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Like just as rarely attacks in the occupied with bank can at least h palestinians plus and rob reynolds in los angeles with a report on Nuclear Energy in north america. And the efforts to speed up development of a new generation of Nuclear Power plant in sports is around play iceland and unimportant therapy and championship qualify on thursday, the windows will be one game away from reaching the major tournament into a meeting later. This shift hope at the thoughts of face coaches about playing the match on neutral ground in budapest. The as we begin this use with the war on gaza and use that the United States as submitted a draft resolution to the Un Security Council. Recognizing the need for an immediate cease fire with us secretary of state anthony blinking is an egypt on another regional diplomatic push. He says the resolution is linked to the release of captives held by him boss. The Palestinian Foreign ministry has dismissed the slightest round of us diplomacy as fruitless. As ralph continues its attack on gauze in the north, the army is now threatening to blow up our ship. A hospital with people trapped inside. It says its killed, 145. 00 is in the complex. Am austin. I is having 5 has been and in the occupied with bank at least 8 palestinians have been killed in a series of his riley rides full, were killed near the city of tutor him, including 2 in the trojan strike. We have correspondents on all sides of the story. Well get the lightest from gaza with honey mock moods and here what israel is saying from the home. The salute will also get the reaction from washington dc with montana. But 1st of all, were going to begin now coverage at the un headquarters in new york. Were gabriel. Elizondo is standing by and getting what exactly does this drop resolution side . Because the language of the wording that is used is very significant. It is in all of these draft resolutions, you really have to Pay Attention to every single word because it can really change the context or meaning of these resolutions. And this is certainly the case here. Does this new us draft resolution call or demand an immediate cease fire . The answer to that is no. But does that mean its still in . See, is significant. The answer to that is yes. This a draft resolution and its uh that we got our hands on a late on wednesday. Its right here, 5 pages long. Theres a lot to it here. But the key change in it was whats called o. P one, operative paragraph one. And thats what everyones focusing on, and i think thats what secretary of blinking was referring to in his comments in the overnight here, hes this, this operative paragraph says, and im quoting here, determines the imperative of an immediate and sustained cease fire to protect civilians now determines the imperative is much different then demand determine the imperative means in sets its necessary or something is unavoidable or something is important, but it doesnt necessarily demand something happened. So that is the language in here that determine the impaired if it is a, is what is really key to focus on. Not only that, but in the same sentence, if you will, it also links the cease fire to the release of the remaining. And these are the words of the americans in this draft remaining hostages in previous draft resolutions by other countries that have been put forth since october 7th. Countries have said immediate cease fire period, full stop, deal with hostages or captives separately. In this, the us is basically saying the release of cost, in their words, hostages tied to a potential a ceasefire. So this a signature can see us is clearly changing their language a little bit uh, seeing the events on the ground. And guys that clearly deteriorating us clearly does not want to have to veto another draft resolution put up by any one else. But clearly the us is acknowledging the situation is getting worse by the day. And that potentially there needs to be a cease fire, but not explicitly demanding one in this new draft resolution. Ok, thanks so much guy that is Gabrielle Ellis on the, the, at the United Nations who were going to continue this with mike hannah, who is in washington dc. And we know the us secretary of state to enter the blinking wasnt saudi arabia now in egypt. What has he said so far about this a potential se is fine a well, hes been having a meeting with president l. C. C, and his state Department Released the statement in the wake of the meeting. Once again discuss, there was something that has been under discussion for a number of weeks. Now, that is a cessation of hostilities. I c spy for a 6 week period. This is specified in terms of what was discussed. This would allow for the release of those being held captive in gaza and also those pat has been in prison is being held in is really jails. Now this is what the aim has been for a period of time, but theres a new imperative tool of this and that is ongoing is really action in the north of gaza. Now President Biden spoke to the israeli Prime Minister in the course of wednesday. And afterwards, Prime Minister netanyahu insisted that the operation and rough uh, that has a raise so much concern is going to be going that heavy doesnt give an exact timeline on it. But within the United States diplomatic circles, theres deep concern about the humanitarian consequences of such an operation. President biden urging the is really government to come up with a plan to present the United States before doing it to ensure a no real major threat to civilian life. While that operation goes on, so all of that is the timeline that the us is working with at the moment, as well as all the other negotiate is concerned. Now that was once again, an issue in lincolns talks with health physics, a humanitarian relief. How to continue to get, keep monetary in a to the people of gaza and how to get more humanitarian aid to the people to god so. So a lot of wheels within wheels going on here. But basically, the templates of this negotiation is something that has been underway for a period of time. Not like, i think so much mike, that is my kind of for us in washington dc. Well, to get the other side of this, were going to go home to salute who isnt occupied east jerusalem, and how has this whole being received by the is riley. He says theyve been any reaction to the us draft resolution, or lincolns visits to the region. Pleasure, z dot has reached out to both the offices of the Prime Minister as well as the office of work habit in member of any can send, receive, quote, no comment from both of them that they were not offering comments on the entire situation. It comes amid a lot of disagreements between american and is really officials and some of it has been quite public from the us President Joe Biden to himself. And it comes on the heels of next week. These really sending a delegation to washington to discuss how exactly this Ground Invasion input output is going to work. The United States has been speaking out publicly over the last several weeks about it. This includes comments from the Us National Security advisor jake sullivan, who said that it would be, quote, a mistake. So there have been these ongoing discussions and disagreements between the United States and israel. But as for this latest move by the americans, theres been no comment just yet for me is really how can you just explain to us . Obviously theres a lot of pressure coming up on the americans and i a clearly, i guess trying to step out pressure on this. And yahoo end the as rileys, what has this in yahoo say that in the last dial . So in regards to the ongoing pressure that is coming from the outside from the americans, or will these really Prime Minister at the beginning of the week had said that no matter what International Pressure comes, whose way it will essentially be disregarded. Because until israel accomplishes all of the goals and objectives that its set out to achieve, once the war began, they are going to continue prosecuting the war. However, they see fit and look in the last week, theres been a lot of International Pressure, not just from the americans, but from other allies, that israel has like germany, the United Kingdom and canada. All of them making quite bold statements or measures that are trying to put pressure on these really is. But these really is that have been firing back and slamming those kinds of remarks, saying that this is quote, israels right to defend itself. And this is a war that must be fought, and this has been pressure. Thats been mounting on these really Prime Minister from all directions, not just internationally, but also from his own public that are saying is this for enters its 6th month. His policies have failed to bring about the release of the remaining captive. So this pressure continuously mounting on these really Prime Minister and now it just gaining momentum as well. And the americans. Okay, thanks so much. Im to, im desolate for us there and occupied east jerusalem. A 2nd, were going to go to honey mcknight, who joins us now from ross or, and to so the se, filed us talk of diplomacy. But as the situation really on the ground they have with you uh, that really, really matters what has been the reaction there to the sweet spot and blinking visits to the region. Yes tom oh the the, the reactions to cease fire talks has been given the fact that its been going on for some time. Its a quite a drain. It goes to blocks hoping and praying for waking up the day. Where do you hear about a solid ceasefire . The but so far old, the leak reports and the comments are made here by it or does that make an official or by an official in july or are just causing further draining and exhaust exhausting for people, particularly the people have been in during this been since Bombing Campaign that has literally destroyed all means of life and cause the great great or civilian casualties as well as this your level of destruction to Residential Homes and a mid hungry crisis in over a crowd, a drop of depletion of its essential resources, then live saving items in a famine acute, fragmented, the northern part that has already killed one is 7 and shoulder due to the enforce this part vision and the hydration to just the the, the 4th and back of negotiations has been taken. Theyre called on people right now here. And got the data on to trust any of these link reports. As long as there are, im going to thread. So expanding the Ground Invasion into robust city and just the situations and in a super hospital approved for the vast majority of people here that, that nathan, he outlined is really military are not interested in the buyer any time soon. Okay. Honey also wants to talk about the situation at el cheapo hospital. I mean, this right has been going on since monday. What exactly average ready for us is still towing there . The, the so far the release the statements by that is really military and based on the fact that theres a precise unlimited operation in a ship, a hospital. But so far, this precise unlimited operation has extended to a really destroy and going to blowing up an entire building, causing a building another building to catch fire because of the intensity of the bombing. And the ongoing constant shooting of, of time shows an missile. And the mass, the rest of it close to 300. 00 people. And the, the fate of almost a 160 people is on know right now as they are digging into further investigation. What we know so far from people who manage to evacuated to the hospital all the way to did it by fit to lock. So hospital was booked the reporters describing that the Civil Hospital has been a sheltering center, 4000 civilians. And for the patients, the injuries in the medical is south of been literally running it from one place to another, the running for their life. And from the horror of the ongoing, intense Bombing Campaign and garza and the northern part, the Statement Released by does really monitor the be, have eliminated a 145. 00. How mazda associates or operative inside the hospital, is not, is not backed up by any evidence. And so far the monitor has failed to provide unit sufficient evidence whatsoever at all since till this mom is we know some people inside the hospital that the vast majority of people inside all civilian a might the sick and the injuries and the medical this stuff. But theres a name under continues, its town to go inside the hospital and its vicinity were destroyed and continue bombing more, most of the residential buildings where people were still inside without giving time to evacuated or do at least go and filter somewhere else. Okay, thank you. So much honey honey mcmurry, for us there in rafa. As we have been reporting at least 8 palestinians have been killed in a series of his ready rides in the occupied with bank. Your account has moved from alberto where funeral is being held for a 19 year old shot da advise ready forces body. All mohammed from here is now being charged in this process. And as you can see, people of growth refuge account that heading out to where they will berries the one in ill be there at the graveyard. This is just, i know the young mans life. Hartsell was 19 years old mohammed from here, but its certainly not the only one in the occupied westbank. There was sweeping a fine rice taking place in new york to the south. We saw in taco, down the is ready, ami entered at dawn, they answered with almond folders and started tearing up the streets. Cobra shoes and ill have damage to the infrastructure. There was also an s strike chilling to people, and its really short said, 2 more people well center in the south of napa, as, according to eye witnesses, 19 with speak 10 over an hour by friday. So just low c, as i say in the space surfaces take, you may find a basing that on a nova has been in the south of hyper on this happens just outside bush at the, on the specimens he entered to work on the out got these right so just said he was going to stop somebody, so that full, they shot him. He is now 1st until june, hospices says a particularly violence effect, but it just goes on the night before in to name 3 People Killed in and its right. It strikes yesterday as well says a day of trace here in the old squad, westland, as people very shy, loved ones were now in alberta summit. Trina, i just want to show you whats taking place behind me. Theyre taking mohammed to his final resting place. Just so be hit with friends and family, a waste things to bury him. Hes come from lamar, are you ready to come for a refugee . Weve seen that today. Weve seen the pictures of people being killed, young man whos been killed by the its already sold to. People who understand very well is a cycle of violence, will continue north on out of there, ill be there in the occupied westbank, the european leaders and Energy Experts are expected to coal for revival of the Nuclear Power industry. They are in brussels of the you in a topic agencies 1st even euclid energy. Some of the seeking to rebuild the European Industry often use of gradual decline. The to day making comes as the push for Nuclear Power as an alternative to fossil fuels, games, momentum. Going back to it explains whats behind the new wave of nuclear and susie as a, a. Just over 400. 00 active Nuclear Reactors produce about 10 percent of the worlds electricity. And thats a number that hasnt changed much for 30 years. But its a cop 28. 00 Climate Conference in dubai. Last year. Countries pledge to triple the worlds nuclear capacity. How that will happen is now very hot topic. We need resources that are available when you need them. That can balance out a highly renewable grad and that can provide energy for other parts of the economy that we can to electrify egypt or to you and bangladesh. Will soon have their 1st Nuclear Reactors and 30 other countries are planning their own. China is building 10 new reactors every year. And there are dozens of new nuclear designs under trial or construction because companies and governments want to build smaller reactors. So called advance reactors, use new fuel made from more highly enriched uranium. They use new coolants instead of hot water. They use gases or even liquid salt mixed with radioactive fuel. And a fleet of new designs promised to make reactors more standard and reproducible. Historically, Nuclear Power plants have been kind of a bit spoke facilities, no 2 are alike, and each one was kind of constructed as a one off in the future as companies commit to building larger numbers at the very standardized design, especially smaller designs. It gives us that up, can you really kind of optimize our construction, our manufacturing. But most of these remain expensive experiments, while wind and solar are taking off. The problem is that the electricity market 20 or 30 years from now will be very different than it is right now. And one imagines that renewables will be even cheaper than they are now. And so for nuclear to compete in that market will be really challenging. So as the world rushes to stop burning fossil fuels and money flows in those backing a Nuclear Future may still have some hard questions to answer. Okay, well thats bringing hush mel, barbara and brussels as we heard calling this idea, some hard questions to answer. How is this transition to nuclear actually going to work . It is going to be an extremely delicate task ahead for the latest that youll be in particular to, hey, some of the european needs is talking about the need to expand the Nuclear Energy capacity was on. Think about about 2 years ago, because if you remember back then the general consensus was on the need to shut down. The react says i move to renewables, but today is a totally different political reality. And some of those reasons i concerned about the survival of the own economies because of the latest political and geo political developers under settings that you know what i think we have to sell all those plans about shutting down and by the expanding and this is creating some interesting debates within the European Union in particular. So talk about this a push to expand the Nuclear Energy, a capacity and whats next for the wells and the view. I have maria caustic from the Nuclear Energy institute, which is, which represents the industry in the United States of america. Welcome. Uh, thank you for joining us on that. So ill ask you the question, did you see this shift from shutting down to say no, we need to build back again and expand, how do you see it . Its a see change in support for nuclear these days. And its not just here in the European Union, its around the world. Ah, so very similar in the United States, we were shutting plants down. Now weve put programs in place to not only not shot, but to expand the life. And the same thing will happen here, as well as build new. So its remarkable and why . Because you have that clean, reliable, round the clock energy that everybody wants. It will be beautiful to parents that energy with the intermittency of wind and solar. And thats the answer. The biggest concern now is the grids built into connect to this to this is tracy and a problem in terms of sustainable delivery of production of electricity across the youre being contin. Its now the onset could be a symbols and a loss when it comes to basically youll be looking forward to see that not can step in and help them in terms of investment, research and innovation. What can the americans offer in terms of the move towards smaller reactive . Well, in fact the pipeline, the innovation pipeline for new nuclear is very full. And then the United States that pipeline is beginning to come out. It will be small, much of the reactors, also very small. We call those micro reactors. And in addition, youre still going to have the lar tree actors. So its going to be a combination of all of these. And this opportunity, as theyre being built in the United States, are very interested to also build the u. S. Technology here abroad. In addition, lets talk financing. I think the beginning of the project will require some government assistance to get those 1st few built, but then youre going to see a combination of public and private financing. Really getting into this space. Because the volume of energy thats needed is very large, as hes concerned about the volatility of the fossil fuel markets, particularly with the stability in the middle east. When would ever be able to get to the point where we would embrace renewables or do you think that Nuclear Energy, so solid reliable but it will stay with us for many generations to come. Oh, there is no question. Nuclear is here for many generations to come. These are long term assets, not just 40 years, not just 60 years, 80 years and beyond is our long term asset decisions. But it doesnt mean Windham Solar wont play a role. I think its going to be that partnership nuclear wind and solar. That will be the answer. No. Yeah, because they thank you very much. Indeed. Tom is really interesting. This is quite a strong indication of the changing jupiter politics in this part of the world in europe. In particular, some of the photos have always been whole just by the images of incidence in force event. And so no, but im, they were the ones who pushed for this dramatic shift to was embracing. We knew about now when you have friends presidency, by the way, my calling saying that instead of my previous promised to sell the Nuclear Energy and to shut down some of the re access. I mean, fast going to be more and more and more react says in the near future, just gives you an indication about how people are really concerned about what happens next in the future. About the fact that the warning, the a crane, the for us from that will, the increasing the electricity prices and the concerns about what happens next in the middle east. If theres any disruption to the delivery of oil and gas is changing. Youre like, never before. It certainly appears that why thank you so much. How shall i smoke power for us there and brussels as part of the coverage of the somebody elses, or is looking at the potential of Nuclear Energy around the world. And the challenges advices for reynolds explains the state of the industry in north america. There are 54. 00 Nuclear Power plants in the United States providing 18. 6 percent of us electricity generation. And 6 in canada, accounting for about 15 percent of that countries, electricity. The average Us Commercial Nuclear Reactor is about 42 years old. The us in a Power Industry seems to be at a crossroads. Industry has basically stagnated in the us, like it has in many western countries over the last several decades. Largely because of cost and safety reasons. The popularity of Nuclear Energy decreased rapidly following a partial meltdown at the 3 mile island plant in pennsylvania in march 1979, followed by the tr noval catastrophe in 1986 and the soviet union. And the machine of Nuclear Plant explosion in japan in 2011. Now with increased urgency over the climate crisis, nuclear is having a moment, both divided administration and congress support, speeding up development of a new generation of Nuclear Power plants. The Nuclear Industry is pushing for adoption of small modular reactors or s m rs. There is a big interest or in tuesday as of some people may call it a ration of interest as a 4 or here i shouldnt like silver s for Nuclear Power. The United States, but not the type of a or react or so huge reactors that we have. The Nuclear Industry is pushing for adoption of small modular reactors or s m, ours s m, ours will be cheaper to mass produce and proponent, safe, safer to operate. It has passive safety technology. So the idea is, its not that you need someone to press a button to stop a process. You dont need a computer to activate something that you know, in the event of emergency. If any element of the system is broken, the whole thing automatically shuts down not through any safety protocol, but through actually the way its designed through the laws of physics. Last year, the Us Nuclear Regulatory Commission Approved the 1st s m are designed, although no plans have yet been built. System Safety Experts say another nuclear mishap. What would immediately dash the industries hopes thinking about on think of a has to be called my multiple when it comes to a new clip, i think about on think of one accident and any new product on divorced. This industry is really as vague as this because like Nuclear Power will likely be a part of the effort to phase out fossil fuels. But how widely and rapidly it will expand, remains in del rob reynolds, l g 0. Los angeles gets time for the with a now, heres rob, with seasonal changes in the americas. The right cotton was officially stops in the southern hemisphere, but its no big surprise to find the people in rio, enjoying the beach that has been something of a heat wave. It has to be setting their admin, this potter brazil over the last week or the side of the temperature about 37 degrees. Its not going to last. This is a very active cold front coming your way. So what do you hear about 3 large and teen or not . 10, just back. A good 10 degrees. So heres a feel across the rear. The 37 down to 20. I guess it will be fund or maybe not surprisingly. So one change of season thats leap up to north america is the other changes hes we should be seeing robots here when we are trying to see spring was coming up from the gulf, coming up against a very light push of what is effectively ok. Take care and so one wins on friday and then is retreating and then comes of back up again on sunday that this change of temperature means this light is very vulnerable to proper weather, which at this time you could well be snowed. And i think thats exactly what well see if i zoom into the upper midwest and the great lakes, youll see that says day and night well see very cold weather, but snow coming into minneapolis and up through the great lakes which is exactly where it will be at snow, yes. During from the minneapolis itself, another back comes it on sunday. Possibly molding you see all winter castillo hit, hit on l. Just air you kinds capital is on the file. Were in keith. Off to the largest Russian Missile attack and wiggs and laser and split anymore, it shows you something we need to hang out this bracket just see it action from is i think around when in miami, coming to the is the biggest global that extra and you out in history, the was biggest democracy off its own epic. So dont join main street of oxygen for a new for park be focusing on india. In this episode ill be examining what that democracy is being undermined as political opponents of crime. And thats been that in the body of the thing, an avalon that often charges even before full talk. Com being the port spots due on the the, the, the end of time when is that . Thats right. Now the next thing thats about to happen is the return of the lord jesus christ, the apocalypse. Witness those into the us is event jellicoe christie and exploring its influence of democracy on Foreign Policy on this and try to if you have just read the book in the process. Praying for armageddon. Episode to the the youre watching, ill just hear a reminder of our top story is the south us secretary, a site is me blinking has helped folks on an immediate safe spot and gaza during a visit to egypt alia the United States submitted a draft resolution to the Un Security Council recognizes the need for an immediate truce is really, is threatening to blow up the largest hospital in causal with people trapped inside. Israel says its killed, 145 has ended times 260 and el cheapo hospital must denies boxes with this. Id palestinians have been killed in a series of his ready attacks and the hockey pod westbank for were killed in the city of til current, including who went to try and strike is ready forces. And so right, its the nearby notions refugee can. I can just bring it in now just there, a senior political analyst smell on the shower. Uh, thanks again for being with us. Uh, any blinking has been in saudi arabia and egypt today. What do you think he is actually trying to achieve here . With another trip through the middle east . What is clearly there is a process have been going on behind the scenes. Whereby there is a sort of an american out of dialogue to see how theyre going to facilitate the way forward from the ongoing genocide if you will, and gaza, to eventually a, a ceasefire. Leading to is rarely withdrawal, leading to out of it to divide that eyes. But its to me and i thought of a leading to a policy or sort of taking over the gaza strip and so on, so forth. So it seems that the out of group thats been tasked by the league and been approached by the United States to come up with a vision of our road and back to the future off is right by the sign has apparently so my understanding they come up with something now there is a blueprint to what the out of world thinks should be the way forward from today. Because think something doesnt steps about how you have to have an immediate cease fire or withdrawal of Israeli Forces within a number of weeks up to you on Security Council doesnt use and recognizing that. But as the a states lead, think to an american recognition of us in your space. While at the same time, theres an ad American European effort to create a new security regime and or agent that guarantee as both the security or of future follow spine as well as a strong. Is this a pretty significant blueprints . Why do you think its one thats taking this long to get to this point and what has changed . What does that go to to for it to be, i guess, solidifying and the way that it is apparently right now theres a number of things. One, i think they have apparently the, the, the Foreign Ministers and their age and so on sometimes. And its 3 times already to discuss the various ideas and gotten started on a board, you know, starting to get on board with the odd session with on everything. So the idea is how to reach a consensus along 1st of all, a number of states that theyre present or out of majority states, right . In a way that is not totally unrealistic. And as far as the United States is concerned, that the load is right, right . So they have to basically, my understanding, right, my analysis is that theyre trying to put meet on the bone that was basically structured by the United States. What it said, something about were gonna have stopped talking about the day after the after meeting to state solution where the why is the withdrawal from the occupied territories and so on, so forth. So here, the biggest putting some be from the boat saying, so that means a number of things folks. One, you have to freeze the supplements in the occupied westbank and the students to them. You have to stop violations is jerusalem. And in the religious party sites, you need to withdraw from garza and you get a cheaper securities on in gaza. And you have to withdraw from garza within a number of weeks allowing people to send you a Security Forces from the law in order to deploy in guys. So theres a whole number of intricate steps that need to be taken from today until not so far in the distant future. Busy by there is a Un Security Council resolution of utilizing palestine basically the way for the United States, sort of the nice by side and for the European Union to be able to support this new for students that mean. So its a significant steps that you have just to outline what chances of that actually happening, like you say, within potentially within weeks. What do you watch . These are the government. You say, this sounds like a, you know, which will think it. But when you watch the american position under, by didnt know what days and what they have said, okay, sort of thoughtless speaking, the americans have committed themselves to a good number of what seemed to be in the beginning. I was red lines, but then they became orange lies about as i used to withdrawal from guys is their eyes cannot be what cannot occupied because again, is there a need to freeze the supplements in the west bank . Right. Theres a number of things that already the, by the assertion has said, in fact that weve, weve, weve had use some weeks ago that the, the state department in washington is, what are they looking into the possibility of recognizing about a suggest that right . So there are a number of steps that can face in washington in a democratic administration. What i think the item countries or the governments feel, this is a, a good time now a suitable time, the right time. In order to approach the americans were something that looks like a Common Ground between the United States and other countries that guarantees the future. And the security of both by the stein and is or something is, is that presumably has been looking for for a long time. Normalization of relations with other countries and security guarantees. While the apps now are ready to offer both normalization and so because theyve got these by the end. But there are a number of steps on the bottom is that the United States depend a student with autopay. And you know, when you come in and speak almost on a daily basis to us is breaking down. You know, the, the news lines of the day is this, the most hurtful and positive that you have bane and in months im not sure about hopefully because as i said, when you look at these, right, the government, the ones that up to right that just gives you the or not, not a comfortable sitting a button to wait for it, but when did you hear that somebody there the ministration would love to replace. Nothing. Yeah. Us for administer and wed like to see a different vision all the different. Is there any government in place . You know that if the by the administration stays in place, but it does have some intention of seeing through a, a solution, a long Term Solution that does not involve perpetuating genocides, perpetuating occupation of palestine and so on, so forth. So in that sense, in the sense that there is out, but at this theres a single sort of thing that is ready to take over it. The security could responsibility. And guys, there is an International Community that is ready to finance the reconstruction of gaza. And the revitalization of the kind of sooner will sort of they end up in a senior government and the future about a senior state. So i think that is a good number of elements. We will see how the americans respond to the agenda or at abroad. Now, of course, i know, and we really do appreciate it. Thanks so much. I got to some other news now and the you in is wanting that nearly a quarter of a 1000000 children in sudan could soon die from mel nutrition. Millions of, of the sudanese, 1st of ation off to almost a year were fighting between the army and Power Military Rapids Support forces. Tens of thousands of people have been killed in millions forced from the huns. And northwest, focused on the suspect and suicide. Bomb attack has killed at least 2 security officers. Several others were injured in the attack and kind of talk to investigate, to say, and attack it, blew himself optimed in on the vehicle. Russia has launched as lawn just missed all attack and weeks on you crimes. Capital, the training in the air force is Missile Defense unit shot them down, at least 17 people were injured. As miss algebra, he fell in several districts of cave, some palm in school, 5 and schools and warehouses, but damaged public pride is at the scene in case this was the largest such missile strike against the cave region in a month and a half the rate alone was issued in the early hours of thursday morning, local time, after large numbers of aircraft to a detective taking off from russian fields. And then the 1st explosions began. Just before dawn, as ad defenses across the city got to work intercepting incoming missiles with debris folding at a number of locations, causing widespread damage and also a number of casualties. The old darcys wreck in the just over the missiles were fired. 2 of them, they say, well hypersonic kings dont miss out the rest. The said to have been cruise missiles, all fired from strategic boneless people here took to the right shows is also seeking shelter as they have done in the past in the metro system until the all clear was finally given like to in the morning when they say it over that you have listed the nice and lots of that doing everything to destroy a nation. A task is a people is to stay united into a mean to who is the enemy . The is the clean up operation has been continuing throughout. This is day, people have been assessing damage to the homes and also to that business your youre covered through the why its, it makes your heart weak. You have something one moment and then the next its gone. This attack comes just the day off to revisit by Us National Security advisor jake sullivan, to keep promising that to billions of dollars in military aid that are still held up in the us. Congress will eventually he says, be released, but the president followed them. Is the lensky and his nightly address wednesday, saying the more defensive and defensive or desperately needed that coming on the day of a strike on the North Eastern city of hot tea that claims more than a 1000 People Killed and just run mcbride. Ill just say era keep stays you. Lead is uh, making and brussels to discuss how to boost your crimes will if it and other defense issues as well as for on gaza is also on the agenda for more on this. Were going to go to tasha butler who is live for us in brussels and patasha. You kind clearly top of the region today. One of the leaders trying to this on the, you train the top of the agenda and you lead is all talking about the situation. Of course we move them to use on since russia invaded ukraine. And what they want to do is really stay calm. Military aid for the keys. Now that was several ways of looking at doing that. One is, would move funding and we expect them to sign on the phone and use military a package worth more than 5000000000. 00. But theyre also looking at using a profits from a, from using russian assets that could be used to buy more weapons to buy more ammunition for military a backups be controversial with some even to stay too worried about them. The galaxies of it, auto saves is that money was always going to be a month while the School Reconstruction in ukraine. But it does seem that there is inputs, has to use it. Now who ministry . 81 thing is search and is what we really feeling here amongst these you need is a meeting of the summit is a sense of renewed urgency now that is because of a lot of air pollutants reelection as the russian presence. I recently all say because of wavering support in the United States of search and see about the United States as opposed to keep going forward. Im a sense in the use that Member States really needs to be on most on the cooling a will for thing. They are worried about rushes intentions. They say we need to 1st on the defense capabilities and we need to revitalize our own arms and districts and to natasha guns is also up to discussion the United Nations secretary general is there as well. What can we expect in regards to gaza . Yes, you and secretary genuine. Antonio gutierrez said was talking as he arrived. He talks about you, craig, and he talks about calls. But he said that could be no double standards. That these issues have to pose International Law and human rights at the hall to them. And we see here is that you need to discuss whether or not theyre going to put out a statement of skin for a last thing. Immediate sustainable says find out. Seems that they will do that according to the use Foreign Policy chief, the use at a barrow up until now some of the Member States have been pushing for the you to pull for last thing sees by all. This is the more reluctant like germany because of its history and his ties to israel. But he does see now there is more of an emphasis to offer for this a ceasefire. An immediate loss, things these find that is very much because the lead isnt looking at the humanitarian situation, the higher key monetary and situation in gauls as they are talking about how to try and get more a doing that. And looking at the number of people whos being killed and this will, and there is more men. So now to say enough is enough. We need to bring this to some sort of the tone just suddenly changing, even when they are talking about israel. For example, the Foreign Policy chief, as i said, israel has a full right to defend itself and not carry out revenge. Okay, thanks so much. Natasha natasha about the for us and brussels. Risky with and russia scrambling to save 13, which is trapped. And one of the worlds launches gold. Mines, ive been missing since monday and the 5 eastern m o region. Its sold a rockslide blocks, they weigh outs the funds of ground specialist century link through hundreds of pieces of rock to try and contact the mit. The government officials and nigeria facing a 3 months band from going on publicly funded foreign trips. Not curious. President s is reported to be consumed by the increasing amount of travel expenses for public servants, bullet to move. And his cabinet had been criticized for making frequent trips abroad. Moving 1400 delegates accompanied him to a Climate Change summit into buying november, and it was still a hit, a ronelle just as a new major league advice here. Seasonally continues. And so, and we have our 1st time running this coming up with to the the, [000 00 00;00] the, [000 00 00;00] the, it started the school now history and thank you to them as well face ice and lightroom size day. And a, your 2024 qualify is around have home advantage, but is being played on neutral ground and through the past, due to the ongoing will on garza iceland, the head coach over a whole right. I had reportedly been against playing israel due to the civilian death, told and golf so which true criticism from the israel football federation. But ahead of the match, he made it clear that he wants the game to go ahead. And i come from a diesel nation and i dont take sides in industry, i put it together even for the fish and come sort of this one is difficult. I know what else. So it is thing been misunderstood. I think its like a set to play games in this situation is know is more about, you know, than taking any part to the conflict. I dont want to do that because id be play against full play us. And thats a very, very important for me. And i know these players have been playing it on and you are, you know, so that i have nothing against the settings. Israels page. I dont have that and hows his focus finally on the match with the window facing either bosnia and herzegovina, or ukraine for replacing the tournament later this year. We would love to play in front of it as a photo of the nice country and these kind of situation. But we know whats happening and we cannot us that they gave me these, let us. So well focus solely here. We dont care how many people who come to suppose we like us as much as possible, but we, we, we focus on in football and the culture of the, i just want to say that in and in other things. So we focus on the for the, for my presented and football style robina, who has been ordered to serve a 9 year sentence for right in brazil and not in italy. While he was convicted before my ac milan strike, it was found guilty of taking part in a gang right 11 years ago. A course in brazil upheld his conviction and ordered his sentence to begin immediately. C, im l. B cs tonight. So between the la dodgers and the San Diego Padres is what that is. So hey, its on a game to on thursday, sends it on another expensive bill, just recreate from japan ocean over down the most sorry, the 325000000. 00 pitch. I didnt speak to an adult as a thing of 52 victories. And what was the 1st of a m all the game hosted in south korea and despise him pressing during spring training, he had his babies to forget him. So he allowed 5 runs, and the fussing was pulled out to the 5 in line for the next sitting adult is allowed. 5 runs and the 1st ending just once last year. They already did it in game to this season, but they closed that way back into the contest and well see that. Who signs this, the biggest spatial contractor full time with the seasons bus home run. Thats the padres on now. 1511. 00 in the final and close again on victory. Ahead of the game, but the much the adult has had fired show head tawny is a long time into for so if i miss you hara is accused of stealing at least 4500000. 00 from the class to pay of gambling debts at the miami and tennis and the murray came through a tricky opening match and off to its had a message for his dow to stand by. So thats not he was up against the tired virus seen a the a tale. And hes watching his way back from injury. Was playing as fast as 12 or 12 minutes since last is us. I said the made if it stopped taking a 6 5th thoughts as the match for on he appeared to be struggling physically and the code for the dog sort. One points off to feeling dizzy. Well my receipts is all katrina say winning the 2nd set to full set aside before closing out the match of 6 full victory office, 2 hours and 48 minutes on the such a 6 year old who is expected to retire. This is reiterated that he isnt ready to hang up his records from us. Yes, yes, life in the old theyll get, that certainly is for the tennis that trend to an up and coming stall. 16 year old darwins launch made his atp towards david off to being given a why was called the american was up against bar number 6, the thomas mahash and the 1st round in miami launch often straight set 6 foot space. Well that hes new to the price of it, some flooding from the past. He regularly practices call us across as an academy in spain. As much doesnt, in the women sort of, it may be a soccer posted, another victory, and have come back from maternity leave. The full time grandson champion b. Its lisa elizabeth, so correct. So in straight sets to reach the 2nd round, it keeps up, her record of having never lost her opening match on this event. Next up for a socket. 15 seed, alina selina, 7 time f one. Well, champion lewis how much in the says hes proud of susie wolf for taking legal action against the sports governing body. Shes filed a criminal complaint against the f le wolf is the director of the f. One Academy Series for sparring female drive is on weiss of messiah. These f one, both types sight legal case revolves around inquiry. Launched by the f y last december into a magazine is claims that rivals believe to our relationship with a husband presented a conflict of interest in the sports investigation was dropped within 48 hours off to the f r. I said neither policy had a case to answer a warehouse and has also accused the f. I of having a real lack of accountability. He was speaking a melvin had sundays australian groan, pray societies and sorry for being off the pace this season with red food. Once again, the nice thing i will send that was trying to look at the positive i do think we have an amazing car is a lot of potential in it, and i think we just have them maximize at the moment through set top, choose ultimate mistakes and you know, were obviously not happy with the performance of those 1st couple of races. I think is that for me being the best start so far to a year for me personally and in the car. Yeah, just a good balance, but i think also as a team we operate it really well without too many mistakes. So yeah, of course, very happy with that. Um no, because that we continue that way. We try to keep on learning what we can do better. But yeah, its been, its been very positive. A kevin to rotten this, become the eights highest point score and be a history houses. Phoenix on side b, the philadelphia 76 is the 40 and so im and b, it will start school 23 points in the victory to support chuck a nail on the old time list. Thats the fist play. Hes moved to head of the season. You know, has the great Wilt Chamberlain and his size is that he 5 year old house while i have a 28000 points to his name. Earlier this month on james became the 1st ever to reach for 2000 and the miles time for steph curry. So he reached a 303. 00 pointers for an n b a record 5th season. As the war is beat, the grizzlies car has almost a 3703 points is in his career. So this house, the record 5 is yes, hes for formal and what was it, and course in the victory for the warriors. Playoffs form allows for the union start louis resubmit has reportedly received offers from 3 nfl franchises after he impressed on his nfl pro day on wednesday is highly publicized. Switch to nfl, seen him take part in a 10 Week International play, a possible program aimed at increasing the sports global footprint. The 23 year old run the 40 of dash at a time of 4. 4 full seconds in his scouting session in florida. Which would put him among the top 30 times, recorded by wide receivers, and this is at a foul combine. Now with israel tightening his grip on the occupied westbank, its making it more difficult as the palestinians to take pots in everyday activities. But once pulls grapes is finding a way around the is ready to check points. Victoria guys can be explains how to these palestinian climb is just getting to this valley in the occupied westbank to practice the school is itself a challenge virus that we go says growing numbers, it is ready to check points with soldiers. Always rarely settlers living in the surrounding hills, a dangerous obstacles that a tough to overcome. We have seen a lot of a depression event against us that you always see that you are being targeted. Like the fake sense of security used to have ones now is completely gone because its very easy for you to be called in the wrong time and place. Its never been hard. Is the palestinians to move around the occupied westbank or what elko is. It popular destination for climb is 5 kilometer is south of bethlehem. On the way is where the soldiers stopped the target cabinet at a checkpoint. You them, as i did call, like i said, i was in the shed taxi and i had some water in my bag. I said the check point, the soldier pulled the contents of my buffalo into my back for no reason. I mean, why did he do that . Without him yes, and more than 400000 palestinians has been killed by his ready forces. Will settlers in the occupied westbank since israel launched its wrong cause im older 5 months ago. But the climb is say, is really soldiers are less likely to harris them if they joined by friends from abroad. And one of them is judy, a villa, a climate from it to the so as to avoid the some just to its really beautiful here with regards to the situation in palestine. There are so many check points. Everything is closed. As a westerner, i have more rights on the People Living here. And if its different for the post in ins, even under the severely limited freedoms that come with living under occupation, these palestinian climb is say that determined to continue exploring the country and assessing their identity, victoria case and be out there. And that is what youll support from me for now, but i will be back a little bit lights up with an update from. Thanks so much jim for that. So for me, tell him a credit for this use. Hell it. But i will be back in just a moments with much more of the dies news to stay with us. The now Scientists Say prime needs remain crucial for biomedical research. The but some of being given new lives beyond the bodies on the outskirts of virus is nothing is essentially for all kinds of fine to move, including those ones used in scientific research. The century houses 22 retired live monkeys from across europe. This female recess, mcgarr cause can survive 19 years of experimentation in french labs. She was the 1st lab funky to be given any useful at lot. And yet, african narrative from africans perspective for symptom of 4 states and to show documentary spine african filmmakers coordinated to like, he has said to simply me chocolate revolution from booking of 5. And i see beauty from synagogue, africa direct on. Ill just the unique perspective that is done is one of the most egregious example of abuses of human rights and environmental injustices on heard voices, luxury to young people. I know for russia, theyre like any other people from any other country. We want to really connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. We have to be able to educate ourselves to be able to identify what is freedom and what is enough to stream on out to 0. Then it all goes to the poles as a to hold it. Delayed president ial election on march 24th after weeks of trouble and protest could be recently free Political Prisoners propel the opposition to power. Stay with alger 0 for the latest updates and in depth analysis of the us secretary of state ends in a blinking homes discussions on an immediate sweet spot in gauze and touring a visit to agents. The tell mccrae, this is l. Just a line from also coming up as well orders, palestinians to evacuate l a. C for hospital, threatening to blow up the largest medical complex in casa,

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