so long the algorithm kept showing me cold on kind of because you know, like the algorithm get so specific house. Right . Yeah. And its not scary and they were like, i was 8 months pregnant and i was close to my, you know, i might want to just tell me youre pregnant now. Im dying. Give money to my go all my algorithm. Most caps of people. Okay. Kinda, oh i see you, its going to come back in the plays. Its a reaction to that video or so the person whos saying they take talking business, they had cancer, just needs to elevate their immediate literacy skills. I have a friend named joe burwell, hes known as a medical me buster and he creates content around the issues in medicine and issues in health care within the black community. And his content has literally reached people and saved their lives, told him about diagnoses that they would not know that theyve had. So take talk has been a force for good people, of course the to apply Media Literacy to it. But i think they take that take talk is bad because it can convince one person they have cancer, which didnt seem to have any consequential effect. Orange of noise. Trevor. Noahs case saying that no other country would allow somebody like to got to exist. Well, in the easiest, particularly in the u. K. Took talk does exist, and took as partnered with organizations like the bbc, to elevate young journalists and other other ways of using the platform for good and integrating it with society. So its not a universal belief that kicked off just has to go for society to function when they are, when it come to us. Government is saying that this bond is necessary for dates of security reasons. Since tick tock is owned by byte down a Chinese Company, are you concerned that china is going to steal your data or is doing it already . Well, if the concern is really about a Foreign Government trying to steal our data, i think that all eyes should not be on fine of the rather israel. If we look back in 2023 voyager labs and is really company, use 38000 avatars on facebook and instagram to capture user data. And if were looking at social media platforms, in general, wario Software Company actually did a study in 2021 and found that companies that are collecting the most user data are by far facebook at 80 percent user data. And then we have instagram and take talk actually race at 6 place only costing about 46 percent of user data. So i really think that this promotion and this narrative that china is taking user data is just a cover up for whats really going on, which is to suppress a anti israel and pro palestinian content that were seeing on tick tock especially, fell following the prices. Thats going on and on the well on the topic of why this done is raising eyebrows and lung money. Lets take a look at this. We live in a society where our congress cannot agree with the basic things, like how to ensure that slit has access to clean water. How do we fix our Public Education system . Congress can agree on how to stop homegrown terrorist and individuals in the United States, american citizens who are trying to influence our election illegally. But yet they are worrying about a Foreign Government. Congress cant agree on how to stop other social media platforms from selling our data. But theyre worried about take that. This is the distribution that we live in. It keeps those based on or propose bond reflects your political needs and priorities. Absolutely not. Most people that i know are using tick tock for very innocuous reasons. For example, looking up how to cut the rest of the online or looking up what outset goes with laughter. Its in the spring time, and obviously there are so many more urgent political issues that have, you know, we have a problem homelessness prices. We have a growing economic prices. We have a cost of living prices that many people my age are suffering from. People are holding 2 jobs at minimum just to get by and it seems like this is the thing that the government himself focused on. It seems mary, out of singles are real priorities. Um, as a historian, is there anything in u. S. History, which might perhaps make you skeptical around the motives for this fun. Yeah, were talking a lot about Foreign Governments here, but our own government has a history of clinical making itself an adversary against its own citizens. It could be that they can collect and this goes back centuries from this edition out of was worldwide where people werent even allowed to protest that us involved in was were one. There is all of the horrible cases during co, intel for oh, let me see, i have oversight, the f, b i n a c i is oversight over domestic drags, which are largely civil rights activists. And even in recent history, theres been a patriot and all of the overreach of government intrusion that came with that. So theres a lot of precedent for americans to be concerned with our own government. And when youre asking the question of does it serve the political needs of the people . I mean, take talk has already announced project types where to move the data of americans to american servers under American Company called oracle. And if there was any sort of actual solution to the issue of data privacy, it should be sweeping into the back all social media platform. So this very weird take on just targeting take talk shows that even when there is an issue. The solution is based self serve and for government interest. Now there is a one issue on 2nd thought, which has been consistently flagged as a problem by some american official. Lets take a look at old people offices justified, shockingly, and terrifyingly on that. So we really have a tech talk problem. The problem, the Community Needs the same range. I gave me the same brand that gave us all these other amazing innovations for energy towards this. Like fast, wiley, how much of this do you think is about the growing support among Young Americans for palestine . Well, i saw a funny we actually and it said that during the one on 6 talk and said 3, how sign in the Us Government responded by saying o l no. And it seems like thats definitely playing out right after this. All right, after october 7th, we saw a huge resurgence of this bill that was basically passed in the house just a few days before the bill was passed in the house. We started hearing about reject a pack, an anti israel law group which was unprecedented. We also know that the Jewish Federation of north america, back to the bill that went through the house, which was also an unprecedented move. So it seems that the mainstream narrative of israel being this innocent nation surrounded by all silent arrows, is just beginning to crack away. And the Us Government and israel are working together to really trying to suppress that. And i think that sick talk been resurgence is directly related to that. And i do want to go back to that video that you previously showed the lady speaking about how the Us Government just can never come and work together. And i just find it so interesting that with this tick tock band, it was such a bass, bi, partisan, knew that, and it really does make you question, what are the factors and the individuals are that are a play that are contributing to this bass voice through the house well on that, no clue. What do you make of the timing of this providers . By ahead of course of the us elections. I think the tip top band is something thats been pushed consistently when theres been a rise of progressive movements in general. And i think its really important for everyone to see the sort of thru line there and how the government, oftentimes, whether it be a Democratic Party or the republican party, sees tick tock as a, a way of changing the status quote. And then that way, a negative thing, the 1st at the top band came after the wave of black lives matter protests and awareness around critical race theory, issues like that. And it came with donald trump. And then again, last year to take talk came, it arrives at a time where people are once again bleaching up to one of the issues in the Democratic Party when it came to Climate Change in promises that were made and palms is that werent kept even by the Democratic Party and then were seeing the combination of this on the Election Year in my opinion because to talk is really seen as a place where playful information cannot be controlled, where misinformation is constantly of course distributed. But at the same time counter whether it be missed information from other users or misinformation from mainstream media. So i think that that really stairs politicians because its something thats a complete wild card in Election Year. I think for that reason they all come together. They say logistics id equation because its not working for us and well, can funds over online radicalization on the platform have also been raised and this is, will be, isnt it had to say about that . Its so funny, but lives think the youth have become radicalized due to chinese influence on st. Talk like loud these kids were in school, when sandy hook happened. When they off, if that life massive more than guns you told them to duck next time you radicalize the nikita. I want to come to you about this. That has been reset, as of course into how the sick. So algorithm can um, for fi home full content, you convinced by this argument and so or no, absolutely not. And i was kind of piggyback on what to else not earlier about Media Literacy and the importance of that. I think instead of just outright the ending an app because youre scared of the information you cant control on it, its almost, its a Progressive Society to evolve with this like new for technology that we have and its necessary to teach kids this and school, you know, kind of like how we Learn Computers when we were in school instead of just standing. I mean, you know, we thought we were learn or excuse me, we were taught like how to type in. So yeah, i just, i just think its like a natural evolution. And i also think that of being kids is getting radical lies. Not necessarily a bad thing considering, you know, there is, um, you know, uh, information is yes, you know, maybe not being controlled, but were learning from the people themselves like were seeing content from palestinians them sauce and their voice being amplified. And you know, previously those races reciprocity past and i think you were talking about radicalization on social media. We need to talk about the radicalization on facebook and the all right, revolution that has come from facebook and january 6. You know, if were talking about talk, we cant not talk about that. Im wondering, i want to ask you about this. I mean, i get the sense when i speak to speak to take talk. He uses it as a, a feeling amongst many of you that this is the grounds. The space in which you can organize may be the basis for accounts of how within u. S. Society. I mean, is this what the government is really afraid of a . Yeah its, its really answer interesting. Speaking on mobilization because on like so many other social media platforms sick talk has the ability to garner mass support for a specific cause that such a bad be. In my example, actually i put together a petition speaking on settler violence, and just on that few days i was able to garner over 15000 signatures on that position. So to talk is able to promote a lot of change very quickly and bring together a lot of different people. And when we talk about radicalization, i honestly think its just the wrong word to use here. I would say more. So what take talk is bringing is realization realization that the mainstream narrative of israel, especially of being this isnt nation, is just beginning to crumble or beginning to see that it isnt it right for nation. Another policy and people are being depressed and in american culture, especially that narrative just hasnt been spoken about. And weve also seen that to research actually conducted a study back in 2022. And for the 1st time in the us history, americans between the ages of 18 to 29 had a more favorable view of the palestinians. And they did of is really 61 percent in comparison to 57 percent. I think that raises huge alarm in the pro is real lobby here in the u. S. And the sick top band being posted was definitely backed by the pro is real lobbies, such as the Jewish Federation of north america. So i think whats really happening right now is the realization that the mainstream narrative is incorrect and a lot of people are beginning to mobilize, the counselor that, well, this isnt just about a political platform being erased. There is also a consent among many content increases as regards loss of income. Look at this. I think that the government says to realizes, even if they have this app, weve already seen too much. We have knowledge of beings that we would have never known before to tap and that knowledge is not going to disappear. Were not going to believe your propaganda even without take that. I also think they failed to realize the consequences of banning this app because at 1st glance here is just a day as an app, but people have built businesses on here, millions of businesses and no one has seen a change in e commerce like this since amazon now imagine of amazon just shut down all the things theyre connected to all the businesses, they support all the people that work for them that would be catastrophic. So why wouldnt we think the same of take time . What will happen . Will you take away all of these peoples income . Can it . Oh i see you. Its going to come back in on that one as well. What, what did you want to say . So when i graduated college, i made a conscious decision to turn down a full time job offer to be a full time creator, mainly through take talk. So im going to people who is personally invested in tick tock, continuation along the lines of, of course, i just believe its a huge one, a issue, but also its a platform where people have been able to build their livelihoods. I think that its very important to recognize specifically what i have is education business and to address a concern that people have had on yes, tick tock can be a place where people share with dr perspectives on history or share this information at this information. But at the same time, theres a wave and a force for good in the spirit of the 1st amendment is that and what are the counter that information you dont sense rate. You instead actually offer a different perspective and explain why your perspective is better. And ive been able to do that through my education business that facilitated to take talk. I know all other types of creators who have been doing advocacy and have other businesses that are product base. Even ones are on Mental Health and other issues like that. A lot of social impact causes. So i think that theres like sort of a huge economic blow adult that is most general businesses to the social impact businesses, to the small craters, trying to start a business or take talk with a go away and money. Youll also an entrepreneur and you rely on take talk for your business also, dont you . Yes i do. Absolutely. And this is definitely going to take a toll on my business and a lot of other Small Businesses take talk. Ive noticed just among all the other social media platforms, it really is able to garner that sense of community and its really the community that support Small Businesses in the us. There was also concerned and i was just reading recently on the news that there is a widespread fear regarding a stock market bubble just 1st thing and this combine with tick tock potentially being banned is leading just to a lot of fear in americans in general. And were gonna end up seeing that play out over the year, and well see how the tick tock land plays out as well. I do want to hop off nikitas point as well. We were looking at the Younger Generation and i previously spoke about how the Younger Generation values authenticity more than any other generation. So when it comes to the mainstream narrative crumbling, that really is because the Younger Generation are able to see right through those lies and such as the video said, thats not gonna change is take pocket band while americans have already seen the truth and ultimately, regardless of the tick tock than the mainstream agenda just isnt going to suit them anymore. And the case i want to ask you, based on everything weve just discussed today, what is binding sick talk actually a solution to fannings extract seems to just be a solution of the government wanting to control the narrative and wanting to control what type of information gets out there, but as the person said before and the tech talk that you posted, its too late, we already know. And now its just even more transparent that this is a very obvious push for censorship. And its a very obvious push for people not getting information right from the source. But i think that this is just going to serve to even like, give us a spirit of changing things even more life now is really a cultural shift that were witnessing right in front of us between people who have that power for so on and have so much uninterrupted power for so on. And now were kind of seeing that shift in, you know, some of that going back to the people a little bit. And as kind of coming together and seeing that things right now, dont have to be in the way that they are. What, hello, i want to ask you was so much of stake that full for young people, both in terms of what the platform represents for organizing and community, but also financially, i mean, surely theres going to be some pushback. If this bond dont go ahead. I mean, the young people are not going to just take this line down. Ave, i dont think so, but i will say one strategy thats been very effective for the government is how fast and how sly they were with this band for a lot of my peers. Theres almost a sense of boy who cried wolf when they 1st heard about it this year, and that that theres been talked of a tick tock band once every year, probably sends 2020 so they just didnt take it as seriously this time. And finally, when i went through the house, thats a lot of people woke up. But even now, because once again, americans have such low literacy on how our Government Works largely because of our failed Education System and large of being combated by people like me and take that core, making them more aware. Theres not a sort of universal understanding of the next few steps. It has to go through a sent it, but it has the present, has to sign it. They dont understand necessarily what the timeline is for this. So i think young people going to organized, but because weve been kept so politically in the dark, large will because of the same problems that we need take top floor, its verified to organize around this issue. But i think as we raise awareness, and as we do interviews like this, our generation will have more of a education for how to come back. They sort of issue while were on that very important point. I want to say thank you so much to euklel. Nikita and wally and of course myself and the team hit and loved to hear from you. So please do get in touch, reach out on social media and let us know if there is a conversation or topic you want us to address their refi use the hash side or the handle a stream, and we will look into it. Stay away and ill see you soon. The as the sun sets individuals within the occupied westbank. But as long as the family is getting the dinner table ready to break their dainty fast. But the buzz around the table is missing, the woman who used to put it altogether ended. But lucy was the rest of the week before the start is read. You officials have not given their reason yet for detaining her during 8 of the home. A few kilometers away in the look that the has one is not missing 12, or even see members of his property 5 in the occupied west bank, at least 9000 listed in families are missing at least one loved one. At the start, table pod came in to be used as the aisle seat suffered casualties. We have not something to say, tyler, to use. Thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. Thought provoking on to who that you say know, double standard to all of us. Any anyone in particular . I said, all facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy. If this is troubling for you, its very, very painful. You hear the story on talk to how does era african narratives from africans perspective nature has always been this some way. My child to show documentary spine african film make is looking at the archives that we have sometimes quite heartbreaking to look at from what is key a is that its part of our history that couple from nigeria and we writing libraries from canyon africa direct on. Ill just be around the it is rarely as to like, chose 78. 00 workers, and central garza, the victims included a palestinian, and 6 foreign nationals in g o says is pausing. Is operations bearing response the si size, human tragedy that should never of, of that is completely unacceptable. The study and government demands on. So some of the us calls with investigations in the circumstance. So the

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